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Marshall County Central Schools

Health 8 Syllabus

Instructor: Ms. Bakker
Office: Located near gym next to equipment room.

Course Description:
Health 8 is an introduction to health. Topics for Health 8 will include the following: Health and Wellness
Fitness, Body Systems, Nutrition, Mental and Emotional Health, Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs, Diseases, First
Aid and Safety.

Course Materials:
We have a set of classroom textbooks - Teen Health Course 2. The textbooks will be handed out at the
beginning of the course. Students are responsible for the care of the textbooks. Textbooks must be returned
when the course is complete. If books are not returned, they will be fined.

Required Daily Supplies Needed:
Health 8 Textbook Teen Health Course 2
Loose leaf paper/Notebook

Instructional Method:
This course consists of a variety of instructional methods including, but not limited to; small/large group
discussions, small/large group activities, lecture, demonstrations, research projects, presentations, written
assignments, quizzes, and exams.

Health Policies:
1 point for Code of Conduct: Students enter the classroom each day with 1 Code of Conduct point.
Students can lose the point by not following my Code of Conduct. (refer to attached diagram)
Accountability for Assignments: All work will be completed and handed in the day it is due.
o Late assignments are given a 0 for credit in the grade book and online grading until competed.
All assignments must be COMPLETELY done. Any student with ANY missing assignments can
earn NO extra credit.

o All late work will receive a maximum of credit, no matter the day it is handed in. Student
work will include classroom and homework assignments, quizzes and tests, and oral and written
o Make up opportunities need to be discussed with the teacher the same day the student returns.
The make-up homework needs to be completed within two days of the excused absence (unless
there are circumstances cleared by the teacher, or a student makes special arrangements with the
o Students are responsible for getting the notes and assignments from a friend or the teacher.
Tardy: Students are expected to be in class on time. Students not in their spot at the start of class will be
considered tardy and need to get a pass.
Academic Dishonesty: Cheating or plagiarism is not tolerated. The assignment or exam will turn into a
zero, with no possibility of making it up. Extra credit opportunities will also not be available.
Grading Scale: Students are graded daily on participation, performance, activities, assignments, exams, and
code of conduct.

90-100% = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
60-69% = D
59% and below = F

Each student will feel free to express his/her feelings, concerns, opinions, questions, and answers
without fear of ridicule/sarcasm from the teacher and/or fellow students.
Each student is valued for who they are and not only for what he/she can do.
Everyone is committed to helping each other and that learning is not a competition.
Each student comes to class prepared with textbook, notebook, pen/pencil, and any assignments that are
due that day.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me.

------------------------------------------------------Return Portion Below------------------------------------------------------
Due Friday 5 points
Health 8
Parent Signature Sheet

Please fill out, cut on the dotted line, and have your child return it to Ms. Bakker.

The rest of the syllabus is for you and your child to keep.

Student: __________________________________________________________________________________
Class: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Date: ____________________________________________________________________________________

** I have read the Health 8 Syllabus and have discussed it with my child. My son/daughter and I understand all
of the policies and procedures governing Health 8 class. By signing this form, you are acknowledging the
expectations the teacher has for the students, as well as the expectations of this class.

Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________________________________

Any Comments or Concerns: __________________________________________________________________

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. I want this to be both a beneficial and enjoyable
class for your child. Thank you!

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