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How to Setup Exchange Server 2003

Follow the steps below to correctly configure your Exchange Server 2003 e-mail server for general
use, and for use with IGetMail.

• Pre-Installation Checklist

• Configuring the Exchange Server 2003

• Adding E-Mail Users

Pre-Installation Checklist

Make sure you have all of the following steps in place before you setup Exchange Server 2003.

For simplicity we are assuming you are setting up a small office where one machine will be used for
both the Active Directory and the Exchange Server. This setup works just fine and reduces the
number of machines to maintain. If you have a larger office you may want to consider separating the
Active Directory machine and the Exchange 2003 Server.

1. You must have IIS (Internet Information Server) installed.

When you install IIS, you should select the typical install that includes an SMTP component.

2. Make sure your networking has DNS setup.

If you use DHCP, the DNS setting should be set, if you do not use DHCP then make sure that
you have entered your DNS server names. Exchange Server will use your DNS settings when
it sends e-mail to the Internet.

3. You must have Active Directory setup.

To setup active directory, go to Start -> Programs -> Administrative tools -> Configure your
Select Active Directory from the left hand panel, then select "Start" in the right hand panel to
start the setup wizard.
1. Select "Domain controller for a new domain"
2. Take the default - Create a new domain tree
3. Create a new forest of domain trees
4. When it asks for your full DNS name - enter the name of your domain
that you have registered. This would be the name to the right of the "@" for your email
address, such as ""
5. Accept the Netbios equivalent of your domain in our case
6. Select the locations you want to store the databases
7. Accept the location of the system folder
8. On the permissions screen select what is appropriate for your network; if
all machines are Windows 2003, then select the only Windows 2003 permissions.
Otherwise use the default for compatibility.
9. Create a password to administer the directory.
10. Review your configuration and accept by pressing Next.
After pressing next - the Active Directory configuration wizard will spend several
minutes creating the directory for you. When it is complete press finish and reboot the

Configuring the Exchange Server 2003

Run the Exchange Server Setup - it will walk you through the following wizard

1. Agree to the licenses agreement

2. Enter your serial number
3. The next screen will prompt you to select what components you want to
install. The typical configuration is selected. This should be fine with most
installation. If you need you can enable any additional services you wish.
4. At the installation type screen - we are setting up a new organization, so we
have used the default selection “Create a new Exchange Organization”.
5. At the organization name screen - enter the name of your company
6. Agree to the license statement
7. Review the your selections and press next to begin
The installation wizard will now install the components you have selected - this will take several
minutes to 1/2 hour. When it is complete you are ready to add your users.

Adding E-Mail Users

Go to the start menu -> Programs -> Microsoft Exchange -> Active Directory Users
and Computers

On the left hand side of the screen, select users. Then right click in the right hand
panel and select "New" and at the sub menu select "User". You will be presented with
a wizard where you enter the users name and e-mail address. Then press next and
enter that users password and press next. On the last screen select that you want to
create an Exchange Mailbox. When you press finish the user is created and you are
ready to enter another user name.

Re: What is difference between windows 2000 server and windows 2003
Answer 1) When installing terminal services
for win2000 u r
prompted to select application server
functions or
administrative functions sets can be
installed sequently on
one server but it performs only one
function at one time.
But in 2003 still distinguishes between
application and
administrative services but installation
and management are
now consolidated.

2) In Win 2000 server we can apply 620

group policies
but in 2003 we can apply nearly 720 so
Win2003 server is
more secure than win 2000 server.
3) In 2000 we cannot rename domain
whereas in 2003 we
can rename Domain.

4) In 2000 it supports of 8 processors

and 64 GB RAM
(In 2000 Advance Server) whereas in 2003
supports up to 64
processors and max of 512GB RAM.

5) 2000 Supports IIS 5.0 and 2003

Supports IIS6.0

6) 2000 doesn’t support Dot net

whereas 2003 Supports
Microsoft .NET 2.0

7) 2000 has Server and Advance Server

editions whereas
2003 has Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter
and Web server

8) 2000 doesn’t have any 64 bit server

system whereas 2003 has 64 bit server
operating systems
(Windows Server 2003 X64 Std and Enterprise

9) 2000 has basic concept of DFS

(Distributed File
systems) with defined roots whereas 2003
has Enhanced DFS
support with multiple roots.

10) In 2000 there is complexality in

Complex networks whereas 2003 is easy
administration in all
& Complex networks.

11) In 2000 we can create 1 million

users and in 2003
we can create 1 billion users.
12) In 2003 we have concept of Volume
shadow copy
service which is used to create hard disk
snap shot which
is used in Disaster recovery and 2000
doesn’t have this

13) In 2000 we don’t have end user

policy management,
whereas in 2003 we have a End user policy
management which
is done in GPMC (Group policy management

14) In 2000 we have cross domain trust

relation ship
and 2003 we have Cross forest trust

15) 2000 Supports 4-node clustering and

2003 supports 8-
node clustering.

16) 2003 has High HCL Support (Hardware

List) issued by Microsoft.

17) Code name of 2000 is Win NT 5.0 and

Code name of
2003 is Win NT 5.1

18) 2003 has service called ADFS

(Active Directory
Federation Services) which is used to
communicate between
branches with safe authentication.

19) In 2003 their is improved storage

management using
service File Server Resource Manager

20) 2003 has service called Windows

Share point
Services (It is an integrated portfolio of
and communication services designed to
connect people,
information, processes, and systems both
within and beyond
the organizational firewall).

21) 2003 has Improved Print management

compared to 2000

22) 2003 has telnet sessions available.

23) 2000 supports IPV4 whereas 2003

supports IPV4 and

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