Regular and Irregular Verbs

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- - yesterday;

- - last week/month/year;
- - 3 minutes ago; two days ago; four months ago; (ago =
in urma cu ; acum)
- - in January; in 1994;
- - on Monday; on Sept. 15

- at 2 oclock -

(acceasi forma la toate persoanele)
subject + verb-past (-ed / 2

I worked I said
you worked you said
he worked he said
she worked she said
it worked it said
we worked we said
you worked you said
they worked they said

(aceeasi forma la toate persoanele)
Subject + did not (didnt) + verb-infinitive

I didnt work ed I didnt say (atentie! nu said)
You didnt work you didnt say
He didnt work he didnt say
She didnt work she didnt say
We didnt work we didnt say
You didnt work you didnt say
They didnt work they didnt say

form (aceeasi la toate persoanele)
Aux. (Did) + subject + verb-infinitive

Did I work? Did I say?
Did you work? Did you say?
Did he work? Did he say?
Did she work? Did she say?
Did it work? Did it say?
Did we work? Did we say?
Did you work? Did you say?
Did they work? Did they say?

Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.

Cine a jucat tenis ieri? Cu cine ai jucat tu tenis?
Who did play tennis yesterday?
Who played tennis yesterday? Who did you play tennis with?
Tom played tennis yesterday. I played tennis with Mike.

Cine a stat acasa saptamana trecuta?
Who stayed at home last week?
Mary stayed at home last week.

Ce s-a intamplat?
What happened?

The last movie I saw.
The girl who is sitting next to him is my sister.
He is smart just like his father.
He went to the same university as his father.

Can something is possible in the present
Could something was possible in the past.
Can you watch TV online?
Could you record programmes in 1974?

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