Family Relationships: Ves Ves Ves e e e

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Family relationships

Husband/s and wife/wives * -> parent/s - father/s

- mother/s
- they have got children - son/s
- daughter/s
* The nouns ending in -fe change the f into v and
then add -s
Knife / cutit knives
Life lives
Wife wives

Leaf / frunza leaves
Thief / hot thieves
Wolf / lup wolves

Brother/s sister/s brother-in-law / cumnat
Uncle/s aunt/s sister-in-law / cumnata
Nephew/s niece/s mother-in-law / soacra
Cousin/s father-in-law / socru
Grandchild / grandchildren
Grandson/s granddaughter/s
Grandfather /s grandmother/s
Great-grandparent/s / strabunici
Step / vitreg
Family tree arborele de familie

Get married to somebody / a se casatori cu cineva
Be married to somebody / a fi casatorit cu cineva
E.g. Greg is married to Martina.
Greg este casatorit cu Martina.

My brother got married to my best friend.
My brother is married to my best friend.

Marry someone
My brother married my best friend.
Fratele meu s-a casatorit cu cea mai buna prietena a mea.

Get divorced / a divorta
Be divorced / a fi divortat/a Jill is divorced.
Divorce someone / a divorta de cineva
Jill divorced Mike. / Jill a divortat de Mike.

Questions with How many.?

How many brothers have you got?
Cati frati ai?

How many sisters has Greg got?
Cate surori are Greg?
How many brothers and sisters has Pam got?
Cati frati si cate surori are Pam?

Ant /ent/ furnica
Aunt /ant/ matusa

Possessive s (genitivul)

Jill has got a sister, Pam.
Pam is Jills sister.
Pam este sora lui Jill.

My parents have got a house. My parents have got 2 houses
My parents house is big. My parents houses are big.

*My childrens names are beautiful.
-the nouns is in plural, but receives s because it doesnt end
in -s

*Chriss car is blue.
-even if Chris ends in -s, because it has a singular form, it
receives s

1. Pam is Alans aunt.
2. Greg is Martinas /husband.
3. Robbie is Florences brother.
4. Mary is Bens wife.
5. Florence is Ben and Marys granddaughter.

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