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Metropolitan Police Department

City of St. Louis

How many 911 calls do St. Louisans place in a day?
How do Homicide Detectives crack cases?
Whats a typical day like for a patrol officer?
Find out when you enroll in our FREE
*Exciting 12 week course
*See artifacts from our 200-year history
*Take a behind-the-scenes tour of Headquarters
*Meet our bomb robot and tour our 911 call center
*Role-play scenarios that police officers face daily
Course Begins September 03, 2014-APPLY NOW!!
Applications are available online at or
via e-mail at or
call 314-444-5638 for an application by mail
Course Eligibility Requirements
*At least 18 years of age *St. Louis city resident or business owner *
*No outstanding warrants *Agree to a background check *
Course meets each Wednesday from 6:00p.m. to 9:00p.m. at the St. Louis Police
Academy, 315 S. Tucker Boulevard, beginning 9/03/14 and ending 11/19/14

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