The Zeitgeist Movement Defined

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The tremendous and st!! a""e!eratn# de$e!o%ment o& s"en"e and
te"hno!o#' has not (een a""om%aned (' an e)ua! de$e!o%ment n so"a!*
e"onom"* and %o!t"a! %atterns+++We are no,+++on!' (e#nnn# to e-%!ore the
%otenta!tes ,h"h t o&&ers &or de$e!o%ments n our "u!ture outsde te"hno!o#'*
%art"u!ar!' n the so"a!* %o!t"a! and e"onom" &e!ds+ It s sa&e to %red"t
that+++su"h so"a! n$entons as modern.t'%e /a%ta!sm* Fas"sm* and
/ommunsm ,!! (e re#arded as %rmt$e e-%erments dre"ted to,ard the
ad0ustment o& modern so"et' to modern te"hno!o#'
. Dr+ Ra!%h Lnton
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Rea!1n# a Ne, Tran o& Thou#ht
Edton* 3anuar'* 4526
/reat$e /ommons
Attr(uton.Non/ommer"a!.ShareA!7e 6+5 Internatona!
8// 9:.N/.SA 6+5;
The "ontent n ths te-t ma' (e re%rodu"ed on!' &or
non."ommer"a! %ur%oses and ma' not (e reso!d n an' &orm+
An' other nterests re)ure dre"t a%%ro$a! (' TZM G!o(a!+
/onta"t< meda=the1et#estmo$ement+"om
Ths s a 255> non.%ro&t te-t+
An' %r"e %ad s on!' &or the %h's"a! %u(!shn#+
An' e-%!otaton o& ths ,or7 &or %ro&t ,!! not (e to!erated+
The matera! authored here s a %rodu"t o& man' &orms o& "ontr(uton*
s%e"&"a!!' the resear"h o& The Zet#est Mo$ement?s e-%andn# !e"ture team+
Wh!e not a!! &#ures re!e$ant "ou!d (e "redted (e!o, 8a!%ha(et"a! order;* an
enormous than7s e-tends to a!! others not !sted ,ho ha$e "ontr(uted ne,s*
sour"es* t%s and other resear"h+
/om%!ed @ Edted ('
9en M"Lesh
Matt 9er7o,t1
Aeter 3ose%h
Than7s to<
AndrBs De!#ado
9a7ar Aa"e
9randon Crst'
9rand' Hume
Dou#!as Ma!!ette
E$a Omor
Feder"o Astono
G!(ert Isma!
3ames Ah!!%s
3ason Lord
3en W!dn#
M#ue! O!$era
Shar!een 9a1e#h
Tom W!!ams
I& 'ou ,ou!d !7e to he!% n trans!atn# ths te-t*
%!ease "onta"t TZM?s !n#ust"s team<
Are&a"e+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2
Aart I< Introdu"ton
Essa' 2< O$er$e,++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++H
Essa' 4< The S"ent&" Wor!d$e,+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 26
Essa' D< Sour"n# So!utons+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 42
Essa' 6< Lo#" $s+ As'"ho!o#'++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4I
Essa' H< The /ase &or Human Unt'++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DD
Essa' I< The Fna! Ar#ument J Human Nature++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++DE
Aart II< So"a! Aatho!o#'
Essa' F< De&nn# Au(!" Hea!th++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6I
Essa' G< Hstor' o& E"onom'++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I2
Essa' E< Mar7et E&&"en"' $s+ Te"hn"a! E&&"en"'+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++E4
Essa' 25< Va!ue S'stem Dsorder++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++22D
Essa' 22< Stru"tura! /!asssm* The State and War+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2DH
Aart III< A Ne, Tran o& Thou#ht
Essa' 24< Introdu"ton to Sustana(!e Thou#ht+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2HE
Essa' 2D< Aost.S"ar"t' Trends* /a%a"t' and E&&"en"'+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2IH
Essa' 26< True E"onom" Fa"tors++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 44E
Essa' 2H< The Industra! Go$ernment++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 46G
Essa' 2I< L&est'!e* Freedom and the Humant' Fa"tor+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4FF
Aart IV< The Zet#est Mo$ement
Essa' 2F< So"a! Desta(!1aton and Transton+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4GG
Essa' 2G< 9e"omn# The Zet#est Mo$ement++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++D26

The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned

The out"ome o& an' serous resear"h "an on!' (e to ma7e t,o
)uestons #ro, ,here on!' one #re, (e&ore+

.Thorsten Ve(!en
Origin of the name
KThe Zet#est Mo$ement 8TZM; s the dent&er &or the so"a!
mo$ement des"r(ed n the &o!!o,n# essa's+ The name has no
re!e$ant hstor"a! re&eren"e to an'thn# "u!tura!!' s%e"&" and s not to
(e "on&used or asso"ated ,th an'thn# e!se 7no,n (e&ore ,th a
sm!ar tt!e+ Rather* the tt!e s (ased u%on the semant" meann# o&
the $er' terms* e-%!"t!'+
The term K1et#est s de&ned as the K#enera! nte!!e"tua!*
mora! and "u!tura! "!mate o& an era+ The term Kmo$ement sm%!'
m%!es Kmoton or "han#e+ There&ore* The Zeitgeist Movement s an
or#an1aton that ur#es "han#e n the domnant nte!!e"tua!* mora! and
"u!tura! "!mate o& the tme+
Document Structure
The &o!!o,n# te-t has (een %re%ared to (e as "on"se and 'et
"om%rehens$e as %oss(!e+ In &orm* t s a seres o& essa's* ordered ('
su(0e"t n a manner that ,or7s to su%%ort a (roader context+ Wh!e
ea"h essa' s des#ned to (e ta7en on ts o,n mert n e$a!uaton* the
true "onte-t resdes n ho, ea"h ssue ,or7s to su%%ort a !ar#er train
of thought ,th res%e"t to the most e&&"ent or#an1aton o& human
It ,!! (e not"ed (' those ,ho read throu#h these essa's n a
!near &ashon that a &ar amount o& o$er!a% e-sts ,th "ertan deas or
su(0e"ts+ Ths s de!(erate as su"h re%etton and em%hass s
"onsdered he!%&u! #$en ho, &ore#n some o& the "on"e%ts m#ht seem
to those ,th no %ror e-%osure to su"h matera!+
A!so* sn"e on!' so mu"h deta! "an (e a&&orded to mantan
"om%rehenson #$en the #ra$t' o& ea"h su(0e"t and ho, the'
nterre!ate* #reat e&&ort has (een made to sour"e re!e$ant thrd %art'
resear"h throu#hout ea"h essa' $a &ootnotes* a!!o,n# the reader to
&o!!o, throu#h ,th &urther stud' as the nterest arses+
The Organism of Knowledge
As ,th an' &orm o& %resented resear"h ,e are dea!n# ,th serially
generated data composites+ O(ser$aton* ts assessment*
do"umentaton and nte#raton ,th other 7no,!ed#e* e-stn# or
%endn#* s the manner (' ,h"h a!! dstn#usha(!e deas "ome to
Ths "ontnuum s m%ortant to understand ,th res%e"t to the
,a' ,e thn7 a(out ,hat ,e (e!e$e and ,h'* &or n&ormaton s a!,a's
se%arate n ts mert &rom the %erson or nsttuton "ommun"atn# or
2 The Evolution of the Scientific Point of View, Thorsten Ve(!en* Un$erst' o&
/a!&orna /hron"!e* 2E5G
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
re%resentn#+ In&ormaton "an on!' (e e$a!uated "orre"t!' throu#h a
s'stemat" %ro"ess o& "om%arson to other physically verifiable
e$den"e as to ts %roo& or !a"7 thereo&+
L7e,se* ths "ontnuum a!so m%!es that there "an (e no
em%r"a! Kor#n o& deas+ From an e%stemo!o#"a! %ers%e"t$e*
7no,!ed#e s most!' "u!mnated* %ro"essed and e-%anded throu#h
"ommun"aton amon#st our s%e"es+ The nd$dua!* ,th hs or her
nherent!' d&&erent !&e e-%eren"e and %ro%enstes* ser$es as a
"ustom.%ro"essn# filter (' ,h"h a #$en dea "an (e mor%hed+
/o!!e"t$e!'* ,e nd$dua!s "om%rse ,hat "ou!d (e "a!!ed a group
mind* ,h"h s the !ar#er order so"a! %ro"essor (' ,h"h the e&&orts o&
nd$dua!s dea!!' "oa!es"e+ The tradtona! method o& data trans&er
throu#h !terature* sharn# (oo7s &rom #eneraton to #eneraton* has
(een a nota(!e %ath o& ths #rou% mnd ntera"ton* &or e-am%!e+
Isaa" Ne,ton %erha%s %ut ths rea!t' (est ,th the statement<
KI& I ha$e seen &urther than others* t s (' standn# u%on the
shou!ders o& #ants+
Ths s (rou#ht u% here n order to &o"us the
reader on the "rt"a! "onsderaton o& data* not a su%%osed Ksour"e*
as there a"tua!!' s no su"h thn# n an em%r"a! sense+ It s on!' n
the tem%ora!* tradtona! %atterns o& "u!ture* su"h as ,th !terar'
"redts n a te-t(oo7 &or &uture resear"h re&eren"e* s su"h a
re"o#nton te"hn"a!!' re!e$ant+
There s no statement more erroneous than the de"!araton
that Kths s m' dea+ Su"h notons are ('%rodu"ts o& a matera!
"u!ture that has (een ren&or"ed n see7n# %h's"a! re,ards* usua!!'
$a mone'* n e-"han#e &or the !!uson o& ther K%ro%retar' "reatons+
Ver' o&ten an e#o asso"aton s "u!mnated as ,e!! ,here an nd$dua!
"!ams %rest#e a(out ther K"redt &or an dea or n$enton+
:et* that s not to e-"!ude #rattude and res%e"t &or those
&#ures or nsttutons that ha$e sho,n ded"aton and %erse$eran"e
to,ards the e-%anson o& 7no,!ed#e tse!&* nor to dmnsh the
ne"esst' o& m%ortan"e o& those ,ho ha$e a"he$ed a s7!!ed*
s%e"a!1ed Ke-%ert status n a %art"u!ar &e!d+ The "ontr(utons o&
(r!!ant thn7ers and en#neers su"h as R+ 9u"7mnster Fu!!er* 3a")ue
Fres"o* 3erem' R&7n* Ra' Cur1,e!* Ro(ert Sa%o!s7'* Thorsten
Ve(!en* R"hard W!7nson* 3ames G!!#an* /ar! Sa#an* N7o!a Tes!a*
Ste%hen Ha,7n# and man'* man' more resear"hers* %ast and
%resent* are )uoted and sour"ed n ths te-t and ser$e as %art o& the
!ar#er data composite 'ou are a(out to read+ Great #rattude s a!so
e-%ressed here to,ards a!! ded"ated mnds that are ,or7n# to
"ontr(ute to an m%ro$n# ,or!d+
4 In /ar! Sa#an?s ,or7 K/osmos* he stated ,th res%e"t to the destru"ton o&
the L(rar' o& A!e-andra* noted as the !ar#est and most s#n&"ant !(rar' o&
the an"ent ,or!d< KIt ,as as & the entre "$!1aton had under#one some
se!&.n&!"ted (ran sur#er'* and most o& ts memores* ds"o$eres* deas and
%assons ,ere e-tn#ushed rre$o"a(!'+K osmos, /ar! Sa#an* 9a!!antne
9oo7s* Ne, :or7* 2EG5* /ha%ter LIII, %4FE
D The orrespondence of !saac "ewton* Vo!ume 2* edted (' HW Turn(u!!*
2EHE* %62I
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
That understood* KThe Zet#est Mo$ement "!ams no
or#naton o& an' dea t %romotes and s (est "ate#or1ed as an
a"t$stMedu"atona! nsttuton that ,or7s to am%!&' a context u%on
,h"h e-stn#Memer#n# s"ent&" &ndn#s ma' &nd a "on"erted so"a!
Wesites and Resources
The &o!!o,n# 25 ,e(stes are o&&"a!!' re!ated to The Zet#est
Mo$ement?s #!o(a! o%eratons<
.Man G!o(a! Hu(<
Ths s the man ,e(ste and hu( &or TZM re!ated
.G!o(a! /ha%ters Hu(<
Ths s the man #!o(a! hu( &or "ha%ter n&ormaton and matera!s+ It
n"!udes ma%s* a "ha%terNs too! 7t and more+
.G!o(a! 9!o#<
Ths s the o&&"a! (!o# ,h"h a!!o,s su(mssons o& edtora! st'!e
.G!o(a! Forum<
Ths s the o&&"a! &orum &or mem(ers to ds"uss %ro0e"ts and share
deas &rom a"ross the ,or!d+
.Zet#est Meda Aro0e"t<
The Meda Aro0e"t ,e(ste hosts and !n7s to $arous
audoM$sua!M!terar' e-%ressons "reate (' TZM mem(ers+ Users
donate ther ,or7 &or %ostn# and t s o&ten used as a resour"e tool#it
&or &!'er #ra%h"s* $deo %resentatons* !o#o anmatons and the !7e+
ZetNe,s s a ne,s st'!e ser$"e that "ontans art"!es re!atn# to
so"a!!' re!e$ant ad$an"ements n s"en"e and Te"hno!o#'+
.Zet#est Da' 8KZDa'; G!o(a!<
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Ths ste (e"omes a"t$e annua!!' to &a"!tate our KZda' #!o(a! e$ent*
,h"h o""urs n Mar"h o& ea"h 'ear+
.Zet#est Meda Fest$a!<
Ths ste (e"omes a"t$e annua!!' to &a"!tate our KZet#est Meda
Fest$a!* ,h"h o""urs n autumn o& ea"h 'ear+
.G!o(a! Redes#n Insttute<
The G!o(a! Redes#n Insttute s a $rtua! #ra%h" nter&a"e Kthn7 tan7
%ro0e"t ,h"h uses ma%Mdata mode!s to e-%ress dre"t te"hn"a!
"han#es n !ne ,th TZM?s tran o& thou#ht n $arous re#ons+
!eneral Social "etwor#s
TZM G!o(a! on T,tter<
TZM G!o(a! on Fa"e(oo7<
TZM G!o(a! :outu(e<
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Nether the #reat %o!t"a! and &nan"a! %o,er stru"tures o& the ,or!d* nor the
s%e"a!1aton.(!nded %ro&essona!s* nor the %o%u!aton n #enera! rea!1e
that+++t s no, h#h!' &eas(!e to ta7e "are o& e$er'(od' on earth at a Kh#her
standard o& !$n# than an' ha$e e$er 7no,n+ It no !on#er has to (e 'ou or
me+ Se!&shness s unne"essar' and hen"e&orth unratona!1a(!e as mandated ('
sur$$a!+ War s o(so!ete+
.R+ 9u"7mnster Fu!!er
Founded n 455G* The Zet#est Mo$ement 8TZM; s a sustana(!t'
ad$o"a"' #rou% that o%erates throu#h a net,or7 o& re#ona! "ha%ters*
%ro0e"t teams* %u(!" e$ents* meda e-%ressons and "hart'
o%eratons+ TZM?s a"t$sm s e-%!"t!' (ased on non$violent methods
o& "ommun"aton ,th the "ore &o"us on educating the %u(!" a(out
the true root sources o& man' "ommon %ersona!* so"a! and e"o!o#"a!
%ro(!ems toda'* "ou%!ed ,th the $ast problem solving and humanity
improving potential s"en"e and te"hno!o#' has no, ena(!ed* (ut 'et
#oes una%%!ed due to (arrers nherent n the "urrent* esta(!shed
so"a! s'stem+
Wh!e the term Ka"t$sm s "orre"t (' ts e-a"t meann#*
TZM?s a,areness ,or7 shou!d not (e ms"onstrued as re!atn# to
"u!tura!!' "ommon* tradtona! Ka"t$st %rotest a"tons su"h as ,e
ha$e seen hstor"a!!'+ Rather* TZM e-%resses tse!& throu#h tar#eted*
ratona! edu"atona! %ro0e"ts that ,or7 not to m%ose* d"tate or (!nd!'
%ersuade* (ut to set n moton a train of thought that s logically self$
reali%ing ,hen the "ausa! "onsderatons o& Ksustana(!t'
and K%u(!"
are re&eren"ed &rom a s"ent&" %ers%e"t$e+
Ho,e$er* TZM?s %ursut s st!! $er' sm!ar to tradtona! "$!
r#hts mo$ements o& the %ast n that the o(ser$atons re$ea! the tru!'
6 Sour"e< ritical Path, R+ 9u"7mnster Fu!!er* St+ Martn?s Aress* 2EG2*
Introdu"ton* --$
H The term Ksustana(!t'* #enera!!' de&ned Kas the a(!t' to (e sustaned*
su%%orted* u%he!d* or "on&rmed
8htt%<MMd"tonar'+re&eren"e+"omM(ro,seMsustana(!t'; s o&ten toda'
"ommon!' re&eren"edMunderstood ,thn an en$ronmenta! s"en"e "onte-t+
TZM?s "onte-t e-tends &arther* ho,e$er* n"!udn# the noton o& "u!tura! or
(eha$ora! sustana(!t'* ,h"h "onsders the mert o& (e!e& s'stems n
#enera!* and ther !ess o($ous "ausa! "onse)uen"es+
I The term K%u(!" hea!th* #enera!!' de&ned as Kthe s"en"e and %ra"t"e o&
%rote"tn# and m%ro$n# the hea!th o& a "ommunt'* as (' %re$ent$e
med"ne* hea!th edu"aton* "ontro! o& "ommun"a(!e dseases* a%%!"aton o&
santar' measures* and montorn# o& en$ronmenta! ha1ards
8htt%<MMd"tonar'+re&eren"e+"omM(ro,seM%u(!"Qhea!thRsSt; s used n ths
te-t as a (ass o& measure &or the %h's"a!* %s'"ho!o#"a! and hen"e
so"o!o#"a! ,e!!.(en# o& a so"etes? %eo%!e o$er tme+ Ths s to (e
"onsdered the u!tmate (arometer o& the su""ess or &a!ure o& an a%%!ed
so"a! s'stem+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
unne"essar' oppression nherent n our "urrent so"a! order* ,h"h
stru"tura!!' and so"o!o#"a!!' restr"ts human ,e!!.(en# and %otenta!
&or the $ast ma0ort' o& the ,or!d?s %o%u!aton* not to menton st&!es
(road m%ro$ement n #enera! due to ts esta(!shed methods+
For nstan"e* the "urrent so"a! mode!* ,h!e %er%etuatn#
enormous !e$e!s o& "orros$e e"onom" ne&&"en"' n #enera!* as ,!!
(e des"r(ed n &urther essa's* a!so ntrns"a!!' su%%orts one e"onom"
#rou% or K"!ass o& %eo%!e o$er another* %er%etuatn# te"hn"a!!'
unne"essar' m(a!an"e and h#h re!at$e de%r$aton+ Ths "ou!d (e
"a!!ed Ke"onom" (#otr' n ts e&&e"t and t s no !ess nsdous than
ds"rmnaton rooted n #ender* ethn"t'* re!#on* "reed or the !7e+
Ho,e$er* ths nherent (#otr' s rea!!' on!' a %art o& a !ar#er
"ondton that "ou!d (e termed Kstru"tura! $o!en"e*
!!umnatn# a
(road s%e"trum o& built in su&&ern#* nhumant' and de%r$aton that s
sm%!' a""e%ted as norma!t' toda' (' an unn&ormed ma0ort'+ Ths
"onte-t o& $o!en"e stret"hes mu"h &arther and dee%er than man' tend
to "onsder+ The s"o%e o& ho, our so"oe"onom" s'stem unne"essar!'
dmnshes our %u(!" hea!th and nh(ts our %ro#ress toda' "an on!'
(e re"o#n1ed "!ear!' ,hen ,e ta7e a more deta"hed te"hn"a! or
scientific %ers%e"t$e o& so"a! a&&ars* ('%assn# our tradtona!* o&ten
(!ndn# &am!artes+
The re!at$e nature o& our a,areness o&ten &a!!s $"tm to
assum%tons o& perceived normality ,here* sa'* the on#on#
de%r$aton and %o$ert' o& o$er D (!!on %eo%!e
m#ht (e seen as a
Knatura!* na!tera(!e so"a! state to those ,ho are not a,are o&* &or
e-am%!e* the amount o& &ood a"tua!!' %rodu"ed n the ,or!d* ,here t
#oes* ho, t s ,asted or the te"hn"a! nature o& e&&"ent and a(undant
&ood %rodu"ton %oss(!tes n the modern da'+
Ths unseen violence "an (e e-tended to "u!tura! memes
,e!! ,here so"a! tradtons and ther %s'"ho!o#' "an* ,thout dre"t
ma!"ous ntent* "reate resu!tn# "onse)uen"es that are dama#n# to a
human (en#+ For nstan"e* there are re!#ous "u!tures n the ,or!d
F The term Kstru"tura! $o!en"e s "ommon!' as"r(ed to 3ohan Ga!tun#*
,h"h he ntrodu"ed n the art"!e TVo!en"e* Aea"e* and Aea"e Resear"hT
8&ournal of Peace 'esearch* Vo!+ I* No+ D* 2EIE* %%+ 2IF.2E2; It re&ers to a
&orm o& $o!en"e ,here some so"a! stru"ture or so"a! nsttuton harms
%eo%!e (' %re$entn# them &rom meetn# ther (as" needs+ It ,as e-%anded
u%on (' other resear"hers* su"h as "rmna! %s'"hatrst Dr+ 3ames G!!#an*
,ho ma7es the &o!!o,n# dstn"ton (et,een K(eha$ora! and Kstru"tura!
$o!en"e< KThe !etha! e&&e"ts o& stru"tura! $o!en"e o%erate "ontnuous!'*
rather than s%orad"a!!'* ,hereas murders* su"des+++,ars and other &orms
o& (eha$ora! $o!en"e o""ur one at a tme+ 8Violence, 3ames G!!#an* G+A+
Autnam* 2EEI* %2E4;
G Sour"e< Poverty (acts and Stats, G!o(a! Issues M 455G Wor!d 9an7
De$e!o%ment Ind"ators 8htt%<MM,,,+#!o(a!ssues+or#Mart"!eM4IM%o$ert'.
E A Kmeme s an dea* (eha$or* st'!e* or usa#e that s%reads &rom %erson to
%erson ,thn a "u!ture 8htt%<MM,,,+merram.
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
that o%t out o& an' &orm o& "ommon med"a! treatment+
Wh!e man'
m#ht ar#ue the mora! or eth"a! %arameters o& ,hat t means &or a
"h!d n su"h a "u!ture to de o& a "ommon !!ness that "ou!d ha$e (een
reso!$ed & modern s"ent&" a%%!"atons ,ere a!!o,ed* ,e "an at !east
a#ree that the death o& su"h a "h!d s rea!!' (en# "aused not (' the
dsease at that %ont* (ut (' the so"o!o#"a! "ondton that dsa!!o,ed
the a%%!"aton o& the so!uton+
As a (roader e-am%!e* a #reat dea! o& so"a! stud' has no,
(een done on the su(0e"t o& Kso"a! ne)ua!t' and ts e&&e"ts on %u(!"
hea!th+ As ,!! (e ds"ussed more so n &urther essa's* there s a $ast
arra' o& %h's"a! and menta! hea!th %ro(!ems that a%%ear to (e (orn
out o& ths "ondton* n"!udn# %ro%enstes to,ards %h's"a! $o!en"e*
heart dsease* de%resson* edu"atona! de&"en"' and man'* man'
other detrments that ha$e a tru!' social conse)uence ,h"h "an a&&e"t
us a!!+

The (ottom !ne here s that ,hen ,e ste% (a"7 and "onsder
ne,!' rea!1ed understandn#s o& "ausa!t' that are "!ear!' ha$n#
ne#at$e e&&e"ts on the human "ondton* (ut #o una(ated
unne"essar!' due the %re.e-stn# tradtons esta(!shed (' "u!ture* ,e
ne$ta(!' end u% n the "onte-t o& civil rights and hen"e social
sustainability+ Ths ne, "$! r#hts mo$ement s a(out the sharn# o&
human 7no,!ed#e and our te"hn"a! a(!t' to not on!' so!$e %ro(!ems*
(ut to &a"!tate a s"ent&"a!!' der$ed so"a! s'stem that a"tua!!'
o%tm1es our %otenta! and ,e!!.(en#+ An'thn# !ess ,!! "reate
unne"essar' m(a!an"e and so"a! desta(!1aton and "onsttute ,hat
"ou!d (e "onsdered a hidden form of oppression*
So* returnn# to the (road %ont* TZM ,or7s not on!' to "reate
a,areness o& su"h %ro(!ems and ther true root "auses 8and hen"e
!o#" &or reso!uton;* t a!so ,or7s to e-%ress the n"red(!e %otenta!
,e ha$e* (e'ond su"h dre"t %ro(!em so!$n#* to #reat!' m%ro$e the
human "ondton n #enera!* so!$n# %ro(!ems ,h"h* n &a"t* ha$e not
'et e$en (een rea!1ed+
Ths s ntated (' em(ra"n# the $er' nature
o& scientific reasoning ,here the esta(!shment o& a near em%r"a!
train of thought ta7es %re"eden"e o$er e$er'thn# e!se n m%ortan"e+
A tran o& thou#ht (' ,h"h so"eta! or#an1aton as a ,ho!e "an &nd a
more a""urate "onte-t &or sustainability and efficiency on a s"a!e ne$er
(e&ore seen* throu#h an a"t$e re"o#nton 8and a%%!"aton; o& the
s"ent&" method+
25 Re&eren"e< Very religious parents causing suffering to sic# #ids, says report
22 Re&eren"e< The Spirit +evel, R"hard W!7nson and Cate A"7ett* Aen#un*
Mar"h 455E
24 More on ths ssue ,!! (e %resented n a &o!!o,n# essa' tt!ed Sourcing
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
TZM?s (road a"tons "ou!d (e summar1ed as to diagnose, educate and
Da#noss s Kthe dent&"aton o& the nature and "ause o& an'thn#+ To
%ro%er!' da#nose the "ausa! "ondton o& the $ast so"a! and e"o!o#"a!
%ro(!ems "ommon to modern "u!ture s not mere!' to "om%!an a(out
them or "rt"1e the a"tons o& %eo%!e or %art"u!ar nsttutons* as s
&re)uent toda'+ A true da#noss must see# out the lowest causal
denominator possible and wor# at that level for resolution*
The "entra! %ro(!em s that there s o&ten ,hat "ou!d (e "a!!ed
a truncated frame of reference, ,here shorts#hted* msda#noss o&
#$en "onse)uen"es %ersst+ For nstan"e* the tradtona!* esta(!shed
so!uton to the re&ormaton o& human (eha$or &or man' so."a!!ed
K"rmna! a"ts s o&ten %unt$e n"ar"eraton+ :et* ths sa's nothn#
a(out the dee%er mot$aton o& the K"rmna! and ,h' ther
%s'"ho!o#' !ed to su"h a"ts to (e#n ,th+
At that !e$e!* su"h a reso!uton (e"omes more "om%!e- and
re!ant u%on the synergetic re!atonsh% o& ther %h's"a! and "u!tura!
"u!mnaton o$er tme+
Ths s no d&&erent than ,hen a %erson des o&
"an"er* as t sn?t rea!!' the "an"er that 7!!s them n the !tera! sense*
as the "an"er tse!& s the %rodu"t o& other forces+
As an edu"atona! mo$ement that o%erates under the assum%ton that
7no,!ed#e s the most %o,er&u! too! ,e ha$e to "reate !astn#*
re!e$ant so"a! "han#e n the #!o(a! "ommunt'* there s hen"e nothn#
more "rt"a! than the )ua!t' o& one?s %ersona! edu"aton and ther
a(!t' to communicate su"h deas e&&e"t$e!' and "onstru"t$e!' to
TZM s not a(out &o!!o,n# a r#d te-t o& stat" deas+ Su"h
"on&ned* narro, asso"atons are t'%"a! o& re!#ous and %o!t"a! "u!ts*
not the re"o#nton o& emergence that unders"ores the Kant.
nature o& TZM+ TZM does not m%ose n ths sense+
Rather* t ,or7s to ma7e an o%en.ended train of thought (e"ome
rea!1ed (' the nd$dua!* ho%e&u!!' em%o,ern# ther nde%endent
a(!t' to understand ts re!e$an"e on ther o,n terms* at ther o,n
2D The "orre!aton (et,een human (eha$or 8n ths "onte-t (eha$or o& a
so"a!!' o&&ens$e nature as determned (' the !a,s o& so"et'; and the
en$ronmenta! n&!uen"e o& a %erson?s u%(rn#n#M!&e e-%eren"e s no,
,thout de(ate+ A re!ated term to note s the K(o.%s'""a! nature o&
the human or#ansm+
26 The term Kant.esta(!shment s usua!!' used n a "onte-t m%!'n#
o%%oston to an e-stn#* esta(!shed #rou%+ Used here* the "onte-t s more
!tera! n that TZM tse!& ,or7s to not Knsttutona!1e tse!& as a r#d entt'
(ut rather (e understood as more o& a #estureU a s'm(o! o& a ne, manner
o& thou#ht or ,or!d$e, that sm%!' has no (oundares+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Furthermore* edu"aton s not on!' an m%erat$e &or those
un&am!ar ,th ths train of thought and the application set
(ut a!so &or those ,ho a!read' su(s"r(e to t+ 3ust as there s no
Kuto%a* there s no &na! state o& understandn#+
Wh!e "ertan!' re!ated to the need to ad0ust human values throu#h
edu"aton so the ,or!d?s %eo%!e understand the need &or su"h so"a!
"han#es* TZM a!so ,or7s to "onsder ho, a ne, so"a! s'stem* (ased
on optimum economic efficiency,
,ou!d a%%ear and o%erate n deta!*
#$en our "urrent state o& te"hn"a! a(!t'+
Aro#rams su"h as the G!o(a! Redes#n Insttute*
,h"h s a
d#ta! thn7 tan7 that ,or7s to e-%ress ho, the "ore so"eta!
n&rastru"ture "ou!d un&o!d (ased on our "urrent state o& te"hno!o#'*
,or7n# to "om(ne that technical capacity ,th the scientific train of
thought so as to "a!"u!ate the most e&&"ent te"hn"a! n&rastru"ture
%oss(!e &or an' #$en re#on o& the ,or!d* s one e-am%!e+
It s ,orth (re&!' notn# that TZM?s ad$o"ated K#o$ernan"e
a%%roa"h* ,h"h has !tt!e sem(!an"e to the "urrent manner o&
#o$ernan"e 7no,n toda' or hstor"a!!'* or#nates out o& a mu!t.
ds"%!nar' (rd#n# o& $arous %ro$en methods &or ma-m1ed
o%tm1aton* un&ed throu#h a "ounter.(a!an"n# systems a%%roa"h
that s des#ned to (e as ada%t$e as %oss(!e to ne,* emer#n#
m%ro$ements o$er tme+

As ,!! (e ds"ussed at !en#th* the on!' %oss(!e re&eren"e that
"ou!d (e "onsdered Kmost "om%!ete at an' #$en tme s one that
ta7es nto a""ount the !ar#est ntera"tn# o(ser$atons 8s'stem;
tan#(!' re!e$ant+ Ths s the nature o& the "ause and e&&e"t s'ner#'
that unders"ores the te"hn"a! (ass &or a tru!' sustana(!e e"onom'+
"atural (aw)Resource-*ased Econom+
Toda'* $arous terms e-sts to e-%ress the #enera! !o#"a! (ass &or a
more s"ent&"a!!' orented so"a! s'stem n d&&erent "r"!es* n"!udn#
the tt!es KResour"e.9ased E"onom' or KNatura! La, E"onom'+ Wh!e
these tt!es are hstor"a!!' re&erenta! and some,hat ar(trar' o$era!!*
the tt!e KNatura! La,MResour"e.9ased E"onom' 8NLR9E; ,!! (e
ut!1ed here sn"e t has the most "on"rete semant" (ass+
2H The %hrases Ktran o& thou#ht and Ka%%!"aton set are %ared+ The &ormer
re&ers to the s"ent&" reasonn# 8sustana(!t' and e&&"en"' %rn"%!es;
,h"h arr$e at a #$en "on"!uson* ,h!e the !atter re&ers to tem%ora!
methods o& a"ton* su"h as te"hno!o#"a! too!s* ,h"h n$ara(!' "han#e o$er
2I Ths ,!! (e e-%anded u%on more so n %art III+
2F Re&eren"e< O&&"a! ,e(ste< htt%<MM,,,+#!o(a!redes#nnsttute+or#
2G See %art III &or more on the su(0e"t o& K#o$ernment
2E The term KResour"e.9ased E"onom' "an (e !tera!!' nter%reted as ?an
e"onom' (ased on resour"es?+ Ths has hstor"a!!' dra,n "on&uson n that
one "ou!d ar#ue that a!! Ke"onomes* (' de&nton* are K(ased on
Kresour"es+ The term tse!& a!so has a stron# asso"aton to an or#an1aton
"a!!ed The Venus Aro0e"t ,h"h "!ams to ha$e or#nated the term @ dea*
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
A "atural +aw.'esource$/ased Economy s de&ned as Kan
ada%t$e so"oe"onom" s'stem a"t$e!' der$ed &rom dre"t %h's"a!
re&eren"e to the #o$ernn# s"ent&" !a,s o& nature+
O$era!!* the o(ser$aton s that throu#h the use o& so"a!!'
tar#eted resear"h and tested understandn#s n s"en"e and
te"hno!o#'* ,e are no, a(!e to logically arrive at so"eta! a%%roa"hes
,h"h "ou!d (e %ro&ound!' more e&&e"t$e n meetn# the needs o& the
human %o%u!aton+ We are no, a(!e to dramat"a!!' n"rease %u(!"
hea!th* (etter %reser$e the ha(tat* "reate a #enera! matera!
a(undan"e* ,h!e a!so strate#"a!!' redu"e or e!mnate man' "ommon
so"a! %ro(!ems %resent toda' ,h"h are sad!' "onsdered na!tera(!e
(' man' due to ther "u!tura! %erssten"e+
Train of Thought
Man' &#ures or #rou%s ha$e ,or7ed to "reate tem%ora!!' ad$an"ed
te"hno!o#"a! a%%!"atons* ,or7n# to a%%!' "urrent %oss(!tes to ths
train of thought n order to ena(!e ne, e&&"en"es and %ro(!em
so!$n#* su"h as 3a")ue Fres"o?s K/t' S'stems
or R+ 9u"7mnster
Fu!!er?s D'ma-on House+
:et* as o($ous!' m%ortant as ths a%%!ed en#neern# s* t s
st!! "rt"a! to remem(er that a!! s%e"&" te"hno!o#"a! a%%!"atons "an
only be transient ,hen the e$o!uton o& s"ent&" 7no,!ed#e and ts
emer#n# te"hno!o#"a! a%%!"atons are ta7en nto a""ount+ In other
,ords* a!! "urrent a%%!"atons o& te"hno!o#' tend to (e"ome o(so!ete
o$er tme+
There&ore* ,hat s !e&t "an on!' (e a train of thought ,th
res%e"t to the under!'n# "ausa! s"ent&" %rn"%!es+ TZM s hen"e
!o'a! to ths train of thought* not &#ures* nsttutons or tem%ora!
te"hno!o#"a! ad$an"ements+ Rather than &o!!o, a %erson or des#n*
TZM &o!!o,s ths self$generating premise of understanding and t hen"e
o%erates n a non."entra!1ed* ho!o#ra%h" manner* ,th ths train of
thought as the or#n o& n&!uen"e &or a"ton+
Su,erstition to Science
A nota(!e %attern ,orth mentonn# s ho, the e$o!uton o& man7nd?s
understandn# o& tse!& and ts ha(tat a!so "ontnues to e-%and a,a'
&rom o!der deas and %ers%e"t$es ,h"h are no !on#er su%%orted due
to the "onstant ntrodu"ton o& ne,* s"hema a!tern# n&ormaton+ A
see7n# at one tme to trademar7 the name
8htt%<MMtdr+us%to+#o$Msear"h+a"tonRsnSFFG4E2ED;+ The term KNatura!
La,MResour"e.9ased E"onom' s "onsdered more "om%!ete here not on!'
to a$od su"h %oss(!e asso"at$e "on&uson (ut a!so (e"ause o& the more
semant" a""ura"' o& the term tse!&* sn"e t more "!ear!' re&eren"es
nature?s %h's"a! !a, s'stem and %ro"esses rather than 0ust %!anetar'
45 Re&eren"e< The /est That Money an0t /uy, 3a")ue Fres"o* G!o(a!
/'(er$sons* 4554* /ha%ter 2H
42 Re&eren"e< D'ma-on House n&ormaton<
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
,orth' noton to note here s superstition* ,h"h* n man'
"r"umstan"es* "an (e $e,ed as a "ate#or' o& (e!e& that on"e
a%%eared to (e ade)uate!' su%%orted (' e-%eren"eM%er"e%ton (ut
"an no !on#er (e he!d as $a(!e due to ne,* "on&!"tn# data+
For e-am%!e* ,h!e tradtona! re!#ous thou#ht m#ht seem
n"reasn#!' m%!aus(!e to more %eo%!e toda' than e$er n the West*
due to the ra%d #ro,th n n&ormaton and #enera! !tera"'*
the roots
o& re!#ous thou#ht "an (e tra"ed to %erods ,here humans "ou!d
0ust&' the $a!dt' and a""ura"' o& su"h (e!e&s #$en the !mted
understandn# the' had o& ther en$ronment n those ear!' tmes+
Ths %attern s a%%arent n a!! areas o& understandn#* n"!udn#
modern Ka"adema+ E$en so."a!!ed Ks"ent&" "on"!usons that* a#an*
,th the ad$ent o& ne, n&ormaton and u%dated tests* o&ten "annot (e
he!d as $a!d an'more*
are st!! "ommon!' de&ended due to ther mere
n"!uson n the "urrent "u!tura! tradton*
Su"h Kesta(!shed nsttutons* as the' "ou!d (e "a!!ed* o&ten
,sh to mantan %ermanen"e due to reasons o& e#o* %o,er* mar7et
n"ome or #enera! %s'"ho!o#"a! "om&ort+ Ths %ro(!em s* n man'
,a's* at the "ore o& our so"a! %ara!'ss+
So* t s m%ortant to
re"o#n1e ths %attern o& transton and rea!1e ho, "rt"a! (en#
$u!nera(!e rea!!' s ,hen t "omes to (e!e& s'stems* not to menton
"omn# to terms ,th the rather dan#erous %henomenon o&
Kesta(!shed nsttutons ,h"h are "u!tura!!' %ro#rammed and
ren&or"ed to see7 self$preservation rather than e$o!$e and "han#e+
44 The n$erse re!atonsh% o& !tera"'M7no,!ed#e a""umu!aton to su%ersttous
(e!e& s "!ear+ A""ordn# to the Unted NatonsN Ara( Human De$e!o%ment
Re%orts* !ess than 4> o& Ara(s ha$e a""ess to the Internet+ Ara(s re%resent
H> o& the ,or!dNs %o%u!aton and 'et %rodu"e on!' 2> o& the ,or!dNs (oo7s*
most o& them re!#ous+ A""ordn# to resear"her Sam Harrs< KS%an
trans!ates more (oo7s nto S%ansh ea"h 'ear than the entre Ara( ,or!d
has trans!ated nto Ara(" sn"e the nnth "entur'+ It s a-omat" to assume
that the #ro,th o& the Is!am" Re!#on n Ara( Natons s se"ured (' a
re!at$e !a"7 o& outsde n&ormaton n those so"etes+
4D A No(e! Ar1e &or ,hat s 7no,n as K!o(otom' ,as a,arded to Aortu#uese
neuro!o#st E#as Mon1 n 2E6E+ Toda'* t s "onsdered a (ar(ar" and
ne&&e"t$e %ro"edure+ 8htt%<MM,,,+n%r+or#Mtem%!atesMstor'Mstor'+%h%R
46 The &nan"a! su%%ort nherent!' needed n the %er%etuaton o& a #$en
(usness* K&or %ro&t or e$en so."a!!ed Knot &or %ro&t* sets u% a dssonan"e
(et,een the (usness?s so!d %rodu"t or ser$"e and the a"tua! ne"esst' or
$a(!t' o& that %rodu"t or ser$"e o$er tme+ In &a"t* the o(so!es"en"e o&
an' #$en %rodu"tMser$"e* ,h"h m%!es o&ten the o(so!es"en"e o& the
%rodu"n# (usness or "or%oraton* a%%ears ne$ta(!e as ne, te"hn"a!
ad$an"ements emer#e+ The "onse)uen"e s a %er%etua! tenden"' to st&!e
ne, deas and n$entons that ,ou!d dstur( or o$errde %re.e-stn#
$entures o& esta(!shed nsttutons* resu!tn# n a !oss o& n"ome+ A "ursor'
#!an"e at the state o& te"hno!o#"a! %oss(!t' toda'* ,h!st a!so "onsdern#
the )ueston as to ,h' those m%ro$ements ha$e not (een mmedate!'
made* !!umnates the %ara!'1n# nature o& n"ome re)urn# nsttutons+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Tradition to Emergence
The %er"e%tua! "!ash (et,een our cultural traditions and our e$er
#ro,n# data(ase o& emergent #nowledge s at the "ore o& ,hat
de&nes the K1et#est as ,e 7no, t and a !on#.term re$e, o& hstor'
sho,s a s!o, #rnd out o& su%ersttous "u!tura! tradtons and
assum%tons o& rea!t' as the' heed to our ne,!' rea!1ed (en"hmar7
o& emer#ent* scientific causality* Ths s ,hat TZM re%resents n ts
(roadest %h!oso%h"a! "onte-t< A mo$ement o& the "u!tura! 1et#est
tse!& nto ne,* $er&a(!e and more o%tm1ed understandn#s and
Hen"e* ,h!e so"et' "ertan!' has ,tnessed $ast and
a""e!eratn# "han#es n d&&erent areas o& a,areness and %ra"t"e* su"h
as ,th our $ast matera! te"hno!o#' toda'* t a%%ears our social
system s st!! !on# (ehnd+ Ao!t"a! %ersuason* mar7et e"onom"s*
!a(or.&or.n"ome* %er%etua! ne)ua!t'* naton states* !e#a!
assum%tons and man' other sta%!es o& our "urrent so"a! order
"ontnue to (e !ar#e!' a""e%ted as norma!t' (' the "urrent "u!ture*
,th !tt!e more than ther %erssten"e throu#h tme as e$den"e o&
ther $a!ue and em%r"a! %ermanen"e+
It s n ths "onte-t that TZM &nds ts most (road m%erat$e<
"han#n# the so"a! s'stem+ A#an* there are man' %ro(!em so!$n#
te"hn"a! %oss(!tes &or %ersona! and so"a! %ro#ress toda' that
"ontnue to #o unnot"ed or msunderstood+
The endn# o& ,ar* the
reso!uton o& %o$ert'* the "reaton o& a matera! a(undan"e unseen n
hstor' to meet human needs* the remo$a! o& most "rme as ,e 7no,
t* the em%o,erment o& true personal freedom throu#h the remo$a! o&
%ont!ess andMor monotonous !a(or* and the reso!uton o& man'
en$ronmenta! threats* are (ut a &e, o& the "a!"u!ated %oss(!tes ,e
ha$e ,hen ,e ta7e our technical reality nto a""ount+
Ho,e$er* a#an* these %oss(!tes are not on!' !ar#e!'
unre"o#n1ed* the' are a!so !tera!!' restricted (' the "urrent so"a!
order &or the m%!ementaton o& su"h %ro(!em so!$n# e&&"en"' and
%ros%ert' stands n dre"t o%%oston to the $er' me"han"s o& ho, our
"urrent so"a! s'stem s o%eratn# at the "ore !e$e!+
There&ore* unt! the so"oe"onom" tradton and ts resu!tn#
social values are "ha!!en#ed and u%dated to %resent da'
understandn#sU unt! the ma0ort' o& the human %o%u!aton
understands the (as"* under!'n# train of thought te"hn"a!!' needed
to su%%ort human sustana(!t' and %u(!" hea!th* as der$ed &rom the
r#or o& o(0e"t$e s"ent&" n$est#aton and $a!datonU unt! mu"h o&
the (a##a#e o& %ror &a!se assum%tons* su%erstton* d$s$e !o'a!tes
and other so"a!!' unsustana(!e* "on&!"t #eneratn#* "u!tura!
hndran"es are o$er"ome . a!! the !&e m%ro$n# and %ro(!em reso!$n#
%oss(!tes ,e no, ha$e at hand ,!! reman !ar#e!' dormant+
The rea! re$o!uton s the revolution of values+ Human so"et'
a%%ears "entures (ehnd n the ,a' t o%erates and hen"e ,hat t
4H Re&eren"e< KZetne,s* a s"en"e and te"hno!o#' ,e(ste re!ated to TZM* s
re"ommended 8htt%<MM,,,+1etne,s+or#M;
4I See %art II &or su%%ortn# deta!s re#ardn# ths statement+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
$a!ues+ I& ,e ,sh to %ro#ress and so!$e the mountn# %ro(!ems at
hand and* n e&&e"t* re$erse ,hat s an a""e!eratn# de"!ne o& our
"$!1aton n man' ,a's* ,e need to "han#e the ,a' ,e thn7 a(out
ourse!$es and hen"e the ,or!d ,e nha(t+ The Zet#est Mo$ementNs
"entra! tas7 s to ,or7 to (rn# ths $a!ue sh&t to !#ht* un&'n# the
human &am!' ,th the (as" %ers%e"t$e that ,e a!! share ths sma!!
%!anet and ,e are a!! (ound (' the same natura! order !a,s* as
rea!1ed (' the method o& s"en"e+
Ths common ground understandn# e-tends mu"h &arther than
man' ha$e understood n the %ast+ The s'm(oss o& the human
s%e"es and the s'ner#st" re!atonsh% o& our %!a"e n the %h's"a!
,or!d "on&rm that ,e are not se%arate enttes n an' res%e"t+ The
ne, so"eta! a,a7enn# must sho, a ,or7n# so"a! mode! that s
arrived at &rom ths nherent !o#" & ,e e-%e"t to sur$$e and %ros%er
n the !on# term+ We "an a!#n or ,e "an su&&er+ It s u% to us+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
A!most e$er' ma0or s'stemat" error ,h"h has de!uded men &or thousands o&
'ears re!ed on %ra"t"a! e-%eren"e+ Horos"o%es* n"antatons* ora"!es* ma#"*
,t"h"ra&t* the "ures o& ,t"h do"tors and o& med"a! %ra"ttoners (e&ore the
ad$ent o& modern med"ne* ,ere a!! &rm!' esta(!shed throu#h the "entures n
the e'es o& the %u(!" (' ther su%%osed %ra"t"a! su""esses+ The s"ent&"
method ,as de$sed %re"se!' &or the %ur%ose o& e!u"datn# the nature o&
thn#s under more "are&u!!' "ontro!!ed "ondtons and (' more r#orous "rtera
than are %resent n the stuatons "reated (' %ra"t"a! %ro(!ems+
.M"hae! Ao!an'
Genera!!' s%ea7n#* the e$o!uton o& human understandn# "an (e seen
as a mo$e &rom surface observations, %ro"essed (' our !mted &$e
%h's"a! senses* Kntut$e!' &!tered throu#h the edu"atona!
&rame,or7 @ $a!ue "hara"terst"s o& that %erod o& tme* to the
te"hn)ue o& o(0e"t$e measurn# and se!&.ad$an"n# methods o&
ana!'ss ,h"h ,or7 to arrive at 8or "a!"u!ate; "on"!usons throu#h
testn# and retestn# %roo&s* see7n# $a!daton throu#h the
benchmar# o& scientific causality 1 a "ausa!t' that a%%ears to
"om%rse the %h's"a! "hara"terst"s o& ,hat ,e "a!! Knature tse!&+
The Knatura! !a,s o& our ,or!d e-st ,hether ,e "hoose to
re"o#n1e them or not+ These nherent ru!es o& our un$erse ,ere
around !on# (e&ore human (en#s e$o!$ed a "om%rehenson to
re"o#n1e them and ,h!e ,e "an de(ate as to e-a"t!' ho, a""urate
our nter%retaton o& these !a,s rea!!' s at ths sta#e o& our nte!!e"tua!
e$o!uton* there s enou#h ren&or"n# e$den"e to sho, that ,e are*
ndeed* (ound (' stat" &or"es that ha$e an nherent* measura(!e*
determnn# !o#"+
The $ast de$e!o%ments and %red"t$e nte#rt' &ound n
mathemat"s* %h's"s* (o!o#' and other s"ent&" ds"%!nes %ro$es
that ,e as a s%e"es are s!o,!' understandn# the %ro"esses o& nature
and our #ro,n#* n$ent$e "a%a"t' to emu!ate* a""entuate or re%ress
su"h natura! %ro"esses "on&rms our %ro#ress n understandn# t+ The
,or!d around us toda'* o$er&!o,n# ,th matera! te"hno!o#' and !&e.
a!tern# n$entons* s a testament as to the nte#rt' o& the s"ent&"
%ro"ess and ,hat t s "a%a(!e o&+
Un!7e hstor"a! tradtons* ,here a "ertan stass e-sts ,th
,hat %eo%!e (e!e$e* as s st!! "ommon n re!#ous t'%e do#ma toda'*
ths re"o#nton o& Knatura! !a, n"!udes "hara"terst"s ,h"h dee%!'
"ha!!en#e the assumed sta(!t' o& (e!e&s ,h"h man' ho!d sa"red+ As
,!! (e e-%anded u%on !ater n ths essa' n the "onte-t o&
Kemer#en"e* the &a"t s* there sm%!' "annot e-st a sn#u!ar or stat"
nte!!e"tua! "on"!uson ,th res%e"t to our %er"e%ton and 7no,!ed#e
e-"e%t* %arado-"a!!'* ,th re#ard to that $er' under!'n# pattern of
uncertainty re#ardn# su"h "han#e and ada%taton tse!&+
Ths s %art o& ,hat "ou!d (e "a!!ed a scientific worldview+ It s
4F Sour"e< Personal 2nowledge3 Towards a Post$ritical Philosophy, M"hae!
Ao!an'* Un$erst' o& /h"a#o Aress* %+2GD
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
one thn# to so!ate the te"hn)ues o& s"ent&" e$a!uaton &or se!e"t
nterests* su"h as the !o#" ,e m#ht use n assessn# and testn# the
stru"tura! nte#rt' o& a house des#n ,e m#ht (u!d* and another
,hen the un$ersa! nte#rt' o& su"h %h's"a!!' rooted* "ausa!
reasonn# and $a!daton methods are a%%!ed to a!! as%e"ts o& our
!$es+ A!(ert Ensten on"e sad Kthe &urther the s%rtua! e$o!uton o&
man7nd ad$an"es* the more "ertan t seems to me that the %ath to
#enune re!#ost' does not !e throu#h the &ear o& !&e* and the &ear o&
death* and (!nd &ath* (ut throu#h str$n# a&ter ratona! 7no,!ed#e+
Wh!e "'n"s o& S"en"e o&ten ,or7 to redu"e ts nte#rt' to 'et
another &orm o& Kre!#ous &ath* demean ts a""ura"' as K"o!d or
K,thout s%rtua!t' or e$en h#h!#ht "onse)uen"es o& a%%!ed
te"hno!o#' &or the ,orst* su"h as ,th the "reaton o& the atom" (om(
8,h"h* n a"tua!t'* s an nd"aton o& a dstorton o& human values
rather than en#neern#;* there s no #norn# the n"red(!e %o,er ths
a%%roa"h to understandn# and harnessn# rea!t' has a&&orded the
human ra"e+ No other Kdeo!o#' "an "ome "!ose n mat"hn# the
%red"t$e and ut!taran (ene&ts ths method o& reasonn# has
Ho,e$er* that s not to sa' a"t$e "u!tura! dena! o& ths
re!e$an"e s not st!! ,des%read n the ,or!d toda'+ For e-am%!e* ,hen
t "omes to thest" (e!e&* there s o&ten a d$s$e tenden"' that
,shes to e!e$ate the human (en# a(o$e su"h Kmere me"han"s o&
the %h's"a! rea!t'+ The m%!ed assum%ton here s usua!!' that ,e
humans are Ks%e"a! &or some reason and %erha%s there are &or"es*
su"h as an nter$enn# KGod* that "an o$errde natura! !a,s at ,!!*
ma7n# them !ess m%ortant than* sa'* on#on# o(eden"e to God?s
,shes* et"+ Sad!'* there st!! e-sts a #reat human "on"et n the
"u!ture ,h"h assumes* ,th no $er&a(!e e$den"e* that humans are
se%arate &rom a!! other %henomena and to "onsder ourse!$es
"onne"ted or e$en a %rodu"t o& natura!* s"ent&" &or"es s to demean
human !&e+
/on"urrent!'* there s a!so a tenden"' &or ,hat some "a!!
thn7n# ,h"h "ou!d (e "onsdered a schi%otypal 7nd
o& %ersona!t' dsorder ,here &antas' and m!d de!uson he!%s ren&or"e
&a!se assum%tons o& "ausa!t' on the ,or!d* ne$er harnessn# the &u!!
r#or o& the s"ent&" method+ S"en"e re)ures testn# and re%!"aton
o& a resu!t &or t to (e $a!dated and man' (e!e&s o& seemn#!'
Knorma! %eo%!e toda' e-st &ar outsde ths re)urement+
A%art &rom tradtona! re!#ons* the "u!tura! "on"e%t o& Kne,
s a!so "ommon!' asso"ated ,th ths t'%e o& su%ersttous
4G Sour"e< As )uoted n 4ll the 5uestions 6ou Ever 7anted to 4s# 4merican
4theists* (' Mada!'n Murra' O?Har* Amer Athest Aress* 2EGI
4E Stan&ord Un$erst' 9eha$ora! 9o!o#' Aro&essor* Dr+ Ro(ert Sa%o!s7' s
!7e!' most nota(!e ,th hs use o& the term KMetaMa#"a!+ Hs ,or7 s
re"ommended< htt%<MM(enat!as+"omM455EM24Mro(!s7'.on.
D5 The term "ew 4ge s #enera!!' de&ned as KA (road mo$ement "hara"ter1ed
(' a!ternat$e a%%roa"hes to tradtona! Western "u!ture* ,th an nterest n
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
thou#ht+ Wh!e t s e-treme!' m%ortant that ,e as a so"et' are
a,are o& the un"ertant' o& our "on"!usons n #enera! and hen"e must
7ee% a "reat$e* $u!nera(!e state o& mnd to a!! %ostu!atons* the
$a!daton o& those %ostu!atons "an on!' "ome throu#h measura(!e
"onssten"'* not ,sh&u! thn7n# or esoter" &as"naton+
Su"h un.$a!dated deas and assum%tons %ose a &rame o&
re&eren"e that s o&ten se"ured (' K&ath
not reason* and t s d&&"u!t
to ar#ue the mert o& &ath ,th an'one sn"e the ru!es o& &ath
nherent!' re&use ar#ument tse!&+ Ths s %art o& the )uandar' ,thn
,h"h human so"et' e-sts toda'< do ,e sm%!' (e!e$e ,hat ,e ha$e
(een tradtona!!' tau#ht (' our "u!ture or do ,e )ueston and test
those (e!e&s a#anst the %h's"a! rea!t' around us to see & the' ho!d
S"en"e s "!ear!' "on"erned ,th the !atter and ho!ds nothn#
sa"red* a!,a's read' to "orre"t %ror &a!se "on"!usons ,hen ne,
n&ormaton arses+ To ta7e su"h an nherent!' un"ertan* 'et st!!
e-treme!' $a(!e and %rodu"t$e a%%roa"h to one?s da' to da' $e, o&
the ,or!d* re)ures a $er' d&&erent senst$t' J one that em(odes
vulnerability* not "ertant'+
In the ,ords o& Aro&+ Fran7 L+ H+ Wo!&s 8De%artment o& Ah's"s
and Astronom'* Un$erst' o& Ro"hester* N:;< KIt s o&ten sad n
s"en"e that theores "an ne$er (e %ro$ed* on!' ds%ro$ed+ There s
a!,a's the %oss(!t' that a ne, o(ser$aton or a ne, e-%erment ,!!
"on&!"t ,th a !on#.standn# theor'+

So* at the heart o& the s"ent&" method s s7e%t"sm and $u!nera(!t'+
S"en"e s nterested n the closest approximation to the truth t "an
&nd and & there s an'thn# s"en"e re"o#n1es e-%!"t!'* t s that
$rtua!!' e$er'thn# ,e 7no, ,!! (e re$sed o$er tme as ne,
n&ormaton arses+
L7e,se* ,hat m#ht seem &ar.&et"hed* m%oss(!e or e$en
Ksu%ersttous u%on ts &rst "u!mnaton m#ht $er' ,e!! %ro$e to (e a
use&u!* $a(!e understandn# n the &uture on"e $a!dated &or nte#rt'+
The m%!"aton o& ths "onsttutes an emergence of thought, or e$en
an emer#en"e o& Ktruth* & 'ou ,!!+ A "ursor' e-amnaton o& hstor'
sho,s an e$er."han#n# ran#e o& (eha$ors and %ra"t"es (ased u%on
e$er u%datn# 7no,!ed#e and ths hum(!n# re"o#nton s "rt"a! &or
human %ro#ress+
s%rtua!t'* m'st"sm+++
D2 /ar! Sa#an ,as nota(!e &or "on&rmn# the de&nton o& &ath as K(e!e&
,thout e$den"e +
D4 Sour"e< !ntroduction to the Scientific Method, Fran7 L+ H+ Wo!&s
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
A se"ond %ont dee%!' "hara"terst" o& the scientific worldview ,orth
(rn#n# u% n ths re#ard has to do ,th the symbiotic nature o&
thn#s* as ,e 7no, them+ Lar#e!' dsmssed as "ommon sense toda'
(' man'* ths understandn# ho!ds %ro&ound re$e!atons &or the ,a' ,e
thn7 a(out our ,or!d* our (e!e&s* our "ondu"t and ourse!$es+
The term Ks'm(ot" s t'%"a!!' used n the "onte-t o&
nterde%endent re!atonsh%s (et,een (o!o#"a! s%e"es+
Ho,e$er our
"onte-t o& the ,ord s (roader* re!atn# to the interdependent
relationship of everything+ Wh!e ear!'* ntut$e $e,s o& natura!
%henomena m#ht ha$e !oo7ed u%on* sa'* the man&estaton o& a Ktree
as an nde%endent entt'* seemn#!' se!&."ontaned n ts !!uson o&
se%araton* the truth o& the matter s that a tree?s !&e s entre!'
de%endent on seemn#!' Ke-terna! n%ut &or"es &or ts $er' "u!mnaton
and e-sten"e+
The ,ater* sun!#ht* nutrents and other needed ntera"t$e
Ke-terna! attr(utes to &a"!tate the de$e!o%ment o& a tree s an
e-am%!e o& a symbiotic or synergetic re!atonsh%+ Ho,e$er* the s"o%e
o& ths s'm(oss has (e"ome mu"h more re$ea!n# than ,e ha$e e$er
7no,n n the %ast and t a%%ears the more ,e !earn a(out the
d'nam"s o& our un$erse* the more mmuta(!e ts nterde%enden"e+
The (est "on"e%t to em(od' ths noton s that o& a Ks'stem+
The term Ktree s rea!!' a re&eren"e to a perceived system+ The Kroot*
Ktrun7* K(ran"hes* K!ea$es and other su"h attr(utes o& that tree
"ou!d (e "a!!ed Ksu(.s'stems+ :et* the Ktree tse!& s also a su(.
s'stem* t "ou!d (e sad* o&* %erha%s* a K&orest* ,h"h tse!& s a su(.
s'stem o& other !ar#er* en"om%assn# %henomena su"h as an
Ke"os'stem+ Su"h dstn"tons m#ht seem tr$a! to man' (ut the &a"t
s* a #reat &a!ure n human a,areness has (een not to &u!!' res%e"t
the s"o%e o& the KEarth s'stem and ho, ea"h su(.s'stem %!a's a
re!e$ant ro!e+
The term K"ate#or"a! s'stems8
"ou!d e$en (e used here to
des"r(e all systems* seemn#!' sma!! or !ar#e* (e"ause su"h !an#ua#e
dstn"tons are u!tmate!' ar(trar'+ These %er"e$ed s'stems and the
,ords used to re&eren"e them are sm%!' human "on$enen"es &or
"ommun"aton+ The &a"t s* there a%%ears to (e on!' one %oss(!e
s'stem* as or#an1ed (' natura! !a,* ,h"h "an (e !e#tmate!'
re&eren"ed sn"e all the s'stems ,e %er"e$e and "ate#or1e toda' "an
DD Sour"e< D"tonar'+"om 8htt%<MMd"tonar'+re&eren"e+"omM(ro,seMs'm(ot";
D6 The term Ke-terna! n ths "onte-t s &ramed as re!at$e to a %er"e$ed
o(0e"t+ The (roader %ont here s that there s no su"h thn# as Ke-terna! or
Knterna! n the "onte-t o& !ar#er order s'stems+
DH A Ks'stem s de&ned as< Ka set o& thn#s ,or7n# to#ether as %arts o& a
me"hansm or an nter"onne"tn# net,or7+ It s ,orth notn# u% &ront the
m%ortan"e o& ths "on"e%t as the re!e$an"e o& the Ks'stem or Ks'stems
theor' ,!! (e a returnn# theme ,th res%e"t to ,hat &rame o& re&eren"e
a"tua!!' su%%orts true human sustana(!t' n our ha(tat+
DI Ths term s a $araton on the more "ommon noton o& K"ate#or"a! thn7n#
,h"h s thn7n# (' ass#nn# %eo%!e or thn#s to "ate#ores and then usn#
the "ate#ores as thou#h the' re%resented somethn# n the rea! ,or!d+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
on!' (e sub$systems+ We sm%!' "annot &nd a tru!' "!osed s'stem
an',here+ E$en the KEarth s'stem* ,h"h ntut$e!' a%%ears
autonomous* ,th the Earth &!oatn# a(out the $od o& s%a"e* s entre!'
re!ant on the sun* the moon and !7e!' man'* man' other
s'm(ot"Ms'ner#st" &a"tors ,e ha$e 'et to e$en understand &or ts
de&nn# "hara"terst"s+
In other ,ords* ,hen ,e "onsder the ntera"tons that !n7
these %er"e$ed K"ate#or"a! s'stems8 to#ether* ,e &nd a connection
of everything and* on a so"eta! !e$e!* ths s'stem ntera"ton
understandn# s at the &oundaton o& !7e!' the most $a(!e %ers%e"t$e
&or true human sustana(!t'+
The human (en#* !7e a tree or the
Earth* a#an ntut$e!' appears se!&."ontaned+ :et* ,thout* &or
e-am%!e* o-'#en to (reathe* one ,!! not sur$$e+ Ths means the
human system re)ures ntera"ton ,th an atmospheric system and
hen"e a s'stem o& o-'#en %rodu"ton and sn"e the %ro"ess o&
%hotos'nthess a""ounts &or the ma0ort' o& the atmos%her" o-'#en
,e (reathe* t s to our ad$anta#e to (e a,are o& ,hat a&&e"ts ths
%art"u!ar s'stem* and ,or7 to harmon1e our so"a! %ra"t"es ,th t+
When ,e ,tness* sa'* %o!!uton o& the o"eans or the ra%d
de&orestaton o& Earth* ,e o&ten &or#et ho, m%ortant su"h %henomena
rea!!' are to the nte#rt' o& the human system+ In &a"t* there are so
man' e-am%!es o& en$ronmenta! dstur(an"es %er%etuated (' our
s%e"es toda' due to a trun"ated a,areness o& ths s'm(ot" "ause
and e&&e"t that !n7s a!! 7no,n "ate#or"a! s'stems* $o!umes "ou!d (e
ded"ated to the "rss+ At an' rate* the &a!ure to re"o#n1e ths
connectedness s a &undamenta! %ro(!em and on"e ths %rinciple of
interacting systems s &u!!' understood* man' o& our most "ommon
%ra"t"es toda' ,!! !7e!' a%%ear #ross!' #norant and dan#erous n
&uture hnds#ht+
Sustainale *eliefs
Ths (rn#s us to the !e$e! o& thought and understanding tse!&+ As
noted %ror* the $er' !an#ua#e s'stem ,e use so!ates and or#an1es
e!ements o& our ,or!d &or #enera! "om%rehenson+ Lan#ua#e tse!& s a
s'stem (ased u%on "ate#or"a! dstn"tons* ,h"h ,e asso"ate to our
%er"e$ed rea!t'+ Ho,e$er* as needed as su"h a mode o& dent&"aton
and or#an1aton s to the human mnd* t a!so nherent!' m%!es &a!se
G$en that &oundaton* t s eas' to s%e"u!ate as to ho, ,e
ha$e #ro,n so a""ustomed to thn7n# and a"tn# n nherent!' d$s$e
,a's and ,h' the hstor' o& human so"et' has (een a hstor' o&
m(a!an"e and "on&!"t+
It s on ths !e$e! that su"h %h's"a! s'stems
DF Ths ,!! (e e-%anded u%on n #reater deta! n %art III o& ths te-t+
DG The Neo!th" Re$o!uton s a nota(!e mar7er &or a dramat" "han#e n so"a!
o%eraton and human re!atonsh%s as "$!1aton ,ent &rom &ora#n# and
huntn# J !$n# n su(ser$en"e to natura! %ro"esses J to a %ro&ound a(!t'
to "ontro! a#r"u!ture &or &ood and "reate too!sMma"hnes to ease human
!a(or+ It "ou!d (e ar#ued that human so"et' has not (een mature enou#h to
hand!e ths a(!t' and the %er%etuaton o& &ear and s"ar"t' !ed to hoardn#*
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
,e ha$e ds"ussed "ome nto re!e$an"e ,th belief and thought
Wh!e the noton o& Ksustana(!t' m#ht (e t'%"a!!'
asso"ated ,th te"hn"a! %ro"esses* e"o.theor' and en#neern# toda'*
,e o&ten &or#et that our values and beliefs %re"ede a!! su"h te"hn"a!
a%%!"atons+ There&ore* ,e need our "u!tura! orentaton to (e
sustana(!e to (e#n ,th and that a,areness "an on!' "ome &rom a
$a!d re"o#nton o& the !a,s o& nature to ,h"h ,e are (ound+
/an ,e measure the nte#rt' o& a (e!e& s'stemR :es+ We "an
measure t (' ho, ,e!! ts %rn"%!es a!#n ,th s"ent&" "ausa!t'*
(ased u%on the feedbac# resu!tn#+ I& ,e ,ere to "om%are out"omes o&
d&&ern# (e!e& s'stems see7n# a "ommon end*
ho, ,e!! those
%ers%e"t$es a""om%!sh ths end "an (e measured and hen"e these
s'stems "an then (e )ua!&ed and ran7ed a#anst ea"h other as to
ther mert or !a"7 thereo&+
As ,!! (e e-%!ored n deta! !ater n ths ,or7* the "entra! (e!e&
s'stem "om%arson here s (et,een the Kmar7et e"onom' and the
a&orementoned KNatura! La,MResour"e.9ased E"onom'+ At the "ore o&
these s'stems s essenta!!' a "on&!"tn# (e!e& a(out "ausa!t' and
%oss(!t' and the reader s "ha!!en#ed to ma7e o(0e"t$e 0ud#ments
a(out ho, ,e!! ea"h %ers%e"t$e ma' a""om%!sh "ertan "ommon end
human #oa!s+
That noted and n the "onte-t o& ths essa'* s%e"&"a!!' the
%onts a(out emer#en"e @ s'm(oss* t "ou!d (e #enera!1ed that an'
(e!e& s'stem that 8a; does not ha$e (u!t nto t the a!!o,an"e &or that
entre (e!e& s'stem tse!& to (e a!tered or e$en made "om%!ete!'
o(so!ete due to ne, n&ormaton* s an unsustana(!e (e!e& s'stemU
and 8(; an' (e!e& s'stem that su%%orts so!aton and d$son*
su%%ortn# the nte#rt' o& one se#ment or #rou% o$er another s a!so
an unsustana(!e (e!e& s'stem+
So"o!o#"a!!'* ha$n# a scientific worldview means (en#
%r$at1aton* naton K#an#s and other d$s$e tenden"es &or #rou% se!&.
%reser$aton on $arous !e$e!s+
DE For %h!oso%h"a! "!art'* t "ou!d (e ar#ued that a!! out"omes o& human
%er"e%tons are %ro0e"ted J e$en the !a,s o& nature themse!$es+ Ho,e$er*
ths doesnNt "han#e the e&&"a"' that has (een seen ,th res%e"t to the
mmense "ontro! and understandn# ,e ha$e throu#h the method o&
65 The noton o& the K"ommon end or K"ommon #round ,!! (e re%eated n
ths te-t and t s a "rt"a! a,areness to a$era#e the needs* ntents and
"onse)uen"es o& the human (en#+ A "entra! %remse o& ,hat TZM s
ad$o"atn# s that human (en#s are more a!7e than the' are d&&erent as
,e share the same (as" )uant&a(!e needs and rea"tons+ In man' ,a's
ths s the un&'n# attr(ute that "ou!d "om%rse ,hat s "a!!ed Khuman
nature and* as ,!! (e des"r(ed more so n !ater essa's* human (en#s
ndeed ha$e shared* %red"ta(!e* "ommon rea"tons to %ost$e and ne#at$e
n&!uen"es (oth %s'"ho!o#"a! and %h'so!o#"a!+ There&ore* the nte!!#ent*
humane or#an1aton o& a so"et' s re)ured to ta7e ths nto a""ount
dre"t!' &or the sa7e o& %u(!" hea!th J somethn# the "urrent monetar'.
mar7et s'stem does not do+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
,!!n# and a(!e to ada%t (oth as an nd$dua! and as a "$!1aton
,hen ne, understandn#s and a%%roa"hes emer#e that "an (etter
so!$e %ro(!ems and &urther %ros%ert'+ Ths ,or!d$e, !7e!' mar7s the
#reatest sh&t n human "om%rehenson n hstor'+ E$er' modern
"on$enen"e ,e ta7e &or #ranted s a resu!t o& ths method ,hether
re"o#n1ed or not* as the nherent* se!&.#eneratn#* me"hanst" !o#"
a%%ears to (e un$ersa!!' a%%!"a(!e to a!! 7no,n %henomena+
Wh!e man' n the ,or!d st!! attr(ute "ausa!t' to #ods*
demons* s%rts and other non.measura(!e K&ath (ased $e,s* a ne,
%erod o& reason a%%ears to (e on the hor1on ,here the emer#n#
s"ent&" understandn# o& ourse!$es and our ha(tat s "ha!!en#n# the
tradtona!* esta(!shed &rame,or7s ,e ha$e nherted &rom our !ess
n&ormed an"estors+ No !on#er s the Kte"hn"a!
orentaton o& s"en"e
demeaned to mere #ad#ets and too!s+ The true messa#e o& ths
,or!d$e, s a(out the $er' %h!oso%h' (' ,h"h ,e need orent our
!$es* $a!ues and so"a! nsttutons+
So* as ,!! (e ar#ued n &urther essa's* the so"a! s'stem* ts
e"onom" %remse* a!on# ,th ts !e#a! and %o!t"a! stru"ture* has
(e"ome ar#ua(!' !n7ed to a "ondton o& faith n the manner t s no,
%er%etuated+ The mar7et and monetar'.dr$en s'stem o& e"onom'* &or
e-am%!e* s ar#ued to (e (ased on !tt!e more than a set o& no,
outdated* n"reasn#!' ne&&"ent assum%tons* no d&&erent than ho,
ear!' humans &a!se!' assumed the ,or!d ,as &!at* demons "aused
s"7ness* or that the "onste!!atons n the s7' ,ere &-ed* stat"* t,o.
dmensona!* ta%estr'.!7e "onstru"ts+ There are enormous %ara!!e!s to
(e &ound ,th tradtona! re!#ous &ath and the esta(!shed* "u!tura!
nsttutons ,e assume to (e $a!d and Knorma! toda'+
3ust as the "hur"h n the Mdd!e A#es he!d a(so!ute %o,er n
Euro%e* %romotn# !o'a!tes and rtua!s ,h"h most ,ou!d &nd a(surd
or e$en nsane toda'* those a num(er o& #eneratons &rom no, ,!!
!7e!' !oo7 (a"7 at the esta(!shed %ra"t"es o& our "urrent tme and
thn7 the e-a"t same thn#+
62 As ,!! (e %ro!&" n ths te-t* the term Kte"hn"a!* ,h!e $rtua!!'
s'non'mous ,th Ks"ent&"* s em%!o'ed to (etter e-%ress the causal
nature o& a!! e-stn# %henomena J e$en n"!udn# human (eha$or and
%s'"ho!o#'Mso"o!o#' tse!&+ Another "entra! %remse o& ,hat TZM s
ad$o"atn# s that %ro(!em reso!uton and the man&estaton o& %otenta! s a
Kte"hn"a! e$a!uaton and ths a%%roa"h* (en# a%%!ed to a!! so"eta!
attr(utes* s at the "ore o& the ne, so"a! mode! ad$o"ated+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
-SO&RC$"! SO(&T$O"S-
A ne, t'%e o& thn7n# s essenta! & man7nd s to sur$$e
and mo$e to,ard h#her !e$e!s+

J A!(ert Ensten
A "entra! "onsderaton nherent to TZM?s %ers%e"t$e on so"eta!
"han#e &or the (etter re#ards understandn# K%ro#ress tse!&+ There
a%%ear to (e t,o (as" an#!es to "onsder ,hen t "omes to %ersona! or
so"a! %ro#ress< manifesting potential and problem resolution*
Potential . Resolution
Manifesting potential s sm%!' the m%ro$ement o& a "ondton that
,as not "onsdered %ror to (e n a %ro(!emat" state+ An e-am%!e
,ou!d (e the a(!t' to m%ro$e human ath!et" %er&orman"e n a
%art"u!ar &e!d throu#h tar#eted stren#thenn#* det* re&nn#
te"hn)ues and other means that ,ere sm%!' not 7no,n (e&ore+
Problem resolution, on the other hand* s the o$er"omn# o& an
ssue that has "urrent!' re"o#n1ed detrmenta! "onse)uen"es andMor
!mtatons to a #$en a&&ar+ A #enera! e-am%!e ,ou!d (e the ds"o$er'
o& a med"a! "ure &or an e-stn#* de(!tatn# dsease so that sad
dsease no !on#er %oses harm+
Ho,e$er* ta7en n the (road $e,* there s a dstn"t o$er!a%
,th these t,o notons ,hen the nature o& 7no,!ed#e de$e!o%ment s
ta7en nto a""ount+ For e-am%!e* an Km%ro$ement to a #$en
"ondton* a %ra"t"e that then (e"omes norma!1ed and "ommon n the
"u!ture* "an a!so %otenta!!' (e %art o& a K%ro(!em n a &am!ar or
d&&erent "onte-t* ,h"h re)ures reso!uton n the e$ent ne,
n&ormaton as to ts ne&&"en"' s &ound or ne, ad$an"ements ma7e t
o(so!ete (' "om%arson+
For e-am%!e* human ar trans%ortaton* ,h"h s &ar!' ne, n
so"et'* e-%anded trans%ort e&&"en"' #reat!' u%on ts a%%!"aton+
Ho,e$er* at ,hat %ont ,!! modern ar trans%ort (e seen more as a
K%ro(!em due to ts ne&&"en"' (' "om%arson to another methodR
So* e&&"en"' s relative n ths sense as on!' ,hen there s an
e-%anson o& 7no,!ed#e that ,hat ,as on"e "onsdered the K(est
a%%roa"h (e"omes Kn&eror+
Ths seemn#!' a(stra"t %ont s (rou#ht u% to "ommun"ate
the sm%!e &a"t that e$er' sn#!e %ra"t"e ,e "onsder norma! toda' has
built into it an ne$ta(!e ne&&"en"' ,h"h* u%on ne, de$e!o%ments n
s"en"e and te"hno!o#'* ,!! !7e!' %rodu"e a K%ro(!em at some %ont
n the &uture ,hen "om%ared to ne,er* emer#n# %otenta!s+ Ths s the
nature o& "han#e and & the s"ent&" %atterns o& hstor' re&!e"t
an'thn#* t s that 7no,!ed#e and ts a%%!"atons "ontnue to e$o!$e
64 Sour"e< 4tomic Education 9rged by Einstein* Ne, :or7 Tmes, Ma' 4H
6D A nota(!e modern e-am%!e s ne, trans%ort te"hno!o#' su"h as KMa#!e$
trans%ort that uses !ess ener#' and mo$es su(stanta!!' &aster than
"ommer"a! ar!nes htt%<MM,,,+etD+"omM
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
and m%ro$e* #enera!!' s%ea7n#+ So* (a"7 to the seemn#!' se%arate
ssues o& manifesting potential and problem resolution, t "an hen"e (e
dedu"ed that a!! %ro(!em reso!utons are also a"ts o& man&estn#
%otenta! and $"e $ersa+
Ths a!so means that the a"tua! tools used (' so"et' &or a
#$en %ur%ose are a!,a's transent+ Whether t s a medum o&
trans%ortaton* med"a! %ra"t"es* ener#' %rodu"ton* the so"a! s'stem
tse!&* et"+
These %ra"t"es are a!! man&estMreso!utons ,th res%e"t to
human ne"esst' and e&&"en"'* (ased u%on the e$er."han#n# state o&
understandn# ,e ha$eMhad at the tme o& ther "reatonMe$o!uton+
Root Pur,ose . Root Cause
There&ore* ,hen t "omes to thn7n# a(out an' a"t o& n$enton or
%ro(!em so!$n#* ,e must #et as "!ose to the root purpose :manifest;
or the root cause :problem; as %oss(!e* res%e"t$e!'* to ma7e the
most a""urate assessment &or a"ton+ 3ust as too!s and te"hn)ues &or
%otenta! are on!' as $a(!e as the understandn# o& ther &oundatona!
%ur%ose* a"tons to,ard %ro(!em reso!uton are on!' as #ood as the
understandn# o& the root "ause+ Ths m#ht seem o($ous* (ut ths
a,areness s o&ten mssn# n man' areas o& thou#ht n the ,or!d
toda'* especially when it comes to society* Rather than %ursun# su"h
a &o"us* most so"a! de"sons are (ased around traditional customs
that ha$e nherent !mts+
A sm%!e e-am%!e o& ths s the "urrent method o& human
n"ar"eraton &or so "a!!ed K"rmna! (eha$or+ For man'* the so!uton
to o&&ens$e &orms o& human (eha$or s to sm%!' remo$e the
nd$dua! &rom so"et' and punish them+ Ths s (ased on a seres o&
assum%tons that stret"h (a"7 m!!enna+
:et* the s"en"e (ehnd human (eha$or has "han#ed
tremendous!' ,th res%e"t to understandn# "ausa!t'+ It s no,
"ommon 7no,!ed#e n the so"a! s"en"es that most a"ts o& K"rme
,ou!d !7e!' not o""ur & "ertan (as"* su%%ort$e en$ronmenta!
"ondtons ,ere set &or the human (en#+
Auttn# %eo%!e n %rsons s
not a"tua!!' reso!$n# an'thn# ,th res%e"t to the "ausa! %ro(!em+ It s
more o& a mere K%at"h* & 'ou ,!!* ,h"h on!' tem%orar!' st&!es some
e&&e"ts o& the !ar#er %ro(!em+
66 A#an* ths rea!t' s em(oded (' the term Ka%%!"aton set+
6H Re&eren"e< Violence3 <ur =eadly Epidemic and !ts auses* Dr+ 3ames
G!!#an* 2EEI
6I The WMer$a.Fo,!esN stud'* done at the Un$erst' o& Utah n the 2EE5s* &ound
%o,er&u! "onne"tons (et,een unem%!o'ment and "rme+ The' (ased ther
resear"h on D5 ma0or metro%o!tan areas ,th a tota! %o%u!aton o& o$er G5
m!!on+ Ther &ndn#s &ound that a 2> rse n unem%!o'ment resu!ted n< a
I+F> n"rease n Hom"desU a D+6> n"rease n $o!ent "rmesU a 4+6>
n"rease n %ro%ert' "rme+ Durn# the %erod &rom 2EE5 to 2EE4* ths
trans!ated nto< 2*6HE addtona! Hom"desU I4*I5F addtona! $o!ent
"rmesU 44D*H55 addtona! %ro%ert' "rmes+ 8Mer$a @ Fo,!es* Effects of
=iminished Economic <pportunities on Social Stress* E"onom" Ao!"'
Insttute* 2EE4;
6F Re&eren"e< 9en M"Lesh !e"ture< KOut o& the 9o-< Arsons
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Another e-am%!e* ,h!e seemn#!' d&&erent than the %ror (ut
e)ua!!' as Kte"hn"a!* s the manner (' ,h"h most thn7 a(out
so!utons to "ommon domest" %ro(!ems* su"h as tra&&" a""dents+
What s the so!uton to a stuaton ,here a dr$er ma7es a msta7e and
ha%ha1ard!' "han#es !anes* on!' to m%a"t the $eh"!e ne-t to t*
"ausn# an a""dentR Shou!d there (e a hu#e ,a!! (et,een themR
Shou!d there (e (etter trann#R Shou!d the %erson sm%!' ha$e hs or
her dr$erNs !"ense re$o7ed so the' "annot dr$e a#anR It s here*
a#an* ,here the noton o& root cause s o&ten !ost n the narro,
&rames o& re&eren"e "ommon!' understood (' "u!ture+
The root "ause o& the a""dent "an on!' %arta!!' (e the
)ueston o& nte#rt' o& the dr$er ,th the more m%ortant ssue (en#
the !a"7 o& nte#rt' o& the te"hno!o#' and n&rastru"ture (en# used+
Wh'R . 9e"ause* n %art* human &a!!(!t' s hstor"a!!' a"7no,!ed#ed
and mmuta(!e+
So* 0ust as ear!' $eh"!es dd not ha$e dr$er andMor
%assen#er sde Kar(a#s "ommon toda'* ,h"h no, redu"e a !ar#e
num(er o& n0ures that e-sted n the %ast*
the same !o#" shou!d (e
a%%!ed to the s'stem o& $eh"!e ntera"ton tse!&* ta7n# nto a""ount
ne, te"hn"a! %oss(!tes &or n"reased sa&et'* to "om%ensate &or
ne$ta(!e human error+
3ust as the ar(a# ,as de$e!o%ed 'ears a#o as the e$o!uton o&
7no,!ed#e un&o!ded* toda' there s te"hno!o#' that ena(!es
automated* driverless $eh"!es ,h"h "an not on!' dete"t e$er'
ne"essar' e!ement o& the street needed to o%erate ,th a""ura"'* the
$eh"!es themse!$es "an dete"t ea"h other* ma7n# "o!!son a!most
Ths s the "urrent state o& su"h a so!uton ,hen ,e
"onsder the root "ause and root %ur%ose* o$era!!+
:et* as ad$an"ed as that so!uton ma' seem* es%e"a!!' #$en
the rou#h!' 2+4 m!!on %eo%!e ,ho unne"essar!' de n automo(!e
a""dents ea"h 'ear*
ths thou#ht e-er"se ma' st!! (e n"om%!ete &
,e "ontnue to e-tend the "onte-t ,th res%e"t to the "ore #oa!s+
Aerha%s there are other ne&&"en"es that re!ate to the trans%ort
n&rastru"ture and (e'ond that need to (e ta7en nto a""ount and
o$er"ome+ Aerha%s* &or e-am%!e* the use o& nd$dua! automo(!es*
re#ard!ess o& ther sa&et'* has other nherent %ro(!ems that "an on!'
(e !o#"a!!' reso!$ed (' the remo$a! o& the automo(!e a%%!"aton
tse!&+ Aerha%s n a "t'* ,th an e-%andn# mo(!e %o%u!aton* su"h
nde%endent $eh"!e trans%ort (e"omes unne"essar!' "um(ersome*
6G Re&eren"e< >uman error3 models and management* 3ames Reason* 4555
6E A 2EEI NHTSA stud' &ound the &ata!t' redu"ton (ene&t o& ar(a#s &or a!!
dr$ers at an estmated 22 %er"ent+
H5 Sour"e< ?oogle Engineer laims !ts =riverless ars ould Save 4 Million
+ives Every 6ear* 9!a7e Z+ Ron# 8htt%<MM,,,+auto#ude+"omMauto.
H2 Sour"e< ar 4ccident Statistics 8htt%<MM,,,+"ar.
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
s!o, and #enera!!' ne&&"ent+
The more $a(!e so!uton n ths "r"umstan"e m#ht (e"ome
the need &or a un&ed* nte#rated mass transt s'stem that "an
n"rease s%eed* redu"e ener#' use* redu"e resour"e use* and redu"e
%o!!uton a!on# ,th man' other re!ated ssues to the e&&e"t that usn#
automo(!es n su"h a "ondton then (e"omes %art o& an emer#n#
problem+ I& the #oa! o& a so"et' s to do the K"orre"t and hen"e
sustana(!e thn#* redu"n# threats to humans and the ha(tat* e$er
n"reasn# e&&"en"'* a d'nam"* se!&.#eneratn# !o#" un&o!ds ,th
res%e"t to our te"hn"a! %oss(!t' and des#n a%%roa"hes+
Our Technical Realit+
O& "ourse* the a%%!"aton o& ths t'%e o& %ro(!em so!$n# s &ar &rom
!mted to su"h %h's"a! e-am%!es+ Is %o!t"s as ,e 7no, t the (est
means to address our so"a! ,oesR Does t address root "auses (' ts
$er' des#nR Is mone' and the mar7et s'stem the most o%tm1ed
method &or sustana(!e %ro#ress* %ro(!em reso!uton and the
man&estn# o& e"onom" %otenta!R What does our modern state o&
s"en"e and te"hno!o#' ha$e to "ontr(ute n the rea!m o&
understandn# "ause and %ur%ose on the so"eta! !e$e!R
As &urther essa's ,!! denote n #reat deta!* these
understandn#s "reate a natura!* "!ear tran o& thou#ht ,th res%e"t to
ho, mu"h (etter our ,or!d "ou!d (e & ,e sm%!' &o!!o, the !o#"
"reated $a the scientific method o& thou#ht to &u!&!! our common goal
o& human sustana(!t'+ The one (!!on %eo%!e star$n# on ths %!anet
are not don# so (e"ause o& some mmuta(!e natura! "onse)uen"e o&
our %h's"a! rea!t'+ There s %!ent' o& &ood to #o around+
It s the
so"a! s'stem* ,h"h has ts o,n outdated* "ontr$ed !o#"* that
%er%etuates ths so"a! atro"t'* a!on# ,th "ount!ess others+
It s m%ortant to %ont out that TZM s not "on"erned ,th
%romotn# K%at"hes as ts u!tmate #oa!* ,h"h* sad to sa'* s ,hat the
$ast ma0ort' o& a"t$st nsttutons on the %!anet are "urrent!' don#+
H4 A s!o,* #enera! sh&t* e$en n modern "ommer"a! so"et'* &rom Ko,nersh%
to Ka""ess s (e#nnn# to &nd &a$or toda'+
HD Ma0or nternatona! or#an1atons ha$e stated statst"a!!' that there s
enou#h &ood &or e$er'one and that star$aton s not "aused (' a !a"7 o&
resour"es+ 8htt%<MM,,,+,&%+or#Mhun#erM"auses; In "om(naton ,th
e&&"en"' m%ro$ements ,h"h ,!! (e noted more so n Aart III* the %oss(!'
&or a(so!ute #!o(a! &ood a(undan"e o& the h#hest nutrent )ua!t' s a!so
%oss(!' toda'+
H6 Ths "omment s not meant to demean an' ,e!!.meann# so"a! nsttuton
,or7n# to he!% ,thn the (ounds o& the "urrent so"oe"onom" method+
Ho,e$er* as ,!! (e des"r(ed more so n Aart II* the "urrent so"a! mode!
nherent!' restr"ts a $ast amount o& %oss(!e %ros%ert'M%ro(!em so!$n#
due to ts $er' des#n and hen"e a"t$st and so"a! nsttutons ,h"h a$od
ths rea!t' and "an on!' (e ,or7n# to he!% K%at"h %ro(!ems* not &- them*
sn"e the' or#nate &rom the so"a! s'stem tse!&+ A "ommon e-am%!e s
"hart' or#an1atons that ,sh to %ro$de &ood to the %oor+ These
or#an1atons are not usua!!' addressn# why those %eo%!e are %oor to (e#n
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
We ,ant to %romote the !ar#est order* h#hest e&&"en"' set o&
so!utons a$a!a(!e at a #$en tme* a!#ned ,th natura! %ro"esses* to
m%ro$e the !$es o& a!!* ,h!e se"urn# the nte#rt' o& our ha(tat+ We
,ant e$er'one to understand ths Ktran o& thou#ht "!ear!' and
de$e!o% a value dent&"aton ,th t+ In the end* there s no sn#!e
so!uton J on!' the near em%r"a! natura! !a, reasonn# that arr$es at
so!utons and %ur%ose+
,th and hen"e are not tru!' ,or7n# to reso!$e the root %ro(!em8s;+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
-(O!$C /s0 PS1C-O(O!1-
We do not a"t r#ht!' (e"ause ,e ha$e $rtue or e-"e!!en"e* (ut ,e
rather ha$e those (e"ause ,e ha$e a"ted r#ht!'+
A %o,er&u! 'et o&ten o$er!oo7ed "onse)uen"e o& our en$ronmenta!
$u!nera(!t' to ada%t to the e-stn# "u!ture s that our $er' dentt'
and %ersona!t' s o&ten !n7ed to the nsttutons* %ra"t"es* trends and
hen"e $a!ues ,e are (orn nto and e-st n+ Ths %s'"ho!o#"a!
ada%taton and ne$ta(!e &am!art' "reates a comfort %one ,h"h*
o$er tme* "an (e %an&u! to dsru%t* re#ard!ess o& ho, ,e!! reasoned
the data standn# to the "ontrar' o& ,hat ,e (e!e$e ma' (e+
In &a"t* the $ast ma0ort' o& o(0e"tons "urrent!' &ound a#anst
The Zet#est Mo$ement* s%e"&"a!!' %onts made ,th res%e"t to
so!utons and hen"e "han#e* a%%ear to (e dr$en (' narro, &rames o&
re&eren"e and emotona! (as more than nte!!e"tua! assessment+
/ommon rea"tons o& ths 7nd are o&ten sn#u!ar %ro%ostons that*
rather than "rt"a!!' addressn# the a"tua! %remses art"u!ated (' an
ar#ument* ser$e to dsmss them outr#ht $a ha%ha1ard asso"atons+
The most "ommon "!ass&"aton o& su"h ar#uments are K%ro0e"tons
and t (e"omes "!ear $er' o&ten that su"h o%%onents are a"tua!!' more
"on"erned ,th defending their psychological identity rather than
o(0e"t$e!' "onsdern# a ne, %ers%e"t$e+
2ind (oc#
In a "!ass" ,or7 (' authors /ohen and Na#e! tt!ed KAn Introdu"ton to
Lo#" and The S"ent&" Method* ths %ont s ,e!! made ,th res%e"t
to the %ro"ess o& !o#"a! e$a!uaton and ts nde%enden"e &rom human
KThe ,e#ht o& e$den"e s not tse!& a tem%ora! e$ent* (ut a
re!aton o& m%!"aton (et,een "ertan "!asses or t'%es o&
%ro%ostons+++O& "ourse* thou#ht s ne"essar' to a%%rehend su"h
HH Sour"e< The Story of Philosophy3 The +ives and <pinions of the 7orld0s
?reatest Philosophers* W!! Durant* 2E4I
HI S#mund Freud ,as &rst to ma7e &amous the dea o& As'"ho!o#"a!
Aro0e"ton* de&ned as ?a %s'"ho!o#"a! de&ense me"hansm ,here a %erson
su("ons"ous!' denes hs or her o,n attr(utes* thou#hts* and emotons*
,h"h are then as"r(ed to the outsde ,or!d* usua!!' to other %eo%!e+?
Ho,e$er* the use o& the term s more #enera! n ths "onte-t* re&!e"tn# the
sm%!e noton o& assumn# to understand an dea (ased on a &a!se or
su%er&"a! re!atonsh% to %ror understandn#s . usua!!' n a de&ens$e
%osture &or dsmssa! o& $a!dt'+
HF The term K"o#nt$e %atho!o#' s a su##ested des"r%tor o& ths
%henomenon+ A "ommon "hara"terst" s ?"r"u!ar reasonn#? ,here a (e!e&
s 0ust&ed (' mere!'"n# the (e!e& tse!&+ For e-am%!e* to as7 a
Thest ,h' the' (e!e$e n God* a "ommon ans,er m#ht (e KFath+ To as7
,h' the' ha$e KFath o&ten resu!ts n a res%onse !7e K(e"ause God re,ards
those ,ho ha$e Fath+ The "ausa!t' orentaton s trun"ated and se!&.
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
m%!"atons+++ho,e$er XthatY does not ma7e %h's"s a (ran"h o&
%s'"ho!o#'+ The rea!1aton that !o#" "annot (e restr"ted to
%s'"ho!o#"a! %henomenon ,!! he!% us to ds"rmnate (et,een our
s"en"e and rhetor" . "on"e$n# the !atter as the art o& %ersuason or
o& ar#un# so as to %rodu"e the &ee!n# o& "ertant'+ Our emotona!
ds%ostons ma7e t $er' d&&"u!t &or us to a""e%t "ertan %ro%ostons*
no matter ho, stron# the e$den"e n ther &a$or+ And sn"e a!! %roo&
de%ends u%on the a""e%tan"e o& "ertan %ro%ostons as true* no
%ro%oston "an (e %ro$ed to (e true to one ,ho s su&&"ent!'
determned not to (e!e$e t+
The term Kmnd !o"7 has (een "oned (' some %h!oso%hers
,th res%e"t to ths %henomenon* de&ned as ?the "ondton ,here
one?s %ers%e"t$e (e"omes se!&.re&errn#* n a "!osed !oo% o&
reasonn#?+ Seemn#!' em%r"a! %resu%%ostons &rame and se"ure
one?s ,or!d$e, and an'thn# "ontrad"tor' "omn# &rom the outsde
"an (e (!o"7ed or re0e"ted* o&ten e$en su("ons"ous!'+ Ths rea"ton
"ou!d (e !7ened to the "ommon %h's"a! re&!e- to %rote"t onese!& &rom
a &ore#n o(0e"t mo$n# to,ards 'our %erson J on!' n ths
"r"umstan"e the Kre&!e- s to de&end one?s beliefs* not (od'+
Wh!e su"h %hrases as Kthn7n# outsde the (o- m#ht (e
"ommon rhetor" toda' n the a"t$st "ommunt'* se!dom are the
&oundatons o& our way of thin#ing and the nte#rt' o& our most
established institutions "ha!!en#ed+ The' are* more o&ten than not*
"onsdered to (e K#$ens and assumed na!tera(!e+
For e-am%!e* n the so."a!!ed demo"ra"es o& the ,or!d* a
K%resdent* or the e)u$a!ent* s a "ommon %ont o& &o"us ,th res%e"t
to the )ua!t' o& a "ountr'?s #o$ernan"e+ A !ar#e amount o& attenton s
s%ent to,ard su"h a &#ure* hs %ers%e"t$es and a"tons+ :et* se!dom
does one ste% (a"7 and as7< KWh' do ,e ha$e a %resdent to (e#n
,thR KHo, s hsMher %o,er as an nsttutona! &#ure 0ust&ed as an
o%tm1ed manner o& so"a! #o$ernan"eR KIs t not a "ontrad"ton o&
terms to "!am a demo"rat" so"et' ,hen the %u(!" has $rtua!!' no
real sa' ,th res%e"t to the a"tons o& the %resdent on"e he or she s
Su"h )uestons are se!dom "onsdered as %eo%!e tend* a#an*
to ada%t to ther "u!ture ,thout o(0e"ton* assumn# t s K0ust the ,a'
t s+ Su"h stat" orentatons are a!most un$ersa!!' a resu!t o& cultural
tradition and* as /ohen and Na#e! %ont out* t s $er' d&&"u!t to
"ommun"ate a ne,* "ha!!en#n# dea to those ,ho are @sufficiently
determined not to believe it8*
Su"h tradtona! %resu%%ostons* he!d as em%r"a!* are !7e!' a
root sour"e o& %ersona! and so"a! retardaton n the ,or!d toda'+ Ths
%henomenon* "ou%!ed ,th an edu"atona! s'stem that "onstant!'
ren&or"es su"h esta(!shed notons throu#h ts nsttutons o&
Ka"adema* &urther sea!s ths "u!tura! nh(ton and "om%ounds the
HG +ogic and The Scientific Method* /ohen and Na#e!* Har"ourt* 2ED6* %+2E
HE Re&eren"e< The ancer Stage of apitalism* 3ohn M"Murtr'* A!uto Aress*
2EEE* /ha%ter 2
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
hndran"e to re!e$ant "han#e+
Wh!e the s"o%e o& ths tenden"' s ,de ,th res%e"t to
de(ate* there are t,o "ommon argumentative fallacies ,orth notn#
here as the' "onstant!' "ome u% ,th res%e"t to the application$set
and train of thought %romoted (' TZM+ Aut n "o!or&u! terms* these
ta"t"s "om%rse ,hat "ou!d (e "a!!ed a K$a!ue ,ar
,h"h s ,a#ed*
"ons"ous!' or not* (' those ,ho ha$e $ested emotona!Mmatera!
nterest n 7ee%n# thn#s the same* o%%osn# "han#e+
The 3Prima Facie4 Fallac+
The &rst s the K%rma &a"e asso"aton+ Ths sm%!' means Ku%on &rst
a%%earan"eU K(e&ore n$est#aton+
Ths s (' &ar the most "ommon
t'%e o& o(0e"ton+ A "!ass"a! "ase stud' s the "ommon "!am that the
o(ser$atons and so!utons %resented (' TZM are sm%!' rehashed
KMar-st "ommunsm*
Let?s (re&!' e-%!ore ths as an e-am%!e+ Re&eren"n# KThe
/ommunst Man&esto
Mar- and En#e!s %resent $arous o(ser$atons
,th res%e"t to the e$o!uton o& so"et'* s%e"&"a!!' K"!ass ,ar*
nherent stru"tura! re!atonsh%s re#ardn# K"a%ta!* a!on# ,th a
#enera! !o#" as to ho, the so"a! order ,!! transton throu#h
Kre$o!uton to a state!ess* "!ass!ess s'stem* n %art* ,h!e a!so notn#
a seres o& dre"t so"a! "han#es* su"h as the K"entra!1aton o& the
means o& "ommun"aton and trans%ort n the hands o& the state*
Ke)ua! !a(!t' o& a!! to !a(or+ and other s%e"&"s+ Mar- "reates %!a'ers
n the s"hema he su##ests !7e the on#on# (att!e (et,een the
K(our#eose and %ro!etarans* e-%ressn# "ontem%t &or the nherent
e-%!otaton* ,h"h he sa's s essenta!!' rooted n the dea o& K%r$ate
%ro%ert'+ In the end* the a""umu!ated #oa! n #enera! s n see7n# a
Kstate!ess and "!ass!ess so"et'+
On the sur&a"e* re&ormatons %ro%osed n TZM?s %romoted
so!utons m#ht appear to mrror attr(utes o& KMar-sm & one ,as to
"om%!ete!' #nore the under!'n# reasonn#+ The dea o& a so"et'
K,thout "!asses* K,thout un$ersa! %ro%ert'* and the "om%!ete
I5 /rt"sm here o& Ka"adema s not to (e "on&used ,th ts standard
de&nton* meann# a ?"ommunt' o& students and s"ho!ars en#a#ed n
h#her edu"aton and resear"h+? The "onte-t here s the nh(tn# nature o&
Ks"hoo!s o& thou#ht ,h"h a!! too o&ten e$o!$e to "reate an e#o unto tse!&
,here "on&!"tn# data s #nored or ha%ha1ard!' dsmssed+ A!so* there s a
rs7 "ommon to ths mode o& thou#ht ,here Ktheor' and Ktradton ta7e
%romnen"e o$er Ke-%eren"e and Ke-%erment $er' o&ten* %er%etuatn#
&a!se "on"!usons+
I2 Re&eren"e< Value 7ars3 The ?lobal Mar#et Versus the +ife Economy3 Moral
Philosophy and >umanity, 3ohn M"Murtr'* A!uto Aress* 4554
I4 Sour"e< D"tonar'+"om
ID Wrtten (' Car! Mar- and Fredr"h En#e!s n 2G6G ths te-t s ,de!'
"onsdered the de&nt$e deo!o#"a! e-%resson o& Mar-st "ommunsm+
K/ommunsm s sad to (e the %ra"t"a! m%!ementaton o& KMar-sm+ Ve,
On!ne< 8htt%<MM,,,+mar-sts+or#Mar"h$eMmar-M,or7sM2G6GM"ommunst.
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
rede&nton o& ,hat "om%rses the Kstate m#ht* on the sur&a"e* sho,
"on&!uen"e (' the mere #estures themse!$es* es%e"a!!' sn"e ,estern
a"adema "ommon!' %romotes a Kdua!t' (et,een K"ommunsm and
K"a%ta!sm ,th the a&orementoned "hara"ter %onts noted as the
"ore d&&eren"es+ Ho,e$er* the a"tua! train of thought to su%%ort these
seemingly sm!ar "on"!usons s )ute d&&erent+
TZM?s ad$o"ated (en"hmar7 &or de"son.ma7n# s not a Moral
,h"h* ,hen e-amned at ts root* s essenta!!' ,hat
Mar-st %h!oso%h' ,as a man&estaton o&+ TZM s not nterested n the
%oet"* su(0e"t$e and ar(trar' notons o& Ka &ar so"et'* #uaranteed
&reedom* K,or!d %ea"e* or Kma7n# a (etter ,or!d sm%!' (e"ause t
sounds Kr#ht* Khumane or K#ood+ Wthout a technical framewor#
that has a dre"t %h's"a! re&erent to su"h terms* su"h mora! re!at$sm
ser$es !tt!e to no !on#.term %ur%ose+
Rather* TZM s nterested n scientific application* as a%%!ed to
societal sustainability* (oth physical and cultural+
As ,!! (e
e-%ressed n #reater deta! n &urther essa's* the method o& s"en"e s
not restr"ted n ts a%%!"aton ,thn the K%h's"a! ,or!d
and hen"e
the so"a! s'stem* n&rastru"ture* edu"atona! re!e$an"e and e$en
understandn# human (eha$or tse!&* a!! e-st ,thn the "on&nes o&
s"ent&" "ausa!t'+ In turn* there s a natura! &eed(a"7 s'stem (u!t
nto %h's"a! rea!t' ,h"h ,!! e-%ress tse!& $er' "!ear!' n the "onte-t
o& ,hat K,or7s and ,hat doesn?t o$er tme*
#udn# our "ons"ous
I6 De&ned as ?the (ran"h o& %h!oso%h' dea!n# ,th (oth ar#ument a(out the
"ontent o& mora!t' and meta.eth"a! ds"usson o& the nature o& mora!
0ud#ment* !an#ua#e* ar#ument* and $a!ue+?
IH The ar#ument that s"en"e s not a %h!oso%h' s "ertan!' o%en to semant"s
and nter%retaton (ut the %ont (en# made here s that notons o& Kr#ht
and ,ron# and other Keth"a! dstn"tons "ommon to %h!oso%h' ta7e on a
$er' d&&erent !#ht n the s"ent&" "onte-t as t has more to do ,th ut!t'
and (a!an"e than mere "on"e%ts o& Kmora!t' as t s "!ass"a!!' de&ned+ In
the $e, o& S"en"e* human (eha$or s (est a!#ned ,th the nherent
"ausa!t' ds"o$ered n the natura! ,or!d* $a!dated (' testn#* (u!dn#
n&eren"e and !o#"a! asso"atons to 0ust&' human a"tons as Ka%%ro%rate
to a #$en %ur%ose+ A#an* ths s a!,a's am(#uous on some !e$e! and !7e!'
the most a""urate "onte-t o& %h!oso%h' as re!ated to s"en"e s as a
%re"ursor to $a!daton durn# n$est#aton and e-%ermentaton+
II The term K%h's"a! ,or!d s o&ten used to d&&erentate (et,een the
Kmenta! %ro"esses o& the human mnd or so"o!o#"a! t'%e %henomena* and
the %h's"a! en$ronment that e-sts outsde o& the "o#nt$e %ro"esses o&
human %er"e%ton+ In rea!t' there s nothn# outsde the K%h's"a! ,or!d as
,e 7no, t* as there s to (e &ound no "on"rete e-am%!e ,here "ausa!
re!atonsh%s are sm%!' $oded+
IF Feed(a"7 &rom the En$ronment "ou!d (e sad to (e the K"orre"ton
me"hansm o& nature as t re!ates to human de"sons+ A sm%!e e-am%!e
,ou!d (e the ndustra! %rodu"ton o& "hem"a!s that %rodu"e ne#at$e
retroa"tons ,hen re!eased nto the en$ronment* sho,n# n"om%at(!t'
,th en$ronmenta! needs &or !& . su"h as ,as the "ase ,th /F/s
and ther e&&e"t on O1one De%!eton+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Mar-sm s not (ased on ths K"a!"u!ated ,or!d$e, at a!!*
e$en thou#h there m#ht (e some s"ent&"a!!' (ased "hara"terst"s
nherent+ For e-am%!e* the Mar-st noton o& a K"!ass!ess so"et' ,as
to o$er"ome the "a%ta!st or#natn# Knhumant' m%osed on the
,or7n# "!ass or K%ro!etarat+
TZM?s ad$o"ated tran o& thou#ht* on the other hand* sour"es
ad$an"ements n human studes+ It &nds* &or e-am%!e* that social
stratification* ,h"h s nherent to the "a%ta!stMmar7et mode!* to
a"tua!!' (e a &orm o& indirect violence a#anst the $ast ma0ort' as a
resu!t o& the e$o!utonar' %s'"ho!o#' ,e humans natura!!' %osses+
#enerates an unne"essar' &orm o& human su&&ern# on man' !e$e!s*
,h"h s destabili%ing and* (' m%!"aton* technically unsustainable+
Another e-am%!e s TZM?s nterest n remo$n# universal
and settn# u% a s'stem o& Kshared a""ess+ Ths s o&ten
)u"7!' "ondemned to the Mar-st dea o& Ka(o!shn# %r$ate %ro%ert'+
Ho,e$er* #enera!!' s%ea7n#* the Mar-st !o#" re!ates the e-sten"e o&
%r$ate %ro%ert' to the %er%etuaton o& the K(our#eos and ther
on#on# e-%!otaton o& the K%ro!etarat+ He states n the Man&esto<
KThe dstn#ushn# &eature o& /ommunsm s not the a(o!ton o&
%ro%ert' #enera!!'* (ut the a(o!ton o& (our#eos %ro%ert'+
TZM?s ad$o"ated !o#"* on the other hand* re!ates the &a"t that
the %ra"t"e o& un$ersa!* nd$dua! o,nersh% o& #oods s
environmentally inefficient, wasteful and ultimately unsustainable as a
%ra"t"e+ Ths su%%orts a restr"t$e s'stem (eha$or and a #reat dea!
o& unne"essar' de%r$aton* and hen"e "rme s "ommon n so"etes
,th an une)ua! dstr(uton o& resour"es+
At an' rate* su"h K%rma &a"e a!!e#atons are $er' "ommon
and man' more "ou!d (e e-%ressed+ Ho,e$er* t s not the s"o%e o&
ths se"ton to ds"uss a!! a!!e#ed "onne"tons (et,een Mar-sm and
TZM?s ad$o"ated train of thought* In the end* the de(ate s essenta!!'
pointless as to ar#ue su"h a "orre!aton s to sm%!' #nore the true
purpose and merit o& the so"eta! "on"e%ton tse!&+
The 3Straw-2an4 Fallac+
The se"ond ar#umentat$e &a!!a"' has to do ,th the misrepresentation
of a position* de!(erate or %ro0e"ted* "ommon!' re&erred to as a
When t "omes to TZM* ths usua!!' has to do ,th
IG Re&eren"e< The Spirit +evel* Cate A"7ett @ R"hard W!7nson* 9!ooms(ur'
Aress* 4522
IE Ths "on"e%t ,!! (e e-%!ored more n %art III (ut t s ,orth notn# that the
t'%e o& Ka""ess ena(!ed (' the su##ested so"a! s'stem 8NLR9E; does not
ru!e out !e#a! re!atonsh%s to se"ure the use o& #oods+ The dea o& redu"n#
the "urrent %ro%ert' s'stem to one o& ?%rote"ted a""ess? ,here* &or
e-am%!e* a "amera o(taned &rom a dstr(uton "enter s #$en !e#a! status
u%on t renta! to that %erson* s not to (e "on&used ,th the "a%ta!st noton
o& %ro%ert'* ,h"h s a un$ersa! dstn"ton and a #reat sour"e o& ndustra!
ne&&"en"' and m(a!an"e+
F5 L7e!' the (est des"r%ton o& ths s to ma#ne a &#ht n ,h"h one o& the
o%%onents sets u% a man made o& stra,* atta"7s t* then %ro"!ams $"tor'+
A!! the ,h!e* the rea! o%%onent stands (' untou"hed+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
m%osed nter%retatons that are ,thout !e#tmate e$den"e to (e
"onsdered re!e$ant to a %ont n )ueston+
For e-am%!e* ,hen ds"ussn# the or#an1aton o& a ne, so"a!
s'stem* %eo%!e o&ten %ro0e"t ther "urrent $a!ues and "on"erns nto the
ne, mode! ,thout "onsdern# the $ast "han#e o& "onte-t nherent
,h"h ,ou!d !7e!' nu!!&' su"h "on"erns mmedate!'+ A "ommon
stra,.man %ro0e"ton n ths "onte-t ,ou!d (e that n a so"et' ,here
matera! %rodu"ton ,ere (ased u%on te"hno!o#"a! a%%!"aton dre"t!'
and not an e-"han#e s'stem re)urn# %ad human !a(or* %eo%!e ,ou!d
ha$e no incentive to do an'thn# and there&ore the mode! ,ou!d &a! as
nothn# ,ou!d #et done+
Ths 7nd o& ar#ument s ,thout testa(!e $a!dt' ,th res%e"t
to the human s"en"es and s rea!!' an intuitive assumption or#natn#
&rom the "urrent "u!tura! "!mate ,here the e"onom" s'stem "oer"es
a!! humans nto !a(or ro!es &or sur$$a! 8n"omeM%ro&t;+ Ths o&ten
o""urs re#ard!ess o& one?s %ersona! nterest or so"a! ut!t'* o&ten
#eneratn# a %s'"ho!o#"a! dstorton ,th res%e"t to mot$aton+
In the ,ords o& Mar#aret Mead< I& 'ou !oo7 "!ose!' 'ou ,!!
see that a!most an'thn# that rea!!' matters to us* an'thn# that
em(odes our dee%est "ommtment to the ,a' human !&e shou!d (e
!$ed and "ared &or* de%ends on some &orm o& $o!unteersm+
In a
2EE4 Ga!!u% Ao!!* more than H5> o& Amer"an adu!ts 8E6 m!!on
Amer"ans; $o!unteered tme &or so"a! "auses* at an a$era#e o& 6+4
hours a ,ee7* &or a tota! o& 45+H (!!on hours a 'ear+
It has a!so (een &ound n studes that re%ett$e* mundane 0o(s
!end themse!$es more to tradtona! re,ards su"h as mone'* ,hereas
mone' doesn?t seem to mot$ate nno$aton and "reat$t'+
In !ater
essa's* the dea o& mechani%ation.automation a%%!ed to mundane
!a(or to &ree the human (en# ,!! (e ds"ussed* e-%ressn# ho, the
!a(or.&or.n"ome s'stem s outdated and restr"t$e o& not on!'
ndustra! %otenta! and e&&"en"'* (ut a!so human %otenta! and
"reat$t' o$era!!+
Another "ommon* "onte-tua! e-am%!e o& a Kstra,.man s the
"!am that & the transton to a ne, so"a! s'stem ,as a"ted u%on* the
%ro%ert' o& others must (e forcefully confiscated (' a Kru!n# %o,er
and $o!en"e ,ou!d (e the resu!t+ Ths* on"e a#an* s a $a!ue
%ro0e"tonM&ear* m%osed u%on TZM?s ad$o"ated !o#" ,thout
TZM sees the matera!1aton o& a ne, so"oe"onom" mode!
ha%%enn# ,th the needed consensus o& the %o%u!aton+ Its $er'
understandn#* a!on# ,th the K("a! %ressures o""urrn# as the
"urrent s'stem ,orsens* s the (ass o& n&!uen"e+ The !o#" does not
su%%ort a Kd"tatora! ds%oston (e"ause that a%%roa"h* a%art &rom
F2 Sour"e< @>ave you noticed***8, Vital Speeches of the =ay* Ro(ert Cr7oran*
2EGH* %+D52
F4 Sour"e< ?iving and Volunteering in the 9nited States3 (indings from a
"ational Survey* Hod#7nson @ Wet1man* 2EE4* %+4
FD Re&eren"e< =rive3 The Surprising Truth 4bout 7hat Motivates 9s* Dane!
An7* R$erhead* 4522
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
(en# nhumane* ,ou!dn?t ,or7+
In order &or su"h a s'stem to ,or7* t needs to (e a""e%ted
,thout a"t$e state "oer"on+ There&ore* t s an ssue o& n$est#aton*
edu"aton* and (road %ersona! a""e%tan"e n the "ommunt'+ In &a"t*
the $er' s%e"&"s o& so"a! ntera"ton and !&est'!e a"tua!!' demand a
$ast ma0ort' a""e%tan"e o& the s'stem?s me"han"s and $a!ues+
Sm!ar!'* and &na! e-am%!e here o& the Kstra,.man* s the
"on&uson a(out ho, a transition to a ne, s'stem "ou!d ha%%en at a!!+
In &a"t* man' tend to dsmss TZM?s %ro%osa!s on that (ass a!one*
sm%!' (e"ause the' don?t understand ho, t "an ha%%en+ Ths
ar#ument* n %rn"%!e* s the same reasonn# as the e-am%!e o& a s"7
man ,ho s see7n# treatment &or hs !!ness (ut does not 7no, ,here
he "an #et su"h treatment* ,hen t ,ou!d (e a$a!a(!e* or ,hat the
treatment s+ Does hs !a"7 o& 7no,n# ho, and ,hen sto% hs need to
see7R No . not & he ,ants to (e hea!th'+ G$en the dre state o& a&&ars
on ths %!anet* humant' must a!so 7ee% see7n# and a %ath ,!!
ne$ta(!' "ome "!ear+
In the end* t s ,orth reteratn# that the (att!e (et,een logic
and psychology s rea!!' a "entra! "on&!"t n the arena o& so"eta!
"han#e+ There s no "onte-t more %ersona! and senst$e than the ,a'
,e or#an1e our !$es n so"et' and an m%ortant o(0e"t$e o& TZM* n
man' ,a's* s to &nd te"hn)ues that "an edu"ate the %u(!" as to the
mert o& ths !o#"a! train of thought* o$er"omn# the (a##a#e o&
outdated %s'"ho!o#"a! "om&orts ,h"h ser$e no %ro#ress$e* $a(!e
$a!ue ro!e n the modern ,or!d+
F6 More on the su(0e"t o& transition n %art IV+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
-T-E CASE FOR -&2A" &"$T1-
M' "ountr' s the ,or!d* and m' re!#on s to do #ood+
.Thomas Aane
A "rt"a! "on"!uson %resent n the !o#" that de&nes TZM?s ntenton s
that human so"et' needs to un&' ts e"onom" o%eratons and ,or7 to
align with the natural dynamics of the physical world as a single
species sharing one habitat & ,e ntend to reso!$e e-stn# %ro(!ems*
n"rease sa&et'* n"rease e&&"en"' and &urther %ros%ert'+ The ,or!d
e"onom" d$sons ,e see toda' are not on!' a "!ear sour"e o& "on&!"t*
desta(!1aton and e-%!otaton* the $er' manner o& "ondu"t and
ntera"ton tse!& s a!so #ross!' ne&&"ent n a %ure e"onom" sense*
se$ere!' !mtn# our so"eta! %otenta!+

Wh!e the naton.state* "om%etton.(ased stru"ture s eas' to
0ust&' as a natura! out#ro,th o& our "u!tura! e$o!uton #$en the
resour"e s"ar"t' nherent hstor"a!!' and the !on# hstor' o& ,ar&are
n #enera!* t s a!so natura! to "onsder that human so"et' "ou!d $er'
,e!! &nd %ur%ose n mo$n# a,a' &rom these modes o& o%eraton & ,e
,ere to rea!1e that t s tru!' to our ad$anta#e as a ,ho!e #rou%+
As ,!! (e ar#ued here* the detrments and ne&&"en"es o& the
"urrent mode!* ,hen "om%ared to the (ene&ts and so!utons %oss(!e*
are sm%!' unacceptable* The e&&"en"' and a(undan"e %oss(!tes*
e-tra%o!ated ,thn TZM?s ntenton to nsta!! a ne, so"oe"onom"
s'stem* rest* n %art* on a "on"erted e&&ort (' the human %o%u!aton to
wor# together and share resources intelligently* not restr"t and &#ht
as ,e do toda'+
Moreo$er* the so"a! %ressures and rs7s no, emer#n# toda'
around te"hno!o#"a! ,ar&are* %o!!uton* en$ronmenta! desta(!1aton
and other %ro(!ems not on!' e-%ress a dee%!' needed #ra$taton &or
true #!o(a! or#an1aton* the' sho, a ratona! ne"esst'+ The
-eno%ho(" and ma&a.!7e menta!t' nd#enous to the naton.state
toda'* o&ten n the &orm o& K%atrotsm* s a sour"e o& se$ere
desta(!1aton and nhumant' n #enera!* not to menton* a#an* a
su(stanta! !oss o& te"hn"a! e&&"en"'+
False Di/isions
As noted n %ror essa's* the "ore (ass o& our sur$$a! and )ua!t' o&
!&e as nd$dua!s and as a s%e"es on the Earth re$o!$es around our
FH Sour"e< 'ights of Man* Thomas Aane* 2FE2* %+2I4
FI One e-am%!e o& ths ,ou!d (e the %atrot" e"onom" (as that o&ten
n&!uen"es the a"tons o& re#ona! ndustr'+ In %h's"a! rea!t'* there s
te"hn"a!!' on!' one e"onom' ,hen ,or7n# ,th the %!anet earth?s
resour"es and natura! !a,s+ The dea o& KMade n Amer"a* &or nstan"e*
#enerates an mmedate te"hn"a! ne&&"en"'* &or %ro%er #oods %rodu"ton
s a #!o(a! a&&ar on a!! !e$e!s* n"!udn# the usu&ru"t o& ,or!d 7no,!ed#e+ To
ntentona!!' restr"t !a(or and matera!s useMa")uston to on!' ,thn the
(orders o& a #$en "ountr' s e"onom"a!!' "ounter%rodu"t$e n the truest
sense o& the ,ord Ke"onom'+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
understandn# o& natural law and ho, t re!ates to our method o&
e"onom'* Ths %remse s a sm%!e re&erenta! understandn# ,here the
%h's"a! !a,s o& nature are "onsdered n the "onte-t o& e"onom"
e&&"en"'* (oth on the human and ha(tat !e$e!s+ It s on!' !o#"a! that
an' s%e"es %resent n and re!ant on the ha(tat n ,h"h t e-sts
shou!d "on&orm a!! "ondu"t to align ,th the natura! orders nherent to
that ha(tat* as (est the' "an (e understood at the tme+ An' other
orentaton s sm%!' rratona! and "an on!' !ead to %ro(!ems+
Understandn# that Earth s a s'm(ot"Ms'ner#st" Ks'stem
,th resour"es e-stn# n a!! areas* "ou%!ed ,th the %ro$a(!'
nherent* under!'n# "ausa! s"ent&" order that e-sts* n man' ,a's*
as a !o#"a! K#ude &or the human s%e"es to a!#n ,th &or the #reatest
so"eta! e&&"a"'* ,e &nd that our !ar#er "onte-t as a global society
trans"ends a!! notons o& tradtona!M"u!tura! d$son* n"!udn# ha$n#
no loyalty to a "ountr'* "or%oraton or e$en K%o!t"a! tradton+
I& an Ke"onom' s a(out increasing efficiency in meeting the
needs of the human population while wor#ing to further sustainability
and prosperity* then our e"onom" o%eratons must ta7e ths nto
a""ount and a!#n ,th the !ar#est re!e$ant Ks'stem that ,e "an
understand+ So a#an* &rom ths %ers%e"t$e* the naton.state enttes
are "!ear!' &a!se* ar(trar' d$sons %er%etuated (' "u!tura! tradton*
not !o#"a!* te"hn"a! e&&"en"'+
The (road or#an1aton o& so"et' toda' s (ased on mu!t.!e$e! human
"om%etton+ Naton.states "om%ete a#anst ea"h other &or
e"onom"M%h's"a! resour"esU "or%orate mar7et enttes "om%ete &or
%ro&tMmar7et.shareU and a$era#e ,or7ers "om%ete &or ,a#e %ro$dn#
o""u%atonsMn"ome and hen"e %ersona! sur$$a! tse!&+
Wthn ths "om%ett$e eth" s a (as" %s'"ho!o#"a! %ro%enst'
to dsre#ard the ,e!!(en# o& others and the ha(tat+ The $er' nature
o& "om%etton s a(out ha$n# advantage o$er others &or %ersona! #an
and hen"e* need!ess to sa'* d$son and e-%!otaton are "ommon
attr(utes o& the "urrent so"a! order+ Interestn#!'* $rtua!!' a!! so.
"a!!ed K"orru%ton ,h"h ,e ma' de&ne as K"rme n the ,or!d toda'
s (ased u%on the $er' same menta!t' assumed to #ude K%ro#ress n
the ,or!d throu#h the "om%ett$e nterest+
It s no ,onder* n &a"t* #$en ths &rame,or7* that $arous
other detrmenta!* su%er&"a! so"a! d$sons are st!! %er$as$e su"h as
ra"e* re!#on* "reed* "!ass or -eno%ho(" (as+ Ths d$s$e (a##a#e
&rom ear!'* &ear.orented sta#es o& our "u!tura! e$o!uton sm%!' has no
,or7n# (ass n the %h's"a! rea!t' and ser$es no, on!' to hnder
%ro#ress* sa&et' and sustana(!t'+
Toda'* as ,!! (e des"r(ed n !ater essa's* the %oss(!e
e&&"en"' and a(undan"e.%rodu"n# methods that "ou!d remo$e most
a!! human de%r$aton* n"rease the a$era#e standard o& !$n#
enormous!' and %er&e"t %u(!" hea!th and e"o!o#"a! sustana(!t'
#reat!' J #o unembraced due to the o!der so"a! tradtons n %!a"e*
n"!udn# the naton.state dea+ The &a"t s* there s te"hn"a!!' on!'
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
one ra"e . the human ra"eU
there s on!' one (as" ha(tat . EarthU
and there s on!' one ,or7n# manner o& o%eratona! thou#ht J
Origins and $nfluence
Let?s )u"7!' "onsder the root or#ns o& the "om%ett$eMd$s$e
mode!+ Wthout #on# nto too mu"h deta!* t s "!ear that the e$o!uton
o& so"et' has n"!uded a $ast hstor' o& "on&!"t* s"ar"t' and
m(a!an"e+ Wh!e there s de(ate as to the nature o& so"et' durn# the
%erod o& tme %re"edn# the Neo!th" Re$o!uton*
the Earth sn"e that
tme has (een a (att!e&e!d ,here "ount!ess !$es ha$e (een ta7en &or
the sa7e o& "om%etton* ,hether matera! or deo!o#"a!+

Ths re"o#n1ed %attern s so %er$as$e n &a"t that man' toda'
attr(ute the %ro%enst' &or "on&!"t and domnaton to an
rre"on"!a(!e* m%u!s$e "hara"terst" o& our human nature ,th the
"on"!uson that the human (en# s sm%!' una(!e to o%erate n a so"a!
s'stem that s not (ased u%on ths "om%ett$e &rame,or7 and an'
su"h attem%t ,!! "reate $u!nera(!t' that ,!! (e e-%!oted (' %o,er
a(use* e-%ressn# ths a%%arent "om%ett$eMdomnan"e trat+
Wh!e the su(0e"t o& human nature tse!& s not the dre"t &o"us
o& ths essa'*
!et t (e stated that the Kem%r"a! %o,er a(use
assum%ton has (een a !ar#e %art o& the de&ense o& the
"om%ett$eMd$s$e mode!* usn# a #enera! (road $e, o& hstor' as ts
(ass &or $a!dt'+ Ho,e$er* the s%e"&"s o& the conditions n those
%erods* "ou%!ed ,th the 7no,n &!e-(!t' o& the human (en# are
o&ten dsre#arded or #nored n these assessments+

FF In the &e!d o& human #enet"s* KMto"hondra! E$e re&ers to the
matr!nea!!' most re"ent "ommon an"estor 8MR/A; o& modern humans+ In
other ,ords* she ,as the most re"ent ,oman &rom ,hom a!! !$n# humans
toda' des"end* on ther mother?s sde+ We are one &am!'+ A!so* a!!
"hara"terst"s o& ra"e d&&eren"e 8&a"a! &eaturesMs7n "o!or; ha$e (een &ound
to (e !n7ed to the en$ronmenta! "ondtons ,here su"h su(.#rou%s o&
humans !$edMe$o!$ed+ Hen"e t s a &a!se dstn"ton as a means &or
su%er&"a! ds"rmnaton+
FG Sometmes a!so "a!!ed the A#r"u!tura! Re$o!uton* t ,as the ,or!d?s &rst
hstor"a!!' $er&a(!e re$o!uton n a#r"u!ture+ It ,as the ,de.s"a!e
transton o& man' human "u!tures &rom a !&est'!e o& huntn# and #athern#
to one o& a#r"u!ture and sett!ement that su%%orted an n"reasn#!' !ar#e
%o%u!aton and the (ass &or modern so"a! %atterns toda'+
FE In the 45
"entur' a!one* statst"ans %ut the human death to!! &rom ,ar
(et,een 2G5 to 445 m!!on* ,th some "ha!!en#n# those num(ers ('
"!amn# e$den"e %uts the to!! D tmes h#her n man' re#ona! "ases<
G5 A "!ass" te-t that em%!o'ed ths (as" &ear ,as Ha'e7?s The 'oad to
Serfdom+ KHuman Nature had a $er' "!ear m%!"aton* 0ust&ed
&undamenta!!' (' hstor"a! trends o& tota!taransm su##ested to (e !n7ed
to "o!!a(orat$eM%!anned e"onomes+
G2 Ths s e-%anded u%on n the essa' The (inal 4rgument3 >uman "ature*
G4 The NatureMNurture De(ate has (een ,e!! esta(!shed as a &a!se dua!t' n
(eha$ora! (o!o#'Me$o!utonar' %s'"ho!o#' &e!ds o& stud'+ The rea!t' s that
o& a %er%etua! ntera"ton ,th the #ra$t' o& re!e$an"e sh&tn# on a %er "ase
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
The hstor"a! %attern o& "on&!"t "annot (e "onsdered n mere
so!aton+ Deta!ed re&eren"e to the "ondtons and circumstances are
needed+ In &a"t* t?s !7e!' a""urate to sa' that the domnan"eM"on&!"t
%ro%enst' ,h"h s "!ear!' a %oss(!e reaction &or near!' a!! humans n
our need &or se!&.%reser$aton and sur$$a! n #enera!
s (en#
provo#ed (' %ressures rather than (en# the sour"e o& an' ne#at$e
rea"ton+ When ,e ,onder ho, the mass$e Na1 arm' ,ere a(!e to
mora!!' 0ust&' ther a"tons n Wor!d War II* ,e o&ten &or#et the
enormous %ro%a#anda "am%a#n %ut out (' that re#me ,h"h ,or7ed
to e-%!ot ths essenta!!' (o!o#"a! $u!nera(!t'+
True 4Self-$nterest4
The noton o& Kse!&.nterest s "!ear!' nherent to the human (en#?s
"ommon ur#e to sur$$e+ Ths s o($ous enou#h and t s eas' to see
hstor"a!!' ho, the ra, ne"esst' o& %ersona! sur$$a!* o&ten e-tendn#
to &am!' and then the Ktr(e 8"ommunt';* set the sta#e &or the
d$s$e* %rote"tonst %arad#m ,e e-st n toda'+ It shou!d ha$e (een
e-%e"ted &rom the stand%ont o& hstor' that $ast e"onom" theores
,ou!d a!so (e (ased u%on the noton o& "om%etton and ne)ua!t'*
su"h as n the ,or7 o& Adam Smth+ /onsdered the &ather o& the K&ree
mar7et* he made %o%u!ar the assum%ton that & e$er'one had the
eth" to !oo7 out &or themse!$es on!'* the ,or!d ,ou!d %ro#ress as a

Ths Kn$s(!e hand noton o& human %ro#ress arsn# &rom
narro, %ersona! se!&.nterest a!one m#ht ha$e (een a sem.,or7a(!e
(ass+ Ho,e$er* ,hat s re!e$ant here s the stud' o& the human (en#?s
Kran#e o& (eha$or and e-a"t!' ho, ada%ta(!e and &!e-(!e ,e are+
Re&eren"e< 7hy Zebras =on0t ?et 9lcers* Ro(ert Sa%o!s7'* W+ H+ Freeman*
GD /ommon!' termed< KThe &#ht.or.&!#ht res%onse 8or the a"ute stress
res%onse; and ,as &rst des"r(ed (' Amer"an %h'so!o#st Wa!ter 9rad&ord
G6 TWh' o& "ourse the %eo%!e don?t ,ant ,ar+ Wh' shou!d some %oor s!o( on a
&arm ,ant to rs7 hs !&e n a ,ar ,hen the (est he "an #et out o& t s to
"ome (a"7 to hs &arm n one %e"eR Natura!!' the "ommon %eo%!e don?t
,ant ,ar nether n Russa* nor n En#!and* nor &or that matter n German'+
That s understood+ 9ut* a&ter a!!* t s the !eaders o& the "ountr' ,ho
determne the %o!"' and t s a!,a's a sm%!e matter to dra# the %eo%!e
a!on#* ,hether t s a demo"ra"'* or a &as"st d"tatorsh%* or a %ar!ament*
or a "ommunst d"tatorsh%+ Vo"e or no $o"e* the %eo%!e "an a!,a's (e
(rou#ht to the (ddn# o& the !eaders+ That s eas'+ A!! 'ou ha$e to do s te!!
them the' are (en# atta"7ed* and denoun"e the %ea"ema7ers &or !a"7 o&
%atrotsm and e-%osn# the "ountr' to dan#er+ It ,or7s the same n an'
"ountr'+T .Hermann GZrn# 8A !eadn# mem(er o& the Na1 Aart'U From an
nter$e, ,th G!(ert n GZrn#?s 0a! "e!! durn# the Nurem(er# War /rmes
Tra!s* 2G A%r! 2E6I;
GH KIt s not &rom the (ene$o!en"e o& the (ut"her* the (re,er* or the (a7er that
,e e-%e"t our dnner* (ut &rom ther re#ard to ther o,n se!&.nterest+ We
address ourse!$es not to ther humant' (ut to ther se!&.!o$e* and ne$er ta!7
to them o& our o,n ne"esstes* (ut o& ther ad$anta#es+ 84n !n)uiry into
the "ature A auses of the 7ealth of "ations* Adam Smth* Vo!+ 2;
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
%h!oso%h' man' 'ears a#o ,hen the sm%!"t' o& the so"et' tse!&
,as (ased on e$er'one (en# somethn# o& a %rodu"er+
Ho,e$er* the
nature o& so"et' has "han#ed #reat!' o$er tme* ,th %o%u!aton
n"reases* entre!' d&&erent ro!e stru"tures and e-%onenta!!'
ad$an"n# te"hno!o#'+ The rs7s asso"ated ,th ths manner o&
thou#ht are no, %ro$n# to (e more dan#erous than (ene&"a!* and
the true de&nton o& Kse!&.nterest s ta7n# a larger context than e$er
Is t not n 'our se!&.nterest to %rote"t and noursh the ha(tat
that su%%orts 'ouR Is t not n 'our se!&.nterest to ta7e "are o& so"et'
as a whole* %ro$dn# &or ts mem(ers* so that the "onse)uen"es o&
de%r$aton* su"h as K"rme are redu"ed as mu"h as %oss(!e to
ensure 'our sa&et'R Is t not se!&.nterest to "onsder the "onse)uen"es
o& m%era!st ,ars that "an (reed &er"e 0n#ost" hatred on one sde o&
the %!anet* on!' to ha$e* sa'* a sut"ase (om( e-%!ode (ehnd 'ou at a
restaurant as a des%erate K(!o,.(a"7 a"t o& retr(utonR
Is t not se!&.nterest to assure a!! o& so"etes? "h!dren ha$e
the (est u%(rn#n# and edu"aton so that 'our &uture and the &uture o&
'our "h!dren "an e-st n a res%ons(!e* edu"ated* and n"reasn#!'
%rodu"t$e ,or!dR Is t not n 'our se!&.nterest to ma7e sure ndustr'
s as or#an1ed* o%tm1ed and s"ent&"a!!' a""urate as %oss(!e* so
that ,e do not %rodu"e shodd'* "hea% te"hno!o#' that m#ht %erha%s
"ause a %ro(!em n the &uture & t &a!sR
The (ottom !ne s that thn#s ha$e "han#ed n the ,or!d toda'
and your self$interest is now only as good as your societal interest*
9en# "om%ett$e and #on# out &or 'ourse!&* K(eatn# others on!' has
a ne#at$e "onse)uen"e n the !on#.term* &or t s den'n# a,areness
o& the s'ner#st" s'stem ,e are (ound ,thn+ A "hea%!' made nu"!ear
%o,er %!ant n 3a%an m#ht not mean mu"h to %eo%!e n Amer"a+
Ho,e$er* & that %!ant ,as to ha$e a !ar#e s"a!e te"hn"a! &a!ure* the
&a!!out and %o!!uton m#ht ma7e ts ,a' o$er to Amer"an homes*
%ro$n# that you are never safe in the long run unless you have a
global consciousness+
In the end* on!' an Earth.human7nd "ons"ous $e, "an
assure a %erson?s true se!&.nterest and hen"e* n man' ,a's* a!so
GI So"o!o#st Thorsten Ve(!en* ,rtn# n 2E2F* made ths a"ute o(ser$aton
,th res%e"t to the "han#es n so"et' and ho, the' re&!e"t the or#na!
%remse o& the mar7et e"onom'+ KThe standard theores o& e"onom" s"en"e
ha$e assumed the r#hts o& %ro%ert' and "ontra"t as a-omat" %remses
and u!tmate terms o& ana!'ssU and ther theores are "ommon!' dra,n n
su"h a &orm as ,ou!d &t the "r"umstan"es o& the hand"ra&t ndustr' and
the %ett' trade+++ these theores +++a%%ear tena(!e* on the ,ho!e* ,hen
ta7en to a%%!' to the e"onom" stuaton o& that ear!er tme+++ It s ,hen
these standard theores are sou#ht to (e a%%!ed to the !ater stuaton*
,h"h has out#ro,n the "ondtons o& hand"ra&t* that the' a%%ears nu#ator'
or meretr"ous+ 84n !n)uiry !nto The "ature <f Peace 4nd The Terms <f
!ts Perpetuation; He a!so &oreshado,ed the rse o& the Kn$estment "!ass as
toda' non.%rodu"n# &nan"a! nsttuton !7e (an7s @ the sto"7s mar7et
ha$e (e"ome more re,ardn# %ro&t.,se than the a"tua! manu&a"turn# o&
true #oods+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
assure our so"et'?s Ke$o!utonar' &tness+
The $er' dea o& ,shn#
to su%%ort K'our "ountr' and #norn# or e$en en0o'n# the &a!ure o&
others* s a desta(!1n# $a!ue s'stem+
The da's o& %ra"t"a! ,ar&are are !on# o$er+ Ne, te"hno!o#' on the
hor1on has the a(!t' to "reate ,ea%ons that ,!! ma7e the atom
(om( !oo7 !7e a roman "ata%u!t n destru"t$e %o,er+
/entures a#o*
,ar&are "ou!d at !east (e mnm1ed to the ,arrn# %artes o$era!!+
Toda'* the entre ,or!d s threatened+ There are o$er 4D*555 Nu"!ear
Wea%ons toda'* ,h"h "ou!d ,%e out the human %o%u!aton man'
tmes o$er+
In man' ,a's* our $er' social maturity s (en# )uestoned at
ths tme+ 9att!es ,th on!' st"7s and stones as ,ea%ons "ou!d to!erate
a #reat dea! o& human dstorton and ma!"ous ntent+ Ho,e$er* n a
,or!d o& nano.te"h ,ea%ons that "ou!d (e "onstru"ted n a sma!! !a(
,th enormous destru"t$e %o,er* our expanded self$interest needs to
ta7e ho!d and the nsttuton o& ,ar needs to (e s'stemat"a!!'
shutdo,n+ In order to do ths* natons must te"hn"a!!' un&' and share
ther resour"es and deas* not hoard them &or "om%ett$e se!&.
(etterment* ,h"h s the norm toda'+
Insttutons !7e the Unted Natons ha$e (e"ome "om%!ete
&a!ures n ths re#ard (e"ause the' natura!!' (e"ome too!s o& em%re
(u!dn# due to the under!'n# nature o& "ountr' d$sons and the
so"oe"onom" domnan"e o& the %ro%ert'Mmonetar'M"om%etton.
(ased s'stem orentaton+ It s not enou#h to sm%!' #ather #!o(a!
K!eaders at a ta(!e to ds"uss ther %ro(!ems+ The stru"ture tse!&
needs to "han#e to su%%ort a different type of interaction (et,een
these re#ona! K#rou%s ,here the %er%etua! Kthreat nherent (et,een
naton.states s remo$ed+
In the end* there s no em%r"a! o,nersh% o& resour"es or
deas+ 3ust as a!! deas are sera!!' de$e!o%ed a"ross "u!ture throu#h
the group mind, the resour"es o& the %!anet are e)ua!!' as transent n
ther &un"ton and s"ent&"a!!' de&ned as to ther %oss(!e %ur%oses+
The Earth s a sn#!e s'stem* a!on# ,th the !a,s o& nature that #o$ern
t+ Ether human so"et' re"o#n1es and (e#ns to a"t and or#an1e on
ths nherent !o#"* or ,e su&&er n the !on# run+
GF E$o!utonar' Ftness s a (o!o#"a! term #enera!!' de&ned as TThe
%ro(a(!t' that the !ne o& des"ent &rom an nd$dua! ,th a s%e"&" trat ,!!
not de out+T In ths "onte-t ,e are !n7n# human a"tons* so"a!!'* to the
dea o& s%e"es sur$$a!+
GG Re&eren"e< 4pplications for 7arfare
GE Sour"e< "uclear 7eapons3 BC (acts They =on0t 7ant 6ou to Thin# 4bout*
3m M"/!us7e'* 4522 8htt%<MM,,,+,a#n#%ea"e+or#Mart"!esMd(Vart"!e+%h%R
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
-T-E F$"A( AR!&2E"T% -&2A" "AT&RE-
Man a")ures at (rth* throu#h heredt'* a (o!o#"a! "onsttuton ,h"h ,e must
"onsder &-ed and una!tera(!e* n"!udn# the natura! ur#es ,h"h are
"hara"terst" o& the human s%e"es+ In addton* durn# hs !&etme* he a")ures
a "u!tura! "onsttuton ,h"h he ado%ts &rom so"et' throu#h "ommun"aton
and throu#h man' other t'%es o& n&!uen"es+ It s ths "u!tura! "onsttuton
,h"h* ,th the %assa#e o& tme* s su(0e"t to "han#e and ,h"h determnes to
a $er' !ar#e e-tent the re!atonsh% (et,een the nd$dua! and so"et'+

.A+ Ensten
The Onl+ Argument Remaining
The Ktran o& thou#ht and Ka%%!"aton.set
%resented n TZM?s
matera!s are technical (' nature* e-%ressn# the nterest o& a%%!'n#
the method and mert o& scientific causality to the so"a! s'stem as a
The (ene&ts o& ths a%%roa"h are not on!' to (e ta7en on ther
o,n mert (ut shou!d a!so (e "onsdered n "ontrast to toda'?s
esta(!shed* tradtona! methods and ther "onse)uen"es+ It ,!! !7e!'
then (e not"ed that our "urrent so"eta! methods are not on!' #ross!'
outdated and ne&&"ent (' "om%arson . the' are n"reasn#!'
dan#erous and nhumane . ,th the ne"esst' &or !ar#e s"a!e so"a!
"han#e (e"omn# e$er more m%ortant+ Ths sn?t a(out Kuto%a+ It s
a(out tru!' %ra"t"a! m%ro$ements+
The o$era!! (ass o& the mar7et "on"e%t has to do
&undamenta!!' ,th assum%tons re!ated to human behavior, traditional
values and an intuitive $e, o& hstor' $ not emer#ent reasonn#*
a"tua! %u(!" hea!th measures* te"hn"a! "a%a"t' or e"o!o#"a!
res%ons(!t'+ It s a non.te"hn"a!* %h!oso%h"a! a%%roa"h* ,h"h
mere!' assumes that human de"sons made throu#h ts nterna! !o#"
8and n"ent$e s'stem;* ,!! %rodu"e a res%ons(!e* sustana(!e and
humane out"ome* dr$en (' the !!us$e noton o& K&reedom o& "ho"e
,h"h* on the s"a!e o& so"eta! &un"tona!t'* a%%ears tantamount to
or#an1atona! anar"h'+
E5 7hy SocialismD, A!(ert Ensten* 2E6E
E2 The Ktran o& thou#ht has to do ,th the under!'n# reasonn# that arr$es
at the "on"!usons o& TZM?s ad$o"aton . ,h!e the Ka%%!"aton.set s sm%!'
the "urrent state o& a%%!ed te"hno!o#' toda'+ The d&&eren"e (et,een the
t,o s that the &ormer s near em%r"a! ,h!e the !atter s transent sn"e
te"hno!o#"a! too!s are a!,a's under#on# "han#e+
E4 Mu"h "an (e sad on the su(0e"t o& e"onom" or#an1aton and me"hansms
&or ndustra! %rodu"ton and more ,!! (e des"r(ed n %art III+ Ho,e$er* !et
t (e stated here that the K%r"e me"hansm* ,h"h s the "entra! "ata!'st
&or e"onom" un&o!dn# toda'* s nherent!' anar"hst" due to the !a"7 o&
e&&"ent s'stem re!atonsh%s ,thn ma"ro.ndustra! %ra"t"es+ Arodu"ton*
dstr(uton and resour"e a!!o"aton s not Kstrate#" n a te"hn"a!* %h's"a!
sense (' an' stret"h o& the ma#naton J the on!' strate#' em%!o'ed* ,h"h
s the de&nn# "onte-t o& Ke&&"en"' n the mar7et e"onom'* has to do ,th
the %ro&t and !ossM!a(or "ostMe-%ense t'%e monetar' %arameters ,h"h
ha$e no re!atonsh% to %h's"a! e&&"en"' at a!!+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Ths s ,h' the monetar'.mar7et mode! o& e"onom"s s o&ten
"onsdered religious (' nature n TZM matera!s as the "ausa!
me"hansm s rea!!' (ased on $rtua!!' su%ersttous assum%tons o&
the human "ondton ,th !tt!e !n7a#e to emer#n# s"ent&"
understandn#s a(out ourse!$es and the r#d s'm(ot"Ms'ner#st"
re!atonsh% o& our ha(tat and ts #o$ernn# natura! !a,s+
When %resentn# TZM?s so!uton.orented train of thought to
those un&am!ar* t s usua!!' 0ust a matter o& tme (e&ore* at a
mnmum* the (as" s"ent&" %remse s understood and a""e%ted n
a(stra"ton+ For e-am%!e* the so!ated te"hn"a! rea!t' that ,e ha$e
the resour"es and ndustra! methods to eas!' &eed e$er'one on the
%!anet earth* so no one has to star$e*
rare!' &nds ar#ument n and o&
tse!&+ I& 'ou ,ere to as7 an a$era#e %erson toda' & the' ,ou!d !7e to
see an end to the o$er one (!!on %eo%!e n "urrent!' n "hron"
star$aton on the %!anet*
the' ,ou!d most !7e!' a#ree+
Ho,e$er* t s ,hen the !o#" runs ts "ourse and starts to
de%"t the t'%e o& !ar#e.s"a!e so"a! and e"onom" reformations
needed to &a"!tate true s'stem su%%ort &or those 2Q (!!on %eo%!e
that man' &nd "ontem%t and o(0e"ton+ A%art &rom stu((orn* tem%ora!
K$a!ue asso"atons* ,here %eo%!e essenta!!' re&use to "han#e
an'thn# the' ha$e (e"ome used to n ther !$es* e$en & that "han#e
"!ear!' su%%orts a (etter out"ome n the !on# term* there s one
ar#ument so "ommon that t ,arrants a %re!mnar' ds"usson n and
o& tse!&+
That s the ar#ument o& Khuman nature+ Ths ar#ument m#ht
a!so (e sad to (e the only real obEection left, & 'ou thn7 a(out t*
outsde a#an o& the near ar(trar' "u!tura! !&est'!e %ra"t"es %eo%!e
are a&rad to "han#e due to ther dentt' asso"atons and "ondtoned
"om&orts+ Are humans "om%at(!e ,th a tru!' sustana(!e* s"ent&"
so"oe"onom" s'stem or are ,e doomed to the ,or!d ,e ha$e no,
due to our #enet"sR
E/er+thing is Technical
The "ase &or a ne, so"a! s'stem (ased dre"t!' on a scientific $e, &or
understandn# and ma-m1n# sustana(!t' and %ros%ert'*
te"hn"a!!'* rea!!' "annot (e "ontrad"ted (' another a%%roa"h* as (o!d
as su"h a statement ma' seem+ Wh'R 9e"ause there sm%!' sn?t one
,hen the un&'n#* natura! !a, !o#" o& the s"ent&" method s
a""e%ted as the root me"hansm o& %h's"a! "ausa!t' and
For e-am%!e* #reat sur&a"e $araton 8ornament; m#ht e-st
,th the des#n o& an ar%!ane* (ut the me"han"s ,h"h ena(!e &!#ht
are (ound (' %h's"a! !a,s and hen"e so must the o$era!! physical
ED The Unted Natons Food and A#r"u!ture Or#an1aton and the Wor!d Food
Aro#ramme ha$e "on&rmed ths+ Ths ste s re"ommend &or re&eren"e<
E6 Sour"e< ,*CB billion starving people worldwide, 9*"* Says
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
design o& the ar%!ane n order to &un"ton %ro%er!'+ /onstru"tn# su"h
a ma"hne to %er&orm a 0o( ,th the #oa! o& o%tm1ed %er&orman"e*
sa&et' and e&&"en"' s not a matter o& o%non* 0ust as no matter ho,
man' ornaments ,e ma' %!a"e around our homes* the %h's"a!
stru"ture o& the (u!dn# must adhere to the r#d !a,s o& %h's"s and
natura! d'nam"s o& the ha(tat &or sa&et' and enduran"e and hen"e
"an ha$e !tt!e res%e"t$e $araton n a te"hn"a! sense+
The organi%ation of human society "an (e no d&&erent & the
ntenton s nte#rt' and o%tm1aton+ To thn7 o& the &un"tona! nature
o& a ,or7n# so"et' s to thn7 a(out a mechanistic schematic* & 'ou
,!!+ 3ust as ,e ,ou!d des#n an ar%!ane to ,or7 n the (est ,a'
%oss(!e* te"hn"a!!'* so shou!d our a%%roa"h (e to the so"a! s'stem*
,h"h s e)ua!!' as te"hn"a! n ts needed &un"tona!t'+ Un&ortunate!'*
ths #enera! %ers%e"t$e has ne$er (een #$en a rea! "han"e n hstor'
and toda' our ,or!d s st!! run n an n"on#ruous manner ,here the
%rn"%a! n"ent$e s more a(out deta"hed* mmedate* shorts#hted
%ersona! #an and d&&erenta! ad$anta#e than t s a(out %ro%er*
strate#" ndustra! methods* e"o!o#"a! a!#nment* so"a! sta(!t'*
%u(!" hea!th "onsderatons and #eneratona! sustana(!t'+
Ths s a!! %onted out* a#an* (e"ause the Khuman nature
ar#ument a#anst su"h an a%%roa"h s rea!!' the on!' seemingly
te"hn"a! ar#ument that "an %oss(!' de&end the o!d s'stem ,e ha$e
toda'U t s rea!!' the on!' ar#ument !e&t ,hen %eo%!e ,ho ,sh to
u%ho!d ths s'stem rea!1e that nothn# e!se the' !o#"a!!' ar#ue "an
%oss(!' (e $a(!e #$en the rratona!t' nherent to e$er' other "!am
a#anst a natural law based social model+
$rrationall+ *ound5
9o!n# t do,n* ths "ha!!en#e "an (e "onsdered n one )ueston<
KIs the human s%e"es a(!e to ada%t and thr$e n a te"hn"a!!'
or#an1ed s'stem* ,here our $a!ues and %ra"t"es a!#n ,th the
7no,n !a,s o& nature n %ra"t"e* or are ,e "on&ned (' our #enes*
(o!o#' and e$o!utonar' %s'"ho!o#' to o%erate n on!' the ,a' ,e
7no, toda'R
Wh!e man' toda' ar#ue the s%e"&"s o& the nature vs* nurture
de(ate . &rom K(!an7 s!ate (eha$orsm
to #enet" determnsm
. t
has (e"ome "!ear* at a mnmum* that our (o!o#'* our %s'"ho!o#' and
EH The noton o& the K9!an7 S!ate ,as made %o%u!ar (' Thomas Ho((es (ut
"an (e !n7ed (a"7 to the ,rtn#s o& Arstot!e+ Ths s the dea that* n short*
nd$dua!s are (orn ,thout (u!t.n menta! orentaton and e$er'thn# s
!earned+ No, !ar#e!' de(un7ed as a (road $e, due to %ro$en K%ro#rammed
!earnn# and humans? nherent Ke$o!utonar' %s'"ho!o#'* the dea st!!
%erssts n #enera!+
EI The $e, that human (en#s are su(stanta!!' more a&&e"ted (' Genes and
9o!o#' than en$ronmenta! "ondtonn# ,th res%e"t to human (eha$or s
st!! a heated de(ate* not to menton a &re)uent ntut$e rea"ton (' man'
to "ertan human %atterns+ The %hrase Kt?s 0ust human nature s a!! too
o&ten tossed out (' the !a'man+ Authors su"h as Ste$en An7er are nota(!e
&or %romotn# the domnan"e o& e$o!utonar' %s'"ho!o#' o$er en$ronmenta!
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
our so"o!o#"a! "ondton are ne-ora(!' !n7ed to the en$ronment ,e
nha(t* (oth &rom the stand%ont o& #eneratona! e$o!utonar'
ada%taton 8(o!o#"a! e$o!uton;* to short.term (ases and $a!ues ,e
a(sor( &rom our en$ronment 8"u!tura! e$o!uton;+
So* (e&ore ,e #o nto deta! on ths ssue* t s ,e!! ,orth
notn# that our very definition as human (en#s n the !on# and short.
term $e, s (ased u%on a %ro"ess o& adaptation to e-stn# "ondtons*
n"!udn# the #enes themse!$es+
Ths s not to ds"ount the %er."ase
#enet" re!e$an"e tse!& (ut to h#h!#ht the process to ,h"h ,e are a
%art* &or the #ene.en$ronment re!atonsh% "an on!' (e "onsdered as
an on#on# ntera"ton* ,th the out"omes !ar#e!' a resu!t o& the
en$ronmenta! "ondtons n the !on# and short term+ I& ths ,asn?t the
"ase* there s !tt!e dou(t the human s%e"es ,ou!d ha$e !7e!' %ershed
!on# a#o due to a &a!ure to ada%t+
Moreo$er* ,h!e t s "!ear ,e humans st!! a%%ear to mantan
Khard,red* %red"ta(!e rea"tons &or ra,* %ersona! sur$$a!*
,e ha$e
a!so %ro$en the a(!t' to e$o!$e our (eha$ors throu#h thou#ht*
a,areness and edu"aton*
a!!o,n# us to* n &a"t* "ontro!Mo$er"ome
those m%u!s$e* %rmt$e rea"tons* & the "ondtons &or su"h are
su%%orted and ren&or"ed+ Ths s an e-treme!' m%ortant dstn"ton
EF An Kada%taton n (o!o#' s a trat ,th a "urrent &un"tona! ro!e n the !&e
hstor' o& an or#ansm that s mantaned and e$o!$ed (' means o& ?natura!
se!e"ton?+ In short* ths o""urs due to %ressures e-stn# on the or#ansm n
the en$ronment+ L7e,se* Ke%#enet"s s a &ar!' ne, a,areness and
stud' o& herta(!e "han#es n #ene e-%resson or "e!!u!ar %henot'%e "aused
(' me"hansms other than "han#es n the under!'n# DNA se)uen"e+ In
short* t s a shorter.term Ke-%resson ada%taton n&!uen"ed (' the
en$ronment as ,e!!+ As &ar as "u!ture* ths s sm%!er to understand+ For
nstan"e* the !an#ua#e 'ou s%ea7 s an ada%taton to the e-stn# "u!tura!
#rou%* 0ust !7e the re!#on 'ou m#ht (e tau#ht and hen"e man' o& the
$a!ues 'ou ho!d are dre"t!' a resu!t o& the "u!tura! "ondtons 'ou are
EG The noton o& an Knstn"tua! rea"ton "ou!d (e a%%!ed here+ Ho,e$er* the
d&&erentaton o& ,hat s or sn?t nstn"tua! has (e"ome n"reasn#!'
am(#uous n the stud' o& human (eha$or+ :et* t s "!ear n a &undamenta!
sense that there are $er' s%e"&" %atterns n "ommon re#ardn# the human
s%e"es* es%e"a!!' n the "onte-t o& sur$$a! and stress n&!uen"e+ Fa"ed ,th
%ressn# dan#er* $er' "ommon (o!o#"a!Mendo"rno!o#"a! rea"tons o""ur
a!most un$ersa!!' and these o&ten #enerate (eha$ora! %ro%enstes ,h"h
are a!so %red"ta(!e "onsstent!' a"ross the s%e"es as a ,ho!e+
EE The term K(eha$ora! %!ast"t' "an (e a%%!ed here as an e-tenson o&
Kneuro%!ast"t' ,h"h re&ers to a"t$e "han#es n neura! %ath,a's and
s'na%ses+ 3ust as the (ran used to (e "onsdered a stat" or#an* human
(eha$or J the e-%resson o& (ran a"t$t' J "!ear!' a!so under#oes "han#e+
As "om%!e- a su(0e"t as K&ree.,!! and de"son %ro"esses are to the
%s'"ho!o#"a! s"en"es* the nature o& the human mnd sho,s "!ear
ada%ta(!t' and $u!nera(!t' to n%ut "ondtons+ Un!7e our %rmate
an"estors* our ad$an"ed Neo"orte- a%%ears to (e a "enter &or "ons"ous
thou#ht and n the ,ords o& Dr+ Ro(ert Sa%o!s7'* Neuros"entst &rom
Stan&ord Un$erst'< KOn a "ertan !e$e!* the nature o& our nature s not to
(e %art"u!ar!' "onstraned (' our nature+ 8&rom 4522 &!m Zeitgeist3
Moving (orward, Aeter 3ose%h;
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
and s ,hat se%arates the $aran"e o& human (en#s &rom ther !esser.
e$o!$ed %rmate &am!' n man' ,a's+
A )u"7 #!an"e at the d$erst' n hstor"a! human "ondu"t ,e
see throu#hout tme* "ontrasted ,th the re!at$e!' s!o, %a"e o& !ar#er
stru"tura! "han#es o& our (rans and DNA
o$er the %ast "ou%!e o&
thousand 'ears* sho,s that our ada%t$e "a%a"t'
8$a thou#htMedu"aton; s enormous on the "u!tura! !e$e!+ It a%%ears
that ,e are "a%a(!e o& man' %oss(!e (eha$ors and that a &-ed
Khuman nature* as an una!tera(!e* un$ersa! set o& (eha$ora!
tratsMrea"tons shared (' a!! humans ,thout e-"e%ton "annot (e he!d
as $a!d+ Rather* there a%%ears to (e a s%e"trum o& %oss(!e (eha$ors
and %red"ta(!e rea"tons* a!! more or !ess "ontn#ent u%on the t'%e o&
de$e!o%ment* edu"aton* stmu! @ "ondtons ,e e-%eren"e+
The social imperative n ths res%e"t "annot (e em%has1ed
enou#h &or en$ronmenta! n&!uen"e s a mass$e &a"tor that #rooms
not on!' our de"son.ma7n# %re&eren"es n (oth the !on# and short
term* (ut the o$era!! en$ronmenta! ntera"ton ,th our (o!o#' n
#enera! a!so has %o,er&u! e&&e"ts on %ersona! ,e!!.(en# and hen"e
(road %u(!" hea!th n man' s%e"&" ,a's+
It has (een &ound that en$ronmenta! "ondtons* n"!udn#
&a"tors su"h as nutrtona! n%ut*
emotona! se"urt'*
and a!! &orms o& stress n #enera! "an n&!uen"e the
255 Re&eren"e< Evolution of the neocortex3 a perspective from developmental
biology* Nature Re$e,* 455E
252 DNA mutaton rates $ar' &rom s%e"es to s%e"es and ha$e hstor"a!!' (een
$er' d&&"u!t to estmate+ Toda'* ,th =irect Se)uencing t s no, %oss(!e
to so!ate e-a"t "han#es+ In a stud' %er&ormed n 455E* t,o dstant ma!e.
!ne re!at$es . se%arated (' thrteen #eneratons . ,hose "ommon an"estor
!$ed t,o hundred 'ears a#o* ,ere se)uen"ed* &ndn# on!' 24 d&&eren"es
amon# a!! the DNA !etters e-amned+ KThe t,o : "hromosomes ,ere st!!
dent"a! at 25*26E*5FD o& the 25*26E*5GH !etters e-amned+ O& the 24
d&&eren"es+++on!' &our ,ere true mutatons that had o""urred natura!!'
throu#h the #eneratons+
8htt%<MM,,,+s"en"eda!'+"omMre!easesM455EM5GM5E5G4F24D425+htm; As &ar
as the human #enome* t s estmated that the #enome m#ht under#o on!'
a &e, 255 "han#es o$er tens o& thousands o& 'ears+
254 A "!ass"a! e-am%!e s the KDut"h Hun#er Wnter+ A stud' tra"7n# %eo%!e
,ho su&&ered se$ere ma!nutrton as &etuses durn# Wor!d War II &ound that
n ther adu!t !&e the' su&&ered &rom $arous meta(o!" s'ndromes and
meta(o!sm %ro(!ems due to the K%ro#rammn# ,h"h o""urred durn# that
In Utero %erod+ Re&eren"e< (amine and >uman development3 The =utch
hunger winter of ,F--$,F-G+ Ne, :or7* N:* US< O-&ord Un$erst' Aress+
25D Dr+ Ga(or MatB n hs ,or7 K!n the 'ealm of >ungry ?hosts 8North At!ant"
9oo7s* 4524; %resents an enormous amount o& resear"h re#ardn# ho,
?emotona! !oss? o""urrn# at 'oun# a#es a&&e"ts (eha$or n !ater !&e*
s%e"&"a!!' the %ro%enst' &or add"tons+
256 The re!e$an"e o& the nature o& so"a! ntera"ton s more %ro&ound than on"e
thou#ht+ The "orre!aton (et,een d&&erent ma""eta! &a"tors and %u(!"
hea!th ssues su"h as !&e e-%e"tan"'* menta! dsorder* o(est'* heart
dsease* $o!en"e and man' other so"o!o#"a! ssues ,ere ,e!! summar1ed
n the (oo7 The Spirit +evel (' R"hard W!7nson and Cate A"7ett* Aen#un*
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
human (en# n man' more ,a's than %re$ous!' thou#ht+ Ths
%ro"ess (e#ns in utero* throu#h the senst$e %ost.nata! and "h!dhood
K%!anned !earnn# ada%ton %erods*
and "arres on throu#hout !&e
on a!! %h'so!o#"a! and %s'"ho!o#"a! !e$e!s+
For e-am%!e* ,h!e there s e$den"e that de%resson as a
%s'"ho!o#"a! dsorder "an ha$e a #enet" %reds%oston* t s the
environment that rea!!' tr##ers t or not+
A#an* ths s not to
do,n%!a' the n&!uen"e o& (o!o#' on our %ersona!tes (ut to sho, the
"rt"a! m%ortan"e o& understandn# these rea!tes and adapting our
social system and macro influences to support the most positive
outcome we can*

Changing The Condition
The dea o& "han#n# so"et'?s n&!uen"esM%ressures to (rn# out the
(est o& the human "ondton rather than the ,orst s at the "ore o& the
so"a! m%erat$e o& TZM and ths dea s sad!' !ost n the "u!ture?s
so"a! "onsderatons toda'+ Enormous e$den"e e-sts to su%%ort ho,
the n&!uen"e o& our en$ronment s ,hat essenta!!' "reates our values
and biases and ,h!e #enet" and %h'so!o#"a! n&!uen"es "an set
%ro%enstes and a""entuatons &or "ertan (eha$ors* the most a"t$e
n&!uen"e re#ardn# our variability s the !&e e-%eren"e and "ondton
o& the human (en#* hen"e the manner o& ntera"ton (et,een the
Knterna! 8%h'so!o#"a!; and Ke-terna! 8en$ronmenta!;+
In the end* the most re!e$ant ssue s stress* Our #enes*
(o!o#' and e$o!utonar' %s'"ho!o#' m#ht ha$e some han#.u%s* (ut
the' are nothn# "om%ared to the en$ronmenta! dsorder ,e ha$e
"reated n our "u!ture+ The enormt' o& no, unne"essar' stress n the
,or!d toda' J de(t* 0o( nse"urt'* n"reasn# hea!th rs7s (oth menta!
and %h'so!o#"a! . and man' other ssues ha$e "reated a "!mate o&
unease that has (een n"reasn#!' ma7n# %eo%!e s"7 and u%set+ I& ,e
,ere &a"ed ,th an o%ton to ada%t our so"et' n a ,a' that "ou!d
%ro$a(!' (etter %u(!" hea!th* n"rease so"a! sta(!t'* #enerate
a(undan"e and he!% sustana(!t'* ,ou!d ,e not 0ust do tR To thn7
human (en#s are sm%!' incompatible ,th methods that "an n"rease
ther standard o& !$n# and hea!th s e-treme!' un!7e!'+
So* n "on"!uson to ths se"ton* !et t (e stated that the
su(0e"t o& Khuman nature s one o& the most "om%!e- ssues there s
,hen t "omes to s%e"&"s+ Ho,e$er* the (road and $a(!e a,areness
,th res%e"t to (as" %u(!" hea!th m%ro$ement $a redu"n# stress*
n"reasn# )ua!t' nutrton and sta(!1n# so"et' (' ,or7n# to,ard
Mar"h 455E+
25H A un)ue stud' o& %remature n&ants n n"u(ators &ound that (' sm%!'
stmu!atn# them durn# that tme 8or sho,n# Ka&&e"ton (' sm%!e tou"h;
ther !on#er term %h'so!o#"a! hea!th ,as #reat!' m%ro$ed "om%ared to
those untou"hed+ Re&eren"e< Tactile.#inesthetic stimulation effects on
preterm neonates, Aedatr"s* 2EGI
25I Re&eren"e< The Structure of ?enetic and Environmental 'is# (actors for
ommon Psychiatric and Substance 9se =isorders in Men and 7omen, Ar"h
Gen As'"hatr'+ 455DUI5
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
a(undan"e and ease rather than str&e and "om%!e-t' J s not
sus"e%t(!e to mu"h de(ate+
We no, ha$e some re&ned truths a(out the human "ondton
that #$e enou#h e$den"e to see that ,e are not on!' #eneratn# %oor
rea"tons and ha(ts due to the n&!uen"e o& the "urrent so"oe"onom"
order* ,e are a!so #reat!' dsres%e"tn# the ha(tat as ,e!!* "reatn#
not on!' a !a"7 o& sustana(!t' n an e"o!o#"a! sense* (ut* a#an* n a
"u!tura! sense as ,e!!+ On"e a#an* to thn7 humans are sm%!'
n"om%at(!e ,th these reso!utons* e$en & t means "han#n# our
,or!d #reat!'* de&es the !on# hstor' o& ada%taton ,e ha$e %ro$en to
(e "a%a(!e o&+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
-DEF$"$"! P&*($C -EA(T--
We are a!! res%ons(!e &or a!!+
What s the true measure o& success &or a so"et'R What s t that
ma7es us ha%%'* hea!th'* sta(!e and n (a!an"e ,th the ,or!d around
usR Is not our su""ess really our a(!t' to understand and ada%t to the
rea!tes o& our ,or!d &or the (est out"ome %oss(!e &or an' #$en
"r"umstan"eR What & ,e ,ere to &nd that the $er' nature o& our
so"a! s'stem ,as a"tua!!' reducing our )uality of life in the long termD
As ,!! (e ar#ued n ths essa'* modern so"a! stru"tures*
$a!ues and %ra"t"es ha$e de$ated a,a' &rom* or are !ar#e!' #norant
o&* ,hat true so"eta! hea!th means+ What our so"a! nsttutons toda'
#$e %rort' to or ds"ount (' des#n* "ou%!ed ,th the #oa!s and
mot$atons asso"ated ,th %ersona! Ksu""ess* ,h"h are a!! too o&ten
"!ear!' Kde"ou%!ed &rom ,hat true life support and advancement
s a su(0e"t #$en !tt!e thou#ht&u! "onsderaton n the ,or!d
toda'+ In &a"t* most K%ros%ert' and Knte#rt' measures &or the
human "ondton are no, ha%ha1ard!' e)uated to mere e"onom"
(ase!nes su"h as GDA* AAI or em%!o'ment &#ures+ Sad!'* these
measures te!! us $rtua!!' nothn# a(out true human ,e!!(en# and
The term public health s a med"a! "!ass&"aton* essenta!!'
de&ned as< Kthe a%%roa"h to med"ne that s "on"erned ,th the
hea!th o& the "ommunt' as a ,ho!e+
Wh!e o&ten narro,!' used n
re!atonsh% to transmtta(!e dsease and (road so"a! "ondtons* the
"onte-t here ,!! e-tend nto a!! as%e"ts o& our !$es* n"!udn# not on!'
%h'so!o#"a! hea!th (ut menta! hea!th as ,e!!+ I& the $a!ue o& a so"a!
s'stem s measured (' the hea!th o& ts "t1enr' o$er tme* assessn#
and "om%arn# "ondtons and "onse)uen"es throu#h sm%!e trend
ana!'ss and &a"tor a""ountn# shou!d #$e ns#ht nto ,hat "an (e
25F Sour"e< Aara%hrased* &rom 2arama%ov /rothers* F'odor Dosto'e$s7',
2GG5* %D2I
25G The %ont here re!ates to ho, modern so"et' re,ards and ren&or"es
"ertan (eha$ors o$er others+ For nstan"e* n the Western Wor!d more
&nan"a! re,ard "omes to non.%rodu"n# &nan"a! nsttutons than &rom true
#ood and ser$"e %rodu"ton+ Ths has #enerated an n"ent$e %ro(!em*
,h"h a!so n"!udes en$ronmenta! dsre#ard and the #norn# o& %u(!"
hea!th n #enera!+ As ,!! (e a!!uded to !ater n ths te-t* the %s'"ho!o#' o&
the mar7et e"onom' a"tua!!' opposes !&e su%%ort+
25E In re"ent 'ears other attem%ts ha$e (een made to )uant&' Kha%%ness
and ,e!!.(en#* su"h as the ?ross "ational >appiness !ndicator 8GNH; ,h"h
"ondu"ts measures $a %erod" sur$e's
225 Au(!" Hea!th de&ned< 8htt%<MM,,,+medterms+"omMs"r%tMmanMart+as%R
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
"han#ed or m%ro$ed on the so"a! !e$e!+
The "entra! "onte-t here s ho, the so"a! "ondton tse!& . the
so"oe"onom" s'stem . s a&&e"tn# human hea!th on the ,ho!e+ In the
,ords o& %h's"an Rudo!%h Vr"ho,< KMed"ne s a so"a! s"en"e and
%o!t"s nothn# (ut med"ne on a !ar#e s"a!e+
Vr"ho, re"o#n1ed
that an' %u(!" hea!th ssue s n$ara(!' re!ated to society as a ,ho!e+
Its stru"ture* "hara"terst"s and $a!ue ren&or"ements ha$e a %ro&ound
n&!uen"e on the hea!th and (eha$or o& a so"et' and ar#uments
re#ardn# the mert o& ne, so"a! deas ne$ta(!' "ome do,n to a
ratona! assessment o& )ua!t' throu#h "om%arson+
Sn"e ea"h res%e"t$e "om%onent o& %u(!" hea!th has ts o,n
"hara"terst"s and "ausa!t'* ,e "an a!so ,or7 to "onsder a!ternat$e
a%%roa"hes to a #$en %ro(!em reso!uton or m%ro$ement that m#ht
not (e "urrent!' n %ra"t"e* (ut "!ear!' shou!d (e+ An ana!'ss o&
"urrent %u(!" hea!th "om%onents to understand ,hat s ha%%enn#
o$er tme and n d&&erent "r"umstan"es* "ou%!ed ,th a %er "ase
e$a!uaton o& ea"h ssue ,th an n&erenta! "onsderaton o& ,hat "ou!d
K&- or Km%ro$e these resu!ts on the !ar#est %oss(!e s"a!e* s the
(ass o& the train of thought e-%ressed here+
It s the "on$"ton o& TZM that the e-stn# so"a! mode! s a
"ause o& Kso"a! %atho!o#'* ,th a %er%etuaton o& m(a!an"e that s
unne"essar!' #eneratn# (oth %h'so!o#"a! and %s'"ho!o#"a!
dsorders a"ross the %o%u!aton* not to menton s'stem"a!!' !mtn#
human %otenta! and %ro(!em reso!uton n man' ,a's+ O& "ourse* ths
"onte-t a!so natura!!' e-tends nto environmental health* meann# the
state o& the %!anet* as su"h e"o!o#"a! %ro(!emsM%ressuresMa!!e$atons
a!,a's ha$e an e&&e"t on our %u(!" hea!th n the !on#.term+ Ho,e$er*
that ,!! not (e a &o"us n ths essa'+
Ths ana!'ss ,!! se%arate the su(0e"t o& %u(!" hea!th nto t,o
#enera! "ate#ores . %h'so!o#"a! and %s'"ho!o#"a!
. ,th ea"h
"ate#or' (ro7en nto "ate#or1es that re%resent domnant %ro(!ems
seen n a re!e$ant %er"enta#e o& the o$era!! %o%u!aton+ Ho,e$er* !et t
(e ,e!! understood that %h'so!o#"a! and %s'"ho!o#"a! out"omes
rare!'* & e$er* ha$e sn#u!ar "auses+ There s a bio$psycho$social
re!atonsh% to $rtua!!' a!! human %henomena* !!umnatn#* on"e
a#an* the mu!t.!e$e! s'm(oss "hara"terst" o& the human (en#+ In
222 Sour"e< The Evolution of Social Medicine* Rudo!%h Vr"ho,< Rosen G+* &rom
the >andboo# of Medical Sociology* Arent"e.Ha!!* 2EF4
224 So"o!o#"a! %henomena ,!! (e #rou%ed n the As'"ho!o#"a! "ate#or' here
&or the sa7e o& sm%!"t'* as the resu!t o& a so"o!o#"a! "ondton s the
a##re#ate %s'"ho!o#"a! states o& nd$dua!s+
22D /io$Psycho$Social means the ntera"ton o& (o!o#"a!* %s'"ho!o#"a! and
so"o!o#"a! n&!uen"e on a #$en "onse)uen"e+ For e-am%!e* O(est'* on the
sur&a"e* sm%!' re!ates to eatn#+ I& a %erson eats too mu"h* the' #an
,e#ht+ Ho,e$er* there s a !ar#e de#ree o& e$den"e no, 8as ,!! (e
%resented !ater n ths essa'; that sho,s ho, a %erson?s %s'"ho!o#' "an (e
e&&e"ted to "ra$e the comfort o& "onsumn# due to external &a"tors J su"h as
a de%r$ed emotona! hstor' or %oor (od!' ada%ton ,here (ad ha(ts are
&ormed and e-%e"ted+ These !atter notons* ,h"h n&!uen"e oneNs
%s'"ho!o#'* are a resu!t o& the sociological "ondton+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
other ,ords* ,h!e the %ro(!em (en# &o"used on m#ht (e "onsdered
K%h'so!o#"a! on the sur&a"e* the underlying cause o& that out"ome
m#ht $er' ,e!! (e K%s'"ho!o#"a! or Kso"o!o#"a!* &or e-am%!e+
The Economic Factor
As noted* the man thess o& ths essa' s to sho, the dee% e&&e"t our
#!o(a! so"oe"onom" s'stem has on %u(!" hea!th* ,th a s%e"&" &o"us
on the %o,er o& poverty, stress and ine)uality+ I& one ,as to ta7e a
)u"7 #!an"e at the ma0or "auses o& death #!o(a!!'* as %ut &or,ard ('
the Wor!d Hea!th Or#an1aton*
"!ear d&&eren"es (ased on the
e"onom" state o& a re#on* su"h as the &a"t that "an"ers are more
"ommon n h#h n"ome so"etes ,h!e darrhoea! dseases are more
"ommon n !o, n"ome so"etes* #$es ns#ht as to ho, the (road
"onte-t o& so"oe"onom" %oston "an a&&e"t %u(!" hea!th+
Mahatma Gandh on"e sad KAo$ert' s the ,orst &orm o&
Hs "onte-t re!ates to the unne"essar' deaths "aused ('
%o$ert' n the sense o& the (road !mtatons su"h se$ere &nan"a!
restr"tons ha$e on hea!th+ Ths dea ,as !ater en"om%assed n the
term structural violence,
de&ned (' Dr+ 3ames G!!#an as K+++the
n"reased rates o& death and dsa(!t' su&&ered (' those ,ho o""u%'
the (ottom run#s o& so"et'+ He d&&erentates stru"tura! $o!en"e
&rom behavioral violence* ,here the &ormer Ko%erates "ontnuous!'
rather than s%orad"a!!'+

A!ease note that the term K$o!en"e n ths "onte-t s not
!mted to the usua! "!ass&"aton o& %h's"a! harm* su"h as
%erson "om(at or a(use+ The "onte-t e-tends to n"!ude the o&ten
unseen social oppression that* throu#h the "han o& "ausa!t'
"hara"terst"s nherent to our so"a! s'stem* !eads to the unne"essar'
harm o& %eo%!e* (oth %h's"a!* %s'"ho!o#"a! or (oth+ E-am%!es o& ths
"an ran#e &rom o($ous to "om%!e- n the "han o& "ause and e&&e"t+
A sm%!e Kma"ro e-am%!e ,ou!d (e the %re$a!en"e o&
diarrhoeal dseases n %o$ert'.str"7en so"etes+ These dseases 7!!
a(out 2+H m!!on "h!dren ea"h 'ear+
It s "om%!ete!' %re$enta(!e
and treata(!e and ,h!e the n&e"ton tse!& s s%read throu#h
"ontamnated &ood and drn7n#.,ater* or &rom as a
resu!t o& %oor h'#ene* ts $er' %re$enta(!t' and rart' n &rst ,or!d
natons (' "om%arson sho,s that the real cause s no, not the
dsease tse!&* (ut the poverty condition that ena(!es t to &!oursh+
226 Sour"e< The top ,C causes of death* WHO* 452D
22H Sour"e< [uoted n 4 &ust Peace through Transformation3 ultural,
Economic, and Political (oundations for hange, Internatona! Aea"e
Asso"aton* 2EGG
22I Re&eren"e< 4n Empirical Table of Structural Violence* Gernot Coh!er and
Norman A!"o"7* 2EFI
22F Sour"e< Violence* 3ames G!!#an* GrossetMAutnam* Ne, :or7* 2EE4* %+2E4
22G Sour"e< =iarrhoeal disease* WHO* 452D
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Ho,e$er* the "ausa!t' doesnNt sto% there+ We then need to as7 the
)ueston< K,hat s "ausn# the %o$ert'R
A more a(stra"t Km"ro e-am%!e ,ou!d (e human
de$e!o%ment %ro(!ems ,hen ad$erse %ressures n &am!' or
"ommunt' stru"tures o""ur+ Ima#ne a sn#!e mother ,ho* due to the
&nan"a! need to rase her "h!d* must ,or7 &or n"ome a #reat dea! n
order to ma7e ends meet* !mtn# her a$a!a(!t' &or the "h!d
%ersona!!'+ The %ressures not on!' redu"e needed su%%ort and
#udan"e &or the "h!d?s de$e!o%ment* she a!so de$e!o%s tenden"es &or
de%resson and an-et' due to the on#on# stress o& de(t* (!!s and the
!7e* and &rustraton.dr$en a(use (e#ns to matera!1e n the &am!'+
Ths then "auses se$ere emotional loss
n the "h!d and the
de$e!o%ment o& neurot" and unhea!th' menta! states emer#e* su"h as
a %ro%enst' &or dru# add"ton+
:ears !ater* st!! su&&ern# &rom the
%an &e!t n those ear!' %erods* the no, adu!t "h!d des n a heron
o$erdose+ [ueston< ,hat "aused the o$erdoseR The heronR The
mother?s n&!uen"eR Or the e"onom" "r"umstan"e the mother &ound
herse!& ,h"h dsa!!o,ed (a!an"e and thou#ht&u! "are o& her "h!dR

/!ear!'* there s no uto%a &or the human "ondton and to thn7
,e "an ad0ust the so"oe"onom" s'stem to th,art a!! su"h
Kstru"tura!!' re!ated ssues* ma"ro and m"ro* 255> o& the tme* s
a(surd+ Ho,e$er* ,hat is possible s a dramat" m%ro$ement o& su"h
%u(!" hea!th %ro(!ems (' sh&tn# the nature o& the so"oe"onom"
"ondton n the most strate#" manner ,e "an+ As ,e %ro"eed ,th the
%er "ase ana!'ss o& ma0or menta! and %h's"a! dsorders n the ,or!d*
t ,!! (e &ound that the true m%erat$e &or %u(!" hea!th m%ro$ement
rests a!most entre!' on ths so"oe"onom" %remse o& "ausa!t'+

A""ordn# to Gernot Coh!er and Norman A!"o"7 n ther 2EFI
,or7 4n Empirical Table of Structural Violence* a dramat" 2G m!!on
22E The term emotional loss re!ates to se$ere emotona! trauma e-%eren"ed*
most!' as a "h!d* that %ersst n e&&e"t+ In the ,ords o& Dr+ Ga(or MatB KThe
#reatest dama#e done (' ne#!e"t* trauma or emotional loss s not the
mmedate %an the' n&!"t (ut the !on#.term dstortons the' ndu"e n the
,a' a de$e!o%n# "h!d ,!! "ontnue to nter%ret the ,or!d and her stuaton
n t+ !n the 'ealm of >ungry ?hosts* North At!ant" 9oo7s* 4524* %+H24
245 As noted %ror* the ,or7 o& Ga(or MatB s h#h!' re"ommended on the
su(0e"t o& add"ton resu!tn# &rom emotona! !oss n "h!dhood and &ee!n#s
o& nse"urt'+ K!n the 'ealm of >ungry ?hosts* North At!ant" 9oo7s* 4524
242 The ,or7 Mental !llness and the Economy, (' M+H+ 9renner s
re"ommended+ A(stra"t< K9' "orre!atn# e-tens$e e"onom" and
nsttutona! data &rom Ne, :or7 State &or the %erod &rom 2G62 to 2EIF*
Har$e' 9renner "on"!udes that nsta(!tes n the natona! e"onom' are the
sn#!e most m%ortant sour"e o& &!u"tuatons n menta!.hos%ta! admssons
or admsson rates+
244 A stud' &or re&eren"e n the same (as" "onte-t s The Effect of 2nown 'is#
(actors on the Excess Mortality of /lac# 4dults in the 9nited States, 3ourna!
o& the Amer"an Med"a! Asso"aton* 4ID8I;<G6H.GH5* 2EE5+ Ths
e%demo!o#"a! stud' &ound that t,o.thrds o& A&r"an.Amer"an deaths
noted n "onte-t "ou!d on!' (e a""ounted &or due to low socioeconomic
status itself and ts dre"tMndre"t "onse)uen"es+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
deaths ,ere &ound to o""ur each year due to stru"tura! $o!en"e
that stud' ,as o$er D5 'ears a#o+ Sn"e that tme the #!o(a! #a%
(et,een r"h and %oor has more than dou(!ed* su##estn# no, that
the death to!! s e$en mu"h h#her toda'+ In e&&e"t* stru"tura! $o!en"e
s the most dead!' 7!!er on the %!anet+ The &o!!o,n# "hart sho,s rates
o& death o& a s%e"&" demo#ra%h"* re$ea!n# the more (road
"orre!aton o& !o,.n"ome and n"reased morta!t'+
8A(o$e; G+ D+ Smth* 3+ D+ Neaton* D+ Went,orth* R+ Stam!er and 3+ Stam!er*
WSo"oe"onom" d&&erenta!s n morta!t' rs7 amon# men s"reened &or the
Mu!t%!e Rs7 Fa"tor Inter$enton Tra!< I+ Whte menN* 4merican &ournal of Public
>ealth 82EEI; GI 86;< 6GI.EI+
Ph+siological -ealth
The "ore %h'so!o#"a! %ro(!ems o& the human %o%u!aton toda' n"!ude
maEor morta!t' %rodu"n# e%dem"s su"h as "an"er* heart dsease*
stro7e* et"+ Re!at$e!' minor %ro(!ems that not on!' redu"e )ua!t' o&
!&e* (ut a!so o&ten %re"ede those ma0or !!nesses n"!ude h#h (!ood
%ressure* o(est' and other ssues that* ,h!e !ess "rt"a! ('
"om%arson* are st!! usua!!' a %art o& the %ro"ess that "an !ead to
ma0or !!nesses and death o$er tme+
A#an* t s m%ortant to remem(er that the "ausa!t' o& these
K%h's"a! dseases s not str"t!' K%h's"a! n the narro, sense o& the
,ord as modern stud' has &ound dee% psychosocial
24D Sour"e< 4n Empirical Table of Structural Violence* Gernot Coh!er and
Norman A!"o"7* 2EFI
246 Re&eren"e< 4s obesity rates rise, chief heart surgeon sees more high$ris#
patients in operating room, /at!n Heane'* 4524 8htt%<MMthetmes.
24H Psychosocial de&ned< In$o!$n# as%e"ts o& (oth so"a! and %s'"ho!o#"a!
(eha$orU Interre!atonsh% 8htt%<MMmed"a!.
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
re!atonsh%s to seemn#!' deta"hed %h'so!o#"a! ssues+ A""ordn# to
the Wor!d Hea!th Or#an1aton* the most "ommon shared ma0or "auses
o& death n !o,* mdd!e and h#h.n"ome "ountres are heart dsease*
!o,er res%rator' n&e"tons* stro7e and "an"er+
Wh!e ea"h o& these
!!nesses 8and man' more; "an (e &ound re!ated to the "ausa! %onts
that &o!!o,* &or sm%!"tes sa7e heart dsease ,!! (e a &o"us here+
Case Stud+% -eart Disease
Wh!e the treatment o& heart dsease has !ed to a re"ent m!d #!o(a!
de"!ne n heart atta"7s and deaths o$era!!*
the da#noss o& heart
dsease has not su(sded and (' some re#ona! studes s on the
or on %a"e to n"reasn# su(stanta!!'+
/oronar' heart dsease
s st!! "onsdered (' the WHO as the K!eadn# "ause o& death
and t has (een &ound that ,h!e there are #enet" &a"tors n
%!a'* E5> o& those d'n# Kha$e rs7 &a"tors n&!uen"ed (' !&est'!e
and o$era!! the dsease s ,de!' "onsdered preventable & !&est'!e
ad0ustments are made+
In short* ,e!! esta(!shed re!atonsh%s to h#h &at dets*
smo7n#* a!"oho!* o(est'* h#h "ho!estero!* da(etes and other rs7
&a"tors a!!o, us to e-tend the "ausa!t' o& heart dsease and ,hen ,e
&o!!o, the n&!uen"es* the most %ro&ound (road n&!uen"e &ound has to
do not on!' ,th absolute income, (ut relative socioeconomic status+
The WHO ma7es t #enera!!' "!ear that on the #!o(a! s"a!e*
!o,er so"oe"onom" status (reeds more heart dsease and natura!!'
more o& the rs7 &a"tors that !ead to t+
Ths* on one sde* de%"ts a
direct economic relationship to the o""urren"e o& dsease+ There s no
e$den"e to sho, that #enet" d&&eren"es (et,een re#ona! #rou%s
"ou!d (e res%ons(!e &or these $aratons and t s o($ous to see ho, a
!a"7 o& %ur"hasn# %o,er !eads %eo%!e nto !&est'!es that n"!ude man'
su"h rs7 &a"tors+
A 455E stud' n the Amer"an 3ourna! o& E%demo!o#' "a!!ed
KL&e./ourse So"oe"onom" Aoston and In"den"e o& /oronar' Heart
Dsease &ound that the !on#er a %erson remans n %o$ert'* the more
24I The top ten causes of death, WHO* 452D
24F 9*S* Trends in >eart =isease, ancer, and Stro#e* Ao%u!aton Re&eren"e
24G >eart disease to rise BGH by BCBC, 9e!&ast Te!e#ra%h* 4524
24E "ew European Statistics 'eleased <n >eart =isease and Stro#e, S"en"e
Da!'* 4524
2D5 The 4tlas of >eart =isease and Stro#e* WHO @ /D/* Aart D* ?lobal /urden
of oronary >eart =isease
2D2 I(d+
2D4 I(d+* /ha%ter 22* Socioeconomic Status
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
!7e!' he or she s to de$e!o% heart dsease+
Aeo%!e ,ho ,ere
e"onom"a!!' dsad$anta#ed throu#hout !&e ,ere more !7e!' to smo7e*
(e o(ese* and ha$e %oor dets and the !7e+ In an ear!er stud' ('
e%demo!o#st Dr+ Ra!%h R+ Frer"hs* &o"usn# s%e"&"a!!' on the
so"oe"onom" d$de n the "t' o& Los An#e!es* /A* &ound that the
death rate &rom heart dsease ,as -C percent higher &or %oor men
o$er a!! than &or ,ea!ther ones+
G$en our or#na! thess to "onsder a !n7 &rom the so"a!
s'stem tse!& to the %re$a!en"e o& dsease and ther asso"ated rs7
&a"tors* ,e need to "onsder the dre"t re!atonsh% o& stress @
purchasing power* 9e#nnn# ,th the !atter* ,h"h s more sm%!e*
"!ear!' %oor hea!th ha(ts o""ur n !o,er n"ome en$ronments due to
the !a"7 o& &unds &or (etter nutrton*
med"a! attenton
For e-am%!e* man' o& the h#h &at* h#h sodum rs7
&a"tor &oods !eadn# to heart dsease tend to (e the most ne-%ens$e
&ood &ound n stores+
It s ,orth notn# that our so"oe"onom" mode! %rodu"es
#oods (ased u%on the %ur"hasn# %o,er o& tar#eted demo#ra%h"s+
The de"son to %rodu"e %oor )ua!t' &ood #oods s made &or the
nterest o& profit and sn"e the $ast ma0ort' o& the %!anet s re!at$e!'
%oor* t s no sur%rse that n order to meet that mar7et* )ua!t' must
(e redu"ed to a!!o, &or "om%ett$e (u'n#+
In other ,ords* there s a mar7et &or ea"h so"a! "!ass and
natura!!' the !o,er the "!ass* the !o,er the )ua!t'+ Ths rea!t' s an
e-am%!e o& a direct social system lin# to causality for heart disease+
Wh!e edu"aton a(out the d&&eren"e (et,een )ua!t' &ood %rodu"ts
"ou!d he!% the de"son %ro"ess o& a %oor %erson to eat (etter* the
&nan"a! restr"tons nherent to ther "ondton "ou!d eas!' ma7e that
de"son d&&"u!t & not m%oss(!e as* a#an* su"h #oods are more
e-%ens$e on a$era#e+
In an a#e ,here &ood %rodu"ton and human nutrton s a ,e!!
2DD +ife$ourse Socioeconomic Position and !ncidence of oronary >eart
=isease* Amer"an 3ourna! o& E%demo!o#'* A%r! 2* 455E+
2D6 >eart =isease Tied to Poverty, "ew 6or# Times, ,FIG
2DH [uote &rom the stud' an +ow$!ncome 4mericans 4fford a >ealthy =ietD3
KMan' nutrtona! %ro&essona!s (e!e$e that a!! Amer"ans* re#ard!ess o&
n"ome* ha$e a""ess to a nutrtous det o& ,ho!e #rans* !ean meats* and
&resh $e#eta(!es and &rut+ In rea!t'* &ood %r"es %ose a s#n&"ant (arrer
&or man' "onsumers ,ho are tr'n# to (a!an"e #ood nutrton ,th
a&&orda(!t'+ 8htt%<MM,,,+n"(+n!m+nh+#o$M%m"Mart"!esMAM/4G6FFDDM;
2DI Re&eren"e< Medical costs push millions of people into poverty across the
globe* WHO
2DF Re&eren"e< Education ?ap ?rows /etween 'ich and Poor, Studies Say, Ne,
:or7 Tmes* 4524
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
understood s"ent&" %henomenon as &ar as ,hat ,or7s and ,hat
doesnNt . ,hat s hea!th' and ,hat sn?t on the ,ho!e . ,e ha$e to
,onder ,h' the a(undan"e o& de!(erate!' unhea!th' &oods and
detrmenta! ndustra! methods e-st at a!!+ The reasonn# s that
human hea!th s not the %ursut o& ndustra! &ood %rodu"ton and ne$er
has (een due to the so!ated nterest to #enerate n"ome+ More on ths
incentive disorder nherent to the mar7et e"onom' n !ater essa's+
The Stress Factor
Let?s no, "onsder the ro!e o& stress* Stress has more o& an e&&e"t on
heart dsease than %re$ous!' thou#ht and ths sn?t 0ust re&errn# to
the statst"a! &a"t that !o,er n"ome %eo%!es tend to ha$e a %ro%enst'
to "o%e (' smo7n# andMor drn7n#* man&estn# h#h (!ood %ressure
and hen"e dsre#ard ther (odes and ,e!!.(en# due to the on#on#
stru##!e &or n"ome and sur$$a!+ Wh!e those &a"tors are "!ear!'
e$dent and* a#an* &ound ted to the ne$ta(!e strat&"aton &ound n
the mar7et e"onom'*
the most detrmenta! &orm o& stress "omes n
the &orm o& psychosocial stress* meann# stress re!ated to one?s
%s'"ho!o#"a! "onne"ton ,th the so"a! en$ronment+
Aro&essor M"hae! Marmot o& the De%artment o& E%demo!o#'
and Au(!" Hea!th at the Un$erst' /o!!e#e o& London dre"ted t,o
m%ortant studes re!atn# so"a! status to hea!th+
Usn# the 9rtsh
"$! ser$"e s'stem as the su(0e"t #rou%* the' &ound that the #radent
o& hea!th )ua!t' n ndustra!1ed so"etes s not sm%!' 0ust a matter
o& %oor hea!th &or the &nan"a!!' dsad$anta#ed and #ood hea!th &or
e$er'one e!se+ The' &ound that there ,as a!so a social distribution of
disease as 'ou ,ent &rom the to% o& the so"oe"onom" !adder* to the
(ottom and the t'%es o& dseases %eo%!e ,ou!d #et ,ou!d "han#e on
For e-am%!e the !o,est run#s o& the herar"h' had a fourfold
increase o& heart dsease (ased morta!t'* "om%ared to the h#hest
run#s+ E$en n a "ountr' ,th un$ersa! hea!th "are* the ,orse a
%erson?s &nan"a! status and %oston n the herar"h'* the ,orse ther
hea!th s #on# to (e on a$era#e+ The reason s essenta!!'
%s'"ho!o#"a! as t has (een &ound that the more strat&ed a #$en
so"et'* the ,orse %u(!" hea!th s n #enera!* specifically &or the !o,er
2DG /!ass strat&"aton s an mmuta(!e %art o& the "urrent so"oe"onom" mode!
due to (oth the n"ent$e s'stem #enerated that ds%ro%ortonate!'
dstr(utes n"ome* strate#"a!!' &a$orn# the u%%er ters o& the herar"h' J
su"h as n 455F* /he& e-e"ut$es o& the !ar#est DIH US "om%anes re"e$ed
,e!! o$er GCC times the %a' o& the a$era#e em%!o'ee+ Ths "an (e "ou%!ed
,th %ra"t"es o& ma"roe"onom" monetar' %o!"' that stru"tura!!' re,ard
the ,ea!th' and %unsh the %oor throu#h the interest system+ 8The ,ea!th'
#an nterest n"ome o&& n$estment ,h!e the %oor* !a"7n# n$estment
"a%ta!* ta7e !oans &or the ma0ort' o& !ar#e %ur"hases* %a'n# nterest+ Aut
n a(stra"ton* the %oor are &or"ed to #$e the r"h ther mone' throu#h ths
2DE Whteha!! Stud' I @ II* 8htt%<MM,,,+u"!+a"+u7M,hteha!!IIM; A!so see<
Epidemiology of socioeconomic status and health, M+ Marmot
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Ths %attern has (een "orro(orated (' man' other studes o$er
the 'ears* n"!udn# a dee% "o!!e"ton o& resear"h or#an1ed (' R"hard
W!7nson and Cate A"7ett+ In ther ,or7* The Spirit +evel 1 7hy
E)uality is /etter for Everyone* the' sour"e hundreds o&
e%demo!o#"a! studes on the ssue* out!nn# ho, more une)ua!
so"etes %er%etuate a $ast arra' o& %u(!" hea!th %ro(!ems* (oth
%h'so!o#"a! and %s'"ho!o#"a!+
Heart dsease asde* some "an"ers* "hron" !un# dsease*
#astrontestna! dsease* (a"7 %an* o(est'* h#h (!ood %ressure* !o,
!&e e-%e"tan"' and man' other %ro(!ems are a!so no, &ound to (e
!n7ed to so"oe"onom" status n the (road $e,* not 0ust sn#u!ar rs7
There s a social gradient n hea!th )ua!t' a"ross so"et' and
,here ,e are %!a"ed n re!aton to other %eo%!e has a %o,er&u!
psychosocial e&&e"t+ Those a(o$e us ha$e (etter hea!th on a$era#e
,h!e those (e!o, us ha$e ,orse hea!th on a$era#e+

In &a"t* a statst"a! "om%arson o& %u(!" hea!th (et,een
"ountres ,th h#h !e$e!s o& n"ome ne)ua!t' 8su"h as the Unted
States; and those ,th !o,er !e$e!s o& n"ome ne)ua!t' 8su"h as
3a%an; re$ea!s these truths )ute o($ous!'+
Ho,e$er* su"h #enera!!'
deemed K%h's"a! !!nesses are on!' %art o& the public health crisis
#enerated (' ne)ua!t' that* a#an* s 'et a "onse)uen"e unto tse!&
or#natn# out o& the dre"t* immutable strat&"aton nherent to our
#!o(a! so"a! s'stem+
Ps+chological -ealth
Aerha%s more %ro&ound n ts %u(!" hea!th m%!"aton s the resu!t o&
so"a! ne)ua!t' on our menta! or %s'"ho!o#"a! hea!th+ Ths e-tends
nto (eha$ora! rea"tons and tenden"es su"h as a"ts o& $o!en"e or
a(use* a!on# ,th emotona! ssues !7e de%resson* an-et' and
%ersona!t' dsorders+
A #enera! trend assessment o& de%resson and an-et' n
de$e!o%ed "ountres* "ountres that man' ntut$e!' ,ou!d thn7 ,ou!d
ha$e more 0o' and ease due to the matera! ,ea!th a$a!a(!e* re$ea!s a
mu"h d&&erent rea!t'+

A 9rtsh stud' e-amnn# de%resson
265 I(d+
262 A )ua!&er here to note s that ths %henomenon re!ates more so to
re!at$e!' ,ea!th' so"etes n #enera! than t does to nherent!' %o$ert'
str"7en so"etes+
264 Re&eren"e< Social =eterminants of >ealth3 The Solid (acts* R+G+ W!7nson
@ M+ Marmot* Wor!d Hea!th Or#an1aton* 455I
26D A summar' ADF o& re#resson !ne "harts e-tra"ted &rom the ,or7 o& R+
W!7nson and C+ A"7ett "an (e &ound here &or re&eren"e<
266 Re&eren"e< The =ramatic 'ise of 4nxiety and =epression in hildren and
4dolescents* Aeter Gra'* 4524
26H 4nxiety =isorders 4re Sharply on the 'ise, Tm Gusta&son R+D
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
amon# %eo%!e n ther 45s &ound that t ,as t,"e as "ommon n 2EF5
than t ,as n 2EHG+
An Amer"an stud' o& a(out ID*F55 "o!!e#e
students &ound that &$e tmes as man' 'oun# adu!ts are dea!n# ,th
h#her !e$e!s o& an-et' than n the !ate 2ED5s+
A 4522 stud'
%resented at the Amer"an As'"ho!o#"a! Asso"aton sho,ed that
menta! !!ness ,as more "ommon amon# "o!!e#e students than t ,as a
de"ade a#o+
As'"ho!o#st 3ean T,en#e o& San De#o Un$erst' !o"ated 4IE
re!ated studes measurn# an-et' n the Unted States sour"ed
(et,een 2EH4 and 2EED and the a##re#ate assessment sho,s a
dramat"a!!' "!ear trend n the rse o& an-et' o$er ths %erod* ,th* &or
e-am%!e* the "on"!uson that (' the !ate 2EG5s the average Amer"an
"h!d ,as more an-ous than "h!d psychiatric patients n the 2EH5s+
A 4522 N/HS re%ort re$ea!ed that the rate o& antde%ressant
use n Amer"a amon# teens and adu!ts 8%eo%!e a#es 24 and o!der;
n"reased (' a!most 655> (et,een 2EGGJ2EE6 and 455HJ455G+
Antde%ressants ,ere the thrd most "ommon %res"r%ton med"aton
ta7en (' Amer"ans n 455HJ455G+
Wh!e a #enet" "om%onent &or de%resson ma' ha$e re!e$an"e*
the trend rate "!ear!' sho,s an en$ronmenta! "ausa!t' as the dr$n#
&or"e+ In the ,ords o& R"hard W!7nson< KXAY!thou#h %eo%!e ,th
menta! !!ness sometmes ha$e "han#es n the !e$e!s o& "ertan
"hem"a!s n the (ran* no(od' has sho,n that these are causes o&
de%resson* rather than changes "aused (' de%resson+++a!thou#h
some #enet" $u!nera(!t' ma' under!e some menta! !!ness* ths "an?t
(' tse!& e-%!an the hu#e rses n !!ness n re"ent de"ades . our #enes
"an not "han#e that &ast+K
It a%%ears our re!at$e so"a! status has a %ro&ound e&&e"t on
our menta! ,e!!(en# and ths tenden"' "an a!so (e &ound n ,hat
"ou!d (e de"!ared as the evolutionary psychology o& sm!ar %rmates
as ,e!!+ A 4554 stud' %er&ormed ,th ma"a)ue mon7e's &ound that
those ,ho ,ere su(ordnateM!o,er n a #$en so"a! herar"h' had !ess
do%amne a"t$t' than the domnant ones and ths re!atonsh% ,ou!d
26I Time Trends in child and adolescent mental health* Mau#han* /o!!sha,*
Goodman @ A"7!es* 3ourna! o& /h!d As'"ho!o#' and As'"hatr'* 4556
26F Sour"n# the 4nxiety =isorders 4ssociation of 4merica* ths art"!e s a
re"ommend summaton<
26G =epression <n The 'ise !n ollege Students* NAR* 4522
26E The age of anxietyD /irth cohort change in anxiety and neuroticism* 3+M+
T,en#e* 3ourna! o& Aersona!t' and So"a! As'"ho!o#'* 455F
2H5 4ntidepressant 9se in Persons 4ged ,B and <ver3 9nited States, BCCG1
BCCI* Laura A+ Aratt* N/HS* O"t 4522
2H2 The Spirit +evel (' R"hard W!7nson and Cate A"7ett* Aen#un* Mar"h
455E* %+IH
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
"han#e as d&&erent sets ,ere re#rou%ed+ In other ,ords* t had
nothn# to do ,th ther s%e"&" (o!o#' J on!' the so"a! arran#ement
that redu"ed or e!e$ated ther do%amne !e$e!s+ It a!so &ound that
!o,er herar"h' mon7e's ,ou!d use more "o"ane to "om%ensate+ Ths
s re$ea!n# as !o, do%amne !e$e!s n %rmates 8n"!udn# humans; are
&ound to ha$e a direct correlation to depression+
The %attern has (e"ome $er' "!ear and ,h!e dre"t stressors
su"h as 0o( se"urt'* de(t and other !ar#e!' e"onom" &a"tors nherent
to the so"a! s'stem ma' %!a' a ma0or ro!e*
the re!e$an"e o&
so"oe"onom" status tse!& s st!! domnant+ The &o!!o,n# "hart s a
"om%arson o& o$era!! menta! hea!th and dru# use (' "ountr'+
n"!udes nne "ountres* sour"n# data &rom WHO sur$e's* n"!udn#
an-et' dsorders* mood dsorders* m%u!s$e dsorders* add"tons and
others+ One "an "!ear!' see that the Unted States* ,h"h a!so has the
h#hest !e$e! o& ne)ua!t'* has an enormous !e$e! o& menta! hea!th and
dru# dsorders as ,e!! n "om%arson to the !ess strat&ed "ountres*
,th Ita!' (en# the !o,est n menta! hea!th dsorders o& the #rou%+
E$en perceived so"a! status* su"h as the caste re!atonsh%s
&ound n "ountres !7e Inda* "an ha$e a %ro&ound e&&e"t on "on&den"e
and (eha$or+ A stud' %er&ormed n 4556 "om%ared the %ro(!em.
so!$n# a(!tes o& D42 h#h "aste Indan (o's a#anst those o& D42 !o,
"aste Indan (o's+ The resu!ts demonstrated that ,hen "aste ,as not
%u(!"!' announ"ed (e&ore the %ro(!em so!$n# (e#an* (oth sets o&
2H4 Social dominance in mon#eys3 dopamine =B receptors and cocaine self$
administration* Mor#an @ Grant* Nature Neuros"en"e* 4554 H84;< %+2IE.F6
2HD Suicide rates roc#et in wa#e of economic downturn recession* Nna La7han*
The Inde%endent* Au# 2H 4524
2H6 /hart &rom The Spirit +evel (' R"hard W!7nson and Cate A"7ett* Aen#un*
Mar"h 455E* %+IF
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
(o's a"he$ed sm!ar resu!ts+ The se"ond round* (e&ore ,h"h the
"aste o& ea"h #rou% ,as %u(!"!' announ"ed* the !o,er "aste #rou%
&ared mu"h ,orse* and the h#her "aste mu"h (etter* %rodu"n# $er'
d$er#ent data "om%ared ,th the &rst round+
Aeo%!e are #reat!'
n&!uen"ed (' ther %er"e$ed status n ther so"et' and o&ten when we
expect to be viewed as inferior, very often we perform as such*
In "on"!uson to ths su(se"ton re#ardn# the %s'"hoso"a!*
ne)ua!t'.(ased %henomenon that sho,s a "!ear re!atonsh% to
%s'"ho!o#"a! ,e!!(en#* t s m%ortant to )u"7!' ma7e "!ear the $ast
range of issues &ound re!ated+ When t "omes to edu"aton* so"a!
"a%ta! 8trust;* o(est'* !&e e-%e"tan"'* teen (rth* m%rsonment and
%unshment* so"a! mo(!t'* o%%ortunt'* and e$en nno$aton J
"ountres ,th !ess n"ome ne)ua!t' do (etter than those ,th more
n"ome ne)ua!t'+ Aut another ,a'* the' are more healthy so"etes+
Case Stud+% *eha/ioral 'iolence
/ou%!ed ,th the a(o$e ssues re!atn# to ne)ua!t' n so"et'* there s
one that deser$es a dee%er !oo7< behavioral violence+ /rmna!
%s'"ho!o#st Dr+ 3ames G!!#an* &ormer head o& the /enter &or the
Stud' o& Vo!en"e at Har$ard Med"a! S"hoo!* ,rote a de&nt$e
treatment on the su(0e"t n hs ,or7 Violence3 <ur =eadly Epidemic
and its auses+ Dr+ G!!#an ma7es t $er' "!ear that e-treme &orms o&
$o!en"e are not random or #enet"a!!' ndu"ed* (ut rather "om%!e-
2HH /elief Systems and =urable !ne)ualities* Ao!"' Resear"h Wor7n# Aa%er*
Was7n#ton D/< Wor!d 9an7* 4556 \ /hart &rom The Spirit +evel (' R"hard
W!7nson and Cate A"7ett* Aen#un* Mar"h 455E* %+22D.226
2HI Sour"e< The Spirit +evel (' R"hard W!7nson and Cate A"7ett* Aen#un*
Mar"h 455E
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
rea"tons that or#nate &rom stress&u! e-%eren"es* (oth n the !on#
and short term+
For e-am%!e* "h!d a(use* (oth %h's"a! and emotona!* a!on#
,th n"reasn#!' d&&"u!t !e$e!s o& %ersona! stress* ha$e a dre"t
"orre!aton to (oth %remedtated and m%u!s$e a"ts o& $o!en"e and
,h!e men ha$e a statst"a!!' h#her %ro%enst' to,ards $o!en"e due
to !ar#e!' endo"rno!o#"a! "hara"terst"s that* ,h!e not causing
$o!ent rea"tons* "an exaggerate them u%on the stress n&!uen"e*
the "ommon theme s the n&!uen"e o& the en$ronment and "u!ture+
Ths s not to ds"ount the re!atonsh% o& hormones or e$en
%oss(!' #enet" %ro%enstes*
(ut to sho, that at the or#n o& ths
(eha$or s "!ear!' not our (o!o#'* (ut the "ondton u%on ,h"h a
human e-sts and the e-%eren"es endured+ Other "ommon
assum%tons o& "ausa!t'* su"h as Knstn"t are a!so &ar too a(stra"t
and $a#ue to ho!d an' o%eratona! $a!dt'+
Dr+ G!!#an states< KI am su##estn# that the on!' ,a' to
e-%!an the "auses o& $o!en"e* so that ,e "an !earn ho, to %re$ent t*
s to a%%roa"h $o!en"e as a %ro(!em n %u(!" hea!th and %re$ent$e
med"ne* and to thn7 o& $o!en"e as a s'm%tom o& !&e.threatenn#
%atho!o#'* ,h"h* !7e a!! &orm o& !!ness* has an eto!o#' or "ause* a
In Dr+ G!!#an?s da#noss he ma7es t $er' "!ear that the
#reatest "ause o& $o!ent (eha$or s social ine)uality* h#h!#htn# the
n&!uen"e o& shame and humiliation as an emotona! "hara"terst" o&
those ,ho en#a#e n $o!en"e+
Thomas S"he&&* a emertus %ro&essor
o& so"o!o#' n /a!&orna stated that Kshame ,as the so"a!
Shame and hum!aton "an (e e)uated ,th the &ee!n#s
o& stu%dt'* nade)ua"'* em(arrassment* &oo!shness* &ee!n# e-%osed*
nse"urt' and the !7e J a!! !ar#e!' so"a! or "om%arat$e n ther or#n+
Need!ess to sa'* n a #!o(a! so"et' ,th not on!' #ro,n#
n"ome ds%art' (ut ne$ta(!' Kse!&.,orth ds%art' . sn"e status s
2HF The hormone testosterone has (een "ommon!' K(!amed &or ma!e
a##resson+ Ho,e$er t has (een &ound that nter.nd$dua! d&&eren"es n
!e$e!s o& testosterone do not resu!t n %ro%ortona! d&&eren"es n !e$e!s o&
a##ress$e (eha$or ,hen tests on the #enera! %o%u!aton ,ere "ondu"ted+
It has (een &ound that rather than testosterone "ausn# a##resson !e$e!s to
rse* t s essenta!!' the other ,a' around+ See The Trouble with
Testosterone, Ro(ert M+ Sa%o!s7'* Smon @ S"huster* 2EEF* %+26F.2HE
2HG Re&eren"e< ViolenceJ4 noxious coc#tail of genes and the environment,
Mariya MoosaEee, & ' Soc Med* BCCK MayL FM:G;3 B,,1B,- N Notes a stud'
n Ne, Zea!and ,here an a%%arent #enet" !n7 &ound to $o!ent (eha$or
,ou!d only man&est & a #reat dea! o& a(use n "h!dhood too7 %!a"e to
tr##er an e-%resson o& that a%%arent #enet" %ro%enst'+
2HE Re&eren"e< Violence* 3ames G!!#an* GrossetMAutnam* Ne, :or7* 2EE4*
2I5 I(d* %+E4
2I2 I(d* /ha%ter H
2I4 Sour"e< Shame and conformity3 the defense$emotion system* T+3+ S"he&&*
Amer"an So"o!o#"a! Re$e,* 2EGG* HD<DEH.65I
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
touted as dre"t!' re!ated to our Ksu""ess n our 0o(s* (an7 a""ount
!e$e!s and the !7e . t s no m'ster' that &ee!n#s o& n&erort'* shame
and hum!aton are sta%!es o& the "u!ture toda'+ The "onse)uen"e o&
those &ee!n#s ha$e $er' serous m%!"atons &or %u(!" hea!th* as
noted (e&ore* n"!udn# the e%dem" o& the (eha$ora! $o!en"e ,e no,
see toda' n ts $arous "om%!e- &orms+ Terrorsm* !o"a! s"hoo! and
"hur"h shootn#s* a!on# ,th other e-treme a"ts that sm%!' dd not
e-st (e&ore n the a(stra"tons the' &nd "onte-t toda'* re$ea!s a
un)ue e$o!uton o& $o!en"e tse!&+ Dr+ G!!#an "on"!udes< KI& ,e ,sh
to %re$ent $o!en"e* then* our a#enda s %o!t"a! and e"onom"
The &o!!o,n# "hart sho,s rates o& hom"de a"ross ,ea!th'
natons ,th $ar'n# states o& so"a! ne)ua!t'+ The Unted States*
,h"h s !7e!' the !ar#est"a!st ad$o"ate ,th !tt!e stru"tura!
sa&e#uards n %!a"e 8su"h as a !a"7 o& un$ersa! hea!th "are;* ,h!e a!so
%ushn# the %s'"ho!o#"a! eth" that Knde%enden"e and K"om%etton
are the most m%ortant ethos . sho,s a mass$e !e$e! o& $o!en"e+
Wh!e de(ates o$er #un "ontro! and the !7e st!! %ersst n the
Amer"an %o!t"a! !ands"a%e ,th res%e"t to the e%dem"* "!ear!' that
has nothn# rea!!' to do ,th "ausa!t'+
$n Conclusion
Ths essa' has attem%ted to #$e a "on"se o$er$e, o& "ore "ausa!
re!atonsh%s to human hea!th on (oth the %s'"ho!o#"a! !e$e! and the
%h'so!o#"a! !e$e!+ The theme s ho, the so"oe"onom" "ondton n
#enera! m%ro$es or ,orsens %u(!" hea!th o$era!!* a!!udn# to dea!
"ondtons ,h"h ,ou!d m%ro$e ha%%ness* redu"e #enera! dsease and
a!!e$ate e%dem" (eha$ora! %ro(!ems* su"h as $o!en"e+
Wh!e dre"t e"onom" re!atonsh%s are $er' "!ear n ho, the'
redu"e human hea!th and ,e!!(en# n the &orm o& absolute
deprivation* su"h as an na(!t' to o(tan )ua!t' &ood* !a(!ated
2ID Sour"e< Violence* 3ames G!!#an* GrossetMAutnam* Ne, :or7* 2EE4* %+4DI
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
tme restrants that redu"e emotona! and de$e!o%menta! su%%ort &or
"h!dren* !oss o& edu"aton )ua!t' due to re#ona! &undn# %ro(!ems*
a!on# ,th "ase (' "ase turmo! su"h as the &a"t that most marra#es
end due to monetar' %ro(!ems*
the relative deprivation ssue has
(een more o& a &o"us here due to the &a"t that t s !ess understood
and more re!e$ant than most understand+
Aut nto the stru"tura!* so"oe"onom" "onte-t* these rea!tes
&rm!' "ha!!en#es the ethos that "om%etton* "!ass and other
K"a%ta!st notons o& n"ent$e and %ro#ress are dr$ers o& so"a!
%ro#ress and hea!th+ The more ,e !earn a(out ths %henomenon* the
stron#er the ar#ument (e"omes that the nature o& our so"oe"onom"
s'stem s some,hat (a"7,ards n ts &o"us and ntent+ Human
%ro#ress* hea!th and su""ess are "!ear!' not de&ned (' the "onstant
n&!u- o& mar7et #oods* #ad#ets and matera! "reatons &or %ur"hase+
Au(!" hea!th and ,e!!(en# are based on how we relate to each other
and the environment as a whole and mar7et ndu"ed strat&"aton s
e-treme!' "aust" to so"et'+
The resu!t s a hidden form of violence a#anst the %o%u!aton
and hen"e the %u(!" hea!th ssues ,e see are rea!!' civil A human
rights issues, sn"e the' sm%!' do not need to e-st+ When ,e see
"!ear #eno"de n the ,or!d ,e o(0e"t stron#!' on %ure!' mora!
#rounds+ 9ut ,hat & there e-sted a "onstant #eno"de that s unseen
(ut $er' rea!* %er%etuated not (' a s%e"&" %erson or #rou% (ut ('
dsorder (orn out o& stressMe&&e"ts #enerated (' the tradtona! method
o& human ntera"ton and e"onom" ordern# that has (een "reated and
As ,!! (e ar#ued n the &o!!o,n# essa's* mere ad0ustments to
the "urrent so"oe"onom" s'stem are not enou#h n the !on#.term to
su(stanta!!' reso!$e these %ro(!ems+ The $er' &oundatona! %rn"%!es
o& our "urrent mode! are (ound (' herar"h"a! e"onom" and
"om%ett$e orentatons and to tru!' ,or7 to remo$e those attr(utes
and "onse)uen"es s to "om%!ete!' trans&orm the entre so"a! s'stem+
2I6 Re&eren"e< Money (ights Predict =ivorce 'ates, /atherne Ram%e!!
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
--$STOR1 OF ECO"O21-
It s a te!!n# s'm%tom o& our "ondton that no esta(!shed s"hoo!* ds"%!ne
or #enera! theor' o& so"a! ana!'ss has #rounded tse!& n !&e re)urements+++
Instead* some so"a! "onstru"t s n$ara(!' ado%ted as the u!tmate re&eren"e
(od'. set o& deas* the state* the mar7et* a "!ass* te"hno!o#"a! de$e!o%ment*
or some other &a"tor than the
!&e.#round tse!&+

.3ohn M"Murtr'
E"onom"s s !7e!' the most "rt"a!* re!e$ant and n&!uenta! so"eta!
"hara"terst" there s+ Vrtua!!' e$er' as%e"t o& our !$es* o&ten ,thout
"ons"ous re"o#nton* has a re!atonsh% to the hstor"a! de$e!o%ment
and %resent %ra"t"e o& e"onom" thou#ht on one !e$e! or another*
mo!dn# our most (as" so"a! nsttutons* "ore (e!e&s and $a!ues+ In
&a"t* the $er' essen"e o& ho, ,e as a so"et' thn7 a(out our
relationship to ea"h other and the ha(tat that su%%orts us s* n !ar#e
%art* a dre"t resu!t o& the e"onom" theores and %ra"t"es ,e
Thou#ht&u! re$e, o& hstor"a! re!#ous @ mora! %h!oso%hes*
#o$ernmenta! de$e!o%ment* %o!t"a! %artes* !e#a! statutes and other
so"a! "ontra"ts and (e!e&s that "om%rse a #$en so"a! s'stem and ts
"u!ture* re$ea! the dee% m%a"t e"onom" assum%tons ha$e and
"ontnue to ha$e n sha%n# o& the K1et#est o& a tme+
S!a$er'* "!asssm* -eno%ho(a* ra"sm* se-sm* su(0u#aton
and man' other d$s$e @ e-%!otat$e notons st!! "ommon to human
"u!tura! hstor' ,!! (e &ound to ha$e 7erne!s o& or#n or %er%etuaton
n man' #enera!!' a""e%ted e"onom" %h!oso%hes to one de#ree or
another+ Hstor' s &ar!' "!ear ,th res%e"t to ho, the so"a! "ondton
s #roomed (' the %re$a!n# e"onom" assum%tons o& a #$en %erod
and ths (road so"o!o#"a! "onsderaton s sad!' not #$en mu"h
#ra$t' n the ,or!d toda' ,hen thn7n# a(out ,h' the ,or!d s the
,a' t s and ,h' ,e thn7 the ,a' ,e do+
As a %re!mnar' %ont* a %ont ,h"h ,!! reemer#e !ater n ths
essa'* there has "ommon!' (een a dua!t' noted n most modern
e"onom" thou#ht ,here the K"a%ta!st &ree mar7et* meann# the
K&ree a"tons o& nde%endent %rodu"ers* !a(orer and traders* ,or7n#
n a##re#ate to (u'* se!! and em%!o'*
s to (e "ontrasted to that o&
the Kstate* meann# a un&ed s'stem o& de!e#ated %o,er that has the
"a%a"t' to set !e#a! %o!"' and e"onom" mandates that "an nh(t the
a"tons o& the K&ree mar7et throu#h nter&eren"e+ Most e"onom"
de(ates toda' re$o!$ed around ths dua!t' on one !e$e! or another
,th the K!asse1.&are nterests* or those ,ho ,sh to ha$e a
2IH Sour"e< The ancer Stage of apitalism* 3ohn M"Murtr'* A!uto Aress* 2EEE*
2II A !ess #enera!1ed de&nton o& the K&ree.mar7et s as &o!!o,s< KAn
e"onom" s'stem n ,h"h %r"es and ,a#es are determned (' unrestr"ted
"om%etton (et,een (usnesses* ,thout #o$ernment re#u!aton or &ear o&
mono%o!es+ 8htt%<MMd"tonar'+re&eren"e+"omM(ro,seM&reeQmar7et;
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
"om%!ete!'!ated mar7et e"onom'* "onstant!' at ,ar ,th the
Kstatsts* or those ,ho thn7 some 7nd o& "entra!1ed #o$ernment
"ontro! and de"son ma7n# o$er e"onom" %!annn# and %o!"' s (est+
The Zet#est Mo$ement ta7es nether sde* e$en thou#h man'
,ho hear TZM?s %ro%osa!s ha$e a 7nee.0er7 rea"ton to assume the
!atter asso"aton 8Kstatsm;+
As ,th man' tradtona!1ed (e!e&
s'stems* %o!ar1ed %ers%e"t$es and de&enses are "ommon and the
dea that there s no other %oss(!e frame of reference ,th res%e"t to
ho, an e"onom" s'stem "an (e de$e!o%ed and admnstered* s to
"!ose onese!& o&& do#mat"a!!' to man' re!e$ant and emer#n#
The &o!!o,n#* (re& treatment s a(out the historical
de$e!o%ment o& e"onom"s+ We ,!! tra"e the #enera! hstor' o&
e"onom" thou#ht &rom rou#h!' the 2F
"entur' on,ard* h#h!#htn#
the "ore n&!uen"es that #a$e (rth to the modern* K&ree mar7et
"a%ta!st s'stem+ Ho,e$er* as ,!! (e e-%anded u%on more so n %art
III* a d&&erent %ers%e"t$e ,!! a!so (e a!!uded to+ We ,!! "a!! ths the
Kme"hanst" $e,+ The me"hanst" %ers%e"t$e o& e"onom" &a"torn#
ta7es a d&&erent !oo7 at the "ausa!* scientific rea!tes o& human
e-sten"e and our ha(tat and (u!ds a mode! o& e"onom" theor' &rom
the stand%ont o& strategic reason, not historical tradition+
The (ottom !ne s that modern e"onom" thou#ht s rea!!' not
modern at a!! and the $ast ma0ort' o& assum%tons st!! he!d as ?#$en?*
su"h as K%ro%ert'* Kmone'* K"!asssm* theores o& K$a!ue* K"a%ta!
and other "on"e%ts that run throu#h $rtua!!' a!! "onte-tua!!' re!e$ant
hstor"a! ar#uments* are rea!!' outdated n ther under!'n# %remses+
Ra%d de$e!o%ment n the ndustra!* n&ormatona! and human
s"en"es* ,h"h ha$e #one !ar#e!' #nored (' the esta(!shed e"onom"
tradton* are %osn# "rt"a! re"onsderatons and ne, re!atonsh%s
,h"h sm%!' do not exist n the tradtona! mode!s+
Wth res%e"t to the e$er mutatn# Ks"hoo!s o& thou#ht that
ha$e (rou#ht the e"onom" de(ate to ,here t rests toda'* the
a"adem"* o&ten &ormu!a" tradtona!1ed e$o!uton o& esta(!shed
e"onom" theor' 8and %ra"t"e; a%%ears to ha$e de$e!o%ed a self$
referring frame of reference*

2IF As ,!! (e des"r(ed n !ater essa's* TZM?s o&ten &a!se "ate#or1aton o&
(en# Kstatst s rooted n ts #enera! o%%oston to mar7et %rn"%!es* ,h"h
t &nds to (e unsustana(!e and o&ten "ounter%rodu"t$e+ KStatsm* ,h"h
"an ta7e man' &orms* su"h as "ommunst* &as"st or so"a!st* ad$o"ates a
K"entra! authort' to de"de ho, the e"onom"M%o!t"a! %ro"ess s to un&o!d*
,th !tt!e to no re!e$ant n&!uen"e o""urrn# $a the #enera! %o%u!aton+ TZM
su%%orts an o%en de"son ma7n# %ro"ess n #enera!* under the m%oston
o& (as"* %ro$en !a,s o& s"ent&" sustana(!t' and e&&"en"'+
2IG The noton o& an Ke-terna!t'* ,h"h ,!! (e noted !ater n ths essa'* s a
"ase n %ont+ Most en$ronmenta! and so"a! "osts s'stem" to the mar7et
a%%roa"h* a!on# ,th ar#ua(!' the loss of efficiency and hen"e %ros%ert'*
are dsmssed n the theoret"a! e)uaton o& the mar7et* amon# man' other
re!e$ant ssues+
2IE E"onom" %h!oso%her 3ohn M"Murtr' stated #enera!!' on ths ssue< KThs
tenden"' %re$a!s &rom the /ontnenta! Ratona!sts on+ Le(n1* S%no1a*
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
In other ,ords* the most "ommon Kmanstream e"onom"
"onsderatons ds"ussedMa""e%ted toda'U those most %ro%a#ated n
the %rest#ous a"adem" s"hoo!s and #o$ernmenta! "on&eren"es* ,!!
(e &ound to der$e ther m%ortan"e &rom the mere &a"t that the' ha$e
(een considered m%ortant &or so !on#+ As a meta%hor* t s sm!ar to
$e,n# the en#ne o& an automo(!e and assumn# the o$era!!
stru"ture o& that en#ne s mmuta(!e and on!' $araton amon#
e-stn# "om%onent %arts s %oss(!e* as o%%osed to the rad"a! dea o&
redesigning the entre en#ne stru"ture &rom the #round u%* %erha%s
(ased u%on ne, te"hno!o#' and n&ormaton that ser$es the ut!t'
more e&&"ent!' and su""ess&u!!'+
KModern e"onom" thou#ht and %ra"t"e s an o!d en#ne ,th
#eneratons o& mmnent Ke-%erts ,or7n# to admnster o!d
"om%onents %arts* re&usn# to a""e%t the %oss(!t' that the entre
en#ne s outdated and %erha%s n"reasn#!' detrmenta!+ The'
"ontnue to %u(!sh ar#uments* theores and e)uatons that ren&or"e
the &a!se m%ortan"e o& that o!d en#ne 8o!d K&rame o& re&eren"e;*
#norn# ne, ad$ents n s"en"e* te"hno!o#' and %u(!" hea!th that
"ontrad"t ther tradtona!sm+ It s no d&&erent than the !on# hstor' o&
other Kesta(!shed deas* su"h as a(0e"t human s!a$er'* ,here the
so"et' at !ar#e rea!!' ddn?t )ueston the %ra"t"e* and "onsdered su"h
established structures, m%osed and "od&ed* as Knatura! to the
human "ondton+
&nderl+ing Themes
Ta7n# an hstor"a! %ers%e"t$e* Euro%e o& the Mdd!e A#es
#enera!!' a de"ent deo!o#"a! startn# %ont as the most "entra! deas
"hara"terst" o& modern "a%ta!sm* ,h"h !ater s%read a"ross the
,or!d* a%%ear to ha$e ta7en ho!d durn# ths %erod+
It s &rom the
"entur' on,ard that ,e &nd most o& the n&!uenta! %h!oso%hers
Des"artes* 9er7e!e'* Cant and He#e!* &or e-am%!e* more or !ess entre!'
%resu%%osed the so"a! re#me o& ther da' and ts "onsttuent &orms as n
some ,a' the e-%resson o& the d$ne Mnd* ,h"h the' see t as ther
ratona! dut' on!' to a""e%t or to 0ust&'+ The ancer Stage of apitalism,
A!uto Aress* 2EEE* %+F
2F5 Arstot!e 8DG6 9/J D44 9/;* ,h!e "redted ,th e-tens$e s"ent&"* !o#"a!
and %h!oso%h"a! "ontr(uton* ,as a!so n &a$or o& s!a$er'* 0ust&'n# the
rea!t' ,th ,hat "ou!d (e ar#ued as bias* not reason+ He stated< K9ut s
there an' one thus ntended (' nature to (e a s!a$e* and &or ,hom su"h a
"ondton s e-%edent and r#ht* or rather s not a!! s!a$er' a $o!aton o&
natureR There s no d&&"u!t' n ans,ern# ths )ueston* on #rounds (oth o&
reason and o& &a"t+ For that some shou!d ru!e and others (e ru!ed s a thn#
not on!' ne"essar'* (ut e-%edentU &rom the hour o& ther (rth* some are
mar7ed out &or su(0e"ton* others &or ru!e+ Politics, 9oo7 I* /ha%ters III
throu#h VII
2F2 The term KMdd!e A#es #enera!!' re&ers to the %erod o& Euro%ean hstor'
that !asted &rom the Hth unt! the 2Hth "entures+
2F4 For a deta!ed stud' o& the mede$a! e"onom" s'stem and so"et'* the
&o!!o,n# ,or7 s su##ested< The 4grarian +ife of the Middle 4ges, 3+H+
/ha%man and E!een E+ Ao,ers* eds+* 4d ed+* The ambridge Economic
>istory of Europe* $o!+ 2 London* /am(rd#e Un$erst' Aress* 2EII
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
h#h!' re#arded toda' n tradtona! hstor' (oo7s o& e"onom"s+ Wh!e
hstorans ha$e &ound that the (as" #estures o& K%ro%ert' and the a"t
o& Ktradn# &or %ro&t #o (a"7 to the se"ond m!!ennum 9/*
ts "ore
de$e!o%menta! &oundaton and nsttutona!1aton a%%ears to rests
around the !ate &euda!Mear!' mer"ant!st %erods+
Rather than ds"uss the $arous d&&eren"es (et,een the
so"oe"onom" s'stems that %re"eded modern "a%ta!sm* t s more
,orth,h!e to note the #enera! sm!artes+ In ths (road "onte-t* the
"a%ta!st s'stem a%%ears to (e a man&est e$o!uton o& ,hat are
most!' dee%!' n#raned historical assumptions o& human nature and
human so"a! re!atons*
Frst!'* t ,!! (e not"ed throu#hout ths e$o!uton that a class
divide has (een re"o#n1ed and em%!o'ed to one de#ree or another+
Aeo%!e ha$e #enera!!' (een d$ded nto t,o #rou%s
. those that
produce &or mnma! re,ard and those ,ho gain &rom that %rodu"ton+
From an"ent E#'%tan s!a$er'*
to the %easant &armer to!n# n
su(ssten"e &or hs !ord n mede$a! &euda!sm*
to the "od&ed
o%%resson o& the mar7et mer"hants (' the state mono%o!es o&
the theme o& ine)uality has (een $er' "!ear and
A se"ond &eature he!d n "ommon to these domnant Western
so"oe"onom" %h!oso%hes s that o& a (as" dsre#ard 8or %erha%s
#noran"e; o& "rt"a! re!atonsh%s (et,een the human s%e"es and ts
#o$ernn#* su%%ort$e ha(tat+ Wh!e "ertan e-"e%tons "an (e &ound
,th nd#enous tr(es su"h as ,th %re."o!ona!* Nat$e Amer"an
Western e"onom" thou#ht has (een a!most de$od o& su"h
"onsderatons* a(sent the more re"ent and mountn# e"o!o#"a!
%ro(!ems ,h"h ha$e &or"ed some %u(!"M#o$ernment res%onse and a
$er' #enera! nterest n Kre&orm+
2FD Re&eren"e< Macroeconomics from the beginning3 The ?eneral Theory,
4ncient Mar#ets, and the 'ate of !nterest* Da$d War(urton Aars*
Re"her"hes et Au(!"atons* 455D %+6E
2F6 The KEmer#ent "onsderaton o& e"onom" de$e!o%ment a%%ears to (e a
re!at$e!' ne, "on"e%t* ntrodu"ed most %o%u!ar!' (' Thorsten Ve(!en n the
ear!' 45
"entur'+ Su##ested readn# on the su(0e"t o& e"onom" e$o!uton<
The Evolution of !nstitutional Economics3 4gency, Structure and =arwinism
in 4merican !nstitutionalism, Geo&&re' M+ Hod#son* London* Rout!ed#e*
2FH The dstn"ton o& K"!asses n s%e"&" "ate#ores s ,thout e-a"t meann#*
hstor"a!!'+ The %ont here s the on#on# %resen"e o& a "!ear!' domnant
"!ass* ,hether that o& an"ent no(!t'* &or e-am%!e* or the modern &nan"a!
2FI Re&eren"e< The >istorical Encyclopedia of 7orld Slavery* 3unus A+
Rodr#ue1* Vo! I* Se"ton E
2FF Re&eren"e< Mediaeval (eudalism* /ar! Ste%henson* /orne!! Un$erst'
Aress* 2EHI
2FG Re&eren"e< 4 >istory of Economic Theory and Method* Ro(ert 9+ E7e!undU
Ro(ert F+ HB(ert* Ne, :or7< M"Gra,JH!!* 2EFH
2FE Re&eren"e< =efending Mother Earth3 "ative 4merican Perspectives on
Environmental &ustice* 3a"e Wea$er* Or(s 9oo7s* 2EEI
2G5 To !st the e"o!o#"a! %ro(!ems no, &a"n# humant'* &rom "!mate
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
A thrd and &na! (road &eature to note s the #enera! dsmssa!
o& the so"a! re"o#nton o& a %erson?s ,e!!(en# on the !e$e! o& human
need and hen"e public health+ Ad$an"ements n the human s"en"es*
,h"h o""urred !ar#e!' a&ter the "ore do"trnes o& e"onom" thou#ht
,ere tradtona!!' "od&ed* ha$e &ound that human wants and human
are not the same and the de%r$aton o& the !atter "an "reate
man' ne#at$e "onse)uen"es not on!' &or the nd$dua! (ut &or the
so"et' tse!&+"a!* K"rmna! and $o!ent (eha$or* &or e-am%!e*
ha$e (een &ound sour"ed to man' &orms o& so"a! de%r$aton rooted n
the so"oe"onom" tradton+
Aut more #enera!!'* the s'stem #nores
su"h so"a! "onse)uen"es (' des#n* re!e#atn# these out"omes as
mere Ke-terna!tes n most "ases+
Ths rea!t' ,as &urther "om%ounded n the 2G
"entur' ,here
the Kso"a!!' Dar,nst"
undertone o& the K!a(or.&,ard
%remse n"reasn#!' redu"ed the human (en# to an o(0e"t that ,as to
(e de&ned and )ua!&ed (' hs or her "ontr(uton to the s'stem o&
!a(or+ I& the a$era#e %erson s una(!e to o(tan !a(or or en#a#e
su""ess&u!!' n the mar7et e"onom'* there e-sts no rea! sa&e#uard
,th res%e"t to one?s sur$$a! or ,e!!(en#* e-"e%t &or Knter&eren"e
"omn# &rom the Kstate n the &orm o& K,e!&are+ In the modern da'*
ths rea!t' s o& #reat "ontro$ers' ,here the "!am o& Kso"a!sm has
(e"ome a 7nee.0er7 "ondemnaton rea"ton ,hene$er #o$ernmenta!
%o!"' attem%ts to %ro$de dre"t su%%ort &or a "t1enr' ,thout &u!! use
o& the mar7et me"hansm+
Dawn of 2ar#et Ca,italism
Mede$a! Feuda!sm 8rou#h!' &rom the E
to 2Ith "entures; ,as the
domnant so"oe"onom" s'stem that essenta!!' %re"eded K&ree mar7et
"a%ta!sm n Western Euro%e* ,th ,hat ,as !ater to (e "a!!ed
Kmer"ant!sm ser$n# as ,hat "ou!d (e "onsdered a transton sta#e+
Feuda!sm ,as (ased on a s'stem o& mutua! o(!#atons and
ser$"es #on# u% and do,n a set so"a! herar"h'* ,th the entre
so"a! s'stem restn# essenta!!' on an a#r"u!tura! &oundaton+
Mede$a! so"et' ,as most!' an a#raran so"et' and the so"a!
herar"h' ,as (ased essenta!!' on %eo%!esN tes to !and+ The (as"
desta(!1aton* to %o!!uton* to resour"e de%!eton* to !oss o& (od$erst' and
other n$ara(!' public health threats* ,ou!d (e too e-tens$e to deta! here+
In the $e, o& TZM* these ssues are !ar#e!' a resu!t o& the /a%ta!st
%remse and ts a""e%ted a%%roa"hes and $a!ues +
2G2 /onsum%ton %atterns n modern so"et' ha$e sho,n an ar(trar' nature
,th res%e"t to KHuman Wants* su"h as the %o,er&u! sh&t n $a!ues ,h"h
o""urred n the ear!' 45
"entur' ,th the a%%!"aton o& modern Western
ad$ertsn#+ KHuman Needs* ho,e$er* are (as" ne"esstes* !ar#e!' shared
(' a!! humans* ,h"h mantan %h's"a! and %s'"ho!o#"a! hea!th+
2G4 See the essa' =efining Public >ealth+
2GD KSo"a! Dar,nsm s a $er' #enera! deo!o#' that see7s to a%%!' (o!o#"a!
"on"e%ts o& Dar,nsm or o& Ksur$$a! o& the &ttest t'%e theor' to so"o!o#'
and %o!t"s+ Hstoran R"hard Ho&stadter %o%u!ar1ed the term n the Unted
States n 2E66+ The ntuton o& ths "on"e%t* ho,e$er* a%%ears !on# (e&ore
Dar,n?s tme n %h!oso%h"a! thou#ht+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
e"onom" nsttutons ,ere the K#u!ds and & someone ,anted to
%rodu"e or se!! a #ood or ser$"e* the' ,ou!d #enera!!' 0on a #u!d+ A
#reat dea! "ou!d (e stated n deta! a(out ths e-tens$e %erod o&
hstor' and as ,th most hstor' t s su(0e"t to $arous nter%retatons
and de(ate+ Ho,e$er* &or the sa7e o& ths essa'* ,e ,!! on!' %resent a
$er' #enera! o$er$e, ,th res%e"t to the e"onom" transton to
mar7et "a%ta!sm+

As a#r"u!tura! and trans%ort te"hno!o#' m%ro$ed* the
e-%anson o& trade o""urred and (' the 2D
"entur'* ,th the ad$ent o&
the &our.,hee!ed ,a#on* &or e-am%!e* the ran#e o& mar7et ntera"ton
ra%d!' n"reased+ L7e,se* n"reased !a(or s%e"a!1aton* ur(an
"on"entratons and %o%u!aton #ro,th a!so o""urred+
These "han#es*
"ou%!ed ,th the resu!tn#* n"reasn# %o,er o& the Kmer"hant
"a%ta!sts* as the' "ou!d (e "a!!ed* s!o,!' ,ea7ened the tradtona!*
"ustomar' tes that he!d the &euda! so"a! stru"ture to#ether+
O$er tme* more "om%!e- "tes (e#an to emer#e ,h"h ,ere
su""ess&u! n o(tann# nde%enden"e &rom the &euda! !ords and
n"reasn#!' "om%!e- s'stems o& e-"han#e* "redt and !a, (e#an to
emer#e* man' o& ,h"h are &ound to mrror man' (as" as%e"ts o&
modern "a%ta!sm+ In the "ustomar' &euda! s'stem* #enera!!' the
Khand"ra&t %rodu"er ,as a!so the se!!er to the (u'er o& use+ Ho,e$er*
as the e$o!uton o& the mar7et "ontnued around these ne, ur(an
"enters* the "ra&tsman (e#an to se!! at a ds"ount n mass to non.
%rodu"n# mer"hants ,ho ,ou!d rese!! n dstant mar7ets &or a K%ro&t.
another &eature !ater to (e he!d "ommon to mar7et "a%ta!sm+
9' the 2I
"entur'* the Khand"ra&t ndustr' "ommon to
&euda!sm had (een trans&ormed nto a "rude mrror o& ,hat ,e 7no,
toda'* ,th the outsour"n# o& !a(or* sn#u!ar o,nersh% o& %rodu"ton*
a!on# ,th man' &ndn# themse!$es more and more n the %oston o&
(en# Kem%!o'ed rather than %rodu"n# themse!$es+ E$entua!!'* the
!o#" surroundn# monetar' profit (e#an to (e the "ore* de"dn# &a"tor
o& o$era!! a"ton n a s'stem" ,a' and the true seeds o& "a%ta!sm
too7 root+
Mer"ant!sm* ,h"h essenta!!' domnated Western Euro%ean
e"onom" %o!"' &rom the 2Ith to the !ate 2Gth "entures*
"hara"ter1ed (' state.dr$en trade mono%o!es to ensure a %ost$e
K(a!an"e o& trade*
"ou%!ed ,th man' other e-tens$e re#u!atons
&or %rodu"ton* ,a#es and "ommer"e emer#n# o$er tme* &urther
2G6 Re&eren"e< Mediaeval (eudalism* /ar! Ste%henson* /orne!! Un$erst' Aress*
2GH Re&eren"e< The Economy of Early 'enaissance Europe* 2D55J26I5* Harr'
A+ Ms7mn* En#!e,ood /!&&s* N3< Arent"e.Ha!!* 2EIE* %+45
2GI Re&eren"e< Studies in the =evelopment of apitalism* Maur"e H+ Do((*
London* Rout!ed#e and Ce#an Aau!* 2E6I* /ha%ter 6
2GF Re&eren"e< The oncise Encyclopedia of Economics, Da$d R+ Henderson*
L(ert' Fund* In"* 4554* KMer"ant!sm
2GG A %ost$e (a!an"e o& trade s a!so 7no,n as a Ktrade sur%!us and t
"onssts o& e-%ortn# more than s m%orted n monetar' $a!ue+ Ths a"t ('
the State s o&ten "a!!ed KArote"tonsm toda'+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
n"reasn# the %o,er o& the state+ /o!!uson (et,een the state and
these emer#n# ndustres ,ere "ommon and man' ,ars o""urred due
to these %ra"t"es sn"e t ,as (ased on trade restr"tons (et,een
natons that o&ten too7 the e&&e"t o& e"onom" ,ar&are+

Adam Smth* ,ho ,!! (e ds"ussed !ater n ths essa'* ,rote
an e-tens$e "rt"sm o& mer"ant!sm n hs "!ass" 2FFI te-t* 4n
!n)uiry into the "ature and auses of the 7ealth of "ations*
It s
here ,here t "ou!d (e de"!ared that the deo!o#"a! (rth o& K&ree
mar7et "a%ta!sm rea!!' too7 root n theor'* ,th the re0e"ton o& ,hat
s o&ten "a!!ed Kstate "a%ta!sm n modern terms* ,here the state
Knter&eres ,th the K&reedom o& the mar7et . a de&nn# &eature o&
Toda'* K"a%ta!sm* as a sn#u!ar term* s #enera!!' de&ned
"u!tura!!' n the theoret"a! "onte-t o& K&ree mar7et not Kstate
"a%ta!sm* a!thou#h man' ,!! ar#ue n #reat deta! as to ,h"h t'%e o&
s'stem ,e rea!!' ha$e toda'* amon# other $aratons o& the term+ In
rea!t'* there s no %ure K&ree mar7et or Kstate (ased s'stem n
e-sten"e (ut a "om%!e- &uson (et,een the t,o* #enera!!' s%ea7n#+
A#an* as noted at the (e#nnn# o& ths essa'* the $ast ma0ort' o&
e"onom" de(ates and (!ame re#ardn# e"onom" un&o!dn# o&ten
re$o!$e around these %o!ar1ed deas+
Ca,italism Defined
as ,e 7no, t n s%e"&"s toda'* n"!udn# not on!' ts
e"onom" theor' (ut %o,er&u! %o!t"a! and so"a! e&&e"ts* emer#ed n
&orm* as noted* rather s!o,!' o$er a %erod o& se$era! "entures+ It
shou!d (e stated u%&ront that there s no "om%!ete a#reement amon#st
e"onom" hstoransMtheorsts as to ,hat the essenta! &eatures o&
"a%ta!sm rea!!' are+ We ,!!* ho,e$er* redu"e ts hstor"a!
"hara"ter1aton 8,h"h some ,!! !7e!' &nd de(ata(!e; to &our (as"
2GE Re&eren"e< The ?rowth of Economic Thought, Henr' W!!am S%e#e!, Du7e
Un$erst' Aress* D
Ed* 2EE2, %%+ED.22G+
2E5 Re&eren"e< An !n)uiry into the "ature and auses of the 7ealth of "ations*
Adam Smth* 2FFI* 9oo7 IV< O& S'stems o& Ao!t"a! E"onom'
2E2 Murra' Roth(ard* a &eatured e"onomst o& the modern TAustran S"hoo!T*
summar1ed the TStatstT %ers%e"t$e and "rt"sm< TMer"ant!sm* ,h"h
rea"hed ts he#ht n the Euro%e o& the se$enteenth and e#hteenth
"entures* ,as a s'stem o& statsm ,h"h em%!o'ed e"onom" &a!!a"' to (u!d
u% a stru"ture o& m%era! state %o,er* as ,e!! as s%e"a! su(sd' and
mono%o!st" %r$!e#e to nd$dua!s or #rou%s &a$ored (' the state+ Thus*
mer"ant!sm he!d e-%orts shou!d (e en"oura#ed (' the #o$ernment and
m%orts ds"oura#ed+ 8Mercantilism3 4 +esson for <ur TimesD* Murra'
Roth(ard* Freeman* 2EID;
2E4 As ar#ued n the essa' Value System =isorder* ths s a &a!se dua!t' and
moot ,th res%e"t to the under!'n# %ro(!ems "ommon!' attr(uted to the
%o!ar1ed de(ate+
2ED From here on n ths essa'* ,e ,!! use the term K"a%ta!sm n ts most
"ommon "u!tura! &orm* m%!'n# the K&ree mar7et theoret"a! "onte-t+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
2; Mar7et.(ased %rodu"tonMdstr(uton< /ommodt' %rodu"ton s
(ased around rather "om%!e- nterre!atonsh%s and de%enden"es that
do not n$o!$e direct %ersona! ntera"tons (et,een %rodu"ers and
"onsumers+ Su%%!' and demand s medated (' the Tmar7etT s'stem+
4; Ar$ate o,nersh% o& %rodu"ton means< Ths means that so"et'
#rants to %r$ate %ersons the r#ht to d"tate ho, the ra, matera!s*
too!s* ma"hner'* and (u!dn#s ne"essar' &or %rodu"ton "an (e used+
D; De"ou%!n# o& o,nersh% and !a(or< In short* a "onstant "!ass d$de
s nherent ,here on the to% !e$e!* K"a%ta!sts*
(' hstor"a!
de&nton* o,n the means o& %rodu"ton* (ut 'et ha$e no o(!#aton to
"ontr(ute to %rodu"ton tse!&+ The "a%ta!st o,ns e$er'thn# %rodu"ed
(' the !a(orers* ,ho on!' o,n ther o,n !a(or* (' !e#a! authort'+
6; Se!&.ma-m1n# n"ent$e assumed< Ind$dua!st"* "om%ett$e and
a")ust$e nterests are ne"essar' &or the su""ess&u! &un"tonn# o&
"a%ta!sm sn"e a "onstant %ressure to "onsume and e-%and s needed
to a$od re"essons* de%ressons and other ne#at$es+ In man' ,a's*
ths s the Kratona! (eha$ora! $e, he!d ,here & a!! humans a"ted n
a "ertan assumed ,a'* the s'stem ,ou!d &un"ton ,thout
(oc#e% E/olution of 3Pro,ert+4
A dee% %h!oso%h"a! under"urrent to the "a%ta!st s'stem s the noton
o& K%ro%ert'+ En#!sh %h!oso%her 3ohn Lo"7e 82ID4.2F56; s a %$ota!
&#ure+ A!so sour"ed n Adam Smth?s more n&!uenta! 7ealth of
"ations* Lo"7e not on!' de&nes the dea n #enera!* he %resents a
su(t!e 'et %o,er&u! "ontrad"ton+
In /ha%ter V* entt!ed K%ro%ert'* o& Lo"7e?s Second Treatise of
?overnment %u(!shed n 2IGE* he %oses an ar#ument ,th res%e"t to
the nature o& %ro%ert' and ts a%%ro%raton+ He states< KThe !a(our o&
hs (od' and the ,or7 o& hs hands* ,e ma' sa'* are str"t!' hs+ So
,hen he ta7es somethn# &rom the state that nature has %ro$ded and
!e&t t n* he mixes his labour with it* thus 0onn# to t somethn# that
s hs o,nU and n that ,a' he ma7es t hs %ro%ert'+
Ths statement
8su%%ortn# n #esture ,hat ,as !ater to asso"ate ,th the K!a(or
theor' o& $a!ue;* %ro%oses the !o#" that sn"e !a(or s Ko,ned (' the
2E6 Wh!e a K"a%ta!st "an (e "onsdered a %erson n &a$or o& ths a%%roa"h to
e"onom'* a more a""urate de&nton denotes Ka %erson ,ho has "a%ta!*
es%e"a!!' e-tens$e "a%ta!* n$ested n (usness enter%rses+
Xhtt%<MMd"tonar'+re&eren"e+"omM(ro,seM"a%ta!stY In other ,ords* ths s a
%erson ,ho o,ns or n$ests "a%ta! &or a return or %ro&t* (ut 'et has no
o(!#aton to "ontr(ute to a"tua! %rodu"ton or !a(or n an' ,a'+
2EH A "oro!!ar' to ths are the $arous Kratona! "ho"e and Kut!t' theores
"ommon to &ree mar7et m"roe"onom" theor' ,h"h attem%ts to )uant&'
human a"tons around $arous (eha$ora! mode!s+ 8more on ths !ater n the
2EI Sour"e< Second Treatise of ?overnment, 3ohn Lo"7e* 2IGE* /ha%ter V*
Se"ton 4F
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
!a(orer 8sn"e he o,ns hmse!&;* an' ener#' e-%e!!ed throu#h hs !a(or
transfers that o,nersh% to the %rodu"t made+
Hs %h!oso%h"a! ds%oston s essenta!!' der$ed &rom a
/hrstan %ers%e"t$e* statn#< KGod #a$e the ,or!d to men n
"ommonU (ut sn"e he #a$e t to them &or ther (ene&t and &or the
#reatest "on$enen"es o& !&e the' "ou!d #et &rom t* he "anNt ha$e
meant t a!,a's to reman "ommon and un"u!t$ated+
G$en ths de"!araton o& the K"ommon nature o& the earth and
ts &ruts to a!! o& humant' (e&ore ts K"u!t$aton $a a%%ro%raton n
the &orm %ro%ert'* he a!so der$es that o,ners are re)ured to not
a!!o, an'thn# to spoil 8KNothn# ,as made (' God &or man to s%o! or
and the' must !ea$e enou#h &or others 8KThs
a%%ro%raton o& a %!ot o& !and (' m%ro$n# t ,asnNt done at the
e-%ense o& an' other man* (e"ause there ,as st!! enou#h Xand as
#oodY !e&t &or others+++;+

These $a!ues* n sm%!st" &orm* seem so"a!!' 0ust&a(!e n
#enera!+ He ma7es t "!ear u% unt! ths %ont that the o,nersh%
"onte-t s re!e$ant on!' n so &ar as the o,ner?s needs and a(!t' to
cultivate* or %rodu"e+
Ho,e$er* n Se"ton DI* he re$ea!s a un)ue
rea!t'* the m%!"atons o& ,h"h Lo"7e !7e!' dd not ant"%ate and* n
man' ,a's* nu!!&es a!! %ror ar#uments n hs de&ense o& %r$ate
%ro%ert'+ He states< KThe Wone thn#N that (!o"7s ths s the n$enton o&
mone'* and menNs ta"t a#reement to %ut a $a!ue on tU ths made t
%oss(!e* ,th menNs "onsent* to ha$e !ar#er %ossessons and to ha$e a
r#ht to them+
No,* n e&&e"t* hs or#na! %remse* summar1ed n %art here*
that< KAn'one "an throu#h hs !a(our "ome to o,n as mu"h as he "an
use in a beneficial way (e&ore t s%o!sU an'thn# (e'ond ths s more
than his share and (e!on#s to others
(e"omes $er' d&&"u!t to de&end as mone' no, not on!' a!!o,s
KXmenY to ha$e !ar#er %ossessons* m%!"t!' $odn# n "onte-t the
dea that Kan'thn# (e'ond ths s more than his share and (e!on#s to
others* t a!so &urther m%!es that mone' "an buy labor* ,h"h $ods
the dea that Khe Xn ths "ase the (u'erY mixes his labour with it* thus
0onn# to t somethn# that s hs o,nU and n that ,a' he ma7es t hs

Fna!!'* the %ro$so KNothn# ,as made (' God &or man to s%o!
2EF I(d* /ha%ter V* Se"ton D6* 2IGE
2EG I(d* /ha%ter V* Se"ton D2* 2IGE
2EE I(d* /ha%ter V* Se"ton DD* 2IGE
455 Lo"7e States< KNature dd ,e!! n settn# !mts to %r$ate %ro%ert' throu#h
!mts to ho, mu"h men "an ,or7 and !mts to ho, mu"h the' need+ No
manNs !a(our "ou!d tame or a%%ro%rate a!! the !andU no manNs en0o'ment
"ou!d "onsume more than a sma!! %artU so that t ,as m%oss(!e &or an'
man n ths ,a' to n&rn#e on the r#ht o& another* or a")ure a %ro%ert' to
the dsad$anta#e o& hs ne#h(or+++ 8Second Treatise of ?overnment* 3ohn
Lo"7e* /ha%ter V* Se"ton DI* 2IGE;
452 I(d* /ha%ter V* Se"ton DI* 2IGE
454 I(d* /ha%ter V* Se"ton D2* 2IGE
45D I(d* /ha%ter V* Se"ton 4F* 2IGE
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
or destro'
s nu!!&ed ,th a ne, asso"aton that mone'* (en# #o!d
or s!$er at that tme* sm%!' cannot s%o!+ KThat s ho, mone' "ame
nto use . as a dura(!e thn# that men "ou!d 7ee% ,thout ts s%o!n#*
and that (' mutua! "onsent men ,ou!d ta7e n e-"han#e &or the tru!'
use&u! (ut %ersha(!e su%%orts o& !&e+
It s here ,here ,e &nd* at !east n the medum o& !terar'
ds"ourse* the true seed o& "a%ta!st ownership Eustification ,here the
use o& mone'* treated as an a(stra"t "ommodt' n and o& tse!& 8n
e&&e"t* an assumed em(odment o& K!a(or;* a!!o,ed an e$o!uton o&
thou#ht and %ra"t"e to emer#e ,h"h n"reasn#!' sh&ted the &o"us
&rom re!e$ant %rodu"ton 8Lo"7e?s K"u!t$aton; to mere o,nersh%
me"han"s and the %ursut o& %ro&t+
Adam Smith
Adam Smth 82F4D.2FE5; s o&ten "redted as one o& the most
n&!uenta! e"onom" %h!oso%hers n modern hstor'+ Hs ,or7* ,h!e
natura!!' (ased on the %h!oso%h"a! ,rtn#s o& man' (e&ore hm* s
o&ten "onsdered a startn# %ont &or e"onom" thou#ht n the "onte-t
o& modern "a%ta!sm+ Rea"hn# maturt' at the da,n o& the Industra!
Smth !$ed at a tme ,here t "ou!d (e ar#ued that the
nherent &eatures o& the "a%ta!st Kmode o& %rodu"ton ,ere (e"omn#
e$er more str7n#* #$en the ntrodu"ton o& "on"entrated* "entra!1ed
%rodu"ton &a"tores and mar7ets+
As noted* n 2FFI Smth %u(!shed hs no, ,or!d &amous 4n
!n)uiry into the "ature and auses of the 7ealth of "ations* Amon#
man' re!e$ant o(ser$atons* he a%%ears to (e the &rst to re"o#n1e the
three %rn"%a! "ate#ores o& n"ome at the tme . 8a; %ro&ts* 8(; rents
and 8"; ,a#es . and ho, the' re!ated to the man so"a! "!asses o& the
%erod . 8a; "a%ta!sts* 8(; !and!ords* and 8"; !a(orers+ It s ,orth
notn# that the ro!e o&* ,h"h s se!dom ds"ussed toda'
n modern e"onom" treatments* ,as a "ommon %ont o& &o"us then
sn"e the %re.ndustra! s'stems ,here st!! !ar#e!' a#raran*
h#h!#htn# the landlords 8,h"h !ater dsso!$ed nto the "!ass&"aton
o& sm%!' owners n &uture mar7et theores;+
Smth?s most noted "ontr(uton to the %h!oso%h' o& "a%ta!sm
,as hs #enera! ad$o"aton that e$en thou#h nd$dua!s m#ht a"t n a
narro,* se!&sh manner on ther %ersona! (eha!& or on the (eha!& o& the
"!ass or #rou% to ,h"h the' are a %art* and e$en thou#h "on&!"t* (oth
456 I(d* /ha%ter V* Se"ton D2* 2IGE
45H I(d* /ha%ter V* Se"ton 6F* 2IGE
45I The Sto"7 Mar7et and n"reasn# %o,er o& the n$estmentM&nan"a! %o,ers
around the ,or!d n the 42
"entur' re&!e"ts ths "u!mnaton ,e!!+ It a%%ears
that the mere a"t o& o,nersh% and trade $a mone' a!one* ,thout an'
need &or %rodu"ton "u!t$aton and human ser$"e* has (e"ome the most
%ro&ta(!e ndustr' n the ,or!d toda'+
45F The Industra! Re$o!uton o""urred &rom a(out 2FI5 to some tme (et,een
2G45 and 2G65 startn# n Euro%e* a""ordn# to $arous hstorans* and ,as
essenta!!' the transtonMa%%!"aton to ne,* te"hno!o#' (ased
manu&a"turn# %ro"esses+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
nd$dua! or "!ass (ased* seemed to (e the resu!t o& these a"tons*
there ,as ,hat he "a!!ed an Kn$s(!e hand that se"ured a %ost$e
so"a! out"ome &rom sn#u!ar* se!&sh*"a! ntents+ Ths "on"e%t
,as %resented (oth n hs ,or7s The Theory of Moral Sentiments
and The 7ealth of "ations*
He stated n the !atter< KAs e$er' nd$dua!* there&ore*
endea$ors as mu"h as he "an (oth to em%!o' hs "a%ta! n the su%%ort
o& domest" ndustr'* and so to dre"t that ndustr' that ts %rodu"e
ma' (e o& the #reatest $a!ueU e$er' nd$dua! ne"essar!' !a(ors to
render the annua! re$enue o& the so"et' as #reat as he "an+ He
#enera!!'* ndeed* nether ntends to %romote the %u(!" nterest* nor
7no,s ho, mu"h he s %romotn# t+++he ntends on!' hs o,n #an* and
he s n ths* as n man' other "ases* !ed (' an n$s(!e hand to
%romote an end ,h"h ,as no %art o& hs ntenton+ Nor s t a!,a's the
,orse &or the so"et' that t ,as no %art o& t+ 9' %ursun# hs o,n
nterest he &re)uent!' %romotes that o& the so"et' more e&&e"tua!!'
than ,hen he rea!!' ntends to %romote t+
Ths near!' re!#ous dea! had a %o,er&u! e&&e"t on the %ost.
Smth era* #$n# a $er' social $nd"aton &or the nherent!' se!&.
ma-m1n#* anti$social (eha$or "ommon to "a%ta!st %s'"ho!o#'+ Ths
(as" %h!oso%h' ,as to de$e!o%* n %art* as the &oundaton o&
e"onom"s (e#nnn# n the !ate nneteenth "entur'+
Smth* 7no,n# )ute ,e!! the "!ass "on&!"ts nherent to
"a%ta!sm* #oes on to ds"uss the nature o& ho, some men #an
K+++su%erort' o$er the #reater %art o& ther (rethren*
,hat ,as to n"reasn#!' (e "onsdered a K!a, o& nature re#ardn#
human %o,er and su(0u#aton (' &urther theorsts+ Hs $e, o&
%ro%ert' ,as n harmon' ,th 3ohn Lo"7e* e!a(oratn# on ho, so"et'
tse!& s man&est around t+ He stated K/$! #o$ernment* so &ar as t s
45G KThe r"h on!' se!e"t &rom the hea% ,hat s most %re"ous and a#reea(!e+
The' "onsume !tt!e more than the %oor* and n s%te o& ther natura!
se!&shness and ra%a"t'* thou#h the' mean on!' ther o,n "on$enen"'*
thou#h the so!e end ,h"h the' %ro%ose &rom the !a(ours o& a!! the
thousands ,hom the' em%!o'* (e the #rat&"aton o& ther o,n $an and
nsata(!e desres* the' d$de ,th the %oor the %rodu"e o& a!! ther
m%ro$ements+ The' are !ed (' an n$s(!e hand to ma7e near!' the same
dstr(uton o& the ne"essares o& !&e* ,h"h ,ou!d ha$e (een made* had the
earth (een d$ded nto e)ua! %ortons amon# a!! ts nha(tants* and thus
,thout ntendn# t* ,thout 7no,n# t* ad$an"e the nterest o& the so"et'*
and a&&ord means to the mu!t%!"aton o& the s%e"es+ XThe Theory of Moral
Sentiments %ar+ IV+I+25* 2FE5Y
45E Sour"e< 4n !n)uiry into the "ature and auses of the 7ealth of "ations,
Adam Smth* 2FFI* %ar+ IV+4+E
425 There s no stat" de&nton o& Kneo"!ass"a! e"onom"s+ Ho,e$er* a
#enera!* "u!tura!!' "ommon summar' n"!udes the (road nterest n K&ree*
unre#u!ated mar7ets* &o"usn# on the determnaton o& %r"es* out%uts* and
n"ome dstr(utons n mar7ets throu#h su%%!' and demand* o&ten medated
throu#h a h'%othes1ed ma-m1aton o& ut!t' (' n"ome."onstraned
nd$dua!s and o& %ro&ts (' "ost."onstraned &rms+
422 Sour"e< 4n !n)uiry into the "ature and auses of the 7ealth of "ations,
Adam Smth* 2FFI* %ar+ V+2+4
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
nsttuted &or the se"urt' o& %ro%ert'* s n rea!t' nsttuted &or the
de&ense o& the r"h a#anst the %oor* or o& those ,ho ha$e some
%ro%ert' a#anst those ,ho ha$e none at a!!+
Aro%ert'* as an nsttuton* a!so re)ures a means to 0ust&'
res%e"t$e value+ To ths end* $arous Ktheores o& $a!ue ha$e (een
and "ontnue to (e %ostu!ated+ O&ten sour"ed n or#n (a"7 to
Arstot!e?s Politics, Smth?s "ontr(uton s st!! ,de!' re&eren"ed as a
%$ota! n&!uen"e+ In e&&e"t* Smth (u!ds u%on Lo"7e?s Km-n# !a(or
%remse o& %rodu"tonMo,nersh% and e-tends &rom there* "reatn# a
K!a(or theor' o& $a!ue+
He states KLa(our ,as the &rst %r"e* the or#na! %ur"hase
mone' that ,as %ad &or a!! thn#s+ It ,as not (' #o!d or (' s!$er* (ut
(' !a(our* that a!! the ,ea!th o& the ,or!d ,as or#na!!' %ur"hasedU
and ts $a!ue* to those ,ho %ossess t* and ,ho ,ant to e-"han#e t &or
some ne, %rodu"tons* s %re"se!' e)ua! to the )uantt' o& !a(our
,h"h t "an ena(!e them to %ur"hase or "ommand+
Man' "ha%ters
o& 9oo7 I o& 7ealth of "ations ,or7 to e-%!an the nature o&
%r"esM$a!ues res%e"t$e to hs denoted n"omeM"!ass "ate#ores o&
K,a#es* Krents* and K%ro&ts+ Ho,e$er* t ,!! (e &ound that hs !o#"
s rather "r"u!ar n s%e"&"s as the %r"e assessments are &ound to
or#nate mere!' &rom other %r"e assessments n a "han ,th no rea!
startn# %ont* other than the !oose dstn"ton o& a%%!ed !a(or* ,h"h
has* o& "ourse* no ntrns"* stat" monetar' )ua!&"aton+ Ths %ro(!em
o& am(#ut' n (oth the domnant K!a(or and Kut!t' theores o&
$a!ue "ommon to "a%ta!st mar7et theor' ,!! (e addressed n deta!
!ater n ths essa'+
O$era!!* SmthNs e"onom" theor' su%%orted K!asse1.&are
"a%ta!sm as the h#hest mode o& so"oe"onom" o%eraton* statn#
that< t ,as a Ks'stem o& natura! !(ert' and KE$er' man* as !on# as
he does not $o!ate the !a,s o& 0ust"e* s !e&t %er&e"t!' &ree to %ursue
hs o,n nterest hs o,n ,a'* and to (rn# (oth hs ndustr' and
"a%ta! nto "om%etton ,th those o& an' other man* or order o&
Ths !ater "on"e%t* as ,!! (e ar#ued n the essa'* Value
System =isorder, s a rather na$e assum%ton o& human (eha$or and*
n e&&e"t* a "ontrad"ton n terms+
2althus and Ricardo
Thomas Ma!thus 82FII.2GD6; and Da$d R"ardo 82FF4.2G4D; ,ere
t,o ,e!! a"7no,!ed#ed* !eadn# theorsts o& %o!t"a! e"onom' o& the
ear!' 2E
"entur'+ The' ,ere K&rend!' r$a!s (' some "om%arson (ut
&rom the (road $e, o& hstor' the' shared $rtua!!' the same
%ers%e"t$e* "!ose!' ted to Adam Smth?s+
The !ate Industra! Re$o!uton n Euro%e and Amer"a ,as a
%erod o& e-tens$e "on&!"t (et,een !a(orers and "a%ta!st o,ners+
Numerous re$o!ts and str7es n res%onse to a(horrent and a(us$e
,or7n# "ondtons &or not on!' men* (ut a!so ,omen and "h!dren*
424 I(d+
42D I(d+
426 I(d+* %ar+ IV+E+H2
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
,ere "ommon+ Ths #a$e ra%d rse to the no, "ommon !a(or unons
and a #enera! (att!e (et,een K,or7ers and o,ners has "ontnued
e$er sn"e+ To em%has1e the e-tent o& ths "!ass ,ar&are* n En#!and*
the ombination 4ct of ,OFF ,as m%osed ,h"h (as"a!!' out!a,ed
an' "om(naton o& ,or7ers to #rou% to#ether &or %o,er n order to* n
e&&e"t* e-ert n&!uen"e or nh(t the nterests o& ther em%!o'ers+
Hstoran Aau! Mantou-* ,rtn# o& ths %erod* "ommented on
Tthe a(so!ute and un"ontro!!ed %o,er o& the "a%ta!st+ In ths* the
hero" a#e o& #reat underta7n#s* t ,as a"7no,!ed#ed* admtted and
e$en %ro"!amed ,th (ruta! "andor+ It ,as the em%!o'erNs o,n
(usness* he dd as he "hose and dd not "onsder that an' other
0ust&"aton o& hs "ondu"t ,as ne"essar'+ He o,ed hs em%!o'ees
,a#es and on"e those ,ere %ad the men had no &urther "!am on
It ,as n the mdst o& a!! ths that Ma!thus and R"ardo
n$ara(!' "onte-tua!1ed ther e"onom" and so"a! $e,s+
9e#nnn# ,th Ma!thus* hs "!ass" ,or7 4n Essay on the
Principle of Population orents around essenta!!' t,o assum%tons+ The
&rst s that the "!ass stru"ture o& ,ea!th' %ro%retors and %oor !a(orers
,ou!d ne$ta(!' reemer#e no matter ,hat re&orms ,here
He "onsdered t a law of nature+ The se"ond dea*
somethn# o& a "oro!!ar' to &rst* ,as sm%!' that %o$ert' and su&&ern#
and hen"e e"onom" d$des ,ere ne$ta(!e "onse)uen"es o& natura!
Hs thess on %o%u!aton rests u%on the $er' sm%!e assum%ton
that KAo%u!aton* ,hen un"he"7ed* n"reases n a #eometr"a! rato+
Su(ssten"e n"reases on!' n an arthmet"a! rato+
There&ore* & the
standard o& !$n# o& e$er'one n so"et' ,ere n"reased* the $ast
ma0ort' ,ou!d res%ond (' n"reasn# the amount o& "h!dren the'
ha$e+ In turn* %o%u!aton out%a"n# su(ssten"e ,ou!d $er' soon %ush
the %o%u!aton (a"7 to %o$ert'+ It ,as on!' throu#h Kmora!
a so"a! )ua!t' that he m%!es to (e!on# to the more
u%standn# u%%er "!ass* that ths %ro(!em s "he"7ed (' (eha$or+
42H Ths %o,er o& "a%ta!st nterests to en#a#e and* n man' ,a's* become the
#o$ernment to ser$e ther o,n "om%ett$e ad$anta#e ,!! a!so (e ds"ussed
n the essa'< KVa!ue S'stem Dsorder
42I Sour"e< The !ndustrial 'evolution in the Eighteenth entury* Aau! Mantou-*
Har"ourt 9ra"e 3o$ano$"h* Ne, :or7* 2E4F* %+62F
42F He states< KNo %oss(!e sa"r&"es o& the r"h* %art"u!ar!' n mone'* "ou!d
&or an' tme %re$ent the re"urren"e o& dstress amon# the !o,er mem(ers
o& so"et'* ,hoe$er the' ,ere 84n Essay on the Principle of Population,
Thomas Ma!thus* 2FEG* /ha%ter H;
42G He states< TIt has a%%eared* that &rom the ne$ta(!e !a,s o& our nature
some human (en#s must su&&er &rom ,ant+ These are the unha%%' %ersons
,ho* n the #reat !otter' o& !&e* ha$e dra,n a (!an7+ 84n Essay on the
Principle of Population, Thomas Ma!thus* 2FEG* /ha%ter 25;
42E Sour"e< 4n Essay on the Principle of Population, Thomas Ma!thus* 2FEG*
/ha%ter 2
445 From hs 4
edton o& 4n Essay on the Principle of Population* 2GDI*
Principles of Political Economy* $o!+ 2* %+26+ Ne, :or7* Au#ustus M+ Ce!!e'*
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
E$dent!'* the d&&eren"e (et,een the ,ea!th' and the %oor ,as the
h#h mora! "hara"ter o& the &ormer and the (ase mora!t' o& the

A#an* as noted %ror n ths essa'* the intuitive cultural
condition has had a #reat dea! to do ,th the %re$a!n# %remses o&
thou#ht that ha$e #uded e"onom" o%eratons nto the modern da'+
Wh!e man' toda' m#ht dsmss Ma!thus and these "!ear!' outdated
deas* the seeds ,ere dee%!' %!anted n the e"onom" do"trnes* $a!ues
and "!ass re!atonsh%s that o""urred durn# and a&ter hs tme+ In &a"t*
those o& a more K"onser$at$e mndset st!! "ommon!' "te $aratons
o& hs %o%u!aton theor' ,hen dea!n# ,th e"onom"a!!' !ess.
de$e!o%ed "ountres+
Ma!thus* a!on# ,th Lo"7e and Smth* a!so he!d dee%!'
/hrstan "on$"tons n ther &rames o& re&eren"e* ,hether dre"t!'
e-tra"ted &rom s"r%ture or (ased on %ersona! nter%retaton+ Ma!thus
&rames hs Kmora! restrant ,th the m%!"aton that a true /hrstan
,ou!d r#hteous!' denoun"e su"h (ase $"es and a!so a""e%t the
inevitable mser' ne"essar' to 7ee% %o%u!aton &rom outstr%%n#
resour"e su(ssten"e+ L7e,se* 0ust as there s enormous de(ate toda'
,th res%e"t to !a,s %ertann# to the noton and use o& K,e!&are or
K%u(!" ad %ro#rams to he!% the %oor*
Ma!thus* natura!!'* ,as a (#
%ro%onent o& the a(o!ton o& ,hat ,ere then "a!!ed the K%oor !a,s* as
,as Da$d R"ardo+
Mo$n# on to R"ardo* he essenta!!' a""e%ted Ma!thusN
%o%u!aton theor' and "on"!usons re#ardn# the nature and "auses o&
%o$ert'* (ut dsa#reed ,th "ertan e"onom" theores* su"h as
e!ements o& Ma!thus? theory of value* theory of gluts and "ertan "!ass
assum%tons+ Sn"e most o& these dsa#reements n deta! are
su%er&!uous to ths (road ds"usson at hand 8and ar#ua(!' outdated n
#enera!;* R"ardo?s most nota(!e "ontr(utons to e"onom" thou#ht ,!!
(e the %ont o& &o"us+
In 2G42* R"ardo &nshed the thrd edton o& hs n&!uenta!
Principles of Political Economy and Taxation+ In the %re&a"e* he states
hs nterest< TThe %rodu"e o& the earth+++a!! that s der$ed &rom ts
sur&a"e (' the unted a%%!"aton o& !a(our* ma"hner'* and "a%ta!* s
d$ded amon# three "!asses o& the "ommunt'* name!'* the %ro%retor
o& the !and* the o,ner o& the sto"7 o& "a%ta! ne"essar' &or ts
"u!t$aton* and the !a(orers (' ,hose ndustr' t s "u!t$ated+ To
442 It s ,orth notn# that the Ma!thusan Ao%u!aton Theor' s a"tua!!' $er'
na""urate ,th res%e"t to &a"tors %ertann# to %o%u!aton #ro,th* (ased on
statst"a! understandn#s toda'+ A%art &rom the e&&e"t te"hno!o#' has
%!a'ed n e-%andn# %rodu"ton "a%a"t' and e&&"en"' e-%onenta!!'*
%art"u!ar!' ,th res%e"t to &ood %rodu"ton* the #enera!1aton that h#her
standards o& !$n# n"rease %o%u!aton %ro%ortona!!' s not su%%orted ('
re#ona! "om%arson+ Aoor "ountres statst"a!!' re%rodu"e &aster toda' than
,ea!th' "ountres+ The ssue a%%ears to (e a "u!tura!* re!#ous and
edu"atona! %henomenon* not a r#d K!a, o& nature as Ma!thus "on"!uded+
444 Re&eren"e< 4bolishment of 7elfare3 4n !dea /ecomes a ause
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
determne the !a,s ,h"h re#u!ate ths dstr(uton s the %rn"%a!
%ro(!em n %o!t"a! e"onom'+T
Wh!e "rt"a! o& "ertan as%e"ts o& Adam Smth?s labor theory
of value* he st!! su%%orted the (as" dstn"ton* statn#< KAossessn#
ut!t'* "ommodtes der$e ther e-"han#ea(!e $a!ue &rom t,o sour"es<
&rom ther s"ar"t'* and &rom the )uantt' o& !a(our re)ured to o(tan
In "ommon ,th Smth* he e!a(orates< KI& the )uantt' o&
!a(our rea!1ed n "ommodtes re#u!ates ther e-"han#ea(!e $a!ue
e$er' n"rease o& the )uantt' o& !a(our must au#ment the $a!ue o&
that "ommodt' on ,h"h t s e-er"sed* as e$er' dmnuton must
!o,er t+
/onse)uent!'* R"ardo $e,ed so"et' and the "!ass d$sons o&
hs tme &rom the !a(or %ers%e"t$e and t !o#"a!!' ,ent that the
nterests o& ,or7ers and "a%ta!sts ,ere o%%osed+ KI& ,a#es shou!d
rse* he o&ten stated* Kthen+++ %ro&ts ,ou!d ne"essar!' &a!!+
e$en thou#h ths dsharmon' a!!udes to an under!'n# nterest o& ea"h
"!ass to ,or7 to #an ad$anta#e o$er the other &or ther (ene&t* o&ten
resu!tn# n #enera! m(a!an"e n !ar#e %art due to the %o,er o& the
"a%ta!st o,ners to "ontro! !a(or 8and set %o!"';* "ou%!ed ,th the
ad$ent o& me"han1aton 8ma"hne a%%!"aton; ,h"h s'stemat"a!!'
redu"ed the need &or human !a(or n a%%!ed se"tors* he a!!udes to the
"on$"ton that the theor' o& "a%ta!sm* & "orre"t!' a%%!ed* shou!d
always "reate &u!! em%!o'ment n the !on# run+
On the s%e"&" ssue o& ma"hne a%%!"aton ds%!a"n# human
!a(or &or the ad$anta#e o& the manu&a"turer* he states< KThe
manu&a"turer+++,ho+++"an ha$e re"ourse to a ma"hne ,h"h sha!!+++
X!o,er the "ostsY o& %rodu"ton on hs "ommodt'* ,ou!d en0o' %e"u!ar
ad$anta#es & he "ou!d "ontnue to "har#e the same %r"e &or hs
#oodsU (ut he+++,ou!d (e o(!#ed to !o,er the %r"e o& hs "ommodtes*
or "a%ta! ,ou!d &!o, to hs trade t!! hs %ro&ts had sun7 to the #enera!
!e$e!+ Thus then s the %u(!" (ene&ted (' ma"hner'+
Ho,e$er* as ,th other as%e"ts o& hs ,rtn#* "ontrad"ton s
"ommon+ Wh!e mantann# the (as" dea that the #enera! %u(!"
,ou!d (ene&t &rom the ntrodu"ton o& !a(or ds%!a"n# ma"hner'
under the assum%ton that mar7et %r"es ,ou!d "!ean!' de"!ne and
those ds%!a"ed ,ou!d a!,a's smooth!' re!o"ate* n the thrd edton o&
hs Principles, R"ardo starts "ha%ter D2 (' statn#< TE$er sn"e I &rst
turned m' attenton to )uestons o& %o!t"a! e"onom'* I ha$e (een o&
the o%non that+++an a%%!"aton o& ma"hner' to an' (ran"h o&
%rodu"ton as shou!d ha$e the e&&e"t o& sa$n# !a(our ,as a #enera!
#ood+++X(utY that the su(sttuton o& ma"hner' &or human !a(or s
o&ten $er' n0urous to the nterests o& the "!ass o& !a(orers+

44D Sour"e< The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation* Da$d R"ardo*
2G42* Dent Edton* 2EI4* %+4F4+
446 I(d+* %+H
44H I(d+* %+F
44I I(d+* %+I6
44F I(d+* %+HD
44G I(d+* %%+4ID.4I6
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
He !ater re.)ua!&es the ar#ument (' statn# KThe statements
,h"h I ha$e made ,!! not* I ho%e* !ead to the n&eren"e that
ma"hner' shou!d not (e en"oura#ed+ To e!u"date the %rn"%!e* I ha$e
(een su%%osn#* that m%ro$ed ma"hner' s sudden!' ds"o$ered* and
e-tens$e!' usedU (ut the truth s* that these ds"o$eres are #radua!*
and rather o%erate n determnn# the em%!o'ment o& the "a%ta! ,h"h
s sa$ed and a""umu!ated* than n d$ertn# "a%ta! &rom ts a"tua!
Hs #enera! dsmssa! o& the ssue o& humans (en# ds%!a"ed
(' ma"hnes* !ater to (e "a!!ed Kte"hno!o#"a! unem%!o'ment ,!! a!so
(e &ound n "ommon ,th man' other e"onomsts that &o!!o,ed hm*
n"!udn# 3ohn Ma'nard Ce'nes 82GGD.2E6I;* ,ho stated* n !ne ,th
R"ardo?s #enera! assum%ton o& Kad0ustment< KWe are (en# a&&!"ted
,th a ne, dsease o& ,h"h some readers ma' not 'et ha$e heard the
name* (ut o& ,h"h the' ,!! hear a #reat dea! n the 'ears to "ome .
name!'* technological unemployment* Ths means unem%!o'ment due
to our ds"o$er' o& means o& e"onom1n# the use o& !a(our outrunnn#
the %a"e at ,h"h ,e "an &nd ne, uses &or !a(our+ 9ut ths s on!' a
tem%orar' %hase o& ma!ad0ustment+ A!! ths means n the !on# run that
man#ind is solving its economic problem*8
The su(0e"t s (rou#ht u% here as an a""ent o& &o"us (e"ause t
,!! (e re$sted n %art III o& ths te-t* %resentn# a "onte-t o&
te"hno!o#"a! a%%!"aton a%%arent!' unrea!1ed or dsre#arded (' the
ma0or e"onom" theorsts o& modern hstor' ,ho* a#an* are o&ten
!o"7ed nto a narrow frame of reference*
As a &na! %ont re#ardn# R"ardo* he s a!so "redted &or hs
"ontr(uton to nternatona! K&* s%e"&"a!!' hs Theory of
omparative 4dvantage, a!on# ,th %er%etuaton o& the (as" Kn$s(!e
hand ethos o& Adam Smth+ R"ardo States< TUnder a s'stem o&
%er&e"t!' &ree "ommer"e* ea"h "ountr' natura!!' de$otes ts "a%ta! and
!a(our to su"h em%!o'ments as are most (ene&"a! to ea"h+ Ths
%ursut o& nd$dua! ad$anta#e s admra(!' "onne"ted ,th the
un$ersa! #ood o& the ,ho!e+ 9' stmu!atn# ndustr'* (' re,ardn#
n#enut'* and (' usn# most e&&"a"ous!' the %e"u!ar %o,ers
(esto,ed (' nature* t dstr(utes !a(our most e&&e"t$e!' and most
e"onom"a!!'< ,h!e* (' n"reasn# the #enera! mass o& %rodu"tons* t
d&&uses #enera! (ene&t* and (nds to#ether* (' one "ommon te o&
nterest and nter"ourse* the un$ersa! so"et' o& natons throu#hout
the "$!1ed ,or!d+T
Theories of 'alue and *eha/ior
U% unt! ths %ont* the (road "ontr(utons o& &our ma0or hstor"a!
&#ures and ne$ta(!' the "entra! "hara"terst"s nherent to the
"a%ta!st %h!oso%h' ha$e (een (re&!' ds"ussed+ It ,!! (e not"ed that
44E I(d+* %+4IF
4D5 Sour"e< Economic Possibilities for <ur ?randchildren* 3ohn Ma'nard
Ce'nes* 2ED2
4D2 Sour"e< The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation* Da$d R"ardo*
2G42* Dent Edton* 2EI4* %+G2
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
under!'n# these $e,s rest assum%tons o& human (eha$or* so"a!
8"!ass; re!atonsh%s* "ou%!ed ,th a Kmeta%h's"a! mar7et !o#" ,here
e$er'thn# ,!! ,or7 out 0ust &ne & "ertan $a!ues and a #enera!!'
Kse!&sh %ers%e"t$e s ta7en (' the %!a'ers o& the mar7et #ame* a!on#
,th !tt!e Krestr"ton o& the mar7et tse!&+
As a (re& asde* no,here n the ,rtn#s o& these thn7ers* nor
n the $ast ma0ort' o& ,or7s %rodu"ed (' !ater theorsts n &a$or o&
&ree mar7et "a%ta!sm* s the a"tua! structure and process o&
%rodu"ton and dstr(uton ds"ussed+ There s an e-%!"t ds"onne"t
(et,een Kndustr' and K(usness* ,th the &ormer re!ated to the
te"hn"a!Ms"ent&" %ro"ess o& true e"onom" un&o!dn#U ,th the !atter
on!' %ertann# to the "od&ed mar7et d'nam"s and %ursut o& %ro&t+
As ,!! (e ds"ussed more so n a moment* a "entra! %ro(!em nherent
to the "a%ta!st mode o& %rodu"ton s ho, ad$an"ements n the
Kndustra! a%%roa"h* ,h"h "an a!!o, &or n"reased %ro(!em reso!uton
and the &urthern# o& %ros%ert'* ha$e (een bloc#ed (' the tradtona!*
seemn#!' mmuta(!e tenets o& the K(usness a%%roa"h+ The !atter has
#o$erned the a"tons o& the &ormer* to the dsad$anta#e o& the &ormer?s
Ths 7nd o& ds"onne"t or truncated frame of reference s a!so
to (e &ound n other areas o& &o"us* su"h as the domnant theores o&
labor, value and human behavior ,h"h ne$ta(!' ser$e to 0ust&' the
nsttuton o& "a%ta!sm+ As noted %ror* the K!a(or theor' o& $a!ue*
made %o%u!ar n #enera! (' ts m%!"atons $a Lo"7e* Smth and
R"ardo* s a #enera!1ed %ro%osa! statn# that the $a!ue o& a
"ommodt' s re!ated to the !a(or needed to %rodu"e or o(tan that
"ommodt'+ As a""e%ta(!e as ths dea s n #enera! &rom an ntut$e
%ers%e"t$e* there are man' !e$e!s o& am(#ut' ,hen t "omes to
)uant&"aton+ Man' hstor"a! o(0e"tons ha$e %erssted* su"h as ho,
d&&erent t'%es o& !a(or ha$n# d&&ern# s7!!s and ,a#e rates "ou!d not
(e %ro%er!' "om(ned* a!on# ,th ho, to &a"tor n natura! resour"es
and K,or7n# n$estment "a%ta! tse!&+
The #ro,th o& K"a%ta! #oods
n the 45
"entur'* su"h as
ma"hne automaton o& !a(or* a!so %resent "ha!!en#es &or the rather
sm%!&ed !a(or theores? "on"e%t o& labor derived value sn"e* a&ter a
"ertan %ont* the !a(or $a!ue nherent to %rodu"ton ma"hnes* ,h"h
toda' o&ten &un"ton to %rodu"e more machines ,th dmnshn#
human e&&ort o$er tme* %resents an e$er d!uted transfer of value n
ths "onte-t+ It has (een su##ested (' some e"onomsts toda'*
&o"usn# on the ra%d!' ad$an"n# &e!ds o& n&ormaton and
te"hno!o#"a! s"en"es* that the use o& ma"hne automaton* "ou%!ed
,th artificial intelligence, "ou!d $er' ,e!! mo$e humans out o& the
tradtona! !a(or &or"e a!most entre!'+ Sudden!'* capital has (e"ome
4D4 K/a%ta! #oods are #enera!!' de&ned as< An' tan#(!e assets that an
or#an1aton uses to %rodu"e #oods or ser$"es su"h as o&&"e (u!dn#s*
e)u%ment and ma"hner'+ /onsumer #oods are the end resu!t o& ths
%rodu"ton %ro"ess+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
labor, so to s%ea7*

Ths am(#ut' e-tends a!so to "om%etn# theores o& $a!ue
%ostu!ated (' e"onomsts* n"!udn# most nota(!' ,hat s "a!!ed the
utility theory of value* Wh!e the !a(or theor' (as"a!!' ta7es the
%ers%e"t$e o& !a(or or %rodu"ton* the ut!t' theor' ta7es ,hat ,e
"ou!d "a!! the Kmar7et %ers%e"t$e* meann# that $a!ue s der$ed not
&rom !a(or (ut (' the %ur%ose 8or ut!t'; der$ed (' ts use 8use $a!ue;
(' the "onsumer* as perceived (' the "onsumer+
Fren"h E"onomst 3ean.9a%tste Sa' 82FDF.2GD4; s nota(!e
,th res%e"t to ut!t' theor'+ A se!&.%ro"!amed ds"%!e o& Adam Smth*
he d&&ered ,th Smth on ths ssue o& $a!ue* statn#< KA&ter ha$n#
sho,n+++the m%ro$ement ,h"h the s"en"e o& %o!t"a! e"onom' o,es
to Dr+ Smth* t ,!! not* %erha%s* (e use!ess to nd"ate+++some o& the
%onts on ,h"h he erred+++To the !a(our o& man a!one he as"r(es the
%o,er o& %rodu"n# $a!ues+ Ths s an error+
He #oes on to e-%!an ho, the Ke-"han#e $a!ue 8%r"e;* o& an'
#ood or ser$"e de%ends entre!' on ts Kuse $a!ue 8ut!t';+ He states<
The $a!ue that man7nd atta"hes to o(0e"ts or#nates n the use t
"an ma7e o& them+++XTo theY nherent &tness or "a%a(!t' o& "ertan
thn#s to sats&' the $arous ,ants o& man7nd* I sha!! ta7e !ea$e to
a&&- the name ut!t'+++The ut!t' o& thn#s s the #round.,or7 o& ther
$a!ue* and ther $a!ue "onsttutes ,ea!th+++A!thou#h %r"e s the
measure o& the $a!ue o& thn#s* and ther $a!ue the measure o& ther
ut!t'* t ,ou!d (e a(surd to dra, the n&eren"e* that* (' &or"(!'
rasn# ther %r"e* ther ut!t' "an (e au#mented+ E-"han#ea(!e $a!ue*
or %r"e* s an nde- o& the re"o#n1ed ut!t' o& a thn#+
The utility theory of value s d&&erent &rom the labor theory not
on!' n ts der$aton o& $a!ue* (ut a!so n ts m%!"aton re#ardn# a
7nd o& subEective rationali%ation ,th res%e"t to human de"sons n
the mar7et+ Ut!taransm*
,h"h has (e"ome dee%!' "hara"terst" o&
the m"roe"onom" assum%tons %ut &or,ard (' neo"!ass"a!
e"onomsts toda'* s o&ten mode!ed n "om%!e- mathemat"a! &ormu!as
n an e&&ort to e-%!an ho, humans n the mar7et Kma-m1e ther
4DD Re&eren"e< The End of 7or#3 The =ecline of the ?lobal +abor (orce and the
=awn of the Post$Mar#et Era, 3erem' R&7n* Autnam Au(!shn# Grou%* 2EEH
4D6 Sour"e< 4 Treatise on Political Economy, 3ean.9a%tste Sa'* Ah!ade!%ha<
L%%n"ott* 2GID* %+- 8Trans!aton s &rom the &ourth Fren"h edton*
%u(!shed n 2G42;
4DH I(d* %+I4
4DI 3erem' 9entham* a nota(!e %ro%onent o& T/!ass" Ut!taransmT* stated<
KNature has %!a"ed man7nd under the #o$ernan"e o& t,o so$ere#n
masters* %an and %!easure+ It s &or them a!one to %ont out ,hat ,e ou#ht
to do] 9' the %rn"%!e o& ut!t' s meant that %rn"%!e ,h"h a%%ro$es or
dsa%%ro$es o& e$er' a"ton ,hatsoe$er a""ordn# to the tenden"' t
a%%ears to ha$e to au#ment or dmnsh the ha%%ness o& the %art' ,hose
nterest s n )ueston< or* ,hat s the same thn# n other ,ords to %romote
or to o%%ose that ha%%ness+ I sa' o& e$er' a"ton ,hatsoe$er* and there&ore
not on!' o& e$er' a"ton o& a %r$ate nd$dua!* (ut o& e$er' measure o&
#o$ernment+ 84n !ntroduction to the Principles of Morals and +egislation*
3erem' 9entham* 2FGE* Do$er Ah!oso%h"a! /!ass"s* 455E+ %+2;
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
ut!t'* s%e"&"a!!' around the dea o& n"reasn# ha%%ness and
redu"n# su&&ern#+
Under!'n# these deas o& human (eha$or* as ,th most o&
e"onom" theor' tse!&* are* a#an* tradtona!1ed assum%tons+
E"onomst Nassau Senor 82FE5J2GI6; su%%orted a "ommon theme
reo""urrn# toda' that human ,ants ,ere infinite< KWhat ,e mean to
state s* that no %erson &ee!s hs ,ho!e ,ants to (e ade)uate!'
su%%!edU that e$er' %erson has some unsats&ed desres ,h"h he
(e!e$es that addtona! ,ea!th ,ou!d #rat&'+
Su"h de"!aratons o&
human nature are "onstant n su"h treatments* ,th notons o& #reed*
&ear and other hedonst" re&!e- me"hansms ,h"h assume* amon#
other thn#s* that material ac)uisition, wealth and gain are nherent
to ha%%ness+
Toda'* the domnant and !ar#e!' a""e%ted m"roe"onom"
%ers%e"t$e s that a!! human (eha$or s redu"(!e to ratona!* strate#"
attem%ts to ma-m1e ether %ro&ts or #an and to a$od %an or !oss+
E$er e-%ans$e ut!taran ar#uments o& ths nature "ontnue to (e used
to mora!!' 0ust&' "om%ett$e* mar7et "a%ta!sm+ One e-am%!e o& ths
s the noton o& K$o!untarsm and the su##eston that a!! a"ts n the
mar7et are ne$er "oer"ed and there&ore e$er'one s &ree to ma7e ther
o,n de"sons &or ther o,n #an or !oss+ Ths dea s e-treme!'
"ommon toda'* as thou#h su"h K&ree e-"han#es e-sted n a $od ,th
no other s'ner#st" %ressuresU as thou#h the %ressures o& sur$$a! n a
s'stem ,th "!ear tenden"es to,ard (as" "!ass ,ar&are and strate#"
s"ar"t' ,ou!d not #enerate an inherent coercion to &or"e !a(orers to
su(mt to "a%ta!st e-%!otaton+

O$era!!* the utilitarian 8hedonst"* and "om%ett$e and
K&ore$er dssats&ed; mode! o& human nature s !7e!' the most
"ommon de&ense o& the "a%ta!st s'stem toda'+ It s* n man' ,a's*
(oth a %s'"ho!o#"a! theor' o& ho, %eo%!e (eha$e and an eth"a!
theor' o& ho, the' ought to (eha$e* ar#ua(!' su%%ortn# a retroa"t$e
!o#" that o&ten %uts mar7et theor' (e&ore human (eha$ora! reality*
"on&ormn# the !atter to the &ormer+
In rea!t'* ,hen the ut!taran %ers%e"t$e s &u!!' "onsdered*
t,o serous %ro(!ems emer#e+ Frst* t s $rtua!!' m%oss(!e to &nd
%red"ta(!t' n su"h K%!easure and %an (oundares a&ter a "ertan
de#ree on the so"a! !e$e!+ There s no em%r"a! means o& "om%arn#
the ntenst' o& one nd$dua!Ns sense o& %!easure ,th those o& another
nd$dua!* (e'ond the $er' most (as" assum%ton o& ,antn# K#an
o$er K!oss+ Wh!e the ut!t' theor' o& $a!ue m#ht (e !o#"a! n a %ure!'
a(stra"t* #enera!1ed $e,* ,thout )uant&"aton* the me"han"s o&
su"h emotona! d'nam"s are* n rea!t'* sus"e%t(!e to se$ere
The entre !&e e-%eren"e o& a %erson* "om%ared to another
%erson* m#ht &nd some $er' (as" "ommon #round ,th res%e"t to
ther %ersona! "ondtonn# to %!easure and %an res%onses* (ut se!dom
4DF 4n <utline of the Science of Political Economy* Nassau Senor* 2GDI*
London* A!!en and U+* 2EDG* %+4F
4DG More on ths ssue ,!! (e ds"ussed n the essa' Structural lassicism*
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
,!! a %ara!!e! "on"ordan"e (e &ound n an' deta!+ Sn"e nd$dua!
%!easures are deemed the u!tmate Kmora! "rtera n ut!taransm*
there s rea!!' no ,a' one "an ma7e su"h 0ud#ments (et,een the
%!easures o& t,o nd$dua!s+ E"onomst 3erem' 9entham* o&ten
"onsdered the &ather o& ut!taransm* a"tua!!' re"o#n1ed ths n
%assn#* ,rtn#< KAre0ud"e a%art* the #ame o& %ush.%n s o& e)ua!
$a!ue ,th the arts and s"en"es o& mus" and %oetr'+ I& the #ame o&
%ush.%n &urnsh more %!easure* t s more $a!ua(!e than ether+

The se"ond %ro(!em s the shortsighted nature o& the assumed
emotona! rea"ton+ Human (en#s ha$e hstor"a!!' e-%ressed the
ratona! nterest to su&&er n the %resent n order to #an 8or ho%e to
#an; n the &uture+ A!trusm* ,h"h has under#one e-tens$e
%h!oso%h"a! de(ate* m#ht $er' ,e!! (e rooted n &orms o& K%!easure
o(taned (' the se!&!ess 8%an&u!; a"ts &or the (ene&t o& others+ As ,!!
(e ds"ussed !ater* the %anM%!easure %remse %ut &or,ard (' su"h
ar#uments* ren&or"ed (' an m%u!s$e rea"ton &or #an* has (e"ome a
so"a!!' re,arded %attern+ Ths has #enerated a menta!t' ,here short$
term gain s sou#ht a&ter o&ten at the true e-%ense o& long$term
:et* n a(stra"ton* ut!taransm a!so o&&ers a (1arre 7nd o&
e)uali%er* sn"e t "an (e dent&ed ,th the %ers%e"t$e o& Kmutua!
e-"han#e and hen"e a ,a' to a!,a's see "a%ta!sm as a s'stem o&
so"a! harmon'* rather than o& ,ar&are+ /omn# (a"7 to the !a(or
theor' $s+ the ut!t' theor' o& $a!ue* the &ormer "!ear!' sho,s "on&!"t
as the !a(or theor' ta7es nto a""ount the "ost.e&&"en"' sou#ht (' the
"a%ta!st* at the e-%ense o& ,a#es &or the !a(orers+ The ut!t' theor'*
on the other hand* remo$es these deas o$era!! and states that
e$er'one s see7n# the same thn# and there&ore* stru"ture asde*
everyone is e)ual+ In other ,ords* a!! e-"han#es (e"ome mutua!!'
(ene&"a! to e$er'one n a narro,* a(surd!' a(stra"t #enera!1ed !o#"+
A!! human a"tons are redu"ed to ths s'stem o& Ke-"han#e and hen"e
a!! %o!t"a! or so"a! dstn"tons dsa%%ear n theor'+
The 3Socialist4 &,rising
So"a!sm* !7e "a%ta!sm* has no un$ersa!!' a""e%ted de&nton n
#enera! %u(!" "on$ersaton (ut s o&ten te"hn"a!!' de&ned as Kan
e"onom" s'stem "hara"ter1ed (' so"a! o,nersh% o& the means o&
%rodu"ton and "o.o%erat$e mana#ement o& the e"onom'+
The root
o& so"a!st thou#ht a%%ears to #o (a"7 to 2G
"entur' Euro%e* ,th a
"om%!e- hstor' o& Kre&ormers ,or7n# to "ha!!en#e the emer#n#
"a%ta!st s'stem+ Gra""hus 9a(eu& 82FI5.2FEF; s a nota(!e theorst
n ths area* ,th hs Tonspiracy of E)ualsT ,h"h attem%ted to to%%!e
the Fren"h Go$ernment+ He stated KSo"et' must (e made to o%erate
n su"h a ,a' that t erad"ates on"e and &or a!! the desre o& a man to
(e"ome r"her* or ,ser* or more %o,er&u! than others+
4DE 'ationale of 'eward, 3erem' 9entham 9oo7 D* /ha%ter 2
465 Sour"e< 9rtann"a+"om
462 Sour"e< The =efense of ?racchus /abeuf before the >igh ourt of
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
So"a!st.Anar"hst Aerre 3ose%h Aroudhon 82G5E.2GIH; s &amous &or
de"!arn# that KAro%ert' s The&t n hs %am%h!et 4n !n)uiry into the
Principle of 'ight and of ?overnment*
9' the ear!' 2E
"entur'* so"a!st deas ,ere e-%andn#
ra%d!'* "ommon!' n res%onse to %er"e$ed mora! and eth" %ro(!ems
nherent to "a%ta!sm* su"h as "!ass m(a!an"e and e-%!otaton+ The
!st o& n&!uenta! thn7ers s $ast and "om%!e-* so on!' three
nd$dua!s* notn# ther most re!e$ant "ontr(utons* ,!! (e ds"ussed
here< W!!am Thom%son* Car! Mar- and Thorsten Ve(!en+
William Thom,son 67889-7:;;< ,as a %o,er&u! n&!uen"e on
so"a!st thou#ht+ He ,as n su%%ort o& the dea o& K"oo%erat$es*
made &amous (' Ro(ert O,en as somethn# o& an a!ternat$e to the
"a%ta!st (usness mode! and %h!oso%h"a!!' too7 a ut!taran
%ers%e"t$e ,hen t "ame to human (eha$or+ He ,as $er' n&!uen"ed
(' 9entham (ut hs useMnter%retaton o& ut!taransm ,as rather
d&&erent+ For nstan"e* he (e!e$e that & a!! mem(ers o& so"et' ,ere
treated e)ually* rather than en#a#e "!ass ,ar&are and e-%!otaton*
the' ,ou!d ha$e e)ua! "a%a"tes to e-%eren"e ha%%ness+

He ar#ued e-tens$e!' &or a 7nd o& mar#et socialism* ,here
e#a!taransm and e)ua!t' %re$a!ed n hs &amous 4n !n)uiry into the
Principles of the =istribution of 7ealth Most onducive to >uman
>appiness* He made t "!ear that /a%ta!sm ,as a s'stem o&
e-%!otaton and nse"urt'* statn#< KThe tenden"' o& the e-stn#
arran#ement o& thn#s as to ,ea!th s to enr"h a &e, at the e-%ense o&
the mass o& %rodu"ers* to ma7e the %o$ert' o& the %oor more
Ho,e$er* he ,ent on to re"o#n1e that e$en & su"h a
h'(rd o& "a%ta!sm and so"a!sm dd emer#e* the under!'n# %remse
o& competition ,as st!! a serous %ro(!em+ He ,rote at !en#th a(out
the %ro(!ems nherent to the nature o& mar7et "om%etton* out!nn#
&$e ssues that ha$e (een "ommon rhetor" o& so"a!st thou#ht e$er
The &rst %ro(!em ,as that e$er' K!a(orer* artsan and trader
X$e,edY a "om%ettor* a r$a! n e$er' other+++Xand ea"h $e,edYU a
se"ond "om%etton* a se"ond r$a!sh% (et,een+++Xhs or her
%ro&essonY and the %u(!"+
He ,ent on to state t ,ou!d (e Kn the
nterest o& a!! med"a! men that dseases shou!d e-st and %re$a!* or
ther trade ,ou!d (e de"reased ten* or one hundred* &o!d+
The se"ond %ro(!em ,as the nherent o%%resson o& ,omen
and dstorton o& the &am!'* notn# that the d$son o& !a(or and
o$erar"hn# eth" o& "om%ett$e se!&shness &urther se"ured the
VendPme* Un$erst' o& Massa"husetts Aress* 2EIF* %+HF
464 Re&eren"e< 4n !n)uiry into the Principles of the =istribution of 7ealth Most
onducive to >uman >appiness* W!!am Thom%son* London* W!!am S+ Orr*
2GH5* %+2F
46D I(d* %+---
466 I(d* %+4HE
46H I(d+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
drud#er' o& ,omen n the househo!d and #ender ne)ua!t'+
The thrd %ro(!em asso"ated ,th "om%etton ,as the
nherent nsta(!t' #enerated n the e"onom' tse!&* statn#< TThe thrd
e$! here m%uted to the $er' %rn"%!e o& nd$dua! "om%etton s* that
t must o""asona!!' !ead to un%ro&ta(!e or n0ud"ous modes o&
nd$dua! e-erton+++e$er' man must 0ud#e &or hmse!& as to the
%ro(a(!t' o& su""ess n the o""u%aton ,h"h he ado%ts+ And ,hat are
hs means o& 0ud#n#R E$er' one* don# ,e!! n hs "a!!n#* s nterested
n "on"ea!n# hs su""ess* !est "om%etton shou!d redu"e hs #ans+
What nd$dua! "an 0ud#e ,hether the mar7et* &re)uent!' at a #reat
dstan"e* sometmes n another hems%here o& the #!o(e s
o$ersto"7ed* or !7e!' to (e so* ,th the art"!e ,h"h n"!naton ma'
!ead hm to &a(r"ateR+++and shou!d an' error o& 0ud#ment+++!ead hm
nto an un"a!!ed &or* and* there&ore* un%ro&ta(!e !ne o& e-erton* ,hat
s the "onse)uen"eR A mere error o& 0ud#ment+++ma' end n se$ere
dstress* & not n run+ /ases o& ths sort seem to (e una$oda(!e under
the s"heme o& nd$dua! "om%etton n ts (est &orm+
The &ourth %ro(!em noted s ho, the se!&sh nature o& the
"om%ett$e mar7et %resented nse"urt' around "ore !&e su%%ort
"onse)uen"es* su"h as se"urt' n o!d a#e* s"7ness and &rom
The &&th %ro(!em denoted (' Thom%son re#ardn# mar7et
"om%etton ,as that t s!o,ed the ad$an"ement o& 7no,!ed#e+
K/on"ea!ment* there&ore* o& ,hat s ne, or e-"e!!ent &rom "om%ettors*
must a""om%an' nd$dua! "om%etton+++(e"ause the stron#est
%ersona! nterest s (' t o%%osed to the %rn"%!e o& (ene$o!en"e+
Karl 2ar= 67:7:-7::;<* a!on# ,th man' others* ,as n&!uen"ed ('
Thom%son?s ,or7 and s !7e!' one o& the most ,e!! 7no,n e"onom"
%h!oso%hers toda'+ Wth hs name o&ten used n a dero#ator' manner
to #esture the %er!s o& Soviet communism or Ktota!taransm* Mar- s
a!so !7e!' the most msunderstood o& a!! %o%u!ar1ed e"onomsts+ Wh!e
most &amous n the #enera! %u(!" mnd &or %resentn# treatses on
So"a!st./ommunst deas* Mar- a"tua!!' s%ent most o& hs tme on the
su(0e"t o& /a%ta!sm and ts o%eratons+
Hs "ontr(uton to understandn# /a%ta!sm s more $ast than
man' rea!1e* ,th man' "ommon e"onom" terms and %hrases used
toda' n "on$ersatons a(out "a%ta!sm a"tua!!' &ndn# ther root n
Mar-?s !terar' treatments+ Hs %ers%e"t$e ,as !ar#e!' hstor"a!* and
&eatured %art"u!ar!' deta!ed s"ho!arsh% a(out the e$o!uton o&
e"onom" thou#ht+ Due to the mmense s1e o& hs ,or7* on!' a &e,
n&!uenta! ssues ,!! (e addressed here+
One ssue to denote ,as hs a,areness o& ho, the "a%ta!st
"hara"terst" o& Ke-"han#e ,as %rn"%!ed as the u!tmate (ass &or
so"a! re!atonsh%s+ He stated n hs ?rundrisse< KIndeed* nso&ar as
46I I(d* %%+4I5.4I2
46F I(d* %%+4I2.4ID
46G I(d* %+4ID
46E I(d* %+4IF
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
the "ommodt' or !a(our s "on"e$ed o& on!' as e-"han#e $a!ue* and
the re!aton n ,h"h the $arous "ommodtes are (rou#ht nto
"onne"ton ,th one another s "on"e$ed o& as the e-"han#e o& these
e-"han#e $a!ues+++then the nd$dua!s+++are sm%!' and on!' "on"e$ed
o& as e-"han#ers+ As &ar as the &orma! "hara"ter s "on"erned* there s
a(so!ute!' no dstn"ton (et,een them+++As su(0e"ts o& e-"han#e*
ther re!aton s there&ore that o& e)ua!t'+
KA!thou#h nd$dua! A &ee!s a need &or the "ommodt' o&
nd$dua! 9* he does not a%%ro%rate t (' &or"e* nor $"e $ersa* (ut
rather the' re"o#n1e one another re"%ro"a!!' as %ro%retors+++No one
se1es ho!d o& anotherNs (' &or"e+ Ea"h d$ests hmse!& o& hs %ro%ert'
A#an* as noted %ror ,th res%e"t to the reo""urrn# theme o&
human re!atons and "!ass assum%tons 8or dena!s;* Mar- em%has1ed
,hat "ou!d (e ar#ued as three "ore delusions3 the de!uson o&
freedom, e)uality and social harmony, as redu"ed to an e-treme!'
narro, asso"aton around the dea o& Kmutua!!' (ene&"a! e-"han#e*
,h"h ,as to (e the on!' rea! e"onom" re!atonsh% (' ,h"h the
,ho!e o& so"et' s to (e assessed+
KIt s n the "hara"ter o& the mone' re!aton . as &ar as t s
de$e!o%ed n ts %urt' to ths %ont* and ,thout re#ard to more h#h!'
de$e!o%ed re!atons o& %rodu"ton . that a!! nherent "ontrad"tons o&
(our#eos so"et' a%%ear e-tn#ushed n mone' re!atons as "on"e$ed
n a sm%!e &ormU and (our#eos demo"ra"' e$en more than (our#eos
e"onomsts ta7es re&u#e n ths as%e"t+++n order to "onstru"t
a%o!o#et"s &or the e-stn# e"onom" re!atons+
Hs ,or7 apital3 4 riti)ue of Political Economy, Mar-
e-tens$e!' ana!'1es man' &a"tors o& the "a%ta!st s'stem* name!' the
nature o& "ommodtes themse!$es* the d'nam"s (et,een $a!ue* use
$a!ue* e-"han#e $a!ue* !a(or theor' and ut!t'* a!on# ,th a dee%
n$est#aton o& ,hat K"a%ta! means* ho, the s'stem e$o!$ed and
u!tmate!' the nature o& ro!es ,thn the mode!+ An m%ortant theme to
denote s hs $e, re#ardn# Ksur%!us $a!ue* ,h"h* n #esture o&
R"ardo?s K!a(or theor' o& $a!ue* s the assumed $a!ue a%%ro%rated ('
the "a%ta!st n the &orm o& profit* ,h"h s n e-"ess o& the $a!ue
8"ost; nherent to !a(orM%rodu"ton tse!&+
He stated ,th res%e"t to dsmssn# ths KSur%!us or#n n
e-"han#e< KTurn and t,st then as ,e ma'* the &a"t remans una!tered+
I& e)u$a!ents are e-"han#ed* no sur%!us.$a!ue resu!ts* and & non.
e)u$a!ents are e-"han#ed* st!! no sur%!us.$a!ue resu!ts+ /r"u!aton*
or the e-"han#e o& "ommodtes* (e#ets no $a!ue+
He then ar#ues*
n short* d&&erentatn# (et,een K!a(or and K!a(or %o,er* ,th the
!atter "onsstn# o& (oth a Kuse $a!ue and an Ke-"han#e $a!ue* that a
4H5 Sour"e< ?rundrisse* Car! Mar-* tr+ Martn N"o!aus* Re%rnt Vnta#e 9oo7s*
Ne, :or7* 2EFD %+462
4H2 I(d* %+46D
4H4 I(d* %%+465.462
4HD Sour"e< apital* Car! Mar-* Fore#n Lan#ua#es re%rnt * Mos"o,* 2EI2* $o!+
D* %+2ID
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
,or7er s on!' "om%ensated &or meetn# hs needs &or subsistence*
,h"h s re%resented n hs ,a#es* ,h!e e$er'thn# %ast that $a!ue s a
Ksur%!us* ,h"h theoret"a!!' trans!ates nto the K%ro&t made (' the
"a%ta!st* &na!1ed (' the %r"e Kmar7 u% n mar7et e-"han#e+

Ths %ont* ,h"h he &urther e-tends n "onte-t @ d'nam"s
nherent to the "r"u!atonMa%%!"aton o& d&&erent &orms o& "a%ta!
8"a%ta! de&ned st!! as a means o& %rodu"ton (ut n ths "ase most!' n
ts monetar' &orm;* %oses the "on"!uson that an e-%!otaton o& the
,or7ers ,as inherent to the "reaton o& Ksur%!us $a!ue or K%ro&t+ In
other ,ords* (' m%!"aton* ths ,as a &orm o& (as" ne)ua!t' (u!t
nto the "a%ta!st s'stem and as !on# as one sma!! #rou% o& Ko,ners
"ontro!!ed the sur%!us $a!ue "reated (' the ,or7n# "!ass* there ,!!
a!,a's (e r"h and %oor* ,ea!th and %o$ert'+
Mar- &urther e-tends ths dea to a reassessment o& K%ro%ert'*
,h"h ,as essenta!!' no, the !e#a! &oundaton o& K"a%ta! tse!&*
e-%!"t!' a!!o,n# &or the "oer"$e e-%ro%raton o& Ksur%!us !a(or
8that %art o& !a(or ,h"h #enerates the sur%!us $a!ue; statn#< KAt &rst
the r#hts o& %ro%ert' seemed to us to (e (ased on a manNs o,n
!a(our+ At !east* some su"h assum%ton ,as ne"essar' sn"e on!'
"ommodt'.o,ners ,th e)ua! r#hts "on&ronted ea"h other* and the
so!e means (' ,h"h a man "ou!d (e"ome %ossessed o& the
"ommodtes o& others* ,as (' a!enatn# 8#$n# u%; hs o,n
"ommodtesU and these "ou!d (e re%!a"ed (' !a(our a!one+ No,*
ho,e$er* %ro%ert' turns out to (e the r#ht* on the %art o& the
"a%ta!st* to a%%ro%rate the un%ad !a(our 8sur%!us !a(or; o& others or
ts %rodu"t* and to (e the m%oss(!t' on the %art o& the !a(ourer* o&
a%%ro%ratn# hs o,n %rodu"t+ The se%araton o& %ro%ert' &rom !a(our
has (e"ome the ne"essar' "onse)uen"e o& a !a, that a%%arent!'
or#nated n ther dentt'+
Mar- de$e!o%s these 7nds o& ar#uments e-tens$e!' n hs
,rtn#* n"!udn# the dea that ,or7n# "!ass !a(or "annot (e
K$o!untar' n ths s'stem . on!' "oer"$e . sn"e the u!tmate de"son
to a%%!' !a(or &or a ,a#e ,as n the hands o& the "a%ta!st+ He stated*
KThe ,or7er there&ore on!' &ee!s hmse!& outsde hs ,or7* and n hs
,or7 &ee!s outsde hmse!&+ He s at home ,hen he s not ,or7n#* and
,hen he s ,or7n# he s not at home+ Hs !a(our s there&ore not
$o!untar' (ut "oer"edU t s &or"ed !a(our+ It s there&ore not the
sats&a"ton o& a needU t s mere!' a means to sats&' needs e-terna! to
In the end* t ,as ths "om%!e-* mu!t&a"eted de#radaton*
e-%!otaton and dehuman1aton o& the a$era#e ,or7er that (othered
hm so and %ushed hm to,ard re&orm+ He e$en n$ented a %hrase .
KThe La, o& the In"reasn# Mser' . to des"r(e ho, the #enera!
,or7n# %o%u!aton?s ha%%ness ,as n$erse to the a""umu!aton o&
,ea!th &or the "a%ta!st "!ass+ In the end* Mar- ,as "on$n"ed that
4H6 I(d* %+2FI
4HH I(d* $o!+ 2* %%+HGDJHG6
4HI Sour"e< Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of ,I--, Car! Mar-* Mos"o,*
Aro#ress* 2EHE* %+IE
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
%ressures nherent to the s'stem ,ou!d %ush the ,or7n# "!ass to
re$o!t a#anst the "a%ta!st "!ass* a!!o,n# &or a ne, Kso"a!st mode
o& %rodu"ton ,here* n %art* the ,or7n# "!ass o%erated &or ther o,n
Thorstein 'elen 67:98-7>?>< ,!! (e the &na! so."a!!ed Kso"a!st
,hose n&!uenta! deas re#ardn# the de$e!o%ment and &!a,s o&
"a%ta!sm ,!! (e e-%!ored here+ L7e Mar-* he had the ad$anta#e o&
tme ,th res%e"t to the d#eston o& e"onom" hstor'+ Ve(!en tau#ht
e"onom"s at a num(er o& un$erstes durn# hs tme* %ro!&"a!!'
%rodu"n# !terature on $arous so"a! ssues+
Ve(!en ,as $er' "rt"a! o& the neo"!ass"a! e"onom"
assum%tons* s%e"&"a!!' re#ardn# the a%%!ed ut!taran deas o&
Khuman nature* seen# the dea that a!! human e"onom" (eha$or
,as to (e redu"ed to a hedonst" nter%!a' o& se!&.ma-m1aton and
%reser$aton as a(surd!' sm%!st"+
He too7 ,hat ,e "ou!d "a!! an
Ke$o!utonar' $e, o& human hstor'* ,th "han#e de&ned (' the
so"a! nsttutons that too7 ho!d or ,ere sur%assed+ He stated ,th
res%e"t to the "urrent 8,hat he deemed Kmatera!st"; state o& the
KL7e a!! human "u!ture ths matera! "$!1aton s a s"heme o&
nsttutons . nsttutona! &a(r" and nsttutona! #ro,th+++The #ro,th
o& "u!ture s a "umu!at$e se)uen"e o& ha(tuaton* and the ,a's and
means o& t are the ha(tua! res%onse o& human nature to e-#en"es
that $ar' n"ontnent!'* "umu!at$e!'* (ut ,th somethn# o& a
"onsstent se)uen"e n the "umu!at$e $aratons that so #o &or,ard .
n"ontnent!'* (e"ause ea"h ne, mo$e "reates a ne, stuaton ,h"h
ndu"es a &urther ne, $araton n the ha(tua! manner o& res%onseU
"umu!at$e!'* (e"ause ea"h ne, stuaton s a $araton o& ,hat has
#one (e&ore t and em(odes as "ausa! &a"tors a!! that has (een
e&&e"ted (' ,hat ,ent (e&oreU "onsstent!'* (e"ause the under!'n#
trats o& human nature 8%ro%enstes* a%ttudes* and ,hat not; (' &or"e
o& ,h"h the res%onse ta7es %!a"e* and on the #round o& ,h"h the
ha(tuaton ta7es e&&e"t* reman su(stanta!!' un"han#ed+
Ve(!en "ha!!en#ed the (as" &oundaton o& the "a%ta!st mode
o& %rodu"ton (' )uestonn# man' o& the &a"tors that had (een
essenta!!' K#$en or deemed em%r"a! (' the "entures o& e"onom"
de(ate+ The no, n#raned nsttutons o& K,a#es* Krents* K%ro%ert'*
Knterest* K!a(or ,ere dstur(ed n ther su%%osed sm%!"t' (' a $e,
that none o& them "ou!d (e he!d as nte!!e"tua!!' $a(!e* outsde o& the
%ure!' "ate#or"a! asso"aton ,th e-treme !mts o& a%%!"aton+ He
0o7ed a(out ho, Ka #an# o& A!eutan Is!anders s!ushn# a(out n the
,ra"7 and sur& ,th ra7es and ma#"a! n"antatons &or the "a%ture o&
she!!.&sh are he!d* n %ont o& ta-onom" rea!t'* to (e en#a#ed n a
4HF Re&eren"e< KWh' E"onom"s Is Not an E$o!utonar' S"en"e* Place of
Science in Modern ivili%ation and <ther Essays* Thorsten Ve(!en* %%+FD.F6
4HG Sour"e< KThe Lmtatons o& Mar#na! Ut!t'* The Place of Science in Modern
ivili%ation and <ther Essays* Thorsten Ve(!en* Ne, :or7* Russe!! and
Russe!!* 2EI2* %+462.464
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
&eat o& hedonst" e)u!(raton n rent* ,a#es* and nterest+ And that s
a!! there s to t+
He sa, %rodu"ton and ndustr' tse!& as a social process ,here
!nes ,ere dee%!' (!urred* as t n$ara(!' n$o!$ed the sharing of
#nowledge 8usu&ru"t; and s7!!s+ In man' ,a's* he $e,ed su"h
"ate#or"a! "hara"terst"s o& "a%ta!sm to (e inherent to "a%ta!sm
a!one and not re%resentat$e o& %h's"a! rea!t'* hen"e a $ast
"ontr$an"e+ He &ound that the domnant neo"!ass"a! theor' e-sted* n
%art* to o(s"ure the &undamenta! "!ass.,ar&are and host!t' nherent*
to &urther se"ure the nterests o& ,hat he "a!!ed the K$ested nterests
or Ka(sentee o,ners 8a7a "a%ta!sts;+

He re0e"ted the dea that %r$ate %ro%ert' ,as a Knatura!
r#ht* as assumed (' Lo"7e* Smth and the others* o&ten 0o7n# a(out
the a(surdt' o& thou#ht that !eads the Ka(sentee o,ners to "!am
Ko,nersh% o& "ommodtes %rodu"ed* n rea!t'* (' the !a(or o& the
K"ommon ,or7er* h#h!#htn# the a(surdt' o& the !on# he!d %rn"%!e
that &rom !a(or* "omes %ro%ert'+
He ,ent &urther to e-%ress the
nherent social nature o& %rodu"ton and ho, the true nature o& s7!!
and 7no,!ed#e a""umu!aton "om%!ete!' $oded the assum%ton o&
%ro%ert' r#hts n and o& tse!&* statn#<
KThs natura!.r#hts theor' o& %ro%ert' ma7es the "reat$e
e&&ort o& an so!ated* se!&.su&&"n# nd$dua! the (ass o& o,nersh%
$ested n hm+ In so don# t o$er!oo7s the &a"t that there s no
so!ated* se!&.su&&"n# nd$dua!+++Arodu"ton ta7es %!a"e on!' n
so"et' . on!' throu#h the "o.o%eraton o& an ndustra! "ommunt'+
Ths ndustra! "ommunt' ma' (e !ar#e or sma!!+++(ut t a!,a's
"om%rses a #rou% !ar#e enou#h to "ontan and transmt the tradtons*
too!s* te"hn"a! 7no,!ed#e* and usa#es ,thout ,h"h there "an (e no
ndustra! or#an1aton and no e"onom" re!aton o& nd$dua!s to one
another or to ther en$ronment+++There "an (e no %rodu"ton ,thout
te"hn"a! 7no,!ed#eU hen"e no a""umu!aton and no ,ea!th to (e
o,ned* n se$era!t' or other,se+ And there s no te"hn"a! 7no,!ed#e
a%art &rom an ndustra! "ommunt'+ Sn"e there s no nd$dua!
%rodu"ton and no nd$dua! %rodu"t$t'* the natura!.r#hts
%re"on"e%ton+++redu"es tse!& to a(surdt'* e$en under the !o#" o& ts
o,n assum%tons+
As ,th Mar-* he sa, no other ,a' to dstn#ush the t,o
ma0or "!asses o& so"et' than (et,een those ,ho wor# and those ,ho
exploit that ,or7
,th the %ro&t ma7n# %orton o& "a%ta!sm 8the
K(usness; "om%!ete!' se%arate &rom %rodu"ton tse!& 8Kndustr';+ He
4HE Sour"e< KAro&essor /!ar7Ns E"onom"s* Place of Science in Modern
ivili%ation* Thorsten Ve(!en* %+2ED
4I5 Re&eren"e< 4bsentee <wnership and /usiness Enterprise in 'ecent Times*
Thorsten Ve(!en* Au#ustus M+ Ce!!e'* Ne, :or7* 2EI6* %+65F
4I2 Re&eren"e< KThe 9e#nnn#s o& O,nersh%* Essays in <ur hanging <rder,
Thorsten Ve(!en* %+D4
4I4 I(d* %%+DD.D6
4ID Re&eren"e< KThe Instn"t o& Wor7mansh% and the Ir7someness o& La(or*
Essays in <ur hanging <rder* Thorsten Ve(!en* %%+2GG.2E5
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
ma7es a "!ear dstn"ton (et,een (usness and ndustr' and re&ers to
the &ormer as &un"tonn# as a $eh"!e o& Ksa(ota#e &or ndustr'+ He
sa, a "om%!ete "ontrad"ton (et,een the eth"a! ntent o& the #enera!
"ommunt' to %rodu"e e&&"ent!' and ,th h#h ser$"e* and the !a,s
o& %r$ate %ro%ert' that had the %o,er to dre"t ndustr' &or the sa7e
o& %ro&t a!one* redu"n# that e&&"en"' and ntent+ The term
Ksa(ota#e n ths "onte-t ,as de&ned (' Ve(!en as the K"ons"entous
,thdra,a! o& e&&"en"'+
He states< KThe ndustra! %!ant s n"reasn#!' runnn# d!e or
ha!& d!e* runnn# n"reasn#!' short o& ts %rodu"t$e "a%a"t'+
Wor7men are (en# !ad o&&+++And a!! the ,h!e these %eo%!e are n
#reat need o& a!! sorts o& #oods and ser$"es ,h"h these d!e %!ants
and d!e ,or7men are &t to %rodu"e+ 9ut &or reasons o& (usness
e-%eden"' t s m%oss(!e to !et these d!e %!ants and d!e ,or7men #o
to ,or7^that s to sa' &or reasons o& nsu&&"ent %ro&t to the (usness
men nterested* or n other ,ords* &or the reasons o& nsu&&"ent
n"ome to the $ested nterests+
Furthermore* Ve(!en* as o%%osed to the $ast ma0ort' o&
%eo%!e n the modern da' ,ho "ondemn a"ts o& K"orru%ton on eth"a!
#rounds* dd not see an' o& the %ro(!ems o& a(use and e-%!otaton as
an ssue o& Kmora!t' or Keth"s+ He sa, the %ro(!ems as nherent*
(u!t nto the nature o& "a%ta!sm tse!&+ He states< KIt s not that these
"a%tans o& 9# 9usness ,hose dut' t s to admnster ths sa!utar'
mod"um o& sa(ota#e on %rodu"ton are nau#ht'+ It s not that the'
am to shorten human !&e or au#ment human ds"om&ort (' "ontr$n#
an n"rease o& %r$aton amon# ther &e!!o, men+++The )ueston s not
,hether ths tra&&" n %r$aton s humane* (ut ,hether t s sound
business management+
Wth res%e"t to the nature o& Go$ernment* Ve(!en?s $e, ,as
$er' "!ear< Go$ernment (' ts $er' %o!t"a! "onstru"t e-sted to
%rote"t the e-stn# so"a! order and "!ass stru"ture* ren&or"n# %r$ate
%ro%ert' !a,s and (' dre"t e-tenson ren&or"n# the ds%ro%ortonate
o,nersh% 8ru!n#; "!ass+ KLe#s!aton* %o!"e sur$e!!an"e* the
admnstraton o& 0ust"e* the m!tar' and d%!omat" ser$"e* a!! are
"he&!' "on"erned ,th (usness re!atons* %e"unar' nterests* and
the' ha$e !tt!e more than an n"denta! (earn# on other human
he stated+
The dea o& demo"ra"' ,as a!so dee%!' $o!ated (' "a%ta!st
%o,er n hs $e,* statn# K"onsttutona! #o$ernment s a (usness
Ve(!en* ,h!e a,are o& the %henomenon o& K!o(('n#
and the K(u'n# o& %o!t"ans "ommon!' seen toda' as a &orm o&
4I6 Sour"e< The Engineers and the Price System* Thorsten Ve(!en* Ne, :or7*
Au#ustus M+ Ce!!e'* 2EIH* %+2
4IH I(d* %+24
4II Sour"e< 4bsentee <wnership and /usiness Enterprise in 'ecent Times,
Thorsten Ve(!en* Ne, :or7* Au#ustus M+ Ce!!e'* 2EI6* %%+445.442
4IF Sour"e< The Theory of /usiness Enterprise* Thorsten Ve(!en* Ne, :or7*
Au#ustus M+ Ce!!e'* 2EIH* %+4IE
4IG I(d* %+4GH
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
K"orru%ton* dd not see ths as the rea! nature o& the %ro(!em+ Rather*
#o$ernment "ontro! (' (usness ,as not an anoma!'+ It ,as sm%!'
,hat #o$ernment had man&ested to (e (' des#n+
9' ts $er'
nature* as an nsttutona!1ed means &or so"a! "ontro!* #o$ernment
,ou!d a!,a's %rote"t the Kr"h a#anst the K%oor+ Sn"e the K%oor
a!,a's #reat!' outnum(ered the Kr"h* a r#d !e#a! stru"ture &a$orn#
the ,ea!th' 8K%ro%erted nterests; had to e-st to 7ee% the "!ass
se%araton and (ene&t to the "a%ta!st nterests nta"t+

L7e,se* he a!so re"o#n1ed ho, the "a%ta!st.state
#o$ernment $er' mu"h needed to 7ee% social values n !ne ,th ther
nterests . ,hat Ve(!en "a!!ed a K%e"unar' "u!ture+ There&ore* the
%redator'* se!&sh and "om%ett$e ha(ts t'%"a! o& Ksu""ess n the
under!'n# so"a! ,ar&are nherent to the "a%ta!st s'stem naturally
reinforced those $a!ues (' de&au!t+ To (e #$n# and $u!nera(!e ,as o&
!tt!e use to Ksu""ess n ths "onte-t* as the ruth!ess and strate#"a!!'
"om%ett$e ,ere "ons o& so"a! re,ard+

In a (road assessment* Ve(!en ,or7ed to "rt"a!!' ana!'1e the
"ore stru"ture and $a!ues o& the "a%ta!st mode!* %osn# ,hat "ou!d (e
ar#ued as some %ro&ound!' so"o!o#"a!!' ad$an"ed "on"!usons ,th
res%e"t to ts nherent "ontrad"tons* te"hn"a! ne&&"en"' and $a!ue
dsorders+ Hs ,or7 s $er' mu"h en"oura#ed &or re$e, (' a!!
nterested n the hstor' o& e"onom" thou#ht* s%e"&"a!!' &or those
s7e%t"a! o& the %remse o& the &ree mar7et+
$n Conclusion% Ca,italism as 3Social Patholog+4
The hstor' o& e"onom" thou#ht s* n man' ,a's* the hstor' o&
human social relationships* ,th the %attern o& "ertan mere
assum%tons #ann# %romnen"e to the e&&e"t o& (en# "onsdered
sa"rosan"t and mmuta(!e o$er tme+ Ths e!ement o& traditionalism*
"u!mnatn# &rom $a!ues and (e!e& s'stems o& ear!er %erods* has (een
a "ore theme n ths short re$e, o& e"onom" hstor'+ The "entra! %ont
(en# that the attr(utes ta7en as K#$en to the domnant theores o&
e"onom' toda' are a"tua!!' not (ased on dre"t physical support* su"h
as ,ou!d (e needed to &nd $a!daton $a the method of science* (ut
rather (ased on the mere %er%etuaton o& an esta(!shed ideological
&rame,or7 ,h"h has e$o!$ed to ntr"ate!' self$refer to ts nterna!
!o#"* 0ust&'n# ts o,n e-sten"e (' ts o,n standards+
Toda'* t s not ,hat em(odes the "a%ta!st deo!o#' n
s%e"&"s that s most %ro(!emat"* (ut rather ,hat t omits ('
e-tenson+ 3ust as ear!' re!#ons sa, the ,or!d as &!at and had to
ad0ust ther rhetor" on"e t ,as %ro$en round (' s"en"e* the tradton
o& mar7et e"onom"s s &a"ed ,th sm!ar tra!s+ /onsdern# the
sm%!"t' o& the a#raran and e$entua!!' %rmt$e a%%roa"hes to
ndustra! %rodu"ton* there ,as !tt!e a,areness or needed "on"ern
a(out ts %oss(!e ne#at$e "onse)uen"es o$er tme on not on!' the
4IE I(d* %%+4GI.4GF
4F5 I(d* %%+656.65H
4F2 Re&eren"e< The Theory of the +eisure lass* Thorsten Ve(!en* Ne, :or7*
Au#ustus M+ Ce!!e'* 2EIH* %%+44E.4D5
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
ha(tat 8e"o!o#"a!; !e$e!* (ut a!so on the human !e$e! 8%u(!" hea!th;+
L7e,se* the mar7et s'stem* ,th ts $er' o!d assum%tons
re#ardn# %oss(!t'* a!so #nores 8or e$en &#hts; the %o,er&u!
(rea7throu#hs n s"en"e and te"hno!o#' that e-%ress "a%a"tes to
so!$e %ro(!ems and "reate e!e$ated %ros%ert'+ In &a"t* as ,!! (e
e-%!ored n the essa' Mar#et Efficiency vs* Technical Efficiency* su"h
%ro#ress$e a"tons and harmonous re"o#ntons re#ardn# the habitat
and human well$being re$ea!s that mar7et "a%ta!sm !tera!!' cannot
facilitate these solutions, sn"e ts $er' me"han"s dsa!!o, or ,or7
a#anst su"h %oss(!tes (' de&au!t+
Genera!!' s%ea7n#* the reso!uton o& %ro(!ems and hen"e
increasing of efficiency s* n man' ,a's* anathema to the mar7et?s
o%eraton+ So!$n# %ro(!ems n #enera! means no more a(!t' to #an
n"ome &rom the Kser$"n# o& those %ro(!ems+ Ne, e&&"en"es a!most
a!,a's mean a redu"ton o& !a(or and ener#' needs and ,h!e that
ma' seem %ost$e ,th res%e"t to true earthly efficiency* t a!so o&ten
means a !oss o& 0o(s and redu"ton o& monetar' "r"u!aton u%on ts
It s here ,here the "a%ta!st mode! (e#ns to ta7e the ro!e o&
a social pathogen, not on!' ,th res%e"t to ,hat t #nores* dsa!!o,s or
&#hts a#anst (' des#n* (ut a!so ,th res%e"t to ,hat t reinforces and
perpetuates* I& ,e #o (a"7 to Lo"7e?s statement a(out ho, the nature
o& mone'* #$en ts ta"t "onsent (' the "ommunt'* ,as to essenta!!'
ser$e as a community n and o& tse!&* t s eas' to see ho, ths on"e
mere Kmedum o& e-"han#e has e$o!$ed nto ts %resent so"o!o#"a!
&orm* ,here the entre (ass o& the mar7et ser$es* n &a"t* not ,th the
ntent to "reate and assst ,th human sur$$a!* hea!th and %ros%ert'*
(ut to no, mere!' &a"!tate the a"t o& profit and profit alone*
Adam Smth ne$er ,ou!d ha$e &athomed that n the %resent
da'* the most !u"rat$e* re,arded &e!ds ,ou!d (e not the %rodu"ton o&
!&e su%%ortn#Mm%ro$n# #oods* (ut rather the a"t o& mo$n# mone'
around J hen"e the K,or7 o& &nan"a! nsttutons su"h as (an7s* KWa!!
St+ and n$estment &rms J &rms that literally create nothing, (ut ho!d
mmense ,ea!th and n&!uen"e+
Toda'* the on!' rea! value theory n %!a"e s ,hat "ou!d (e
"a!!ed the Kmone' se)uen"e o& $a!ue+
Mone' has ta7en on a !&e o&
ts o,n ,th res%e"t to the ren&or"ed %s'"ho!o#' mo$n# t+ It has no
dre"t %ur%ose n ntent (ut to ,or7 to man&est more mone' out o&
!ess mone' 8n$estment;+
Ths Kmone' see7n# mone' %henomenon has not on!'
4F4 A sm%!e e-am%!e o& ths s the amount o& &undn# and em%!o'ment that
has (een #enerated &rom the ser$n# o& "an"er+ I& "ures &or "an"er ,here to
a"tua!!' emer#e* the do,ns1n# o& these mass$e med"a! nsttutons ,ou!d
natura!!' resu!t+ Ths means that the so!$n# o& %ro(!ems "an resu!t n the
!oss o& !$e!hood &or man' ,ho ,or7ed to ser$"e those %ro(!ems+ Ths
"reates a %er$erse ren&or"ement to 7ee% thn#s the same J a$odn#
"han#e n #enera!+
4FD Ths %hrase ,as %ut &or,ard (' 3ohn M"Murtr' n hs ,or7 The ancer
Stage of apitalism* A!uto Aress* 2EEE
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
"reated a value system disorder ,here ths nterest n monetar' #an
trum%s e$er'thn#* !ea$n# tru!' re!e$ant en$ronmenta! and %u(!"
hea!th ssues se"ondar' and Ke-terna! to the &o"us o& e"onom'* ts
"onstant %ro%enst' to Kmu!t%!' and Ke-%and tru!' has a cancerous
)ua!t' ,here ths dea o& needed K#ro,th* rather than stead'.state
(a!an"e* "ontnues ts %atho!o#"a! e&&e"t on man' !e$e!s+
Mu"h "ou!d (e sad a(out the de(t s'stem
and ho, $rtua!!'
a!! the "ountres on the %!anet earth are no, nde(ted to themselves to
the e-tent ,here ,e* the human s%e"es* a"tua!!' do not ha$e the
mone' n "r"u!aton to %a' ourse!$es (a"7 &rom ,hat ,e ha$e
(orro,ed out o& thn ar+ The need &or more and more K"redt to &ue!
the Kmar7et s "onstant toda' due to ths m(a!an"e* ,h"h means*
!7e "an"er* ,e are dea!n# ,th an ntent o& infinite expansion and
consumption* Ths sm%!' "annot ,or7 on a &nte %!anet+
Furthermore* the s"ar"t'.dr$en* "om%ett$e ethos nherent to
the mode! "ontnues to %er%etuate d$s$e "!ass ,ar&are that 7ee%s
not on!' the world at ,ar ,th tse!& $a em%re m%era!sm and
%rote"tonsm* (ut a!so ,thn the #enera! %o%u!aton+ Toda'* most
,a!7 around afraid of each other sn"e e-%!otaton and a(use s the
domnant* re,arded ethos+ A!! humans ha$e ada%ted n ths "u!ture*
unne"essar!'* to see ea"h other as threats to one?s o,n sur$$a! n
n"reasn#!' a(stra"t Ke"onom" "onte-ts+ For e-am%!e* ,hen t,o
%eo%!e ,a!7 nto a 0o( nter$e,* see7n# !&e su%%ort* the' are not
nterested n the ,e!!(en# o& the other* sn"e on!' one ,!! #an the
0o(+ In &a"t* empathic senst$tes are ne#at$e %ressures n ths
s'stem o& ad$anta#e and #o "om%!ete!' unre,arded (' the &nan"a!
L7e,se* the assum%ton that K&arness "ou!d e$er e-st n
su"h a "om%ett$e en$ronment* %art"u!ar!' ,hen the nature o&
K,nnn# and K!osn# means a !oss o& !&e su%%ort or sur$$a!* s a
dee%!' na_$e dea!+ The !e#a! statutes n e-sten"e that ,or7 to sto%
mono%o!' !a,s and &nan"a! K"orru%ton e-st (e"ause there s !tera!!'
no (u!t n sa&e#uard &or su"h so."a!!ed K"orru%ton n ths mode!+ As
m%!ed (' Smth and Ve(!en n ths essa'* the Kstate s rea!!' a
man&estaton o& the e"onom" %remse and not the other ,a' around+
The use o& state %o,er &or !e#s!aton to ensure the se"urt' and
%ros%ert' o& one "!ass o$er another* s not a dstorton o& the "a%ta!st
s'stem* t s a core feature o& the &ree mar7et "om%ett$e eth"+
Man' n the !(ertaran* !asse1.&are* Austran s"hoo!* /h"a#o
s"hoo! and other neo"!ass"a! o&&shoots "onstant!' tend to ta!7 a(out
ho, Kstate nter&eren"e s the %ro(!em toda'* su"h as ,th ha$n#
%rote"tonst m%ortMe-%ort %o!"es or the &a$orn# o& "ertan ndustres
(' the state+ It s assumed that someho, the mar7et "an (e K&ree to
o%erate ,thout the man&estaton o& mono%o!' or the K"orru%tons
nherent to ,hat has (een deemed toda' K"ron' "a%ta!sm* e$en
thou#h the entre (ass o& strate#' s "om%ett$e or* n more dre"t
4F6 The "reaton o& mone' out o& de(t* "ou%!ed ,th ts mu!t%!"aton $a the
Fra"tona! Reser$e !endn# s'stem* a near un$ersa! %ra"t"e o& the "entra!
(an7s o& the ,or!d* "ontnues to see7 n&nte #ro,th (' ts $er' me"han"s+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
terms* K,arrn#+ A#an* to assume the State ,ou!d not (e used as a
too! &or d&&erenta! ad$anta#e J a too! &or (usness J s a(surd+
In the end* these o$ert!' and unne"essar!' selfish $a!ues ha$e
(een at the root o& human "on&!"t sn"e ther n"e%ton and* as noted*
the hstor"a! noton o& human ,ar&are on the "!ass !e$e! s seen ('
most as K#$en* Knatura! or Kmmuta(!e+ In the e-stn# so"a! mode!*
e-tra"ted &rom an nherent!' s"ar"t'.dr$en* -eno%ho(" and ra"st
&rame o& re&eren"e* there s no su"h thn# as %ea"e or (a!an"e+ It
sm%!' sn?t %oss(!e n the "a%ta!st mode!+ L7e,se* the illusion of
e)uality (et,een %eo%!e n the so."a!!ed Kdemo"rat" so"etes a!so
%erssts* assumn# that someho, %o!t"a! e)ua!t' "an man&est out o&
the e-%!"t* economic ine)uality nherent to ths mode o& %rodu"ton
and human re!atons+
Ear!' n ths essa' the dstn"ton (et,een the Khstor"a! and
Kme"hanst" $e, o& e"onom" !o#" ,as mentoned n %assn#+ The
m%ortan"e o& the Kme"hanst" 8s"ent&"; %ers%e"t$e* ,h"h ,!! (e
e-%!ored n !ater essa's* s "rt"a! ,th res%e"t to understandn# ho,
dee%!' out o& date and &!a,ed the mar7et e"onom' rea!!' s+ When ,e
ta7e the 7no,n !a,s o& nature* (oth on the human and ha(tat !e$e!s*
and start to "a!"u!ate ,hat our o%tons and %oss(!tes are*
te"hn"a!!'* ,thout the (a##a#e o& su"h hstor"a! assum%tons* a $er'
d&&erent train of thought emer#es+ In the $e, o& TZM* ths s the ne,
,or!d$e, (' ,h"h humant' needs to a!#n n order to so!$e ts
"urrent* mountn# so"o!o#"a! and e"o!o#"a! %ro(!ems* a!on# ,th
o%enn# the door to enormous %oss(!tes &or &uture %ros%ert'+
4FH It s ,orth %ontn# out that Kmar7et ds"%!ne* or the "orre"t$e nature o&
the mar7et (' ,h"h a!! (usness are su%%osed to (e sus"e%t(!e* on!' rea!!'
a%%!es to the !o,er "!asses toda'+ As noted hstor"a!!' (' the Ktoo (# to
&a! rhetor" and re"ent 8`455G; (an7 (a!outs amountn# to ,e!! o$er 45
tr!!on do!!ars* the ,ea!th' se"tors are %rote"ted (' the #esture o& so."a!!ed
#$en KSo"a!sm* not /a%ta!sm+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
The s'ner#et" as%e"t o& ndustr'Ns don# e$er more ,or7 ,th e$er !ess
n$estment o& tme and ener#' %er ea"h unt o& %er&orman"e+++has ne$er (een
&orma!!' a""ounted as a "a%ta! #an o& !and.stuated so"et'+ The s'ner#st"
e&&e"t$eness o& a ,or!d.around nte#rated ndustra! %ro"ess s nherent!' $ast!'
#reater than the "on&ned s'ner#st" e&&e"t o& so$ere#n!' o%eratn# se%arate
s'stems+ Er#o* on!' "om%!ete ,or!d deso$ere#n1aton "an %ermt the
rea!1aton o& an a!! humant' h#h standard su%%ort+
R+ 9u"7mnster Fu!!er
S"ent&" de$e!o%ment* ,h!e e$o!$n# n %ara!!e! ,th tradtona!
e"onom" de$e!o%ment o$er the %ast 655 'ears or so* has st!! (een
!ar#e!' #nored and seen as an Ke-terna!t' to e"onom" theor'+ The
resu!t has (een a Kde"ou%!n# o& the so"oe"onom" stru"ture &rom the
life support stru"ture to ,h"h ,e are a!! ted* and u%on ,h"h ,e a!!
de%end+ In most "ases toda'* a%art &rom "ertan te"hn"a! assum%tons
,th res%e"t to ho, a s'stem not (ased on mar7et d'nam"s and the
K%r"e me"hansm
"ou!d &un"ton* the most "ommon ar#ument n
su%%ort o& mar7et "a%ta!sm s that t s a s'stem o& K&reedom or
The e-tent to ,h"h ths s true $er' mu"h de%ends on one?s
nter%retaton* e$en thou#h su"h #enera!1ed terms are o&ten
u()utous n the rhetor" o& %ro%onents o& the mode!+
It a%%ears
su"h notons are rea!!' rea"tons to %ror attem%ts at a!ternat$e so"a!
s'stems n the %ast that #enerated %o,er %ro(!ems !7e
Hen"e* e$er sn"e* (ased on ths &ear* an' mode!
"on"e$ed outsde o& the "a%ta!st &rame,or7 s o&ten m%u!s$e!'
re!e#ated to the su%%osed hstor"a! tenden"' to,ards Kt'rann' . and
then dsmssed+
9e that as t ma'* ths under!'n# #esture o& K&reedom*
,hate$er ts m%!"aton n su(0e"t$e use* has #enerated a neurosis or
"on&uson ,th res%e"t to ,hat t means &or a s%e"es su"h as ours to
sur$$e and %ros%er n the ha(tat J a ha(tat "!ear!' #o$erned ('
natural laws+ What ,e &nd s that on the !e$e! o& our ha(tat
re!atonsh% ,e are sm%!' not free and to ha$e an o$erar"hn# $a!ue
4FI Sour"e< <perating Manual for Spaceship Earth* R+ 9u"7mnster Fu!!er* 2EIG*
/ha%ter I
4FF Lud,# $on Mses n hs &amous ,or7 Economic alculation !n The Socialist
ommonwealth ar#ues that the K%r"e me"hansm s the on!' %oss(!e
means to understand ho, to Ke&&"ent!' "reate and mo$e #oods around an
e"onom'+ Ths "rt"sm o& an' 7nd o& K%!anned s'stem has (een touted as
sa"rosan"t (' man' toda' and a $nd"aton o& the /a%ta!st s'stem+ Ths
ssue ,!! (e addressed n %art III+
4FG Re&eren"e< 4n !n)uiry into the "ature and auses of the 7ealth of "ations,
Adam Smth* 2FFI* %ar+ IV+E+H2
4FE A "!ass" te-t that em%!o'ed ths (as" &ear ,as F+A+ Ha'e7?s The 'oad to
Serfdom+ KHuman nature had a $er' "!ear m%!"aton* 0ust&ed
&undamenta!!' (' hstor"a! trends o& tota!taransm su##ested as !n7ed to
"o!!a(orat$eM%!anned e"onomes+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
orentaton o& su%%osed &reedom* ,h"h s then a%%!ed to,ard ho, ,e
shou!d o%erate our #!o(a! e"onom'* has (e"ome n"reasn#!'
dan#erous to human sustana(!t' on the %!anet earth+

The d&&"u!t!' o& so"a! re!atonsh%s asde* humans* re#ard!ess o&
ther tradtona! so"a! "ustoms* are str"t!' (ound (' the natura!*
#o$ernn# !a,s o& the earth and to stra' &rom a!#nment ,th these s
to n$ara(!' inhibit our sustana(!t'* %ros%ert' and %u(!" hea!th+ It
shou!d (e remem(ered that the "ore assum%tons o& our "urrent
so"oe"onom" s'stem de$e!o%ed durn# %erods ,th su(stanta!!' less
s"ent&" a,areness o& (oth our ha(tat and ourse!$es+
Man' o& the
ne#at$e "onse)uen"es no, "ommon to modern so"etes sm%!' ddn?t
e-st n the %ast and t s no, ths clash of systems that s &urther
desta(!1n# our ,or!d n man' ,a's+
It ,!! (e ar#ued here that the nte#rt' o& an' e"onom" mode! s
a"tua!!' (est measured (' ho, ,e!! aligned t s ,th the 7no,n*
#o$ernn# laws of nature+ Ths natural law "on"e%t s not %resented
here as an'thn# esoter" or meta%h's"a!* (ut as &undamenta!!'
o(ser$a(!e+ Wh!e t s true that the !a,s o& nature are "onstant!'
re&ned and a!tered n our understandn#s o$er tme* "ertan "ausa!
rea!tes ha$e stood* and "ontnue to stand* as de&nt$e!' true+
There s no de(ate that the human or#ansm has s%e"&" needs
&or sur$$a!* su"h as the need &or nutrton* ,ater and ar+ There s no
de(ate ,th res%e"t to the &undamenta! e"o!o#"a! %ro"esses that
se"ure the en$ronmenta! sta(!t' o& our ha(tat that must #o
undstur(ed n ther s'm(ot".s'ner#st" re!atonsh%s+
There s a!so
no de(ate* as "om%!e- as t s* that the human %s'"he has* on
a$era#e* (as" %red"ta(!e rea"tons ,hen t "omes to en$ronmenta!
stressors and hen"e ho, rea"tons o& $o!en"e* de%resson* a(use and
other detrmenta! (eha$ora! ssues "an man&est as a resu!t+
Ths s"ent&"* "ausa! or te"hn"a! %ers%e"t$e o& e"onom"
re!atonsh%s redu"es a!! re!e$ant &a"tors to a frame of reference and
train of thought re!atn# to our "urrent understandn# o& the %h's"a!
,or!d and ts natura!* tan#(!e d'nam"s+ Ths !o#" ta7es the s"en"e o&
4G5 Re&eren"e< KA Sa&e O%eratn# S%a"e &or Humant'* "ature, 6I2* 6F4.6FH*
46 Se%tem(er 455E* do<25+25DGM6I26F4aU
4G2 Wh!e some hstorans o&ten %!a"e the da,n o& the s"ent&" method n
an"ent Gree"e* The 'enaissance, startn# around the 2I
"entur'* a%%ears
to (e a ma0or %erod o& s#n&"ant ds"o$er' and a""e!eraton+ Ga!!eo 82HI6
. 2I64; s "onsdered toda' (' some as the K&ather o& modern s"en"e+
Ho,e$er* these emer#n# understandn#s shared $er' !tt!e nterest n the
e"onom" rea!m+
4G4 The dsru%ton o& e"os'stem %ro"esses (' human a"ton has sho,n "!ear
ne#at$e "onse)uen"es+ Ao!!uton* de&orestaton* !oss o& (od$erst' and
man' other "ommon "hara"terst"s o& the "urrent state o& the ,or!d toda'
re$ea!s a dee% msa!#nment ,th the mmuta(!e s'm(ot"Ms'ner#st"
rea!tes o& our ha(tat to ,h"h ,e are (ound+
4GD See the essa' =efining Public >ealth*
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
human stud'* hen"e* a#an* the shared nature o& human needs and
public health* and "om(nes t ,th the %ro$en rules of our habitat, to
,h"h ,e are s'ner#st"a!!' and s'm(ot"a!!' "onne"ted+ Aut to#ether*
a K#round u%* ratona! mode! o& e"onom" o%eraton "an (e
#enera!1ed ,th $er' !tt!e need* n &a"t* &or the "entures o&
tradtona!1ed e"onom" theor'+

Ths sn?t to sa' those hstor"a! ar#uments do not %ossess $a!ue
,th res%e"t to understandn# "u!tura! e$o!uton* (ut rather to sa' that
& a tru!' s"ent&" ,or!d$e, s ta7en ,th res%e"t to ,hat K,or7s or
KdoesnNt ,or7 n the strate#' o& e&&"en"' demanded (' the "hess.
#ame o& human sur$$a!* there s $er' !tt!e need &or su"h hstor"a!
re&eren"e n a(stra"ton+ Ths $e, sts at the "ore o& TZM?s re&ormst
!o#" and ,!! (e re$e,ed a#an n %art III o& ths te-t+
The (ottom !ne s that these %onts o& near.mmuta(!e s"ent&"
a,areness are a!most "om%!ete!' ,thout re"o#nton n the e"onom"
mode! domnant toda'+ In &a"t* t ,!! (e ar#ued that the t,o s'stems
are not on!' de"ou%!ed* the' are diametrically opposed n man' ,a's*
a!!udn# to the rea!t' that the "om%ett$e mar7et e"onom' s a"tua!!'
not K&-a(!e as a ,ho!e* and hen"e a ne, s'stem (ased directly on
these Knatura! !a, rea!tes needs to (e "onstru"ted &rom the #round
Ths essa' ,!! e-amne and "ontrast a seres o& Ke"onom"
"onsderatons &rom (oth the %ers%e"t$e o& the mar7et s'stem
8mar7et !o#"; and ths noted mechanistic or Kte"hn"a! !o#"+ It ,!!
e-%ress ho, Ke&&"en"' ta7es on t,o $er' d&&erent meann#s n ea"h
%ers%e"t$e* ar#un# that Kmar7et e&&"en"'
,or7s on!' to (e
e&&"ent ,th res%e"t to itself* usn# man.made ru!e.sets re!ated
most!' to "!ass"a! e"onom" d'nam"s that &a"!tate %ro&t and #ro,th*
,h!e KTe"hn"a! E&&"en"'* re&eren"n# the 7no,n !a,s o& nature*
see7s the most o%tm1ed manner o& ndustra! un&o!dn# %oss(!e to
%reser$e the ha(tat, redu"e ,aste and u!tmate!' ensure public
health, (ased on emer#n# s"ent&" understandn#s+
C+clical Consum,tion . Economic !rowth
Mar7et "a%ta!sm n (as" o%eraton "an (e #enera!1ed as an
ntera"ton (et,een owners* laborers and consumers+ /onsumer
demand #enerates the need to %rodu"e $a the o,ners 8"a%ta!sts;*
,ho then em%!o' !a(orers to %er&orm the a"t o& %rodu"ton+ Ths "'"!e
essenta!!' or#nates ,th Kdemand and hen"e the rea! en#ne o& the
mar7et s the interest, ability and act o& e$er'one (u'n# n the mar7et
%!a"e+ A!! re"essonsMde%ressons
are a resu!t* on one !e$e! or
4G6 See the essa' >istory of Economy
4GH The use o& the term Kmar7et e&&"en"' here s not to (e "on&used ,th
other hstor"a! meann#s+ The "on"e%t s no$e! to ths essa'+ Tradtona!
4GI The term ?e"onom'? n Gree7 XO7onomaY means Tmana#ement o& a
househo!d . thr&tU Hen"e to ea"onaoam1e* or Kn"rease e&&"en"'+
4GF Re"essons are t'%"a!!' de&ned as Ta s#n&"ant de"!ne n e"onom"
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
another* o& a !oss o& sa!es+ There&ore the most "rt"a! ne"esst' &or
7ee%n# %eo%!e em%!o'ed and hen"e 7ee%n# the e"onom' n a state o&
Ksta(!t'K or K#ro,th s "onstant* cyclical consumption+
Economic growth* ,h"h s #enera!!' de&ned as Kan n"rease n
the "a%a"t' o& an e"onom' to %rodu"e #oods and ser$"es* "om%ared
&rom one %erod o& tme to another
s a "onstant nterest o& an'
natona! e"onom' toda' and* "onse)uent!'* the #!o(a! e"onom' n
#enera!+ Man' ma"roe"onom" ta"t"s are o&ten used durn# tmes o&
re"esson to &a"!tate more !oans* %rodu"ton and "onsum%ton n order
to 7ee% an e"onom' &un"tonn# at or dea!!' (e'ond ts "urrent
The business cycle* a %erod o& os"!!atn# e-%anson and
"ontra"ton* has !on# (een re"o#n1ed as a "hara"terst" o& the mar7et
e"onom' due to the nature o& Kmar7et ds"%!ne* or "orre"ton* ,h"h*
a""ordn# to theorsts* s %art!' a natura! e(( and &!o, o& (usness
su""esses and &a!ures+
In short* the rate 8n"rease or de"rease; o& "onsum%ton s ,hat
#enerates the (usness "'"!e?s %erods o& #ro,th or "ontra"ton* ,th
ma"roe"onom" monetar' re#u!aton #enera!!' n"reasn# and
de"reasn# ease o& li)uidity 8o&ten $a nterest rates; n order to
Kmana#e the e-%ansons and "ontra"tons+ Wh!e modern* monetar'
ma"roe"onom" %o!"' s not the su(0e"t o& ths essa'* t s ,orth
%ontn# out here* as an asde* that mutua! res%e"t to,ard (oth the
e-%anson and "ontra"ton %erods o& the (usness "'"!e has not
e-sted hstor"a!!'+ Aerods o& monetar' e-%anson 8o&ten $a "hea%er
"redt; that usua!!' "orre!ate to %erods o& e"onom" e-%anson 8as
more mone' s (en# %ut to use; are ha!ed (' the "t1enr' as natona!
su""esses &or so"et'* ,h!e a!! "ontra"tons are seen as %o!"' &a!ures+
There&ore* there has a!,a's (een an nterest (' the %o!t"a!
esta(!shments 8,ho ,ant to !oo7 #ood; and ma0or* n&!uenta! mar7et
nsttutons 8%rote"tn# "or%orate %ro&ts; to preserve %erods o&
e-%anson &or as !on# as %oss(!e and &#ht a!! &orms o& "ontra"ton+
Ths %ers%e"t$e s natura! to the $a!ue s'stem nherent to "a%ta!sm
&or K%an s to (e th,arted at a!! tmes* o&ten n a shorts#hted
manner+ No "om%an' ,!!n#!' ,ants to do,ns1e nor does an' %o!t"a!
%art' ,!!n#!' ,ant to K!oo7 (ad* e$en thou#h tradtona! e"onom"
theor' te!!s us that these %erods o& "ontra"ton are Knatura! and
a"t$t' s%read a"ross the e"onom'+
4GG ?E"onom" #ro,th? de&ned<
4GE A "ommon rea"ton o& "entra! (an7s durn# tmes o& re"esson s to n"rease
K!)udt' n the e"onom'+ L)udt' s sm%!' the amount o& "a%ta! that s
a$a!a(!e &or n$estment and s%endn#+ The Federa! Reser$e* the "entra!
(an7 o& the Unted States* t'%"a!!' mana#es !)udt'* (' ad0ustn# nterest
4E5 The ?(usness "'"!e? s o&ten thou#ht a(out n &$e sta#es< #ro,th
8e-%anson;* %ea7* re"esson 8"ontra"ton;* trou#h and re"o$er'+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
shou!d (e a!!o,ed+
The resu!t has (een* n short* a "onstant increase n the mone'
su%%!' 8+e+ %ur"hasn# %o,er and "a%ta!; durn# tmes o& re"esson*
,th the end resu!t (en# mass$e global debt* (oth %u(!" and
The rea!t' s that a!! mone' "omes nto e-sten"e throu#h
!oans and ea"h o& those !oans s made ,th interest attached* ,here
the !oan must (e %ad (a"7 ,th the nterest &ee a""rued 8(an7?s
%ro&t;U meann# that the $er' nature o& mone' "reaton automat"a!!'
enta!s a negative balance (' de&au!t+ There s a!,a's more de(t n
e-sten"e than there s mone' n "r"u!aton+
So* returnn# to the man %ont ,th res%e"t to the need &or
demandM"onsum%ton to 7ee% the e"onom' ,or7n#* ths %ro"ess o&
e-"han#e and #enera! &o"us on #ro,th s at the heart o& the mar7et?s
"onte-t o& Ke&&"en"'+ It doesnNt matter what s (en# %rodu"ed or the
e&&e"t on the state o& human or earth!' a&&ars+ Those are a!!* a#an*
Ke-terna!tes+ As a "on"entrated e-am%!e o& ths !o#"* the sto"7
mar7et* ,h"h s tse!& nothn# more than the tradn# o& mone' and ts
no, numerous Tder$at$esT* #enerates enormous GDA and T#ro,thT
throu#h resu!tant sa!esM%ro&t+

:et* these a"ts ar#ua(!' %rodu"e nothing o& tan#(!e* !&e
su%%ortn# $a!ue+ The sto"7 mar7et s'stem and the no, mass$e!'
%o,er&u! &nan"a! nsttutons are "om%!ete!' auxiliary to the rea!*
%rodu"n# e"onom'+ Wh!e man' ar#ue that these n$estment
nsttutons facilitate (usnesses and 0o(s ,th ther a%%!"aton o&
"a%ta!* ths a"t s* on"e a#an* on!' s'stem"a!!' re!e$ant n the "urrent
s'stem 8mar7et e&&"en"'; and utter!' rre!e$ant n terms o& rea!
%rodu"ton 8te"hn"a! e&&"en"';+
In short* ,hen t "omes to mar#et logic* the more turno$er or
sa!es* the (etter . and that s that . re#ard!ess & the tem so!d s
"redt* ro"7s* Kho%e or &!a%0a"7s+ An' %o!!uton* nstan"es o& ,aste or
4E2 A""ordn# to a 4525 re%ort (' the Wor!d E"onom"s Forum* #!o(a! "redt 8or
n e&&e"t* de(t; dou(!ed &rom bHF tr!!on to b25E tr!!on &rom 4555 to 4525+
It a!so &ore"asts b425 tr!!on n #!o(a! "redt 8de(t; (' 4545+
4E4 A""ordn# to the Federa! Reser$e* as o& 455E tota! US 8Au(!" and Ar$ate;
de(t ,as a(out bH2 tr!!on+
n"!ude@!a'outSseres"o!umn@&romS52M52M2E6H@toS24MD2M4525; I& ,e
"om%are ths to the e-stn# mone' su%%!'* as measured (' MD* ,h"h s the
(roadest measure* ,e &nd that as o& De"+ 4524 t ,as a(out b2H tr!!on+c
cNote< MD has (een ds"ontnued n re%ortn# (' the US+ Ho,e$er* ts
num(ers "an (e e-tra%o!ated (ased on "om%onent measures+
4ED For e-am%!e* n the US* the K$enture "a%ta! ndustr'* ,h"h essenta!
n$ests mone' n ne, (usnesses* ,as 42> o& GDA n 4525+
o%tonS"omV"ontent@$e,Sart"!e@dS4HH@ItemdS25D; A""ordn# to a
4524 art"!e n The "ew 'epublic< Kthe !ar#est s- (an7s n our 8us;
e"onom' no, ha$e tota! assets n e-"ess o& ID> o& GDA
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
other su"h detrments are* a#an* Ke-terna!+ There s no "onsderaton
&or the te"hn"a! ro!e o& a"tua! %rodu"ton %ro"esses* strate#es &or
e&&"ent dstr(uton* des#n a%%!"atons or the !7e+ Su"h &a"tors are
assumed to "u!mnate metaphysically n the (est nterest o& the %eo%!e
and the ha(tat sm%!' (e"ause that s ,hat the Kn$s(!e hand
the mar7et m%!es+
:et* the #ro,n# Kmore ,th !ess
re$o!uton n the ndustra!
s"en"es has "reated a ne, rea!t' ,here the ad$an"ement o&
ndustra! te"hno!o#' has re$ersed the %attern o& K"umu!at$e matera!
e&&ort ,th res%e"t to e&&"en"'+ The !o#" that Kmore !a(or* more
ener#' and more resour"es ,!! %rodu"e %ro%ortona!!' more e&&e"t$e
resu!ts has (een "ha!!en#ed+ In n"reasn#!' more "r"umstan"es* the
reduction o& ener#'* !a(or and matera!s to a""om%!sh "ertan tas7s
has (een the out"ome* #$en our modern s"ent&"* te"hn"a!
For nstan"e* sate!!te.(ased "ommun"aton toda'* ,h!e
nte!!e"tua!!' so%hst"ated* em(od'n# a #reat dea! o& e$o!$ed
7no,!ed#e* s* n %h's"a! rea!t'* rather sm%!e and resour"e e&&"ent
n "om%arson to the %ror a!ternat$es &or "ommun"aton* ,h"h n
#!o(a! a%%!"aton* n$o!$ed enormous amounts o& "um(ersome
matera!s* su"h as hea$' "o%%er ,res* a!on# ,th the d&&"u!t* o&ten
rs7' tas7 o& !a'n# out su"h matera!s (' human !a(or %o,er+ What s
a""om%!shed toda' ,th a set o& #enera!!' sma!!* #!o(a! sate!!tes n
or(t s tru!' ama1n# (' "om%arson+ Ths design revolution, ,h"h
#ets to the heart o& ,hat true e"onom" 8te"hn"a!; e&&"en"' means*
stands n dre"t o%%oston to the "'"!"a! "onsum%ton* #ro,th.(ased
e"onom" mode!+
A#an* the ntenton o& the mar7et s'stem s to maintain or
elevate rates of turnover* as ths s ,hat 7ee%s %eo%!e em%!o'ed and
n"reases em%!o'ment and so."a!!ed #ro,th+ Hen"e* at ts "ore* the
mar7et?s entre %remse o& e&&"en"' s (ased around ta"t"s to
a""om%!sh ths and hen"e an' &or"e that ,or7s to reduce the need &or
!a(or or turno$er s "onsdered Kne&&"ent &rom the $e, o& the
mar7et* e$en thou#h t m#ht (e $er' e&&"ent n terms o& the true
definition o& e"onom' tse!&* ,h"h means to "onser$e* redu"e ,aste
and do more with less+
I& ,e h'%othet"a!!' redu"ed our #!o(a! so"et' to a sn#!e* sma!!
s!and ,th a res%e"t$e!' sma!! %o%u!aton* ,th $er' !mted
4E6 See the essa' >istory of Economy ,here Adam Smth?s noton o& the
Kn$s(!e hand s ds"ussed+
4EH As an hstor"a! note* en#neer R+ 9u"7mnster Fu!!er used ths %hrase
8Kmore ,th !ess; n hs ds"usson o& the %henomenon n hs ,or7
K<perating Manual for Spaceship Earth8, 2EIG
4EI The &amous ENIA/ "om%uter o& the 2E65s "ontaned 2F*6IG $a"uum tu(es*
a!on# ,th F5*555 resstors* 25*555 "a%a"tors* 2*H55 re!a's* I*555 manua!
s,t"hes and H m!!on so!dered 0onts+ It "o$ered 2G55 s)uare &eet o& &!oor
s%a"e* ,e#hed D5 tons* and "onsumed 2I5 7!o,atts o& e!e"tr"a! %o,er+ It
"ost a(out bI M!!on n modern $a!ue+ Toda'* a "hea%* %o"7et s1e "e!!
%hone "om%utes su(stanta!!' &aster than ENIA/+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
te"hno!o#' as "om%ared to toda'* &ndn# that on!' - num(er o&
&oodMsur$$a! tems ,ere %oss(!e n the natura! re#eneraton o& the
!and* ,ou!d t (e a #ood dea to em%!o' an e"onom" s'stem that
sou#ht to n"rease the use and turno$er o& the s!and?s resour"es as
&ast as %oss(!e &or the sa7e o& K#ro,thR Natura!!'* the eth" o&
strategic use and preservation ,ou!d de$e!o% as an ethos n su"h a
"ondton+ The dea ,ou!d (e to redu"e ,aste* not a""e!erate t* ,h"h*
a#an* s ,hat the true de&nton o& Ke"onom' means J to economi%e+
&nnecessar+ Osolescence% Com,etiti/e and Planned
When ,e thn7 o& o(so!es"en"e* ,e o&ten m#ht "onsder the ra%d
te"hno!o#"a! "han#es o""urrn# n the ,or!d toda'+ E$er' &e, 'ears t
seems our "ommun"aton and %ro"essn# de$"es* name!' "om%uter
te"hno!o#'* under#o ra%d de$e!o%ment+ KMoore?s La,* &or e-am%!e*
,h"h essenta!!' denotes ho, %ro"essn# %o,er dou(!es e$er' 2G.46
months* has (een e-tended to a%%!' to other* sm!ar te"hno!o#"a!
a%%!"atons* !!umnatn# the %o,er&u! trend o& s"ent&" ad$an"ement
n #enera!+

Ho,e$er* ,hen t "omes to #oods %rodu"ton* t,o &orms o&
8e$entua!; o(so!es"en"e o""ur toda' ,h"h are not (ased on the
natura! e$o!uton o& te"hno!o#"a! "a%a"t'* (ut rather resu!t &rom 8a;
the "ontr$ed* competitive rule structure o& the mar7et s'stem* a!on#
,th 8(; the dr$n# ur#e &or mar7et Ke&&"en"' n see7n# turno$er
and reo""urrn# %ro&t+
The &rst 8a; "ou!d (e "a!!ed K"om%ett$e 8or ntrns";
o(so!es"en"e+ Ths s o(so!es"en"e resu!tn# &rom the "onse)uenta!
nature o& a "om%ett$e e"onom'* as ea"h %rodu"n# entt' ,or7s to
mantan d&&erenta! ad$anta#e o$er another (' redu"n# e-%enses n
%rodu"ton n order to 7ee% the %r"e K"om%ett$e!' !o, &or "onsumer
%ur"hase+ Ths me"hansm s tradtona!!' termed K"ost e&&"en"' and
the resu!t s %rodu"ts that are relatively inferior the moment the' are
made+ Ths "om%ett$e need %ermeates e$er' ste% o& %rodu"ton*
,th* n e&&e"t* a redu"ton o& te"hn"a! e&&"en"' a!on# the ,a' $a
usn# "hea%er matera!s* means and des#ns+
Ima#ne* h'%othet"a!!'* & ,e too7 nto a""ount a!! o& the
matera! re)urements &or* sa'* the "reaton o& a "ar* see7n# to
ma-m1e ts e&&"en"'* dura(!t' and )ua!t' n the most strategically
o%tm1ed ,a'* (ased on the matera!s themse!$es . not the "ost o&
those matera!s+
The !&e "'"!e o& the "ar ,ou!d then (e determned
only (' ts natura! ,ear and tear ,th a $er' de!(erate des#n &o"us on
u%#radn# attr(utes o& the "ar ,hen the' ha$e (e"ome o(so!ete or
4EF Re&eren"e< The +aw of 4ccelerating 'eturns* Ra' Cur1,e!
4EG The noton o& Kstrate#"a!!' o%tm1ed ,!! (e addressed n %art III (ut t s
,orth notn# here that the e)uaton ,h"h de"des ,hat s to (e used n the
"onstru"ton o& an'thn#* te"hn"a!!'* not on!' n$o!$es the %ro%ertes o& the
Kdea! matera!s* (ut the relative utility o& re!ated matera!s 8,th sm!ar
%ro%ertes; ,h"h ma' a!ter the ne"essar' matera! "om%onent &or use due
to other Ke&&"en"' re!ated &a"tors* su"h as resour"e su%%!'+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
dama#ed (' natural$use "r"umstan"es+
The resu!t ,ou!d (e a %rodu"ton designed to last* hen"e
redu"n# ,aste and n$ara(!' n"reasn# e&&"a"' o& ut!t'+ It s sa&e to
assume that man' n the ,or!d toda' (e!e$e ths s ,hat a"tua!!'
ha%%ens n the des#n and %rodu"ton o& #oods (ut that sm%!' sn?t
the rea!t'+ It s mathemat"a!!' m%oss(!e &or an' "om%etn# "om%an'
to %rodu"e the strategically best #ood* te"hn"a!!'* n a mar7et
e"onom'* as the K"ost e&&"en"' me"hansm guarantees a !ess.than.
o%tma! %rodu"ton+
The se"ond &orm 8(; o& o(so!es"en"e s 7no,n as K%!anned and
ths %rodu"ton te"hn)ue to ensure "'"!"a! "onsum%ton #aned
nterest n the ear!' 45
"entur' ,hen ndustra! de$e!o%ment ,as
ad$an"n# e&&"en"' at an a""e!eratn# rate* %rodu"n# (etter #oods*
&aster+ In &a"t* there ,as not on!' a need to en"oura#e more purchases
(' the #enera! %u(!"*
the %ro(!em o& resu!tn# n"reased !&es%an
and #enera! e&&"en"' o& #oods ,as a!so s!o,n# "onsum%ton+ A#an*
the Kmore ,th !ess %henomenon ,as sur&a"n# n a ra%d ,a'+
Rather than a!!o, &or a #ood?s !&es%an to (e determned (' ts
natura! "a%a"t'* ,th the !o#"a! natural law ntenton &or t to e-st as
!on# as %oss(!e, #$en !mted resour"es on a &nte %!anet and a
natura! nterest to sa$e ener#'* (oth matera! and human* "or%oratons
de"ded t ,as nstead (est to "reate ther own K!&es%an &or #oods*
de!(erate!' nh(tn# e&&"en"' &or the sa7e o& re%eat %ur"hases+
In the 2ED5s* some e$en ,anted to ma7e t mandator' &or a!!
ndustres* !e#a!!'* ,here !&e "'"!es ,ere de"ded not (' the natura!
state o& te"hno!o#"a! a(!t' (ut (' the mere on#on# need &or !a(or
and n"reased "onsum%ton+ In &a"t* the most nota(!e hstor"a!
e-am%!e o& ths %erod ,as the Ahoe(us !#ht (u!( "arte! o& the 2ED5s
,here* n a tme ,here !#ht (u!(s ,ere a(!e to !ast u% to a(out
4H*555 hours* the "arte! &or"ed ea"h "om%an' to restr"t !#ht (u!( !&e
to !ess than 2555 hours to assure re%eat %ur"hases+
Toda'* e$er'
ma0or manu&a"turer strate#1es to !mt #ood !&e "'"!es (ased on
mar7etn# mode!s &or "'"!"a! "onsum%ton and the resu!t s not on!'
the re%rehens(!e ,aste o& &nte resour"es* (ut a "onstant ,aste o&
human !a(or and ener#' as ,e!!+
Outsde the d'nam"s o& the mar7et e"onom'* t s e-treme!'
d&&"u!t to ar#ue a#anst the need &or o%tmum des#n o& #oods+ Sad!'*
4EE /har!es Cettern#* Dre"tor o& Genera! Motors n 2E4E* ,rote o& the need to
?7ee% the "onsumer dssats&ed? 82E4E;
h4FV54+htm;+ Wa!! Street (an7er Aau! Ma1ur ,rote< TWe must sh&t Amer"a
&rom a needs to a desres "u!ture+ Aeo%!e must (e traned to desre]to ,ant
ne, thn#s e$en (e&ore the o!d ha$e (een entre!' "onsumed+ We must
sha%e a ne, menta!t' n Amer"a+T 8Har$ard 9usness Re$e,* 2E4F;
D55 In 2ED4* ndustra!st 9ernard London %ro%a#ated a ,e!!.7no,n %am%h!et
entt!ed Ending the =epression through Planned <bsolescence, ,h"h
out!ned the need &or the mode!+
D52 Re&eren"e< Planned <bsolescence3 The +ight /ulb onspiracy* ESSA* 4524
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
the nature o& mar#et efficiency dsa!!o,s su"h technical efficiency ('
Pro,ert+ /s0 Access
The tradton o& personal property has (e"ome a sta%!e o& modern
"u!ture ,th !tt!e &nan"a! n"ent$e n the !on# run to ut!1e a s'stem
o& sharn# or access+ Wh!e a &e, e-am%!es o& "ommunt' sharn# o&
"ommodtes do e-st n the modern da'*
the #enera! eth" o&
Ko,nersh% and the nherent $a!ueMn$estment "hara"terst"s o&
%ro%ert' tse!& ma7e su"h a%%roa"hes more "ost!' n the !on# run ('
the user than to en#a#e n dre"t %ur"hase+
From the stand%ont o& mar#et efficiency* ths s a #ood thn#* as
the more dre"t %ur"hases o& #oods* the (etter+ Genera!!' s%ea7n#* &
255 %eo%!e ,sh to dr$e a "ar* ha$n# 255 %eo%!e %ur"hase those "ars
s more Ke&&"ent &or the mar7et than & 255 %eo%!e shared 45 "ars n
a s'stem o& strate#"a!!' des#ned a""ess* ena(!n# ut!1aton (ased on
a"tua! use time+
I& ,e ana!'1e %atterns o& a"tua! use o& an' #$en #ood on
a$era#e* man' t'%es o& %rodu"ts are &ound to (e used ntermttent!'+
Trans%ort $eh"!es* re"reatona! e)u%ment* %ro0e"t e)u%ment and
$arous other #enres o& #oods are "ommon!' a""essed at re!at$e!'
dstant nter$a!s* ma7n# the tas7 o& o,nersh% not on!' some,hat o&
an n"on$enen"e #$en the need to store these tems* (ut a!so "!ear!'
inefficient n the "onte-t o& true e"onom" nte#rt'* ,h"h see7s a
redu"ton o& ,aste at a!! tmes+
E$er' 'ear* "ount!ess (oo7s are (orro,ed $rtua!!' &or &ree &rom
!(rares around the ,or!d and returned* not on!' sa$n# an enormous
amount o& matera! resour"es o$er tme* (ut a!so &a"!tatn# 7no,!ed#e
access to those ,ho m#ht other,se ha$e no means to o(tan t+ :et*
ths %ra"t"e s a rare e-"e%ton n the mar#et efficiency dr$en ,or!d
toda' as "!ear!' t s to the dsad$anta#e o& the mar7et to ha$e
an'thn# a$a!a(!e ,thout dre"t %ur"hase on a %er.%erson (ass+
Ho,e$er* !et?s h'%othet"a!!' e-tend ths dea o& the sharing of
#nowledge to the sharn# 8ena(!ed a""ess; o& matera! #oods+ From the
stand%ont o& mar#et efficiency, t ,ou!d (e e-treme!' nh(tn#+ Wh!e
%ro&t ,ou!d st!! (e #enerated n the "a%ta!st mode! (' the !oann# o&
tems to %eo%!e on the (ass o& ther need* t ,ou!d (e enormous!'
ds%ro%ortonate ,hen "om%ared to the %ro&tM"onsum%ton rates o& a
so"et' (ased on se%arate* %ersona! o,nersh% o& ea"h #ood+
:et* on the other hand* the technical efficiency ,ou!d (e
%ro&ound+ Not on!' ,ou!d &e,er resour"es need to (e ut!1ed 8a!on#
,th !ess !a(or %o,er; sn"e !ess o& ea"h #ood ,ou!d need to (e
D54 As a sm%!e e-am%!e* the sharn# o& (7es n Euro%e has (e"ome "ommon+
D5D As an asde* the on!' reason ths !(rar' e-"e%ton has %erssted s (e"ause
o& a tradton %ut n %!a"e !on# a#o that sa, the need &or ths sharing of
#nowledge as "rt"a! to human de$e!o%ment+ The tradton o& shared
!(rares #oes (a"7 2555s o& 'ears+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
"reated to meet the use time o& "t1ens* the a$a!a(!t' o& su"h #oods
"ou!d $er' ,e!! e-tend to man' ,ho other,se ,ou!d not ha$e the
a(!t' to a&&ord the %ur"hase to (e#n ,th* on!' the Krenta! &ee 8st!!
assumn# a mar7et s'stem;+ In ths re#ard* the technical efficiency has
t,o !e$e!s J environmental and social+ From the en$ronmenta!
stand%ont* a dramat" redu"ton o& resour"e useU &rom the so"a!
stand%ont 8a!! thn#s (en# e)ua!;* an n"rease n the a""ess
a$a!a(!t' o& su"h #oods "ou!d a!so o""ur+
So* &rom the stand%ont o& technical efficiency* at the dee%
e-%ense o& mar#et efficiency* a shared access rather than universal
property orented so"et' ,ou!d (e e-"e%tona!!' more sustana(!e and
(ene&"a!+ O& "ourse* su"h a %ra"t"e ,ou!d natura!!' "ha!!en#e some
dee% $a!ue dent&"atons "ommon to the K%ro%erted "u!ture toda'+

Com,etition /s0 Collaoration
The )ueston o& so"et' %ursun# a "om%ett$e or "o!!a(orat$e "u!ture
has (een a runnn# de(ate &or "entures* ,th assum%tons o& human
nature "ommon to the de&ense o& "om%etton+
Toda'* e"onomsts
most!' ds"uss "om%etton as an n"ent$e ne"essar' to "ontnue
a!on# ,th the #enera!!' m%!ed assum%ton that there
sm%!' snNt enou#h to #o around on ths %!anet and hen"e e$er'one
has no "ho"e (ut to &#ht on some !e$e!* ,th ne$ta(!e !osers+
assum%tons noted* the themed "onte-t here o& mar#et vs* technical
efficiency sha!! (e e-%!ored ,th res%e"t to the "om%ett$e (ene&ts
andMor "onse)uen"es+
There are t,o "ore an#!es to "onsder< the &rst s 8a; ho,
"om%etton a&&e"ts ndustra! %rodu"ton tse!&U the se"ond s 8(; ho, t
a"tua!!' e&&e"ts nno$aton or "reat$e de$e!o%ment+
8a; I& ,e e-amne the !a'out o& ndustra! %rodu"ton toda'* ,e see a
"om%!e- #!o(a! s'stem o& ntera"ton* mo$n# resour"es* "om%onents
and #oods "onstant!' &rom one !o"aton to another &or $arous
D56 In hs ,or7* The 4ge of 4ccess* 3erem' R&7n %oses sm!ar )uestons*
statn#* KIn a so"et' ,here $rtua!!' e$er'thn# s a""essed* ho,e$er* ,hat
ha%%ens to the %ersona! %rde* o(!#aton* and "ommtment that #o ,th
o,nersh%R And ,hat o& se!&.su&&"en"'R 9en# %ro%erted #oes hand n
hand ,th (en# nde%endent+ Aro%ert' s the means (' ,h"h ,e #an a
sense o& %ersona! autonom' n the ,or!d+ When ,e a""ess the means o& our
e-sten"e* ,e (e"ome &ar more re!ant on others+ Wh!e ,e (e"ome more
"onne"ted and nterde%endent* do ,e rs7 at the same tme (e"omn# !ess
se!&.su&&"ent and more $u!nera(!eR 8A+ Tar"herMAutnam* 4555* %+2D5;
D5H Re&eren"e< The !nfluence of Social >ierarchy on Primate >ealth* Ro(ert M+
Sa%o!s7'* S"en"e 4E A%r! 455H< Vo!+ D5G no+ HF44 %%+ I6G.IH4 DOI<
D5I Re&eren"e< on tradtona! de&enses o& "om%etton as a sour"e o& nno$aton<
ompetition and !nnovation3 4n !nverted 9 'elationship
D5F See the %ror essa'* >istory of Economy* and ts treatment n Thomas
Ma!thus* ,ho $e,ed the ,or!d as una(!e to su%%ort the %o%u!aton and ,as
n&!uenta! n hs $e,+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
%rodu"ton or dstr(uton %ur%oses+ 9usness* n ts %ursut o& profit
and cost efficiency* n$ara(!' see7s out ne-%ens$e !a(or* e)u%ment
and &a"!tes at a!! tmes to reman "om%ett$e n the mar7et+ Ths "an
ta7e the &orm o& !o"a! mm#rant !a(or at mnmum ,a#e* a
Ks,eatsho% %rodu"ton &a"!t' o$erseas* a re!at$e!' "hea% %ro"essn#
&a"tor' a"ross the "ountr'* et"+
The (ottom !ne s that &rom the stand%ont o& mar#et efficiency*
the " rato s a!! that matters* e$en & the a"tua! a"t o& ths
#!o(a! %ro"essn# s usn# ds%ro%ortonate!' ,aste&u! amounts o& &ue!*
trans%ort resour"es* !a(or %o,er and the !7e+
The noton o&
K%ro-ma! e&&"en"'* meann# n ths "ase the e&&"en"' der$ed &rom
the dstan"e (et,een ndustra! %rodu"tonMdstr(uton %onts* s not
"onsdered and the %ra"t"e o& #!o(a!1aton toda' en#a#es n a $ast
amount o& ,aste&u! resour"e mo$ement around the ,or!d (ased
a!most entre!' on the nterest o& sa$n# mone'* not o%tma!* technical
Ths #norn# o& the m%ortan"e o& K%ro-ma! e&&"en"' n
ndustra! a"ton* ,hether domest" or nternatona!* s the sour"e o&
some $er' ,aste&u! rea!tes+ Toda'* ndustra! %rodu"ton s a!most
entre!' nternatona!* es%e"a!!' n the te"hno!o#"a! a#e+ The de#ree
to ,h"h ths s needed* &rom a te"hn"a! %ers%e"t$e* s s!#ht* at (est+
Wh!e a#r"u!tura! %rodu"ton has hstor"a!!' (een re#ona! #$en
the %ro%enst' o& "ertan re#ons to %rodu"e "ertan t'%es o& #oods* or
%erha%s &a"!tate a more "ondu"$e en$ronment &or other su"h
"u!t$atons* these ssues are $er' &e, n %ro%orton to the $ast
ma0ort' o& ndustra! #oods %rodu"ton* ds"ountn# as ,e!! $arous
te"hno!o#"a! %oss(!tes toda' to o$er"ome su"h re#ona!
KLo"a!1aton* meann# the de!(erate redu"ton o& dstan"e
(et,een and around a!! &a"ets o& %rodu"ton and dstr(uton* s the
most te"hn"a!!' e&&"ent manner &or a "ommunt' to o%erate* ta7n#
nto a""ount the o($ous e-"e%tons* su"h as ho,* &or e-am%!e*
mnera! e-tra"ton "!ear!' must (e#n at ts %ont o& or#n n the earth*
et"+ It s sm%!e to see* es%e"a!!' ,th res%e"t to modern te"hn"a!
a%%!"atons ,h"h "urrent!' #o unused* ho, the $ast ma0ort' o& !&e.
sustann# #oods "an (e #enerated n "!ose %ro-mt' o$era!! to ,here
the' are to (e ut!1ed+
As ,!! (e des"r(ed n &urther deta! n %art III o& ths te-t* there
D5G /anadan e"onomst 3e&& Ru(n made ths o(ser$aton ,e!! ,th res%e"t to
o! "ost trends< TWhat ,e?re #on# to &nd s t?s not #on# to ma7e sense to
%rodu"e thn#s on the other sde o& the ,or!d* no matter ho, "hea% !a(or
"osts are there* ,hen t?s so e-%ens$e to trans%ort thn#s+T
D5E Ths s mentoned n %assn# to %ont out the e-tens$e modern
(rea7throu#hs n a#r"u!tura! methods that are not (ased on tradtona!
ara(!e !andmasses+ KVert"a! &armn#* &or e-am%!e* has (een sho,n to ha$e
mmense %oss(!tes on a #!o(a! s"a!e* remo$n# the "ommon re#ona!
restr"tons to a#r"u!tura! %rodu"ton+ Su##ested Readn#< The Vertical
(arm3 (eeding the 7orld in the B,st entury* D"7son Des%ommer* Thomas
Dunne 9oo7s* 4525
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
s a te"hn"a!!' e&&"ent tran o& thou#ht ,th res%e"t to the ut!1aton
o& proximity ,hen t "omes to e-tra"ton* %rodu"ton* dstr(uton and
re"'"!n#M,aste ds%osa!+ The end resu!t ,ou!d (e enormous !e$e!s o&
resour"e and human ener#' %reser$aton J %reser$aton o& a capacity
that* n &a"t* "ou!d (e rea!!o"ated & need (e to &urther ad$an"n#
%ro0e"ts* rather than s)uandered as mere ,aste $a the mar7et mode!
As a &na! note on ths su(0e"t o& ho, "om%etton !mts the
te"hn"a! e&&"en"' o& ndustra! %rodu"ton* n"reasn# ,aste . the
rea!t' o& #ood Kmu!t%!"t' s another ssue+ Wh!e a!! %rodu"ton ('
"om%etn# "om%anes s t'%"a!!' orented around hstor"a! statst"s
re#ardn# ,hat ther Kmar7et share s and ho, man' #oods the' "an
se!! on a$era#e* %er re#on* the $er' &a"t o& mu!t%!e "or%oratons*
,or7n# n the same #enre o& #ood %rodu"ton* %rodu"n# near!'
identical %rodu"ts ,th on!' m!d $araton* on!' adds to the sour"es o&
unne"essar' ,aste+
As ,!! a!so (e des"r(ed n the ne-t su(.se"ton* the dea o&* &or
e-am%!e* mu!t%!e "e!! %hone "om%anes "om%etn# &or mar7et share
(' mere des#n $araton* #eneratn# "onse)uenta!!' re!at$e
ne&&"en"es n des#n due to d&&erent strate#es to #an "ost
e&&"en"'* "ou%!ed ,th the #enera! !a"7 o& compatibility o& "om%onents
#$en the &nan"a! (ene&t o& %ushn# proprietary standards and
s'stem "om%at(!tes* "reates another "om%!e- ,e( o& ne&&"en"'+

/!ear!'* &rom the stand%ont o& technical efficiency* one "o!!e"t$e
"e!! %hone "om%an'* ,or7n# to %rodu"e the strate#"a!!' (est* most
ada%ta(!e* un$ersa!!' "om%at(!e des#n* ,ou!d not on!' (e more
res%e"t&u! o& the en$ronment* t ,ou!d a!so "reate a tremendous ease
and use efficiency as ,e!! sn"e the %ro(!em o& see7n# %ro%retar'
re%ar %arts and o$er"omn# "om%at(!t' %ro(!ems* ,ou!d (e
dramat"a!!' redu"ed+
It s o&ten ar#ued* ho,e$er* that the %ursut o& "om%etton and
the %rodu"t $aratons that arse n the )uest &or mar7et share ('
"om%etn# (usnesses s a ,a' to ntrodu"e ne, deas to the %u(!"+
Ho,e$er* su"h a method "ou!d a!so (e a"he$ed (' s'stems o& dre"t*
mass &eed(a"7 &rom the %u(!" ,th res%e"t to ,hat s needed* "ou%!ed
,th an emer#ent a,areness "am%a#n a(out ,hat s no, %oss(!e
#$en the em%r"a! e$o!uton o& te"hno!o#"a! ad$an"ement+
D25 It s "rt"a! to note* as ,!! (e ds"ussed n %art III* that ths noton o&
turnn# the ne&&"en"' or ,asted resour"es and ener#' nherent to the
mar7et e"onom' nto a"tua! %rodu"t$t' sts at the "ore o& human so"et'?s
a(!t' not on!' to trans"end the s"ar"t'.rdden en$ronment ,e ha$e toda'*
(ut &ar e-"eed t ,th an a(undan"e+
D22 The "!osest thn# toda' that attem%ts to o$er"ome the %ro(!ems and ,aste
#enerated (' %ro%retar' "om%onents* meann# "om%onents that "an on!'
"ome &rom the manu&a"turer* s the ISO Standard S'stem+ Ho,e$er* ths
s'stem* n rea!t'* does $er' !tt!e to o$er"ome the true %ro(!em and s
most!' a(out "om%!an"e ,th (as" )ua!t' standards* not un$ersa!
ada%ta(!t' o& "om%onents a"ross #!o(a! ndustr'+ 8Re&<
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
8(; The se"ond ssue here* as noted* has to do ,th ho, "om%etton
a&&e"ts nno$aton or "reat$e de$e!o%ment tse!&+ Wh!e the assum%ton
st!! %erssts toda' that d&&erenta! re,ard &or one?s "ontr(uton
mot$ates other %eo%!e to see7 that re,ard* ,h"h s a!so a "ommon
0ust&"aton o& the e-sten"e o& K"!asses* modern so"o!o#"a! stud'
&nds a num(er o& "on&!"tn# $e,s+
The dea that humans are
mot$ated nherent!' (' a need to K(eat others ('* &or e-am%!e*
#ann# matera!.&nan"a! re,ards n e-"ess o& others* s ,thout
"red(!e $nd"aton* outsde o& the ntut$e $e, dra,n &rom the
e-stn#* h#h!' "om%ett$e* s"ar"t' dr$en mar7et "ondton n ,h"h
humant' &nds tse!& toda'* (' des#n+
Ho,e$er* on"e a#an* the so"o!o#"a! de(ate "an (e set asde as
the "onte-t here s ho, "om%etton re!ates to mar#et A technical
efficiency dre"t!'+ In short* the "om%ett$e s'stem see7s secrecy
,hen t "omes to (usness deas* o&ten un$ersa!!' a#anst the o%en
&!o, o& 7no,!ed#e+ The use o& patents and proprietary rights or Ktrade
se"rets %er%etuates not an ad$an"e o& nno$aton as man' %ro%onents
o& the "om%ett$e mar7et assume J (ut retardaton+
It s $er' nterestn# to thn7 a(out ,hat 7no,!ed#e means* ho,
t s #enerated and ho, odd t s &or an'one to ratona!!' "!am
Ko,nersh% o& an dea or n$enton+ At no tme n human hstor' has
an' sn#u!ar nd$dua! "u!mnated an dea that ,as not serially
#enerated (' man' (e&ore them+ The hstor"a! "u!mnaton o&
7no,!ed#e s a so"a! %ro"ess and there&ore* an' "!am o& o,nersh% o&
an dea (' a %erson or "or%oraton s ntrns"a!!' &au!t'+ The "ommon
sem.e"onom" term used toda' s Kusu&ru"t* ,h"h means Kthe !e#a!
r#ht o& usn# and en0o'n# the &ruts or %ro&ts o& somethn# (e!on#n#
to another+K
In rea!t'* ho,e$er* a!! attr(utes o& e$er' dea n
e-sten"e toda'* n the %ast and &ore$er n the &uture* has ,thout
e-"e%ton a dstn"t!' social* not %ersona! %ont o& or#n+
It (e"omes o($ous that the noton o& intellectual property*
meann# o,nersh% o& mere thou#hts and deas* has man&est out o&
the $ast %erod o& human hstor' ,here one?s "reat$t' has (e"ome
ted to one?s %ersona! sur$$a!+ In an e"onom" s'stem ,here %eo%!e?s
deas ha$e the "a%a"t' to #enerate n"ome &or them %ersona!!'* the
dea o& su"h o,nersh% (e"omes re!e$ant+ A&ter a!!* & 'ou Kn$ent
somethn# n the modern s'stem ,h"h "ou!d #enerate sa!es and
hen"e he!% 'our %ersona! e"onom" sur$$a!* t ,ou!d (e e-treme!'
inefficient* n the mar7et sense o& the ,ord* to a!!o, that dea to (e
Ko%en.sour"e* sn"e others* see7n# sur$$a! themse!$es* ,ou!d !7e!'
)u"7!' se1e that n$enton &or ther o,n &nan"a! e-%!otaton+
It s a!so eas' to see ho, the %henomenon o& Ke#o has man&est
around the dea o& nte!!e"tua! o,nersh% as ,e!!* sn"e the (ass o&
re,ard n su"h a s'stem n$ara(!' has a %s'"ho!o#"a! te to one?s
%ersona! sense o& se!&.,orth+ I& a %erson Kn$ents somethn#* &!es &or
D24 Re&eren"e< "o ontest3 The ase 4gainst ompetition* A!&e Cohn* 9oston*
9oston< Hou#hton M&&!n* 2EGI
D2D Sour"e< Merram.We(ster+"om 8htt%<MM,,,+merram.
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
nte!!e"tua! o,nersh%* e-%!ots t &or %ro&t and then man&ests a !ar#e
house and e-tens$e %ro%ert'* hs or her Kstatus as a human (en# s
tradtona!!' e!e$ated as &ar as the standards set (' "u!ture J heMshe s
"onsdered a Ksu""ess+
:et* & ,e ,ere to thn7 a(out t n #enera!* the sharn# o&
7no,!ed#e has no ne#at$e re"ourse outsde o& the e"onom" %remse
o& o,nersh% &or %ro&t e-%!otaton+ There s nothn# to !ose and*
ndeed* an enormous amount to (e #aned socially (' the sharn# o&
n&ormaton+ /omn# (a"7 to the %ror e-am%!e n ths essa' o&
"om%etn# "e!! %hone "om%anes* ,e ,!! not"e that ,thn the
"on&nes o& (oardroom meetn#s ,here o&ten mar7eters* des#ners and
en#neers "onsder ho, to m%ro$e ther %rodu"t n #enera!* the
sharing of their ideas s %aramount+
Ho,e$er* ma#ne & that meetn# ,as e-tended to a!! "om%etn#
"e!! %hone "om%anes at on"e* ,here not on!' "ou!d the' remo$e ther
"ontr$ed* ut!t'.!ess Kmar7etn# an#!es de$sed to #an the mar7et
share o& other "om%ettors 8su"h as aesthet" #mm"7r';* the' "ou!d
,or7 to %rodu"e the "umu!at$e K(est n "on"ert+ E-tendn# e$en
more so* ,hat & a!! des#ns ,ere K%u(!" doman n the sense that
an'one n the ,or!d ,ho had an nterest to he!% m%ro$e an dea ,as
a(!e toR
The s"hemat"s o& a "e!! %hone des#n "ou!d (e %osted %u(!"!'
,th a s'stem o& te"hn"a! ntera"ton ,here %eo%!e &rom a!! around the
,or!d "ou!d he!%* & the' had the a(!t'* ,th the te"hn"a! e&&"en"'
and ut!t' o& the des#n+ Wh!e ths s an a(stra"t h'%othet"a!
e-am%!e* t s "!ear that the resu!t o& su"h an o%en a%%roa"h to the
sharn# o& n&ormaton "ou!d &a"!tate an explosion o& "reat$t' and
%rodu"t$t' ne$er (e&ore ,tnessed+ As ,!! (e ds"ussed n Aart III*
the remo$a! o& the monetar'.mar7et s'stem s "rt"a! to the
&a"!taton o& ths "a%a"t'+
(aor for $ncome
At the "ore o& the mar7et s'stem s the se!!n# o& an nd$dua!?s !a(or
as a "ommodt'+ In man' ,a's* the a(!t' o& the mar7et to em%!o' the
%o%u!aton has (e"ome a measure o& ts nte#rt'+ Ho,e$er* the ad$ent
o& Kme"han1aton* or the automaton o& human !a(or* has (e"ome an
e$er.n"reasn# %ont o& interference o$er tme+
Hstor"a!!'* the
D26 A #!an"e at US hstor"a! !a(or statst"s (' se"tor sho,s the %attern o&
ma"hne automaton re%!a"n# human !a(or de&nt$e!'+ In the a#r"u!tura!
se"tor* a!most a!! tradtona! ,or7&!o, s no, done (' ma"hne+ In 2E6E*
ma"hnes dd I> o& the "otton %"7n# n the South+ 9' 2EF4* 255> o& the
"otton %"7n# ,as done (' ma"hnes+ XSour"e< The otton >arvester in
'etrospect3 +abor =isplacement or 'eplacementD* W!!s Aeterson* St Aau!*
2EE2* %% 2.4Y In 2GI5* I5> o& Amer"a ,or7ed n a#r"u!ture* ,h!e toda' t
s !ess than D>+ 8Sour"e< 7hy Eob growth is Stalled* Fortune* DMGMED %+H4;
In 2EH5* DD> o& US ,or7ers ,or7ed n Manu&a"turn#* ,h!e (' 4554 there
,as on!' 25>+ 8Sour"e<htt%<MM,,,+usatoda'+"omMmone'Me"onom'M4554.
24.24.manu&a"tureV-+htm; The US stee! ndustr'* &rom 2EG4 to 4554
n"reased %rodu"ton &rom FHm tons to 245m tons* ,h!e stee! ,or7ers ,ent
&rom 4GE*555 to F6*555+8Sour"e< 7ill QMade in the 9S4R fade awayD, Ne!son
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
a%%!"aton o& ma"hne te"hno!o#' to !a(or has (een seen as an ssue
o& not on!' so"a! %ro#ress (ut a!so Ke"onom" %ro#ress* n the mar7et
sense* man!' due to the n"rease n %rodu"t$t'+
The (as" assum%ton s that me"han1aton 8or more (road!'
technological innovation; &a"!tates ndustra! e-%anson and hen"e an
ne$ta(!e rea!!o"aton o& !a(or ds%!a"ed (' ma"hne nto ne,*
emer#n# se"tors+ Ths s a "ommon de&ense+
Hstor"a!!' s%ea7n#*
there a%%ears to (e some truth to ths* ,here the redu"ton o& the
human ,or7 &or"e n one se"tor* su"h as ,as the "ase ,th the
automaton o& a#r"u!ture n the West* has (een o$er"ome to a de#ree
(' the ad$an"ement o& other em%!o'ment se"tors* su"h as the modern
ser$"e se"tor+ Ho,e$er* ths assum%ton that te"hno!o#"a! nno$aton
,!! #enerate ne, &orms o& em%!o'ment in tandem ,th those ds%!a"ed
(' t* "reatn# an e)uilibrium* s a"tua!!' $er' d&&"u!t to de&end ,hen
the rate of change o& nno$aton* "ou%!ed ,th the cost saving interests
o& (usness s ta7en nto a""ount+

As &or the !atter* the Kro!e o& me"han1aton &rom the stand%ont
o& mar#et efficiency e-sts a!most so!e!' to assst K"ost.e&&"en"'+
Ro(ot"s n the modern da' ha$e &ar e-"eeded the %h's"a! "a%a"t' o&
the a$era#e human (en#* a!on# ,th ra%d!' ad$an"n# "a!"u!aton
%ro"esses ,h"h "ontnue to $ast!' e-"eed human thou#ht+ The resu!t
s the a(!t' o& ndustr' to em%!o' ma"hnes* ,h"h n$ara(!' ha$e
more %rodu"t$e "a%a"t' than human !a(or* "ou%!ed ,th the
e-treme!' nota(!e &nan"a! n"ent$e o& redu"ed !a(!t' &or the
D+ S"h,art1* Fortune No$ 46th 455D* %+ 254; In 455D* A!!an"e /a%ta! dd a
stud' o& the ,or!dNs !ar#est 45 e"onomes at that tme* ran#n# &rom the
%erod o& 2EEH to 4554* &ndn# that D2 m!!on manu&a"turn# 0o(s ,ere
!ost* ,h!e %rodu"ton a"tua!!' rose (' D5>+ 8Sour"e< 9S 7ee#ly Economic
9pdate3 Manufacturing Payrolls =eclining ?lobally3 The 9ntold Story*
A!!an"e 9ernsten O"t 455D; Ths %attern o& increasing %rodu"t$t' and
%ro&t* "ou%!ed ,th de"reasn# em%!o'ment* s a ne, and %o,er&u!
D2H See the su(se"ton on e"onomst Da$d R"ardo n the essa'< >istory of
D2I E"onomst Ste%hen Roa"h ,arned n 2EE6* The ser$"e se"tor has !ost ts
ro!e as Amer"aNs un(rd!ed en#ne o& 0o( "reaton+ 8Sour"e< Inter$e,*
DM2HME6* noted n (oo7 The End of 7or# (' 3erem' R&7n* Aen#un %+26D;
E-am%!es o& ths n"!ude< From 2EGD.2EED* (an7s "ut DF> o& ther human
te!!ers* and (' the 'ear 4555* E5> o& a!! (an7 "ustomers used te!!er
ma"hnes 8ATMs; 8Sour"e< KRetoo!n# L$es* Vson* 4555 %+ 6D; 9usness
%hone o%erators ha$e a!most a!! (een re%!a"ed (' "om%uter1ed $o"e
ans,ern# s'stems* %ost o&&"e te!!ers are (en# re%!a"ed (' se!&.ser$"e
ma"hnes* ,h!e "ashers are (en# re%!a"ed (' "om%uter1ed 7os7s+
M"Dona!ds* &or e-am%!e* has (een ta!7n# a(out &u!! automaton o& ts
restaurants &or man' 'ears no,* ntrodu"n# 7os7s to re%!a"e the &ront o&
house sta&&* ,h!e usn# automated "oo7n# too!s* su"h as (ur#er &!%%ers*
&or the (a"7 o& house sta&&+ 8Sour"e<
htt%<MM,,,+te"hdrt+"omMart"!esM455D5G52M2D6H4DIVF+shtm!s; The &a"t
that the' ha$enNt done so s !7e!' a %u(!" re!atons ssue* &or the' 7no,
ho, man' 0o(s ,ou!d (e "ut n the e$ent that su"h automaton shou!d (e
ado%ted n the most unnh(ted ,a'++
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
(usness o,ners n man' ,a's+ Wh!e ma"hnes m#ht re)ure
mantenan"e* the' do not need hea!th nsuran"e* unem%!o'ment
nsuran"e* $a"atons* unon %rote"ton and man' other attr(utes
"ommon to human em%!o'ment toda'+ There&ore* n the narro, !o#"
nherent to the %ursut o& %ro&t* t s on!' natura! &or (usnesses to
see7 out me"han1aton at a!! tmes* #$en ts !on# term "ost (ene&ts
and hen"e mar#et efficiency+
As &ar as the su##eston that e)u!(rum ,!! a!,a's (e &ound
e$entua!!' (et,een ne, !a(or ro!es and ds%!a"ed !a(or due to
te"hno!o#"a! nno$aton* the %ro(!em s that the rate of change o&
te"hno!o#"a! de$e!o%ment &ar e-"eeds the rate o& ne, 0o( "reaton+
Ths %ro(!em s un)ue as t a!so assumes that human so"et' ,ou!d
a!,a's want ne, em%!o'ment ro!es+ It s here ,here su(0e"t$e
cultural values shou!d (e "onsdered+ G$en that our "urrent
so"o!o#"a! "ondton demands human em%!o'ment as the (a"7(one o&
mar#et sustainability* hen"e mar7et e&&"en"'* the eth" o& K,or7 and
ts dentt' asso"atons* "u!tura!!'* ha$e %er%etuated a &or"e ,here the
a"tua! &un"ton o& the !a(or ro!e . ts true utility . (e"omes !ess
m%ortant than the mere a"t o& !a(or tse!&+
3ust as mar#et efficiency has no "onsderaton &or ,hat s
a"tua!!' (en# (ou#ht and so!d n #enera!* so !on# as t 7ee%s "'"!"a!
"onsum%ton at an a""e%ta(!e rate* the !a(or ro!es ta7en on toda' n
%rodu"ton are e)ua!!' as ar(trar' n the $e, o& the mar7et+ In
theor'* ,e "ou!d en$son a ,or!d ,here %eo%!e are (en# %ad to do
,hat "ou!d (e "onsdered K%ont!ess o""u%atons* ,hen t "omes to
ut!t'* #eneratn# h#h !e$e!s o& GDA ,th $rtua!!' no true so"a!
"ontr(uton+ In &a"t* e$en toda' ,e "ou!d ste% (a"7 and as7 ourse!$es
,hat the so"a! ro!e o& man' nsttutons rea!!' s and %erha%s "ome to
the "on"!uson that the' ser$e on!' to #eep moving money around* not
to "reate or a"tua!!' "ontr(ute an'thn# tan#(!e &or the (ene&t o&
These are "om%!e- %h!oso%h"a! )uestons as the' "ha!!en#e
domnant tradtona! eth"s and the $er' nature o& ,hat K%ro#ress
rea!!' means n man' ,a's+ For nstan"e* the &o!!o,n# thou#ht
e-er"se s ,orth "onsdern#+ Ima#ne & ,e ,ere to re$ert our so"a!
s'stem (a"7 to the 2I
"entur'* ,here man' modern 842
te"hno!o#"a! rea!tes ,ere sm%!' unheard o&+ The %o%u!aton o& that
era ,ou!d natura!!' ha$e e-%e"tatons o& ,hat ,ou!d (e te"hn"a!!'
D2F Re&eren"e< The +aw of 4ccelerating 'eturns* Ra' Cur1,e!
8htt%<MM,,,+7ur1,e!a+netMthe.!a,.o&.a""e!eratn#.returns; Wh!e the
"onte-t o& ths art"!e re#ardn# e-%onenta!!' ad$an"n# te"hno!o#"a!
"a%a"t' does not re&eren"e me"han1aton* t s "!ear!' a-omat" to assume
ts re!e$an"e n ths ,a'* %art"u!ar!' ,th res%e"t to ,hat "ou!d (e "a!!ed
K"'(ernaton* ,h"h s the "om(naton o& ma"hnes and "om%uters
dstn"t!'* "reatn# Knte!!#en"e n ma"hnes+
D2G The !n7 (et,een ha$n# a K0o( and one?s se!&.,orth has (e"ome
n"reasn#!' %o,er&u!+ Re&eren"e< &oblessness 4nd >opelessness3 The +in#
/etween 9nemployment 4nd Suicide
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
%oss(!e that ,ou!d (e &ar (e!o, ,hat s #enera!!' a""e%ted as %oss(!e
I& ths so"et' ,as a(!e to su%erm%ose* o$ern#ht* the mass$e
te"hno!o#"a! "a%a"t' o& the modern era* there s !tt!e dou(t that
$rtua!!' everything re!ated to the "ore sur$$a! o& the %o%u!aton "ou!d
(e automated+ The )ueston then (e"omes* ,hat do the' no, do ,th
ther ne,&ound &reedomR What (e"omes the "u!tura! &o"us o& ther
!$es & the (as" drud#er' o& &undamenta! sur$$a! ,as remo$edR Do
the' n$ent ne, 0o(s sm%!' (e"ause the' "anR Do the' e!e$ate
themse!$es* %reser$n# and em(od'n# ths ne, &reedom (' a!tern#
ther so"a! s'stem tse!&* remo$n# ths %re$ous!' demanded K!a(or &or
n"ome re)urementR These )uestons #et to the root o& ,hat
progress and personalMsocial goals and success rea!!' are+
Ne$erthe!ess* a domnant "u!tura! $a!ue toda' s that o& Kearnn#
a !$n#* and the a%%!"aton o& me"han1aton* n the sense o& mar#et
efficiency s a"tua!!' a dou(!e.ed#ed s,ord+ Wh!e "ost.e&&"en"' s
nherent to me"han1aton and hen"e the #enera! m%ro$ement o&
%ro&t (' redu"n# "osts &or the (usness o,ners* the ds%!a"ement o&
human ,or7ers* 7no,n toda' as Kte"hno!o#"a! unem%!o'ment*
a"tua!!' ,or7s against mar#et efficiency to the e-tent that those
unem%!o'ed ,or7ers are no, unable to contribute to the needed
"'"!"a! "onsum%ton that %o,ers the e"onom'* sn"e the' ha$e !ost
ther purchasing power as K"onsumers*
Ths "ontrad"ton ,thn the "a%ta!st mode! s un)ue+ From the
stand %ont o& mar#et efficiency* me"han1aton hen"e %oses (oth a
%ost$e and ne#at$e out"ome n ths sense and ,hen ,e rea!1e that
the rate o& te"hno!o#"a! "han#e ,!!* n a!! %ro(a(!t'* ds%!a"e %eo%!e
increasingly faster than ne, se"tors o& em%!o'ment "an (e "reated*
me"han1aton as an nh(tn# &a"tor to "a%ta!sm (e"omes e$er more
a%%arent+ It s* n tota!* de"reasn# mar#et efficiency n ths
Ho,e$er* on the other hand* &rom the stand%ont o& technical
efficiency* on"e a#an* ,e see $ast m%ro$ement and mmense
%oss(!tes on man' !e$e!s+ The %rodu"ton "a%a"t' ena(!ed (' ths
a%%!"aton "!ear!' sho,s a %o,er&u! n"rease n e&&"en"' re#ardn#
not on!' the e&&e"t o& ndustra! %rodu"ton* (ut a!so a #enera!
n"reased e&&"en"' o& the #oods themse!$es (' e-tenson o& the
a""ura"' and nte#rt' nherent n %rodu"ton+ A!so* an m%!"aton o&
ths ne, !e$e! o& %rodu"ton e&&"en"' s that meeting the needs of the
global population was never more possible+ It s eas' to see that
,thout the nter&eren"e o& mar7et !o#" on ths ne, te"hn"a! "a%a"t'*
,h"h n$ara(!' nh(ts ts &u!! %otenta!* ,hat "ou!d (e re!at$e!'
deemed an Ka(undan"e o& most !&e sustann# #oods "ou!d (e
&a"!tated &or the #!o(a! %o%u!aton+
D2E Ths s not a uto%an "on"e%t as $er' (as" statst"a! e-tra%o!atons %ro$e
ths $ast m%ro$ement o& e&&"en"' and %rodu"ton "a%a"t' on man' !e$e!s+
A sm%!e e-am%!e* ,h!e not e-haust$e n ts $ara(!es* s the o(so!es"en"e
o& K,or7 hours n ndustra! &a"tor' %rodu"ton+ The G.hour da' "ommon to
human !a(or "ou!d man&est to near!' 46.hour !a(or $a ma"hne
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Scarcit+ /s0 Aundance
KSu%%!' and demand s a "ommon mar7et re!atonsh% ,h"h
e-%resses* n %art* ho, the $a!ue o& a resour"e or #ood s %ro%ortona!
to ho, mu"h o& t s n e-sten"e or a""ess(!e+ For e-am%!e* damonds
are "onsdered )uanttat$e!' more rare and hen"e o& h#her $a!ue than
,ater* ,h"h "an (e &ound n a #enera! a(undan"e on the %!anet+
L7e,se* "ertan human "reatons* & "reated n short su%%!'* are a!so
su(0e"t to ths d'nam"* e$en & the %er"e%ton o& rart' s "u!tura!!'
su(0e"t$e* su"h as ,th a sn#!e "an$as %antn# (' a reno,ned artst
,h"h m#ht &et"h man'* man' tmes ts a"tua! resour"e $a!ue n a
From the stand%ont o& mar#et efficiency* #enera! s"ar"t' s a
#ood thn# o$era!!+ Wh!e e-treme s"ar"t' s* ndeed* desta(!1n#
(oth &or an ndustr' or an e"onom' as a ,ho!e 8Kshorta#es;* the most
o%tm1ed state ,thn ,h"h the mar7et s'stem "an e-st s n a sort o&
balanced s"ar"t' %ressure* hen"e the assuran"e o& sa!es.%rodu"n#
demand+ A#an* the !&e re)urements o& humans are not re"o#n1ed n
ths e)uaton+
Meetn# human needs n the &orm o& &ood* housn#* !o,.stress
"r"umstan"es &or menta! hea!th* et"+* s utter!' Ke-terna! here and
has no dre"t re!atonsh% to mar#et efficiency+ Meetn# human needs
n a dre"t sense ,ou!d* a#an* (e ne&&"ent to the mar7et?s !o#" as t
,ou!d remo$e the s"ar"t' %ressure that &ue!s "'"!"a! "onsum%ton+
Aut another ,a'* there s a need &or imbalance n order to &ue! ths
demand %ressure and ths m(a!an"e "an "ome n man' &orms+
De(t* &or e-am%!e* s a &orm o& m%osed s"ar"t' ,h"h %uts a
%erson n a %oston to ,h"h the' must o&ten su(mt to !a(or ,h"h
ma' (e o& a more Ke-%!otat$e nature J meann# the re,ard 8usua!!'
the ,a#e; s #ross!' ds%ro%ortonate to ,hat s needed to 7ee% a
hea!th' standard o& !$n# n one?s "r"umstan"e+ In ths res%e"t* the
de(t s'stem &a"!tates a dstn"t &orm o& mar#et efficiency as t
(ene&ts the em%!o'er sn"e the ease o& !o,ern# ,a#e rates 8"ost
e&&"en"'; natura!!' n"reases as %r$ate de(t !e$e!s n"rease+
The more n de(t %eo%!e are* the more !7e!' the' ,!! su(mt to
!o, ,a#e !a(or and hen"e #enerate more %ro&t &or the (usness
o,ners+ In &a"t* the same !o#" "an (e a%%!ed to the use o& !e#a!!'
unre#u!ated Ks,eatsho% !a(or n the thrd ,or!d* ,h"h s &re)uent!'
Ke-%!oted (' Western "om%anes+ E-"ess$e ,or7 hours "ou%!ed ,th
notorous!' !o, ,a#es are "ommon . 'et these %eo%!e ha$e !tera!!' no
choice (ut to su(mt as there are no other o%tons &or sur$$a! n ther
re#on* o&ten due to de(t resu!tn# &rom austert' measures+
automaton+ Ths "rude e-am%!e sho,s ho, a(undan"e "an (e "reated o&
"ore !&e su%%ortn# #oods+
D45 Ed$ard Mun"h?s %antn# KThe S"ream so!d &or b22E m!!on n 4524+ I& ,e
,ere to "om%are the a"tua! matera! $a!ue o& the ,or7 n %h's"a! &orm* t
,as so!d &or a(out 25.2H*555 tmes ts matera! $a!ue n %ant and "an$as+
D42 Re&eren"e< Economic haos, +oans, ?reece and orporatocracy* 3ohn
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
In &a"t* the re#u!aton o& the mone' su%%!' n tota! s (ased on a
#enera! s"ar"t' sn"e* as noted (e&ore* a!! mone' toda' s made out of
debt and ths de(t.mone' s so!d nto the mar7et as a "ommodt'
throu#h K!oans* ,th the mar7.u% o& nterest atta"hed to #enerate a
%ro&t &or the (an7s+ :et* ths Knterest %ro&t* ,h"h s mone' tse!&* s
not created n the mone' su%%!' tse!&+ For nstan"e* & an nd$dua!
ta7es out a !oan &or 255 do!!ars and %a's H> nterest on the !oan* that
nd$dua! s re)ured to %a' (a"7 25H do!!ars+ 9ut* n an e"onom'
,here a!! mone' "omes nto e-sten"e throu#h !oans* ,h"h s the
rea!t'* on!' the K%rn"%a! 8b255; e-sts n the mone' su%%!' ,th the
Knterest n"ome 8bH; un"reated+
There&ore* there s a!,a's more de(t n e-sten"e than there s
mone' to %a' &or t+ Furthermore* sn"e the %oor are res%ons(!e &or
ta7n# more !oans n #enera! &or ther homeM"arsMet"+ than the ,ea!th'*
,ho mantan a &nan"a! sur%!us* ths o$era!! de(t %ressure tends to
&a!! on the !o,er "!asses* "om%oundn# the nherent!' nsurmounta(!e
%ro(!em o& (en# n de(t and hen"e ,th !mted o%tons+ In ths mode!*
(an7ru%t"'* &or e-am%!e* s not a resu!t o& some %oor (usness
0ud#ments . t s an ne$ta(!e "onse)uen"e . !7e a #ame o& Kmus"a!
So* "omn# (a"7 to the "entra! %ont* the rea!t' o& s"ar"t' n the
"urrent e"onom" s'stem s a sour"e o& #reat efficiency n the mar7et
sense &or & %eo%!e had ther (as" needs met* or & the' ,ere a(!e to
meet those needs ,thout the e-terna! %ressure o& rreso!$a(!e de(t
,h"h 7ee%s the m(a!an"es . "'"!"a! "onsum%ton* %ro&t and #ro,th
,ou!d su&&er+ As nsdous as t ma' seem to our ntuton and
humant'* that 7ee%n# %eo%!e de%r$ed s a"tua!!' a %ost$e
%re"ondton &or the ,or7n#s o& the mar7et* ths s the rea!t'+
Need!ess to sa'* &rom the stand%ont o& technical efficiency*
seen# the human (en# as a (o."hem"a! ma"hne n un$ersa! need
o& (as" nutrton* sta(!t' and other %s'"hoso"a! re)urements ,h"h*
& unattaned* "an resu!t n s"7ness (oth %h's"a! and %s'"ho!o#"a!*
,e "an re"o#n1e the de"ou%!ed state o& humanMso"a! ,e!!.(en# ,th
ths Kmar7et !o#"+
As a &na! %ont on ths ssue* the mar7et see7s the servicing o&
%ro(!ems at a!! tmes+ In &a"t* t "ou!d (e stated #enera!!' that
technical inefficiency is the driver of mar#et efficiency+ Aro(!em
reso!uton s not sou#ht (' the mar7et as t then "reates an n"ome
$od and hen"e a !oss o& monetar' #an and mo$ement+ The resu!t o&
ths* n %art* s a %er$erse ren&or"ement o& n"ent$e to see7 or e$en
ad$an"e %ro(!ems n #enera!+ A "entur' a#o the dea o& se!!n# (ott!ed
,ater ,ou!d ha$e (een stran#e #$en ts #enera!* un%o!!uted
a(undan"e+ In the modern da'* t s a mu!tm!!!!ar ndustr'
annua!!'* der$ed most!' &rom the ,ater %o!!uton that has o""urred
Aer7ns* 4522 8htt%<MM,,,+hu&&n#ton%ost+"omM0ohn.%er7nsMe"onom".
D44 Re&eren"e< 7eb of =ebt* E!!en Hod#son 9ro,n* Thrd M!!ennum Aress*
D4D A!ease see the %ror essa' =efining Public >ealth
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
due to rres%ons(!e ndustra! %ra"t"es+
The %ro&t and 0o(s no,
asso"ated ,th ths te"hn"a!!' ne&&"ent rea!t' o& resour"e %o!!uton
and destru"ton* has m%ro$ed* on"e a#an* the e"onom" mar#et
efficiency needed to 7ee% "'"!"a! "onsum%ton #on#+
Mar#et efficiency* #enera!!' s%ea7n#* ta7es on a Kma"ro and Km"ro
rea!t'+ On the ma"ro s"a!e* an'thn# that "an n"rease sa!es* #ro,th
or "onsum%ton* re#ard!ess o& the or#natn# %ressure &or demand or
,hat s a"tua!!' (en# (ou#ht and so!d* s deemed e&&"ent n ths
"onte-t+ On the m"ro s"a!e* ths e&&"en"' ta7es the &orm o& ena(!n#
"ondtons that "an n"rease %ro&t and redu"e n%ut "osts 8K"ost
e&&"en"'; on the %art o& (usness+
Ths Ke&&"en"' nherent to "a%ta!sm o%erates ,thout an'
res%e"t &or the so"a! or en$ronmenta! "osts o& ts %ro"ess to 7ee%
"'"!"a! "onsum%ton and %ro&t #on# and the ,or!d 'ou see around
'ou . &u!! o& e"o!o#"a! dsorder* human de%r$aton and #enera! so"a!
and en$ronmenta! nsta(!t' . has (een the resu!t+ On the other hand*
technical efficiency* ,h"h one "ou!d "hara"ter1e as* n &a"t* a
hndran"e to mar#et efficiency* see7s to mantan the en$ronment*
mantan human hea!th and essenta!!' 7ee% (a!an"e n the natura!
,or!d+ The redu"ton o& ,aste* reso!uton o& %ro(!ems and the
maintaining of alignment ,th natura! !a, s the common sense !o#"
It s un&ortunate to rea!1e that toda' ,e ha$e t,o opposed
s'stems o& e"onom' ,or7n# at on"e J ,or7n# a#anst ea"h other* n
&a"t+ The mar7et s'stem* em(od'n# ts ar"ha"* tradtona!1ed !o#"*
s utter!' out o& s'n" ,th the natura! 8te"hn"a!; e"onom' as t e-sts+
The resu!t s $ast ds"ord and m(a!an"e ,th e$er.mutatn# %ro(!ems
and "onse)uen"es &or the human s%e"es+ It s "!ear ,h"h s'stem ,!!
K,n n ths (att!e+ Nature ,!! %ersst ,th ts natura! ru!es re#ard!ess
o& ho, mu"h ,e theor1e ths or that $a!daton o& the ,a' ,e ha$e
tradtona!!' or#an1ed ourse!$es on ths %!anet+
Nature doesnNt "are a(out our $ast monetar' e"onom" deas* ts
theores o& K$a!ue* so%hst"ated &nan"a! mode!s or deta!ed e)uatons
re#ardn# ho, ,e thin# human (eha$or man&ests and ,h'+ The
technical reality s sm%!e< !earn* ada%t and a!#n to the #o$ernn# !a,s
o& nature* or su&&er the "onse)uen"es+ It s a(surd to thn7 that the
human s%e"es* #$en ts e$o!uton ,thn the same natura! !a,s to
,h"h our e"onom" %ra"t"e 8and $a!ues; must a!#n* ,ou!d (e
incompatible ,th su"h !a,s+ It s mere!' an ssue o& maturt' and
a,areness toda'+
As a &na! %ont* as ,e!! as a #enera! asde* there has emer#ed a
trend n the 42
"entur'* n the ,a7e o& a!! the #ro,n# and %ersstn#
e"o!o#"a! %ro(!ems that "!ams to see7 ,hat s "a!!ed a K#reen
e"onom'+ Some ha$e e$en d$ded ths e"onom" $e, nto se"tors*
D46 Re&eren"e< 7ater and 4ir Pollution, Hstor'+"om
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
n"!udn# a%%!"atons &or rene,a(!e ener#'* e"o.(u!dn#s* "!ean
trans%ortaton and other "ate#ores o& &o"us+
It ,!! (e not"ed that
a!! o& those a,arenesses and sou#ht a%%!"atons are #enera!!' n !ne
,th the technical or s"ent&" a,areness %ers%e"t$e ds"ussed n ths
Sad!'* as %ost$e as the ntent o& these ne, or#an1atons and
(usness %!anners ma' (e* the ne&&"en"' inherent to the "a%ta!st
mode! o& e"onom"s . ,th a!! ts need &or "ertan &orms o& "ontr$ed
Ke&&"en"' to mantan tse!& . mmedate!' %o!!utes and dee%!' !mts
a!! su"h attem%ts* ,h"h e-%!ans ,h' su"h technical efficiency
a%%roa"hes ha$e st!! 'et to rea!!' (e a%%!ed+ The sad rea!t' s that
,h!e some m%ro$ement "an (e made* su"h %ro#ress ,!! (e
nherent!' !mted to an e$er.n"reasn# de#ree sn"e* as des"r(ed* the
$er' stru"tura! (ass o& the ,a' mar7et "a%ta!sm ,or7s s a"t$e!'
o%%osed to the e&&"en"es nherent n the natura! !a, $e,+ The on!'
!o#"a! so!uton s to rethn7 the entre stru"ture & an' rea! e&&"en"'*
e!e$ated %ros%ert' and %ro(!em reso!uton s to (e a"he$ed n the
!on# run+
D4H Re&eren"e< 8re#ardn# the K#reen e"onom'; Ho, do 'ou de&ne the ?#reen?
e"onom'R* MNN* 455E 8htt%<MM,,,+mnn+"omM#reen.te"hMresear"h.
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
I (e!e$e that #reed and "om%etton are not a resu!t o& mmuta(!e human
tem%eramentU I ha$e "ome to the "on"!uson that #reed and &ear o& s"ar"t' are
n &a"t (en# "ontnuous!' "reated and am%!&ed as a dre"t resu!t o& the 7nd o&
mone' ,e are usn#+++The dre"t "onse)uen"e s that ,e ha$e to &#ht ,th ea"h
other n order to sur$$e+
.9ernard Letaer
Thought !enes
G$en the re!at$e!' s!o, rate o& "han#e o& the human (en# ,th
res%e"t to (o!o#"a! e$o!uton* the $ast so"eta! "han#es that ha$e
o""urred o$er the %ast 6555 'ears o& re"orded hstor' ha$e o""urred
due to the e$o!uton o& 7no,!ed#e J hen"e K"u!tura! e$o!uton+ I& ,e
,ere to sear"h &or a me"hansm &or "u!tura! e$o!uton* the noton o&
the Kmeme
s use&u! to "onsder+ De&ned as Kan dea* (eha$or*
st'!e* or usa#e that s%reads &rom %erson to %erson ,thn a "u!ture*
memes are "onsdered to (e so"o!o#"a! or "u!tura! ana!o#ues to
,h"h are K&un"tona! 8(o!o#"a!; unts "ontro!!n# the
transmsson and e-%resson o& one or more trats+
Wh!e #enes (as"a!!' transmt (o!o#"a! data &rom %erson to
%erson throu#h heredt'* memes transmt "u!tura! data . deas . &rom
%erson to %erson $a human "ommun"aton n a!! &orms+
When ,e
re"o#n1e* &or e-am%!e* the %o,er o& te"hno!o#"a! ad$an"ement o$er
tme and ho, t has dramat"a!!' "han#ed our !&est'!es and $a!ues and
,!! "ontnue to do so* ,e "an $e, ths o$era!!* emer#ent %henomenon
as an evolution of ideas, ,th n&ormaton replicating and mutating*
a!tern# the "u!ture as tme mo$es &or,ard+
G$en ths* ,e "ou!d #estura!!' $e, the human menta! state and
ts %ro%enstes &or a"ton as a &orm o& program* 3ust as #enes en"ode
a set o& nstru"tons ,h"h* n "on"ert ,th other #enes and the
en$ronment %rodu"e se)uenta! resu!ts* the %ro"essn# o& memes ('
the nte!!e"tua! "a%a"t' o& human (en#s* n "on"ert* "reate %atterns
o& (eha$or n a sm!ar ,a'+ Wh!e K&ree ,!! s "ertan!' a "om%!e-
de(ate to (e had ,th res%e"t to ,hat a"tua!!' tr##ers and man&ests
human de"sons* t s &undamenta!!' "!ear that %eo%!e?s deas are
!mted (' ther n%ut 8edu"aton;+ I& a %erson s #$en !tt!e 7no,!ed#e
a(out the ,or!d* ther de"son %ro"ess ,!! (e e)ua!!' as !mted+
D4I 9ernard Letaer s an e"onomst* author and %ro&essor most nota(!e &or hs
,or7 to he!% des#n the EU "urren"' s'stem+ [uote &rom 6ESS Maga%ine,
Inter$e, ,th 9ernard Letaer* /eyond ?reed and Scarcity* Sarah $an
Ge!der 8htt%<MM,,,+transa"ton+netM%ressMnter$e,sM!etaer56EF+htm!;
D4F Sour"e< 8?meme? de&ned; Merram.We(ster+"om 8htt%<MM,,,+merram.
D4G Sour"e< 8?#ene? de&ned; Merram.We(ster+"om 8htt%<MM,,,+merram.
D4E R"hard Da,7ns? (oo7 The Selfish ?ene ntrodu"ed the term TmemeT+
Da,7ns "tes as ns%raton the ,or7 o& #enet"st L+ L+ /a$a!!.S&or1a*
anthro%o!o#st F+ T+ /!oa7 and etho!o#st 3+ M+ /u!!en+
DD5 The n$erse re!atonsh% o& !tera"'M7no,!ed#e a""umu!aton to su%ersttous
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
L7e,se* 0ust as #enes "an mutate n ,a's that are detrmenta!
to ther host* su"h as the %henomenon o& "an"er*
so "an memes ,th
res%e"t to deo!o#"a!Mso"o!o#"a! transmssons* #eneratn# menta!
&rame,or7s that ser$e as detrments to the host 8or so"et';+ It s here
,here the term Kdsorder s ntrodu"ed+ A dsorder s de&ned as Ka
deran#ement or a(norma!t' o& &un"ton
+ There&ore* ,hen t "omes
to so"a! o%eraton* a dsorder ,ou!d m%!' nsttutona!1ed deo!o#"a!
&rame,or7s that are out of alignment ,th the !ar#er #o$ernn#
s'stem+ In other ,ords* the' are inaccurate ,th res%e"t to the
"onte-t n ,h"h the' attem%t to e-st* o&ten "reatn# m(a!an"e and
detrmenta! desta(!1aton+
O& "ourse* hstor' s &u!! o& nta!!' desta(!1n#* transtonn#
deas and ths on#on# nte!!e"tua! e$o!uton s "!ear!' natura! and
ne"essar' to the human "ondton as there s no su"h thn# as an
Ka(so!ute understandn#+ Ho,e$er* the d&&erentaton to (e made
here s the &a"t that ,hen deas %ersst &or a !on# enou#h %erod* the'
o&ten "reate emotional connections on the %ersona! 8Kdentt'; !e$e!
and institutional establishments on the "u!tura! !e$e!* ,h"h tend to
%er%etuate a 7nd o& circular reinforcement, #enera!!' resstn# "han#e
and ada%taton+
Re"o#n1n# our nte!!e"tua! e$o!uton* as a %ro"ess ,th no end
and (en# o%en to ne, n&ormaton to he!% (etter a!#n ourse!$es &or
sustana(!e %ra"t"es* s "!ear!' a "ore eth" needed (oth on the
%ersona! and so"a! !e$e! & ,e e-%e"t to 7ee% adapting &or the (etter n
the "onte-t o& "u!tura! e$o!uton+ Sad!'* there are %o,er&u! "u!tura!
&or"es that ,or7 a#anst ths nterest n the ,or!d toda'+ Stru"tures*
(oth deo!o#"a! and encoded n the "urrent so"a! n&rastru"ture
a"t$e!' ,or7 a#anst ths "rt"a! ne"esst' o& "u!tura! ada%ton+ An
ana!o#' ,ou!d (e the star$aton o& our (o!o#"a! "e!!s (' remo$n#
o-'#en &rom the en$ronment J on!' n ths "ase ,e are restr"tn# our
$u!nera(!t' to learn and adapt, ,th #nowledge (en# the Ko-'#en ('
,h"h ,e as a s%e"es are a(!e to so!$e %ro(!ems and "ontnue
Ths dsorder s* as ,!! (e des"r(ed, nherent to the mar7et
(e!e& s "!ear+ A""ordn# to the Unted NatonsN Ara( Human De$e!o%ment
Re%orts* !ess than 4> o& Ara(s ha$e a""ess to the Internet+ Ara(s re%resent
H> o& the ,or!dNs %o%u!aton and 'et %rodu"e on!' 2> o& the ,or!dNs (oo7s*
most o& them re!#ous+ A""ordn# to resear"her Sam Harrs< KS%an
trans!ates more (oo7s nto S%ansh ea"h 'ear than the entre Ara( ,or!d
has trans!ated nto Ara(" sn"e the nnth "entur'+ It s a-omat" to assume
that the #ro,th o& the Is!am" Re!#on n Ara( Natons s se"ured (' a
re!at$e !a"7 o& outsde n&ormaton n those so"etes+
DD2 /an"er s a term used &or dseases n ,h"h a(norma! "e!!s d$de ,thout
"ontro! and are a(!e to n$ade other tssues+
DD4 Sour"e< 8?dsorder de&ned?; TheFreeD"tonar'+"om 8htt%<MMmed"a!.
DDD To "!ar&' the noton o& Ken"oded* ths re&ers to stru"tura! attr(utes su"h as
needn#* &or e-am%!e* Kto "om%ete n order to su""eed n the mar7et
e"onom'+ It s (u!t nto the s'stem?s &rame,or7* or encoded+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
"a%ta!st tradton+ It s not on!' the a"tua! de"sons (en# made
a#anst the nterests o& ada%taton* 7no,n#!' or not* that %er%etuate
detrmenta! e&&e"ts on man' !e$e!s J t s a!so the value system J the
em%!o'ment o& Kdentt' and a norma!1ed sense o& "ustom* ,h"h
(ears a %o,er&u!!' %ro(!emat" &or"e+ Ths s "om%ounded e$en more
so ,hen the %ur%ose ser$ed 8or a%%ears to (e ser$ed; (' su"h ntents
dre"t!' tes to our survival and existence+ There s nothn# more
%ersona! to us than ho, ,e identify ourse!$es and the e"onom"
s'stem ,e en"om%ass s n$ara(!' a de&nn# &eature o& our
menta!tes and ,or!d$e,+ I& there s somethn# ,ron# ,th ths
s'stem* then t m%!es there s somethn# ,ron# ,th ourse!$es* #$en
that ,e are the ones ,ho %er%etuate t+
'alue S+stem Disorder
3ust !7e "an"er s* n %art* an mmune s'stem dsorder* so"o!o#"a!
tradtons ,h"h %ersst ,th e$er.n"reasn# %ro(!em #eneraton &or
so"et' "ou!d (e "a!!ed a value system disorder+
Ths dsorder has to
do ,th a 7nd o& structured psychology ,here "ertan assum%tons
ha$e (een #$en "reden"e o$er tme (ased mere!' on ther "u!tura!
%erssten"e* "ou%!ed ,th an nherent reinforcement of itself n
o%eraton* The !ar#er the so"a! "onte-t o& the dsorder* o&ten the more
d&&"u!t ts reso!uton* not to menton the d&&"u!t' o& ts mere
re"o#nton tse!&+
On the s"a!e o& a so"a! s'stem* t (e"omes $er' d&&"u!t as the
so"et' as a ,ho!e s "onstant!' (en# "ondtoned nto the d'nam"s o&
ts o,n &rame,or7* o&ten "reatn# %o,er&u! self$preservation rea"tons
,hene$er ts nte#rt' s "ha!!en#ed+ These* ,hat "ou!d (e "a!!ed
K"!osed nte!!e"tua! &eed(a"7 me"hansms* are ,hat "om%rse the $ast
ma0ort' o& ar#uments n de&ense o& our "urrent so"oe"onom"
s'stem* 0ust as the' ha$e n #eneratons %ror+ In &a"t* t a%%ears to (e
a #enera! so"o!o#"a! trend sn"e* a#an* %eo%!e?s $er' identity s
n$ara(!' asso"ated ,th the domnant (e!e& s'stems and nsttutons
the' are (orn nto+
In the ,ords o& 3ohn M"Murtr'* Aro&essor Emertus o& Ah!oso%h'
at the Un$erst' o& Gue!%h* /anada< KIn the !ast dar7 a#e* one "an
sear"h the n)ures o& ths eraNs %reser$ed thn7ers &rom Au#ustne
to+++O"7ham* and &a! to ds"o$er a sn#!e %a#e o& "rt"sm o& the
esta(!shed so"a! &rame,or7* ho,e$er ratona!!' nsu%%orta(!e &euda!
(onda#e* a(so!ute %aterna!sm* d$ne r#ht o& 7n#s and the rest ma'
(e+ In the "urrent &na! order* s t so d&&erentR /an ,e see n an'
meda or e$en un$erst' %ress a %ara#ra%h o& "!ear unmas7n# o& a
#!o(a! re#me that "ondemns a thrd o& a!! "h!dren to ma!nutrton ,th
more &ood than enou#h a$a!a(!e]R In su"h a so"a! order* thou#ht
(e"omes ndstn#usha(!e &rom %ro%a#anda+ On!' one do"trne s
DD6 To "!ar&' the %hrase* the term K$a!ue re&ers to an eth"a! %re&eren"e n a
%ersona! or "u!tura! sense* #enera!!' "onsdered su(0e"t$e+ It (e"omes a
(ass &or a"ton+ For e-am%!e* a %erson ,ho (e!e$es n a "ertan re!#ous
%h!oso%h' m#ht esta(!sh values n &a$or o& "ertan (eha$ors+ A value
system s a set o& "onsstent $a!ues and measures+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
s%ea7a(!e* and a %rest "aste o& ts e-%erts %res"r(es the ne"esstes
and o(!#atons to a!!+++So"a! "ons"ousness s n"ar"erated ,thn the
ro!e o& a 7nd o& "eremona! !o#"* o%eratn# entre!' ,thn the re"e$ed
&rame,or7 o& an e-haust$e!' %res"r(ed re#u!ator' a%%aratus
%rote"tn# the %r$!e#es o& the %r$!e#ed+ Method"a! "ensorsh%
trum%hs n the #use o& s"ho!ar!' r#or* and the on!' room !e&t &or
sear"hn# thou#ht (e"omes the #ame o& "om%etn# ratona!1atons+
Su"h rea"tons are a!so "ommon ,th res%e"t to esta(!shed
%ra"t"es n s%e"&" &e!ds+ For nstan"e* I#na1 A+ Semme!,es 82G2G
.2GIH;* a Hun#aran %h's"an ,ho ds"o$ered that %uer%era! &e$er
"ou!d (e drast"a!!' "ut (' the use o& sm%!e hand ,ashn# standards n
o(stetr"a! "!n"s* essenta!!' &oreshado,n# the no, &u!!' a""e%ted
#erm theor' o& dsease* ,as shunned* re0e"ted and rd"u!ed (' hs
&ndn#+ It ,asn?t unt! !on# a&ter hs death hs no, $er' (as"
rea!1aton ,as res%e"ted+ Toda'* some use the %hrase* KThe
Semme!,es Re&!e- as a meta%hor &or the re&!e-.!7e tenden"' to
re0e"t ne, e$den"e or ne, 7no,!ed#e (e"ause t "ontrad"ts
esta(!shed norms* (e!e&s or %arad#ms+
O$era!!* on"e a #$en set o& deas s entrusted (' a !ar#e enou#h
num(er o& %eo%!e* t (e"omes an Knsttuton. and on"e that
nsttuton s made domnant n some ,a'* su"h as e-stn# &or a
"ertan %erod o& tme* that nsttuton "ou!d then (e "onsdered an
Kesta(!shment+ KInsttutona! esta(!shments are sm%!' so"a!
tradtons #$en the !!uson o& %ermanen"e and the !on#er the' %ersst*
o&ten the stron#er the de&ense o& ther r#ht to e-st (' the ma0ort' o&
I& ,e e-amne the nsttutona! esta(!shments ,e ta7e &or
#ranted toda' J &rom ma"ro s'stem attr(utes su"h as the &nan"a!
s'stem* the !e#a! s'stem* the %o!t"a! s'stem and ma0or re!#ous
s'stems J to m"ro s'stem attr(utes su"h as matera!sm* marra#e*
"e!e(rt'* et"+ J ,e must remnd ourse!$es that none o& these deas are
a"tua!!' real n the %h's"a! sense+ These are tem%ora! meme
structures ,e ha$e "reated to ser$e our %ur%oses #$en "ondtons at
"ertan %onts n tme and no matter ho, mu"h ,e emotona!!' attach
to su"h ssuesU no matter ho, !ar#e an nsttuton ma' (e"omeU no
matter ho, man' %eo%!e ma' (e!e$e n su"h nsttutons . the' are
st!! impositions of thought and transient (' nature+
So* "omn# (a"7 to the "onte-t here o& the value system
disorder, mar7et "a%ta!sm* ,h!e ar#ua(!' (en# dee%!' de"ou%!ed
&rom %h's"a! rea!t' and a root sour"e o& the $ast ma0ort' o& the
so"a! ,oes n the ,or!d toda'* 7ee%s tse!& n %!a"e throu#h a set o&
culturally reinforced values and power establishments u%on ,h"h the
so"et' s u!tmate!' "ondtoned and #enera!!' n"!ned to de&end+ Ths
s made n"reasn#!' %o,er&u! n ts %ersuason sn"e the domnant
$a!ue s'stem dsorder at hand toda' s (orn out o& assum%tons
re!atn# to "rt"a! human survival tse!&+
DDH The ancer Stage of apitalism* 3ohn M"Murtr'* A!uto Aress* 2EEE* %+I
DDI Genera! (o#ra%h' o& I#na1 A+ Semme!,es<
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Characteristics of Patholog+
In order to "rt"a!!' e$a!uate an e-stn# &rame,or7 o& thou#ht* a
(as"* mutua!!' a""e%ted (en"hmar7 needs to (e #enerated+ K/u!tura!
s an anthro%o!o#"a! noton that re&ers to the &a"t that
d&&erent "u!tura! #rou%s #enerate d&&erent %er"e%tons o& Ktruth or
Krea!t'+ KMora! re!at$sm*
,h"h s a sm!ar noton* has to do ,th
the $aran"e o& ,hat s "onsdered K"orre"t or Keth"a!+ O$er the
"ourse o& human hstor'* these dstn"tons ha$e (e"ome n"reasn#!'
narro, sn"e the scientific revolution o& "ausa! thou#ht* &rom the
Renassan"e on,ard* has n"reasn#!' redu"ed the Kre!at$e nte#rt'
o& $arous (e!e&s+
The &a"t s* (e!e&s are not e)ual n ther $a!dt'+ Some are truer
than others and hen"e some are more d's&un"tona! than others n the
"onte-t o& rea! !&e+ The s"ent&" method o& arr$n# at "on"!usons s
the u!tmate (en"hmar7 u%on ,h"h the nte#rt' o& human $a!ues "an
(e measured and ths modern rea!t' dem'st&es the "ommon
Kre!at$sm de&ense o& su(0e"t$e human (e!e&+
It s not a(out Kr#ht and K,ron# (ut ,hat wor#s or doesn0t wor#+
The nte#rt' o& our $a!ues and (e!e&s s on!' as #ood as ho, a!#ned
the' are ,th the natura! ,or!d+ Ths s the common ground that ,e a!!
Ths "on"e%t tes n dre"t!' ,th sustana(!t' n the (road
"onte-t o& human sur$$a! tse!&* as a sustana(!e so"a! s'stem
natura!!' must ha$e sustainable values to &a"!tate and %er%etuate the
stru"ture+ Un&ortunate!'* the e$o!utonar' (a##a#e o& our "u!tura!
hstor' has mantaned $a!ue stru"tures that are so %o,er&u!* 'et so
"!ear!' de"ou%!ed &rom rea!t'* ,h"h our %ersona! and so"eta!
assum%tons o& ha%%ness* su""ess and %ro#ress tse!& "ontnue to (e
dee%!' %er$erted and e-st n ds"ordan"e ,th the #o$ernn# !a,s o&
our ha(tat and human nature+ The human (en# ndeed has a
common nature and ,h!e nothn# a%%ears 255> un$ersa! a"ross the
s%e"es* "ertan %ressures and stressors "an #enerate* on a$era#e*
serous %u(!" hea!th %ro(!ems+
L7e,se* & our $a!ues su%%ort
(eha$ors that are not n a""ordan"e ,th our physical sustainability on
the %!anet Earth* then natura!!' ,e "an e-%e"t e$er.n"reasn#
%ro(!ems on that en$ronmenta! !e$e! as ,e!!+
DDF K/u!tura! re!at$sm s a %rn"%!e that ,as esta(!shed as a-omat" n
anthro%o!o#"a! resear"h (' Fran1 9oas n the &rst &e, de"ades o& the 45th
DDG Sm!ar to K"u!tura! re!at$sm* Kmora! re!at$sm s #enera!!' de&ned as<
Kan' o& se$era! %h!oso%h"a! %ostons "on"erned ,th the d&&eren"es n
mora! 0ud#ments a"ross d&&erent %eo%!e and "u!tures+
DDE A!ease see the %ror essa' =efining Public >ealth
D65 A #enera! e-am%!e ,ou!d (e the consumer values %re$a!ent n the ,or!d
toda'+ The a"t o& n"reasn# o,nersh% s "ommon as more %ro%ert' s
e)uated to n"reased su""ess and more "onsum%ton s re!ated to e"onom"
#ro,th+ :et* su"h an un."onser$at$e eth" "an (e "onsdered un.sustana(!e
#$en ,e !$e on a finite planet ,th finite resources+ In &a"t* t has (een
ar#ued (' man' that the Kstandard o& !$n# o& the Unted States ,ou!d (e*
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
The domnant $a!ue s'stem* ,h"h the "a%ta!st so"oe"onom"
mode! %er%etuates* s ar#ua(!' dee%!' pathological to the human
"ondton as the me"hansms re!ated to sur$$a! and #enera! re,ard
"om%ound emotona! atta"hments and &orms o& se!&.%reser$aton ,h"h
are essenta!!' rooted n a 7nd o& primitive desperation and fear+ The
&undamenta! ethos s that o& an"a!* s"ar"t' dr$en %ressure*
,h"h &or"es a!! %!a'ers o& the #ame to (e #enera!!' e-%!otat$e and
anta#onst" (oth o& others and the ha(tat+ It a!so has (u!t.n
%ressures to a$od so"a!!' easn# nterests due to a resu!tn# !oss o&
&urthern# ths stress.ndu"ed emotona! ds%art'+ The resu!t
s a $"ous "'"!e o& #enera! a(use* narro,.mnded se!&shness* and
so"a! and en$ronmenta! dsre#ard+
O& "ourse* hstor"a!!'* these "aust" "hara"terst"s are usua!!'
de&ended as sm%!' Kthe ,a' t s . as thou#h our e$o!utonar'
%s'"ho!o#' must (e stu"7 n ths state+ In &a"t* & the touted
%s'"ho!o#"a! do"trnes o& tradtona! mar7et theor' ho!d true
8Kneo"!ass"a! ut!taransm; re#ardn# our a%%arent !mts ,th
res%e"t to a K,or7a(!e so"a! stru"ture* then m(a!an"e*
en$ronmenta! destru"ton* o%%resson* $o!en"e* t'rann'* %ersona!t'
dsorders* ,ar&are* e-%!otaton* se!&sh #reed* $an matera!sm*
"om%etton and other su"h d$s$e* nhumane and desta(!1n#
rea!tes are sm%!' inalterable and there&ore the ,ho!e o& so"et'
shou!d do nothn# (ut wor# around su"h ne$ta(!tes ,th ,hate$er
K"ontro!s ,e "an %ut n %!a"e to Kmana#e these rea!tes o& the
human "ondton+ It s as thou#h the human (en# s deemed to ha$e a
se$ere* n"ura(!e menta! dsorder J a &rm retardaton . that sm%!'
"annot (e o$er"ome* so e$er'thn# n so"et' must (e a!tered around
t n an attem%t to dea! ,th t+
:et* the more ,e !$e as human (en#sU the more hstor' ,e are
a(!e to see o& ourse!$es o$er #eneratona! tmeU the more ,e are a(!e
to "om%are the (eha$ors o& d&&erent "u!tures a"ross the ,or!d and
a"ross hstor' J the more "!ear t (e"omes that our human "a%a"t' s
(en# inhibited dre"t!' (' an ar"ha" re,ard and sur$$a! stru"ture
,h"h "ontnues to ren&or"e %rmt$e* des%erate $a!ues and ,h!e su"h
$a!ues m#ht ha$e ser$ed a %ost$e e$o!utonar' ro!e n the %ast* the
%resent and &oreshado,ed &uture ar#ua(!' !a's these (eha$ora!
%atterns (are as detrmenta! and unsustana(!e* as ths o$era!! te-t
has e-%ressed at !en#th+
n the "urrent s"heme o& thn#s* te"hn"a!!' m%oss(!e to e-tend to the rest
o& the ,or!d+ A""ordn# to some sur$e's< KHumant' s no, usn# resour"es
and %rodu"n# "ar(on do-de at a rate H5 %er"ent &aster than the Earth "an
sustan+++ Sour"es< +iving Planet 'eport3 >umanity "ow "eeds ,*G Earths,
4525 8htt%<MM,,,+(usness.(od$erst'+euMde&au!t+as%R
MenueS6E@Ne,sS4DD;U The Earth !s (ull* 4522
D62 It shou!d (e understood that the more %ro(!ems n the ,or!d* the more
there s to ser$"e and "a%ta!1e u%on+ The more true %ro(!em reso!uton*
the !ess "a%a"t' there s to "a%ta!1e and hen"e !ess to mantan or n"rease
e"onom" #ro,th+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Self-Preser/ation Paral+sis
Wh!e ea"h o& us #enera!!' ,shes to sur$$e and do so n a hea!th'
state* natura!!' %re%ared to de&end that sur$$a! ,hen need (e* self$
preservation n the "urrent so"oe"onom" "ondton unne"essar!'
e-tends ths tenden"' n ,a's that se$ere!' nh(t so"a! %ro#ress and
%ro(!em reso!uton+ In &a"t* t "ou!d (e sad that ths short.term
%reser$aton o""urs o&ten at the "ost o& long$term integrity*
The most o($ous e-am%!e o& ths has to do ,th the
&undamenta! nature o& see7n# and mantann# income, the !&e(!ood
o& the mar7et s'stem and* (' e-tenson* human sur$$a!+ On"e a
(usness su""eeds n #ann# mar7et share* t'%"a!!' su%%ortn#
em%!o'ees a!on# ,th the o,ners* the (usness natura!!' #ra$tates to
an nterest to preserve that n"ome #eneratn# mar7et share at a!!
"osts+ Dee% $a!ue asso"atons are #enerated sn"e the (usness s not
0ust an ar(trar' entt' that %rodu"es a #ood or ser$"e . t s no, a
means o& life support &or e$er'one n$o!$ed+
The resu!t s a "onstant* so"a!!' de(!tatn# (att!e* not on!' ,th
the "om%ettors ,ho a!so see7 the same "onsumer mar7et* (ut ,th
innovation and change tse!&+ Wh!e te"hno!o#"a! %ro#ress s a
"onstant* &!ud %ro#resson on the s"ent&" !e$e!* the mar7et e"onom'
sees ths emer#en"e as a threat n the "onte-t o& e-stn#* "urrent!'
%ro&ta(!e deas+ Vast !e$e!s o& hstor"a! K"orru%ton* "arte! and
mono%o!' #eneraton and other de&ens$e mo$es o& e-stn# (usnesses
"an (e &ound throu#hout hstor'* ea"h a"t ,or7n# to se"ure n"ome
%rodu"ton re#ard!ess o& the so"a! "osts+
Another e-am%!e has to do ,th the %s'"ho!o#"a! neuross (u!t
out o& the "redt.(ased re,ard n"ent$e nherent to the mar7et
s'stem+ Wh!e t s nte!!e"tua!!' "!ear that no sn#!e %erson n$ents
an'thn# #$en the rea!t' that a!! 7no,!ed#e s serially #enerated and
n$ara(!' cumulative o$er tme* the mar7et e"onom'?s "hara"terst"
o& Ko,nersh% "reates a tenden"' not on!' to redu"e n&ormaton &!o,
$a %atents and Ktrade se"rets* t a!so ren&or"es the dea o&
Knte!!e"tua! %ro%ert'* des%te the true &a!!a"' o& the noton tse!&+
On the $a!ue s'stem !e$e!* ths has mutated nto the noton o&
K"redt entt!ement and hen"e o&ten Ke#o asso"atons to %resented
deas or Kn$entons+ In the ,or!d toda'* ths %henomenon has ta7en a
!&e o& ts o,n ,th a tenden"' &or man' ,ho "ontr(ute o&ten see7n#
status e!e$atn# K"redt &or the dea* e$en thou#h the' are* a#an*
"!ear!' %art o& a "ontnuum !ar#er than themse!$es+ Wh!e a%%re"aton
&or the tme and !a(or o& a #$en %erson ,or7n# to,ards the %ro#ress
o& an dea s a %rodu"t$e so"a! n"ent$e and &undamenta! to our
sense o& %ur%ose n a"ton* the %er$erson o& nte!!e"tua! o,nersh% and
a!! ts "ontr$ed attr(utes e-tend ths o%erant sats&a"ton nto
D64 A ,e!!.esta(!shed e-am%!e o& nh(ted %ro#ress &or the mantann# o&
e-stn# %ro&t esta(!shments ,as the su""ess&u! e&&ort made (' the o!
ndustr' and* (' e-tenson* the US #o$ernment to s!o, %ro#ress to,ard
&u!!' e!e"tr" $eh"!es n the 2EE5s+ Re&eren"e< 7ho 2illed the Electric arD
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
In &a"t* on the !ar#est s"a!e o& 7no,!ed#e "u!mnaton* su"h a"ts
o& Ka%%re"aton ne$ta(!' (e"ome rre!e$ant n the memor' o&
hstor'+ Toda'* &or nstan"e* ,hen ,e use a modern "om%uter to assst
our !$es* ,e se!dom thn7 a(out the thousands o& 'ears o& nte!!e"tua!
stud' that ds"o$ered the "ore s"ent&" d'nam"s re!ated* nor the
enormous amount o& "umu!at$e tme s%ent (' $rtua!!' "ount!ess
%eo%!e to &a"!tate the Kn$enton o& su"h a too!* n ts "urrent &orm+
It s on!' n the "onte-t o& manifest ego and monetary reward
security that ths (e"omes a Knatura! $a!ue ssue ,th res%e"t to the
mar7et s'stem+ I& %eo%!e do not "!am K"redt* the' ,!! not (e
re,arded and hen"e the' ,!! not #an sur$$a! &rom that "ontr(uton
n the mar7et+ So* the "ondton has "om%ounded ths neuross that s
n$ara(!' st&!n# to,ards %ro#ress $a the sharn# o& 7no,!ed#e+
Furthermore* dsorders asso"ated ,th mar7et Kse!&.
%reser$aton "an ta7e man' other &orms* n"!udn# the use o&
#o$ernment as a too!*
the %o!!uton o& a"adema and n&ormaton
8sn"e edu"atona! nsttutons are su%%orted (' n"ome as
,e!!;* and e$en "ommon nter%ersona! re!atonsh%s+
The &ear
nherent to the !oss o& !$e!hood natura!!' o$errdes a!most e$er'thn#
and e$en the most Keth"a! or Kmora! %erson* ,hen &a"ed ,th the
rs7 o& non.sur$$a!* "an usua!!' 0ust&' a"tons that ,ou!d (e
tradtona!!' "a!!ed K"orru%t+ Ths %ressure s "onstant and s the
sour"e* n %art* o& the $ast "o."a!!ed K"rmna!t' and so"a! %ara!'ss
,e see toda'+
Com,etition@ E=,loitation and Class Warfare
9u!dn# on the %ror %ont* e-%!otaton* ,h"h s nherent to the
"om%ett$e &rame o& mnd* has %ermeated the $er' "ore o& ,hat t
means to Ksu""eed n #enera!+ We see ths Kta7n# ad$anta#e rhetor"
n man' &a"ets o& our !$es+ The a"t o& man%u!aton and e-%!otaton
&or "om%ett$e #an has (e"ome an under!'n# &or"e n modern
"u!ture* e-tendn# &ar (e'ond the "onte-t o& the mar7et s'stem+
The atttude o& seen# others and the ,or!d as mere!' a means
&or onese!& or a %art"u!ar #rou% to K"on)uer and 7ee% ahead o& s no,
D6D /or%orate !o(('n#* (' ts $er' nature* s a means to use mone' to
n&!uen"e %o!t"a! de"sons+ Re&eren"e< orporate +obbyists Threaten
=emocracy* 3u!o Godo'* IAS< 8htt%<MM,,,+%sne,s+netM4524M5GM"or%orate.
D66 A un)ue e-am%!e o& ths ,as the 455F "ase n ,h"h M"roso&t /or%oraton*
dssats&ed ,th the n&ormaton on the %u(!" en"'"!o%eda KW7%eda
,or7ed to hre an edtor to "han#e the %u(!" n&ormaton n ts &a$or+
Re&eren"e< Microsoft <ffers ash for 7i#ipedia Edit
D6H A stud' (' a /onne"t"ut ,ea!th mana#ement &rm sho,ed that man'
,ou!d #et marred sm%!' &or mone'* ,th the a$era#e W%r"eN that %eo%!e
,ou!d marr' &or (en# around b2+H m!!on+ Re&eren"e< Survey3 Most People
7ould Marry (or Money, Tom M!!er
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
a dr$n# %s'"ho!o#"a! dstorton to (e &ound n romant" re!atonsh%s*
&rendsh%s* &am!' stru"tures* natona!sm and e$en ho, ,e re!ate to
the ha(tat ,e e-st ,thn . ,here ,e see7 to e-%!ot and dsre#ard
the %h's"a! en$ronment?s resour"es &or short term %ersona! #an and
ad$anta#e+ A!! e!ements o& our !$es are ne"essar!' $e,ed &rom the
%ers%e"t$e o& K,hat "an I #et out o& t %ersona!!'R
A stud' %er&ormed at the De%artment o& As'"ho!o#' at the
Un$erst' o& /a!&orna* 9er7e!e'* n 4522 &ound that< K+++u%%er."!ass
nd$dua!s (eha$e more uneth"a!!' than !o,er."!ass
nd$dua!s+++u%%er."!ass nd$dua!s ,ere more !7e!' to (rea7 the !a,
,h!e dr$n#* re!at$e to !o,er."!ass nd$dua!s+ In &o!!o,.u%
!a(orator' studes* u%%er."!ass nd$dua!s ,ere more !7e!' to e-h(t
uneth"a! de"son.ma7n# tenden"es* ta7e $a!ued #oods &rom others*
!e n a ne#otaton* "heat to n"rease ther "han"es o& ,nnn# a %r1e*
and endorse uneth"a! (eha$or at ,or7 than ,ere !o,er."!ass
nd$dua!s+ Medator and moderator data demonstrated that u%%er.
"!ass nd$dua!sN uneth"a! tenden"es are a""ounted &or* n %art* ('
ther more &a$ora(!e atttudes to,ard #reed+
Studes o& ths nature are $er' nterestn# as the' re$ea! that
the "ommon human nature ar#ument n ts e-treme "onte-t* that o&
%eo%!e ne$ta(!' K(en# "om%ett$e and e-%!otat$e* ,hen de&endn#
the "urrent so"a! s'stem* s ('%assed+ /!ass re!atonsh%s are not
#enet" re!atonsh%s* e$en thou#h the nuan"es o& nd$dua!
%ro%enstes "ou!d (e ar#ued+ Ths stud' e-%resses a "u!tura!
%henomenon o$era!! sn"e t s a-omat" to assume that the #enera!
atttude o& dsre#ard &or e-terna! ne#at$e "onse)uen"es* or so."a!!ed
Tuneth"a! (eha$orT e-%ressed (' the u%%er "!ass* s a resu!t o& the
t'%e o& values needed to a"he$e the %oston o& a"tua!!' ma7n# t to
the Ku%%er "!ass+

In "ommon %oet" rhetor"* ths ntuton has he!d true &or
"entures* ,th the o(ser$aton that those ,ho a"he$e Ksu""ess n the
(usness sense* are o&ten Kdesenst1ed and Kruth!ess+ There a%%ears
to (e a #enera! loss of empathy (' those ,ho a"he$e su"h Ksu""ess
and t s ntut$e!' o($ous ,h' ths s the "ase* #$en the $a!ue
s'stem dsorder o& competitive disregard nherent to the mar7et
s'stem %s'"ho!o#'+ O$era!!* the more "arn# and em%ath" 'ou are*
the !ess !7e!' 'ou are to su""eed &nan"a!!' . no d&&erent &rom a
#enera! s%ort ,here 'ou are not #on# to he!% an o%%osn# %!a'er
a"he$e ther #oa!s &or t means 'ou are more !7e!' to !ose+
O$era!!* the !o,er "!asses are &ound to (e more so"a!!' humane
n man' ,a's+ For e-am%!e* t has a!so (een &ound that the %oor #$e
a h#her %er"enta#e o& ther n"ome 86+D>; to "hart' than r"h %eo%!e
D6I Re&eren"e< >igher social class predicts increased unethical behavior, A&&a*
Stan"atoa* /dtB(* Mendo1a.Dentona* Da"her Ce!tnera* Un$erst' o&
M"h#an* 4524
D6F Re&eren"e< KHo, Wea!th Redu"es /om%asson* Das' Gre,a!* Scientific
4merican, 4524 8htt%<MM,,,+s"ent&"amer"an+"omMart"!e+"&mRdSho,.
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
84+2>;+ A 4525 stud' &ound that< K+++!o,er "!ass nd$dua!s %ro$ed to
(e more #enerous+++"harta(!e+++trustn#+++and he!%&u!+++"om%ared ,th
ther u%%er "!ass "ounter%arts+ Medator and moderator data sho,ed
that !o,er "!ass nd$dua!s a"ted n a more %roso"a! &ashon (e"ause
o& a #reater "ommtment to e#a!taran $a!ues and &ee!n#s o&
"om%asson+ Im%!"atons &or so"a! "!ass* %roso"a! (eha$or* and
e"onom" ne)ua!t' are ds"ussed+

A stud' "ondu"ted (' the hronicle of Philanthropy usn# ta-.
dedu"ton data &rom the Interna! Re$enue Ser$"e* sho,ed that
househo!ds earnn# (et,een bH5*555 and bFH*555 a 'ear #$e an
a$era#e o& F+I> o& ther ds"retonar' n"ome to "hart'+ That
"om%ares to 6+4> &or %eo%!e ,ho ma7e b255*555 or more+ In some o&
the ,ea!thest ne#h(orhoods* ,th a !ar#e share o& %eo%!e ma7n#
b455*555 or more a 'ear* the a$era#e #$n# rate ,as 4+G>+

Success . Status
Under!'n# the "a%ta!st mode! s an m%!ed assum%ton that those
,ho "ontr(ute the most must #an the most+ In other ,ords* t s
assumed that to (e"ome sa'* a (!!onare* 'ou must ha$e done
somethn# m%ortant and he!%&u! &or so"et'+ O& "ourse* ths s "!ear!'
untrue+ The $ast ma0ort' o& e-treme!' ,ea!th' %eo%!e or#nate ther
,ea!th out o& me"hansms that are not so"a!!' "ontr(ut$e on an'
dre"t* "reat$e !e$e! ,hen (ro7en do,n and ana!'1ed+
The a"t o& en#neern#* %ro(!em so!$n# and "reat$e nno$aton
a!most a!,a's o""urs on the !e$e! o& the !a(orer n the !o,er e"he!ons
o& the "or%orate "om%!e-* on!' to (e "a%ta!1ed u%on (' those at the
to% 8o,ners; ,ho are s7!!ed at the "ontr$ed #ame o& #eneratn# a
Kmar7et+ Ths s not to ds"ount the nte!!#en"e or hard ,or7 o& those
,ho ho!d $ast ,ea!th* (ut to sho, that the re,ards o& the s'stem are
ds%!a"ed* a!!o"ated to those ,ho exploit the me"hansms o& the
mar7et* not those ,ho actually en#neer and "reate+ In &a"t* one o& the
most re,arded se"tors o& the #!o(a! e"onom' toda' s that o&
n$estment and &nan"e+
Ths s a "!ass" e-am%!e as to (e a Khed#e
&und mana#er* mo$n# mone' around &or the mere sa7e o& #ann#
D6G Sour"e< KHa$n# Less* G$n# More< The In&!uen"e o& So"a! /!ass on
Aroso"a! 9eha$or* &ournal of Personality and Social Psychology, 4525* Vo!+
EE* No+ H* FF2JFG6* 4524
D6E Sour"e< Study3 Poor 4re More haritable Than The 7ealthy, NAR* 4524
DH5 Re&eren"e< The 'ich 4re +ess haritable Than the Middle lass3 Study*
/N9/* 4524 8htt%<MM,,,+"n("+"omMdM6GF4H26F;
DH2 Re&eren"e< KAmer"a?s %oor are ts most #enerous #$ers* Fran7
Gre$eMM"/Lat"h' ana!'ss* 455E
DH4 Re&eren"e< The Engineers and the Price System* Thorsten Ve(!en* 2E42
DHD Re&eren"e< KThe 65 H#hest.Earnn# Hed#e Fund Mana#ers* Nathan Vard*
(orbes 8htt%<MM,,,+&or(es+"omMstesMnathan$ardM4524M5DM52Mthe.65.
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
more mone'* ,th 1ero "ontr(uton to "reat$e de$e!o%ment*
s one
o& the h#hest %ad o""u%atons n the ,or!d toda'+
L7e,se* the $er' noton o& Ksu""ess n the "u!ture toda' s
measured (' matera! ,ea!th* n and o& tse!&+ Fame* %o,er and other
#estures o& attenton #o hand n hand ,th matera! ,ea!th+ To (e %oor
s to (e a(horred* ,h!e to (e r"h s to (e admred+ A"ross a!most the
entre so"a! s%e"trum* those o& h#h !e$e!s o& ,ea!th are treated ,th
mmense res%e"t+ Aart o& ths has to do ,th a s'stem.orented
sur$$a! me"hansm* su"h as the %ersona! nterest n #ann# ns#ht
nto ho, to also (e"ome su"h a Ksu""ess . (ut o$era!! t has mor%hed
nto a stran#e &etsh ,here the dea o& (en# r"h* %o,er&u! and
&amous* (' ,hate$er means ne"essar'* s a #udn# &or"e+
The $a!ue s'stem dsorder o& re,ardn#* n e&&e"t* #enera!!' the
most ruth!ess and se!&sh n our so"et'* (oth (' &nan"a! means and
then (' %u(!" adoraton and res%e"t* s one o& the most %er$as$e and
nsdous "onse)uen"es o& the n"ent$e s'stem nherent to the
/a%ta!st mode!+ It not on!' ,or7s to ('%ass true nterests n t'%es o&
nno$aton and %ro(!!$n# ,h"h nherent!' do not ha$e
monetar' return* t a!so ren&or"es the mar7et s'stem?s own existence*
0ust&'n# tse!& (' ,a' o& h#h status attanment &or those ,ho K,n n
the s'stem* re#ard!ess o& true "ontr(uton or the so"a! and
en$ronmenta! "osts+
So"o!o#st Thorsten Ve(!en ,rote e-tens$e!' on ths ssue*
re&errn# to ths $a!ue K$rtue as predatory< KAs the %redator' "u!ture
rea"hes a &u!!er de$e!o%ment* there "omes a dstn"ton (et,een
em%!o'ments+++The Khonora(!e man must not on!' sho, "a%a"t' &or
%redator' e-%!ot* (ut he must a!so a$od entan#!ement ,th
o""u%atons that do not n$o!$e e-%!ot+ The tame em%!o'ments* those
that n$o!$e no o($ous destru"ton o& !&e and no s%e"ta"u!ar "oer"on
o& re&ra"tor' anta#onsts* &a!! nto dsre%ute and are re!e#ated to those
mem(ers o& the "ommunt' ,ho are de&e"t$e n the %redator'
"a%a"t'U that s to sa'* those ,ho are !a"7n# mass$eness* a#!t'* or
&ero"t'+++There&ore the a(!e.(oded (ar(aran o& the %redator' "u!ture*
,ho s mnd&u! o& hs #ood name+++%uts n hs tme n the man!' arts o&
,ar and de$otes hs ta!ents to de$sn# ,a's and means o& dstur(n#
the %ea"e+ That ,a' !es honor+
W!!am Thom%son* n hs 4n !n)uiry into the Principles of the
=istribution of 7ealth Most onducive to >uman >appiness restates
the rea!t' o& ths asso"at$e n&!uen"e<
DH6 There s a "ommon ar#ument that the &nan"a! se"tor s re!e$ant to
ndustra! %rodu"ton (e"ause t &a"!tates the "a%ta! (' ,h"h %rodu"ton s
or#nated (' n$estment+ Ho,e$er* that &a"!taton s a "ontr$an"e sn"e
the a"t o& %rodu"ton n %h's"a! rea!t'* a(sent the /a%ta!st mode!* has
nothn# to do ,th mone' or n$estment at a!! J t has to do ,th edu"aton*
resour"es and en#neern#+ In$estment and &nan"e s not real as t does not
%rodu"e . t s not needed ,th res%e"t to the rea! "om%onents o&
DHH KThe Instn"t o& Wor7mansh% and the Ir7someness o& La(or* n Essays in
<ur hanging <rder* Thorsten Ve(!en* %%+ED.E6
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
KOur ne-t %oston s* that e-"ess$e ,ea!th excites the
admiration and the imitation, and in this way diffuses the practice of
the vices of the rich, amongst the rest of the communityL or produces
in them other vices arising out of their relative situation to the
excessively rich* On ths %ont* nothn# s more o($ous than the
un$ersa! o%eraton o& the most "ommon %rn"%!e o& our nature J that
o& asso"aton+ The ,ea!th* as a means o& ha%%ness+++s admred or
en$ed (' a!!U the manner and "hara"ter "onne"ted ,th the
a(undan"e o& these #ood thn#s* a!,a's str7e the mnd n "on0un"ton
,th them+++
/!asses and "!ass ,ar&are are a natura! out#ro,th o& ths as the
$a!ue asso"atons to ,ea!th and %o,er* man&est (' the "urrent
s'stem* (e"ome an ssue o& emotional identity o$er tme+ The status.
nterest (e#ns to ta7e on a !&e o& ts o,n and t #enerates a"tons o&
se!&.%reser$aton on the %art o& the u%%er "!ass that see7 to mantan
8or e!e$ate; ther status n ,a's that m#ht not e$en re!ate to mone'
or matera! ,ea!th an'more+ Se!&.%reser$aton* n ths "ase* e-tends to
a 7nd o& drug addiction+ 3ust as a "hron" #am(!er needs the
endor%hn rush o& ,nnn# to &ee! #ood* those n the u%%er "!ass o&ten
de$e!o% sm!ar "om%u!sons n re!atonsh% to the state o& ther
%er"e$ed status and ,ea!th+
The term K#reed s o&ten used to d&&erentate (et,een those
,ho e-%!ot modest!' and those ,ho e-%!ot e-"ess$e!'+ Greed s
hen"e a re!at$e noton* 0ust as (en# Kr"h s a re!at$e noton+ The
term Kre!at$e de%r$aton
re&ers to the ds"ontent %eo%!e &ee! ,hen
the' "om%are ther %ostons to others and rea!1e that the' ha$e !ess
o& ,hat the' believe themse!$es to (e entt!ed to+ Ths %s'"ho!o#"a!
%henomenon 7no,s no end and ,thn the "onte-t o& the matera!
su""ess n"ent$e s'stem o& "a%ta!sm* ts %resen"e as a se$ere $a!ue
s'stem dsorder s a%%arent on the !e$e! o& menta! hea!th+
Wh!e mantann# a needs meetn#* )ua!t' standard o& !$n# s
m%ortant &or %h's"a! and menta! hea!th* an'thn# (e'ond that
(a!an"e n the "onte-t o& so"a! "om%arson has the "a%a"t' to "reate
se$ere neuross and so"a! dstorton+ Not on!' s there no K,nnn# n
the end ,hen t "omes to the su(0e"t$e %er"e%ton o& status and
,ea!th* t o&ten ser$es to decouple those &#ures &rom the ma0ort' o&
the human e-%eren"e* #eneratn# a!enaton and dehuman1aton n
man' ,a's+ Ths em%ath" !oss has no %ost$e out"ome on the so"a!
!e$e!+ The %redator' re,ard $a!ues nherent to the mar7et s'stem
$rtua!!' #uarantee end!ess "on&!"t and a(use+
O& "ourse* the m'th s that ths neuross o& see7n# Kmore and
more status and ,ea!th s the "ore dr$er o& so"a! %ro#ress and
DHI Sour"e< 4n !n)uiry into the Principles of the =istribution of 7ealth Most
onducive to >uman >appiness* W!!am Thom%son* London* W!!am S+ Orr*
2GH5* %+26F
DHF Sour"e< 'elative =eprivation3 Specification, =evelopment, and !ntegration*
Ian Wa!7er* Heather 3+ Smth* /am(rd#e Un$erst' Aress* 4552* IS9N 5.
H42.G52D4.L* Goo#!e Arnt
DHG More n the essa'< Structural lassism, the State and 7ar
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
nno$aton+ Wh!e there m#ht (e some (as" truth to ths ntut$e
assum%ton* the ntent* a#an* s not so"a! "ontr(uton (ut advantage
and financial gain+ It s !7e sa'n# (en# "hased (' a %a"7 o& hun#r'
,o!$es read' to eat 'ou s #ood &or 'our hea!th sn"e t s 7ee%n# 'ou
runnn#+ Wh!e "ertan a""om%!shments are "!ear!' o""urrn#* the
#udn# &or"e 8ntent; a#an has !tt!e to do ,th those a""om%!shments
and the detrmenta! ('%rodu"ts and !ar#er.order %ara!'ss nherent
nu!!&es n "om%arson the dea that the $a!ues o& "om%etton* matera!
#reed and $an status s a !e#tmate sour"e o& so"eta! %ro#ress+
In &a"t* e%demo!o#st R"hard W!7nson has e-tra%o!ated a
"om%arson o& ,ea!th' natons orented (' the n"ome ds%art'
%resent n ea"h %o%u!aton+ It ,as &ound that those natons ,th the
!east n"ome ds%art' a"tua!!' ,ere more nno$at$e
and ,hen ,e
"onsder that the "om%ett$e $a!ue dr$e has a !ar#e ro!e ,th res%e"t
to ho, se$ere the #a% (et,een the r"h and %oor s* t s a-omat" to
"onsder that the $a!ues o& e#a!taransm and "o!!a(oraton ha$e more
"reat$e %o,er than the tradtona! e"onom" n"ent$e rhetor" ,ou!d
As a &na! %ont n ths su(se"ton* the su(0e"t o& matera!sm and
status "an (e e-tended to the sm!ar ssue o& vanity as ,e!!+ Wh!e a
m!d de$aton &rom our %ont* the $ant'.(ased "u!ture ,e ha$e toda'
&nds a dre"t re!atonsh% to these dr$es &or status and measures o&
Ksu""ess rooted n the %s'"ho!o#"a! $a!ue n"ent$es nherent to the
"a%ta!st s'stem+ G$en that the $a!ue s'stem o& Ka")uston s* n
&a"t* necessary &or the "onsum%ton mode! to ,or7* t s on!' natura!
that mar7etn# and ad$ertsn# #enerate dissatisfaction "ontnua!!'*
n"!udn# n the ,a' ,e &ee! a(out our %h's"a! a%%earan"e+
In &a"t* a stud' ,as "ondu"ted some 'ears a#o on the s!and o&
F0* n ,h"h Western te!e$son ,as ntrodu"ed to a "u!ture that had
ne$er e-%eren"ed the medum (e&ore+ 9' the end o& the o(ser$aton
%erod* the e&&e"t o& matera!st" $a!ues and $ant' too7 a %o,er&u!
to!!+ A re!e$ant %er"enta#e o& 'oun# ,omen* &or e-am%!e* ,ho %ror
had em(ra"ed the st'!e o& hea!th' ,e#ht and &u!! &eatures* (e"ame
o(sessed ,th (en# thn+ Eatn# dsorders* ,h"h ,ere $rtua!!'
unheard o& n ths "u!ture* (e#an to s%read and ,omen s%e"&"a!!'
,ere trans&ormed+

$deological PolariAation . *lame
When the su(0e"t o& ,hat has K#one ,ron# ,th the ,or!d toda' s
(roa"hed . #$en the %o$ert'* e"o!o#"a! m(a!an"e* nhumant'*
#enera! e"onom" desta(!1aton and the !7e . a %o!ar1ed de(ate
o&ten ensues+ Dua!tes su"h as Kthe r#ht or the !e&t or K!(era! or
DHE Re&eren"e< KThe Im%ortan"e o& E"onom" E)ua!t'* E(en Harre!!* Time,
BCCFL A!so See< The Spirit +evel (' R"hard W!7nson and Cate A"7ett*
Aen#un* Mar"h 455E
DI5 KStud' Fnds TV A!ters F0 Gr!s? Ve, o& 9od'* Er"a Goode* The "ew 6or#
Times* 2EEE
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
"onser$at$e are "ommon* m%!'n# that n the ran#e o& human
"om%rehenson and %re&eren"e* there s a r#d #udn# !ne that
em(odes a!! 7no,n %oss(!tes+
Aared ,th ths s a!so the o!der* 'et st!! "ommon dua!t' o&
K"o!!e"t$sm $s+ &ree mar7et+ In short* ths dua!t' assumes that a!!
o%tons o& e"onom" %re&eren"e must adhere to the dea that so"et'
shou!d ether (e (ased on the su%%osed demo"rat" ,!! o& a!! the
%eo%!e n the &orm o& K& J or that a sma!! #rou% o& %eo%!e
shou!d (e n "ontro! and te!! e$er'one e!se ,hat to do+ Due to the dar7
hstor' o& tota!taransm that %!a#ued the 45
"entur'* a &ear (ased
$a!ue orentaton* ,h"h re0e"ts an'thn# that e$en remote!' hnts at
the a%%earan"e o& K"o!!e"t$sm* s e-treme!' "ommon toda'* ,th the
re!ated ,ord Kso"a!sm o&ten used n a dero#ator' ,a'+
As noted %ror n ths essa'* %eo%!e?s sense o& %oss(!t' s
dre"t!' re!ated to ther 7no,!ed#e . ,hat the' ha$e !earned+ I&
tradtona! edu"atona! and so"a! nsttutons %resent a!! so"oe"onom"
$araton ,thn the "on&nes o& su"h (o-ed frames of reference* %eo%!e
,!! !7e!' mrror ths assum%ton 8meme; and %er%etuate t n thou#ht
and %ra"t"e+ I& 'ou are not Ka("* then 'ou must (e K-'1 . ths s the
"ommon thought meme* E$en the %o!t"a! esta(!shment o& the Unted
States e-sts n ths %arad#m* &or & 'ou are not a Kre%u(!"an* 'ou
must (e a demo"rat* et"+
In other ,ords* there s a dre"t nh(ton o& %oss(!t' and* n
ths "onte-t* t o&ten man&ests a $a!ue stru"ture that (u!ds emotona!
atta"hments to &a!se dua!tes+ These $a!ues are e-treme (arrers to
%ro#ress toda' on man' !e$e!s+ In &a"t* as an asde* & the ntenton o&
a ru!n# "!ass ,ere to !mt an' nter&eren"e &rom the !o,er "!asses*
the' ,ou!d %rote"t$e!' ,or7 to !mt %eo%!e?s sense o& %oss(!t'+
For e-am%!e* the su%%osed %ro(!em o& Kstate nter$enton o& the
&ree.mar7et* a "onstant theme o& "a%ta!st a%o!o#sts* essenta!!' sa's
that sn"e $arous %o!"es and %ra"t"es o& the #o$ernment !mt &ree
trade n some ,a'*
ths s the sour"e o& the %ro(!em #eneratn#
mar7et ne&&"en"'+ Ths (!ame #ame a"tua!!' #oes (a"7 and &orth
(et,een those ,ho "!am t s the mar7et that s the %ro(!em and
those ,ho "!am t s the state?s nter&eren"e ,th the mar7et+

DI2 Re&eren"e< KAat Ro(ertson< O(ama A ?So"a!st*? Wants To ?Destro'? The
Unted States* Aa#e La$ender* The >uffington Post* 4524*
DI4 Mu"h "ontro$ers' has e-sted ,th res%e"t to "ontnua! de"!ne o& Western
edu"aton* s%e"&"a!!' n Amer"a+ /har!otte Thomson Iser('t* &ormer Senor
Ao!"' Ad$sor n the U+S+ De%artment o& Edu"aton* has ,rtten a(out ,hat
she "a!!s The =eliberate =umbing =own of 4merica, /ons"en"e Aress* 2EEE
DID Re&eren"e< 'onald 'eagan3 Protectionist* She!don L+ R"hman* 2EGG
DI6 A nota(!e statement (' the &amous e"onomst M!ton Fredman on ths
ssue< KGo$ernment has three %rmar' &un"tons+ It shou!d %ro$de &or
m!tar' de&ense o& the naton+ It shou!d en&or"e "ontra"ts (et,een
nd$dua!s+ It shou!d %rote"t "t1ens &rom "rmes a#anst themse!$es or
ther %ro%ert'+ When #o$ernment . n %ursut o& #ood ntentons tres to
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
What sn?t ta!7ed a(out s the dua!t'.shattern# rea!t' that the
state* n ts hstor"a! &orm* is an extension of the "a%ta!st s'stem
tse!&+ The #o$ernment dd not "reate ths s'stem+ The s'stem "reated
the #o$ernment or more a""urate!' . the' e$o!$ed as one a%%aratus+
A!! so"oe"onom" s'stems root themse!$es n the (ass o& ndustra!
un&o!dn# and (as" sur$$a!+ 3ust as &euda!sm* (en# (ased on an
a#raran so"et'* orented ts "!ass stru"ture n re!atonsh%s to the
!$e!hood.%rodu"n# !and* so do the so."a!!ed Kdemo"ra"es n the
,or!d toda'+ There&ore* the $er' dea the state #o$ernment s
deta"hed or ,thout the n&!uen"e o& "a%ta!sm s a %ure!' a(stra"t
theor' ,th no truth n rea!t'+ /a%ta!sm essenta!!' molded the
#o$ernmenta! a%%aratus?s nature and un&o!dn# J not the other ,a'
So* ,hen %eo%!e ar#ue that #o$ernment re#u!aton o& the
mar7et s the root o& the %ro(!em and that the mar7et shou!d (e K&ree
,thout stru"tura! or !e#a! nh(ton* the' are "on&used n ther
asso"at$e understandn#+ The entre !e#a! s'stem* ,h"h s the
"entra! too! o& #o$ernment* ,!! always (e Kn&!trated and used to
assst n "om%ett$e ta"t"s (' (usness to mantan and n"rease
ad$anta#e sn"e that s the $er' nature o& the #ame+ To e-%e"t
an'thn# e!se s to assume that there are a"tua!!' Kmora! !mts to the
a"t o& "om%etton+ :et* ths s "om%!ete!' su(0e"t$e+ Su"h mora! and
eth"a! assum%tons ha$e no em%r"a! (ass* es%e"a!!' ,hen the $er'
nature o& the so"oe"onom" s'stem s orented around %o,er*
e-%!otaton and "om%etton . a!! "onsdered to (e* n &a"t* ideal
virtues o& the K#ood (usnessman* as noted (e&ore+
I& a %ro&t see7n# nsttuton "an #an %o,er n the #o$ernment
8,h"h s the e-a"t ntent o& K"or%orate !o(('n#; and man%u!ate the
#o$ernmenta! a%%aratus to &a$or ther (usness or ndustr' to #an
ad$anta#e* then that s sm%!' good business* It s on!' ,hen the
"om%ett$e atta"7s rea"h %ea7 !e$e!s o& un&arness that a"ton s ta7en
to %reser$e the !!uson o& K(a!an"e+ We see ths ,th !a,s
and the !7e+
These !a,s are* n rea!t'* not to %rote"t K& or
the !7e J (ut to sett!e e-treme a"ts o& "om%ett$e ntent nherent n
the mar7et %!a"e* ,th a!! sdes 0o"7e'n# &or ad$anta#e (' ,hate$er
means %oss(!e+

rearran#e the e"onom'* !e#s!ate mora!t'* or he!% s%e"a! nterests* the
"osts "ome n ne&&"en"'* !a"7 o& mot$aton* and !oss o& &reedom+
Go$ernment shou!d (e a re&eree* not an a"t$e %!a'er+
DIH E$en Adam Smth n hs ,rtn#s m%!es that (usnessmen use e$er'
means at ther ds%osa! to a$od "om%etton and to se"ure mono%o!es<
TAeo%!e o& the same trade se!dom meet to#ether* e$en &or merrment and
d$erson* (ut the "on$ersaton ends n a "ons%ra"' a#anst the %u(!"* or n
some "ontr$an"e to rase %r"es+ Re&eren"e< 4n !n)uiry into the "ature and
auses of the 7ealth of "ations* Adam Smth* Ne, :or7* Modern L(rar'*
2EDF %+ 24G
DII E"onomst Thomas Hod#s7n ,rote n the ear!' 2E
"entur'< KIt s not
enou#h* n the e'es o& !e#s!ators* that ,ea!th has o& tse!& a thousand
"harms* (ut the' ha$eX+++Y#$en t a mu!ttude o& %r$!e#es+ In &a"t* t has
no, usur%ed a!! the %o,er o& !e#s!aton* and most %ena! !a,s are no, made
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
E$en the $er' "onsttuents o& a!! #o$ernments n the ,or!d toda'
are n$ara(!' o& the "or%orate.(usness "!ass+ Hen"e* dee% (usness
$a!ues are "!ear!' nherent n the mndsets o& those n %o,er+ Thorsten
Ve(!en ,rote o& ths rea!t' n the ear!' 45
KThe res%ons(!e o&&"a!s and ther "he& admnstrat$e o&&"ers .
so mu"h as ma' at a!! reasona(!' (e "a!!ed the K#o$ernment or the
Kadmnstraton . are n$ara(!' and "hara"terst"a!!' dra,n &rom
these (ene&"ar' "!assesU no(!es* #ent!eman or (usness men* ,h"h
a!! "ome to the same thn# &or the %ur%ose n handU the %ont o& t a!!
(en# that the "ommon man does not "ome ,thn these %re"n"ts and
does not share n these "ounse!s that are assumed to #ude the
destn' o& the natons+
So* to ar#ue that the K&ree mar7et s not K&ree due to
nter$enton s to msunderstand ,hat the nature o& K&ree rea!!'
means ,th res%e"t to the s'stem+ The K&reedom s not the &reedom
o& e$er'one to (e a(!e to K&ar!' %art"%ate n the o%en.mar7et and a!!
the uto%an rhetor" ,e hear a(out toda' (' a%o!o#sts o& the "a%ta!st
s'stem J the real freedom s a"tua!!' the &reedom to domnate*
su%%ress and (eat other (usnesses (' ,hate$er "om%ett$e means
%oss(!e+ In ths* no K!e$e! %!a'n# &e!d s %oss(!e+ In &a"t* & the
#o$ernment dd not Knter&ere (' ,a' o& mono%o!' !a,s or
the K(a!n# out o& (an7s and the !7e . the entre mar7et "om%!e-
,ou!d ha$e se!&.destru"ted a !on# tme a#o+ In %art* ths nherent
nsta(!t' o& the mar7et s ,hat e"onomsts !7e 3ohn Ma'nard Ce'nes
(as"a!!' understood* (ut ar#ua(!' to a !mted e-tent+
$ndi/idualit+ . Freedom
A!! too o&ten %eo%!e s%ea7 o& K&reedom n a ,a' that s more o& an
ndes"r(a(!e #esture than a tan#(!e "r"umstan"e+ We hear ths
rhetor" n the %o!t"a! and e"onom" esta(!shments "onstant!' toda'
,here asso"atons o& Kdemo"ra"' are made to ths K&reedom* (oth
on the !e$e! o& the tradtona! %ra"t"e o& $otn# and the mo$ement o&
mone' tse!& $a nde%endent &ree trade+ These so"o%o!t"a! memes
are a!so ren&or"ed n a %o!ar1ed ,a'* re!at$e!'* ,h"h o&ten uses
&or the mere %rote"ton o& ,ea!th+ Sour"e< Travels in the "orth of
?ermany, =escribing the Present State of Social and Political !nstitutions,
the 4griculture, Manufactures, ommerce, Education, 4rts and Manners in
That ountry, Particularly in the 2ingdom of >anover* Thomas Hod#s7n* T+
Edn(ur#h* Ar"h(a!d /onsta(!e* 2G45* $o!+ 4* %+ 44G
DIF Sour"e< 4n !n)uiry into the "ature of Peace and the terms of its
Perpetuation, Thorsten Ve(!en* Har$ard La,* %%+D4I.D4F
DIG Ce'nesan e"onom"s* un!7e the more !(ertaran* &ree.mar7et !(eraton
s"hoo!s o& e"onom" thou#ht* su"h as the Austran S"hoo!* sees* n %art*
#o$ernment nter$enton as %erod"a!!' needed to a$od "ertan %ro(!ems+
In the ,ords o& the on!ne 9usness D"tonar'< KThs theor' &urther asserts
that &ree mar7ets ha$e no se!&.(a!an"n# me"hansms that !ead to &u!!
em%!o'ment+ Ce'nesan e"onomsts ur#e and 0ust&' a #o$ernment?s
nter$enton n the e"onom' throu#h %u(!" %o!"es that am to a"he$e &u!!
em%!o'ment and %r"e sta(!t'+ Sour"e< 9usnessD"tonar'+"om
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
e-am%!es o& o%%resson and the !oss o& &reedom and !(ert' n %ror
so"a! s'stems to de&end the "urrent state o& a&&ars+
The "reat$e ,or7s o& %h!oso%hers* artsts and ,rters ,ho ha$e
(een n&!uenta! n &urthern# $arous deo!o#"a! notons o& ths
K&reedom* o&ten at the e-%ense o& so"eta! $u!nera(!t'* n"reasn# ths
do#mat" %o!ar1aton* has &urther "om%ounded these $a!ues+
short* a #reat dea! o& &ear and emotona! %o,er e-sts around the
noton o& so"a! "han#e and ho, t m#ht a&&e"t our !$es n the ,a' o&
!(ert' and nd$dua!t'+
:et* & ,e ste% (a"7 and thn7 a(out ,hat &reedom means a,a'
&rom these "u!tura! memes* ,e &nd that notons o& &reedom "an (e
ar#ued as relative #$en human hstor'* a!on# ,th standards of living
and e$en personal expression tse!&+ There&ore* n order to de"de ,hat
&reedom s and ho, to )ua!&' t* ,e need to measure t &rom an 8a;
hstor"a! %ers%e"t$e on one sde and ,th res%e"t to 8(; &uture
%oss(!t' on the other+
8a; Hstor"a!!'* the &undamenta! "on"ern s (ased on the &ear o& %o,er
and the a(use o& %o,er+ Human hstor'* n %art* s "ertan!' one o&
%er%etua! %o,er stru##!es+ Fue!ed (' dee%!' d$s$e re!#ous and
%h!oso%h"a! (e!e&s and $a!ues ,h"h man&ested a(0e"t s!a$er'* the
su(0u#aton o& ,omen* %erod" #eno"de* %rose"uton &or heres' 8&ree
s%ee"h* or ,hat ,as and st!! s 7no,n as T&ree thou#htT;* the d$ne
r#ht o& 7n#s and the !7e* t "ou!d (e ar#ued that human hstor' n
ths "onte-t s a hstor' o& dan#erous* un&ounded su%ersttons made
sa"rosan"t (' %rmt$e $a!uesMunderstandn# n those %erods o& tme*
at the e-%ense o& human ,e!!.(en# and so"a! (a!an"e+ The &ear and
s"ar"t' o& these ear!er %erods a%%ears to ha$e am%!&ed the ,orst o&
,hat ,e m#ht "onsder Khuman nature* o&ten see7n# %o,er as a ,a'
to a$od the a(use o& %o,er n a $"ous "'"!e+
:et* t s "rt"a!!' m%ortant to not"e that ,e ha$e (een n a
%ro"ess o& transition a,a' &rom these ar"ha" $a!ues and (e!e&s
o$era!!* ,th the #!o(a! "u!ture and ts nsttutons s!o,!' em(ra"n#
s"ent&" "ausa!t' and ts mert ,th res%e"t ,hat s rea! and ,hat
sn?t+ Wth ths* "ertan %ost$e trends ha$e (e"ome "!ear+
We ha$e mo$ed &rom the Kd$ne* u!tmate %o,er o& #enet"a!!'
determned 7n#s and %haraohs nto a s'stem o& $er' !mted* 'et
#enera! %u(!" %art"%aton $a a so."a!!ed Kdemo"rat" %ro"ess n
most o& the ,or!d+ Human e-%!otaton* su(0u#aton and a(0e"t s!a$er'
has !ost ts "ommon de&enses o& re!#ous* ra"a! or #ender su%erort'
and m%ro$ed to the e-tent that the s!a$er' toda' o$era!! ta7es the
!ess se$ere &orm o& K,a#e !a(or . n the !ar#er "onte-t o& K"!ass
asso"atons . as determned (' one?s %!a"e n the economic herar"h'+
DIE A'n Rand?s &amous no$e! 4nthem s a nota(!e* n&!uenta! e-am%!e o& ths
artst" "u!mnaton o& $a!ues+ It ta7es %!a"e n a d'sto%an &uture ,here
man7nd has entered another dar7 a#e "hara"ter1ed (' rratona!t'*
"o!!e"t$sm* and so"a!st" thn7n# and e"onom"s+ The "on"e%t o&
nd$dua!t' has (een e!mnated+ For e-am%!e* the use o& the ,ord TIT s
%unsha(!e (' death+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
The mar7et e"onom'* n a!! ts hstor"a! &orms* has a!so (een a(!e to
o$er"ome the ra"e.!7e K"aste %redetermnatons as ,e!! sn"e t does
a!!o, a !e$e! o& 8!mted; so"a! mo(!t' n the "ommunt' ,here
n"ome #aned &a"!tates more #enera! K&reedom+
Su"h %ro#ress$e rea!tes need to (e ta7en nto a""ount as
"a%ta!sm* ,th a!! ts &!a,s* has ser$ed to he!% m%ro$e "ertan thn#s
n the so"a! "ondton+ :et* ,hat hasn?t "han#ed s the under!'n#
%remse that s st!! e!tst and (#oted n ho, t &a$ors one #rou% o$er
another* (oth stru"tura!!' and so"o!o#"a!!'+ On!' n ths "ase the
K#rou% &a$ored has nothn# mu"h to do ,th #ender* ra"e or re!#on
an'more J (ut to do ,th a 7nd o& &or"e&u! e-%eden"e and
"om%ett$e menta!t' that %ushes tse!& to the to% o& the "!ass
herar"h'* at the ne$ta(!e e-%ense o& others+
/a%ta!sm* t "ou!d ,e!! (e ar#ued* s rea!!' s a post$modern
slavery system* ,th a ne, $a!ue orentaton o& K"om%ett$e &reedom
ho!dn# t n %!a"e+ Ths ren$ented noton o& K&reedom (as"a!!' sa's
that ,e are a!! K&ree to "om%ete ,th ea"h other and ta7e ,hat ,e
"an+ :et* as noted (e&ore* su"h a state o& Ko%en &reedom* e-stn#
,thout a(use* o%%resson and stru"tura! ad$anta#e . s "!ear!'
m%oss(!e+ So* ,h!e %ro%onents o& "a%ta!sm ma' addu"e the so"a!
m%ro$ements ,h"h ha$e o""urred sn"e ts ad$ent as e$den"e o& ts
so"a! e&&"a"'* ,e must a"7no,!ed#e that ts root &orm s not n the
nterest o& human &reedom* (ut an e"ho o& so"a! (#otr' ,h"h has
(een %o!!utn# "u!ture &or thousands o& 'ears* rooted n a #enera!
%s'"ho!o#' o& elitism and scarcity+
Toda'* true &reedom s dre"t!' re!ated to the amount of money a
%erson has+ Those (e!o, the %o$ert' !ne ha$e se$ere !mtatons on
%ersona! &reedom as "om%ared to the ,ea!th'+ L7e,se* ,h!e
%ro%onents o& the &ree mar7et o&ten ta!7 a(out K"oer"on n the
"onte-t o& state %o,er* the rea!t' o& economic coercion s #nored+
Tradtona! e"onom" theorsts "onstant!' use rhetor" that su##ests
that e$er'thn# s an ssue o& choice n the mar7et and & a %erson
,shes to ta7e a 0o( or not* t s ther "ho"e+
:et* those n %o$ert'* ,h"h s the ma0ort'*
&a"e a se$ere
redu"ton o& "ho"e+ The %ressures o& ther !mted e"onom" "a%a"t'
"reates a %o,er&u! state o& "oer"on (' ,h"h the' not on!' must ta7e
!a(or ro!es the' m#ht not a%%re"ate to sur$$e* the' are o&ten su(0e"t
DF5 ?So"a! mo(!t'? s stru"tura!!' nh(ted n the "a%ta!st s'stem* ,th a $er'
sma!! %er"enta#e a"tua!!' attann# u%,ard mo(!t'* statst"a!!'+ Mo(!t' n
the Unted States* home o& the KAmer"an Dream* has a!so (een
n"reasn#!' de"!nn#+ Re&eren"e< KE-"e%tona! U%,ard Mo(!t' n the US Is
a M'th* Internatona! Studes Sho,* Science =aily
8htt%<MM,,,+s"en"eda!'+"omMre!easesM4524M5EM245E5H262E45+htm; A!so
See< KHarder &or Amer"ans to Rse From Lo,er Run#s* "ew 6or# Times*
4524 8htt%<MM,,,+n'tmes+"omM4524M52M5HMusMharder.&or.amer"
DF2 Wh!e the %o$ert' !ne standard s re!at$e (ased on the re#on o&
a%%!"aton* o$er H5> o& the ,or!d as o& a 455H Wor!d 9an7 Stud' !$e on
!ess than 4+H5 a da'* or a(out bE24+55 a 'ear+ Sour"e< G!o(a!Issues+or#
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
to $ast e-%!otaton n the &orm o& !o, ,a#e rates due to that same
des%eraton+ In &a"t* #enera! %o$ert'* n ths "onte-t* s a $er' positive
"ondton &or the "a%ta!st "!ass &or t ensures "ost.e&&"en"' n the
&orm o& "hea%er !a(or+
So a#an* ,h!e ,e ma' ha$e seen some so"eta! m%ro$ement
o$er tme* ths m%ro$ement s rea!!' 0ust a $araton o& a "ommon
theme o& #enera! e!tsm* e-%!otaton and (#otr'+ The !on# hstor' o&
assumed resour"e s"ar"t' and !mts on %rodu"ton ha$e a!so
"om%ounded ths dea* n the Ma!thusan sense*
,here the dea o&
e$er'one &ndn# some !e$e! o& e"onom" e)ua!t' ,as deemed sm%!'
8(; :et* modern s"en"e and the e-%onenta! de$e!o%ment o& te"hn"a!
a%%!"aton* a!on# ,th a dee%er a,areness o& our human "ondton*
has o%ened the door to &uture %oss(!tes &or so"a! m%ro$ement and*
n &a"t* a &urther e!e$aton o& &reedom n ,a's ne$er (e&ore seen+ Ths
a,areness %resents a %ro(!em sn"e the %oss(!t' o& a"he$n# ths
ne, !e$e! s dee%!' nh(ted (' the $a!ues and esta(!shments set
&orth (' the tradtona! "a%ta!st so"a! order+ In other ,ords* the
mar7et s'stem sm%!' "annot &a"!tate these m%ro$ements (e"ause
the nature o& ther "u!mnaton s a#anst the $er' me"hansms o& the
For e-am%!e* the e&&"en"' made %oss(!e on the te"hn"a!*
s"ent&" !e$e! toda'* & "orre"t!' a%%!ed* "ou!d %ro$de a h#h standard
o& !$n# &or e$er' human on earth* "ou%!ed ,th the remo$n# o&
dan#erous and monotonous !a(or throu#h the a%%!"aton o&
cybernated me"han1aton+
In the ,or!d toda'* the $ast ma0ort' o&
%eo%!e s%end most o& ther !&e ,or7n# an o""u%aton and s!ee%n#+
Man' o& these o""u%atons are not en0o'ed
and are ar#ua(!'
irrelevant ,th res%e"t to true %ersona! or so"a! "ontr(uton and
So* & ,e ,sh to thn7 a(out ,hat &reedom means on a (as"
!e$e!* t means (en# a(!e to dre"t 'our !&e n the ,a' 'ou ,sh*
,thn reason+
9en# a(!e to !$e 'our !&e ,thout ,orr'n# a(out
DF4 See the se"ton on Ma!thus and R"ardo n the essa' >istory of Economy*
DFD /!ar&"aton< So"a!!' "ausa! or psychosocial e&&e"ts o& the"et'
re!atonsh% ha$e %ro$en some %o,er&u! rea!tes a(out the or#ns o&
a(errant or destru"t$e (eha$or+ See the essa' KDe&nn# Au(!" Hea!th &or
more e-%!anaton+
DF6 A deta!ed e-tra%o!aton ,!! (e %resented n %art III o& ths te-t+
DFH Re&eren"e< KNe, Sur$e'< Ma0ort' o& Em%!o'ees Dssats&ed* (orbes,
Susan Adams 4524
DFI Natura!!'* there "an (e no K%ure &reedom n the natura! ,or!d that s
#o$erned (' the !a,s o& nature* nor "an un!mted &reedom e-st n a so"a!
"ondton that dea!s ,th !&e standard re)urements &or so"a! sta(!t'+ For
e-am%!e* one s not K&ree to murder another n a dre"t sense+ Su"h so"a!
"ontra"ts and $a!ues e-st around not a(usn# others (e"ause the' ease
m(a!an"e and desta(!1aton+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
'our (as" sur$$a! and hea!th* or that o& 'our &am!'* s the &rst ste%+
L7e,se* the !a(or &or n"ome s'stem s one o& the most Kun&ree
nsttutons that "ou!d e-st toda' not on!' ,th res%e"t to the nherent
e"onom" "oer"on* (ut a!so ,th res%e"t to the "or%orate stru"ture
tse!&* ,h"h s )ute !tera!!' a,n* herar"h"a! d"tatorsh%+
Sad!'* e$en ,th these %oss(!tes %resent and rea!* the value
system disorder (u!t &rom the "a%ta!st mode! and ts rather %aranod
&ear o& an'thn# outsde o& t* has and ,!! "ontnue to &#ht these
%oss(!tes &or more e!e$ated states o& &reedom+ In &a"t* the $er' dea
o& %ro$dn# (as" so"a! su%%ort n the &orm o& K,e!&are or the !7e s
atta"7ed* n %art* on the (ass o& ts a$odan"e o& &a"!tatn# the o%en
mar7et J the $er' mar7et that* n rea!t'* !7e!' "reated the
m%o$ershed state o& those ,ho need su"h assstan"e+
As a &na! note on the su(0e"t o& K&reedom* "a%ta!st theor'*
(oth hstor"a! and modern* s de$od o& an' re!atonsh% to the Earth?s
resour"es and ts #o$ernn# e"o!o#"a! !a,s+ A%art &rom the most
%rmt$e a,areness o& s"ar"t'* ,h"h s a mar7er o& the "ommon
Ksu%%!' and demand $a!ue theor'* the s"ent&" nature o& the ,or!d s
a(sent n ths mode! . t s Ke-terna!+ Ths omsson* %ared ,th the
e-%!otaton and "ost redu"n# rea!t' nherent to the n"ent$e s'stem
o& the mar7et* s ,hat has #enerated the $ast en$ronmenta!
%ro(!ems* &rom so! de%!eton* to %o!!uton* to de&orestaton* to $rtua!!'
e$er'thn# e!se ,e "an thn7 o& on the e"o!o#"a! !e$e!+
In ana!'1n# the ear!' de$e!o%ment o& ths %h!oso%h'* ,e "an
!o#"a!!' s%e"u!ate a(out ho, ths "ame to (e+ G$en the !ar#e!'
a#raran (ase o& %rodu"ton and the mnma!sm o& ear!' Khand"ra&t
t'%e #ood %rodu"ton* our "a%a"t' at that tme to ne#at$e!' a&&e"t the
en$ronment ,as nherent!' !mted+ We sm%!' dd not %ose as mu"h
o& a threat sn"e the $ast ed&"e o& ndustr' as ,e 7no, t toda' had
not e$o!$ed+
Ths de$e!o%ment re$ea!s that under the sur&a"e o& "a%ta!sm s
an o!d %ers%e"t$e* ,h"h s #ro,n# n"reasn#!' out o& date* ,th
e$er.o""urrn# re%er"ussons resu!tn# as our te"hno!o#"a! "a%a"t'
n"reases our a(!t' to a&&e"t the ,or!d+ A %ara!!e! ,ou!d (e the
nsttuton o& ,ar+ /om%ett$e $a!ues and ,ar&are ,ere a to!era(!e
rea!t' ,hen the dama#e done ,as !mted to %rmt$e mus7ets
"entures a#o+ Toda'* ,e ha$e nu"!ear ,ea%ons that "an destro'
So* ta7n# an e$o!utonar' $e,* "a%ta!sm has (een a
%ra"t"e and $a!ue orentaton that dd he!% %ro#ress n "ertan ,a's*
(ut a!! trend e$den"e no, sho,s that the nherent mmaturt' o& the
s'stem ,!! !ead to e$er n"reasn# %ro(!ems & t %erssts+
The 32ar#etiAation4 of (ife0
As a &na! %ont o& ths essa'* the trend o& the e$er.n"reasn#
mar#eti%ation of life has "reated a dee% dstorton o& $a!ues n the
DFF A!(ert Ensten ,as )uoted as sa'n#* TI 7no, not ,th ,hat ,ea%ons Wor!d
War III ,!! (e &ou#ht* (ut Wor!d War IV ,!! (e &ou#ht ,th st"7s and
stones+T 8The "ew 5uotable Einstein, A!"e /a!a%r"e* Arn"eton Un$erst'
Aress+ 455H %+2FD;
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
,or!d+ Sn"e K&reedom has (een "u!tura!!' asso"ated ,th
Kdemo"ra"' and demo"ra"' n the e"onom" sense has (een
asso"ated ,th the a(!t' to (u' and se!!* the commodification o& 0ust
a(out e$er'thn# one "an thn7 o& has (een o""urrn#+
Tradtona! $a!ues and rhetor" o& %ror #eneratons ha$e o&ten
$e,ed the use o& mone' n some ,a's as somethn# o& a K"o!d
ne"esst'* ,th some e!ements o& our !$es "onsdered Ksa"red and not
&or sa!e+ The a"t o& %rosttuton* &or e-am%!e* n ,h"h %eo%!e se!!
ntma"' &or mone' s a stuaton ,here "u!tura! $a!ues usua!!' &nd
a!enaton+ In most "ountres the a"t s !!e#a!* e$en thou#h there s
!tt!e !e#a! 0ust&"aton sn"e se-ua! en#a#ement tse!& s !e#a!+ It s on!'
,hen the e!ement o& %ur"hase "omes nto %!a'* s t deemed
Ho,e$er* su"h san"ttes that ha$e (een "u!tura!!' %er%etuated
are (e"omn# n"reasn#!' o$erturned (' the mar7et mndset+ Toda'*
,hether !e#a! or not* near!' an'thn# "an (e (ou#ht or so!d+
:ou "an
(u' the r#ht to ('%ass "ar(on emssons re#u!atons*
'ou "an
u%#rade 'our %rson "e!! &or a &ee*
(u' the r#ht to hunt endan#ered
and e$en (u' 'our ,a' nto a %rest#ous un$erst' ,thout
meetn# testn# re)urements+
It (e"omes a stran#e state ,hen some o& the most norma!*
natura! a"ts o& human !&e (e"ome n"ent$1ed (' mone' as ,e!!* su"h
as ho, t s (en# used to en"oura#e "h!dren to read*
or en"oura#e
,e#ht !oss+
As'"ho!o#"a!!'* ,hat does t mean &or a "h!d ,hen the'
are ren&or"ed ,th mone' &or ther most (as" a"tonsR Ho, ,!! ths
a&&e"t ther &uture sense o& re,ardR These are m%ortant )uestons n a
world for sale, ,th the #udn# $a!ue %rn"%!e that t s on!' ,hen one
ma#es money &rom an a"ton* s that a"ton ,orth don#+
Su"h mar#et values a%%ear as a "!ear so"a! dstorton as the
$er' essen"e o& human ntat$e and e-sten"e s (en# trans&ormed+
Wh!e ,e m#ht not ta7e mu"h e-treme "on"ern o$er seemn#!' tr$a!
ssues su"h as the &a"t one "an %ur"hase a""ess to the "ar%oo! !ane
,h!e dr$n# so!o*
the !ar#er man&estaton o& a "u!ture (u!t on the
DFG Re&eren"e< 7hat Money an0t /uy3 The Moral +imits of Mar#ets* M"hae! 3+
Sande!* Farrar* Straus and Grou-* 4524
DFE Re&eren"e< Data "an (e $e,ed on!ne ,th res%e"t to the EU at
DG5 Sour"e< KFor bG4 a Da'* 9oo7n# a /e!! n a H.Star 3a!* "ew 6or# Times,
A%r! 4E* 455F
DG2 Sour"e< KSa$n# the Rhno Throu#h Sa"r&"e* 9rendan 9orre!!* /loomberg
/usinesswee#* De"em(er E* 4525
DG4 Sour"e< KAt Man' /o!!e#es* the R"h Cds Get A&&rmat$e A"ton< See7n#
Donors* Dane! Go!den* 7all Street* &ournal* Fe(ruar' 45* 455D
DGD Sour"e< KIs /ash the Ans,er* Amanda R%!e'* Time, A%r! 2E* 4525* %%+66.
DG6 Sour"e< KAa'n# %eo%!e to !ose ,e#ht and sto% smo7n#* Ce$n G+ Vo!%%*
!ssue /rief* L+D+ Insttute o& Hea!th E"onom"s* Un$erst' o& Aenns'!$ana*
$o!+ 26* 455E
DGH Sour"e< KAa'n# &or VIA Treatment n a Tra&&" 3am* 7all Street &ournal*
3une 42 455F
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
ed&"e o& e$er'thn# (en# &or sa!e* s the dehumani%ation o& so"et' as
e$er'one and e$er'thn# s redu"e to a mere "ommodt' &or e-%!ot+
Toda'* as sho"7n# as t s* there are a"tua!!' more slaves n the
,or!d than anytime in human history+ Human tra&&"7n# has and
"ontnues to (e a mass$e ndustr' &or %ro&t* se!!n# men* ,omen and
"h!dren nto $arous ro!es+
The US De%artment o& State has %u(!shed KIt s estmated that
as man' as 4F m!!on men* ,omen* and "h!dren around the ,or!d are
$"tms o& ,hat s no, o&ten des"r(ed ,th the um(re!!a term Khuman
tra&&"7n#+ The ,or7 that remans n "om(atn# ths "rme s the ,or7
o& &u!&!!n# the %romse o& &reedom^&reedom &rom s!a$er' &or those
e-%!oted and the &reedom &or sur$$ors to "arr' on ,th ther !$es+
In the end* ,h!e most %eo%!e ,ho (e!e$e n the &ree mar7et
"a%ta!st s'stem ,ou!d eth"a!!' stand n outra#e at these $ast human
a(uses o""urrn# n the ,or!d* usua!!' ma7n# dstn"tons (et,een
Kmora! and Kamora! &orms o& trade* the &a"t o& the matter s that the
"ommod&"aton "on"e%t tse!& "an dra, no o(0e"t$e !nes and su"h
Ke-treme rea!tes are* n truth* sm%!' a matter of degree ,th
res%e"t to a%%!"aton+ From a %ure!' %h!oso%h"a! stand%ont* there s
no te"hn"a! d&&eren"e (et,een an' &orm o& mar7et e-%!otaton+ The
%s'"ho!o#' nherent J the value system disorder J has and ,!!
"ontnue to %er%etuate a %redator' dsre#ard ,thn the "u!ture and t
s on!' ,hen that structural mechanism s remo$ed &rom our $er'
a%%roa"h to so"eta! or#an1aton* ,!! the a&orementoned ssues &nd
DGI Sour"e< Traffic#ing in Persons 'eport BC,B* US De%artment o& State
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Man s the on!' Aatrot+ He sets hmse!& a%art n hs o,n "ountr'* under hs o,n
&!a#* and sneers at the other natons* and 7ee%s mu!ttudnous un&ormed
assassns on hand at hea$' e-%ense to #ra( s!"es o& other %eo%!e?s "ountres*
and 7ee% them &rom #ra((n# s!"es o& hs+ And n the nter$a!s (et,een
"am%a#ns he ,ashes the (!ood o& hs hands and ,or7s &or Tthe un$ersa!
(rotherhood o& manT. ,th hs mouth+
. Mar7 T,an
Human "on&!"t has (een a "onsstent "hara"terst" o& so"et' sn"e the
(e#nnn# o& re"orded hstor'+ Wh!e 0ust&"atons o& ths ha$e ran#ed
&rom assum%tons o& mmuta(!e human %ro%enstes to,ards
a##resson and terrtora!t'* to the re!#ous noton o& %o!ar1ed
meta%h's"a! %o,ers at ,or7* su"h as &or"es o& K#ood and Ke$!*
hstor' has re$ea!ed that "ases o& "on&!"t #enera!!' ha$e a ratona!
"orre!aton to environmental circumstances andMor cultural conditions+
From the mmedate* &ear&u! stress rea"ton o& our K&#ht or &!#ht
to the "a!m* "a!"u!ated %!annn# o& strate#" natona!
,ar&are* there s a!,a's a reason &or su"h "on&!"t and the #enera!
%u(!"?s nterest to redu"e "on&!"t natura!!' re)ures ,e &u!!' assess
"ausa!t' as dee%!' as ,e "an to "onsder tan#(!e so!utons+
Ths essa' ,!! e-amne t,o #enera! "ate#ores o& K,ar&are<
Km%era! ,ar&are and K"!ass ,ar&are+ Wh!e %erha%s seemn#!'
d&&erent* t ,!! (e ar#ued that the root %s'"ho!o#"a! me"hansms o&
these t,o "ate#or1atons are (as"a!!' the same* a!on# ,th ho, some
o& the a"tua! me"hansms o& K(att!e are a"tua!!' mu"h more e!us$e or
"o$ert than man' re"o#n1e+ O$era!!* the "entra! thess s that the
sour"e o& these seemn#!' mmuta(!e rea!tes resdes ,thn the
socioeconomic premise tse!& . n the "onte-t o& a "ertan ren&or"ed
%s'"ho!o#' and hen"e so"o!o#"a! s"hemata . not r#d determnatons
n our #enes or !a"7 o& some mora! a%ttude+
Aut another ,a'* these %resent rea!tes are not &ue!ed ('
deo!o#"a!!' so!ated #rou%s su"h as* &or e-am%!e* a ro#ue "ountr'Ns
#o$ernment or some e-"e%tona!!' K#reed' (usness menta!t' J (ut
rather (' the most &undamenta!* under!'n# $a!ues nherent to $rtua!!'
e$er'one?s !$es n the "urrent so"oe"onom" "ondton ,e %er%etuate
as "u!tura!!' Knorma!+ The on!' d&&eren"e s the degree to ,h"h these
$a!ues are harnessed and &or ,hat %ur%ose+
DGF Sour"e< KMan?s %!a"e n the anma! ,or!d* 7hat is ManD 4nd other
!rreverent Essays* Mar7 T,an* 2GEI* %+2HF
DGG KThe &#ht.or.&!#ht res%onse 8or the a"ute stress res%onse; ,as &rst
des"r(ed (' Amer"an %h'so!o#st Wa!ter 9rad&ord /annon+ Hs theor'
states that anma!s rea"t to threats ,th a #enera! ds"har#e o& the
s'm%athet" ner$ous s'stem* %rmn# the anma! &or &#htn# or &!een#+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
$m,erial War% Rise of the State
The Neo!th" Re$o!uton some 24*555 'ears a#o
mar7ed a %$ota!
turnn# %ont &or human so"et' as t transtoned us &rom a!most
e-"!us$e!' K!$n# o&& the !and . !mted to the ha(tat?s natura!
re#eneraton J to an a""e!eratn# trend o& en$ronmenta! "ontro! and
resour"e man%u!aton+ The de$e!o%ment o& a#r"u!ture and the
"reaton o& !a(or.easn# too!s ,as the (e#nnn# o& ,hat "an (e
o(ser$ed toda'* ,here the s%e"trum o& the human "a%a"t' to ut!1e
science &or the a!teraton o& the ,or!d &or our ad$anta#e a%%ears
$rtua!!' un!mted+
Ho,e$er* ths nta!!' s!o, te"hno!o#"a! ada%taton has set n
moton "ertan %atterns and "han#es ,h"h ha$e ar#ua(!' #enerated
man' o& the %ro(!ems ,e re"o#n1e as a!! too "ommon toda'+ An
e-am%!e ,ou!d (e ho, m(a!an"e throu#h re!at$e %o$ert' and
e"onom" strat&"aton has ta7en ho!d as an a%%arent "onse)uen"e o&
ths ne, "a%a"t'+ In the ,ords o& neuros"entst and anthro%o!o#st Dr+
Ro(ert Sa%o!s7'< KHunter.#atherers XhadY thousands o& ,!d sour"es o&
&ood to su(sst on+ A#r"u!ture "han#ed a!! that* #eneratn# an
o$er,he!mn# re!an"e on a &e, do1en &ood sour"es+++A#r"u!ture
a!!o,ed &or the sto"7%!n# o& sur%!us resour"es and thus* ne$ta(!'*
the une)ua! sto"7%!n# o& them* strat&"aton o& so"et' and the
n$enton o& "!asses+ Thus t has a!!o,ed &or the n$enton o&
L7e,se* the rather nomad" !&est'!e o& the hunter.#atherer
s!o,!' (e"ame re%!a"ed ,th sett!ed* %rote"tonst tr(es and then
e$entua!!' !o"a!1ed "t'.t'%e so"etes+ In the ,ords o& R"hard A+
Ga(re! n the ,or7 4 Short >istory of 7ar< KThe n$enton and s%read
o& a#r"u!ture "ou%!ed ,th the domest"aton o& anma!s n the &&th
m!!ennum 9+/+ are a"7no,!ed#ed as the de$e!o%ments that set the
sta#e &or the emer#en"e o& the &rst !ar#e.s"a!e* "om%!e- ur(an
so"etes+ These so"etes* ,h"h a%%eared a!most smu!taneous!'
around 6555 9+/+ n (oth E#'%t and Meso%otama* used stone too!s*
(ut ,thn H55 'ears stone too!s and ,ea%ons #a$e ,a' to (ron1e+
Wth (ron1e manu&a"ture "ame a re$o!uton n ,ar&are+
Ths s a!so the %erod that the "on"e%t o& the Kstate as ,e
7no, t and the %ermanen"e o& the Karmed &or"e emer#ed+ Ga(re!
DGE Sometmes a!so "a!!ed the A#r"u!tura! Re$o!uton* t ,as the ,or!d?s &rst
hstor"a!!' $er&a(!e re$o!uton n a#r"u!ture+ It ,as the ,de.s"a!e
transton o& man' human "u!tures &rom a !&est'!e o& huntn# and #athern#
to one o& a#r"u!ture and sett!ement that su%%orted an n"reasn#!' !ar#e
%o%u!aton and the (ass &or modern so"a! %atterns toda'+
DE5 Re&eren"e< Exponentially 4ccelerating !nformation Technologies ould Put
an End to orporations
DE2 Sour"e< 7hy Zebras =on0t ?et 9lcers* Ro(ert Sa%o!s7'* W+ H+ Freeman*
DE4 Sour"e< 4 Short >istory of 7ar3 The Evolution of 7arfare and 7eapons*
R"hard A Ga(re!* Strate#" Studes Insttute* U+S+ Arm' War /o!!e#e*
/ha%ter 2* 2EE4
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
"ontnues< KThese ear!' so"etes %rodu"ed the &rst e-am%!es o& state.
#o$ernn# nsttutons* nta!!' as "entra!1ed "he&doms and !ater as
monar"hes+++At the same tme* "entra!1aton demanded the "reaton
o& an admnstrat$e stru"ture "a%a(!e o& dre"tn# so"a! a"t$t' and
resour"es to,ard "ommuna! #oa!s+++The de$e!o%ment o& "entra! state
nsttutons and a su%%ortn# admnstrat$e a%%aratus ne$ta(!' #a$e
&orm and sta(!t' to m!tar' stru"tures+ The resu!t ,as the e-%anson
and sta(!1aton o& the &ormer!' !oose and unsta(!e ,arror "astes+++9'
4F55 9+/+ n Sumer there ,as a &u!!' art"u!ated m!tar' stru"ture and
standn# arm' or#an1ed a!on# modern !nes+ The standn# arm'
emer#ed as a %ermanent %art o& the so"a! stru"ture and ,as endo,ed
,th stron# "!ams to so"a! !e#tma"'+ And t has (een ,th us e$er
$m,erial War% $llusions
KIm%era!sm s de&ned as< Kthe %o!"'* %ra"t"e* or ad$o"a"' o&
e-tendn# the %o,er and domnon o& a naton es%e"a!!' (' dre"t
terrtora! a")ustons or (' #ann# ndre"t "ontro! o$er the %o!t"a! or
e"onom" !&e o& other areas+
Wh!e tradtona! "u!ture m#ht #enera!!' thn7 o& m%era! ,ar
as a $araton o& ,ar n #enera!* assumn# other &orms o& armed*
natona! "on&!"t* t s ar#ued here that the root (ass o& all natona!
,ars are a"tua!!' m%era! n nature+ The !tera!!' thousands o& ,ars n
re"orded human hstor' ha$e had to do most!' ,th the a")uston o&
resour"es or terrtor'* ,here one #rou% s ether ,or7n# to e-%and ts
%o,er and matera! ,ea!th* or ,or7n# to %rote"t tse!& &rom others
tr'n# to "on)uer and a(sor( ther %o,er and ,ea!th+
E$en man' hstor"a! "on&!"ts* ,h"h on the sur&a"e a%%ear to
(e &or the %ur%oses o& %ure deo!o#'* are o&ten a"tua!!' hdden m%era!
e"onom" mo$es+ The /hrstan /rusades o& the 22
"entur'* &or
e-am%!e* are o&ten de&ned as str"t!' re!#ous "on&!"ts or e-%ressons
o& deo!o#"a! &er$or+ :et* a dee%er n$est#aton re$ea!s a %o,er&u!
undertone o& trade e-%anson and resour"e a")uston* under the
#use o& the Kre!#ous ,ar+
Ths s not to sa' that re!#ons ha$e not
(een a sour"e o& tremendous "on&!"t hstor"a!!'* (ut to sho, that
there s o&ten an o$ersm%!&"aton &ound n man' hstor"a! te-ts* ,th
the e"onom" re!e$an"e o&ten mssed or #nored+ Re#ard!ess* the
noton o& the Kmora! "rusade as a &orm o& cover &or natona!* e"onom"
m%era!sm "ontnues to ths da'+

DED I(d+
DE6 Sour"e< Merram.We(ster+"om 8htt%<MM,,,+merram.
DEH Re&eren"e< Economic =evelopment of the "orth 4tlantic ommunity,
Dud!e' D!!ard* Arent"e.Ha!!* Ne, 3erse'* 2EIF* %%+D.2FG+
DEI The use o& re!#on to #enerate %o!t"a! su%%ort &or m%era! a"ts o& ,ar s
)ute "ommon hstor"a!!'+ E$en n the Unted States toda'* %o!t"ans* ,th
res%e"t to re"ent m!tar' a"tons* ha$e "onsstent!' made a #enera!
undertone o& re!#ous ,ar or o& a"tn# on the (eha!& o& KGod+ Is!am" and
3e,sh states a%%ear to do the same thn#* a!on# ,th states+ The Israe!.
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
In &a"t* there s a dee%!' coercive tenden"' ,tnessed
throu#hout hstor' ,hen t "omes to #ann# %u(!" su%%ort &or the a"t
o& natona! ,ar&are+ For nstan"e* a "ursor' re$e, o& hstor' ,!! &nd
that a!! Ko&&ens$e a"ts o& ,ar* meann# ,ar initiated (' a #$en %o,er
&or ,hate$er reason 8not a res%onse to dre"t n$ason;* or#nate &rom
the "onsttuents and asso"ates o& the governmental body . not the
"t1enr'+ Wars tend to (e#n ,th some 7nd o& announ"ed su##eston
emanatn# &rom state %o,erU then &ue!ed (' the corporate$state
su%%orted medaU
,th the "t1enr' s!o,!' #roomed to a%%re"ate
the su##eston+ It a!so he!%s the state a #reat dea! & there s some
&orm o& emotona!!' str7n# %ro$o"aton as ,e!!* ,h"h "an (e
man%u!ated to &urther 0ust&' the ntended ,ar+
Su"h ta"t"s &or the man%u!aton o& a "t1enr' "an ta7e man'
Aa!estnan "on&!"t* &or e-am%!e* ,h"h s #enera!!' a"7no,!ed#ed as a
dee%!' re!#ous "on&!"t &or Kho!' terrtor'* re$ea!s* u%on "!oser ns%e"ton*
that re!#on* ,h!e %erha%s a rea! &a"tor n the %u(!" mnd o$era!!* s
a"tua!!' not the root o& the "on&!"t+ The rea! root a%%ears to (e e!te
m%era!sm and resour"e a")uston n #enera!* ,th re!#on used as means
to &oster and mantan %u(!" su%%ort+ Re&eren"e<
DEF State supported media s "ommon!' de&ned as meda %rodu"ed (' dre"t
&undn# &rom a "ountr'?s #o$ernment+ Wh!e ths s st!! "ommon n the ,or!d
and o&ten su(0e"t to state %ro%a#anda* n the Unted States* a sm!ar 'et
more o(s"ure &orm has emer#ed . somethn# ,e "ou!d "a!! corporate$state
supported media+ /or%orate statsm s a &orm o& T"or%oratsmT ,hose
adherents ho!d that the "or%orate #rou% s the (ass o& so"et' and the
state+ The %oet" tradton o& the T&ree %ressT n the US* (en# ,thout
Tre#u!atonT or Tnter&eren"eT* s a !on#.standn# $a!ue and assum%ton+ :et*
,hen ,e &a"tor n the rea!t' o& the n"reasn# "on"entraton o& ma0or meda
out!ets* su"h as the &a"t that as o& 4524 s- "or%oratons "ontro! E5> o&
themc . "ou%!ed ,th the (as" understandn# that there s !tt!e to no
se%araton (et,een the #o$ernment and ts "or%oratons (' de&au!t n the
/a%ta!st rooted so"oe"onom" mode! (et,een the #o$ernment and ts
"or%oratons . t s d&&"u!t to de&end the dea that the most domnant ne,s
out!ets e-st ,thout deo!o#"a! n&!uen"e to,ards %reser$n# the status )uo
sn"e the' are so (ound u% ,th t+ Wth res%e"t to the ntaton o& ,ar* a
statst"a! re$e, o& hstor"a! meda &or the %ast 255 'ears ,!! sho, a dee%
su%%ort (' a!! ma0or ne,s out!ets to,ards the #o$ernment?s nterests+
cSour"e< 8htt%<MM,,,+(usnessnsder+"omMthese.I."or%oratons."ontro!.E5.
DEG Former US Natona! Se"urt' Ad$sor Z(#ne, 9r1e1ns7 understood ths
,e!!* and stated n hs &amous ,or7 The ?rand hessboard3 4merican
Primacy 4nd !ts ?eostrategic !mperatives< TThe atttude o& the Amer"an
%u(!" to,ard the e-terna! %ro0e"ton o& Amer"an %o,er has (een mu"h
more am($a!ent+ The %u(!" su%%orted Amer"a?s en#a#ement n Wor!d War
II !ar#e!' (e"ause o& the sho"7 e&&e"t o& the 3a%anese atta"7 on Aear!
Har(or+ 89as" 9oo7s Au(!shn#* 2EEG* %%+46.4H; K+++as Amer"a (e"omes an
n"reasn#!' mu!t."u!tura! so"et'* t ma' &nd t more d&&"u!t to &ashon a
"onsensus on &ore#n %o!"' ssues* e-"e%t n the "r"umstan"e o& a tru!'
mass$e and ,de!' %er"e$ed dre"t e-terna! threat+T89as" 9oo7s
Au(!shn#* 2EEG* %+422;
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
&orms+ The use o& &ear* honor 8re$en#e;* %atrot" %aterna!sm*
mora!t'* and the K"ommon de&ense are !7e!' the most "ommon
%!o's+ In &a"t* n$ara(!' a!! a"ts o& ,ar are 0ust&ed as Kde&ens$e n
the %u(!" s%here* e$en & there s no ratona!* tan#(!e %u(!" threat to
(e &ound+ :et* there s* ndeed* a "ore truth to ths noton o&
Kde&ens$e ,ar*
sn"e a"ts o& m%era! mo(!1aton are (ased on a
$er' rea!* 'et o(s"ure &orm o& e"onom" andMor %o!t"a! &ear J the &ear
o& losing control or power+ In other ,ords* ,h!e there ma' not (e a
dre"t* mmedate threat to a #$en* aggressor naton J the !on# term
"om%ett$e need to "ontnua!!' re$secure ts e-stn# %o,er &rom
%oss(!e future !oss s a $er' rea! and &ounded &ear+ So* n e&&e"t* ths
Kde&ense s that o& e!tst* u%%er."!ass se!&.%reser$aton and hen"e
usua!!' morally unEustifiable to the %u(!" n ts true termsU hen"e
these %!o's are used nstead to #an %u(!" a%%ro$a!+

E"onomst and so"o!o#st Thorsten Ve(!en* n hs &amous
2E2F ,or7 4n !n)uiry !nto The "ature <f Peace 4nd The Terms <f !ts
Perpetuation ,rote the &o!!o,n# on the su(0e"t o& %u(!" %ersuason<
KAn' ,ar!7e enter%rse that s ho%e&u! to (e entered on must ha$e the
mora! san"ton o& the "ommunt' or o& an e&&e"t$e ma0ort' n the
"ommunt'+ It "onse)uent!' (e"omes the &rst "on"ern o& the ,ar!7e
statesman to %ut ths mora! &or"e n tran &or the ad$enture on ,h"h
he s (ent+ And there are t,o man !nes o& mot$aton+++the
%reser$aton or &urtheran"e o& the "ommunt'?s matera! nterest* rea!
or &an"ed . and $nd"aton o& the natona! honor+ To these shou!d
%erha%s (e added a thrd* the ad$an"ement and %er%etuaton o& the
natons culture+
DEE The term %aterna!sm s de&ned as< Ka s'stem under ,h"h an authort'
underta7es to su%%!' needs or re#u!ate "ondu"t o& those under ts "ontro!+
8htt%<MM,,,+merram.,e(ster+"omMd"tonar'M%aterna!sm; The term
K%atrot" %aterna!sm denotes the assum%ton that a so$ere#n naton
7no,s (etter than another and hen"e t ,or7s to n&!uen"e and ta7e "ontro!
o& the naton &or the su%%osed (ene&t o& ts %eo%!e+
655 In the modern da'* the term K%reem%t$e ,ar s "ommon!' used to 0ust&'
an a"t o& a##resson (' the "!am t s a de&ens$e mo$e to th,art a !oomn#
atta"7 o& some 7nd (' the tar#et+
652 Former US Natona! Se"urt' Ad$sor Z(#ne, 9r1e1ns7 e-%resses ths
K%aterna!st" de&ense "!ear!' n hs ,or7 The ?rand hessboard3 4merican
Primacy 4nd !ts ?eostrategic !mperatives* He states ,th res%e"t to the
need &or Amer"a to essenta!!' reman n "ontro! o& the ,or!d< TAmer"a s
no, the on!' #!o(a! su%er%o,er* and Eurasa s the #!o(e?s "entra! arena+
Hen"e* ,hat ha%%ens to the dstr(uton o& %o,er on the Eurasan "ontnent
,!! (e o& de"s$e m%ortan"e to Amer"a?s #!o(a! %rma"' and to Amer"a?s
hstor"a! !e#a"'+T 89as" 9oo7s Au(!shn#* 2EEG* %+2E6; TTo %ut t n a
termno!o#' that har7ens (a"7 to the more (ruta! a#e o& an"ent em%res*
the three #rand m%erat$es o& m%era! #eostrate#' are to %re$ent "o!!uson
and mantan se"urt' de%enden"e amon# the $assa!s* to 7ee% tr(utares
%!ant and %rote"ted* and to 7ee% the (ar(arans &rom "omn# to#ether+T
8I(d+* %+65; THen"e&orth* the Unted States ma' ha$e to determne ho, to
"o%e ,th re#ona! "oa!tons that see7 to %ush Amer"a out o& Eurasa*
there(' threatenn# Amer"a?s status as a #!o(a! %o,er+T 8I(d* %+HH;
654 Sour"e< 4n !n)uiry !nto the "ature of Peace and the Terms of !ts
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Ths !ast %ont on the %er%etuaton o& the naton?s culture s
(est e-em%!&ed ,th the "ommon* modern Western m%era! "!ams o&
see7n# to s%read KFreedom and Demo"ra"'+ Ths "!am ta7es a
paternal %oston* %ostn# the dea that the "urrent %o!t"a! "!mate o&
a tar#eted naton s sm%!' too nhumane and nter$enton to Khe!% ts
"t1ens (e"omes a Kmora! o(!#aton o& the n$adn# %o,er+
Ve(!en /ontnues< KAn' Aatrotsm ,!! ser$e as ,a's and
means to ,ar!7e enter%rse under "om%etent mana#ement* e$en &
Xthe %eo%!e areY not ha(tua!!' %rone to a (e!!"ose tem%er+ R#ht!'
mana#ed* ordnar' %atrot" sentment ma' read!' (e mo(!1ed &or
,ar!7e ad$enture (' an' reasona(!' adrot and sn#!e.mnded (od' o&
statesmen . o& ,h"h there s a(undant !!ustraton+
K+++t s Xa!soY
)ute a sa&e #enera!1aton that ,hen host!tes ha$e on"e (een #ot
&ar!' under,a' (' the nterested statesman* the %atrot" sentment o&
the naton ma' "on&dent!' (e "ounted on to (a"7 the enter%rse*
rres%e"t$e o& the merts o& the )uarre!+
In Amer"a* the %hrase KI?m a#anst the ,ar (ut su%%ort the
s "ommon amon# those ,ho o%%ose a #$en "on&!"t (ut
,sh to (e $e,ed as st!! res%e"t&u! o& ther "ountr' n #enera!+ Ths
%hrase s un)ue as t s a"tua!!' rratona!+ To !o#"a!!' Ksu%%ort the
troo%s ,ou!d mean to su%%ort the role of being a Ktroo%* hen"e the
a"ts that are re)ured (' that ro!e+ The m%!"t #esture* o& "ourse* s
that one su%%orts the need &or ,ar and hen"e su%%orts the men and
,omen o& the armed &or"es ,ho assst that need+ :et* the statement
tse!& s &u!!' "ontrad"tor' and e-sts as a &orm o& Kdou(!ethn7*
to dsa#ree ,th the e-sten"e o& a "ertan ,ar s to ,ho!!' dsa#ree
,th a"tons o& those ,ho en#a#e t+ It s sm!ar to sa'n#* KI?m
a#anst "an"er 7!!n# %eo%!e (ut I su%%ort "an"er?s r#ht to !&e+
The armed &or"es ha$e hstor"a!!' (een he!d n h#h %u(!"
esteem (' a "t1enr' and the #o$ernment "ontnua!!' #!or&es ths to
the e-tent that the assum%ton o& Khonor ta7es on an rratona! !&e o&
ts o,n+ In &a"t* t s "om%ounded %s'"ho!o#"a!!' (' a (u!t.n
ceremonialism+ Honor s &orma!1ed throu#h a,ards* meda!s* %arades*
%ostures o& res%e"t and other adornments ,h"h m%ress the %u(!" as
to the su%%osed $a!ue o& the a"tons o& the so!ders and hen"e the
nsttuton o& ,ar+ Ths &urther ren&or"es the "u!tura! taboo ,here to
nsu!t an' e!ement o& the ,ar a%%aratus s seen as sho,n# dsres%e"t
&or the sa"r&"e o& the armed &or"es+
From the stand%ont o& true %rote"ton and %ro(!em reso!uton*
as ,ou!d (e the Khonora(!e "ase o& a &re&#hter ,ho sa$es a "h!d
&rom a (urnn# (u!dn#* ths admraton s ,arranted+ The se!&!ess*
Perpetuation* Thorsten Ve(!en* E"ho L(rar'* 2E2F %+2I
65D I(d+* %+F
656 I(d+* %+2I
65H Re&eren"e< an 6ou Support the Troops but "ot the 7arD Troops 'espond
65I KDou(!ethn7 a term "oned (' Geor#e Or,e!! ,h"h des"r(es the a"t o&
smu!taneous!' a""e%tn# t,o mutua!!' "ontrad"tor' (e!e&s as "orre"t+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
a!trust" %oston o& %uttn# one?s !&e at rs7 &or the (ene&t o& another
s natura!!' a no(!e a"t+ Ho,e$er* n the "onte-t o& hstor"a! ,ar&are*
the %ersona! a!trusm o& a so!der does not 0ust&' (road a"ts o&
natona!* m%era! a##resson* no matter ho, ,e!! ntentoned the
so!ders ma' (e+
Furthermore* ths &ear.orented power preservation (' the
esta(!shed #o$ernmenta! a%%aratus a!so natura!!' #enerates a Ksu(.
,ar a#anst the domest" "t1enr' tse!&* a!most a!,a's am%!&ed n
tmes o& ,ar+ Those ,ho "ha!!en#e or o%%ose a #$en natona! "on&!"t
ha$e hstor"a!!' (een met ,th dre"t o%%resson and* (' "u!tura!
e-tenson* %u(!" resentment+ The "ommon 'et am(#uous !e#a!
$o!atons o& Ktreason
and Ksedton
are hstor"a! e-am%!es o&
ths* a!on# ,th the %attern o& sus%endn# the r#hts o& "t1ens durn#
tmes o& ,ar* sometmes e$en n"!udn# &ree s%ee"h+
So"a!!'* the use o& K%atrotsm* as noted (e&ore* s a!so $er'
"ommon to the e&&e"t that those ,ho do not su%%ort a ,ar are o&ten
dsmssed as not su%%ortn# the natona! "t1enr' (' e-tenson*
"reatn# a!enaton+ More re"ent!'* those n o%%oston and %erha%s
en#a#n# n %rotest a"tons ha$e (een "onsdered Kterrorsts (' the
a %o,er&u! n"rmnaton ,th se$ere !e#a! "onse)uen"es &
deemed true (' the authortes+
Ho,e$er* ths Ksu(.,ar "an (e de"onstru"ted nto an e$en
dee%er me"hansm . ,hat "ou!d (e "a!!ed a 7nd o& social control n
su%%ort o& m%era! ntent+ In man' "ountres toda'* ether ('
o(!#aton &rom (rth
or (' %ersuason to !e#a!!' (ndn# "ontra"ts
the %ressure or mot$aton to 0on the m!tar' tse!& s manipulative on
man' !e$e!s+ Ad$ertsn# ta"t"s su"h as Kmone' &or "o!!e#e or
K%ersona! a""om%!shment are "ommon* ar#ua(!' tar#etn# the !o,er
65F KTreason s de&ned as< Kthe o&&ense o& attem%tn# (' o$ert a"ts to
o$erthro, the #o$ernment o& the state to ,h"h the o&&ender o,es
a!!e#an"e Sour"e< htt%<MM,,,+merram.,e(ster+"omMd"tonar'Mtreason
65G KSedton s de&ned as< Kn"tement o& resstan"e to or nsurre"ton a#anst
!a,&u! authort' Sour"e< htt%<MM,,,+merram.
65E From Wor!d War II?s 3a%anese.Amer"an Internment "am%s that m%rsoned
o$er 24F*555 US "t1ens* 8Sour"e< htt%<MM,,,+ushstor'+or#MusMH2e+as%; to
the sus%enson o& "$! !(ertes as su"h as Kha(eas "or%us* 8Sour"e<
htt%<MM,,,+sa!on+"omM455EM56M22M(a#ramVDM; to the %rose"uton &or mere
s%ee"h* 8Sour"e< htt%<MM,,,+hstor'+"omMths.da'.n.hstor'Mus."on#ress.
%asses.sedton.a"t; r#hts $o!atons durn# ,artme s an hstor"a!
625 A re"ent e-am%!e o& ths ,as the KO""u%' Mo$ement u%rsn# that ,as
!ater re$ea!ed to (e "onsdered a %oss(!e Kterrorst threat (' the F9I+
8Sour"e< htt%<MM,,,+0ust"eon!ne+or#M"ommentar'M&(.&!es.o,s+htm!;
622 Israe!* &or e-am%!e* en&or"es near &u!! "ons"r%ton o& ts "t1ens+ 8Sour"e<
624 Re&eren"e< KWh' Is Gettn# Out o& the U+S+ Arm' So Tou#hR* Tme* 4524
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
run#s o& the e"onom" herar"h'+
The Unted States s on re"ord &or
ha$n# at tmes s%ent (!!ons a 'ear 8b6+F (!!on n 455E; on #!o(a!
%u(!" re!atons n assst %u(!" ma#e and re"rutment+
$m,erial War% Source
When the tradtona!* %ro%a#and1ed !!usons n de&ense o& the a"t o&
or#an1ed human murder and resour"e the&t ha$e (een o$errdden*
dsmssn# su"h sha!!o, 0ust&"atons as %aterna! %atrotsm* honor and
%rote"tonsm* ,e &nd that ,ar toda' s a"tua!!' an nherent
"hara"terst" o& the %ro%erted* s"ar"t'.dr$en business s'stem+ It
,ou!d (e &a!se to sa' that ,ar s a %rodu"t o& "a%ta!sm n and o& tse!&
sn"e the %ra"t"e o& ,ar %redates "a%ta!sm e-tens$e!'+ Ho,e$er*
,hen ,e de"onstru"t the %remse tse!& ,e see that ,ar s* ndeed* a
"entra!* mmuta(!e &eature o& "a%ta!sm as t s sm%!' a more
so%hst"ated man&estaton o& these same* d$s$e* "om%ett$e*
ar"ha" $a!ues and %ra"t"es+
3ust as a "or%oraton "om%etes ,th other "or%oratons o& the
same #enre &or n"ome sur$$a!* n$ara(!' see7n# mono%o!' and
"arte! ,hen t "an* a!! #o$ernments on the %!anet are &undamenta!!'
%remsed on the same &orm o& sur$$a! (' e-tenson+ Usn# Amer"a as
a "ase stud'* n 4522 the "ountr' #aned a(out b4+D tr!!on n &edera!
n"ome ta- re$enues a!one+
These re$enues are m%ortant to the
o%eraton o& ,hat s* n e&&e"t* the business institution 7no,n as
KAmer"a* n the same ,a' the annua! earnn#s o& M"roso&t a&&e"t ts
a(!t' to &un"ton+ Amer"a s* n truth* a corporation n &un"ton and
&ormU ,th a!! the re#stered (usnesses e-stn# n ts domest" !e#a!
,e( to (e "onsdered subsidiaries o& ths parent nsttuton ,e
tradtona!!' "a!! the KUS #o$ernment+
There&ore* a!! a"tons o& the US #o$ernment* a!on# ,th a!!
"om%etn# #o$ernments n the ,or!d* must natura!!' 7ee% an a"ute
business acumen n o%eraton+ Ho,e$er* ,hat se%arates ths K%arent
"or%oraton 8Amer"a; &rom ts su(sdar' se"tors 8"or%oratons; s the
s"a!e o& ts "a%a"t' to %reser$e tse!& and 7ee% a "om%ett$e ed#e+ Its
ne"esst' to %reser$e the "ore dr$ers o& ts e"onom' s "ru"a! and a
"ursor' #!an"e at hstor' re#ardn# ho, the US ,as a(!e to #an and
mantan ts status o& a #!o(a! Kem%re* sho,s ths (usness a"umen
"!ear!'+ The man&estaton s rea!!' !tt!e d&&erent n %rn"%!e than ho,
a s%e"&" "or%oraton see7s to #an a "ommer"a! mono%o!'+ On!' n
ths "ase the dea! o& global monopoly 8em%re; s not restr"ted ('
!e#a! mandate as s "ommon!' "!amed (' the domest" !e#a! restrant
. t s &or"e&u!!' e-e"uted n the theater o& m%era! ,ar+
62D Re&eren"e< KM!tar' re"ruters tar#et so!ated* de%ressed areas* Seattle
Times* 455H
626 Sour"e< KAenta#on S%endn# 9!!ons on AR to S,a' Wor!d O%non* (ox
"ews, 4525 8htt%<MM,,,+&o-ne,s+"omM%o!t"sM455EM54M5HM%enta#on.
62H Sour"e< KFedera! Re$enues (' Sour"e* >eritage*com, 4524
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
In &a"t* nterestn#!' enou#h (ut not une-%e"ted!'* the $er' a"t
o& ths se!&.%reser$aton throu#h m!tar' m#ht ha$e itself (e"ome a
%o,er&u!!' !u"rat$e (usness $enture ,h"h o&ten m%ro$es the
e"onom" state o& the naton and hen"e %ro&ts to ts "or%orate
"onsttuents+ Toda'* ,e "an e-tend these e"onom" (ene&ts to the
mass$e m!tar' e-%endtures

a!on# ,th the re"onstru"ton o&
,ar.torn areas (' the "on)uern# states? "ommer"a! su(sdares*
the s!o, %roddn# o& a "ountr'?s nte#rt' throu#h trade tar&&s*
san"tons and de(t m%ostons &or the sa7e o& %o%u!aton su(0u#aton
&or the (ene&t o& trans"ontnenta! ndustres

and man' other
modern Ke"onom" ,ar "on$entons+
Ths %ont ,as !7e!' (est e-%ressed (' one o& Amer"a?s most
de"orated arm' o&&"ers o& the 45
"entur'< Ma0or Genera! Smed!e' D+
9ut!er ,as the author o& a &amous (oo7 re!eased a&ter Wor!d
War I tt!ed 7ar is a 'ac#et* and stated the &o!!o,n# ,th res%e"t to
the (usness o& ,ar< KWar s a ra"7et+ It a!,a's has (een+ It s %oss(!'
the o!dest* eas!' the most %ro&ta(!e* sure!' the most $"ous+ It s the
on!' one nternatona! n s"o%e+ It s the on!' one n ,h"h the %ro&ts
are re"7oned n do!!ars and the !osses n !$es+

He a!so ,rote n 2EDH< KI s%ent DD 'ears and &our months n
a"t$e m!tar' ser$"e and durn# that %erod I s%ent most o& m' tme
as a h#h "!ass mus"!e man &or 9# 9usness* &or Wa!! Street and the
(an7ers+ In short* I ,as a ra"7eteer* a #an#ster &or "a%ta!sm+ I
he!%ed ma7e Me-"o and es%e"a!!' Tam%"o sa&e &or Amer"an o!
nterests n 2E26+ I he!%ed ma7e Hat and /u(a a de"ent %!a"e &or the
Natona! /t' 9an7 (o's to "o!!e"t re$enues n+ I he!%ed n the ra%n# o&
ha!& a do1en /entra! Amer"an re%u(!"s &or the (ene&t o& Wa!! Street+ I
he!%ed %ur&' N"ara#ua &or the Internatona! 9an7n# House o& 9ro,n
9rothers n 2E54.2E24+ I (rou#ht !#ht to the Domn"an Re%u(!" &or
62I Re&eren"e< The BG Most Vicious !ra) 7ar Profiteers, 9usnessAundt+"om*
455G 8htt%<MM,,,+(usness%undt+"omMthe.4H.most.$"ous.ra).,ar.
62F Re&eren"e< Ten ompanies Profiting Most from 7ar, 46FWa!!St+"om* 4524
62G Re&eren"e< 4dvocates of 7ar "ow Profit (rom !ra)0s 'econstruction,
LATmes+"om* 4556 8htt%<MMart"!es+!atmes+"omM4556M0u!M26MnatonMna.
62E Re&eren"e< =eadly Sanctions 'egime3 Economic 7arfare against !ran,
G!o(a!Resear"h+"a* 4524 8htt%<MM,,,+#!o(a!resear"h+"aMdead!'.san"tons.
645 Re&eren"e< onfessions of an Economic >it Man3 >ow the 9*S* 9ses
?lobali%ation to heat Poor ountries <ut of Trillions, Demo"ra"'No,+or#*
642 Re&eren"e< /anana 7ars3 MaEor ?eneral Smedley /utler, A(out+"om
644 Sour"e< 7ar is a 'ac#et* Smed!e' D+ 9ut!er* W!!am H Hu&& Au(!shn#*
2EDH* /ha%ter 2* %+2
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
the Amer"an su#ar nterests n 2E2I+ I he!%ed ma7e Honduras r#ht
&or the Amer"an &rut "om%anes n 2E5D+ In /hna n 2E4F I he!%ed
see to t that Standard O! ,ent on ts ,a' unmo!ested+ Loo7n# (a"7
on t* I m#ht ha$e #$en A! /a%one a &e, hnts+ The (est he "ou!d do
,as to o%erate hs ra"7et n three dstr"ts+ I o%erated on three
3ohn A+ Ho(son?s 82GHG.2E65; monumenta! ,or7 !mperialism3
4 Study des"r(ed the tenden"' as a Kso"a! %arast" %ro"ess (' ,h"h
a mone'ed nterest ,thn the state* usur%n# the rens o& #o$ernment*
ma7es &or m%era! e-%anson n order to &asten e"onom" su"7ers nto
&ore#n (odes so as to dran them o& ther ,ea!th n order to su%%ort
domest" !u-ur'+
No,* man' ,ou!d thn7 a(out these a"ts o& a(use as a &orm o&
K"orru%ton (ut ths reasonn# s d&&"u!t to 0ust&' n the (road $e,+
The eth"a! and mora! ar#ument o& K&ar and Kun&ar has no "o#ent
nte#rt' within the s'stem &rame,or7 nherent to "a%ta!sm+ Ths s
one o& the un&ortunate &a!ures o& rea!1aton (' those ,ho are a"t$e n
the messa#e o& K,or!d %ea"e or Kant.,ar a"t$sm (ut 'et st!!
de&end the "om%ett$e mar7et mode!+ In other ,ords* K,or!d %ea"e
a%%ears sm%!' not a %oss(!t' ,thn the "urrent!' a""e%ted mode! o&
e"onom" %ra"t"e+
E$er' ste% o& the a%%!"aton o& #!o(a! "a%ta!sm* startn# &rom
ts Euro%ean n"e%ton* has (een asso"ated ,th $ast $o!en"e*
e-%!otaton and su(0u#aton+ Euro%ean "o!ona!sm*
the "a%ture o&
A&r"an Ks!a$es &or use and sa!e* the &or"ed su(0u#aton o& "ount!ess
"o!ona! %eo%!es* and the "reaton o& %r$!e#ed san"tuares o&
%ro&teern# and %o,er &or the man' #o$ernment."reated or
#o$ernment.%rote"ted (usnesses* on!' tou"hes the sur&a"e o& ts
nherent "hara"ter as a K,ar s'stem o& thou#ht+
Thorsten Ve(!en* a#an ,rtn# &rom 2E2F* ma7es the dre"t
"onne"ton to ,hat he "a!!ed the K%e"unar' or monetar' &oundaton
o& ,ar< KIt has a%%eared n the "ourse o& the ar#ument that the
%reser$aton o& the %resent %e"unar' !a, and order* ,th a!! ts
n"dent o& o,nersh% and n$estment* s n"om%at(!e ,th an
un,ar!7e state o& %ea"e and se"urt'+ Ths "urrent s"heme o&
n$estment* (usness* and XIndustra!Y sa(ota#e* shou!d ha$e an
a%%re"a(!' (etter "han"e o& sur$$a! n the !on# run & the %resent
"ondtons o& ,ar!7e %re%araton and natona! Knse"urt' ,ere
mantaned* or & the %ro0e"ted %ea"e ,ere !e&t n a some,hat
%ro(!emat" state* su&&"ent!' %re"arous to 7ee% natona! anmostes
KSo* & the %ro0e"tors o& ths %ea"e at !ar#e are n an' de#ree
64D Or#na!!' n ommon Sense* 2EDH+ Re%rodu"ed n Hans S"hmdt?s
Maveric# Marine3 ?eneral Smedley =* /utler and the ontradictions of
4merican Military >istory+ Un$erst' Aress o& Centu"7'* 2EEG %+4D2
646 Sour"e< !mperialism3 4 Study, 3+A+ Ho(son* Un$erst' o& M"h#an Aress*
Ann Ar(or* 2EIH* %+DIF
64H Re&eren"e< Western /o!ona!sm de&ned<
64I Sour"e< 4n !n)uiry !nto the "ature of Peace and the Terms of !ts
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
n"!ned to see7 "on"ess$e terms on ,hat the %ea"e m#ht ho%e&u!!'
(e made endurn#* t shou!d e$dent!' (e %art o& ther endea$ors &rom
the outset to %ut e$ents n tran &or the %resent a(atement and
e$entua! a(ro#aton o& the r#hts o& o,nersh% and o& the %r"e.s'stem
n ,h"h these r#hts ta7e e&&e"t+
Further e$den"e o& ths "onte-t "an (e &ound n the more
modern &orms o& indirect violence* These n"!ude Ke"onom" ,ar&are
a%%roa"hes* as mentoned (e&ore* ,h"h "an ser$e as "om%!ete a"ts o&
a##resson n and o& themse!$es* or as a %art o& a %ro"edura! %re!ude
to tradtona! m!tar' a"ton+ E-am%!es "ome n the &orm o& trade
tar&&s* san"tons* de(t (' "oer"on* and man' other !esser.7no,n*
"o$ert methods to ,ea7en a "ountr'+
G!o(a! &nan"a! nsttutons su"h as the Wor!d 9an7 and IMF
ha$e hea$' $ested state and hen"e (usness nterests (ehnd them
and the' ha$e the %o,er to a!!o"ate de(t to K(a!out su&&ern#
"ountres at the e-%ense o& the )ua!t' o& !&e o& ts "t1enr'* o&ten
ta7n# "har#e o& natura! resour"es or ndustres throu#h se!e"t
%r$at1aton or other manners ,h"h "an ,ea7en a "ountr'?s a(!t' to
the e&&e"t that t (e"omes re!ant on others* to the ad$anta#e o&
"ommer"a! outsders+
Ths s sm%!' a more "o$ert manner o& su(0u#aton than ,as
seen* sa'* ,th the 9rtsh Em%re?s m%era! e-%anson throu#h ts
KEast Inda /om%an' . the "ommer"a! &or"e that too7 ad$anta#e o&
the ne,!' "on)uered re#ona! resour"es and !a(or n Asa n the 2F
Ho,e$er* un!7e 9rtsh Em%re e-%anson* Amer"an em%re
e-%anson dd not #an ts status throu#h m!tar' a"ton a!one* e$en
thou#h su"h a %resen"e s st!! enormous #!o(a!!'+
Rather* the use o&
"om%!e- e"onom" strate#es that re%ostoned other "ountres nto
su(0u#aton to US e"onom" and #eo.e"onom" nterests ,as made
Perpetuation* Thorsten Ve(!en* 9+W+ Hu(s"h* 2E2F %%+DII.DIF
64F I(d+ %+DIF
64G Re&eren"e< <ur Economic 7arfare, (oreign4ffairs*com
64E As noted (' resear"h (' the STWR re#ardn# the Wor!d 9an7< KIn most o&
ts "!ent "ountres* t s $rtua!!' the on!' door,a' to a""ess nternatona!
trade* de$e!o%ment &nan"e and %r$ate n$estment "a%ta!+ It der$es ts
%o,er and %o!"' a#endas &rom ts ,ea!thest shareho!ders J #o$ernments
that "om%rse the G.F+++,ho routne!' use the 9an7 to se"ure !u"rat$e trade
and n$estment dea!s n de$e!o%n# "ountres &or ther res%e"t$e
transnatona! "or%oratons 8TN/s;+ Sour"e< !M(, 7orld /an# A Trade, STWR
6D5 Re&eren"e< East !ndia ompany, 9rtann"a+"om
6D2 As o& 4522* t has (een re%orted that the US m!tar' e-sts n o$er 2D5
"ountres* ,th an estmated E55 (ases+ Sour"e< 'on Paul says 9*S* has
military personnel in ,KC nations and FCC overseas bases, %o!t&a"t+"om*
4522 8htt%<MM,,,+%o!t&a"t+"omMtruth.o.
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Class War% $nherent Ps+cholog+
Mo$n# on to the K"!ass ,ar ths noton has (een noted n hstor"a!
!terature &or "entures (ased %art!' on assum%tons o& human nature*
%art!' on assum%tons o& a !a"7 o& "a%a"t' o& the Earth and %rodu"ton
means to meet e$er'one?s needs and %art!' on the more re!e$ant
a,areness that the s'stem o& mar7et "a%ta!sm ne$ta(!' guarantees
"!ass d$son and m(a!an"e due to ts nherent me"hansms* (oth
stru"tura!!' and %s'"ho!o#"a!!'+
Foundn# &ree mar7et e"onomst Da$d R"ardo?s statement
that KI& ,a#es shou!d rse+++then+++ %ro&ts ,ou!d ne"essar!' &a!!
s a
sm%!e a"7no,!ed#ment o& the stru"tura! assuran"e o& "!ass "on&!"t as
the wage re!ates to the !o,er K,or7n# "!ass and the profits the u%%er
K"a%ta!st "!ass and as one #ans* the other !oses+ L7e,se* e$en
Adam Smth n hs "anon"a! The 7ealth of "ations "!ear!' e-%resses
the nature o& %o,er %reser$aton on the (eha$ora! 8%s'"ho!o#"a!;
!e$e!* statn#< K/$! #o$ernment* so &ar as t s nsttuted &or the
se"urt' o& %ro%ert'* s n rea!t' nsttuted &or the de&ense o& the r"h
a#anst the %oor* or o& those ,ho ha$e some %ro%ert' a#anst those
,ho ha$e none at a!!+
Ho,e$er* the true use o& #o$ernment &or the %ur%oses o& the
u%%er or (usness "!ass seems to (e stu((orn!' #nored (' Smth*
R"ardo and e$en man' o& toda'?s e"onomsts* ,ho seem una(!e or
un,!!n# to ta7e nto a""ount %resent.da' e$ents+ E$en the most
"ommtted* !asse1.&are mar7et e"onomst st!! e-%resses the need &or
#o$ernment and ts !e#a! a%%aratus to e-st as somethn# o& a
Kre&eree to 7ee% the #ame K&ar+ Terms su"h a K"ron'."a%ta!sm are
o&ten used under the assum%ton that K"o!!uson (et,een a
#o$ernmenta! "onsttuen"' and the seemingly deta"hed "or%orate
nsttutons s o& an uneth"a! or K"rmna! nature+
:et a#an* as noted (e&ore* t s !!o#"a! to assume that the
nature o& #o$ernment s an'thn# e!se at ts "ore than a $eh"!e to
su%%ort the (usnesses that "om%rse the ,ea!th o& that "ountr'+ The
(usness a%%aratus rea!!' is the "ountr' n te"hn"a! &orm* re#ard!ess
o& the sur&a"e "!am that a Kdemo"rat" "ountr' s or#an1ed around
the nterests o& the "t1enr' tse!&+ In &a"t* t "an (e ,e!! ar#ued that
no #o$ernment n re"orded hstor' has e$er o&&ered ts "t1ens a
!e#tmate %!a"e n #o$ernan"e or !e#s!aton and ,thn the "onte-t o&
modern "a%ta!sm* ,h"h s st!! a man&estaton o& "entures o!d $a!ues
and assum%tons ,th a "!ear e!tsm n ntent* t s nterestn# ho, ths
m'th o& Kdemo"ra"' %er%etuates tse!& toda' n the ,a' that t does+
To &urther ths %ont* one o& the ar"hte"ts o& the US
6D4 Re&eren"e< 7hy the =eveloping 7orld >ates the 7orld /an#,
TheTe"hOn!ne* 4554 8htt%<MMte"h+mt+eduMV244MN22M"o!22%are7+22"+htm!;
6DD Sour"e< The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation* Da$d R"ardo*
2G42* Dent Edton* 2EI4*%+I6
6D6 Sour"e< 4n !n)uiry into the "ature and auses of the 7ealth of "ations,
Adam Smth* 2FFI* %ar+ V+2+4
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
/onsttuton o& the Unted States* 3ames Madson* e-%ressed hs
"on"ern $er' "!ear!' re#ardn# the need to o%%ress the %o!t"a! %o,er
o& those n the !o,er "!asses+ He stated< KIn En#!and* at ths da'* &
e!e"tons ,ere o%en to a!! "!asses o& %eo%!e* the %ro%ert' o& !anded
%ro%retors ,ou!d (e nse"ure+ An a#raran !a, ,ou!d soon ta7e %!a"e+
I& these o(ser$atons (e 0ust* our #o$ernment ou#ht to se"ure the
%ermanent nterests o& the "ountr' a#anst nno$aton+ Landho!ders
ou#ht to ha$e a share n the #o$ernment* to su%%ort these n$a!ua(!e
nterests* and to (a!an"e and "he"7 the other+ The' ou#ht to (e so
"onsttuted as to protect the minority of the opulent against the
maEority+ The senate* there&ore* ou#ht to (e ths (od'U and to ans,er
these %ur%oses* the' ou#ht to ha$e %ermanen"' and sta(!t'+

So* startn# ,th ths a,areness that the $er' %remse o&
#!o(a! Kdemo"ra"' s dee%!' nh(ted (' the "a%ta!st n"ent$e
s'stem to "om%ett$e!' mantan %o,er on the !e$e! o& the state to
assst the u%%er "!ass n %reser$n# %o!t"a! and* (' e-tenson*
&nan"a! %o,er* a "!earer %"ture o& ho, dee% ths "!ass ,ar runs s
o(taned+ L7e!' the most str7n# as%e"t o& ths s ho, su"h
me"hansms o& "!ass d$son e-st n our e$er' da' !$es (ut 'et #o
unseen sn"e the' are stru"tura!!' built in to the &nan"a!* %o!t"a! and
!e#a! a%%aratus tse!&+
Class War% Structural 2echanisms
In the modern da'* ,th 65 %er"ent o& the %!anet?s ,ea!th (en# o,ned
(' 2 %er"ent o& the ,or!d?s %o%u!aton*
,e &nd that (oth n terms o&
system structure and incentive psychology* %o,er&u! me"hansms e-st
to mantan and e$en a""e!erate ths #ross!' ds%ro%ortonate #!o(a!
,ea!th m(a!an"e+ Need!ess to sa'* #$en the &nan"a! (ass o&
e$er'thn# n the ,or!d toda'* ,th #reat ,ea!th "omes #reat power*
Hen"e* as des"r(ed %ror* ths %o,er ena(!es a more ro(ust strate#'
&or "om%ett$e #an and se!&.%reser$aton and "onse)uent!' t has
hen"e e-tended nto the $er' structure o& the so"a! s'stem tse!&*
assurn# that the u%%er "!ass has #reat ease n mantann# ther $ast
,ea!th se"urt'* ,h!e the !o,er "!asses &a"e enormous stru"tura!
(arrers to attann# an' (as" !e$e! o& &nan"a! se"urt'+
Some me"hansms o& ths "!ass ,ar oppression are &ar!'
o($ous+ For nstan"e* the de(ate o$er ta-aton* and ho, there has
(een an hstor"a! &a$orn# o& the "or%orate r"h o$er the ,or7n# %oor*
s one e-am%!e+
The ar#ument o& the esta(!shment usua!!' re$o!$es
around the dea that sn"e the r"h are a!so the Ko,nersh% "!ass and
6DH Sour"e< "otes of the Secret =ebates of the (ederal onvention of ,OIO,
Ro(ert :ates* A!ston M'#att* %+2GD
6DI Re&eren"e< <ne percent holds KF percent of global wealth, Ra,Stor'+"om*
4522 8htt%<MM,,,+ra,stor'+"omMrsM4522M5HMD2Mone.%er"ent.ho!ds.DE.
6DF Re&eren"e< Poor 4mericans Pay =ouble The State, +ocal Tax 'ates <f Top
<ne Percent, Hu&&n#tonAost+"om* 4524
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
are %art!' res%ons(!e &or the #eneraton o& #enera! em%!o'ment* the'
shou!d (e #$en more &nan"a! &reedom+
As an asde* t s eas' to
see that there s $er' !tt!e true mert n ths one.sded ar#ument sn"e
the &nan"a! o%%resson throu#h %u(!" ta-aton s a"tua!!' limiting the
%ur"hasn# %o,er o& the #enera! %u(!"* "reatn# an ar#ua(!' more
%o,er&u! m%edment to e"onom" #ro,th than the mere !mtn# o& the
"o&&ers o& the "or%orate Kem%!o'ers+
The on!' e-"e%ton to ths*
,h"h trans"ends the ar#ument o& the r"h as K0o( "reators* s the
ad$ent o& plutonomy* ,h"h ,!! (e addressed to,ards the end o& ths
/!ass &a$orn# ta-aton asde* &our other more "rt"a! stru"tura!
&a"tors ,!! (e ds"ussed< 8a; de(t* 8(; nterest* 8"; n&!aton and 8d;
n"ome ds%art'+
8a; De(t s a msunderstood so"a! %ra"t"e n that most assume de(t s
an option n so"et' toda'+ In rea!t'* the entre &nan"a! s'stem s (u!t
out o& de(t* )ute !tera!!'+ A!! mone' s (rou#ht nto e-sten"e throu#h
!oans n the modern e"onom'* "omn# &rom "entra! and "ommer"a!
(an7s ,ho essenta!!' "reate the mone' out o& demand tse!&+
(as" me"hansm o& monetar' "reaton s a %o,er&u! &or"e o& e"onom"
o%%resson+ Househo!d de(t toda' tends to "onsst o& "redt "ard !oans*
housn# !oans* "ar !oans and student 8edu"atona!; !oans+ Those n the
!o,er "!asses natura!!' ho!d h#her !e$e!s o& ths consumer de(t than
the u%%er "!ass sn"e the $er' nature o& (en# una(!e to %a' outr#ht
&or (as" so"a! sta%!es* su"h a "ar or home* &or"es the need &or (an7s
The resu!t s that the %ressure o& de(t s "onstant n the !$es
o& the $ast ma0ort'+


The #enera! ,a#e and n"ome rates (en#
,hat the' are on a$era#e* natura!!' as !o, as %oss(!e to assst ,th
the domnant "a%ta!st ethos o& "ost.e&&"en"' u%on ,h"h the entre
so"et' s en#neered* the ,a#e n"ome made (' the a$era#e
em%!o'ee tends to on!' (are!' meet the (as" !oan ser$"n#
re)urements ,h!e n "on"ert ,th meetn# (as"* e$er'da' sur$$a!
6DG Re&eren"e< =on0t Tax the &ob reators, /n("+"om* 4524
6DE Re&eren"e< Private =ebt 2ills the Economy, G!o(a!Resear"h+"a* 4524
665 For a &u!! treatment on the "reaton o& mone'* see< Modern Money
Mechanics* Federa! Reser$e 9an7 o& /h"a#o* 2EI2
662 Re&eren"e< 9*S* redit ard =ebt ?rows, (ewer 4mericans Ma#e Payments
<n Time, Hu&&n#tonAost+"om* 4524
664 Re&eren"e< =rowning !n Medical =ebtD (iling (or /an#ruptcy ould /e 6our
+ife 'aft, 9usnessInsder+"om* 4524
66D Re&eren"e< The =ebt That 7on0t ?o 4way, "n("+"om* 4525
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
needs+ Hen"e a &orm o& Krunnn# n %!a"e s "onstant and the
%oss(!t' o& so"a! mo(!t' u% the "!ass herar"h' s dee%!' m%eded*
!et a!one the d&&"u!t' o& sm%!' #ettn# out o& de(t tse!&+
8(; Interest< /ou%!ed ,th de(t s the %ro&t attr(ute asso"ated the
sa!e o& mone' tse!&+ Sn"e the /a%ta!st mar7et e"onom' su%%orts the
#enera! "ommod&"aton o& $rtua!!' e$er'thn#* t s no sur%rse that
mone' tse!& s so!d nto e-sten"e &or %ro&t and ths "omes n the &orm
o& interest+ Whether t s a "entra! (an7 "reatn# mone' n e-"han#e
&or #o$ernment se"urtes or a "ommer"a! (an7 ma7n# a mort#a#e
!oan to an a$era#e %erson* nterest &ees are a!most a!,a's atta"hed+
As mentoned n %re$ous essa's* ths "reates the "ondton
,here more de(t s #enerated than a"tua! mone' n "r"u!aton to
"o$er t+ When a !oan s made* on!' ,hat s termed the K%rn"%a! s
%rodu"ed+ The mone' su%%!' o& an' "ountr' "onssts o& ths %rn"%a! n
&orm* ,h"h s the a##re#ate $a!ue o& a!! !oans made 8mone' "reaton;+
The nterest &ee* on the other hand* s not n e-sten"e+ Ths means
that* on the so"a! !e$e!* a!! those ta7n# nterest (earn# !oans must
&nd mone' &rom the preexisting mone' su%%!' n order to "o$er t
,hen %a'n# the !oan (a"7+ In ths %ro"ess* sn"e a!! nterest %ad s
(en# %u!!ed &rom the %rn"%a!* t s a mathemat"a! e$entua!t' that
"ertan !oans sm%!' "annot (e re%ad+ There sm%!' sn?t enou#h
mone' n the s'stem at an' one tme+
The resu!t s an e$en more %o,er&u! do,n,ard "!ass %ressure
on those ho!dn# su"h (as"* "ommon !oans sn"e there s a!,a's ths
(as" scarcity n the mone' su%%!' tse!& and e$er'one ,or7n# to
ser$"e ther !oans ha$e to "ontend ,th the ne$ta(!e rea!t' that
someone s #on# to &a! to meet ther !oan re%a'ment n the !on# run+
9an7ru%t"' s a "ommon resu!t n those se#ments o& so"et' that #et
ths Kshort end o& the st"7+ E$en more trou(!n# s ho, the (an7n#
me"hansm rea"ts to those ,ho are una(!e to &u!&!! ther !oan
o(!#aton+ The !oan "ontra"t and !e#a! s'stem su%%ort the %o,er o&
(an7s* n most "ases* to Kre%ossess the %h's"a! %ro%ert' o& those
,ho "annot %a'+
666 Re&eren"e< The 4merican >ousehold !s =igging <ut of =ebt in the 7orst
Possible 7ay, TheAt!ant"+"om* 452D
66H A "ommon o(0e"ton to ths ana!'ss s the assum%ton that nterest income
s a!so out%ut nto the mone' su%%!' throu#h sa$n#s a""ounts* /+D+s and
other su"h n$estments+ Ho,e$er* ths assumes that that mone' s (en#
created durn# the tme o& %a'ment+ Ths s not true+ Interest n"ome
%a'ments are #enerated (' the e-stn# %ro&ts o& the &nan"a! nsttuton so
the assum%ton does not "han#e the e)uaton+ The nterest &ee re)ured &or
%a'ment sm%!' doesn?t e-st n the mone' su%%!'+
66I It s nterestn# to %ont out as an asde that (an7n# nsttutons (' ,h"h
!oans are o(taned &or a %ur"hase . su"h as a home J are a(!e to ta7e the
full %ro%ert' re#ard!ess o& the $a!ue %ad n %ror+ E$en & EE> o& the !oan s
%ad o&&* the' "an st!! ta7e 255> o& the %ro%ert' & the &na! %a'ments are
not made+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
I& ,e thn7 dee%!' a(out ths a(!t' to Kre%ossess* t s
ar#ua(!' an ndre"t &orm o& theft+ I& t s ne$ta(!e that some ,!!
su""um( to not meetn# ther !oan re%a'ment due to the nherent
s"ar"t' n the mone' su%%!'* ,th the %oss(!e resu!t o& the %h's"a!
%ro%ert' o(taned &rom that !oaned mone' (en# re%ossessed (' the
(an7 $a "ontra"tua! a#reements* then the (an7?s a")uston o& su"h
true* %h's"a! %ro%ert' s ne$ta(!e o$er tme+ Ths means the (an7s*
,h"h are a!,a's o,ned (' mem(ers o& the u%%er "!ass to (e sure* are
ta7n# houses* "ars and %ro%ert' o& the !o,er "!asses* sm%!' (e"ause
the mone' the' "reated out o& thn ar n the &orm o& a !oan s not
(en# returned to them+ Ths s* n essen"e* a "o$ert &orm o& %h's"a!
,ea!th trans&er &rom the !o,er to the u%%er "!ass+
Ho,e$er* returnn# to the su(0e"t o& nterest tse!&* su"h
rea!tes are o& !tt!e dre"t "on"ern to the u%%er "!ass+ G$en the ,ea!th
sur%!us nherent to ther &nan"a! status* "ou%!ed ,th the !a"7 o&
ne"esst' to e$en ta7e !oans most o& the tme due to ths sur%!us* the
s"ar"t' %ressure nherent to the mone' su%%!' due to nterest &ees
a!,a's &a!!s on the shou!ders o& the !o,er "!asses+ A!so* the ,ea!th'
are a"tua!!' &urther "!ass.%rote"ted as the %henomenon o& investment
income $a nterest earned &rom !ar#e sa$n#s a""ounts* "ert&"ates o&
de%ost and other means* turns ths $eh"!e o& so"a! o%%resson &or the
%oor nto a $eh"!e o& &nan"a! ad$anta#e &or the r"h+

8"; In&!aton s #enera!!' de&ned as KThe rate at ,h"h the #enera! !e$e!
o& %r"es &or #oods and ser$"es s rsn#* and* su(se)uent!'*
%ur"hasn# %o,er s &a!!n#+
Un&ortunate!' ths "ommon de&nton
#$es no ns#ht nto ts true "ausa!t'+ Wh!e there has (een de(ate as
to the true "auses o& n&!aton n d&&erent e"onom" s"hoo!s*
K[uantt' Theor' o& Mone'
has (een %ro$en as the most re!e$ant+
In short* ths theor' sm%!' re"o#n1es that the more mone' n
"r"u!aton* the more n&!aton or rsn# %r"es+ In other ,ords* a!!
thn#s (en# e)ua!* & ,e dou(!e the mone' su%%!'* %r"e !e$e!s ,!!
a!so dou(!e* et"+ The ne, mone' d!utes the $a!ue o& the e-stn#
mone' n a $araton o& the su%%!'.demand theor' o& $a!ue+
The "onse)uen"e o& ths s ,hat ,e "ou!d "a!! a Khdden ta-
on %eo%!e?s sa$n#s and &-ed n"ome rates+ For e-am%!e* !et us
assume the n&!aton rate s D+H> a 'ear+ I& 'ou ha$e bD5*555* n ten
'ears t ,!! on!' (u' a(out b42*555 ,orth o& #oods+
Wh!e ths
66F For e-am%!e* a %erson ,ho de%osts b2 m!!on nto a /+D+ at D> nterest
annua!!' ,!! #enerate bD5*555 a 'ear mere!' &or that de%ost a!one+ In
terms o& %er"enta#e* D> ma' not seem as that dramat"+ In terms o&
a(so!ute $a!ue* "om%ared to the n"ome o& the $ast ma0ort'* t s )ute
66G Sour"e< In$esto%eda+"om
66E Re&eren"e< Macroeconomics3 Theory and Policy* Ro(ert 3+ Gordon* Modern
theores o& n&!aton M"Gra,.H!!* 2EGG
6H5 K[uantt' Theor' o& Mone' de&ned sour"e<
6H2 D+H> annua! de%re"aton a&ter 25 'ears+ Or#na! $a!ue bD5*555 . :ear 2<
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
m#ht a%%ear to ha$e an e)ua! e&&e"t &or the ,ho!e o& so"et'* the
rea!t' s that t dee%!' a&&e"ts the %oor mu"h more than the r"h ,hen
t "omes to sur$$a!+ A %erson ,th D m!!on do!!ars n sa$n#s s not
mu"h hndered (' the D+H> !oss o& %ur"hasn# %o,er+ Ho,e$er* a
%erson ,th on!' bD5*555 n sa$n#s* ,or7n# to %erha%s %ut a do,n
%a'ment on a home n the &uture* s dee%!' a&&e"ted (' ths hdden
In the "onte-t o& structural classism, ,here &-ed attr(utes o&
the s'stem tse!& assst n the o%%resson o& the %oor and he!%n# o& the
r"h* the me"hansm o& ths hdden ta- n a!so mmuta(!' (u!t n+ The
nherent s"ar"t' n the mone' su%%!' &or"es ne, !oans "onstant!' n
the e"onom'+ /ou%!ed ,th that s the no, #!o(a!!' ut!1ed monetar'
e-%anson %ro"ess 7no,n as the fractional reserve lending s'stem+
/ontrar' to %o%u!ar (e!e&* most !oans are not #$en &rom a
(an7?s e-stn# de%osts+ The' are n$ented n rea! tme* !mted on!'
(' a set %er"enta#e o& ther e-stn# de%osts+
In short* due to ths
%ro"ess o$er tme* t s "urrent!' %oss(!e that &or e$er' b25*555
de%osted* a(out bE5*555 "an (e "reated &rom t throu#h the %ro"ess
o& on#on# !oans and de%osts a"ross the entre (an7n# s'stem+
pyramiding o& mone'* "ou%!ed ,th the nterest %ressure that "reates
s"ar"t' n the mone' su%%!'* re$ea!s that the s'stem s inherently
8d; In"ome d&&eren"es a"ross so"et' a!so ha$e (oth a %s'"ho!o#"a!
and stru"tura! "ausa!t'+ As'"ho!o#"a!!'* the' are dr$en* n %art* ('
the (as" %ro&t and "ost %reser$aton n"ent$e ne"essar' to reman
"om%ett$e and &un"tona! n the mar7et+ In man' ,a's ths n"ent$e
"ou!d (e "onsdered cognitively structural* as there s a (eha$ora!
thresho!d that a!! %!a'ers n the mar7et e"onom' must adhere ,hen t
"omes to sur$$a!+ In turn* ths nterest o& se!&.%reser$aton thou#h
"ost.e&&"en"' and ma-m1n# %ro&ts* ,h!e (as" to the "a%ta!st
b4G*EH5U :ear 4< b4F*EDFU :ear D< b4I*EI5U :ear 6< b4I*52FU :ear H<
b4H*25FU :ear I< b46*44EU :ear F< b4D*DG2U :ear G< 44*HIDU :ear E<
b42*FF6U :ear 25 b42*524
6H4 For a &u!! treatment on the Fra"tona! Reser$e Lendn#* see< Modern Money
Mechanics* Federa! Reser$e 9an7 o& /h"a#o* 2EI2
6HD To )uote Modern Money Mechanics, a te-t %rodu"ed (' the Federa! Reser$e
9an7 o& /h"a#o< KO& "ourse* the' Xthe (an7sY do not rea!!' %a' out !oans
&rom the mone' the' re"e$e as de%osts+ I& the' dd ths* no addtona!
mone' ,ou!d (e "reated+ What the' do ,hen the' ma7e !oans s to a""e%t
%romssor' notes n e-"han#e &or "redts to the (orro,ers? transa"ton
a""ounts+++Reser$es are un"han#ed (' the !oan transa"tons+ 9ut the de%ost
"redts "onsttute ne, addtons to the tota! de%osts o& the (an7n# s'stem
8Modern Money Mechanics* Federa! Reser$e 9an7 o& /h"a#o* 2EI2;
6H6 To )uote Modern Money Mechanics< KThe tota! amount o& e-%anson that
"an ta7e %!a"e+++/arred throu#h to theoret"a! !mts* the nta! b25*555 o&
reser$es dstr(uted ,thn the (an7n# s'stem #$es rse to an e-%anson o&
bE5*555 n (an7 "redt 8!oans and n$estments; and su%%orts a tota! o&
b255*555 n ne, de%osts under a 25 %er"ent reser$e re)urement+
8Modern Money Mechanics* Federa! Reser$e 9an7 o& /h"a#o* 2EI2;
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
#ame at ts "ore* sho,s a "!ear tenden"' to e-tend as an o$era!!
sur$$a! %h!oso%h' or human $a!ue s'stem n #enera!+
In other ,ords* so"a! $a!ues (e"ome a!tered (' ths e"onom"
need &or "onstant se!&.%reser$aton and $er' o&ten t man&ests tse!&
nto (eha$or ,h"h* n a(stra"ton* m#ht (e "ondemned as
Ke-"ess$e* Kse!&sh or K#reed' . ,hen* n &a"t* su"h deemed
"hara"terst"s are mere e-tensons or matters of degree ,th res%e"t
to ths (as" "ondtonn# to Ksta' ahead+
There&ore* the o$era!! trend o& n"reasn# n"ome ne)ua!t' n
#enera! shou!d not (e a sur%rse+
Wh!e the Unted States* ,th ts
dee%!' "om%ett$e nature* s a h#h!#ht o& e-treme "!ass ne)ua!t'
the trend s st!! $er' mu"h a #!o(a! %henomenon+
Wh!e the
de(ate a(out hstor"a! trends $s+ "urrent trends "an (e made
re#ardn# ,h' ths %erod o& tme* the ear!' 42
"entur'* s sho,n#
su"h e-tens$e n"reases n the ,ea!th #a% J ,e m#ht "on"!ude that
"ertan structural factors ha$e made ther ,a' nto the s'stem and
these &a"tors are assstn# the ds%art'+ We ma' a!so "on"!ude that
these me"hansms are not anomalies o& the s'stem . (ut rather
re%resent a natura! evolution o& "a%ta!sm throu#h tme+
For e-am%!e* the $ast n"ome no, "omn# &rom K"a%ta! #ans
s a "ase n %ont+ Wh!e seemn#!' a mnor nuan"e o& #enera! n"ome*
some e"onom" ana!'sts ha$e deemed "a%ta! #ans to (e the K7e'
n#redent o& n"ome ds%art' n the US+
/a%ta! #ans are de&ned
as KXtYhe amount (' ,h"h an asset?s se!!n# %r"e e-"eeds ts nta!
%ur"hase %r"e+ A rea!1ed "a%ta! #an s an n$estment that has (een
so!d at a %ro&t+
Its most "ommon "onte-t s ,th res%e"t to the
se!!n# o& sto"7s* (onds* der$at$es* &utures and other a(stra"t
Ktradn# $eh"!es+
It has (een &ound that n the Unted States a!one* the to% 5+2
%er"ent o& the %o%u!aton earns a(out ha!& o& a!! "a%ta! #ans*
6HH Re&eren"e< 9*S* !ncome !ne)uality3 !t0s 7orse Today Than !t 7as in ,OO-,
TheAt!ant"+"om* 4524
6HI Re&eren"e< The 9ne)ual State of 4merica3 a 'euters series, Reuters+"om*
4524 8htt%<MM,,,+reuters+"omMsu(0e"tsMn"!t'M,ashn#ton;
6HF Re&eren"e< !ncome !ne)uality 4round the 7orld !s a (ailure of apitalism,
TheAt!ant"+"om* 4522
6HG Re&eren"e< The Top C*,H <f The "ation Earn >alf <f 4ll apital ?ains,
For(es+"om* 4522
6HE Sour"e< In$estor,ords+"om
6I5 Re&eren"e< apital gains tax rates benefiting wealthy feed growing gap
between rich and poor, Washn#tonAost+"om* 4522
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
su"h #ans a""ount &or a(out I5 %er"ent o& the n"ome o& the to% 655
r"hest "t1ens+
The "!ass me"hansm o& "a%ta! #ans s nterestn#
(e"ause t s a %r$!e#ed &orm o& n"ome+ Wh!e the sto"7 mar7et
m#ht (e used &or "onser$at$e mutua! &und and retrement n$estment
(' the #enera! %u(!"* t s rea!!' an u%%er "!ass %erson?s #ame ,hen t
"omes to su(stanta! returns due to the h#h !e$e! o& "a%ta! nta!!'
needed to &a"!tate su"h h#h $a!ue returns+ L7e the e!tsm o& h#h
!e$e! nterest n"ome* "a%ta! #ans are a "!ass se"urn# me"hansm
&ue!ed (' %ree-stn# su(stanta! ,ea!th+
Then ,e ha$e the d&&eren"es n n"ome ,th res%e"t to one?s
%oston n the "or%orate herar"h'+ In a stud' %er&ormed (' the
/anadan /entre &or Ao!"' A!ternat$es* t ,as &ound that /anada?s to%
/EOs ma7e an a$era#e ,or7er?s 'ear!' sa!ar' in K hours+
In the
Unted States* a""ordn# to resear"h (' the Economic Policy !nstitute
Kthe a$era#e annua! earnn#s o& the to% 2 %er"ent o& ,a#e earners
#re, 2HI %er"ent &rom 2EFE to 455FU &or the to% 5+2 %er"ent the'
#re, DI4 %er"ent+ In "ontrast* earners n the E5th to EHth %er"ent!es
had ,a#e #ro,th o& D6 %er"ent* !ess than a tenth as mu"h as those n
the to% 5+2 %er"ent ter+ Wor7ers n the (ottom E5 %er"ent had the
,ea7est ,a#e #ro,th* at 2F %er"ent &rom 2EFE to 455F+
The' "ontnue< KThe !ar#e n"rease n ,a#e ne)ua!t' s one o&
the man dr$ers o& the !ar#e u%,ard dstr(uton o& househo!d n"ome
to the to% 2 %er"ent* the others (en# the rsn# ne)ua!t' o& "a%ta!
n"ome and the #ro,n# share o& n"ome #on# to "a%ta! rather than
,a#es and "om%ensaton+ The resu!t o& these three trends ,as a more
than dou(!n# o& the share o& tota! n"ome n the Unted States
re"e$ed (' the to% 2 %er"ent (et,een 2EFE and 455F and a !ar#e
n"rease n the n"ome #a% (et,een those at the to% and the $ast
ma0ort'+ In 455F* a$era#e annua! n"omes o& the to% 2 %er"ent o&
househo!ds ,ere 64 tmes #reater than n"omes o& the (ottom E5
%er"ent 8u% &rom 26 tmes #reater n 2EFE;* and n"omes o& the to%
5+2 %er"ent ,ere 445 tmes #reater 8u% &rom 6F tmes #reater n

Sm!ar %atterns "an (e &ound n other ndustra!1ed natons+ In
&a"t* n 452D e$en /hna has (een ds"ussn# ther #ro,n# n"ome #a%
%ro(!em ,th %ro%osa!s to ease the ds%art'+
The <rgani%ation for
Economic o$operation and =evelopment n a 4522 re%ort &ound that
6I2 Re&eren"e< 5uestioning the =ogma of Tax 'ates, N:Tmes+"om* 4522
6I4 Re&eren"e< Top anadian E<s ma#e average wor#erRs salary in three
hours of first wor#ing day of year, Fnan"a!Aost+"om* 4524
6ID Re&eren"e< E< pay and the top ,H, E%+or#* 4524
6I6 I(d+
6IH Re&eren"e< hina !ssues Proposal to "arrow !ncome ?ap, N:Tmes+"om*
452D 8htt%<MM,,,+n'tmes+"omM452DM54M5IM,or!dMasaM"hna.ssues.%!an.
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
"ountres ,th hstor"a!!' !o, !e$e!s o& n"ome ne)ua!t' ha$e
e-%eren"ed s#n&"ant n"reases o$er the %ast de"ade+

/ausa!t' n the &orm o& "!ear!' de&ned stru"tura! me"hansms
are more d&&"u!t to %n do,n ,th res%e"t to ths #enera! trend o&
em%!o'ment re!ated n"ome m(a!an"e+ The "om(naton o& the
%s'"ho!o#"a! n"ent$e o& se!&.%reser$aton and se!&.ma-m1aton
nherent to the $a!ue s'stem o& "a%ta!sm* "ou%!ed ,th the e$er.
"han#n# !e#a!* ta- and &nan"a! %o!"' re!ated $ara(!es n %!a'* a!on#
,th the (as" strate#" ed#e mantaned (' the u%%er "!asses due to
ther e-stn# ,ea!th se"urt'* "reates a "om%!e-* s'ner#st"
me"hansm o& "!ass %reser$aton and e-terna! o%%resson+
A su(t!e 'et re$ea!n# statst"a! %ont to a!so note s ho,
durn# re"ent re"essons n the Unted States* the ,ea!th #a% has
a"tua!!' widened*
It s a-omat" to "on"!ude that & the s'stem o&
e"onom' ,as ,thout stru"tura! nter&eren"e n &a$or o& the ,ea!th'* a
natona! re"esson on the s"a!e o& the ,hat o""urred &rom 455F on,ard
shou!d ha$e a&&e"ted most e$er'one ne#at$e!'* re#ard!ess o& so"a!
"!ass+ :et* t ,as re%orted n 4525 that Kthe ,ea!thest H %er"ent o&
Amer"ans* ,ho earn more than b2G5*555* added s!#ht!' to ther
annua! n"omes !ast 'ear+++Fam!es at the bH5*555 medan !e$e! s!%%ed
As a &na! %ont on the ssue o& n"ome ne)ua!t'* t s
m%ortant to note ho, natona! e"onom" #ro,th o&ten re!ates to those
o& the u%%er "!ass tse!&* redu"n# the #enera! e"onom" re!e$an"e o&
the !o,er "!asses+ The term K%!utonom' s a%%ro%rate n ths "ase+ A
K%!utonom' s de&ned as KE"onom" #ro,th that s %o,ered and
"onsumed (' the ,ea!thest u%%er "!ass o& so"et'+ A!utonom' re&ers to
a so"et' ,here the ma0ort' o& the ,ea!th s "ontro!!ed (' an e$er.
shrn7n# mnort'U as su"h* the e"onom" #ro,th o& that so"et'
6II Re&eren"e< Society at a ?lance BC,, $ <E= Social !ndicators, Oe"d+or#*
6IF Re&eren"e< ,C ountries 7ith The 7orst !ncome !ne)uality3 <E=,
Hu&&n#tonAost+"om* 4522 8htt%<MM,,,+hu&&n#ton%ost+"omM4522M5HM4DM25.
6IG U+S+ /ensus data re$ea!ed<The to%.earnn# 45 %er"ent o& Amer"ans J
those ma7n# more than b255*555 ea"h 'ear J re"e$ed 6E+6 %er"ent o& a!!
n"ome #enerated n the U+S+* "om%ared ,th the D+6 %er"ent made (' the
(ottom 45 %er"ent o& earners* those ,ho &e!! (e!o, the %o$ert' !ne*
a""ordn# to the ne, &#ures+ That rato o& ,as an n"rease &rom
2D+I n 455G and near!' dou(!e a !o, o& F+IE n 2EIG+ At the to%* the
,ea!thest H %er"ent o& Amer"ans* ,ho earn more than b2G5*555* added
s!#ht!' to ther annua! n"omes !ast 'ear* the data sho,+ Fam!es at the
bH5*555 medan !e$e! s!%%ed !o,er+ Sour"e<
6IE Re&eren"e< !ncome ?ap 7idens3 ensus (inds 'ecord ?ap /etween 'ich
4nd Poor 8htt%<MM,,,+hu&&n#ton%ost+"omM4525M5EM4GMn"ome.#a%.
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
(e"omes de%endent on the &ortunes o& that same ,ea!th' mnort'+
Aerha%s the (est ,a' to des"r(e the nature o& %!utonom' and
ts re!e$an"e to the modern da'* s to "onsder the ,ords o& those ,ho
em(ra"e t+ In 455H* /t#rou%* a %o,er&u! #!o(a! (an7n# nsttuton*
%rodu"ed a seres o& nterna! memos on the su(0e"t and t ,as )ute
"andd n ts ana!'ss and "on"!usons+
The' stated< The ,or!d s d$dn# nto t,o (!o"s . the
A!utonom' and the rest+ The U+S+* UC* and /anada are the 7e'
%!utonomes . e"onomes %o,ered (' the ,ea!th'+
KIn a %!utonom'
there s no su"h anma! as Kthe U+S+ "onsumer or Kthe UC "onsumer*
or ndeed the KRussan "onsumer+ There are r"h "onsumers* &e, n
num(er* (ut ds%ro%ortonate n the ##ant" s!"e o& n"ome and
"onsum%ton the' ta7e+ There are the rest* the Knon.r"h* the
mu!ttudnous man'* (ut on!' a""ountn# &or sur%rsn#!' sma!! (tes o&
the natona! %e+
KWe shou!d ,orr' !ess a(out ,hat the a$era#e
"onsumer . sa' the H5th %er"ent!e . s #on# to do* ,hen that
"onsumer s 8,e thn7; !ess re!e$ant to the a##re#ate data than ho,
the ,ea!th' &ee! and ,hat the' are don#+ Ths s sm%!' a "ase o&
mathemat"s* not mora!t'+
Wth 45> o& the Amer"an %o%u!aton "ontro!!n# GH> o& the
"ountr'?s ,ea!th*
t s "!ear that those ut!1n# that GH> are more
m%ortant to the GDA or #ro,th o& the e"onom'+ What ths means s
that the &nan"a! s'stem has !tt!e n"ent$e to care a(out the a"tons
or &nan"a! ,e!!(en# o& most o& the %u(!"+
It "ontnues< Kthe heart o& our %!utonom' thess XsY that the
r"h are the domnant sour"e o& n"ome* ,ea!th and demand n
%!utonom' "ountres su"h as the UC* US* /anada and Austra!a+++
Se"ond!'* ,e (e!e$e that the r"h are #on# to 7ee% #ettn# r"her n
"omn# 'ears* as "a%ta!sts 8the r"h; #et an e$en (##er share o& GDA
as a resu!t* %rn"%a!!'* o& #!o(a!1aton+ We e-%e"t the #!o(a! %oo! o&
!a(or n de$e!o%n# e"onomes to 7ee% ,a#e n&!aton n "he"7* and
%ro&t mar#ns rsn# J #ood &or the ,ea!th o& "a%ta!sts* re!at$e!' (ad
&or de$e!o%ed mar7et uns7!!edMoutsour"e.a(!e !a(or+ Ths (odes ,e!!
&or "om%anes se!!n# to or ser$"n# the r"h+
Wth res%e"t to the re!e$an"e o& the rest o& the %o%u!aton* the
memo states< KWe see the (##est threat to %!utonom' as "omn# &rom
a rse n %o!t"a! demands to redu"e n"ome ne)ua!t'* s%read the
,ea!th more e$en!'* and "ha!!en#e &or"es su"h as #!o(a!1aton ,h"h
6F5 Sour"e< In$esto%eda+"om
6F2 Sour"e< Plutonomy3 /uying +uxury, Explaining ?lobal !mbalance* /t#rou%
Interna! Memo* O"to(er 2I
455H* %+2
6F4 I(d* %+4
6FD Sour"e< The Plutonomy Symposium J 'ising Tides +ifting 6achts* /t#rou%
Interna! Memo* Se%tem(er 4E* 455I* %+22
6F6 Re&eren"e< Wea!th* In"ome* and Ao,er* U/S/+edu* 452D
6FH Sour"e< 'evisiting Plutonomy3 The 'ich ?etting 'icher, /t#rou% Interna!
Memo* Mar"h Hth* 455I* %+22
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
ha$e (ene&ted %ro&t and ,ea!th #ro,th+
KOur "on"!usonR The three
!e$ers #o$ernments and so"etes "ou!d %u!! on to end %!utonom' are
(en#n+ Aro%ert' r#hts are #enera!!' st!! nta"t* ta-aton %o!"es
neutra! to &a$ora(!e* and #!o(a!1aton s 7ee%n# the su%%!' o& !a(or n
sur%!us* a"tn# as a (ra7e on ,a#e n&!aton+

Wh!e %!utonom' tse!& m#ht not e-a"t!' (e a sour"e o& "!ass
"on&!"t t s "ertan!' a resu!t+ /hr'sta Free!and* author o& Plutocrats3
The 'ise of the "ew ?lobal Super$'ich and the (all of Everyone Else
ma7es a %ont a(out the nature o& ths &ramed %s'"ho!o#' nherent to
those o& the o%u!ent mnort'<
K:ou don?t do ths n a 7nd o& "hort!n#* smo7n# 'our "#ar*
"ons%ratora! thn7n# ,a'+ :ou do t (' %ersuadn# 'ourse!& that ,hat
s n 'our o,n %ersona! se!&.nterest s n the nterests o& e$er'(od'
e!se+ So 'ou %ersuade 'ourse!& that* a"tua!!'* #o$ernment ser$"es*
thn#s !7e s%endn# on edu"aton* ,h"h s ,hat "reated that so"a!
mo(!t' n the &rst %!a"e* need to (e "ut so that the de&"t ,!! shrn7*
so that 'our ta- (!! doesn?t #o u%+ And ,hat I rea!!' ,orr' a(out s*
there s so mu"h mone' and so mu"h %o,er at the $er' to%* and the
#a% (et,een those %eo%!e at the $er' to% and e$er'(od' e!se s so
#reat* that ,e are #on# to see so"a! mo(!t' "ho7ed o&& and so"et'
$n Conclusion
A #reat dea! more "ou!d (e sad ,th res%e"t to the mu!t.!e$e! (att!n#
o""urrn# on the %!anet Earth* most!' "entr" to &nan"a! and mar7et
%o,er and ts nsttutona! %reser$aton+ From %h's"a! $o!en"e to
su(t!e !e#a! man%u!aton* the theme s "onsstent and domnant+ It
"ou!d e$en (e ar#ued that progress itself has ,ar ,a#ed a#anst t
sn"e esta(!shed "or%orate nsttutons ,ho mantan %o,er&u! mar7et
share n a #$en ndustr'* ,!! o&ten ,or7 to ruth!ess!' shut do,n
an'thn# that "an "om%ete ,th them* e$en & the %rodu"t s
%ro#ress$e!' (etter or more sustana(!e n ut!t'+
/han#e and
%ro#ress tse!&* n rea! terms* are not read!' ,e!"omed n the "a%ta!st
s'stem as t o&ten dstur(s the su""ess o& esta(!shed nsttutons+ The
6FI Sour"e< The Plutonomy Symposium $ 'ising Tides +ifting 6achts* /t#rou%
Interna! Memo* Se%tem(er 4E* 455I* %+22
6FF Sour"e< Plutonomy3 /uying +uxury, Explaining ?lobal !mbalance* /t#rou%
Interna! Memo* O"to(er 2I
455H* %+46
6FG For a more deta!ed ana!'ss o& these do"uments (' /t#rou%* see<
6FE Sour"e< "ational Public 'adio 8O"to(er 2H* 4524; TA Start!n# Ga% 9et,een
Us And Them In ?A!uto"rats?T
6G5 A ,e!! esta(!shed e-am%!e o& nh(ted %ro#ress &or the mantann# o&
e-stn# %ro&t esta(!shments ,as the su""ess&u! e&&ort made (' the o!
ndustr' and* (' e-tenson* the U+S+ #o$ernment to s!o, %ro#ress to,ard
&u!!' e!e"tr" $eh"!es n the 2EE5s+ 8Su##ested $e,n#< KWho C!!ed the
E!e"tr" /arR< htt%<MM,,,+md(+"omMtt!eMtt56GE5DFMs'no%ss;
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
n"red(!' s!o, rate o& a%%!"aton o& ne,* sustana(!t' m%ro$n#
te"hno!o#"a! methods s a "ase n %ont+
In &a"t* on the "or%orate !e$e!* there s not on!' a %er%etua! ,ar
to redu"e su"h "om%etton (ut there s a!so the on#on# e-%!otaton
o& the %u(!" n #enera!+ Adam Smth a"tua!!' made ths %ont n hs
The 7ealth of "ations* statn#< KThe nterest o& the dea!ers* ho,e$er*
n an' %art"u!ar (ran"h o& trade or manu&a"tures* s a!,a's n some
res%e"ts d&&erent &rom* and e$en o%%oste to* that o& the %u(!"+++To
narro, the "om%etton s a!,a's the nterest o& dea!ers+++9ut to
narro, the "om%etton+++"an ser$e on!' to ena(!e the dea!ers* ('
rasn# ther %ro&ts a(o$e ,hat the' natura!!' ,ou!d (e* to !e$'* &or
ther o,n (ene&t* an a(surd ta- u%on the rest o& ther &e!!o,.
On the natona! !e$e!* K%ea"e toda' seems to (e mere!' a %ause
(et,een "on&!"ts on the sta#e o& #!o(a! "$!1aton+ There s a ,ar
#on# on some,here $rtua!!' a!! the tme and ,hen there sn?t* the
ma0or %o,ers are (us' (u!dn# more ad$an"ed ,ea%ons andMor se!!n#
o&& the o!d ones to other "ountres ,ho are %osturn# n the same ,a'*
a!! under the name o& not on!' %rote"ton (ut n the name o& K#ood
(usness as ,e!!+
E$en natons themse!$es ha$e ta7en on a &orm o&
"!ass herar"h' ,th domnant 2
,or!d natons su(0u#atn# %oor Drd
,or!d natons+ /ommon #radent terms su"h as su%er%o,ers* %o,ers*
su(.%o,ers and $assa! states "an (e &ound n hstor"a! !terature ,th
res%e"t to the natona! "!ass herar"h' and the stru"tura! me"hansms
,h"h 7ee% ths #radent n &orm are not $er' d&&erent n ntent than
,hat 7ee%s the so"a! "!asses n order+
For e-am%!e* ,h!e the de(t and nterest s'stems* as des"r(ed*
do $er' ,e!! to 7ee% do,n,ard %ressure on the !o,er "!asses*
stru"tura!!' !mtn# %ros%ert' and so"a! mo(!t'* the same e&&e"t
o""urs to re%ress a naton $a the Wor!d 9an7 and Internatona!
Monetar' Fund+
E$en 3ohn Adams* the se"ond %resdent o& the
Unted States %onted ths out ,th hs statement< KThere are t,o ,a's
to "on)uer and ens!a$e a "ountr'+ One s (' the s,ord+ The other s ('
On the (roadest s"a!e* the rea! ,ar (en# ,a#ed s on %ro(!em
reso!uton and human harmon'+ The rea! ,ar s on a (a!an"e o& %o,er
and so"a! 0ust"e+ The rea! ,ar* n e&&e"t* s on the nsttuton o&
6G2 Re&eren"e< <il ?iants +oath to (ollow <bamaRs ?reen +ead
6G4 Sour"e< 4n !n)uiry into the "ature and auses of the 7ealth of "ations*
Adam Smth* Modern L(rar' Re%rnt* 2EDF* Ne, :or7* %+4H5
6GD Re&eren"e< The 9*S*3 4rms Merchant to the =eveloping 7orld, Tme+"om
4524 8htt%<MMnaton+tme+"!7e.the.
6G6 Re&eren"e< Structural 4dEustment $ a MaEor ause of Poverty,
G!o(a!Issues+or#* 452D 8htt%<MM,,,+#!o(a!ssues+or#Mart"!eMDMstru"tura!.
6GH Sour"e< Herta#e+"om 8htt%<MM,,,+0ohn.adams.herta#e+"omM)uotesM;
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
e"onom" e)ua!t'+
In the ,ords o& &ormer Su%reme /ourt 0ust"e*
Lous D+ 9randes< TWe "an ha$e demo"ra"' n ths "ountr'* or ,e "an
ha$e #reat ,ea!th "on"entrated n the hands o& a &e,* (ut ,e "an?t
ha$e (oth+T
A!! a"ross the ,or!d toda' %eo%!e ta!7 a(out the need &or
e)ua!t'+ Most !terate %eo%!e n the ,or!d ha$e no res%e"t &or #ender
or ra"a! (as+ The dea o& (en# se-st or ra"st has (e"ome a dee%!'
a(horred $e,* e$en thou#h t ,as not that !on# a#o n the Western
,or!d su"h "u!tura! $e,s ,ere "onsdered Knorma!+ There a%%ears to
(e a "ourse o& e$o!uton that ,shes to e)ua!1e so"et' that s* ('
de&nton* ,hat the under!'n# #esture o& Kdemo"ra"' s su%%osed to
:et* n the mdst o& a!! ths* the most o%%ress$e &orm o&
se#re#ated human su&&ern# "ontnues !ar#e!' unnot"ed n ts true
"onte-t+ Toda'* t s not ra"e* #ender or "reed that 7ee%s one most
o%%ressed J t s the nsttuton o& "!ass+ It s no, an ssue o& Kr"h and
K%oor and* !7e ra"sm* these deo!o#"a! and u!tmate!' stru"tura!
&orms o& o%%resson ds"rmnate and d$de the human s%e"es n
dee%!' %o,er&u! and destru"t$e ,a's+
In the (road $e,* ths theatre o& mu!tdmensona! ,ar&are .
tru!' a world at ,ar ,th tse!& J s ,ho!!' unsustana(!e+ It s (e"omn#
more and more "!ear* #$en the a""e!eratn# so"a! %ro(!ems at hand*
that the ethos o& a!!.out "om%etton and narro, se!&.%reser$aton at
the e-%ense o& others . ,hether on the %ersona!* "or%orate* "!ass*
deo!o#"a! or natona! !e$e! . ,!! not (e the sour"e o& an' reso!uton or
!on#.term human %ros%ert'+ It s #on# to ta7e a ne, t'%e o& thn7n#
to o$er"ome these so"o!o#"a! trends and at the heart o& su"h
dramat" "u!tura! "han#e rests the "han#e o& the so"oe"onom"
%remse tse!&+
6GI Re&eren"e< 0Extreme0 Poverty in 9S >as More Than =oubled, Study Says,
Mone'Ne,s+"om* 4524 8htt%<MM,,,+mone'ne,s+"omME"onom'ME-treme.
6GF Re&eren"e< <f the ,H, by the ,H, for the ,H, Vant'Far+"om* 4522
6GG Sour"e< [uoted (' Ra'mond Loner#an n Mr* &ustice /randeis, ?reat
4merican, 2E62* %+64
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
PART $$$% A "EW TRA$" OF T-O&!-T
-$"TROD&CT$O" TO S&STA$"A*(E T-O&!-T-
A"ton s the %rodu"t o& the )ua!tes nherent n Nature+
It s on!' the #norant man ,ho* ms!ed (' %ersona! e#otsm* sa's<
?I am the doer+?
.The 9ha#a$ad Gta
Socioeconomic S,ectrum
As a!!uded to n %ror essa's* sustana(!e %ra"t"es "an on!' "ome
a(out (' a $a!ue re.orentaton to,ards sustainable thought+ Wh!e the
noton o& sustana(!t' s o&ten redu"ed to an e"o!o#"a! "onte-t* the
rea! ssue under the sur&a"e s cultural+ Ths hen"e (e"omes a %ro"ess
o& edu"aton+ It s the %ers%e"t$e o& The Zet#est Mo$ement that the
e"onom" s'stem ut!1ed n a so"et' s the #reatest n&!uen"e on the
$a!ues and (e!e&s o& ts %eo%!e+ For nstan"e* dee%!' rooted n e$en the
seemn#!' se%arate %o!t"!#ous do"trnes o& our tme* resdes an
under"urrent o& $a!ues set &orth (' e"onom" assum%tons+

The term Kso"oe"onom"* ,h"h s the so"a! s"en"e that !n7s
the e&&e"ts o& e"onom" a"t$t' to other so"a! %ro"esses*
"ou!d ha$e
ts meann# more s%e"&"a!!' e-tended to a!so n"!ude re!#ous $e,s*
%o!t"a! (ases* m!tar' ntat$es* tr(a! !o'a!tes* "u!tura! "ustoms*
!e#a! statutes and other "ommon so"eta! %henomena+ It a%%ears that
the $er' &a(r" o& our !$es and hen"e our $a!ue s'stem s (orn* most
domnant!'* &rom the "u!tura! %er"e%ton o& our sur$$a!* so"a!
re!atonsh%s and deas o& %ersona!Mso"a! su""ess+
Moreo$er* t s "rt"a! to restate that %o!t"a! s'stems* ,h"h
most n the ,or!d st!! seem to a,ard %rort' o& m%ortan"e ,hen t
"omes to the state o& a&&ars n so"et'* are* at (est* secondary n
re!e$an"e 8& not* n &a"t* entre!' o(so!ete; ,hen the true ram&"atons
o& the e"onom" stru"ture are &a"tored n+ In &a"t* as ,!! (e ar#ued n
&uture essa's* K%o!t"a! #o$ernan"e as ,e 7no, t s rea!!' nothn#
more than an out#ro,th o& economic inefficiency+ Ver' &e, ,ou!d "are
mu"h a(out K,ho ,as n %o,er or other su"h tradtona! notons &
the' "!ear!' understood the %ro"ess o& e"onom" un&o!dn# and ,ere
a(!e to "ontr(ute and #an ,thout "on&!"t+ There&ore* there s no
#reater ssue o& m%ortan"e than the s'stem o& e"onom" un&o!dn#
,hen t "omes to the "ondu"t and sta(!t' o& human (en#s on (oth
the %ersona! and so"a! !e$e!+
6GE Sour"e< The /hagavad ?ita, /ha%ter D* Verse 4F* Trans!aton< Shr Auroht
6E5 An e-am%!e ,ou!d (e ths O!d Testament s"r%ture ,h"h seems to m%!'
that the K%oor ,!! a!,a's e-st no matter ,hat so"et' does< KThere ,!!
a!,a's (e %oor %eo%!e n the !and+ There&ore I "ommand 'ou to (e
o%enhanded to,ard 'our (rothers and to,ard the %oor and need' n 'our
!and+ .Deuteronom' 2H<22
6E2 KSo"oe"onom" s de&ned as< Ko&* re!atn# to* or n$o!$n# a "om(naton
o& so"a! and e"onom" &a"tors 8Sour"e< htt%<MM,,,+merram.
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Genera!!' s%ea7n#* an e"onom" s'stem e-sts to meet the Kneeds
and ,ants
o& the %o%u!aton+ The de#ree (' ,h"h t s a(!e to do so
de%ends on the state o& usable resources and the technical strategy
ut!1ed to harness those resour"es &or a #$en %ur%ose+ In ths
"onte-t* nota(!e en#neer and thn7er R+ 9u"7mnster Fu!!er ar#ued
that true e"onom" K,ea!th s not mone' or e$en the matera!
out"ome o& a #$en %rodu"ton+
Rather* true ,ea!th s the !e$e! o&
ener#'M%rodu"ton efficiency enabled* "ou%!ed ,th 7no,!ed#e
de$e!o%ment that &urthers the intelligent management o& the Earth?s
resour"es+ In ths $e,* he de&ned and e-%ressed a trend termed
,h"h tra"7s humant'Ns te"hn"a! a(!t' to
n"reasn#!' do Kmore ,th !ess+
Hstor"a!!' s%ea7n#* e%hemera!1aton s* n #esture* a
"ontrad"ton o& the st!! dee%!' he!d KMa!thusan
,h"h* n %art* "!ams that humant' s &ore$er out o& (a!an"e ,th
nature and there ,!! a!,a's (e a se"ton o& the %o%u!aton that must
su&&er* as the a$a!a(!e resour"es sm%!' do not add u% to meet
e$er'one?s needs+
As noted n %ror essa's* ths ,or!d$e, s e$er a%%arent n the
e"onom" s'stem ,e st!! em(ra"e toda' #!o(a!!'* &or#n# dee%
6E4 /onsum%ton %atterns n modern so"et' ha$e sho,n an n"reasn#!'
ar(trar' nature ,th res%e"t to human K,ants* su"h as the %o,er&u! sh&t n
$a!ues that o""urred n the ear!' 45
"entur' ,th the a%%!"aton o& modern
Western ad$ertsn#+ Human Kneeds* ho,e$er* are (as" ne"esstes* !ar#e!'
shared (' a!! humans* ,h"h mantan %h's"a! and %s'"ho!o#"a! hea!th+
Wh!e man' st!! ar#ue su(0e"t$e nter%retatons o& su"h terms* Kneeds are
essenta!!' stat" and K,ants are essenta!!' $ara(!e+ Genera!!' s%ea7n#*
K,ants are a "onse)uen"e o& one?s $a!ue s'stem and are "u!tura!!' der$ed+
There&ore* Kneeds are hen"e o& #reater %rort' n meetn# than K,ants+
6ED Fu!!er States< KWea!th+++s nherent!' re#enerat$e+ E-%ermenta!!'
demonstrated ,ea!th s< ener#' "om%ounded ,th nte!!e"t?s 7no,ho,+
From 9topia or <blivion* R+ 9u"7mnster Fu!!er* 9antam Aress* N:* 2EIE*
6E6 E%hemera!1aton* a term "oned (' R+ 9u"7mnster Fu!!er* s the a(!t' o&
te"hno!o#"a! ad$an"ement to do Tmore and more ,th !ess and !ess+++T o$er
tme+ Ths trend "an (e not"ed n man' areas o& ndustra! de$e!o%ment*
&rom "om%uter %ro"essn# 8Moore?s !a,; to the ra%d a""e!eraton o& human
7no,!ed#e 8n&ormaton te"hno!o#';+ A "ommon e-am%!e ,ou!d (e the
"om%utaton %o,er and s1e re!atonsh%s o& "om%uters o$er tme+ The
ENIA/ "om%uter o& the 2E65s "o$ered 2G55 s)uare &eet o& &!oor s%a"e*
,e#hed D5 tons* "onsumed 2I5 7!o,atts o& e!e"tr"a! %o,er and "ost a(out
bI M!!on n modern $a!ue+ Toda'* an ne-%ens$e* %o"7et s1e "e!! %hone
"om%utes su(stanta!!' &aster than ENIA/+ Hen"e . !ess matera! and 'et
more %o,er+ Xhtt%<MMn$entors+a(out+"omModMestartn$entonsMaMEna"+htmY
6EH Ma!thusansm s a %ers%e"t$e !n7ed to e"onomst and "!er" Thomas R+
Ma!thus that* n short* has to do ,th the need to "ontro!M!mt %o%u!aton
#ro,th due to an em%r"a! assum%ton o& re!at$e resour"e s"ar"t'+ Ideas
su"h as Tnot he!%n# the %oorT as Tt on!' #$es &a!se ho%eT and the !7e are
"ommon to ths $e,+ XSu##ested Readn#< 4n Essay on the Principle of
Population, Thomas Ma!thus* 2FEGY
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
stru"tura! (ases
that ha$e ne$ta(!' &a$ored one K"!ass o& %eo%!e
o$er another n sur$$a! ad$anta#e+ In other ,ords* a K,ar #ame has
"u!mnated* (u!t out o& the assum%ton o& un$ersa!* %er%etua!!'
ren&or"ed s"ar"t'* ,h"h mo$es &or,ard toda' on ts o,n momentum*
!ar#e!' a(sent o& ts or#na! "ausa! reasonn#+
The $ast ma0ort' o& ,hat ,e de&ne as K"orru%ton toda'*
more o&ten than not* &nds ts %s'"ho!o#"a! root n ths "om%ett$e
a,areness (oth on the %ersona! !e$e!* the "or%orate 8(usness; !e$e! @
on the !e$e! o& #o$ernment n the &orm o& ,ar* t'rann' and se!&.
%reser$n# "o!!uson+ In &a"t* t "an (e ,e!! ar#ued that the $er' noton
o& Keth"a! n a ,or!d de"ded!' ,or7n# to #an at the e-%ense o&
others (e"omes a h#h!' re!at$e and a!most ar(trar' dstn"ton+
:et* ths trend o& e%hemera!1aton* ha$n# n"reased ra%d!'
&rom the 45
"entur'?s a!most sudden ndustra!Ms"ent&"
ad$an"ements* dee%!' "ha!!en#es ths %rote"tonst* e!tst* s"ar"t'.
dr$en ,or!d$e,* su##estn# ne,* %oss(!tes &or
human or#an1aton+
These %oss(!tes* n %art* statst"a!!' re$ea! that ,e are no,
a(!e to ta7e "are o& the entre ,or!d?s %o%u!aton at a standard o& !$n#
un7no,n to the $ast ma0ort' o& humant' toda'+
Ho,e$er* n order
&or ths ne, rea!t' o& efficiency to (e harnessed* the ar"ha" (arrers
n#raned n our e$er'da' ,a' o& !&e* s%e"&"a!!' our %er"e%ton o&
e"onom"s* need to (e ree$a!uated and !7e!' o$er"ome entre!'+
As noted n %ror essa's* the term Kuto%a "ommon!' arses as
a %e0orat$e term amon#st those ,ho tend to dsmss !ar#e s"a!e so"a!
m%ro$ement due to ether a "'n"sm o& so."a!!ed Khuman nature or
an outr#ht ds(e!e& n humant'?s te"hn"a! "a%a"t' to no, ad0ust
#reat!' ,th ne, te"hn"a! means+
For e-am%!e* an o(0e"ton "ommon to the "urrent "u!ture*
s%e"&"a!!' the K,ea!th' Frst Wor!d natons* rests n the $a!ue o& ,hat
"ou!d (e termed the K$o!en"e o& mass a")uston+ At ts root* ths
$e, ta7es the Ma!thusan "on"e%t o& need.orented resour"e
nsu&&"en"' and trans%oses t to assume a %ressure o& ac)uisitive
In other ,ords* t assumes human (en#s em%r"a!!' ha$e
infinite matera! K,ants and e$en &* sa'* e$er' human (en# "ou!d
6EI See %ror essa'< Structural lassism, The State and 7ar
6EF Wh!e ths rea!t' ,!! (e ds"ussed n the &o!!o,n# essa' KAost.S"ar"t'
Trends* /a%a"t' and E&&"en"'* h#h!#htn# the a""e!eratn# e&&"en"' o&
trans%ortaton* ener#'* ndustra! des#n* &ood "u!t$aton te"hno!o#' and the
!7e* the &o!!o,n# "on"!uson (' R+ 9u"7mnster Fu!!er n 2EIE s ,orth
statn# &or hstor"a! re&eren"e< KXManY de$e!o%ed su"h ntense
me"han1aton n Wor!d War I that the %er"enta#e o& tota! ,or!d %o%u!aton
that ,ere ndustra! Kha$es rose (' 2E2E to the &#ure o& I>+ That ,as a
$er' a(ru%t "han#e n hstor'+++9' the tme o& Wor!d War II 45> o& a!!
humant' had (e"ome ndustra! Kha$es+++At the %resent moment the
%ro%orton o& Kha$es s at 65> o& humant'+++& ,e u% the %er&orman"es+++o&
resour"es &rom the %resent !e$e! to a h#h!' &eas(!e o$era!! e&&"en"' o&
24> XmoreY+++Xa!! humant' "an (e %ro$ded &orY+ From 9topia or <blivion*
R+ 9u"7mnster Fu!!er* 9antam Aress* N:* 2EIE* %%+2HD.2HH
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
e-st ,th ,hat the West toda' ,ou!d deem an u%%er "!ass !&est'!e*
,th no one &a!!n# short* an e!ement o& our %s'"ho!o#' ,ou!d ne$er (e
sats&ed n the matera! sense and the nterest n Kmore and more
matera! #an ,ou!d thus a!,a's "reate a desta(!1n# m(a!an"e n
so"et'+ There&ore* the e-sten"e o& Kha$es and Kha$e.nots s
%er"e$ed to (e a "onse)uen"e o& our nherent* status.dr$en
%s'"ho!o#' and #reed* not a$a!a(!t' o& resour"es and means+
To the e-tent that ths s a"tua!!' true s du(ous at (est #$en
the e-treme "u!tura! "ondton ,e &nd ourse!$es n toda'* "om%ared
,th the hstor"a! &a"t that outsde o& Western 8a7a /a%ta!st";
n&!uen"e* the "on"e%t o& K$an matera! su""ess s &ar &rom un$ersa!
&or the human (en#+
In truth* the re!atonsh% o& Ksu""ess and
K%ro%ert' has (een "u!tura!!' manu&a"tured (ased u%on s'stem
ne"esst' and s no, a sta%!e $a!ue o& our "onsumer.(ased so"et'+
In a ,or!d no, dr$en (' Ke"onom" #ro,th to 7ee%
em%!o'ment at a reasona(!e !e$e!U n a ,or!d ,h"h o$ert!' %rases
those ,th #reat &nan"a! ,ea!th as a measure o& su""essU n a ,or!d
that a"tua!!' re,ards (eha$ors o& human nd&&eren"e and ruth!ess
"om%etton &or mar7et share 8rather than honest so"a! "ontr(uton
&or o$era!! human (etterment;U t s no m'ster' as to ,h' the dea o& a
sn#!e human o,nn#* sa'* a 655 room manson on H55*555 a"res o&
%r$ate !and ,th H5 "ars and &$e %!anes %ar7ed n the &ront 'ard has
(e"ome %art o& an dea!* "o$eted $son o& %ersona! 8and so"a!;
:et* &rom the %ers%e"t$e o& true human sustana(!t'* ths
$e, s pure violence and e-sts n near!' the same "ate#or' o& one
,ho hoards &ood and resour"es he or she doesn?t need and re&uses to
a!!o, others a""ess &or the sa7e o& a(stra"t %rn"%!e+
I& ,e ma#ne
a sma!! s!and o& ten %eo%!e ,ere t,o %eo%!e de"de to e-tra"t and
hoard 2*555> more than the' need to (e hea!th'* !ea$n# e#ht %eo%!e
to !$e n a(0e"t %o$ert' andMor d'n# . ,ou!d 'ou &nd ths
6EG G$en that the Kn&nte ,ant assum%ton o& human "ra$n# s st!! a "ore
"om%onent o& the monetar'.mar7et (ased e"onom" $e, o& s"ar"t' and
resour"e ne)ut'* t s nterestn# ho, the $er' (ass o& ts assum%ton
m%!es an em%r"a! rratona!t' o& human (eha$or+ It ,ou!d ha$e to (e
rratona! #$en the (as" 7no,!ed#e o& humant' de%enden"e on the Earth?s
&nte resour"es+ /ontrad"ton o& ths assum%ton s re%!ete n human
hstor'* s%e"&"a!!' ,th "u!tures that de$e!o%ed n !ess ndustra!1ed
so"etes* n more dre"t asso"aton ,th the !and* outsde o& the n&!uen"e o&
our no, "ommon "onsumer "u!ture+ Ear!' Nat$e Amer"an "u!tures* &or
e-am%!e* he!d the $a!ue o& (a!an"e as a $rtue rather than a")uston+
Su##ested Readn#< The >igh Price of Materialism* Tm Casser* A 9rad&ord
9oo7* 455D
6EE Re&eren"e< Propaganda, Ed,ard 9erna's* I# Au(!shn#* 2E4G
H55 The so"a!!' desta(!1n# ram&"atons o& a so"et' ,th #reat ,ea!th
m(a!an"e ,ere (est re"ent!' e-em%!&ed (' the rse o& ,hat ,as #!o(a!!'
re"o#n1ed as the KO""u%' Wa!! Street %rotests+ 8htt%<MMo""u%',a!!st+or#M;
Wea!th m(a!an"e has (e"ome re"o#n1ed n"reasn#!' as !ess o& an ssue o&
su(0e"t$e Kmora! &arness (ut rather an ssue o& dre %u(!" hea!th and
so"a! sta(!t'+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
arran#ement an a"t o& K%ersona! &reedom (' those t,o . or an a"t o&
so"a! $o!en"e a#anst the e#htR
Ths s (rou#ht u% here to dsmss the Kuto%an a(undan"e
&a!!a"' rea"ton "ommon to man' re#ardn#* n %art* the m%!"atons
o& e%hemera!1aton+ 3ust as ,e as a #!o(a! so"et' are rea!1n# the
nherent %h's"a! !mtatons o& our ndustra! (eha$ors* s!o,!'
ad0ustn# a,a' &rom e"o!o#"a!!' desta(!1n# "onse)uen"es* the
understandn# that an Kn&nte ,ants.(ased $a!ue orentaton s
e)ually as detrmenta! to so"a! (a!an"e s "rt"a! to rea!1e+
S+stem (imitation
When t "omes to "u!tura! %h!oso%hes* the human %o%u!aton must
#an* n %art* a "!ear understandn# o& ts !mtatons and der$e ts
e-%e"tatons and $a!ues &rom ths %h's"a! rea!t'+ The !mtatons
m%osed (' our en$ronment e-st rres%e"t$e o& human $a!ues*
nterests* ,ants or e$en needs n a(stra"ton+ I& ,e ,ere to remo$e
humant' &rom %!anet Earth and o(ser$e the Earth?s natura! e"o!o#"a!
o%eratons ,th the "ausa!* s"ent&" understandn#s ,e ha$e toda'*
,e ,ou!d ,tness a s'ner#st"Ms'm(ot" s'stem #o$erned (' the
un$ersa! d'nam"s o& nature+
Hen"e* no matter ,hat ,e thn7 a(out ourse!$es* our
ntentons or our K&reedoms*
on"e ,e are %!a"ed nto ths system of
physical law ,e are (ound to t re#ard!ess o& our (e!e&s or the "u!tura!
norms ,e ha$e ta7en &or #ranted* or ,h"h ha$e (een m%osed as
Tne$ta(!eT or Tmmuta(!eT (' our $arous "u!tures+ I& ,e "hoose to
!earn and a!#n ,th the !o#" nherent* ,e &nd sustana(!t' and hen"e
sta(!t'+ I& ,e "hoose to #nore or &#ht these %re.e-stn# ru!es* ,e
,!! ne$ta(!' de"rease sta(!t' and %ro(!ems ,!! arse* as s the near.
"onstant state o& a&&ars toda' n the ear!' 42
Ths a,areness o& natura! !mtatons* as ,e ha$e "ome to
understand them toda' $a the s"ent&" method* e-%resses %erha%s
the most %ro&ound sh&t n human K!o'a!tes n hstor'+ In short* ,e
no, understand that ,e ether a!#n ,th the natura! ,or!d* or ,e
su&&er+ Sad!'* ths &rm re&erenta! asso"aton st!! stands at odds ,th
man' "ommon %h!oso%hes toda'* su"h as esta(!shed re!#ous and
%o!t"a! %ers%e"t$es+ Remar7a(!' a!so* t s a "ommon re0onder to
!a(e! ths $er' &rm!' (ased rea!1aton as Ttota!taranT or T(!a"7.and.
,hteT* a seemn#!' r#d and ar(trar' m%oston u%on human !&e*
H52 The ,ord K&reedoms s n %arenthess due to the %ro!&" "u!tura! use+
Aatrot" s!o#ans a(out K&reedom and K!(ert'* (orn out o&* n %art* the
hstor"a! %ro(!em o& t'rann' and #o$ernment a(use* e-st toda' o&ten
"reatn# an a!most neurot" and ms!eadn# $e, o& human (eha$or+ In
rea!t'* there s no su"h thn# as un$ersa! &reedom n the ,or!d as r#d
%h's"a! !a,s (nd us+ The "u!tura! noton o& K&reedom* as most %ro%a#ated
(' the /a%ta!st deo!o#'* "an (e ar#ued as ntrns"a!!' dan#erous to
s%e"es sustana(!t' n man' ,a's . s%e"&"a!!' ,th res%e"t to ts a(so!ute
#norn# o& !ar#er order s'ner#st" s'stem &a"tors* assumn# the &a!!a"' that
a deta"hed* se!&.nterest (ased %ursut se"ures so"a! and e"o!o#"a!
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
rather than sm%!' the undena(!e* s"ent&"a!!' demonstra(!e state o&
Intr#un#!'* the near!' %arado-"a! %un"h !ne o& the ,ho!e
"onsderaton o& natura! !a, s that ,thn ths ratona! K(o- o& s'stem
!mtaton ,e de&ne as the K#o$ernn# !a,s o& nature our range of
possibility within these boundaries via the scientific method also
reveals an ever$increasing technical efficiency and incredible potential
to create an abundance to meet human needs, globally*
Furthermore* sn"e humant' s the on!' s%e"es on Earth ,th
the menta! "a%a"t' to a!terMa&&e"t ts e"os'stem n tru!' %ro&ound
,a's* ths ne"esst' &or a!#nment (e"omes "rt"a! &or s%e"es
sustana(!t'* %u(!" hea!th and true %ro(!em so!$n# ad$an"ement+
Nothn# "ou!d (e more dan#erous than a ,or!d "u!ture that* #$en the
e-%onenta! n"rease n our "a%a"t' to a&&e"t e"o!o#"a! and so"a!
(a!an"e ,th te"hno!o#'* msunderstands ts %o,er and e&&e"ts+ In
man' ,a's* humant' s &a"ed ,th an educational race against time
,th res%e"t to ts "urrent immaturity n hand!n# the n"red(!e*
ne,&ound %o,ers t has rea!1ed $a s"en"e and te"hno!o#'+
As an asde* t s m%ortant to remem(er that ,hen t "omes to
the hstor' o& e"onom" thou#ht tse!&* the &rame o& re&eren"e has had
more to do ,th assumptions of human behavior than nte!!#ent
resour"e mana#ement and #enera! %h's"a! s"en"eMnatura! !a,
Wh!e our most nnate (eha$ora! re&!e-es and
#enet" %ro%enstes are "ertan!' re!e$ant to the "onse)uen"es o& a
so"oe"onom" s'stem and are $er' mu"h a %art o& the e)uaton*
assum%tons o& human (eha$or "annot ratona!!' (e he!d as a
stru"tura! startn# %ont o& an e"onom" s'stem+ Humans are a
conse)uence o& the same e"o!o#"a! s'stem "ondtons and not the
other ,a' around+
So* n "on"!uson to ths ntrodu"ton* & the %ur%ose o& a so"a!
s'stem s to "reate an e$er n"reasn# standard o& !$n#* ,h!e a!so
mantann# en$ronmenta! and so"a! (a!an"e to assure ,e do not
redu"e ths )ua!t' n the &uture due to %oss(!e resu!tn# "onse)uen"es
o& rres%ons(!e "ho"es . su"h as resour"e de%!eton* %o!!uton*
dsease* ne#at$e stress* K,ea!th m(a!an"e and other ssues J t then
(e"omes "rt"a! to (ase our methodo!o#' on the most re!e$ant set o&
te"hn"a! %arameters ,e "an* orented around the "urrent state o&
scientific awareness on (oth an e"o!o#"a! and human !e$e!+
H54 Later n hs !&e* astronomer /ar! Sa#an made a $deo "ommentar' ,h"h
"an (e &ound n !ater re!eases o& hs A9S seres T/osmosT* statn#
8%ara%hrased here;<TIt s a!most as thou#h there s a God and he has #$en
humant' the "ho"e to use the %o,er o& s"en"e to m%ro$e !&e] or destro'
t+ It s u% to us+T
H5D See %ror essa' >istory of Economy*
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
The ,or!dNs %resent ndustra! "$!1aton s hand"a%%ed (' the "oe-sten"e o&
t,o un$ersa!* o$er!a%%n#* and n"om%at(!e nte!!e"tua! s'stems< the
a""umu!ated 7no,!ed#e o& the !ast &our "entures o& the %ro%ertes and
nterre!atonsh%s o& matter and ener#'U and the asso"ated monetar' "u!ture
,h"h has e$o!$ed &rom &o!7,a's o& %rehstor" or#n+
.M+ Cn# Hu((ert
E/aluating Design
E-amnn# the sur&a"e o& Earth toda'* a net,or7 !a'er o& "ommuntes*
ndustra! "enters* trans%ort routes* re"reatona! areas* a#r"u!tura!
s'stems and the !7e domnate mu"h o& the !ands"a%e+ Whether
ntended as a tota! s'stem "onstru"t or not* ths resu!t* at an' #$en
%ont n tme* "onsttutes the a%%earan"e o& a to%o#ra%h"a! design*
:et* on the other hand* #$en that ths resu!tn# Kdes#n toda'
s* a"tua!!'* a conse)uential amalgamation o& most!' (usness
d'nam"s . mo$n# mone' around &or %ersona! or #rou% se!&.nterest*
(ased around de"son.ma7n# me"hansms su"h as %ro&t* "ost.
e&&"en"' and the %re$a!n# !o#" surroundn# %ro%ert' re!atonsh%s J
t "ou!d a!so (e ar#ued that ,hat has man&est s a"tua!!' not a
Kdes#n at a!!+ Rather* t s rooted n a me"hansm that has "reated the
appearance o& des#n ex post facto
sn"e the stru"tura! out"ome
re"o#n1ed ,as not &u!!' ant"%ated as a ,ho!e %ror to ts
In other ,ords* the te"hn"a! order ,e see n the ,or!d toda'
s most!' the resu!t o& &nan"a! %ro"esses that ha$e !tt!e to no
%er"e%ton o& !ar#er s"a!e stru"tura! out"omes+ It s more o& a proxy
and ,h!e there are some re!at$e e-"e%tons* su"h as the
%!a"ement o& h#h,a's* %%e!nes and the !7e (' &unded "t' %!anners
,ho sm%!' must ta7e a (road %h's"a! $e, to (e &un"tona!* e$en
those "r"umstan"es are o&ten ,or7n# around %re.e-stn# %ro%ert'
"!ams and other &orms o& nter&eren"e ,h"h tend to redu"e design
efficiency on the ,ho!e+
Ths s an nterestn# o(ser$aton* as on"e t s re"o#n1ed that
our so"et' o%erates without a large scale preconception of its own
physical design* one m#ht (e#n to rea!1e the enormous !e$e! o&
unne"essar' ,aste and te"hn"a! ne&&"en"' nherent to su"h a short.
H56 Sour"e< Two !ntellectual Systems3 Matter$energy and the Monetary
ulture* M+ Cn# Hu((ert* 2EG2
H5H KE- Aost Fa"to s a Latn term that means Kdone* made* or &ormu!ated a&ter
the &a"t+
H5I KAro-'* de&ned as Kthe a#en"'* &un"ton* or o&&"e o& a de%ut' ,ho a"ts as
a su(sttute &or another 8htt%<MM,,,+merram.
,e(ster+"omMd"tonar'M%ro-';* s used n ths "onte-t to des"r(e the
mar7et e"onom' as a s'stem that ser$es to assst ndustra! and* n man'
,a's* so"eta! o%eratons indirectly* In other ,ords* the s'stem o& trade*
%ro&t* "om%etton and a!! other su"h monetar'.mar7et attr(utes are
mere!' me"hansms that orent (eha$or n a "ertan* ar#ua(!' short.s#hted
,a'* a(sent an' 7nd o& !ar#er s'stem %ers%e"t$e+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
s#hted %ro"ess+
To "onsder ths more so* t,o %onts are ,orth "onsdern#<
a; E-stn# 'et Una%%!ed So!utons
(; 9road /on"e%ton $s+ S%ontaneous /on"e%ton
a; E-stn# 'et Una%%!ed So!utons<
Ths &rst %ont "on"erns the tenden"' o& man' ne, nno$atons &or
%ro(!em reso!uton to #o una%%!ed ,thn the "urrent e"onom"
I& &urther !&e m%ro$n# methods or te"hno!o#es ha$e not
&ound ther ,a' nto a s'stem ,thn a respectable amount of time 8or
at a!!; a&ter #enera! $a!daton* ,e "an r#ht!' assume there are
ne&&"en"es* & not de&"en"es* ,th the $er' %ro"ess o& e"onom"
n"or%oraton and de$e!o%ment+
In other ,ords* ths de!a' (et,een %ro$en so!utons* and ther
a%%!"aton n the rea! ,or!d* #au#es the a(!t' o& the so"oe"onom"
s'stem to adapt %ro%er!' to m%ro$ed methods and a%%!"atons+ I&* &or
some reason* the so"a! order n )ueston s not a(!e to n"or%orate
su"h ne, means to &urther e"o!o#"a! (a!an"e* m%ro$e %u(!" hea!th*
so!$e %ro(!ems and n"rease %ros%ert'* then there s !7e!' a structural
%ro(!em nherent+
(; 9road /on"e%ton $s+ S%ontaneous /on"e%ton<
Se"ond!'* &rom a str"t!' &ormu!a" $e,%ont* dre"t* tota! s'stem
"onsderatons ,!! a!,a's (e more e&&"ent and e&&e"t$e than
Ks%ontaneous #eneraton (' %ro"esses (!nd to the &na! out"ome or
H5F A "!ass" e-am%!e s the e!e"tr" "ar that has (een around sn"e the 2E
"entur'* sho,n# !ar#e.s"a!e e&&"a"' n the 42st "entur' $a te"hno!o#"a!
m%ro$ements+ Ho,e$er* the #!o(a! sh&t &rom the %o!!utn# #as en#ne to
the "!ean e!e"tr" en#ne has "!ear!' (een st&!ed (' esta(!shed* %ro&t
%reser$n# ndustres re!ated to the automo(!e manu&a"turers and ener#'
%ro$ders+ It s a!so ,orth notn# that the $er' &oundaton o& mar7et
e&&"en"' s the mechanism of profit+ Wth ths K%ro-' me"hansm* a"tons
are on!' ta7en & the' are K%ro&ta(!e+ In rea! !&e* ,e "an see a $ast arra' o&
needed a"tons to assst so"a! and en$ronmenta! nte#rt' that ha$e no
re!e$an"e to the %ursut o& %ro&t+ In other ,ords* & mone' "annot (e made
on a #$en a"t* that a"t sn?t deemed o& $a!ue n the $e, o& the %ro-'+
H5G A "!ass"* !ar#e.s"a!e e-am%!e s the e-sten"e o& poverty+ In order to 0ust&'
%o$ert'* %h's"a!!'* there must (e a "!ear de&"en"' n the natura! ,or!d?s
"a%a"t' to meet the needs o& those ,ho ha$e resu!ted to e-st n %o$ert'+ I&
t s &ound that there s a "a%a"t' to e!mnate %o$ert' as ,e 7no, t* hen"e
meann# enou#h &ood* she!ter* ,ater and other resour"es and ser$"es that
"an* ndeed* (e made a$a!a(!e ,thout remo$n# those (as"* !&e
su%%ortn# means &rom others* then the 0ust&"aton o& %o$ert' must &nd
another sour"e+ In the "urrent s'stem* ths 0ust&"aton s essenta!!'
theoret"a! and determned on!' (' the me"hansm o& the mar7et tse!&*
m%!'n# that & a %erson s n"a%a(!e o& "om%etn# su&&"ent!' to o(tan hs
or her o,n $a(!e standard o& !$n#* then the' are hen"e not deser$n# o&
that standard o& !$n#+ There&ore* the reason %o$ert' e-sts* as %er ths
e-am%!e* s the resu!t o& the mar7et s'stem and ts stru"ture* not rea! !&e*
%h's"a! rea!tes+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
In other ,ords* as #estured (e&ore* a (as" #ood* su"h as a
"ar* has a des#n that s "on"e$ed o& n ad$an"e* (e&ore %h's"a!
%rodu"ton+ On"e ths des#n s de"ded u%on* t s then &o!!o,ed ('
a%%!'n# rea! !&e matera!s and %ro"esses to "reate the a"tua! %h's"a!
%rodu"t+ Ths ma' seem o($ous to most as a !o#"a! %ro"ess (ut the
re!e$an"e o& su"h %re"on"e%ton s o&ten !ost ,hen t "omes to !ar#er
order "onte-ts+
We ha$e to ,onder ,hat the out"ome ,ou!d (e & ,e a%%!ed
the %seudo.demo"rat" mar7et %ro"ess o& (ddn#* (u'n# and se!!n#
&or short.term %ro&t* & e$en %oss(!e on su"h a s"a!e* to the "reaton
o& h#h nte#rt' goods systems* su"h as an ar%!ane* "om%uter* "ar*
home or the !7e+ Wh!e toda' the resour"es* !a(or and su(."om%onent
s'stems o& these tems are "ertan!' n %!a' n the o%en mar7et* the
design itself s not+
The des#n s re!e#ated* ne"essar!'* to the ds"%!ne o& science
o$era!!+ It "ou!d (e sad that a !ne s ntut$e!' dra,n n ths ,a'
(et,een ,hat s sus"e%t(!e to monetar' o%non and ,hat s tan#(!'
needed to 7ee% some (as" !e$e! o& te"hn"a!* s'stem nte#rt'+ 8A!ease
note that ths noton o& des#n s not to (e "on&used ,th su(0e"t$e
Kst'!e nterests+ Des#n* as used here* s not an aesthet"
"onsderaton (ut a te"hn"a! one+;
Ima#ne* h'%othet"a!!'* & %eo%!e K(d and o&&ered &or the
%h's"a! des#n "onstru"ton o& a house n ea"h tn' %h's"a! deta!*
#norn# s"ent&" %rn"%!es+ In other ,ords* nstead o& re&eren"n# the
(as" !a,s o& %h's"s and the natura! s"en"e that de&nes the "ore
stru"tura! nte#rt' o& an' (u!dn#* ,e !et the mar#et de"de* ,th
e$er'one K(u'n# and Kse!!n# su"h %remses &or ther %ersona! #an*
re#ard!ess o& ther te"hn"a! understandn#+ O& "ourse* su"h an dea s
tru!' a(surd n su"h a(stra"ton and most readn# ths %ro(a(!' "an?t
e$en ma#ne su"h an rratona! nter%!a'+
Ho,e$er* ths s e-a"t!' ,hat s o""urrn# as a resu!t o& our
e"onom" s'stem n man' other !ess o($ous ,a's+ For e-am%!e* on
the Kma"roe"onom" s"a!e* the #!o(a! "ommer"a! net,or7 "reated ('
,hat s termed globali%ation
$ ,th ts (ass n "ost e&&"en"' ,h"h*
amon# other thn#s* ut!1es "hea%er !a(or n o&ten dstant re#ons*
,h!e ,astn# !ar#e amounts o& ener#' sendn# resour"es a!! o$er the
,or!d and (a"7 . re$ea!s ths !oss o& e&&"en"' ,e!!+

H5E The man e-"e%ton to ths ,ou!d (e a stuaton ,here the assumed s'stem
des#n s sm%!' not understood %ro%er!' at that tme+ In other ,ords* & the
#oa! or &un"ton o& a #$en s'stem s not &u!!' rea!1ed* then natura!!' that
s'stem "an on!' (e des#ned to that !e$e! o& understandn#+
H25 G!o(a!1aton s de&ned as< Kthe de$e!o%ment o& an n"reasn#!' nte#rated
#!o(a! e"onom' mar7ed es%e"a!!' (' &ree trade* &ree &!o, o& "a%ta!* and the
ta%%n# o& "hea%er &ore#n !a(or mar7ets+ 8htt%<MM,,,+merram.
H22 Re&eren"e< ?lobali%ation3 /etween (airness and Exploitation
H24 Re&eren"e< 7hy globali%ation is energy intensive and wrea#s havoc on oil
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
From the %ers%e"t$e o& preconceived design, #$en the more
!o#"a! %oss(!t' o& !o"a!1aton o& !a(or* %rodu"ton and dstr(uton n
most a!! "ases* #!o(a!1aton* n ts "urrent &orm* s h#h!' ne&&"ent
"om%ared to other %oss(!tes+ Ths s not to den' that #!o(a!1aton
and ths nte#raton o& nternatona! e"onomes has #enera!!' (een a
%rodu"t$e o""urren"e ,thn the e$o!uton o& e"onom"s+ In that
"onte-t* t has ser$ed #!o(a! ndustra! de$e!o%ment &ar!' ,e!!+
Ho,e$er* & ,e ste% out o& the (o- o& mar7et !o#" and e-amne ho,
,e "ou!d directly des#n a more te"hn"a!!' e&&"ent and !o"a!1ed set
o& s'stems* ,thn the #!o(a! settn#* ,e &nd that the "urrent method
s not on!' n&eror* t s rather o&&ens$e+
On the Km"roe"onom" s"a!e* ths "an (e e-em%!&ed ,th
res%e"t to the ne&&"en"' nherent to the )uality o& (as" #ood
"om%onents* a!so due to the %ra"t"e o& "ost e&&"en"' and the
nherent nterest to %rodu"e the so."a!!ed K(est at the K!o,est "ost
,h"h* )ute sm%!'* does not %rodu"e the (est at a!!+
For e-am%!e* a %ro%osed s"hemat" des#n o&* sa'* a !a%to%
"om%uter m#ht (e reasona(!' e&&"ent* te"hn"a!!'+ Ho,e$er* & the
a"tua! matera!s used to #enerate that &na! #ood are re!at$e!' %oor n
)ua!t'* no matter ho, nte!!#ent the o$era!!* (as" des#n* t ,!! n"ur
re!at$e ,ea7ness and ,!! !7e!' (rea7 do,n more ra%d!' than & the
same des#n ,as a!so o%tm1ed to use the most Ka%%ro%rate
matera!s &rom a te"hn"a! %ont o& $e,* rather than those matera!s
de"ded u%on as %er the %ro-' o& Kmar7et e&&"en"'+
Another e-am%!e s the mar7et %henomenon o& proprietary
technology+ Wh!e ,e see* ostens(!'* an enormous amount o& $aret'
n the ,or!d toda' ,th res%e"t to #ood %rodu"ton* a "!oser !oo7 sho,s
a $ast and ,aste&u! mu!t%!"t'*
a!on# ,th %ro(!emat" stru"tura!
n"om%at(!t' (et,een %rodu"ers? "om%onents o& the same #ood
prices 8htt%<MM,,,+"smontor+"omMEn$ronmentMEner#'.
H2D Ths s a rather su(0e"t$e e-am%!e as* dea!!'* a %!anned des#n shou!d (e
thorou#h enou#h to ta7e nto a""ount the a"tua!* %h's"a! matera!s and
ther "hara"terst"s* de"ded u%on do,n to the sma!!est re!e$ant %art+ In
truth* ths on!' ha%%ens to a "ertan de#ree* ,th man' "om%onents o& a
#$en #ood n"!uded as a means to 7ee% a %rodu"t K"hea% and "om%ett$e
n the o%en mar7et+ An e-am%!e ,ou!d (e tres on a "ar+ Wh!e #enera!
s%e"&"aton o& tre #rade ma' (e su##ested* the use o& K"hea% tres "ou!d
%re$a! due to an nterest to !mts "osts (' the "onsumer or e$en the
H26 An e-am%!e o& mu!t%!"t' s ho, #ood %rodu"ton toda' #rades )ua!t'
(ased on a tar#eted demo#ra%h"+ There are de!(erate!' %oor #oods
"ontnuous!' des#ned &or those ,th !mted %ur"hasn# %o,er and there are
more o%tm1ed #oods* ,h"h are !on#er !astn# and e&&e"t$e* des#ned &or
those ,ho "an a&&ord su"h )ua!t'+ Wh!e nat$e to the !o#" o& the mar7et
s'stem?s nherent and resu!tn# "!ass strat&"aton* ths t'%e o& ,aste s
a"tua!!' unneeded & so"et' had the ntenton to share des#n deas n
tota!t'* see7n# o%tm1aton as strate#"a!!' as %oss(!e+ In a NLR9E* ths
,ou!d (e the "ase* remo$n# the mar7et and hen"e the enormous ,aste
%rodu"ed (' ths 7nd o& demo#ra%h" (ased mu!t%!"t'+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
In other ,ords* "om%etn# "or%oratons toda' tend to "reate
custom systems 8su"h as a "om%uter s'stem and ts re)ured
"om%onents; that are n"om%at(!e ,th the de$e!o%ments o& other
%rodu"ers n that same good genre+ KUn$ersa! "om%at(!t'*
or !a"7
thereo&* s 'et another e-am%!e that the ('%rodu"t o& ths mar7et
K%ro-' #ame and the !ar#er order s'stem ne&&"en"' and ,aste s
enormous+ Ths %attern s a!so "ommon to #eneratona! de$e!o%ment
o& e-stn# "ommer"a! %rodu"t s'stems 8a7a Kmode!s;* su"h as ,hen
m%ro$ements are made to a #$en ma"hne* unne"essar!' ma7n#
o(so!ete o!der "om%onents o& that ma"hne* n the nterest o& assurn#
&urther %ur"hases &rom the "onsumer+
It s "rt"a! to note that there s no su"h thn# as a single
product n the "!osed s'stem o& Earth ,th res%e"t to %!anetar'
resour"es and ther use* nor are an' %rodu"t des#ns or %rodu"ton
methods e-stn# n a $a"uum+ Ea"h #ood and ts %ro"ess o& %rodu"ton
s mere!' an e-tenson o& the ,ho!e o& ndustr'+ Hen"e* the matera!s
ut!1ed* a!on# ,th des#ns* &nd ther true "onte-t on!' ,th res%e"t to
the whole of industry and resource management on a!! !e$e!s+ Ths
understandn# &or"es the "onstant need to $e, ndustr' 8and hen"e
e"onom"s tse!&; as a sn#!e s'stem %ro"ess to ensure ma-mum
te"hn"a! e&&"en"'+
So ,th ths n mnd* "ou%!ed a#an ,th the &rst %ont
re#ardn# the )ueston o& ,h' "ertan rea!tes are not %ut nto %ra"t"e
e$en thou#h the' are "!ear!' doa(!e at a #$en %ont n tme* ths essa'
,!! e-amne so"a!!' re!e$ant te"hno!o#"a! trends and des#n
"a%a"tes ,h"h* & a%%!ed properly* "ou!d rad"a!!' trans&orm the
,or!d nto a K%ost.s"ar"t'* h#h!' a(undant "ondton that ,ou!d
a!!e$ate the $ast ma0ort' o& the ,or!d?s %ro(!ems ,e see as
"ommon%!a"e toda'+
Moreo$er* t s a "on"!uson o& TZM that the "urrent mode! not
on!' dsa!!o,s 8or too s!o,!' n"or%orates; ne, ad$ents n e&&"en"'
due to the $er' nature o& (usness and ts tenden"' to %reser$e
ne&&"en"' &or the sa7e o& an esta(!shment?s %ro&t*
the $er'
deta"hed and se#re#ated nature o& mar7et a"t$t' nherent!' #nores
!ar#er order "onsderatons to sour"e and so!$e %ro(!ems or a""e!erate
H2H See essa' True Economic (actors &or more on ths su(0e"t+
H2I Here s an e-am%!e< (ury at 4pple0s 0rip$off0 plan to ma#e 4++ iPhone
accessories obsolete by changing design of soc#et
H2F A "!ass" hstor"a! e-am%!e o& ths %ro%enst' ,as ,hat ,as !ater termed
the KWar o& /urrents+ In short* 7no,n# that hs dre"t "urrent 8D/;
dstr(uton o& e!e"tr"t' ,as n&eror to the emer#n# a!ternatn# "urrent
8A/; s'stem %ut &or,ard (' N7o!a Tes!a* n$entor Thomas Edson en#a#ed
n an e-tens$e dsn&ormaton "am%a#n to su%%ress A/?s %o%u!art'* to
%reser$e hs &nan"a! sta7e n the e-stn# A/ n&rastru"ture+ Edson e$en
,ent so &ar as #on# to the Unted States /on#ress see7n# to outlaw
a!ternatn# "urrent* a!on# ,th %u(!"!' 7!!n# anma!s (' A/ e!e"tro"uton+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Design Efficienc+
I& ,e (rea7 do,n the e$er'da' "om%!e-t' o& our !$es toda'*
dsse"tn# ,hat nter%!a' s most "rt"a! to human sur$$a!*
sustana(!t' and %ros%ert'* ,e m#ht &nd three (as" thn#s< s"en"e*
natura! !a, @ resour"es+ ?S"en"e? s the mechanism &or ds"o$er' and
$a!datonU ?natura! !a,? s the %re.e-stn# rule set ,h"h ,e are
"ontnua!!' !earnn# a(out $a s"en"e and ne"essar!' ada%tn#U ,h!e
?resour"es? e-st n the "onte-t o& (oth ra, Earthly materials and the
%o,er o& the human mind to "om%rehend+ Wth res%e"t to the
de$e!o%ment o& design* these three attr(utes are natura!!'
nds%ensa(!e to ea"h other+
Furthermore* the term industrial design,
&or the %ur%oses o&
ths essa'* ,!! (e used to denote the %ro"ess o& e"onom" orented
ndustr' n a!! ts &a"ets* &rom sn#u!ar #ood "reaton to the tota! order
o& the #!o(a! e"onom' n &orm+ The hstor' o& ndustra! des#n s* n
man' res%e"ts* the true history o& e"onom" de$e!o%ment+ As our
e$er.emer#n# s"ent&" understandn#s #enerate !o#"a! n&eren"e ,th
res%e"t to ho, (est ut!1e our resour"es and tme* the #!o(a!
!ands"a%e* (oth %h's"a! and "u!tura!* has under#one %er%etua!
In ths "onte-t* the "ore nterest o& ndustra! des#n s
essenta!!' efficiency and t "ou!d (e ar#ued that there are three
"entra! e&&"en"' "onte-ts re!ated< 8a; !a(or e&&"en"' 8(; matera!
e&&"en"' and 8"; s'stem e&&"en"'+
8a; +abor efficiency has a un)ue hstor'+ Sn"e the ear!' 45th "entur'
there has (een a re!at$e!' ra%d transton &rom the domnant use o&
human and anma! mus"!e as the sour"e o& !a(or %o,er* to the use o&
%o,ered ma"hnes+ Ths %henomenon* ,h"h s termed mechani%ation*
,as a(!e to e!e$ate the ,or7&or"e &rom mu"h strenuous to!* to o%erate
n more o& a %oston o& too! ut!1aton+
Ho,e$er* (' the end o& the 45
"entur'* ths %attern "ontnued
to ad$an"e* ,here su"h ma"hnes ,ere not on!' "a%a(!e o& mo$n#
hea$' !oads and %er&ormn# "om%!e- %h's"a! a"ts* the' ,ere a!so
mer#n# ,th computeri%ation and de#rees o& artificial intelligence 8AI;
and hen"e ,ere a(!e to ma7e decisions as ,e!!+ In short* the
a""e!eratn# trend toda' has %ro$en that these modern ma"hnes are
H2G Wh!e the e-sten"e o& #o$ernment has ser$ed as (oth a re#u!ator o&
(usness matters as ,e!! as an a"t$e "o!!uder o& su"h matters #$en ts
e-sten"e as a (usness n and o& tse!&* there ha$e (een $er' &e, #!o(a!
a"tons that ha$e unted the ndustra! s'stem+ One e-am%!e ,as the
Montreal Protocol, ,h"h* %erha%s &or the &rst tme n hstor'* unted the
,or!d n a (as" nterest n en$ronmenta! %rote"ton 8O1one La'er
H2E Industra! des#n s tradtona!!' de&ned* as Ks the use o& (oth a%%!ed art
and a%%!ed s"en"e to m%ro$e the aesthet"s* er#onom"s* &un"tona!t'*
andMor usa(!t' o& a %rodu"t+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
no, #reat!' sur%assn#* n %rodu"t$t'* the $ast ma0ort' o& the a"tons
hstor"a!!' he!d (' human (en#s and there a%%ears to (e no s!o,n#
do,n o& ths trend+
O$era!!* TZM $e,s ths trend as su##estn# a
%o,er&u! means (' ,h"h the human s%e"es "an &urther ma-m1e ts
%rodu"t$e a(!t' to meet the needs o& a!! human (en#s* ,h!e
#eneratn# a !e$e! o& human &reedom ne$er (e&ore seen* & ada%ted
8(; Material efficiency s ho, ,e!! ,e ut!1e the ra, matera!s o& the
Earth+ Materials science
also has a un)ue hstor' unto tse!&* ,th
ea"h %erod o& tme ds"o$ern# ne, %atterns and %oss(!tes+
Meta!!ur#'* a doman o& matera!s en#neern# that studes the %h's"a!
and "hem"a! (eha$or o& meta!!" e!ements and ther m-tures*
a $er' m%ortant de$e!o%ment hstor"a!!'* ena(!n# a $ast s%e"trum o&
%oss(!t' throu#h the "reaton o& "om%ounds and a!!o's+ For e-am%!e*
the term K9ron1e A#e*
,h"h ,as the %erod n Euro%e o& around
D455.I55 9/* s "hara"ter1ed (' the "ommon use o& "o%%er and ts
a!!o' (ron1e &or man' %ur%oses+
Ho,e$er* %erha%s the most m%ortant ds"o$er' n matera!s
s"en"e understandn# 8and %erha%s one o& the most m%ortant
ds"o$eres n human hstor'; ,as the set o& "hem"a! e!ements that
"om%rse a!! matter* as ,e 7no, t+ Re"o#n1ed (' most as or#an1ed
$a the K%erod" ta(!e* 22G e!ements ha$e (een dent&ed as o& 452D*
,th a(out E4 7no,n to o""ur natura!!' on Earth+
In short* these
"hem"a! e!ements are the (u!dn# (!o"7s o& e$er'thn# ,e e-%eren"e
as tan#(!e n the ,or!d around us and ea"h res%e"t$e atom has
"ertan %ro%ertes and hen"e dos'n"rat" a%%!"atons+
H45 Ths ssue ,!! (e addressed at the end o& ths essa'+ Su##ested readn#<
'eport Suggests "early >alf of 9*S* &obs 4re Vulnerable to omputeri%ation
H42 Ve,n# the ,or!d ,th a Ksu""ess and Kstatus asso"aton to matera!
%ossessons* as s "ommon toda'* o&ten %o!!utes "onsderatons o& the
%ost$e stress redu"n#* &ree tme ena(!n#* "on&!"t re!e$n# %oss(!tes o&
!a(or automaton+ Does one ,ant to ha$e a !&e o& &reedom &rom monoton'*
stress and to! or does ,ant to ha$e $ast* e-"ess matera! %ossessonsR Ths
)ueston %resents a $a!ue s'stem "on&!"t and the term Kada%taton here s
to su##est that %eo%!e ma' (e ,!!n# to redu"e the "om%!e-t' o& ndustr' a
(t (' ha$n# !ess matera! K,ants* n &a$or o& a more Ksm%!&ed !&est'!e+
Ths sn?t to su##est e$er'thn# ,e ha$e toda' "ou!d not (e a$a!a(!e n a
NLR9E+ It s to sa' that a ,or!d$e, ,h"h s !ess matera!st" "ou!d %re$a!
to ma7e su"h a transton to a 7nd automated e"onom' more sm%!e* not to
menton (e more e"o!o#"a!!' sustana(!e* #$en the nherent ,aste+
H44 Matera!s s"en"e s an nterds"%!nar' &e!d n$o!$n# the %ro%ertes o&
matter and ts a%%!"aton to $arous areas o& s"en"e and en#neern#+
H4D Meta!!ur#' de&ned< htt%<MM,,,+s"en"eda!'+"omMart"!esMmMmeta!!ur#'+htm
H46 Re&eren"e< 9ron1e A#e< htt%<MM,,,+the&reed"tonar'+"omM9ron1eQA#e
H4H Sour"e< KNe, E!ement 22H Ta7es a Seat at the Aerod" Ta(!e* Time, 452D
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Ths 7no,!ed#e* ,h"h s e-treme!' ne, re!at$e to the tota!t'
o& human understandn#*
has not on!' a!!o,ed &or a dee%er
understandn# o& ho, "hemstr' "an ,or7 to "reate an n"red(!' $ast
ran#e o& matera!s &or n"reasn#!' e&&"ent ndustra! use* t has a!so
&a"!tated a %o,er&u! understandn# o& the $er' nature o& matter tse!&
and %ros%e"ts &or man%u!aton at the atom" s"a!e+
,h"h s $er' mu"h n ts n&an"'* a%%ears
)ute "on"rete n ts theoret"a! (ass o& assem(!n# and dsassem(!n#
d&&erent matera!s* and e$en s'stems o& matera!s 8+e+ #oods
themse!$es;* &rom the atom" !e$e! u% and do,n+
O& "ourse* as %ro&ound as that s* the "urrent* re!at$e!' "rude
state o& nanote"hno!o#' a%%!es most!' n the "onte-t o& ,hat are
"a!!ed Ksmart matera!s
or Kmeta.matera!s+
As ,!! (e tou"hed
u%on !ater n ths essa'* the "urrent state and trends o& matera!s
s"en"e ho!d %ro&ound %oss(!tes &or the %resent and &uture+
8"; System efficiency s !7e!' the most "ru"a! and m%ortant o& a!!
"on"e%ts &or* as a(stra"t as t ma' seem* e$er'thn# ,e 7no, o& s a
s'stem itself or an ntera"ton o& t,o or more s'stems+ Aerha%s the
(est ,a' to e-%ress s'stem e&&"en"' s to "onsder an' "ommon%!a"e
a"t and thn7 a(out ho, that a"t "ou!d ether redu"e ,aste or n"rease
%rodu"t$t' on an' and a!! !e$e!s* not 0ust ,thn the "onte-t o& the
%er"e$ed sn#u!ar a"t tse!&+ S'stem %ers%e"t$es are rather o(s"ure to
most sn"e ,e tend to $e, most &un"tons and %ro"esses ,thn the
H4I In 2FGE* Antone La$oser %u(!shed a !st o& DD "hem"a! e!ements*
#rou%n# them nto #ases* meta!s* nonmeta!s* and earths+ In 2GF5* Russan
"hemstr' %ro&essor Dmtr Mende!ee$ %rodu"ed the &rst T%erod" ta(!eT
,th a(out t,"e as man'* ,th a ne, e!ement (en# ds"o$ered a(out e$er
'ear on a$era#e therea&ter+
H4F Nanote"hno!o#' de&ned< the s"en"e o& man%u!atn# matera!s on an
atom" or mo!e"u!ar s"a!e+
H4G Re&eren"e< Michio 2a#u3 an "anotechnology reate 9topiaD
H4E KSmart Matera!s* as a term* s rather ne, and am(#uous+ A "ommon
de&nton ,ou!d (e< KMatera!s that "an s#n&"ant!' "han#e ther
me"han"a! %ro%ertes 8su"h as sha%e* st&&ness* and $s"ost';* or ther
therma!* o%t"a!* or e!e"troma#net" %ro%ertes* n a %red"ta(!e or
"ontro!!a(!e manner n res%onse to ther en$ronment+ Matera!s that
%er&orm sensn# and a"tuatn# &un"tons* n"!udn# %e1oe!e"tr"s*
e!e"trostr"tors* ma#netostr"tors* and sha%e.memor' a!!o's+ Ho,e$er* a
Ksmart matera! sn?t ne"essar!' a %rodu"t o& nanote"hno!o#'* e$en thou#h
nanote"hno!o#' "an (e "ommon as a means o& %rodu"ton+
HD5 KMetamatera!s are de&ned #enera!!' as Ke-ot" "om%oste matera!s that
ds%!a' %ro%ertes (e'ond those a$a!a(!e n natura!!' o""urrn# matera!s+
Instead o& "onstru"tn# matera!s at the "hem"a! !e$e!* as s ordnar!' done*
these are "onstru"ted ,th t,o or more matera!s at the ma"ros"o%" !e$e!+
One o& ther de&nn# "hara"terst"s s that the e!e"troma#net" res%onse
resu!ts &rom "om(nn# t,o or more dstn"t matera!s n a s%e"&ed ,a'
that e-tends the ran#e o& e!e"troma#net" %atterns (e"ause o& the &a"t that
the' are not &ound n nature+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
(ounds o& ther ntended %ur%ose on!'* n a "ate#or"a! manner+
For e-am%!e* ,hen ,e "onsder a modern &tness "enter 8a7a
K#'m;* ,th %eo%!e e-er"sn# on $arous ma"hnes n one !o"aton* ,e
tend to thn7 on!' o& the %ur%ose o& that nsttuton and hen"e ho, to
(etter &a"!tate the hea!th nterests o& those %eo%!e usn# those
ma"hnes* et"+ We rare!' thn7 more (road!' and %ro%ose< KWhat & a!!
those %eo%!e %eda!n# and %ushn# and %u!!n# had that e-erted ener#'
run nto a "on$erson s'stem ,here the (u!dn# tse!& "ou!d (e
%o,ered* n ,ho!e or n %art* (' that ener#' n the &orm o&
Ths manner o& thou#ht stands at the heart o& a systems
theory t'%e ,or!d$e,+ Aerha%s a use&u! ,a' to thn7 o& ths networ#
%ers%e"t$e s throu#h the s'ner#' o& nature tse!&+ In the Earth?s
(os%here* mnus "urrent human nter&eren"e* there s $rtua!!' no
su"h thn# as ,aste+ Vrtua!!' e$er'thn# ,e &nd n nature s dee%!'
nte#rated and n (a!an"e due to the re&nn# nature o& e$o!uton tse!&+
Ths s a %o,er&u! o(ser$aton and the term (omm"r'
,orth mentonn# n ths "onte-t as* n man' ,a's* our de$e!o%ment
as a s%e"es has (een to !earn &rom the natura! %ro"esses n e-sten"e
a!read'* e$en thou#h ,e a%%ear to ha$e de"ou%!ed #reat!' n man'
,a's+ Hen"e* ,or7n# to &a"!tate the most optimi%ed integration ,e
"an* dea!!' reusing everything on a!! !e$e!s* 0ust as nature does*
shou!d (e a so"eta! #oa! to ensure sustana(!t' and e&&"en"'+
Estalished and Potential Trends
There are t,o (road* (as" trendsMrea!tes to "onsder n the ,or!d
toda'+ For the %ur%oses o& ths essa'* ,e ,!! re&er to them as
Kesta(!shed and K%otenta!+ Established trends are the so"oe"onom"
trends n %!a' at the tme o& ths ,rtn# and these* n the "onte-t o&
%u(!" hea!th and e"o!o#"a! (a!an"e* are sho,n to (e a!most entre!'
The potential trends, on the other hand* re$ea! !&e.
m%ro$n# and (a!an"e."reatn# %oss(!tes that could o""ur* & !ar#er
HD2 A"tua!!'* ths dea ,as ndeed rea!1ed (ut has (een a%%!ed $er' rare!' as
o& no,+ KIn the G'm< /!ean Ener#' &rom Mus"!e Ao,er* Time* 4525
HD4 9omm"r' 8&rom bios* meann# !&e* and mimesis* meann# to mtate; s a
des#n ds"%!ne that see7s sustana(!e so!utons (' emu!atn# natureNs
tme.tested %atterns and strate#es* e+#+* a so!ar "e!! ns%red (' a !ea&+
HDD T,o (road trends ,orth notn# ,ou!d (e e"o!o#"a! @ so"a!+ Re#ardn# the
e"o!o#"a!* t has (een noted that most* & not a!! ma0or !&e su%%ortn#
s'stems are "urrent!' n de"!ne+ Re&< =ata Shows 4ll of EarthRs Systems in 'apid
=ecline 8htt%<MM,,,+%sne,s+netM4522M5FMdata.sho,s.a!!.o&.earths.s'stems."!neM; Re#ardn# so"a! trends . a ,orth' statst"a! o(ser$aton
s the a%%arent #enera! n"rease n so"a! desta(!1aton or Ku%rsn#s that
ha$e (een o""urrn# n the %ast D5 'ears+ A %ro#ram tra"7n# ne, re%orts
"a!!ed 8GDELT;* sho,s a start!n# n"rease n su"h e$ents+ Re&< =ata Map
Shows Protests 4round the 7orld !ncrease, 7ith aveat
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
order so"a! "han#es ,ere made+ As noted (e&ore* these t,o trends
ar#ua(!' a%%ear to o%erate n s'stem "ontrad"ton o& ea"h other+
In the essa' tt!ed Social =estabili%ation A Transition, an n.
de%th !oo7 at the "urrent state o& so"eta! a&&ars ,!! (e addressed n
deta!+ Ho,e$er* !et t (e stated that the e&&"en"es de&ned* de&ended
and su##ested here are not done so sm%!' to sho, ho, mu"h (etter
the ,or!d K"ou!d (e* as thou#h ,hat ,e are don# toda' s st!! o7a'+
On the "ontrar'* these (as" o(ser$atons a"tua!!' demand a!#nment &
,e ntend to maintain stability n our ,or!d #$en ts "urrent* de#radn#
Wth a %o%u!aton e-%e"ted to rea"h o$er E (!!on (' 45H5*
,th re%orted trends o& !oomn# &ood*
and ener#'
these su##estons not on!' see7 to m%ro$e (ut to
a"tua!!' change course+ O$era!!* t s the $e, o& TZM that & these
"urrent* so."a!!ed established trends %ersst ,th the shorts#hted
mar7et.(ased %ra"t"e and a!! the "hara"terst"s that #o a!on# ,th t*
human "u!ture ,!! not on!' not a"he$e the %ost$e a%%!"aton o& the
potential trends e-%ressed* n"reased desta(!1aton ,!! "ontnue to
Post-Scarcit+ World/iew
In ths se"ton* (as" statst"s and trends ,!! (e %resented to sho,
ho, ,e "an* as a #!o(a! so"et'* a"he$e a K%ost.s"ar"t'
HD6 Sour"e< 9*"* 'aises @+ow8 Population ProEection for BCGC
HDH Re&eren"e< 6ield Trends 4re !nsufficient to =ouble ?lobal rop Production
HDI Re&eren"e< The oming ?lobal 7ater risis
HDF The h'dro"ar(on e"onom' and ts de#ree o& s"ar"t' has (een a
"ontro$ersa! su(0e"t &or man' de"ades+ The de(ate o$er the "urrent state
o& su%%!'* #!o(a!!'* has $ast dsa#reement+ KAea7 O!* ,h"h has (een the
"ate#or"a! "onte-t o& ths de(ate* s%ans man' de"ades* ,th the man
"on"!uson (en# that ths &orm o& ener#' s &nte+ Re#ona! de%!eton* su"h
as the Unted States %ea7 n the 2EF5s ,th res%e"t to "on$entona! o!
&e!ds* %ro$des a-omat" e$den"e that other re#ons and hen"e the ,or!d
tse!& ,!! e$entua!!' %ea7* ,th man' ana!'sts seen# ths o""ur n the $er'
near &uture+ Ths* "ou%!ed ,th %o%u!aton #ro,th and n"reased demand*
"om%ounds the %ro(!em* & a""urate+ Re&<
HDG The term K%ost.s"ar"t' denotes a state that e!mnates a""ess s"ar"t' o& a
#$en resour"e or %ro"ess* usua!!' (' means o& o%tm1ed e&&"en"'
re#ardn# %rodu"ton des#n and strate#" use+ Need!ess to sa'* the dea o&
a"he$n# tota! %ost.s"ar"t' . meann# an n&nte* a(undant amount o&
e$er'thn# &or e$er'one . s r#ht&u!!' "onsdered an m%oss(!t'* e$en n
the most o%tmst" $e,s+ There&ore* ths term* as used here* rea!!'
h#h!#hts a %ont o& &o"us+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
s'stem+ Wh!e s"ar"t' n a(so!ute terms ,!! a!,a's (e ,th humant'
to one de#ree or another n ths "!osed s'stem o& Earth!' resour"es*
s"ar"t' on the !e$e! o& human needs and basic material success s no
!on#er a $a(!e de&ense o& the mar7et s'stem?s a!!o"aton methods+

As a (re& asde* a "ommon de&ense o& the %r"e s'stem and
the mar7et s that & any s"ar"t' e-sts* t ma7es $od an' other
a%%roa"h+ The ar#ument #oes that sn"e not e$er'one "an ha$e -'1*
-'1 s s"are and hen"e %eo%!e need mone' 8or ha$e a !a"7 thereo&; to
&!ter out ,ho #ans -'1 and ,ho doesn?t+
The %ro(!em ,th ths assum%ton s that t #nores ho, "ertan
resour"es and hen"e #oods ha$e more relevance than others ,hen t
"omes to public health+ /om%arn# the s"ar"t' o& a $er' e-%ens$e*
!u-ur' "ar ,h"h dra,s status sats&a"ton &rom ts o,ner more than ts
(as" %ur%ose as a mode o& trans%ort . ,th the s"ar"t' o& &ood* ,h"h
s a "ore !&e re)urement &or hea!th* s not !e#tmate n rea! !&e terms+
The &ormer nterest* ,h!e %erha%s m%ortant to the e#o sats&a"ton o&
the o,ner ,ho !7e!' a!read' has hs or her (as" needs met to a&&ord
su"h a %rodu"t* s not e)u$a!ent to the !atter nterest o& those ,ho
ha$e !tt!e or nothn# to eat and hen"e "annot sur$$e+ One "annot
ar(trar!' "on&!ate su"h Kneeds and K,ants* as thou#h the' are
sm%!' the same* n theor'+ Sad!'* ths s ho, the mar7et s'stem
L7e,se* ,th #reat ,ea!th and matera! m(a!an"e*
ne$ta(!e so"a! desta(!1aton+ Vrtua!!' e$er' !ar#e.s"a!e %u(!"
dssent and re$o!uton ,e ha$e seen n the %ast "ou%!e hundred 'ears
ha$e had some e"onom" (ass* usua!!' re$o!$n# around so"eta!
m(a!an"e* e-%!otaton and "!ass se%araton+
The same #oes &or the
roots o& "rme* terrorsm* add"tons and other so"a! %ro(!ems+
Vrtua!!' a!! o& these %ro%enstes are (orn out o& de%r$aton* ,hether
HDE Monetar' e"onom"s s rooted n $e,n# the ,or!d &rom the stand%ont o&
shorta#es or ne&&"en"es+ It s (ased around mana#n# s"ar"t' throu#h a
s'stem o& %r"e and $a!ue re!atonsh%s+ The more an tem s s"are* the
more t s $a!ued+
H65 The &o!!o,n# )uotaton (' hstoran 3err' Z+ Mu!!er em(ra"es ths rea!t'
,e!!< KIne)ua!t' s ndeed n"reasn# a!most e$er',here n the
%ostndustra! "a%ta!st ,or!d+ 9ut des%te ,hat man' on the !e&t thn7* ths
s not the resu!t o& %o!t"s* nor s %o!t"s !7e!' to re$erse t* &or the %ro(!em
s more dee%!' rooted and ntra"ta(!e than #enera!!' re"o#n1ed+ Ine)ua!t'
s an ne$ta(!e %rodu"t o& "a%ta!st a"t$t'* and e-%andn# e)ua!t' o&
o%%ortunt' on!' n"reases t .. (e"ause some nd$dua!s and "ommuntes
are sm%!' (etter a(!e than others to e-%!ot the o%%ortuntes &or
de$e!o%ment and ad$an"ement that "a%ta!sm a&&ords+
H62 9oth re!at$e and a(so!ute de%r$aton* meann# a(0e"t %o$ert' and re!at$e
so"oe"onom" status* sho, a %o,er&u! hstor"a! "orre!aton to so"a!
desta(!1aton and %rotest+ TO""u%' Wa!! StT ,h"h s%ar7ed a #!o(a! %rotest
mo$ement n 4522* ,as (ased* most s%e"&"a!!'* around n"ome ne)ua!t'+
Its most nota(!e s!o#an* TWe are the EE>T* denoted the $ast ,ea!th
d&&eren"es (et,een EE> o& the %o%u!aton and the 2>* "ou%!ed ,th the
%o,er a(use nherent (e"ause o& ths m(a!an"e+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
a(so!ute or re!at$e and ths de%r$aton s nherent to the nature o& a
so"et' (ased on "om%etton and s"ar"t'+
So* to sm%!' redu"e our e"onom" rea!t' do,n to mere trade*
"ou%!ed ,th the "!am that an' de#ree o& s"ar"t' 0ust&es the use o&
the mar7et* %r"e and mone' &or a!!o"aton* s to #nore the true nature
o& ,hat ensures so"a! harmon'* sta(!t'* and %u(!" hea!th+ Wou!d t
seem reasona(!e to &or#o the te"hn"a! a(!t' to* sa'* e!e$ate G5> o&
humant' to the matera! "a%a"t' "urrent!' he!d (' on!' 25> toda'*
sm%!' (e"ause Knot e$er'one "an o,n a H55 room mansonR A#an*
the a(surdt' o& ths o(0e"ton s )ute "!ear ,hen a system
perspective s ta7en ,th res%e"t to ,hat unders"ores true %u(!"
hea!th and so"a! sta(!t'+
That asde* (e!o, s a !st o& "urrent !&e su%%ort rea!tes
a$a!a(!e to the #!o(a! %o%u!aton that ha$e #one unharnessed due to
nh(tn# &a"tors nherent to the mar7et e"onom'+ Ea"h %ont ,!! (e
addressed n ts o,n su(.se"ton+
2; Food Arodu"ton< /urrent %rodu"ton methods a!read' %rodu"e more
than enou#h &ood to &eed a!! human (en#s on earth+ Furthermore*
"urrent trends to,ard more o%tm1ed te"hno!o#' and a#r"u!tura!
methods a!so sho, a "a%a"t' to &urther n"rease %rodu"ton e&&"en"'
and nutrton )ua!t' to a state o& active abundance* ,th mnma!
human !a(or and n"reasn#!' !ess ener#'* ,ater and !and
4; /!ean Water< Desa!naton and de"ontamnaton %ro"esses "urrent!'
e-st to su"h a $ast de#ree o& a%%!"aton that no human (en#* e$en n
the %resent state o& %o!!uton !e$e!s* ,ou!d e$er need to (e ,thout
"!ean ,ater* re#ard!ess o& ,here the' are on earth+
D; Ener#'< 9et,een #eotherma!* ,nd* so!ar* and h'dro* "ou%!ed ,th
s'stem.(ased %ro"esses that "an re"a%ture e-%e!!ed ener#' and reuse
t dre"t!'* there s an a(so!ute ener#' a(undan"e ,h"h "an %ro$de
&or man' tmes the "urrent ,or!d?s %o%u!aton+
6; Matera! Arodu"tonMA""ess< The s%e"trum o& matera! %rodu"ton*
&rom (u!dn#s to trans%ort to "ommon #oods* has e-%eren"ed a
%o,er&u! merging o& "a%ta! #oods* "onsumer #oods and human !a(or+
Wth %ro%er system incorporation o& ea"h #enre o& %rodu"ton* "ou%!ed
,th optimi%ed regeneration %ro"esses and a tota! trans&ormaton &rom
the use o& %ro%ert' r#hts to a s'stem o& access rights* t s "!ear that
a!! 7no,n #ood &un"tons 8n the &orm o& %rodu"t; "an (e ut!1ed ('
255> o& humant'* on a %er need (ass* n a""ess a(undan"e+
Carr+ing Ca,acit+
Ho,e$er* (e&ore these &our ssues are addressed n deta!* an ana!'ss
o& the Earth?s K"arr'n# "a%a"t' s n order+ /arr'n# "a%a"t' s
de&ned as Kthe ma-mum* e)u!(rum num(er o& or#ansms o& a
%art"u!ar s%e"es that "an (e su%%orted nde&nte!' n a #$en
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
S%e"u!aton on the Earth?s "arr'n# "a%a"t' ,th res%e"t to
human (en#s* meann# ho, man' %eo%!e the Earth and ts (os%here
"an su%%ort* has (een a "ontro$ersa! su(0e"t &or man' "entures+ For
e-am%!e* a 4552 Unted Natons re%ort sad that t,o.thrds o& the
estmates the' noted at that tme &e!! n the ran#e o& 6 (!!on to 2I
(!!on ,th a medan o& a(out 25 (!!on+
Ho,e$er* te"hno!o#"a! "han#e* and ts "a%a"t' to n"rease
e&&"en"' ,th res%e"t to ho, our resour"es are used*
%resents an
on#on# nter&eren"e n su"h attem%ts to arr$e at a tan#(!e* em%r"a!
&#ure+ The rea!t' s that the num(er o& %eo%!e the Earth "an su%%ort
s h#h!' $ara(!e and (ased* n %art* on the "urrent state o& te"hno!o#'
at a #$en tme and the more ,e %ro#ress our s"ent&" and te"hn"a!
understandn#* the more %eo%!e ,e tend to (e a(!e to su%%ort* ,th
!ess ener#' and resour"es a%%!ed %er %erson+
O& "ourse* ths sn?t to m%!' that ,thn the "!osed s'stem o&
the Earth ,e ha$e some n&nte "a%a"t' to re%rodu"e+ Rather* t
h#h!#hts the re!e$an"e o& ,hat t means to (e strate#"* nte!!#ent
and e&&"ent ,th our resour"e use and* (' e-tenson* the
ndustra!Me"onom" %ro"ess tse!&+
Toda'* there s no e$den"e that ,e are at or are "!ose!'
a%%roa"hn# the Earth?s "arr'n# "a%a"t'* & ,e ta7e nto a""ount the
trends that re$ea! our $ast %otenta! to Kdo more ,th !ess* "ou%!ed
,th a value system that "!ear!' re"o#n1es that ,e* as a s%e"es*
o""u%' a "!osed Earth s'stem ,th natura! !mtatons o$era!! and that
t s our %ersona! res%ons(!t' to ourse!$es* ea"h other and &uture
#eneratons to 7ee% an nterest n (a!an"e* e&&"en"' and
Ths educational m%erat$e su##ests that a "ons"ous*
n&ormed #!o(a! "u!ture "an sta(!1e ts re%rodu"ton rate & need (e*
without e-terna! &or"e* & ths (as" re!atonsh% s %ro%er!' understood+
O& "ourse* mu"h "ou!d (e sad a(out the n&!uen"e o& o!d* tradtona!
(e!e&s* su"h as re!#ous do"trnes that a%%ear to su##est that on#on#
and "onstant %ro"reaton s a $rtue+ These $e,s* ,h"h or#nated n
the a(sen"e o& the 7no,!ed#e ,e ha$e toda' re#ardn# our shared
e-sten"e on a &nte %!anet* ,!! !7e!' (e o$er"ome natura!!'* ,th
L7e,se* & "urrent re#ons o& a""e!eratn# %o%u!aton #ro,th
H64 /arr'n# "a%a"t' de&ned<
H6D Sour"e< 7orld population monitoring BCC,* Unted Natons
H66 See essa' !ntroduction to Sustainable Thought* se"ton KE%hemera!1aton
H6H Aresent!' a #reat &ear %erssts that "urta!n# or attem%tn# to "ontro! the
%o%u!aton nto more sta(!e re%rodu"t$e %atterns s %er se a ne"essar!'
$o!ent m%oston+ Future #eneratons ,!! understand* as a resu!t o& a""ess
to more n&ormaton a(out the %!anet?s "arr'n# "a%a"t'* that un"he"7ed
T&reedomT o& re%rodu"ton s* n man' ,a's* tse!& a $o!ent a"t a#anst the
un(orn "h!dren* and the human ra"e tse!&* ,hen resour"e %ro$son and
en$ronmenta! nte#rt' are not &a"tored nto the %ro"ess+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
are ana!'1ed* t s &ound that those e-stn# n de%r$aton and %o$ert'
are re%rodu"n# &aster than those ,ho are not n %o$ert'+ Wh!e there
s some "ontro$ers' as to ,h' ths %attern %re$a!s* the "orre!aton
a%%ears to st!! (e a""urate+ Ths e$den"e su##ests that n"reasn#
%eo%!e?s standard o& !$n# "an "urta! ther rates o& re%rodu"ton and
ths &urthers the so"a! m%erat$e to "reate a more e)uta(!e s'stem o&
resour"e a!!o"aton+
67< Food Production
A""ordn# to The Unted Natons Food and A#r"u!ture Or#an1aton*
one out o& e$er' e#ht %eo%!e on Earth* 8near!' 2 (!!on %eo%!e; su&&er
&rom "hron" undernourshment+ A!most a!! o& these %eo%!e !$e n
de$e!o%n# "ountres* re%resentn# 2H %er"ent o& the %o%u!aton o&
these "ountes+
Ao$ert' s* need!ess to sa'* "!ear!' !n7ed to ths
:et* %o!t"s and (usness asde* ,or!d a#r"u!ture toda'
a"tua!!' %rodu"es 2F %er"ent more "a!ores %er %erson than t dd D5
'ears a#o* des%te a F5 %er"ent %o%u!aton n"rease+ There s enou#h
&ood to %ro$de e$er'one n the ,or!d ,th at !east 4*F45 7!o"a!ores
87"a!; %er da'* ,h"h s more than enou#h to mantan #ood hea!th &or

There&ore* the e-sten"e o& su"h a !ar#e num(er o&
"hron"a!!' hun#r' %eo%!e n the de$e!o%n# ,or!d toda' re$ea!s* at a
mnmum* that there s somethn# &undamenta!!' ,ron# ,th the
#!o(a! ndustra! and e"onom" %ro"ess tse!& and not the Earth?s
"arr'n# "a%a"t'* or humant'?s a(!t' to %ro"ess enou#h resour"es+
A""ordn# to the Insttuton o& Me"han"a! En#neers* KXWYe
%rodu"e X#!o(a!!'Y a(out &our (!!on metr" tonnes o& &ood %er annum+
:et due to %oor %ra"t"es n har$estn#* stora#e and trans%ortaton* as
,e!! as mar7et and "onsumer ,asta#e* t s estmated that D5JH5> 8or
2+4J4 (!!on tonnes; o& a!! &ood %rodu"ed never reaches a human
stomach+ Furthermore* ths &#ure does not re&!e"t the &a"t that !ar#e
amounts o& !and* ener#'* &ert!1ers and ,ater ha$e a!so (een !ost n
the %rodu"ton o& &oodstu&&s ,h"h sm%!' end u% as ,aste+
In the ,ords o& &ood ,aste resear"her Va!entn Thurn* Kthe
num(er o& "a!ores that end u% n the #ar(a#e n North Amer"a and
Euro%e ,ou!d (e su&&"ent to &eed the hun#r' o& ths ,or!d three tmes
E"onom"a!!'* Frst Wor!d ,aste %atterns "an "reate %r"e
H6I Sour"e< ?lobally almost IOC million chronically undernourished $ new
hunger report* FAO
H6F Sour"e< 'educing poverty and hunger**** FAO
H6G Sour"e< >ow Many alories Should ! EatD* MNT
H6E Sour"e< (eeding the F /illion3 The tragedy of waste* IME*
HH5 Sour"e< 4uthor3 European food waste adds to world hunger* d,+de
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
n"reases &or the #!o(a! &ood su%%!' due to n"reased demand resu!tn#
&rom those $er' ,aste %atterns+ In other ,ords* the Frst Wor!d adds
to the ,or!d hun#er e%dem" (' ts ,aste %atterns on the "onsumer
end (e"ause the resu!tn# demand &rom n"reased ,aste n"reases
%r"e $a!ues %ast ,hat s a&&orda(!e &or man'+
Wh!e there s "ertan!' an edu"atona! m%erat$e &or the
"onsumn# ,or!d to "onsder the re!e$an"e o& ther ,aste %atterns n
the "urrent "!mate* (oth n terms o& rea! &ood ,aste and ts e&&e"t on
#!o(a! %r"es due to n"reased demand (e"ause o& ths ,aste* t
a%%ears that the most e&&e"t$e and %ra"t"a! means to o$er"ome ths
#!o(a! de&"en"' s to Ku%date the s'stem o& &ood %rodu"ton tse!&
,th modern methods+ Ths* "ou%!ed ,th de!(erate locali%ation o& the
%ro"ess tse!& n order to redu"e the $ast s%e"trum o& ,aste "aused ('
ne&&"en"es n the "urrent global food supply chain,
,ou!d not on!'
redu"e su"h %ro(!ems n #enera!* t ,ou!d dramat"a!!' n"rease
%rodu"t$t'* %rodu"t )ua!t' and out%ut o$era!!+
Wh!e the a"t$e use o& ara(!e !and and !and.(ased a#r"u!ture
shou!d reman 8dea!!'* o& "ourse* ,th more sustana(!e %ra"t"es than
,e are usn# toda';*
a #reat dea! o& %ressure "an (e a!!e$ated at
ths tme ,th ad$an"ed soilless methods* ,h"h re)ure !ess ,ater*
!ess &ert!1er* &e,er 8or no; %est"des* !ess !and* and !ess !a(or+ These
&a"!tes "an no, (e (u!t n ur(an "t' en$ronments or e$en o&&
"oast!nes* at sea+
Aerha%s the most %romsn# o& a!! su"h arran#ements s ,hat
s 7no,n toda' as vertical farming*
Vert"a! &armn# has (een %ut to
test n a num(er o& re#ons* ,th e-treme!' %romsn# resu!ts
re#ardn# e&&"en"'+ E-tra%o!atn# these statst"s* "ou%!ed ,th
%ara!!e! trend ad$an"ement 8n"reases n e&&"en"'; o& the asso"ated
me"hansms o& ths %ro"ess* re$ea!s that the &uture o& a(undant &ood
%rodu"ton ,!! not on!' 8"om%ared to the "urrent !and.(ased tradton;
use &e,er resour"es %er unt out%ut* "ause !ess ,aste* ha$e a redu"ed
e"o!o#"a! &oot%rnt* n"rease &ood )ua!t' and the !7eU t ,!! a!so use
!ess o& the sur&a"e o& the %!anet and ena(!e t'%es o& &ood that ,here
on"e restr"ted to "ertan "!mates or re#ons to (e #ro,n $rtua!!'
HH2 Re&eren"e< (ood waste within food supply chains3 )uantification and
potential for change to BCGC
HH4 To%so! s the to% !a'er o& so! that %ossesses the #reatest "on"entraton o&
or#an" matter and m"roor#ansms and t s &rom ,h"h %!ants o(tan the
o$er,he!mn# ma0ort' o& ther nutrents+ Toda'* t s dsa%%earn# at an
a!armn# rate %rmar!' due to "on$entona! a#r"u!tura! %ra"t"es su"h as
mono"u!ture 8the %ra"t"e o& %!antn# one sn#!e "ro% o$er and o$er a#an;+
L7e,se* so! eroson s n"reasn# ra%d!' ,th a !ar#e num(er o&
%ro(!emat" e&&e"ts due to ne&&"ent &armn# %ra"t"es+ Re&eren"e<
HHD Re&< htt%<MMne,earthda!'+"omM&!oatn#.$ert"a!.&arms."ou!d.&eed.the.,or!d.
HH6 D"7son Des%ommer* a %ro&essor o& en$ronmenta! hea!th s"en"es and
m"ro(o!o#' at /o!um(a Un$erst'* made nota(!e the dea o& $ert"a!
&armn# around 2EEE+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
an',here n en"!osed* $ert"a! s'stems+
Wh!e a%%roa"hes $ar'* "ommon methods n"!ude rotatn# "ro%
s'stems n trans%arent en"!osures to use natura! !#ht* "ou%!ed ,th
andMor a)ua%on"
,ater and nutrent
ser$"n# s'stems+ Art&"a! !#ht s'stems are a!so (en# used* a!on#
,th other means to dstr(ute natura! !#ht* su"h as the use o&
%ara(o!" mrror s'stems that "an mo$e !#ht ,thout e!e"tr"t'+
Man' K,aste to ener#'
s'stems a%%roa"hes to these stru"tures are
n"reasn#!' "ommon* as ,th ad$an"ed %o,er s'stems (ased on
re#enerat$e %ro"esses or !o"a!1ed sour"es+ 9et,een $arous
a%%roa"hes* the "a%a"t' s dramat"a!!' n"reased sn"e &ood "an (e
#ro,n a!most 46 hours a da'* se$en da's a ,ee7+
/ommon o(0e"tons to ths t'%e o& &armn# ha$e most!' (een
"on"erns o$er ts ener#' &oot%rnt* "rt"1n# the use o& art&"a! !#ht
n some arran#ements as too %o,er ntens$e+ Ho,e$er* the use o&
rene,a(!e ener#' s'stems* su"h as %hoto$o!ta"s* "ou%!ed ,th
re#ona! %!a"ement most "ondu"$e to rene,a(!e methods* su"h as
near ,a$e* tda! or #eotherma! sour"es* %resents %!aus(!e so!utons
&or sustana(!e* non.h'dro"ar(on (ased %o,ern#+
Ho,e$er* t s (est to thn7 a(out ths n a "om%arat$e
"onte-t+ In the U+S+* u% to 45 %er"ent o& the "ountr'?s &oss! &ue!
"onsum%ton #oes nto the &ood "han* a""ordn# to the UN?s Food and
A#r"u!tura! Or#an1aton 8FAO;* ,h"h %onts out that &oss! &ue! use ('
the &ood s'stems n the de$e!o%ed ,or!d To&ten r$a!s that o&
In Sn#a%ore* a $ert"a! &arm s'stem* "ustom (u!t n a
trans%arent en"!osure* uses a "!osed !oo%* automated h'drau!" s'stem
to rotate the "ro% n "r"!es (et,een sun!#ht and an or#an" nutrent
treatment* "ostn# on!' a(out bD a month n e!e"tr"t' &or ea"h
Ths s'stem s a!so re%orted as ten times more %rodu"t$e
%er s)uare &oot than "on$entona! &armn#* ,th mu"h !ess ,ater* !a(or
and &ert!1er used* as noted a(o$e+ There s a!so no rea! trans%ort "ost
HHH De&ned< K/u!t$aton o& %!ants n nutrent so!uton rather than n so!+
HHI De&ned< A te"hn)ue &or #ro,n# %!ants ,thout so! or h'dro%on" meda+
The %!ants are he!d a(o$e a s'stem that "onstant!' msts the roots ,th
nutrent.!aden ,ater+ A!so "a!!ed aeroculture+
HHF De&ned< A)ua"u!ture s the s'm(ot" "u!t$aton o& %!ants and a)uat"
anma!s n a re."r"u!atn# s'stem+
HHG Sour"e< 7hat is Vertical (armingD* 3a7e /o-* 455E*
HHE Re&eren"e< 7aste to Energy* a!ternat$e.ener#'.ne,s+n&o
HI5 Sour"e< A!! A(out< Food and &oss! &ue!s* "nn+"om
HI2 Sour"e< (eeding F /illion3 Vertical (arming 1 Singapore
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
#$en a!! %rodu"e s dstr(uted !o"a!!'* sa$n# more resour"es and
O$era!!* there s a s%e"trum o& a%%!"atons as o& no, and* n
man' "ases* these %ree-stn# stru"tures* not ntended &or su"h ,or7*
are (en# ut!1ed+
In /h"a#o* IL* USA* the ,or!ds !ar#est "ert&ed
or#an" $ert"a! &arm s n o%eraton+ Wh!e %rodu"n# most!' #reens &or
the !o"a! /h"a#o mar7et* ths E5*555 s)uare &oot &a"!t' uses an
a)uaponic s'stem*
,th ,aste &rom t!a%a &sh %ro$dn# nutrents
&or the %!ants+ The &arm re%orted!' sa$es E5> o& ts ,ater* "om%ared
to "on$entona! &armn# te"hn)ues* and %rodu"es no a#r"u!tura!
runo&&+ Addtona!!'* a!! o& ts ,aste* su"h as %!ant roots* stems and
e$en (ode#rada(!e %a"7a#n#* s re"'"!ed n "o!!a(oraton* ma7n# t a
1ero.,aste &a"!t'+

/urrent statst"s $ar' ,th res%e"t to the e&&"en"'* o&ten due
to monetar'.(ased !mtatons and nherent %ro&ta(!t' "on"erns+ As
,th mu"h n the mar7et s'stem* %romsn# te"hno!o#' &nds
de$e!o%ment on!' & t %ro$es "om%ett$e+ G$en ho, ne, these deas
are* ,e "annot e-%e"t to see man' e-am%!es nor "an ,e e-%e"t to see
an o%tm1aton o& su"h methods to a h#h de#ree &or measurement
,thout Kmar7et a""e%tan"e+
Ho,e$er* ,e "an e-tra%o!ate the rea!1ed %otenta! o& e-stn#
s'stems* s"a!n# the a%%!"aton out as & t ,ere n"or%orated n e$er'
ma0or "t'* n ts most re!at$e!' e&&"ent &orm+ The &o!!o,n# !st
"on&rms the su%erort' o& ths a%%roa"h to the "urrent* tradtona!
!and (ased mode!* not on!' sho,n# a more sustana(!e %ra"t"e* (ut a
more %rodu"t$e %ra"t"e ,h"h "an* n "on"ert ,th e-stn# methods*
%ro$de the entre ,or!d?s %o%u!aton ,th $e#eta(!e (ased nutrton
man' tmes o$er+

Un!7e tradtona! &armn#* $ert"a! &arms "an (e "onstru"ted an',here*
e$en on ,ater* usn# u%,ard !a'ers to mu!t%!' out%ut "a%a"t'+ 8+e+ a' &arm ,!! %rodu"e 2M25 o& a' &arm+; Ths s%a"e
HI4 Sour"e< 0Mega0 !ndoor Vertical (arm3 hicago Suburb "ew >ome To
"ation0s +argest Such (acility
HID A)ua%on"s s a &ood %rodu"ton s'stem that "om(nes "on$entona!
a)ua"u!ture 8rasn# a)uat" anma!s su"h as sna!s* &sh* "ra'&sh or %ra,ns
n tan7s;* ,th h'dro%on"s 8"u!t$atn# %!ants n ,ater; n a s'm(ot"
HI6 Sour"e< 7orldRs largest vertical farm is certified organic
HIH It s ,orth notn# that a!! ma0or nutrtona! re)urements are te"hn"a!!'
a$a!a(!e n the #enre o& %!ant %rodu"ton+ /ontrar' to %o%u!ar (e!e&* anma!
%rodu"ts are not re)ured to mantan a h#h )ua!t' human det+ The s-
ma0or "!asses o& nutrents 8"ar(oh'drates* &ats* detar' &(er* mnera!s*
%rotens* $tamns;* omttn# ,ater* "an a!! (e &ound n the %!ant "ommunt'+
8Ths s not an ar#ument &or K$e#etaransm* t s 0ust a &a"t+;
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
ut!1aton s !mted most!' to ar"hte"tura! %oss(!t'+ L7e,se* the
%!ants #ro,n "an (e Kon demand n man' ,a's* sn"e re#on (ased
restr"tons ha$e (een !&ted sn"e these &arms "an #ro, $rtua!!'
Redu"ed resour"e use<
Vert"a! Farmn# uses su(stanta!!' !ess ,ater and %est"de* and s
more "ondu"$e to non.h'dro"ar(on (ased nutrentM&ert!1er methods+
Its ener#' use "an $ar' (ased on a%%!"aton* (ut n ts most e&&"ent
settn# t uses dramat"a!!' !ess ener#' (oth to %o,er the &arm tse!&*
and ,th res%e"t to the no, remo$ed need &or e-"ess h'dro"ar(on
&ert!1er and o!.&ue!ed trans%ort* ,h"h s a hea$' (urden n the
"urrent* &arm.(ased %ro"ess+
More sustana(!eM!ess e"o!o#"a! dama#e<
The "urrent tradton o& &armn# has (een re"o#n1ed as one o& the
most e"o!o#"a!!' destru"t$e %ro"esses o& modern so"et'+ In the
,ords o& en$ronmenta! ,rter Renee /ho<
KAs o& 455G* DF+F %er"ent o& #!o(a! !and and 6H %er"ent o& U+S+
!and ,as used &or a#r"u!ture+ The en"roa"hment o& humans nto ,!d
!and has resu!ted n the s%read o& n&e"tous dsease* the !oss o&
(od$erst' and the dsru%ton o& e"os'stems+ O$er."u!t$aton and
%oor so! mana#ement has !ed to the de#radaton o& #!o(a! a#r"u!tura!
!ands+ The m!!ons o& tons o& to-" %est"des used ea"h 'ear
"ontamnate sur&a"e ,aters and #round,ater* and endan#er ,!d!&e+
A#r"u!ture s res%ons(!e &or 2H %er"ent o& #!o(a! #reenhouse
#as emssons* and a""ounts &or one.&&th o& U+S+ &oss! &ue! use* man!'
to run &arm e)u%ment* trans%ort &ood and %rodu"e &ert!1er+ As e-"ess
&ert!1er ,ashes nto r$ers* streams and o"eans* t "an "ause
eutro%h"aton< a!#ae (!ooms %ro!&erateU ,hen the' de* the' are
"onsumed (' m"ro(es* ,h"h use u% a!! the o-'#en n the ,aterU the
resu!t s a dead 1one that 7!!s a!! a)uat" !&e+ As o& 455G* there ,ere
65H dead 1ones around the ,or!d+++more than t,o.thrds o& the ,or!dNs
&resh ,ater s used &or a#r"u!ture+
Aost.s"ar"t' "a%a"t'<
Students at /o!um(a Un$erst' ,or7n# on $ert"a! &arm s'stems
determned that n order to &eed H5*555 %eo%!e* a' (u!dn#
the s1e o& a KNe, :or7 /t' (!o"7 ,ou!d (e needed+
A Ne, :or7
/t' (!o"7* !oose!' s%ea7n#* s a(out I+6 a"res+
I& ,e e-tra%o!ate
HII Sour"e< Vertical (arms3 (rom Vision to 'eality
HIF Sour"e< ountry, the ity Version3 (arms in the S#y ?ain "ew !nterest
HIG Genera!!'* n N:/ the a$era#e !en#th o& a north.south (!o"7 s 2M45th o& a
m!e* or 4I6 &eet+ An east.,est (!o"7 s a(out 2MHth o& a m!e* or 2*5HI &eet+
So* a s)uare (!o"7 ,ou!d (e 4I6 - 25HI S 4FG*FG6 s)uare &eet* ,h"h s
e)ua! to I+6 a"res+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
ths nto the "onte-t o& the "t' o& Los An#e!es* /A* USA* ,th a
%o%u!aton o& a(out D+E m!!on*
,th a tota! a"rea#e o& a(out
t ,ou!d ta7e rou#h!' FG thrt'.store'* I+6 "o$ern# !and
a"re stru"tures to &eed the !o"a! resdents+ Ths amounts to a(out
5+2> o& the tota! !and area o& Los An#e!es to &eed the %o%u!aton+
The Earth* (en# a(out 4E> !and* has rou#h!' DI*FE6*465*555
a"res and a human %o%u!aton o& F+4 (!!on as o& !ate 452D+
I& ,e
e-tra%o!ate the same (ass o& a' $ert"a! &arm "o$ern# I+6
a"res to &eed H5*555 %eo%!e* ,e end u% needn# 266*555 $ert"a!
&arms* n theor'* to &eed the ,or!d+
Ths amounts to E42*I55 a"res
o& !and to %!a"e these &arms+
G$en rou#h!' DG> o& a!! the Earth?s
!and s "urrent!' (en# used &or tradtona! a#r"u!ture 82D*EG2*G22*455
,e &nd that ,e need on!' 5+55I> o& the Earth?s existing
farmland to meet %rodu"ton re)urements+
No,* these e-tra%o!atons are "!ear!' theoret"a! and o($ous!'
man' other &a"tors need to (e ta7en nto a""ount ,th res%e"t to
%!a"ement o& su"h &arm s'stems and "rt"a! s%e"&"s+ A!so* ,thn the
DG> !and use statst"* mu"h o& that !and s &or !$esto"7 "u!t$aton*
not 0ust "ro% %rodu"ton+ Ho,e$er* the ra, statst"s are )ute
n"red(!e ,th res%e"t to %oss(!e e&&"en"' and "a%a"t'+ In &a"t* & ,e
,ere to theoret"a!!' ta7e on!' the crop production land alone "urrent!'
(en# used* ,h"h s a(out 6*65G*D45*555 a"res*
re%!a"n# the !and
(ased "u!t$aton %ro"ess (' %!a"n# these' $ert"a! &arm
s'stems on!' 8sde (' sde;* the &ood out%ut ,ou!d (e enou#h to &eed
D6*665*555*555*555 %eo%!e+
8D6+6 Tr!!on;
G$en that ,e ,!! only need to &eed E (!!on (' 45H5* ,e on!'
HIE Sour"e< 9nited States ensus /ureau* 452D 8htt%<MM,,,+"ensus+#o$M;
HF5 The "t' o& Los An#e!es s 6EG+D s) m!es that "on$erts to D2G*E24 a"res+
HF2 FG 9u!dn#s o""u%'n# I+6 a"res ea"h e)ua!s 6EE+4 a"res used tota!+ 6EE+4
a"res s 5+2H> o& the tota! a"rea#e o& Los An#e!es 8D2G*E24;
HF4 Sour"e< ,or!dometers+n&o 8htt%<MM,,,+,or!dometers+n&oM,or!d.
HFD F+4 (!!on 8tota! %o%u!aton; d$ded (' H5*555 8%rodu"ton "a%a"t' o& one
D5 stor' $ert"a! &arm; e)ua!s 266*555 needed stru"tures+
HF6 I+6 8a"res used %er &arm; tmes 266*555 8$ert"a! &arms; S E42*I55 a"res
HFH Sour"e< (arming laims 4lmost >alf Earth0s +and, "ew Maps Show
HFI E42*I55 8a"res o& !and needed to %!a"e $ert"a! &arms; s 5+55IHG2> o&
2D*EG2*G22*455+ 8Tota! a"res o& !and on earth used &or tradtona!
a#r"u!ture* (oth "ro% and !$esto"7;
HFF Sour"e< (arming laims 4lmost >alf Earth0s +and, "ew Maps Show
HFG I+6 a"res 8,h"h s ,hat has (een determned as enou#h s%a"e to &eed
H5*555 %eo%!e; #oes nto 6*65G*D45*555 8tota! !and used "urrent!' &or on!'
"ro% "u!t$aton on earth; IGG*G55*555 tmes+ IGG*G55*555* ,h"h re%resent
the num(er o& %oss(!e &a"!tes ,here ea"h "an %rodu"e enou#h &ood to
&eed H5*555 %eo%!e* trans!ate nto an out%ut "a%a"t' o&
D6*665*555*555*555 %eo%!e that "an (e &ed+ 8IGG*G55*555 - H5*555 S
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
need to harness a(out 5+54> o& ths theoret"a! "a%a"t'* ,h"h* t
"ou!d (e ar#ued* !7e!' ma7es rather moot an' seemn#!' %ra"t"a!
o(0e"tons "ommon to the a&orementoned e-tra%o!aton+ As a &na!
note* %rotens* ,h"h are read!' a$a!a(!e n the $e#etat$e rea!m* are
st!! (rou#ht nto )ueston n the modern da' ,th res%e"t to nterest n
meat %rodu"ton+ From a sustana(!t' stand%ont* #norn# the
"ommon mora! ssues and ar#ua(!' nhumane %ra"t"es st!! "ommon
to ndustra!1ed !$esto"7 "u!t$aton* the %rodu"ton o& meat s an
en$ronmenta!!' un&rend!' a"t toda'+
A""ordn# to the ILRI* !$esto"7 s'stems o""u%' a(out 6H> o&
the Earth?s sur&a"e+
A""ordn# to the FAO* !$esto"7 se"tor %rodu"es
more #reenhouse #as emssons than modern #as "onsumn#
G$en that E5> o& a!! the !ar#e &sh on"e thr$n# n the
o"ean are #one due to o$er&shn# as ,e!!*
ne, so!utons are needed+
One su"h so!uton s a)ua"u!ture* ,h"h s the dre"t &armn# o&
&sh* "rusta"eans and the !7e+ Ths dre"t a%%roa"h* & sustana(!'
dr$en* "an %ro$de &arm rased* %roten r"h &sh &or human
"onsum%ton* re%!a"n# the demand &or !and.(ased meat+ Another
a%%roa"h s the %rodu"ton o& Kn $tro meat+ In $tro meat ma' (e
%rodu"ed as str%s o& mus"!e &(re* ,h"h #ro, throu#h the &uson o&
%re"ursor "e!!s* ether em(r'on" stem "e!!s or s%e"a!1ed sate!!te "e!!s
&ound n mus"!e tssue+ Ths t'%e o& meat s usua!!' "u!tured n a
Wh!e st!! e-%ermenta!* n 452D the ,or!d?s &rst !a(.#ro,n
(ur#er ,as "oo7ed and eaten n London+
Other (ene&ts n"!ude the
redu"ton o& !$esto"7 sour"ed dsease ,h"h s $er' "ommon* a!on#
,th (en# a(!e to a$od "ertan ne#at$e hea!th "hara"terst"s o&
tradtona! meat* su"h as the remo$a! o& &att' a"ds n %rodu"ton+
8?< Clean Water
G$en that the human (od' "an on!' sur$$e a &e, da's ,thout &resh
ma7n# ths most (as" resour"e a(undant!' a$a!a(!e to a!! s
"rt"a!+ L7e,se* t s the (a"7(one o& man' ndustra! %rodu"ton
methods* n"!udn# a#r"u!ture tse!&+ Fresh ,ater s natura!!' o""urrn#
,ater on the Earth?s sur&a"e n "e sheets* "e "a%s* #!a"ers* "e(er#s*
(o#s* %onds* !a7es* r$ers and streams* and under#round as
#round,ater n a)u&ers and under#round streams+ O& a!! the ,ater on
Earth* EF> o& t s sa!ne and not dre"t!' "onsuma(!e+
HFE Sour"e< +ivestoc# and climate change
HG5 Sour"e< +ivestoc# a maEor threat to environment
HG2 Sour"e< /ig$(ish Stoc#s (all FC Percent Since ,FGC, Study Says
HG4 Sour"e< 7orld0s first lab$grown burger is eaten in +ondon
HGD Fresh,ater s de&ned as ,ater that does not "ontan sa!t and "an (e used
&or human "onsum%ton and other %ro"esses* su"h as a#r"u!ture+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
A""ordn# to the Wor!d Hea!th Or#an1aton< KA(out 4+I (!!on
%eo%!e J ha!& the de$e!o%n# ,or!d J !a"7 e$en a sm%!e Wm%ro$edN
!atrne and 2+2 (!!on %eo%!e ha$e no a""ess to an' t'%e o& m%ro$ed
drn7n# sour"e o& ,ater+ As a dre"t "onse)uen"e<
e 2+I m!!on %eo%!e de e$er' 'ear &rom darrhoea! dseases 8n"!udn#
"ho!era; attr(uta(!e to !a"7 o& a""ess to sa&e drn7n# ,ater and (as"
santaton and E5> o& these are "h!dren under H* most!' n de$e!o%n#
e 2I5 m!!on %eo%!e are n&e"ted ,th s"hstosomass "ausn# tens o&
thousands o& deaths 'ear!'U H55 m!!on %eo%!e are at rs7 o& tra"homa
&rom ,h"h 26I m!!on are threatened (' (!ndness and I m!!on are
$sua!!' m%aredU
e Intestna! he!mnths 8as"arass* tr"hurass and hoo7,orm n&e"ton;
are %!a#un# the de$e!o%n# ,or!d due to nade)uate drn7n# ,ater*
santaton and h'#ene ,th 2DD m!!on su&&ern# &rom h#h ntenst'
ntestna! he!mnths n&e"tonsU there are around 2+H m!!on "ases o&
"!n"a! he%atts A e$er' 'ear+
A""ordn# to the Unted Natons* (' 454H* an estmated 2+G
(!!on %eo%!e ,!! !$e n areas %!a#ued (' ,ater s"ar"t'* ,th t,o.
thrds o& the ,or!d?s %o%u!aton !$n# n ,ater.stressed re#ons+
,th most a!! o& the ,or!d?s "urrent resour"e %ro(!ems* t s an ssue o&
(oth poor management and a !a"7 o& industrial application+ From the
stand%ont o& mana#ement* the amount o& ,ater ,asted n the ,or!d
due to %o!!uton* o$eruse and ne&&"ent n&rastru"ture s enormous+
A(out EH> o& a!! ,ater that enters most %eo%!e?s homes #oes (a"7
do,n the dran n one shot+

A s'stems.(ased so!uton to o%tm1e ths use s to des#n
7t"hens and (athrooms so the' re"a%ture ,ater &or d&&erent
%ur%oses+ For e-am%!e* the ,ater runnn# throu#h a sn7 or sho,er
"an (e made a$a!a(!e &or a to!et+ Varous "om%anes ha$e s!o,!' %ut
su"h deas to %ra"t"e re"ent!' (ut o$era!! most n&rastru"tures do
nothn# o& the sort as &ar as reuse s"hemes+ The same s true o& !ar#e
"ommer"a! (u!dn#s* ,h"h "an "reate reuse net,or7s throu#hout the
,ho!e stru"ture* "ou%!ed ,th "a%ture o& ran,ater &or other %ur%oses*
Water %o!!uton s another %ro(!em* ,h"h a&&e"ts (oth
de$e!o%ed and de$e!o%n# natons on man' !e$e!s+ The Amer"an
En$ronmenta! Arote"ton A#en"' 8EAA; estmates that GH5 (!!on
#a!!ons o& untreated ds"har#es 8,aste; &!o, nto ,ater (odes
HG6 Sour"e< >ealth through safe drin#ing water and basic sanitation
HGH Sour"e< (reshwater risis
HGI Sour"e< 7ater3 9se +ess$Save More@ 3on /!&t @ Amanda /uth(ert* 455F
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
annua!!'* "ontr(utn# to o$er F m!!on !!nesses ea"h 'ear+
The Thrd
Wor!d /entre &or Water Mana#ement estmates that on!' a(out 25 to
24 %er"ent o& ,aste,ater n Latn Amer"a s treated %ro%er!'+ Me-"o
/t'* &or e-am%!e* Ke-%orts ts untreated ,aste,ater to !o"a! &armers+
Wh!e the &armers $a!ue ths (e"ause the ,ater n"reases "ro%
'e!ds* the ,aste,ater s hea$!' "ontamnated ,th %atho#ens and
to-" "hem"a!s* re%resentn# a serous hea!th rs7 &or (oth &armers
and "onsumers o& the a#r"u!tura! %rodu"ts #ro,n n ths area+ In
Inda* ma0or "tes ds"har#e untreated ,aste,ater nto the (odes o&
,ater that ser$e as ther drn7n# ,ater+ De!h* &or e-am%!e* ds"har#es
,aste,ater dre"t!' nto the :amuna R$er^the sour"e o& drn7n#
,ater &or some HF m!!on %eo%!e+
So!utons to ths %ro(!em* n %art* must address the ssue o&
the $ast ne&&"en"'* !7e!' dr$en (' the monetar' !mtatons o& most
#o$ernments* to nsttute %ro%er ,aste s'stems* "ou%!ed ,th an
ndustra! des#n m%erat$e to n"!ude reuse s'stem te"hn)ues to
(etter %reser$e and ut!1e our e-stn# resour"es+
That asde* the most nota(!e* (road so!uton to "om%ensate &or
these emer#n# %ro(!ems* to &a"!tate not on!' an a!!e$aton o& the
"urrent ,ater %ro(!ems a&&e"tn# o$er 4 (!!on %eo%!e (ut a!so to
trans"end nto a "ondton o& re!at$e a(undan"e o& &resh ,ater &or a!!
humans* s to ut!1e modern 8a; purification and 8(; desalination
s'stems (oth on the ma"ro.ndustra! and m"ro.ndustra! s"a!e+
6a< Purification%
Ad$an"ements n ,ater %ur&"aton ha$e (een a""e!eratn# ra%d!' ,th
man' te"hno!o#"a! $aratons o& a%%roa"h+ Aerha%s one o& the most
e&&"ent toda' s ,hat s "a!!ed Ku!tra$o!et 8UV; dsn&e"ton+ Ths
%ro"ess s h#h!' s"a!a(!e* !o, ener#' and ,or7s )u"7!'+
A""ordn# to en#neer Asho7 Gad#!* n$entor o& %orta(!e UV
s'stems* KIn terms o& ener#' use* I5 ,atts o& e!e"tr"a! %o,er J ,h"h
s "om%ara(!e to the %o,er used n one ordnar' ta(!e !am% J s
enou#h to dsn&e"t ,ater at the rate o& one ton %er hour* or &&teen
!ters %er mnute+++Ths mu"h ,ater s enou#h to meet the drn7n#
,ater needs o& a "ommunt' o& 4*555 %eo%!e+
Ths de$"e Gad#!
de$e!o%ed &or rura!* %oor areas "an run o&& o& so!ar %ane!s and ,e#hs
on!' 2H %ounds and has no to-" ds"har#e+
O& "ourse* there s no s!$er (u!!et+ Wh!e UV dsn&e"ton ,or7s
$er' ,e!! &or (a"tera and $ruses* t s !ess e&&e"t$e ,th other t'%es
o& %o!!uton su"h as sus%ended so!ds* tur(dt'* "o!or* or so!u(!e
HGF Sour"e< ompliance and Enforcement "ational Priority3 lean 7ater 4ct,
7et 7eather, ombined Sewer <verflows
HGG Sour"e< 7ater 5uality3 4n !gnored ?lobal risis
HGE Sour"e< 4sho# ?adgil on safe drin#ing water
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
or#an" matter+
In !ar#e.s"a!e a%%!"atons* UV s o&ten "om(ned
,th more standard treatments* su"h as "h!orne* as s the "ase ,th
the ,or!d?s !ar#est UV drn7n# ,ater dsn&e"ton %!ant n Ne, :or7*
,h"h "an treat 4+4 (!!on US #a!!ons 8G*D55*555 "u(" meters; %er
That s D*54E*H55*555 "u(" meters a 'ear+
The a$era#e %erson n the Unted States uses 4G64 "u("
meters a 'ear+
Ths n"!udes &resh ,ater used &or ndustra! %ur%oses*
not 0ust &or dre"t 8drn7n#; "onsum%ton+ The #!o(a! a$era#e s 2DGH
"u(" meters %er 'ear+
/hna* Inda and the Unted States are
"urrent!' the !ar#est &resh,ater users n the ,or!d and the ma0ort' o&
that ,ater s used n %rodu"ton* man!' a#r"u!ture+
In &a"t* a(out
F5> o& a!! &resh,ater s used &or a#r"u!ture #!o(a!!'+

For the sa7e o& %ure statst"a! ar#ument* #norn# the h#h!'
needed re$sons to,ards strate#" ,ater use* reuse s'stems and
"onser$aton %oss(!tes throu#h more ad$an"ed and e&&"ent
ndustra! a%%!"atons* !et us assess the sm%!e )ueston o& ,hat t
,ou!d re)ure to dsn&e"t 8assumn# t ,as needed; all the fresh water
"urrent!' (en# used n the ,or!d on a$era#e (' the %o%u!aton* n a!!
"onte-ts+ G$en the #!o(a! a$era#e o& 2DGH "u(" meters and a
%o%u!aton o& F+4 (!!on* ,e arr$e at a tota! annua! use o& E+EF4
tr!!on "u(" meters+
Usn# the Ne, :or7 UV %!ant?s out%ut "a%a"t' o& rou#h!' D
(!!on "u(" meters a 'ear as a (ase %er nsta!!aton o& su"h a %!ant*
,e &nd that D*D4F %!ants ,ou!d (e needed #!o(a!!'+
The Ne, :or7
%!ant s a(out D+F a"res 82I57 s)+ &t+;+
Ths means a(out 24*D5E
a"res o& !and s needed* n theor'* to &a"!tate a %ur&"aton %ro"ess o&
a!! the &resh ,ater "urrent!' used #!o(a!!' (' the %o%u!aton+ O&
"ourse* need!ess to sa'* there man' other K&oot%rnt &a"tors that "ome
nto %!a'* su"h as %o,er needs* "ou%!ed ,th the "rt"a! m%ortan"e o&
Ho,e$er* !et?s %ut ths nto a !ar#er* more thou#ht&u!
"om%arson+ The Unted States m!tar' a!one* ,th ts rou#h!' G6H*662
m!tar' (u!dn#s and (ases* o""u%es a(out KC million acres o& !and
On!' 5+56> o& that !and ,ou!d (e needed to dsn&e"t the
HE5 Sour"e< 9ltraviolet =isinfection
HE2 Sour"e< Multi$barrier =isinfection Strategy $ "ew 6or# ity :ase Study;
HE4 Sour"e< ,ater&oot%rnt+or# 8htt%<MM,,,+,ater&oot%rnt+or#MR
HED Sour"e< I(d+
HE6 Sour"e< 7hich "ations onsume the Most 7aterD
HEH Sour"e< ,or!dometers+n&o 8htt%<MM,,,+,or!dometers+n&oM,aterM;
HEI E tr!!on EF4 (!!on d$ded (' D (!!on
HEF Sour"e< ats#ill$=elaware 7ater 9ltraviolet =isinfection (acility
HEG Sour"e< The 7orldwide "etwor# of 9S Military /ases
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
tota! &resh ,ater use o& the entre ,or!d* & t ,ere e$en needed at
s"a!e* ,h"h t s not+
6< Desalination
The rea!st" %oss(!t' o& mass* #!o(a! %ur&"aton o& %o!!uted &resh
,ater asde* !7e!' the most %o,er&u! means to assure usa(!e* %ota(!e
,ater s to "on$ert dre"t!' &rom a sa!ne sour"e* name!' the o"ean+
Wth a %!anet "om%rsed o& most!' sa!t ,ater* ths te"hn)ue* & done
%ro%er!'* assures #!o(a! a(undan"e a!one+
The most "ommon method o& desa!naton used toda' s
reverse osmosis* a %ro"ess that remo$es ,ater mo!e"u!es &rom sa!t
,ater* !ea$n# sa!t ons n a !e&to$er (rne ,aste ('.%rodu"t+ A""ordn#
to the Internatona! Desa!naton Asso"aton< K/urrent!'* re$erse
osmoss 8RO;+++a""ounts &or near!' I5 %er"ent o& nsta!!ed "a%a"t'*
&o!!o,ed (' the therma! %ro"esses mu!t.sta#e &!ash 8MSF; at 4I
%er"ent and mu!t.e&&e"t dst!!aton 8MED; at G+4 %er"ent+
As o&
4522* there ,ere rou#h!' 2I*555 desa!naton %!ants ,or!d,de* and
the tota! #!o(a! "a%a"t' o& a!! %!ants on!ne 8e+#+* n o%eraton; ,as
II+H m!!on "u(" meters %er da'* or a%%ro-mate!' 2F+I (!!on US
#a!!ons %er da'+

As ,th e$er'thn# te"hno!o#"a!* man' ad$an"n# methods
"urrent!' "onsdered Ke-%ermenta! su##est a %o,er&u! n"rease n
e&&"en"' as the trends un&o!d+ One su"h method "a!!ed capacitive
desalination 8/D;* a!so 7no,n as "a%a"t$e deon1aton 8/DI;* has
(een sho,n to o%erate ,th #reater ener#' e&&"en"'* !o,er %ressures*
no mem(rane "om%onents and t does not %rodu"e a ,aste ds"har#e
!7e "on$entona! %ra"t"es+ It "an a!so (e eas!' s"a!ed.u% sm%!' ('
n"reasn# the num(er o& &!o, e!e"trodes n the s'stem+
O$era!!* & ,e e-amne the e-stn# methods n #enera!*
"ou%!ed ,th emer#n# methods* ,e see a #enera! trend o& n"reasn#
e&&"en"' n (oth %o,er "onser$aton and %er&orman"e+
That (re&!'
noted* the &o"us o& ths e-tra%o!aton to,ards a K%ost.s"ar"t'
ut!1aton o& desa!naton ,!! "onsder on!' "urrent* %ro$en* n.use
methods* name!' the re$erse osmoss s'stem+
The Wontha## Desa!naton A!ant s an ad$an"ed re$ersed
osmoss sea,ater desa!naton %!ant on the 9ass /oast near
Wontha##* n southern V"tora* Austra!a+ It ,as "om%!eted n
De"em(er 4524+ It "an %rodu"e* "onser$at$e!'* a(out 625*555 "u("
HEE Sour"e< =esalination <verview 8htt%<MM,,,+dadesa!+or#Mdesa!naton.
I55 Sour"e< I(d+
I52 Sour"e< (low electrodes may enable large$scale sea water desalination
I54 Sour"e< 4dvancements in =esalination
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
meters o& desa!nated ,ater a da' 82H5 m!!on "u(" meters a 'ear;*
,h!e o""u%'n# a(out 45 he"tares 8a(out H5 a"res o& !and;+
as noted (e&ore* the tota!* annua! ,ater use o& the ,or!d toda' s
a(out E tr!!on* EF4 (!!on "u(" meters* ths means that t ,ou!d ta7e
I5*555 %!ants
to %ro"ess a!! %ota(!e ,ater usa#e+ On"e a#an* ths
e-treme e-tra%o!aton s to ma7e a re!at$e %ont* sn"e ,e do not
need to desa!nate that mu"h ,ater n rea!t'+
Ho,e$er* assumn# that ,e dd need to desa!nate sea,ater
"onstant!' to mat"h "urrent #!o(a! use* D m!!on a"res o& !and ,ou!d
(e needed tota!+ Earth has a(out 42F*6E5
m!es o& "oast!ne ,h"h
means* !oose!' usn# the Wontha## mode! o& rou#h!' 45 he"tares
8rou#h!' H5 a"res; ,th 255 meters %er he"tare 8or D4G &eet;*
assumn# the "onstru"ton ,as &our he"tares dee% and &$e he"tares
!on#* %ara!!e! to the "oast!ne* the %!ant ,ou!d ta7e u% 2I65 &eet a!on#
the "oast+ Ths means* assumn# I5*555 %!ants o& the same
dmenson* t ,ou!d ta7e u% EG*655*555 &eet or 2G*IDI m!es o&
"oast!ne 8G+H> o& the ,or!d?s "oast!ne;+
O& "ourse* that s a #reat dea! o& "oast!ne and natura!!' man'
other &a"tors "ome nto %!a' ,hen "hoosn# an a%%ro%rate !o"aton &or
su"h a %!ant+ A#an* t s not the %ur%ose o& ths e-tra%o!aton to
su##est these statst"s are o& an' other use than to #au#e a (road
sense o& ,hat su"h "a%a"t' means* n !#ht o& the ,ater
s"ar"t'Mstress ssues o""urrn# toda'+ :et* the &a"t s* t s "!ear!'
within the range o& su"h a%%!"aton to meet the needs o& %eo%!e
su&&ern# &rom ,ater s"ar"t' $a desa!naton a!one* "ou%!ed ,th an
n&rastru"ture and dstr(uton s'stem to mo$e ,ater n!and+
As a &na! e-am%!e* !et?s redu"e ths a(stra"t e-tra%o!aton
more so and a%%!' t to a rea! !&e "r"umstan"e+ On the "ontnent o&
A&r"a* &or e-am%!e* ,h"h has a(out 2 (!!on %eo%!e as o& 452D*
rou#h!' D6H m!!on %eo%!e !a"7 su&&"ent a""ess to %ota(!e ,ater+
,e a%%!' the noted #!o(a! a$era#e "onsum%ton rate o& 2DGH "u("
meters a 'ear* see7n# to %ro$de ea"h o& those D6H m!!on %eo%!e that
amount* ,e ,ou!d need 6FF*G4H*555*555 "u(" meters %rodu"ed
Usn# the Wontha## annua! "a%a"t' o& 2H5 m!!on "u("
meters %rodu"ed as the (ase &#ure* A&r"a ,ou!d need D2GH H5.a"re
%!ants a!on# ts "oast !ne to meet su"h demand* ta7n# u% a(out
84H*2HG m!es o& "oast!ne n A&r"a; H*44D*655 &eet or EGE m!es+ Ths
I5D Sour"e< Victorian =esalination Plant
I56 Sour"e< 7onthaggi =esalination Plant
I5H E tr!!on* EF4 m!!on d$ded (' 2H5 m!!on
I5I Sour"e< The oastline Paradox
I5F Sour"e< 7orld population 8htt%<MMen+,7%eda+or#M,7MWor!dV%o%u!aton;
I5G Sour"e< ,ater+or# 8htt%<MM,ater+or#M,ater."rssM,ater.&a"tsM,aterM;
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
ta7es u% on!' D+E> o& A&r"a?s "oast!ne+

Ho,e$er* & ,e d$ded ths num(er n ha!&* and used UV
%ur&"aton s'stems &or one se"ton and desa!n1aton &or the other*
the desa!n1aton %ro"ess ,ou!d need a(out 2+E>* or 6E6 m!es o&
"oast!ne &or desa!naton &a"!tes and on!' a(out 4EI a"res o& !and &or
%ur&"aton &a"!tes* ,h"h s a mnus"u!e &a"ton o& A&r"a tota!
!andmass 8o& a(out F (!!on a"res;+ Ths s h#h!' doa(!e and
o($ous!'* n ths "ase and n a!! "ases* ,e ,ou!d strate#"a!!'
ma-m1e %ur&"aton %ro"esses sn"e t s more e&&"ent* ,h!e usn#
desa!naton &or the remann# demand+
Su"h "rude statst"s re$ea! that (et,een UV and tradtona!
de"ontamnaton* "ou%!ed ,th tradtona! desa!naton %ro"esses* as
the' "urrent!' e-st* e$en #norn# the ra%d ad$an"ements o""urrn#
n (oth &e!ds
,h"h ,!! !7e!' ha$e an e-%onenta!!' ad$an"ed !e$e!
o& e&&"en"' n the "omn# de"ades* the dea o& endurn# ,ater s"ar"t'
on %!anet Earth s a(surd+ 9oth o& these so!ated e-tra%o!atons ha$e
assumed on!' one or the other ,as a%%!ed* n on!' !ar#e s"a!e &orm*
assumn# there are no other e-stn# sour"es o& %ota(!e ,ater+
In rea!t'* #$en the e-stn# !e$e! o& &resh,ater st!! a$a!a(!e*
"ou%!ed ,th a sm%!e* nte!!#ent re.ordern# o& use.reuse ,ater
net,or7 s"hemes to &urther %reser$e the e-stn# "a%a"t'* "ou%!ed
,th (oth !ar#e and sma!! s"a!e desa!naton and de"ontamnaton
%ro"esses as re#ons re)ure 8man' o& ,h"h "an (e %o,ered ('
ra%d!' ad$an"n# rene,a(!e ener#' %ro"esses as ,e!!;* ,e ha$e the
te"hn"a! "a%a"t' to (rn# %ota(!e ,ater a$a!a(!t' to a(so!ute #!o(a!
6;< Energ+
Rene,a(!e ener#' sour"es are sour"es that are "ontnua!!'
re%!enshed+ Su"h sour"es n"!ude ener#' &rom ,ater* ,nd* so!ar and
#eotherma!+ In "ontrast* &ue!s su"h as "oa!* o!* and natura! #as are
non.rene,a(!e as the' are (ased on Earth stores ,h"h sho, no near.
term re#eneraton+
As o& the ear!' 42
"entur'* the re"o#nton o& "!ean* rene,a(!e
ener#' %oss(!tes has (een su(stanta!+
The s%e"trum o&
a%%!"aton* s"a!a(!t' and de#ree o& e&&"en"'* "ou%!ed ,th ad$an"n#
methods &or ener#' stora#e and trans&er* ha$e ar#ua(!' made our
"urrent* most!' h'dro"ar(on.(ased ener#' methods a%%ear outdated*
es%e"a!!' #$en the on#on# ne#at$e "onse)uen"es o& ther use+
Nu"!ear ener#'* ,h!e e&&e"t$e and "onsdered a Krene,a(!e &orm ('
I5E It s a!so ,orth notn# that &!oatn#* o&& shore %!ants are a!so te"hn"a!!'
%oss(!e+ 8htt%<MM,,,+(mtdes#nte"hno!o#'+"om+auMdes#n.
I25 An ad$an"ed te"hno!o#' "a!!ed the KS!n#shot* n$ented (' Dean Camen* s
a sma!!.s"a!e ,ater %ur&"aton s'stem that "an %rodu"e "!ean ,ater &rom
a!most an' sour"e* n"!udn# sea,ater* (' means o& $a%or "om%resson
dst!!aton+ It re)ures no &!ters* and "an e$en o%erate usn# "o, dun# as
I22 Sour"e< T'%es o& Rene,a(!e Ener#'
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
some* ,or7s at $er' h#h rs7 #$en the unsta(!e matera!s n$o!$ed
and the !ar#e s"a!e a""dents on re"ord ha$e (rou#ht the sa&et' o& ths
&orm o& %rodu"ton nto )ueston as ,e!!+
In the ,or!d toda'* the &$e most "ommon!' used rene,a(!e
sour"es are h'dro%o,er 8$a dams;* so!ar* ,nd* #eotherma! and
(o&ue!s+ Rene,a(!e ener#' sour"es "urrent!' re%resent a(out 2H> o&
#!o(a! ener#' use* ,th h'dro.%o,er a""ountn# &or EF> o& ths
G$en that o$er 2+4 (!!on %eo%!e are ,thout a""ess to
e!e"tr"t' ,or!d,de*
"ou%!ed ,th the on#on# %o!!uton and %erod"
"rses asso"ated ,th tradtona!* non.rene,a(!e methods* the %ur%ose
o& ths su(se"ton s to sho, ho, the dan#erous rea!tes asso"ated
,th &oss! &ue!s and nu"!ear ener#' are no !on#er needed+ We "an no,
%o,er the ,or!d man' tmes o$er ,th "!ean* rene,a(!e* re!at$e!' !o,
m%a"t methods* !ar#e!' !o"a!1ed as %er the needs o& a sn#!e
stru"ture* "t' or ndustra! a%%!"aton+
Ho,e$er* t s m%ortant to %ont out u%&ront that there s no
single so!uton at ths tme+ G$en that d&&erent areas o& the Earth
ha$e d&&erent %ro%enstes &or rene,a(!e ener#' harnessn# and use*
a%%!"aton must (e seen as a system or net,or7 de$e!o%ment o& a
"om(naton o& medums+ That noted* narro,n# do,n the most
re!e$ant o& these a(undan"e %rodu"n# %oss(!tes* t s %erha%s (est
to thn7 o& rene,a(!e ener#' e-tra"tonMharnessn# and use n t,o
"ate#ores< 8a; Lar#e s"a!eM9ase.!oad @ 8(; Sma!! S"a!e @ Tota! M-ed.
Use s'stems+
6a< (arge Scale)*ase-load%
Lar#e.s"a!e #eneraton* su"h as &or K(ase.!oad needs re)ured to
%o,er a "t' or h#h ener#' ndustra! "enter* n"!udes &our man
medums< 8a2; #eotherma! %!ants* 8a4; ,nd &arms* 8aD; so!ar &e!ds*
and 8a6; ,ater 8o"eanMh'dro%o,er;+
6a7< !eothermal%
Geotherma! %o,er
s ener#' harnessed essenta!!' &rom the natura!
heat o& the Earth?s mo!ten "ore* ,th %!ants usua!!' %!a"ed around
areas ,here the dstan"e to !ar#e heat "enters s &ar!' sha!!o,+

I24 Sour"e< (u#ushima nu#e pollution in sea 0was world0s worst0
I2D Sour"e< 'enewable Energy
I26 Sour"e< Energy 1 The (acts
I2H Geotherma! %o,er n ths "onte-t sn?t to (e "on&used ,th sma!! s"a!e*
#eotherma! heatn#M"oo!n# %ro"esses that ut!1es heat &rom a &e, &eet
(e!o, the sur&a"e+ 8+e+ #eotherma! heat %um%s;
I2I Sour"e< ?eothermal Energy (acts
I2F Sour"e< /ac# to /asics Video3 7hat !s ?eothermal Energy 4nywayD
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
455I MIT re%ort on #eotherma! ener#'* %romotn# an ad$an"ed
e-tra"ton s'stem "a!!ed EGS* &ound that 2D*555 1etta0ou!es o& %o,er
are "urrent!' a$a!a(!e n the Earth* ,th the %oss(!t' o& 4555
1etta0ou!es (en# har$esta(!e ,th m%ro$ed te"hno!o#'+
The tota! ener#' "onsum%ton o& a!! the "ountres on the %!anet
s a(out ha!& a 1etta0ou!e 85+HH; a 'ear
and ths means thousands o&
'ears o& %!anetar' %o,er "ou!d (e harnessed n ths medum a!one+
The MIT re%ort a!so estmated that there ,as enou#h ener#' n hard
ro"7s 257m (e!o, the US a!one to su%%!' all the world0s "urrent needs
&or D5*555 'ears+
E$en ,th an e-%e"ted HI> n"rease o& "onsum%ton (' 4565*
#eotherma!?s "a%a"t' s enormous & %ro%ert' ta%%ed+

the e-tra"ton o& heat ta7n# %!a"e &rom ,thn the Earth a%%ears )ute
mnor n "om%arson to ts store* ma7n# the sour"e virtually limitless
n %ro%orton to a"tua! human "onsum%ton+
A!so* sn"e the ener#' s
%rodu"ed "onstant!'* there are no ntermtten"' %ro(!ems and ths t'%e
o& ener#' "an (e %rodu"ed "onstant!' ,thout the need &or stora#e+
The en$ronmenta! m%a"t o& #eotherma! s re!at$e!' $er' !o,+
I"e!and has (een usn# t a!most e-"!us$e!' &or some tme and ther
%!ants %rodu"e e-treme!' !o, emssons 8no "ar(on; ,hen "om%ared
to h'dro"ar(on.(ased methods+
A%art &rom some su!%hur %rodu"ed*
sma!! earth)ua7es "an o""ur as a resu!t o& dr!!n# te"hn)ues+ Ths
%ro(!em has (een a"7no,!ed#ed as human ndu"ed
m%ro$ement n the en#neern# %ro"ess s the so!uton* "ou%!ed ,th
"!ear understandn# o& the nature o& the !o"aton &or dr!!n#+
As &ar as !o"aton* t s theoret"a!!' %oss(!e to %!a"e
#eotherma! ener#' e-tra"ton %!ants an',here* & the "a%a"t' to dr!!
dee% enou#h ,as there* "ou%!ed ,th other ad$an"ements n
Ho,e$er* toda' most %!ants need to e-st near ,here
I2G Sour"e< (uture of ?eothermal Ener#'
I2E Source3 E!4 proEects world energy consumption will increase GMH by BC-C
I45 Sour"e< I(d+
I42 Sour"e< ?eothermal Energy ould Provide 4ll the Energy the 7orld 7ill
Ever "eed
I44 Sour"e< ?eothermal (45s
I4D Sour"e< ?eothermal energy emissions of little concern
I46 Sour"e< >ow =oes ?eothermal =rilling Trigger Earth)ua#esD
I4H Sour"e< (irst ?oogle*<rg$funded geothermal mapping reportconfirms vast
coast$to$coast clean energy source
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
te"ton" %!ates
meet on Earth+ A #eotherma! ma% o& the sur&a"e o&
the Earth ta7en (' sate!!te "an sho, su"h dea! s%ots $er' "!ear!'
(ased on heat emtted+
These ma%s sho, %oss(!tes near most
"oast!nes around the ,or!d
and ,h!e most studes are am(#uous
,th res%e"t to e-a"t!' ho, man' !o"atons "ou!d (e made a$a!a(!e*
the %otenta! re"o#n1ed* n #enera!* s enormous+
The U+S+ De%artment o& Ener#' has noted that #eotherma!
ener#' a!so uses mu"h !ess !and than other ener#' sour"es* n"!udn#
&oss! &ue! and "urrent!' domnant rene,a(!es+ O$er D5 'ears* the
%erod o& tme "ommon!' used to "om%are the !&e "'"!e m%a"ts &rom
d&&erent %o,er sour"es* a #eotherma! &a"!t' uses 656 meters s)uared
o& !and %er ##a,att hour* ,h!e a "oa! &a"!t' uses D*ID4 meters
s)uared %er ##a,att hour+
I& ,e ,ere to do a (as" "om%arson o&
#eotherma! to "oa! #$en ths rato o& meters s)uared to ##a,att hour*
,e &nd that ,e "ou!d &t a(out nne #eotherma! %!ants n the s%a"e o&
one "oa! %!ant+

L7e,se* t s m%ortant to note that ne,* more e&&"ent
methods to ta% #eotherma! a%%ear to (e 0ust startn# ,th res%e"t to
%oss(!e out%ut %otenta!+ In 452D t ,as announ"ed that a 2555 MW
%o,er staton ,as to (e#n "onstru"ton n Etho%a+
A me#a,att s a
unt o& power, and %o,er "a%a"t' s e-%ressed d&&erent!' &rom energy
"a%a"t'* ,h"h s e-%ressed* n ths "onte-t o& me#a,atts* as
megawatt hours 8MWh;+ Aut another ,a'* energy s the amount o&
,or7 done* ,hereas power s the rate o& don# ,or7+ So* &or e-am%!e*
a #enerator ,th one MW "a%a"t' that o%erates at that "a%a"t'
"onsstent!' &or one hour ,!! %rodu"e 2 MW.hour 8MWh; o& e!e"tr"t'+
Ths means & a 2555 MW #eotherma! %o,er.staton o%erated
at &u!! "a%a"t' 46 hours a da'* se$en da's a 'ear 8DIH da's;* t ,ou!d
I4I Sour"e< Plate Te"ton"s
I4F Sour"e< (irst ?oogle*<rg$funded geothermal mapping reportconfirms vast
coast$to$coast clean energy source
I4G Sour"e< #en+or# 8htt%<MM,,,+#en+or#M#!o(a!ener#'M!(rar'Mrene,a(!e.
I4E Sour"e< #eo.ener#'+or# 8htt%<MM#eo.
ID5 DI4I m4 M 656 m4 S G+EFH s)uare meters
ID2 It s ,orth notn# that #eotherma!* and* n &a"t* a!! other rene,a(!es
addressed n ths te-t* nherent!' "om(ne the e-tra"ton or harnessn#
!o"aton with the %ro"essn# and %o,er dstr(uton !o"aton+ A!! h'dro"ar(on
sour"es* on the other hand* re)ure (oth e-tra"ton 8+e+ "oa!; and
%ro"essn#M%o,er %rodu"ton &a"!tes 8+e+ re&neresM%o,er %!ants;* a!most
a!,a's n se%arate !o"atons+ As %er the "urrent e-am%!e* the mnn# !and
re)ured &or "oa! e-tra"ton s omtted &rom the e)uaton+ In short*
rene,a(!es ta7e u% su(stanta!!' !ess !and and ha$e a e-"e%tona!!' !o,er
en$ronmenta! m%a"t n ths re#ard+
ID4 Sour"e< The arbon apture 'eport
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
%rodu"e G*FI5*555 MWhM'ear+
The ,or!d?s "urrent annua! usa#e n
MWh s a(out 2HD 9!!on*
,h"h means t ,ou!d ta7e* n a(stra"ton*
2F*6IH #eotherma! %!ants to mat"h #!o(a! use+
A""ordn# to the Wor!d /oa! Asso"aton* there are o$er 4*D55
"oa! %o,er %!ants n o%eraton ,or!d,de+
Usn# the a&orementoned
%!ant s1eM"a%a"t' "om%arson o& a(out nne #eotherma! %!ants &ttn#
nto one "oa! %!ant* the s%a"e o& 2*E65
8or G6> o& the tota! n
e-sten"e; "oa! %!ants ,ou!d (e needed* n theor'* to "ontan the
2F*6IH #eotherma! %!ants+ A!so* #$en "oa! toda' a""ounts &or on!'
62> o& the ,or!d?s "urrent ener#' %rodu"ton*
ths theoret"a!
e-tra%o!aton a!so sho,s ho, n G6> o& the "urrent s%a"e usa#e ('
"oa! %!ants a!one 8,h"h on!' %rodu"e 62>;* #eotherma! could su%%!'
255> %o,er "a%a"t' as %er #!o(a! use nstead+
A!! ths ,thout the %o!!uton &rom "oa!* ,h"h has (een
"onsdered one o& the most %o!!utn# %ra"t"es n the ,or!d a!on# ,th
(en# !7e!' the !ar#est "ontr(utor to the human.made n"rease o& /O
n the atmos%here+
6a?< Wind Farms
U+S+ De%artment o& Ener#' studes ha$e "on"!uded that ,nd
har$estn# n the Great A!ans states o& Te-as* Cansas* and North
Da7ota "ou!d %ro$de enou#h e!e"tr"t' to %o,er the entre USA+
More m%ress$e!'* a 455H Stan&ord Un$erst' stud' %u(!shed n the
3ourna! o& Geo%h's"a! Resear"h &ound that & on!' 45> o& the ,nd
%otenta! on the %!anet ,as harnessed* t ,ou!d "o$er the entre
,or!dNs ener#' needs+

In "orro(oraton* t,o more re"ent studes (' unre!ated
or#an1atons %u(!shed n 4524 "a!"u!ated that ,th e-stn# ,nd
tur(ne te"hno!o#' the earth "ou!d %rodu"e hundreds o& tr!!ons o&
,atts o& %o,er+ Ths* n e&&e"t* s man' more tmes ,hat the ,or!d
"urrent!' "onsumes+
Wnd %o,er s %erha%s one o& the most sm%!e
and !o, m%a"t &orms o& rene,a(!e ener#' and ts s"a!a(!t' s !mted
on!' to !o"aton+
Usn# the E*555.a"re A!ta Wnd Ener#' /enter /a!&orna as a
(ass* ,h"h has an a"t$e "a%a"t' o& 2*D45 MW o& %o,er* a theoret"a!
IDD GFI5 8hrs n a 'ear; - 2555 8MWh; S G*FI5*555 M,hM'ear+
ID6 5+HH 1etta0ou!es "o$erts to a(out 2HD (!!on MWh
IDH 2HD (!!on MWh 8tota! #!o(a! use; M G*FI5*555 MWh 8#eotherma! %!ant
"a%a"t'; S 2F*6IH #eotherma! %!ants+
IDI Sour"e< ,or!d"oa!+or# 8htt%<MM,,,+,or!d"oa!+or#Mresour"esM&re)uent!'.
IDF 2F*6IH M E S 2E65+H
IDG Sour"e< ,or!d"oa!+or# 8htt%<MM,,,+,or!d"oa!+or#M"oa!Muses.o&."oa!M"oa!.
IDE Sour"e< TU+S+ Natona! Rene,a(!e Ener#' La(orator'+ Fe(ruar' Ith 455F
I65 Sour"e< Evaluation of global wind power
I62 Sour"e< The Earth >as Enough 7ind Energy Potential To Power 4ll <f
ivili%ation 8htt%<MM,,,+(usnessnsder+",nd.
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
annua! out%ut o& 22*HID*455 MWh s %oss(!e+
Ths means 2D*4D2
E555.a"re ,nd &arms ,ou!d (e needed to meet the "urrent out%ut
&#ure o& 2HD (!!on MWh+ Ths means 22E*5FE*555 a"res o& 8,nd
su&&"ent; !and ,ou!d (e re)ured+
Ths amounts to 5+D> o& the
Earth?s sur&a"e that ,ou!d (e needed to %o,er the ,or!d* n
On"e a#an* ths s not to su##est su"h a thn# s dea!
#$en ,hat !and s &eas(!e &or ,nd &arms* a!on# ,th other m%ortant
&a"tors+ Ths s sm%!' to #$e a #enera! %ers%e"t$e o& %oss(!t'+
Ho,e$er* one un)ue rea!t' o& ,nd %o,er #eneraton s the
%otenta! o& offshore harnessn#+ /om%ared to !and.(ased ,nd %o,er*
o&&shore ,nd %o,er has* on a$era#e* a mu"h !ar#er 'e!d* as ,nd
s%eeds tend to (e h#her+ Ths rea!t' a!so a!!e$ates !and.(ased
%ressures #$en !and s"ar"t' and re#ona! restr"tons+
A""ordn# to the 4ssessment of <ffshore 7ind Energy
'esources for the 9nited States* 6*2H5 ##a,atts 86*2H5*555 MW; o&
%otenta! ,nd tur(ne "a%a"t' &rom o&&shore ,nd resour"es are
a$a!a(!e n the Unted States+
Assumn# ths %o,er "a%a"t' ,as
"onsstent &or a 'ear* ,e end u% ,th an ener#' "on$erson o&
DI*DH6*555*555 MWhM'r+ G$en the Unted States* n 4525* used
4H*FFI TWh o& ener#' 84H+FG (!!on MWh;*
,e &nd that o&&shore
,nd har$estn# alone e-"eeds natona! use (' a(out 25+I (!!on
MWhs* or 62>+
Intut$e!'* e-tra%o!atn# ths natona! !e$e! o& "a%a"t' to the
rest o& the ,or!d?s "oast!nes* a!so ta7n# nto a""ount the
a&orementoned !and.(ased on!' statst" resear"h that &ound ,e "an
%o,er the ,or!d man' tmes o$er onshore as ,e!!*
the %oss(!tes o&
,nd.(ased ener#' a(undan"e s e-"e%tona!!' m%ress$e+
6a;< Solar Fields
The u%%er atmos%here o& Earth re"e$es a(out 2+H f 2542 ,att.hours
o& so!ar radaton annua!!'+ Ths $ast amount o& ener#' s more than
4D*555 tmes that used (' the human %o%u!aton o& the %!anet+
humant' "ou!d "a%ture one tenth o& one %er"ent o& the so!ar ener#'
str7n# the Earth ,e ,ou!d ha$e a""ess to s- tmes as mu"h ener#'
as ,e "onsume n a!! &orms toda'* ,th a!most no #reenhouse #as
emssons+ The a(!t' to harness ths %o,er de%ends on the
te"hno!o#' and ho, h#h the %er"enta#e o& radaton a(sor%ton s+
I64 GFI5 8hrs n a 'ear; - 2D45 8MW; S 22*HID*455 MWhM'ear+
I6D 2D*4D2 - E555 a"res S 22E*5FE*555
I66 22E*5FE*555 a"res s 5+D4> o& DI*FE6*465*555 a"res 8tota! !and on Earth;
I6H Sour"e< 4ssessment of <ffshore 7ind Energy 'esources for the 9nited
States 8htt%<MM,,,+nre!+#o$Mdo"sM&'25ostM6HGGE+%d&;
I6I Sour"e< Energy in the 9nited States
I6F Sour"e< The Earth >as Enough 7ind Energy Potential To Power 4ll <f
ivili%ation 8htt%<MM,,,+(usnessnsder+",nd.
I6G Sour"e< the&reed"tonar'+"om
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
onventional photovoltaics, "urrent!' the most "ommon &orm
used most!' &or sma!!er a%%!"atons* use s!"on as the sem"ondu"tor
and e-st n somethn# o& a &!at "e!! or sheet+ oncentrated
photovoltaics :PV; are #enera!!' more e&&"ent than non."on"entrated
on a$era#eU ho,e$er the' tend to re)ure more dre"t e-%osure to
&o"us the !#ht %ro%er!'+
oncentrated solar power :PS; s a !ar#e.s"a!e a%%roa"h that
uses mrrors or !enses to "on"entrate a !ar#e area o& sun!#ht* or so!ar
therma! ener#'* onto a sma!! area+ E!e"tr"a! %o,er s %rodu"ed ,hen
the "on"entrated !#ht s "on$erted to heat* ,h"h dr$es a heat en#ne
8su"h as a steam tur(ne; "onne"ted to an e!e"tr"a! %o,er #enerator
or the !7e+ Un!7e %hoto$o!ta"s* ,h"h "on$ert dre"t!' to e!e"tr"t'*
ths te"hno!o#' "on$erts to heat+ Re"ent!'* !ar#e.s"a!e stora#e
methods ha$e a!so (een used to %ro!on# a""ess at n#ht+
A $araton o& /AS s STE* or Solar Thermal Energy* The
I$an%ah So!ar E!e"tr" Generatn# S'stem n /a!&orna* USA s a DH55
a"re &e!d
,th a stated annua! #eneraton o& 2*5FE*4D4 MWh+
Wh!e I$an%ah does not use an' &orm o& stora#e* t ser$es a(out
265*555 homes n the re#on+ I& ,e ,ere to e-tra%o!ate usn# I$an%ah
as a (ass* t ,ou!d ta7e 262*FIF &e!ds or 6EI*2G6*H55 a"res to
theoret"a!!' meet "urrent #!o(a! ener#' use (ased on out%ut+ Ths s
2+6D> o& tota! !and on Earth+
On"e a#an* ths s not to su##est su"h a thn# s %ra"t"a! nor
s t to #nore the radaton 'e!d d&&eren"es &ound on d&&erent areas o&
the Earth+ Ho,e$er* deserts* ,h"h tend to (e h#h!' "ondu"$e &or
so!ar &e!ds ,h!e o&ten !ess "ondu"$e to !&e su%%ort &or %eo%!e* are
rou#h!' 2MD o& a!! the !and mass n the ,or!d or a(out 24 (!!on a"res+
/om%ared to the rou#h!' H55 m!!on a"res theoret"a!!' needed to
K%o,er the ,or!d as %er our e-tra%o!aton* on!' 6+2> o& the ,or!d?s
desert !and ,ou!d (e needed+

L7e,se* other %ro0e"ts sm!ar to the I$an%ah &e!d ha$e (een
n"or%oratn# storage systems* The So!ana 4G5MW so!ar %o,er %!ant n
Ar1ona "om(nes %ara(o!" trou#h mrror te"hno!o#' ,th mo!ten sa!t
therma! stora#e and s a(!e to "ontnue out%uttn# u% to s- hours a&ter
the s7' #oes dar7+

In #enera!* the rate o& ad$an"ement o& %hoto$o!ta"* so!ar
I6E Sour"e< 7orldRs biggest solar thermal power plant fires up for first time
IH5 Sour"e< !vanpah Solar Electric ?enerating System
IH2 2HD (!!on MWh M 2*5FE*4D4MWh S 262*FIF %!ants = D*H55 a"res S
6EI*2G6*H55 a"res+ 6EI*2G6*H55 a"res s 2+6D > o& DI*FE6*465*555 8tota!
IH4 Re&eren"e< !s 4nything Stopping a Truly Massive /uild$<ut of =esert Solar
PowerD 8htt%<MM,,,+s"ent&"amer"an+"omMart"!e+"&mRdS"ha!!en#es.&or.!ar.%o,er;
IHD Sour"e< Solar Plant ?enerates Power (or Six >ours 4fter Sunset
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
therma!* stora#e methods and other e-stn# and emer#n#
te"hno!o#es "ontnue to ra%d!' ad$an"e* re$ea!n# that man'
nsta!!atons seen as h#h!' e&&"ent toda' ,!! (e #ross!' ne&&"ent n a
de"ade or t,o+ As ,!! (e addressed more so ,th res%e"t to smaller
scale rene,a(!e ener#' so!utons* the use o& so!ar %o,er !o"a!1ed n
the $er' "onstru"ton o& (u!dn#s and dom"!es s !7e!' to (e ,here
true &uture e&&"en"' ,!! ta7e %!a"e+ The ssue s ma7n# the
te"hno!o#' "om%a"t and e&&"ent enou#h &or !o"a!1ed* %er "ase use+
Ho,e$er* so!ar &e!d %o,er statons* 0ust !7e #eotherma! and
,nd* ha$e an enormous #!o(a! %otenta! n and o& themse!$es and
there s !tt!e dou(t that #$en %ro%er resour"es and attenton* these
&e!ds a!one "ou!d theoret"a!!' esta(!sh an n&rastru"ture and
e&&"en"' !e$e! to %o,er the ,or!d a!one+

6aB< Water)-+dro Energ+
Water.(ased rene,a(!e ener#' e-tra"ton "ou!d #enera!!' (e sad to
ha$e t,o (road sour"es< the ocean tse!& and r$er.t'%e ,ater &!o,s
,h"h use the #ra$tatona! &or"e o& &a!!n# or &!o,n# ,ater* usua!!' n
an n!and ,ater"ourse+ The !atter s #enera!!' re&erred to n %ra"t"e as
hydroelectric and* as noted (e&ore* t s "urrent!' a &ar!' !ar#e %art o&
the e-stn# rene,a(!e ener#' n&rastru"ture+
On the other hand* the $ast %otenta! o& the ocean has 'et to
(e harnessed ,thn a &ra"ton o& ts "a%a"t'+ It s not &ar.&et"hed to
su##est that the nte!!#ent har$estn# o& (oth the $arous me"han"a!
mo$ements o& o"ean ,ater "ou%!ed ,th e-%!otn# the d&&eren"es n
heat* 7no,n as ocean thermal energy conversion 8OTE/;* that o"ean
,ater %o,er "ou!dn?t a!so %o,er the ,or!d a!one+


G$en the
e-stn#* &ar!' !ar#e.s"a!e use o& h'droe!e"tr" %o,er 8dams; a!read'*
ths se"ton ,!! nstead &o"us on the o"ean %otenta!s+
The most %ronoun"ed sea.(ased %otenta!s at ths tme a%%ear
to (e wave* tidal, ocean current, ocean thermal and osmotic* Wa$es
are %rmar!' "aused (' ,ndsU tdes are %rmar!' "aused (' the
#ra$tatona! %u!! o& the moonU o"ean "urrents are %rmar!' "aused ('
the rotaton o& the EarthU o"ean therma! resu!ts &rom so!ar heat
a(sor(ed (' the sur&a"e o& the o"eanU and osmot" %o,er s ,hen
&resh ,ater and sa!t ,ater meet* e-%!otn# the d&&eren"e n sa!t
IH6 Sour"e< 9se and apacity of ?lobal >ydropower !ncreases
IHH Sour"e< <cean currents can power the world, say scientists
IHI A""ordn# to M"hae! 9erntsas* a %ro&essor at the Un$erst' o& M"h#an
De%artment o& Na$a! Ar"hte"ture and Marne En#neern#< T+++& ,e "ou!d
harness 5+2 %er"ent o& the ener#' n the o"ean* ,e "ou!d su%%ort the
ener#' needs o& 2H (!!on %eo%!e+T
X htt%<MMm"h#antoda'+um"h+eduM455EM52Mstor'+%h%R
dSFDD6O+Um9294RD%E6 Y
IHF Sour"e< <ur urrent Technologies
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
It has (een &ound that ,a$e %o,er?s usable #!o(a! %otenta! s a(out D
or a(out 4I*4G5 TWhM'r assumn# "onstant harnessn#+ Ths s
a!most 45> o& "urrent #!o(a! use+ Ths amount o& %o,er has (een
as"ertaned essenta!!' (' ana!'1n# dee%.,ater re#ons o&& "ontnent
"oast!nes+ The theoret"a! %o,er estmate has (een estmated at D+F
TW* ,th the &na! net estmate redu"ed (' a(out 45> to "om%ensate
&or $arous ne&&"en"es re!ated to a #$en re#on* su"h as "e
"o$era#e+ Ener#' out%ut s (as"a!!' determned (' ,a$e he#ht* ,a$e
s%eed* ,a$e!en#th* and ,ater denst'+
Wa$e &arms* or the "onstru"ton o& ,a$e harnessn# %!ants o&&
a "oast!ne* ha$e seen !mted !ar#e.s"a!e a%%!"aton at ths tme* ,th
on!' a(out s- "ountres s%arse!' a%%!'n# the te"hno!o#'+
,th the most %otenta! n"!ude the ,estern sea(oard o& Euro%e* the
northern "oast o& the UC* and the Aa"&" "oast!nes o& North and South
Amer"a* Southern A&r"a* Austra!a* and Ne, Zea!and+
Tda! has t,o su(.&orms< ran#e and stream+ Tda! ran#e s essenta!!'
the Krse and &a!! o& areas o& the o"ean+ Tda! streams are "urrents
"reated (' %erod" hor1onta! mo$ement o& the tdes* o&ten ma#n&ed
(' the sha%e o& the sea(ed+
D&&erent !o"atons o& Earth ha$e !ar#e d&&eren"es n ran#e+
In the Unted Cn#dom* an area ,th h#h !e$e!s o& tda! a"t$t'*
do1ens o& stes are "urrent!' noted as a$a!a(!e* &ore"astn# that D6>
o& a!! the UCNs ener#' "ou!d "ome &rom tda! %o,er a!one+
o!der studes ha$e %ut tda! "a%a"t' at 2G55TWhM'r+
More re"ent
studes ha$e %ut the theoret"a! "a%a"t' 8(oth ran#e and stream; at
DTW* assumn# on!' a %orton ,ou!d (e e-tra"ta(!e+

Tda!* ,h!e $er' %red"ta(!e* s a!so su(0e"t to da!' %erods o&
ntermtten"' (ased around tda! sh&ts+ Assumn# on!' 2+H TW "ou!d
(e harnessed n a 'ear (ased on ad$an"ed te"hno!o#'* ths means
a(out F> o& the ,or!d?s %o,er "ou!d "ome &rom tda!+
O"ean /urrent<
Sm!ar to tda! streams* o"ean "urrents ha$e sho,n #reat %otenta!+
These "urrents &!o, "onsstent!' n the o%en o"ean and $arous
emer#n# te"hno!o#es ha$e (een de$e!o%n# to harness ths !ar#e!'
IHG Sour"e< 4ssessing the ?lobal 7ave Energy Potential
IHE Sour"e< 7ave farm 8htt%<MMen+,7%eda+or#M,7MWa$eV&arm;
II5 Sour"e< Tidal Energy 8htt%<MMe+!eh#h+eduM!earnersMener#'Mtda!4+htm!;
II2 Sour"e< !unarener#'+"o+u7
II4 Sour"e< O"ean Ener#'< Aros%e"ts @ Aotenta!* Isaa"s @ S"hmtt* ,th 2H>
ut!1aton &a"tor @ H5> "a%a"t' &a"tor+
X htt%<MM,,,+"r%m+or#M%u(Ma#endaM2DG6Vnatha!eVrousseau+%d& Y
IID 'enewable Energy Sources and limate hange Mitigation* Ottmar
Edenho&er* 4524* %%H5H.H5I
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
unta%%ed medum+
As ,th a!! rene,a(!es* the "a%a"t' to harness su"h %otenta!
s dre"t!' re!ated to the e&&"en"' o& the te"hno!o#' em%!o'ed+ The
EOEA estmates the "urrent %otenta! at 655 THWM'r+
Ho,e$er* there
s #ood reason to assume ths &#ure s outdated+ Aror a%%!"atons o&
tur(neMm!! te"hno!o#es to "a%ture su"h ,ater &!o,s ha$e needed an
a$era#e "urrent o& &$e or s- 7nots to o%erate e&&"ent!'* ,h!e most o&
the Earth?s "urrents are s!o,er than three 7nots+
Ho,e$er* re"ent
de$e!o%ments ha$e re$ea!ed the %oss(!t' to harness ener#' &rom
,ater &!o,s o& !ess than t,o 7nots+
G$en ths %otenta!* t has (een
su##ested that ocean current alone "ou!d %o,er the entre ,or!d+
The Gu!& Stream
%otenta! has (een estmated at 2DGW o&
a"tua! out%ut* assumn# a D5> "on$erson e&&"en"' usn# more
tradtona! tur(ne te"hno!o#'+
Ths means 2D*555 MW or* assumn#
"onstant harnessn# o& the stream a!! 'ear* a(out 22D*GG5*555
The Unted States* n 4522* s estmated to ha$e used 6+2
(!!on MWh n e!e"tr"t'+
Ths means D5>
o& the US?s e!e"tr"a!
"onsum%ton "ou!d (e #enerated (' the Gu!& Stream a!one+ On"e
a#an* ths s assumn# the use o& on!' esta(!shed te"hno!o#'+
Osmot" %o,er or sa!nt' #radent %o,er s the ener#' a$a!a(!e &rom
the d&&eren"e n the sa!t "on"entraton (et,een sea,ater and r$er
,ater+ The Nor,e#an /enter &or Rene,a(!e Ener#' 8SFFE; estmates
the #!o(a! %otenta! to (e a(out 2*DF5 TWhM'r+
,th others %uttn# t
at around 2*F55 TWhM'r
or the e)u$a!ent o& ha!& o& Euro%e?s entre
II6 Sour"e< <cean Energy3 Position Paper for !P
IIH Sour"e< <cean currents can power the world, say scientists
III Sour"e< 0(ish Technology0 =raws 'enewable Energy (rom Slow 7ater
urrents 8htt%<MMm"h#antoda'+um"h+eduM455EM52Mstor'+%h%R
IIF Sour"e< <cean currents can power the world, say scientists
IIG Sour"e< ?ulf Stream 8htt%<MMen+,7%eda+or#M,7MGu!&VStream;
IIE Sour"e< Theoretical 4ssessment of <cean urrent Energy Potential for the
?ulf Stream System
IF5 GFI5 8hrs a 'ear; - 2D555 MW S 22D m!!on GG5 thousands MWhsM'r
IF2 Sour"e< Energy in the 9nited States
IF4 6+2 (!!on M 2DD+GG5 m!!on
IFD Sour"e< <smotic Power 8htt%<MM,,,+s&&e+noMR%S466I;
IF6 Sour"e< (irst osmosis power plant goes on stream in "orway
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
ener#' demand+
Wh!e st!! !ar#e!' n ts n&an"'* osmot" %o,er harnessn#
throu#h ad$an"n# te"hno!o#' s %romsn#+ Ao,er %!ants "an* n
%rn"%!e* (e (u!t an',here &resh,ater meets sea,ater+ The' "an
#enerate %o,er 46MF* re#ard!ess o& ,eather "ondtons+
O"ean Therma!<
The &na! o"ean.(ased means &or ener#' harnessn# ,orth notn# s
o"ean therma! ener#' "on$erson 8OTE/;+ E-%!otn# the d&&eren"es n
heat e-stn# around the sur&a"e o& the o"ean and (e!o,* ,armer
sur&a"e ,ater s used to heat a &!ud* su"h as !)ud ammona*
"on$ertn# t nto $a%or* ,h"h e-%ands to dr$e a tur(ne ,h"h* n
turn* %rodu"es e!e"tr"t'+ The &!ud s then "oo!ed usn# "o!d ,ater
&rom the o"ean de%ths* returnn# t nto a !)ud state so the %ro"ess
"an start a!! o$er a#an+
O& a!! the o"ean.(ased ener#' sour"es* OTE/ a%%ears to ha$e
the most %otenta!+ It has (een estmated that GG*555 TWhM'r "ou!d (e
#enerated ,thout a&&e"tn# the o"ean?s therma! stru"ture+
Wh!e ths
&#ure ma' not e-%ress tota!* usa(!e "a%a"t'* t m%!es that ,e!! o$er
ha!& o& a!! "urrent #!o(a! ener#' "onsum%ton "ou!d (e met ,th OTE/
a!one+ As o& 452D* most o& the e-stn# OTE/ %!ants are e-%ermenta!
or $er' sma!! s"a!e+ Ho,e$er* a &e, ma0or ndustra! "a%a"t' %ro0e"ts
ha$e (een set n moton* n"!udn# a 25 MW %!ant o&& the "oast o&
and a 255MW near Ha,a+
One 255MW o&&shore %!ant "an
theoret"a!!' %o,er Ha,aNs entre 9# Is!and a!one*
2GI*555 %eo%!e as o& a 4522 "ensus+
No,* n "on"!uson to ths su(se"ton o& o"ean ener#'
harnessn#* 7ee%n# "onsstent ,th the %ror "ate#or"a! estmatons
set &or,ard &or so!ar* ,nd and #eotherma!* t s ,orth,h!e to "onsder
the tota!* "om(ned 8!ar#e!' "onser$at$e; %otenta! o& ea"h noted
medum+ Wh!e ths ,!!* o& "ourse* (e a "rude e-tra%o!aton sn"e there
are man' "om%!e- $ara(!es* n"!udn# the &a"t that some a%%!"atons
are st!! sem.e-%ermenta! and d&&"u!t to %ro%er!' assess* ths #enera!
&#ure st!! he!%s to d#est the (roadest %ers%e"t$e o& the %otenta! o&
IFH Sour"e< <smotic Power Play3 Energy 'ecovery Teams with ?S Engineering
A onstruction orp to =evelop >ighly 4vailable 'enewable Energy Source
IFI 'enewable Energy Sources and limate hange Mitigation* Ottmar
Edenho&er* 4524* %H5F
IFF Sour"e< <cean Thermal Power 7ill =ebut off hina0s oast
IFG Sour"e< ,CC$mw <TE proEect planned for 7est <ahu
IFE Sour"e< <cean Thermal Energy onversion ould Power 4ll <f >awaii0s /ig
!sland 8htt%<MM,,,+hu&&n#ton%ost+"omM452DM5EM2IMo"ean.therma!.ener#'.
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
o"ean rene,a(!es+ Here s a !st o& the noted #!o(a! %otenta!s<
Wa$e< 4F*4G5 TWhM'r
Tda!< 2D*265 T,hM'r 82+H TW - GFI5hr ;
O"ean /urrent< 655 T,hM'r 8o!d estmate ,th o!d te"h;
Osmot"< `2*H55 T,HM'r 8a$era#e o& noted statst"s;
O"ean Therma!< GG*555 T,hM'r
Added to#ether ,e arr$e at 2D5*D45 TWhM'r or 5+6I Z3 a 'ear+
Ths s rou#h!' GD> o& "urrent #!o(a! use 85+HH Z3;+ It s m%ortant to
note that su"h num(ers are der$ed* n %art* &rom tradtona!
te"hno!o#es* ,th no ad0ustment made &or more re"ent
m%ro$ements+ I& ,e (rn# tradtona! H'droe!e"tr" 8,ater"ourse
(ased; (a"7 nto the e)uaton* ,h"h* a""ordn# to the IEA has a
%otenta! o& 2I*655 TWhM'r*
ths (rn#s the &#ure u% to 26I*F45
TWhM'r or EI> o& "urrent #!o(a! use+
6< Small Scale . Total 2i=ed-&se S+stems
The %ror se"ton des"r(ed the $ast %otenta! o& !ar#e.s"a!e* (ase.!oad
rene,a(!e ener#' harnessn#+ Wnd* so!ar* ,aterMh'dro and
#eotherma! ha$e a!! sho,n that the' are "a%a(!e* individually* o&
meetn# or $ast!' e-"eedn# the "urrent 5+HH Z3 annua! #!o(a! ener#'
"onsum%ton at ths tme+
The true )ueston s ho, are su"h methods to (e nte!!#ent!'
%ut nto %ra"t"e+ G$en the re#ona! !mtatons "ou%!ed ,th other
nat$e ssues su"h as ntermtten"'* the rea! design initiative to "reate
a ,or7a(!e "om(naton o& su"h means s needed+ Su"h a systems
a%%roa"h s the rea! so!uton* harmon1n# an o%tm1ed &ra"ton o&
ea"h o& those rene,a(!es to a"he$e #!o(a!* tota! use a(undan"e+
For e-am%!e* t s not n"on"e$a(!e to ma#ne a seres o&
man.made &!oatn# s!ands o&& se!e"t "oast!nes ,h"h are des#ned to
%oss(!' harness* at on"e* ,nd* so!ar* therma! d&&eren"e* ,a$e* tda!
and o"ean "urrents J a!! at the same tme and n the same #enera!
area+ Su"h energy islands ,ou!d then %%e ther har$est (a"7 to !and
&or human use+ Varous "om(natons "ou!d a!so (e a%%!ed to !and.
(ased s'stems as ,e!!* su"h as "onstru"tn# ,ndMso!ar "om(natons
to "om%!ment the &a"t that o&ten ,nd s more %resent at n#ht* ,h!e
so!ar s more %resent durn# the da'+
L7e,se* "reat$e n#enut' ,th res%e"t to ho, ,e "an
nte!!#ent!' "om(ne $arous methods a!so e-tends to ,hat ,e "ou!d
"onsder locali%ed ener#' harnessn#+ Sma!!er s"a!e rene,a(!e
methods that are "ondu"$e to sn#!e stru"tures or sma!! areas &nd the
same s'stems !o#" re#ardn# "om(naton+ These !o"a!1ed s'stems
"ou!d a!so* & need (e* "onne"t (a"7 nto the !ar#er* (ase.!oad s'stems
as ,e!!* re$ea!n# a tota!* m-ed medum nte#rated net,or7+
A "ommon e-am%!e toda' s the use o& sn#!e stru"ture so!ar
IG5 Sour"e< 'enewable Energy Essentials3 >ydropower
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
%ane!s* su"h as &or home use+ Wh!e the e&&"en"' o& these %ane!s s
st!! m%ro$n#* "ou%!ed ,th m%osed "ost !mtatons as %er the
n$estmentM%ro&t me"hansm o& the mar7et* most %eo%!e ut!1n#
these so!ar %o,er s'stems are on!' a(!e to "om%!ment ther home?s
e!e"tr"t' use rather than #an 255> ut!1aton+ 8For e-am%!e* most
s'stems are a%%!ed to %o,er the home durn# the da'* ,h!e %u!!n#
%o,er &rom the re#ona! (ase.!oad #rd at n#ht+; Ths 7nd o& a%%roa"h
that see7s to maximi%e locali%ed possibilities first* (e&ore resortn# to
!ar#er s"a!e ener#' use* n a s'stem a%%roa"h* s the 7e' to %ra"t"a!
ener#' a(undan"e* e&&"en"' and sustana(!t'+
To understand the re!e$an"e o& ths more thorou#h!'* !et?s
e-%and the e-am%!e o& househo!d so!ar arra' a%%!"aton to t %oss(!e
theoret"a! %otenta!+ In 4522* the a$era#e annua! e!e"tr"t'
"onsum%ton &or a U+S+ resdenta! ut!t' 8househo!d; "ustomer ,as
22*4G5 7Wh+
G$en 226*G55*555 househo!ds n 4525*
ths means
24EH TWhM'r ,as used+ Tota! e!e"tr"a! ener#' "onsum%ton n 4524
&or the USA ,as D*GGI*655*555 MWhM'r+
Ths e)uates to D*GGI
TWhM'r+ Ths means DD> o& a!! e!e"tr" "onsum%ton o""urred n
%eo%!e?s homes* ,th the $ast ma0ort' o& that ener#' "omn# &rom
&oss! &ue! %o,er statons+
I& a!! househo!ds n the Unted States ,ere a(!e to %o,er
themse!$es &or e!e"tr"t' usn# so!ar %ane!s a!one* !o"a!1ed ener#'
ut!1aton that s sm%!' ,asted at ths tme* the (ase.!oad stress
redu"ton ,ou!d (e dramat"+ /ontrar' to %o%u!ar (e!e&* as o& 452D
ths s a rea! %oss(!t' #$en the state o& so!ar "e!! e&&"en"' and
stora#e te"hno!o#'+
The %ro(!em s that the "urrent ener#' ndustr'
s not %re%ared &or su"h e&&"en"' and "onsumer so!ar s'stems
a$a!a(!e su&&er &rom h#h &nan"a! e-%ense as a resu!t o& !mted mass
%rodu"ton* "om%etton and a !a"7 so"a! ntat$e to &or,ard
It ,orth statn# here that the &nan"a! s'stem and ts %r"e
orented me"hansms e-st as barriers to u()utous and o%tm1ed
househo!d so!ar de$e!o%ment n the (road $e, 8a!on# e$er' other
IG2 Sour"e< ea+#o$ 8htt%<MM,,,+ea+#o$Mtoo!sM&a)sM&a)+"&mRdSEF@tSD;
IG4 Sour"e< Total "umber of 9*S* >ouseholds
IGD Sour"e< +ist of countries by electricity consumption
IG6 Wh!e the "urrent state o& /AV so!ar e&&"en"'* as o& 452D s 66+F>
X htt%<MM,,,+sote"+"omMenMne,!easesM,or!"!ar."e!!.
2DFDM Y* ,th "onsumer a$a!a(!e %rodu"ts a$era#n# on!' a(out 2G>
X htt%<MMsroe"o+"omMso!arMmost.e&&"!ar.%ane!s Y* more ad$an"e
methods are su##estn# u%,ards o& G5>+
X htt%<MM,,,+e-tremete"h+",.nano.matera!."ou!d.
(!ar.%ane!.e&&"en"' Y L7e,se* (atter' stora#e &or
househo!d use has (een ad$an"n# $a emer#n# graphene super capacitors
X htt%<MM,,,+#1ma#+"omM#ra%hene.("a%a"torM4GHFEM Y ,h"h
"an "har#e &aster* !ast man' tmes !on#er than "on$entona! (atteres and
are !ess %o!!utn# and ta7e u% !ess s%a"e+ Another ad$an"n# (atter'
te"hno!o#' s termed the LM9* as de$e!o%ed (' Dona!d Sado,a' and MIT+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
de$e!o%n# te"hno!o#' a&ter a "ertan %ont o& %ro$en e&&"a"';+ Wh!e
de&enders o& "a%ta!sm ar#ue that the %ro"ess o& n$
mar7et o& an n.demand #ood #enera!!' redu"es the "ost o& that #ood
o$er tme* ma7n# t more a$a!a(!e to those ,ho "ou!d not a&&ord t
(e&ore* t s &or#otten that the entre %ro"ess s a contrivance+
I& %r"e and %ro&t ,ere remo$ed &rom the s'stem* &o"usn#
on!' on the te"hno!o#' and ts statst"a! mert* (oth at the "urrent
tme and ts !on#er term e&&"en"' trends 8&uture m%ro$ements;*
%ro%er resour"e a!!o"aton strate#es and resear"h "ou!d (e em%!o'ed
to (rn# %romsn# te"hno!o#' to the %o%u!aton mu"h more ra%d!'+ In
the "ase o& so!ar arra's &or home %o,er #eneraton* #$en the
n"red(!e "a%a"t' t has to a!!e$ate (ase.!oad ener#' stress ,h"h
,ou!d* toda'* &urther redu"e emssons and &oss! &ue! %o!!uton* t s a
$er' un&ortunate "r"umstan"e ths te"hno!o#' and ts a%%!"aton s
su(0e"t to the ,hms o& the mar7et+
I& ,e sur$e' the "ommer"a! e-%ense o& an a$era#e so!ar arra'
as o& 452D* an a$era#e home usn# 22*4G5 7Wh a month
,ou!d re)ure a(out D5 %ane!s* ,th a so!ar "e!! e&&"en"' o& a(out E.
2H> and a n#ht tme (atter' s'stem+ Ths ,ou!d "ost ,e!! o$er
Su"h an e-%ense s una&&orda(!e &or the $ast ma0ort' o&
the ,or!d* e$en thou#h the (as" matera!s used n tradtona! AV
s'stems are sm%!e and a(undant* a!on# ,th e$er.n"reasn#
manu&a"turn# ease+
L7e,se* t s e)ua!!' as dsa%%ontn# to not"e ho, modern
home "onstru"ton has made !tt!e to no use o& other (as"* !o"a!1ed
rene,a(!e methods that "an &urther &a"!tate the rea! ,or!d "a%a"t' to
(rn# a!! househo!ds 8not on!' n the USA (ut the n the ,or!d; to a
%!a"e o& ener#' nde%enden"e+
Notn# the %o,er o& so!ar* other near!' un$ersa! a%%!"atons
a!so a%%!'+ Sma!! ,nd har$estn# s'stems
and #eotherma! heatn#
and "oo!n# te"hno!o#'*
"om(ned ,th ar"hte"tura! des#n ma7n#
IGH It s ,orth mentonn# on"e a#an that a!! (usness esta(!shments
%er%etuate themse!$es most!' (' the mar7ets the' ha$e "reated prior* A
ne, n$enton that "an nter&ere ,th the e-stn# n"ome n&rastru"ture o& a
#$en (usness s o&ten su(0e"t to n&!uen"es that s!o, or e$en su%%ress that
n"ome nter&ern# te"hno!o#'+ Wh!e man' see ths 7nd o& (eha$or as a
&orm o& K"orru%ton* the truth o& the matter s that the $er' me"hansm o&
(rn#n# a #$en #ood to the mar7et s su(0e"t to m%osed &nan"a!
!mtatons ,h"h a"he$e the same #oa!+ For e-am%!e* & the ne, #ood
"annot (e "onsdered %ro&ta(!e durn# the "ourse o& ts de$e!o%ment*
re#ard!ess o& ts true mert* t ,!! (e hndered+ The e-treme!' s!o, %a"e o&
rene,a(!e ener#es on the ,ho!e* e$en thou#h the %rn"%!e o& most means
has (een understood &or hundreds o& 'ears* s a dre"t resu!t o& monetar'
n$estment or !a"7 thereo& and the more e&&"ent a te"hno!o#'* the !ess
%ro&t ,th (e rea!1ed n the !on#.term+
IGI Sour"e< <ff$?rid System ost ?uide
IGF E-am%!e< Saving Energy in 7est Michigan >oneywell 7ind Turbine
IGG Re&eren"e< ?eothermal >eat Pumps
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
(etter use o& natura! !#ht and heatM"oo! %reser$aton e&&"en"'*
there s a s%e"trum o& des#n ad0ustments ,h"h "ou!d ma7e
a%artments and houses not on!' se!&.su&&"ent* (ut more e"o!o#"a!!'
sustana(!e+ /ou%!n# ths ,th use.reuse des#ns &or ,ater
%reser$aton* a!on# ,th other a%%roa"hes to o%tm1e ener#'Mresour"e
e&&"en"'* t s "!ear that our "urrent methods are enormous!' ,aste&u!
,hen "om%ared to the %oss(!tes+
E-tendn# out,ards to "t' n&rastru"ture* ,e see the same
&a!ures a!most e$er',here ,th res%e"t to su"h a%%!ed s'stems+ For
e-am%!e* an enormous amount o& ener#' s used n the %ro"ess o&
trans%ortaton+ Wh!e the e!e"tr" $eh"!e has %ro$en $a(!e &or &u!!
#!o(a! use* e$en thou#h !o(('n# e&&orts and other mar7et !mtatons
ha$e "ontnued to 7ee% ts a%%!"aton ,e!! (ehnd the #aso!ne
%o,ered norm* man' s'stem.(ased methods a!so #o unharnessed+
A%art &rom a #enera! ne"esst' to reor#an1e ur(an
en$ronments to (e more "ondu"$e to "on$enent mass transt
net,or7s* remo$n# the need &or numerous autonomous $eh"!es*
sm%!' re$harnessing the %o,ered mo$ements o& a!! trans%ort
medums "ou!d dramat"a!!' a!!e$ate ener#' %ressures+
A te"hno!o#' "a!!ed pie%oelectric,
,h"h s a(!e to "on$ert
%ressure and me"han"a! ener#' nto e!e"tr"t'* s an e-"e!!ent
e-am%!e o& an ener#' reuse method ,th #reat %otenta!+ E-stn#
a%%!"atons ha$e n"!uded %o,er #eneraton (' %eo%!e ,a!7n# on
%e1o en#neered &!oors
and sde,a!7s*
streets ,h"h "an #enerate
%o,er as automo(!es "ross o$er them
and tran ra! s'stems ,h"h
"an a!so "a%ture ener#' &rom %assn# tran "ars throu#h %ressure+
Aeros%a"e en#neer Ham A(ramo$"h has stated that a stret"h o& road
!ess than a m!e !on#* &our !anes ,de* and tra&&"7ed (' a(out 2*555
$eh"!es %er hour "an "reate a(out 5+6 me#a,atts o& %o,er* enou#h to
%o,er I55 homes+
IGE A des#n a%%roa"h "a!!ed K%ass$e so!ar s a #ood des#n e-am%!e+
X htt%<MMen+,7%eda+or#M,7MAass$eVso!arV(u!dn#Vdes#n Y
IE5 Re&eren"e< the&reed"tonar'+"om
IE2 Re&eren"e< Energy$?enerating (loors to Power To#yo Subways
IE4 Re&eren"e< Six Sidewal#s That 7or# 7hile 6ou 7al#
IED Re&eren"e< !srael >ighway E)uipped 7ith Pilot Pie%oelectric ?enerator
System 8htt%<MM,,,+#reeno%tmst"+"omM455EM25M5IMsrae!.%e1oe!e"tr".
IE6 Re&eren"e< "ew Pie%oelectric 'ailways >arvest Energy (rom Passing Trains
IEH Re&eren"e< 9nder >ighway Pie%oelectric @?enerators8 ould Provide Power
to Propel Electric ars
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Other theoret"a! a%%!"atons e-tend to %rett' mu"h an'thn#
that en#a#es %ressure or a"ton* n"!udn# mnor $(ratons+ For
e-am%!e* there are %ro0e"ts ,or7n# to harness the seemn#!' sma!!.
s"a!e ener#' %rodu"tonU su"h as te-tn# on a "e!!%hone n a e&&ort to
"har#e the %hone ,h!e the %hone s sm%!' (en# tou"hed or

a%%!"atons to har$est ener#' &rom ar&!o, &rom
and e$en an e!e"tr" "ar that uses %e1o te"h* n %art* to
"har#e tse!& as t tra$e!s+

I& ,e thn7 a(out the enormous me"han"a! ener#' ,asted ('
$eh"!e trans%ort modes and h#h tra&&" ,a!7n# "enters su"h as
do,nto,n streets* the %otenta! o& that %oss(!e re#enerated ener#' s
)ute su(stanta!+ It s ths t'%e o& systems thin#ing that s needed n
order mantan sustana(!t'* ,h!e a"t$e!' %ursun# a #!o(a! ener#'
6B< 2aterial Production)Access
Un!7e the %ror three su(.se"tons* ,h"h ha$e ta7en on!' e-stn#*
esta(!shed methods nto "onsderaton ,th res%e"t to humant'?s
%otenta! to a"he$e an a(undan"e
o& ea"h #$en &o"us* ths se"ton
,!! ne"essar!' (e a%%roa"hed d&&erent!'+
The %ro(!em ,th "reatn# a (ass &or an o$era!! material
abundance e-tra%o!aton n a sm!ar manner* ta7n# nto a""ount
#enera! ra, matera!s* s that the !e$e! o& ndustra! re$son needed to
em(ra"e the h#h de#ree o& e&&"en"' sou#ht* s rad"a!!' d&&erent
&rom "urrent tradtona! %ra"t"es+ In other ,ords* ,e "annot
de&nt$e!' e-tra%o!ate n the same ,a'* usn# an e-stn#* sn#u!ar
%ro"ess or #enre te"hno!o#' n order to dra, su"h a "on"!uson a(out
the !e$e! o& %rodu"t$t' %oss(!e on the ,ho!e+
Ths s (e"ause the true a(undan"e.#eneratn# e&&"en"' me"hansm s
to (e &ound n the !ar#e. s"a!e system orientation* ta7n# nto a""ount
the synergy %resent (et,een the sustana(!t' !a,s nherent to the
natura! ,or!d and the !e$e! o& e&&"en"' n"or%orated ,thn the entre
IEI Re&eren"e< Pie%oelectric #inetic energy harvester for mobile phones
IEF Re&eren"e< isco0s +aura !psen3 Smart grid success re)uires infotech,
energy tech savvy 8htt%<MM,,,+smart%!anet+"omM(!o#Ms"en"e.
IEG Re&eren"e< >arvesting energy from vehicle air flow using pie%oelectrics
IEE Re&eren"e< P$Eco Electric oncept Vehicle Powered by Pie%oelectricity
F55 As ,!! (e e-%!aned more so n ths se"ton* the a(undan"e state sou#ht
has to do ,th use.tme and a""ess* not outr#ht %ro%ert'+ An a""ess so"et'
s $er' d&&erent &rom a %ro%erted one n man' %ro&ound ,a's* es%e"a!!'
,hen t "omes to sustana(!t'* $a!ues and human (eha$or tse!&+ Food*
ener#' and ,ater a!read' assume an a""ess state sn"e su"h Ktems are
%ersha(!e or %art o& an "ontnuum that se%arates t &rom %h's"a! K#ood
o,nersh% as ,e tradtona!!' thn7 o& t+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
so"eta! o%eraton+
For e-am%!e* toda' there are o$er one (!!on automo(!es n
the ,or!d+
From a narro, $e,* the dea o& an Ka(undan"e o&
automo(!es ,ou!d %erha%s m%!'* (ased on the "urrent %ro%ert'
orented &rame,or7* that e$er' human (en# on the %!anet shou!d then
o,n a %r$ate automo(!e+ Aut (!unt!'* ths s the ,ron# %ers%e"t$e
and an out#ro,th o& a non.s'ner#et" "ondtonn# ,h"h s "ommon to
the mar7et s'stem?s ren&or"ement o& %ro%ert' as $a!ue0 From the
stand%ont o& e&&"en"' and sustana(!t' t s e-treme!' ,aste&u! to
em%!o' ?one automo(!e %er %erson? due to the &a"t that a %erson
a"tua!!' on!' dr$es* on a$era#e* on!' a(out H> o& the tme+
Other,se* the automo(!e sts n %ar7n# !ots* dr$e,a's and the !7e+
In the "t' o& Los An#e!es* /a!&orna a(out 2*EFF*G5D
automo(!es are re%orted as n use as o& 455E+
In a(stra"ton* (ased
on ths use.tme a$era#e o& H>* on!' EG*GE5 automo(!es ,ou!d
a"tua!!' (e needed to meet the trans%ort tme needs o& the "urrent use
demand* assumn# a sharn# s'stem+ In other ,ords* n %rn"%!e* on!'
EG*GE5 automo(!es ,ou!d (e needed to meet the trans%ort needs o&
2*EFF*G5D %eo%!e+
Furthermore* &or the sa7e o& ar#ument* ,th a!! other modes o&
%u(!" trans%ort #nored and ,th the entre %o%u!aton o& Los An#e!es
8D+E m!!on %eo%!e;
needn# to (e mo(!e &or H> a month* on!'
2EH*555 automo(!es ,ou!d (e needed* n a(stra"ton* to meet the
a$era#e use tme o& D+E m!!on %eo%!e+
L7e,se* n the Unted States n 455G* t ,as re"orded that
4DI+6 m!!on "onsumer $eh"!es ,ere (en# used+ Wth a U+S+
%o%u!aton o& D2D m!!on* usn# the H> use statst" on"e a#an* t
,ou!d ta7e 2H+I m!!on automo(!es to meet use demand+ That s an
GD> de"rease n automo(!e out%ut to meet the needs o& all Amer"ans
8a D4+6> n"rease n use or a""ess (ased on tota! %o%u!aton;* n
O& "ourse* %!ease note that t s ,e!! a"7no,!ed#ed here that
su"h an e-tra%o!aton s mere!' &or s%e"u!aton as o($ous!' man'
other "om%!"atn# &a"tors "ome nto %!a' n rea! !&e that ,ou!d ad0ust
ths e)uaton #reat!'+ The %ont here s to #$e the reader a sense o&
synergy* What shou!d (e %onted out s the noted increase in
efficiency* ,here su(stanta!!' &e,er automo(!es are needed to meet
the trans%ort needs o& su(stanta!!' more %eo%!e* due to a s'stem.
(ased* s'ner#et" reorentaton 8n ths "ase* a "ar Ksharn# s'stem;+
A#an* ths s not to dsmss the need &or m%ro$ed ur(an or
%u(!" trans%ort* nor does t address the m%ortan"e o& an automo(!e?s
F52 Sour"e< "umber <f ars 7orldwide Surpasses , /illionL an The 7orld
>andle This Many 7heelsD 8htt%<MM,,,+hu&&n#ton%ost+"aM4522M5GM4DM"ar.
F54 Sour"e< The /t' o& Los An#e!es Trans%ortaton Aro&!e
F5D Sour"e< Unted States /ensus 9ureau* 452D 8htt%<MM,,,+"ensus+#o$M;
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
At the root o& ths ssue s rea!!' the su(0e"t o&
Ktrans%ortaton tse!&* the reasons ,h' %eo%!e need su"h mo(!t'* and
ho, the en$ronment s des#ned to "ater &or 8or ('%ass; su"h needs+
Ths s an enormous* d'nam" su(0e"t to "onsder+
A!so* !et t (e stated u%&ront that no matter ,hat rea! or
assumed e&&"en"es ma' e-st n rea! !&e* the #oa! o& see7n# %ost.
s"ar"t'* as (oth a means to re!e$e human su&&ern# and as a method
to ada%t to tru!' e&&"ent and hen"e sustana(!e %ra"t"es* is without
debate as a critical point of focus for an expanding society* It "ou!d (e
,e!! ar#ued that on!' a %er$erse so"et' ,ou!d ,!&u!!' "hoose to
%erse$ere ,th a s'stem that 7no,n#!' %reser$es s"ar"t' &or %ro&t
and esta(!shment %reser$aton ,hen t s nte!!e"tua!!' "!ear that su"h
a "ondton s no !on#er needed and hen"e an' su"h re!ated human
su&&ern# resu!tn# s a!so no !on#er needed+
As ar#ued %ror* the mar7et e"onom' s not 0ust a res%onse to
a s"ar"t'.(ased ,or!d$e,* t s a!so a preserver o& t+ The mar7et
stru"tura!!' re)ures a h#h de#ree o& s"ar"t'* as an a(undan"e
&o"used so"et' ,ou!d e$entua!!' mean !ess !a(or.&or.n"ome* !ess
turno$er and !ess %ro&t on the ,ho!e+ I& so"et' ,o7e u% tomorro, to
a ,or!d ,here H5> o& the human 0o( mar7et ,as automated and
,here a!! &ood* ener#' and (as" #oods "ou!d (e made a$a!a(!e
,thout a %r"e ta# due to n"reased e&&"en"'* need!ess to sa' the 0o(
mar7et and monetar' e"onom' as ,e 7no, t ,ou!d "o!!a%se+
'alue Shift
In order to thn7 %ro%er!' a(out the state o& our %rodu"t$e "a%a"t' to
%rodu"e !& and standard o& !$n# m%ro$n# #oods toda'*
,e need to &rst ratona!!' se%arate human needs &rom human wants,
,th the %rort' o& meetn# needs &rst+
Wh!e ths dstn"ton ma' a%%ear !7e a "ontro$ersa! o%non to
man'* n a ,or!d ,here no, 6I> o& the tota! ,ea!th s o,ned (' 2>
o& the %o%u!atonU
n a ,or!d ,here rou#h!' 2 (!!on do not #et (as"
n a ,or!d ,here 2+2 (!!on %eo%!e !$e ,thout "!ean
drn7n# ,ater and 4+I (!!on %eo%!e !a"7 ade)uate santatonU
n a
F56 Man' other n&!uen"es and out"omes "an arse to the e&&e"t o& n"reasn#
e&&"en"' n su"h a "onte-t+ For e-am%!e* ,th a(out 2+4 m!!on deaths
o""urrn# annua!!' &rom automo(!e a""dents* man' des#n ntat$es to
assst &uture sa&et' "ou!d dramat"a!!' a!ter that rea!t'+ The use o& sensor
r##ed* dr$er!ess "ars* ,h"h are no, a rea!t'* "ou!d end su"h deaths
mmedate!'+ G$en a(out H5 m!!on auto a""dents ,or!d,de ea"h 'ear* the
resu!t s not on!' sa$ed !$es* (ut sa$ed med"a! e-%enses* nsuran"e "!ams*
!a,suts* data entr'* resour"es* tme* the to! o& stress and #re& that resu!t
&rom n0ur' or death* and a mass$e arra' o& other a!!e$atons+
F5H Sour"e< -M per cent global wealth owned by richest , per cent3 redit
Suisse 8htt%<MM%ro&t+ndt$+"omMne,sMe"onom'Mart"!e.6I.%er."ent.#!o(a!.
F5I Sour"e< 9*"*3 <ne billion worldwide face starvation
F5F Sour"e< 7ater risis3 Towards a way to impove the situation
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
,or!d ,here 255 m!!on %eo%!e do not ha$e she!terU
n a ,or!d
,here D (!!on !$e on !ess than b4+H5 a da'
and n a ,or!d ,here
2+4 (!!on do not e$en ha$e e!e"tr"t'
. %erha%s our %rortes as a
#!o(a! "$!1aton need to (e addressed ,th res%e"t to the true
mantenan"e o& ,hat ,e m#ht )uestona(!' term K"$!1aton+ The
truth s* ths %rort' s not a mere %oet" #estureU t s a %u(!" hea!th
The %ro"ess o& our %h's"a! and %s'"ho!o#"a! e$o!uton has
"reated human needs+ Not meetn# these $rtua!!' em%r"a! needs
resu!ts n a desta(!1n# s%e"trum o& %h's"a!* menta! and so"a!
dsorders+ Human ,ants* on the other hand* are "u!tura!
man&estatons that ha$e under#one enormous* su(0e"t$e "han#e o$er
tme* re$ea!n# somethn# o& an ar(trar' nature* n truth+ No,* ths
sn?t to sa' neurot" atta"hments "an?t man&est nto ,ants* so mu"h
so that the' start to ta7e the ro!e o& needs* emotona!!'+ Ho,e$er* that
s st!! most!' a "u!tura! "ondton+
Sad!'* a#an* the mar7et does not se%arate needs &rom ,ants
n ts (as" %s'"ho!o#'* ,h"h s ,h' s"ar"t' ar#uments "an (e
e-tended n&nte!' n de&ense o& ts e-sten"e and hen"e the %ro%osed
need to ha$e a "om%ett$e* trade.(ased so"et'* no matter the de#ree
o& a(undan"e that "an (e a"he$ed+ Ths has ar#ua(!' "reated a t'%e
o& neuross* n &a"t* ,here %eo%!e assume ha$n# Kn&nte ,ants and
Kmore and more s a $rtue or e$en a dr$er o& human %ro#ress tse!&+
O& "ourse* Kn&nte %oss(!tes are "ertan!' a rea!t' n man'
,a's* as so"et' "annot %red"t ,hat te"hno!o#' ,!! matera!1e man'
'ears do,n the !ne as n&!uen"es "han#e and %re&eren"es "han#e+
Ho,e$er* n&nte %oss(!t' s a(out $u!nera(!t' and "reat$t'* ,h!e
st!! (en# strate#" and nte!!#ent a(out resour"e mana#ement and
use+ Ths s not the same as n&nte ,ants* ,h"h sees the human
(en# as nsata(!e and nds"rmnate+
There&ore* %art o& ths value shift ,!! (e Kundon# the
so"o!o#"a! dama#e done (' the %s'"ho!o#' nherent to mar7et.(ased
!$n#+ A re!at$e!' h#h standard o& !$n# "an (e made a$a!a(!e &or a!!
human (en#s assumn#* n %art* a (as"* res%ons(!e $a!ue sh&t a,a'
&rom our trou(!n# %atterns o& ,aste&u!* &r$o!ous a")uston+ It s
m%ortant to restate that the matera!sm ,e endure as a so"et' toda'
F5G Sour"e< 4n estimated ,CC million people worldwide are homeless* Source3
9nited "ations ommission on >uman 'ights, BCCG*
F5E Sour"e< auses of Poverty 8htt%<MM,,,+#!o(a!ssues+or#MssueM4M"auses.o&.
F25 Sour"e< >ereRs why ,*B billion people still donRt have access to electricity
F22 So"a! sta(!t' s dre"t!' "orre!ated to %u(!" hea!th+ For e-am%!e* so"a!
ne)ua!t' "an* as t o&ten does* man&est as $o!ent (eha$or* "$! %rotest
and e$en ,ar* 0ust as %oor santaton and %o$ert' str"7en areas "an (rn#
dsease that "ou!d s%read to areas ,h"h do ha$e #ood santaton* 'et "ause
n&e"ton 8%erha%s e$en an e%dem";+ Easn# e"onom" stress and
m%ro$n# %u(!" hea!th s a #!o(a! m%erat$e &or true sa&et'+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
s a dre"t res%onse to the e"onom" need to 7ee% mone' circulating as
mu"h as %oss(!e+ The ro!e o& (usness as ,e 7no, t s ether to
ser$"e %eo%!e?s e-stn# ,antsMneeds or to n$ent them n the ho%e
%eo%!e ,!! "on&orm (' sho,n# ne, demand+
A ne, K,d#et %ut &or,ard (' the mar7et s on!' as $a(!e as
the nterest o& others to %ur"hase t and the use o& ad$ertsn# and
mar7etn# has (een $er' n&!uenta! n creating a "u!ture ,h"h sees
o,nersh% and a")uston as a s#n o& so"a! status+
Ths dre"t!'
asssts the need to 7ee% h#h !e$e!s o& "onsumersm n %!a' as GDA
and em%!o'ment are dre"t!' re!ated to ths %ressure+ A#an* the !ess
nterest there s to "onsume* the !ess e"onom" #ro,th and hen"e !ess
demand &or 0o(s+ Ths s!o,s the e-stn# state o& a mar7et e"onom'
and "reates a s'stem" !oss o& ,e!!(en# &or man'+
It "an (e ,e!!.ar#ued that a "u!ture ,h"h has de"ded that
a")uston and e-%anson s the %ath o& %ro#ressMsu""ess* %romotn#
"onstant "onsum%ton and seemn#!' n&nte Ke"onom" #ro,th* s
#on# to e$entua!!' ht the !mts o& sustana(!t' on a &nte %!anet+
In "!ear terms* ths trend s one o& disorder*
So"a! su""ess and %ro#ress "an on!' mean* n %art* &ndn#
balance ,th the ha(tat and the other human (en#s ,ho share the
ha(tat+ Sad!'* the mar7et s'stem?s entre %remse "ontrad"ts ths
sustana(!e $a!ue* as the me"hansm o& e"onom" un&o!dn# does not
re,ard "onser$aton and the redu"ton o& "onsum%ton n a dre"t
sense+ Aut another ,a'* the mar#et is a scarcity$based structural
approach that paradoxically see#s increased levels of consumption to
operate @efficiently8*
So* an ana!'ss o& our matera! "a%a"t' to (rn# "ommon
#oods nto a K%ost.s"ar"t' a(undan"e to e-"eed the needs o& a!!
humans on Earth "annot (e ds"ussed ,thout a!so understandn#
ne"essar'* sustana(!t' orented re$sons ,h"h ,!! su(stanta!!'
redu"e our resour"e.use &oot%rnt at the same tme+
In short* the ne, ndustra! des#n a%%roa"h s to deliberately
increase the performance, per unit, of how we use our resources*
see7n# to a!,a's mo$e a!on# the route o& don# Kmore ,th !ess+
Wthn ths !o#"* as noted* a seres o& K%ressure a!!e$atons to,ard
n"reased sustana(!t' and %rodu"ton sm%!&"atonMe&&"en"' ,ou!d
F24 See the essa' Value System =isorder*
F2D Sour"e< <ngoing global biodiversity loss and the need to move beyond
protected areas3 a review of the technical and practical shortcomings of
protected areas on land and sea 8htt%<MM,,,+nt.
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Efficienc+ Am,lifiers
We ,!! "a!! these Ke&&"en"' am%!&ers and the &o!!o,n# !st %resents
e-am%!es o& needed stru"tura! e"onom" and so"a! "han#es ,h"h
assst ths o%tm1ed e&&"en"'+
2; The %ressure &or em%!o'ment &or n"ome or Kearnn# a !$n# s
In the mar7et mode!* e$er'one s stru"tura!!' "oer"ed to en#a#e some
&orm o& trade &or sur$$a!* ,hether t s tradn# !a(or &or a ,a#e or
"reatn# a %rodu"t to dstr(ute &or %ro&t+
Ths o$era!! %ressure* ,h!e
o&ten touted as an n"ent$e me"hansm &or so"a! K%ro#ress* a"tua!!'
redu"es o$era!! efficiency #reat!'* as t does "reat$t' and nno$aton
as ,e!!+ Ths "reates a s%e"trum o& resour"e and tme ,aste sn"e the
nterest n n"ome #eneraton and the %ressure to %rodu"e s o&ten
a(sent e-stn# demand+
The ntent and need to do Ksomethn# to #an n"ome &or
sur$$a! %erssts re#ard!ess o& our modern rea!t' that so"et' may not
need e$er'one to %art"%ate n the e"onom" %ro"ess+ In a NLR9E* the
dea o& e$er'one (en# re)ured to %rodu"e or se!! somethn# s $e,ed
as "ounter%rodu"t$e #$en the trends o& e%hemera!1aton and the
ne"esst' o& no, orentn# so"et' to,ard sustana(!t'+
4; Arodu"ton tar#etn# so"a! "!asses s remo$ed+
So"a! strat&"aton* ,h"h s a natura! "onse)uen"e o& mar7et
"a%ta!sm* "reates the need to %rodu"e a s%e"trum o& )ua!tes &or a
#$en #ood #enre+
Ths s%e"trum s not (ased on ut!t' or ha$n#
$araton o& a #ood as %er the %ersona! needsMnterests o& nd$dua!s+
Rather* ea"h )ua!t' standard s ntended to (e %ur"hased (' 8or made
Ka&&orda(!e to; a #$en n"ome "!ass+
Ths "reates %oor )ua!t' #oods to meet a&&orda(!t'
re)urements o& !o,er n"ome "onsumers and hen"e #enerates
unne"essar' ,aste+ In ths ne, strate#"a!!' sustana(!e mode!* no
#ood s "reated to (e K"hea% (' re!at$e standards sm%!' (e"ause t
&ts !o,er "!ass demo#ra%h" (u'n# %atterns+ In a NLR9E* there s no
!o,er "!ass demo#ra%h"+
F26 The on!' t,o e-"e%tons to ths are ether to #o !$e outsde o& the
"$!1aton tse!& ,h"h* due to %ro%ert' !a,s* s essenta!!' m%oss(!e* or to
o(tan enou#h ,ea!th to (e#n ,th $a the mar7et or nhertan"e ,here
there s no need &or &urther trade &or sur$$a!+ The !atter* o& "ourse* s not
o%en to a!! n a mar7et e"onom' o& an' 7nd+
F2H A!! #oods "reated assume a "!ass re!atonsh%+ The s%e"trum "ou!d ran#e
&rom the t'%e o& e-treme %oor %rodu"ton &ound at a KEE /ent store ,here
one "ou!d %ur"hase a %!ast" ,at"h ,h"h has !tt!e nte#rt'* $s an e-treme
!u-ur' tem ,h"h "an on!' (e a&&orded (' the most ,ea!th' n the ,or!d+
Thorsten Ve(!en ns%red the term KVe(!en Good due to hs o(ser$aton o&
%rest#e #enerated &rom e-treme!' h#h %r"ed #oods* ,h"h trans"end
ut!t'+ htt%<MM,,,+n$esto%eda+"omMtermsM$M$e(!en.#ood+as%
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
D; Ine&&"en"' nherent to the "om%ett$e %ra"t"e s remo$ed+
/om%etton (et,een (usnesses %rodu"es &our (as" &orms o&
unne"essar' ne&&"en"' and hen"e resu!tn# ,aste<
8a; Aro%retar' n"om%at(!t' o& re!ated #oods "om%onents 8!a"7 o&
8(; Waste&u! mu!t%!"t' o& #oods (' "om%etn# (usnesses o& the same
8"; In"ent$1ed #ood ,ea7ness to en"oura#e turno$er 8%!anned
8d; Inherent #ood ,ea7ness due to see7n# "ost e&&"en"' 8ntrns"
Wth res%e"t to 8a;* n a sustana(!e e"onom' there ,ou!d e-st a
un$ersa! standard1aton o& a!! re!ated #enre "om%onents ,here$er
%oss(!e+ In 2G52* a man named E! Whtne' ,as %erha%s the &rst to
a%%!' standard1aton n an m%a"tn# ,a'+ He %rodu"ed mus7ets* and
durn# hs tme there ,as no ,a' to nter"han#e the %arts o& d&&erent
mus7ets* e$en thou#h the' ,ere the same o$era!! des#n+ I& a mus7et
%art (ro7e* the ,ho!e #un ,as use!ess+ Whtne' de$e!o%ed too!s to do
ths and a&ter 2G52* a!! %arts ,ere &u!! nter"han#ea(!e+
Wh!e most ,ou!d assume ths "ommon sense dea to (e
%ro!&" a"ross the #!o(a! ndustra! "ommunt' toda'* the %er%etuaton
o& %ro%retar' "om%onents (' "om%anes that ,ant the "onsumer to
re.%ur"hase an' su"h needed "om%onent &rom them dre"t!'* #norn#
the %oss(!t' o& "om%at(!t' ,th other %rodu"ers* "reates not on!'
#reat ,aste (ut a!so #reat n"on$enen"e+
Sm!ar!'* ,th res%e"t to 8(;* a ,aste&u! mu!t%!"t' o& #enre #oods ('
"om%etn# (usnesses s #enerated at a!! tmes n the "urrent mode!+
Wh!e !ess o($ous to man'* the #enera! "om%ett$e nature o& the
mar7et 7ee%s ne, deas n$s(!e &rom "om%ettors durn#
de$e!o%ment+ Then* a #ood s %rodu"ed &or %ur"hase that !7e!' has
some o$era!! m%ro$ement o& a #$en &eature+ On"e that &eature s on
the mar7et* t s then a"7no,!ed#ed and assessed (' "om%etn#
(usnesses and the ra"e to "ontnue m%ro$ement mo$es &or,ard* (a"7
and &orth+
Wh!e man' ar#ue ths K"reat$e ,ar&are s a dr$n# &or"e o&
de$e!o%mentMnno$aton o& a #$en %rodu"t or %ur%ose* the ne#at$e
and unne"essar' "onse)uen"e s the ra%d* ,aste&u! %h's"a!
o(so!es"en"e nherent to ea"h K"'"!e o& out%ut+ In other ,ords* & a
nota(!e "e!! %hone &eature m%ro$ement s o(taned (' one "om%an'*
on the hee!s o& a ma0or re!ease (' another "om%an' that has a!read'
started mass %rodu"ton o& ther %hone $erson ,thout ths u%#rade*
an mmedate state o& o(so!es"en"e s %rodu"ed* resu!tn# n !ess
o%tm1ed %rodu"ts* ,h"h "ou!d ha$e (een a$oded & the %rodu"ers
had (een ,or7n# to#ether* as an ndustra! ,ho!e* rather than hdn#
%ro#ress and "om%etn#+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Wh!e t ma' (e ar#ued a!so that t s on!' throu#h %r"e and
the %atterns o& "onsumer nterest that the 7no,n# o& ,hat s n
Kdemand or not "an (e o(taned* the truth o& the matter s that
"ommun"aton "ou!d (e made more read!' (et,een the des#n
me"hansm and the "onsumn# %u(!" as ,e!!+
Ths ('%asses the
K%r"e.demand a""e%tan"eMre0e"ton te"hn)ue that s a!so ,aste&u! as
,e!! sn"e t re)ures %rodu"ton to o""ur* n man' "ases* before the
a"tua! demand s &u!!' understood+
As a &na! %ont* a #!o(a!!' nter!n7ed* shared data* non.
"om%ett$e orented des#nM%rodu"ton s'stem ,ou!d a!so &urther
&a"!tate the a(!t' to &oreshado, "om%onent &eature m%ro$ement
o$er tme+ Ths means ndustr' ,ou!d (e a(!e to understand ,hat
"han#es are "omn# (ased on %ro#ress$e trends and des#n more
e&&"ent!'* n ant"%aton o& those !oomn# "han#es+
Re#ardn# 8";* or ,hat has (een termed K%!anned o(so!es"en"e* the
nterest to see %rodu"ts &a! or (e !ess o%tm1ed to mot$ate re%eat
%ur"hases o& the same (as" #ood ,ou!d no !on#er (e n"ent$1ed+ The
%ra"t"e o& de!(erate!' des#ned o(so!es"en"e has (een a hdden %art
o& the ndustra! a%%roa"h sn"e the md.45th /entur' ,hen nterest n
"reatn# e"onom" #ro,th ,as h#h+

In a NLR9E* ths nterest s remo$ed as there s no mar7et
n"ent$e to %ursue re%eat %ur"hases and there&ore more o%tm1ed
e&&"en"'* dura(!t' and sustana(!t' strate#es "an (e a%%!ed+
Re#ardn# 8d; or Kntrns" o(so!es"en"e as t s termed here* a!!
"om%etton &or mar7et share see7s to redu"e n%ut "osts to ,hate$er
de#ree %oss(!e n order to reman a&&orda(!e n the mar7et%!a"e and
hen"e %ersuade the "onsumn# %u(!" to %ur"hase one $erson or
K(rand o& one #ood o$er another+ Ths has (een #estured n Amer"an
mar7etn# "u!ture as K%rodu"n# the (est %oss(!e #oods at the !o,est
%oss(!e %r"es+
Ths nherent ne&&"en"' o& see7n# to redu"e "osts "reates* as
a s'stem" resu!t* !ess e&&"ent #oods mmedate!' u%on %rodu"ton* n
the te"hn"a! sense+ /uttn# "orners n des#n and %rodu"ton &or the
sa7e o& %reser$n# mone' m#ht (e "onsdered Ke"onom"a!!' e&&"ent
n a mar#et context (ut t s "!ear!' e"onom"a!!' ne&&"ent n the rea!
,or!d 8physical context; as t "reates unne"essar' ,aste o$er tme+
Ths s not to sa' that there are no !mts to %rodu"ton o%tm1aton
#$en the &a"t that true des#n "an on!' (e ta7en on the ,ho!e* ,th
res%e"t to the state o& resour"es at an' #$en tme and asso"ated
!mtatons+ Ths s to sa' that the use o& mere %ro&t.orented K"ost
e&&"en"' to !mt %rodu"t )ua!t' s a ,ho!!' uns"ent&" means &or
su"h de"son.ma7n#+
F2I Ths ,!! (e ds"ussed n the essa' The !ndustrial ?overnment
F2F Re&eren"e< Ending the =epression Through Planned <bsolescence, 9ernard
London* 2ED4
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
6; Aro%ert' re!atonsh%s that "reate!aton are remo$ed n &a$or
o& shared a""ess+
As e-%ressed n the %ror e-am%!e re#ardn# automo(!es and ther
use.tme* n a NLR9E the %ro%ert' s'stem s re%!a"ed (' an a""ess
s'stem ,h"h "reates a more &!ud means o& shared use #oods ,h"h
are not needed at a!! tmes (' a sn#!e %erson+ /ommon e-am%!es
,ou!d (e $a"aton dom"!e use* trans%ort* seasona! e)u%ment* too!s*
%rodu"ton e)u%ment and the !7e+
As an asde* a%art &rom a #enera! o$era!! redu"ton o&
%rodu"ton %er use tme %er %erson* ths "an assst !ar#er &orms o&
e&&"en"' as &ar as "on$enen"e as ,e!!+ We "an ma#ne ar%ort or
tran tra$e!* &or e-am%!e* (en# redes#ned to assst a""ess to $arous
#oods !o"a!!'* so mu"h so that the dea o& K%a"7n# a sut"ase ,as no
!on#er needed+ Ths seemn#!' mnor "han#e a!one ,ou!d %ost$e!'
m%a"t )ueun#* as ,e!! as stora#e n transt* !u##a#e %ro"essn#
ma"hner'* et"+ The chain of alleviation s a"tua!!' )ute e-tens$e
,hen #$en deta!ed thou#ht+
/!othes* "ommun"aton too!s* re"reatona! tems and the !7e
"ou!d a!! (e made a$a!a(!e at the destnaton ar%ort or sm!ar &a"!t'
u%on arr$a!+ Wh!e ths s &ore#n to man' as an dea* es%e"a!!' #$en
the K%ersona!1ed orented nature o& our "u!ture* the str&e redu"ed n
no !on#er ha$n# to "arr' !ar#e (a#s and the !7e "ou!d %ersuade those
modern $a!ues* #$en the n"reased ease+ Ether ,a'* t "omes do,n to
%ersona! "ho"e+ In a(stra"ton* a %erson "ou!d !tera!!' !$e ,thout
needn# to mo$e %ro%ert' around at a!!* mo$n# around the ,or!d at
,!!* ,thout %ro%ert'.orented n"on$enen"e+
A#an* &a"!tatn# a means o& a""ess* ,here thn#s "an (e
shared* ,!! a!!o, man' more to #an use o& #oods the' other,se
,ou!d not n the "urrent mode!* a!on# ,th !ess (en# %rodu"ed n
%ro%orton+ A NLR9E see7s to "reate a""ess a(undan"e* not a %ro%ert'
It s a!so m%ortant to note that %ro%ert' s not an em%r"a!
"on"e%t* on!' a""ess s+ Aro%ert' s a %rote"tonst "ontr$an"e+ A""ess
s the rea!t' o& the humanMso"a! "ondton+ In order &or one to tru!'
Ko,n* sa'* a "om%uter* one ,ou!d ha$e had to %ersona!!' "ome u%
,th te"hno!o#"a! deas that made t ,or7* a!on# ,th the deas that
"om%rse the too!s o& ts %rodu"ton+ Ths s !tera!!' m%oss(!e+ There
s no su"h thn# as em%r"a! %ro%ert' n rea!t'+ There s on!' a""ess
and sharn#* no matter ,hat so"a! s'stem s em%!o'ed+
H; Des#n.(ased re"'"!n# s mandated and n"ent$1ed* ma-m1n#
resour"e reuse+
/ontrar' to our ntuton* there s no su"h thn# as ,aste n the natura!
,or!d+ Humant' has #$en $er' !tt!e "onsderaton to the ro!e o&
matera! re#eneraton and ho, a!! o& our des#n %ra"t"es must a""ount
&or ths+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
As an asde* the h#hest state o& ths re"'"!n# ,!! e$entua!!'
"ome n the &orm o& nanote"hno!o#'+ Nanote"hno!o#' ,!! e$entua!!'
&a"!tate the a(!t' to "reate #oods &rom the atom" !e$e! u% and
dsassem(!e #oods (a"7 nto ra, atoms+ O& "ourse* ,h!e ths
a%%roa"h a%%ears to (e on %a"e &or the &uture* t s not su##ested that
su"h nanote"hno!o#' s e$en needed at ths tme &or us to (e
su""ess&u!!' re#enerat$e or a(undant+
Toda'* ndustra! re"'"!n# s more o& an a&terthou#ht than a
&o"us+ /om%anes "ontnue to do thn#s su"h as (!nd!' "oat matera!s
,th "ertan "hem"a!s that a"tua!!' dstort the %ro%ertes o& that
matera!* ma7n# the matera! !ess sa!$a#ea(!e (' "urrent re"'"!n#
methods+ O$era!!* strate#" re"'"!n# s a "ore seed o& mantann#
a(undan"e+ E$er' !and&!! on Earth s 0ust a ,aste o& %otenta!+
The !a, o& "onser$aton o& mass states that &or an' s'stem
"!osed to a!! trans&ers o& matter and ener#'* the mass o& the s'stem
must reman "onstant o$er tme* as s'stem mass "annot "han#e
)uantt' & t s not added or remo$ed+ The )uantt' o& mass s
T"onser$edT o$er tme+ Ths natura! !a, m%!es that mass "an nether
(e "reated nor destro'ed+ Human so"et'?s use o& resour"es s %erha%s
(est thou#ht o& as a %ro"ess o& nte!!#ent rearran#ement* rather than
o& Kusn# and Tds"ardn#T+
I; Matera! use %er a #$en %rodu"ton out%ut s strate#"a!!' "a!"u!ated
to assure usn# the most conducive @ abundant matera!s 7no,n+
As ,!! (e e-%ressed more so n the essa' KThe Industra!
Go$ernment* a ne, mode! o& e$a!uaton s "reated ,h"h orents
matera!s (ased on "ertan e&&"en"' %arameters+ T,o "rt"a! ones are
matera! K"ondu"$eness and a matera!?s o$era!! state o& Ka(undan"e+
/ondu"$eness re!ates to ho, a%%ro%rate the %ro%osed use s*
(ased on the matera!?s %ro%ertes+ A(undan"e re&ers to ho, mu"h o& t
s a$a!a(!e and hen"e ts state o& s"ar"t'+ Aut to#ether* 'ou ,e#h the
$a!ue o& "ondu"$eness a#anst the $a!ue o& ho, a""ess(!e and !o,
m%a"t the matera! s* as "om%ared to other matera!s that ma' (e
more or !ess "ondu"$e and more or !ess a(undant+ In other ,ords* t
s a s'ner#st" e&&"en"' "om%arson that ma7es sure the matera!s
used are o%tm1ed &or the %ur%ose+
Aro(a(!' the (est e-am%!e o& ths s home or dom"!e
"onstru"ton+ The "ommon use o& ,ood* (r"7* s"re,s* and the $ast
arra' o& %arts t'%"a! o& a "ommon house* s "om%arat$e!' ne&&"ent
to more modern* sm%!&ed* a(undant %re&a(r"aton or mo!ded.a(!e
A tradtona! 4555 s)uare &oot home s re%orted to re)ure
a(out 65 to H5 trees+ /om%are that ,th houses that "an no, (e
"reated n %re&a(r"aton %ro"esses* !7e mo!d e-truson* ,th sm%!e*
Earth.&rend!' %o!'mers* "on"rete and other eas!' &orma(!e and
mo$a(!e methods+ Su"h ne, a%%roa"hes ha$e a $er' sma!! &oot%rnt*
as "om%ared to our destru"ton o& #!o(a! &orests &or ,ood+ Home
"onstru"ton toda' s one o& the most resour"e ntens$e and ,aste&u!
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
ndustra! medums n the ,or!d toda' and t doesn?t need to (e that
F; Des#n "ondu"$eness &or !a(or automaton+
The more ,e "on&orm to the "urrent state o& ra%d* e&&"ent %rodu"ton
%ro"esses* the more a(undan"e ,e "an "reate+ Most manu&a"turn#
a%%roa"hes t'%"a!!' d$de !a(or nto three "ate#ores< human
assem(!'* me"han1aton and automaton+ Human assem(!' means
hand. made+ Me"han1aton means usn# ma"hnes to assst the
human ,or7er+ Automaton means no human ntera"ton n the
Ima#ne & 'ou needed a "har and there ,ere three des#ns+
The &rst s e!a(orate and "om%!e- and "ou!d on!' (e done (' hand at
that tme+ The se"ond s more stream!ned ,here ts %arts "ou!d (e
made most!' (' ma"hnes* (ut ,ou!d need to (e assem(!ed (' hand n
the end+ The thrd s a "har that s %rodu"ed (' one ma"hne %ro"ess*
&u!!' automated+
Ths !atter "har des#n t'%e ,ou!d (e the des#n #oa! n ths
ne, a%%roa"h+ What ths ,ou!d do s redu"e the $aret' o& automaton
ma"hne "on&#uratons needed+ Ima#ne* & 'ou ,!!* a ro(ot".(ased
%ro"essn# %!ant that "an not on!' %rodu"e "ars* t "an %rodu"e
$rtua!!' an' 7nd o& ndustra! ma"hneM#ood "om%rsed o& the same
(as" set o& ra, matera!s+ Ths ,ou!d n"rease out%ut su(stanta!!'+
An eas' ,a' to understand ths trend o& sm%!&"aton s to
"onsder the %o,er o& d#ta! so&t,are and ho, one %e"e o& hard,are
8+e+ "om%uter; "an no, ser$e an enormous num(er o& %ro#ramma(!e
ro!es+ Ths Kdematera!1aton* as t "ou!d (e termed* s (est
e-em%!&ed (' the modern "e!! %hone+ Due to the $ast %ro#ram
a%%!"atons no, a$a!a(!e &or su"h Ksmart %hones* &rom med"a!
measurements to &u!! mus"a! s'nthes1ers* the &un"tona!t' o& these
sma!!* handhe!d "om%uters "an no, ta7e on a!most "ount!ess ro!es+
Su"h ro!es !on# a#o* (e&ore the d#ta! a#e* ,ou!d ha$e usua!!'
re)ured one hard,are "on&#uraton &or ea"h tas7+ Toda'* an' (as"
o%eratn# s'stem "an run a dramat"a!!' !ar#e num(er o& %ro#rammed
&un"tons* a!! "ontaned n a sma!! de$"e+ Ths !o#" a%%!es to the
nature o& %h's"a! ma"hne %rodu"ton as ,e!! as t s sm%!' a matter
o& tme (e&ore the a"t o& %rodu"n# a $ast arra' o& #oods "an (e
a""om%!shed (' sma!!* modu!ar me"han"a! s'stems* 0ust !7e a d#ta!
o%eratn# s'stem "an "ondu"t a!most "ount!ess %ro#rammed &un"tons+
G; Ser$"ea(!e %ro(!ems resu!tn# &rom the %ror* ne&&"ent e"onom"
%ro"ess are redu"ed & not e!mnated+
Ths dea s o&ten d&&"u!t to &u!!' "om%rehend* as the "han o& "ausa!t'
resu!tn# &rom one #enera! ne&&"en"' "an (e $ast and "om%!e-+ For
e-am%!e* the reso!uton o& ,ater s"ar"t' a!one has enormous
%re$entat$e %otenta! &or dsease+ The amount o& !a(or and resour"es
on"e used &or treatn# those then reso!$ed dseases "an &nd other
ro!es+ Ener#' a(undan"e has the same rea!t' sn"e ener#' s the
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
dr$er o& a!! human a"t$t'+ A "!ean* re!a(!e* rene,a(!e state o&
a(so!ute ener#' a(undan"e ,ou!d ha$e enormous e&&e"ts on the
%rodu"ton and a(undan"e "a%a"t' o& ths &uture so"et'+
L7e,se* the %ursut o& meetn# human needs and the remo$a!
o& K!a(or.&or.n"ome o""u%atons* ,h"h o&ten ha$e no rea! te"hn"a!
&un"ton* ,ou!d set n moton a ne, edu"atona! %oss(!t'* ren&or"ed
(' an n"ent$e to %ursue %ersona! nterests and hen"e the &reedom
not to &ee! %ressured a,a' &rom &e!ds o& nterest sn"e sur$$a! and
,e!!.(en# are a!read' ta7en "are o& (' the so"a! mode! tse!&+ It s
hard to ma#ne the e-%!oson o& "reat$t' %oss(!e ,hen ths %ressure
s remo$ed and so"et' s set &ree to thn7 "!ear!'+
E; In$#oratn# the K#rou% mnd* meann# human "onne"ton and the
sharn# o& deas* ,!! (rn# e$er.a""e!eratn# %ro#ress+
Sm!ar to the %ror %ont* the Internet has (e"ome a %o,er&u! too! &or
resear"h and dea e-%anson+ Wh!e Ko%en.sour"e resear"h and
de$e!o%ment #ets a &ar amount o& attenton toda'* the a(!t' to
harness the "ommun"at$e %o,er o& the nternet to "reate a #!o(a!
da!o#ue a(out an' #$en te"hno!o#' or dea ,!! &a"!tate a t'%e o&
ntera"t$e de$e!o%ment ne$er (e&ore seen* on"e &o"used+
The !ame Changers
The ds"usson o& ad$an"ed te"hno!o#es ,h"h "an dramat"a!!'
trans&orm the un&o!dn# o& the &uture and assst the %ursut o& %ost.
s"ar"t' ha$e not (een a &o"us o& ths essa' as t (e"omes too eas' to
sm%!' assume the rea!t' o& the s%e"u!atons+ A #reat num(er o&
K&utursts ha$e done 0ust ths ,th m-ed resu!ts and o&ten tmes t
!ea$es the auden"e ,th !oomn#* %remature e-%e"tatons* ,atn#
around &or ths or that ne, te"hno!o#' to &na!!' %ro#ress+
Ho,e$er* to dsmss these %otenta!s s e)ua!!' as hast'+ The
truth o& the matter s that our "a%a"t' to a""e!erate su"h "han#e
"omes do,n to our &o"us+ 3ust as the Manhattan Aro0e"t ,as a(!e to
(rn# "ount!ess s"entsts to#ether &or a sn#!e out%ut #oa! 8as $o!ent
as t ma' ha$e (een to (u!d the atom (om(;* the dea o& #!o(a!
net,or7 %ro0e"ts to ra%d!' a""e!erate ne, te"hn"a! %oss(!tes s
mere!' a matter o& "ho"e+ We "an on!' ma#ne the %ro#ress o& an'
#$en %ro0e"t & enou#h mnds "ame to#ether to %ursue t at on"e* n
an or#an1ed ,a'+ Ths Ko%en.sour"e ,or!d a%%roa"h a!one ,!! !7e!'
ha$e !mt!ess %oss(!tes+
L7e,se* there s no shorta#e o& trans&ormatona! or
Kdsru%t$e te"hno!o#es on the hor1on that "ou!d rad"a!!' a!ter the
ndustra! !ands"a%e+ Art&"a! nte!!#en"e* ro(ot"s* (ote"hno!o#'* DD
%rntn#* n&nte "om%utn# and nanote"hno!o#' are 0ust a &e,+ Ea"h o&
these de$e!o%n# medums has $ast m%!"atons &or e&&"en"'
n"reases+ It s $er' d&&"u!t to 7no, e-a"t!' ho, the' ,!! un&o!d or*
more m%ortant!'* ho, the' ,!! &nd s'ner#'* (ut ,e do 7no, the
trends o& de$e!o%ment are n"reasn# e-%onenta!!' n most "ases+
For e-am%!e* a &uson o& DD %rntn#* nanote"hno!o#'* AI and
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
ro(ot"s ,!! &ore$er a!ter the state o& manu&a"turn#* so mu"h so that
a %erson "ou!d %erha%s ha$e a #ara#e s1e manu&a"turn# s'stem n
ther home to %rodu"e $rtua!!' an'thn# the' ma' need+ A#an* ,h!e
su"h &uturst" and seemn#!' Ks"en"e.&"ton s%e"u!atons are
unneeded to 0ust&' our modern* tan#(!e "a%a"t' to "reate
a(undan"e* these ne, and emer#n# medums shou!d not (e
o$er!oo7ed as the' are set to ha$e a #reat m%a"t* & em(ra"ed
In the 2E
"entur'* a!umnum ,as more $a!ua(!e than #o!d*
e$en thou#h t s te"hn"a!!' one o& the most a(undant e!ements n the
,or!d+ Ho,e$er* (e&ore the ds"o$er' o& e!e"tro!'ss* t ,as e-treme!'
d&&"u!t to e-tra"t+ On"e ths te"hn"a! %ro"ess ,as ds"o$ered* a!most
o$ern#ht the s"ar"t' o& the matera! %!ummeted+ Toda'* ,e tend to
use a!umnum ,th a thro,a,a' mndset+ Su"h dramat" hstor"a!
"han#es are m%ortant to 7ee% n mnd as the same 7nd o&
ad$an"ement s o""urrn# a"ross man' ds"%!nes* o&ten hdden &rom
most %eo%!e?s "om%rehenson and &ar (e'ond ther e-%e"tatons+
L7e,se* the a&orementoned te"hno!o#es are on %a"e to dramat"a!!'
"han#e the ,or!d+
Raw Resource Assessment
As noted* assessn# the state o& natura! resour"es to #au#e the de#ree
o& tota!Mma-mum use "a%a"t' as %er the human %o%u!aton "annot (e
done (' sm%!' e-tra%o!atn# around "urrent methods+ We need to #et
(oth a #enera! sense o& "urrent n$entor' !e$e!s o& a!! re!e$ant Earth!'*
resour"es and then d#est them ,th res%e"t to the a&orementoned
e&&"en"' am%!&ers ,h"h* n e&&e"t* rad"a!!' "han#e the ,a'
ndustra! %ra"t"e and "onsum%ton un&o!ds+ It s a!so ,orth notn#
that modern s"en"e has (rou#ht a #reat dea! o& synthesis nto %!a'
and the use o& %o!'mers* meta.matera!s and other ra%d
ad$an"ements n "hemstr'* %h's"s and en#neern# are a""e!eratn#+
The end resu!t s that man' resour"es "onsdered %ro(!emat"* su"h
as rare Earth metals, are &ndn# re%!a"ements $a h#h!' a(undant
It s m%ortant to %ont out that most %ers%e"t$es on "urrent
resour"e use trends are )ute ne#at$e (' those thn7n# ,thn the
"onte-t o& the "urrent mode!+
There s no shorta#e o& ne#at$e
re%orts and r#ht!' so+ We ha$e (een a(usn# and msusn# our
F2G Wth res%e"t to su"h matera!s* emer#n# nanote"hno!o#'* su"h as "ar(on
nanotu(es 8/NT;* ,h"h "an (e arran#ed to "reate ,hat has (een termed
K9u"7'%a%er* s an e-am%!e o& tremendous %otenta!+ K9u"7'%a%er s a
ma"ros"o%" a##re#ate o& "ar(on nanotu(es that o,es ts name to R+
9u"7mnster Fu!!er+ Aa%er.thn and !#ht,e#ht* t s one. tenth the ,e#ht
'et %otenta!!' H55 tmes stron#er than stee! ,hen ts sheets are sta"7ed to
&orm a "om%oste+ It "an a!so "ondu"t e!e"tr"t' !7e "o%%er or s!"on+ Ths
s'nthet" matera!* made out o& a(undant "ar(on* "ou!d (e at the &oundaton
o& a ne,* s"ar"t' trans"endn# s'nthet" matera!s re$o!uton+
F2E Re&eren"e< Two$thirds of world0s resources 0used up0
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
resour"es to a $ast de#ree* !o"7ed nto a !&e.(!nd %arad#m ,h"h has
!tt!e stru"tura! "om%rehenson o& ts "onse)uen"es+
Ho,e$er* a#an*
ths s a"tua!!' a mismanagement %ro(!em* not a )uanttat$e or
em%r"a! one+
It s a!so m%ortant to note that t s not ho, mu"h or ho, !tt!e
there s o& an' one thn# n a(so!ute terms+ Rather* the )ua!&er has to
do ,th ho, ,e are to a"he$e the purpose sought+ For nstan"e* the
a$a!a(!e amount o& o! n the Earth* as ,ou!d (e needed &or ts non.
ener#' uses toda' 8sn"e n ths mode! t sn?t needed &or ener#'* as
noted;* s on!' as re!e$ant as our n"a%a"t'M"a%a"t' to &nd other
,a's to a"he$e the same #oa!s o! has a"he$ed* (ut ,thout t+
Another e-am%!e s !um(er+ I& home "onstru"ton "om%!ete!'
trans"ended the use o& ,ood &rame houses* #!o(a!!'* usn# Earth.
&rend!' "on"rete and %o!'mer %ro"esses nstead* "omn# &rom
u()utous and a(undant ra, matera!s* sudden!' a on"e %otenta!!'
s"ar"e resour"e (e"omes e-"e%tona!!' a(undant* re!at$e!' s%ea7n#+
Mo$n# on* natura! resour"es are (est or#an1ed nta!!' ('
d$dn# them nto 8a; (ot" and 8(; a(ot"+ 9ot" resour"es are
der$ed &rom the (os%here and are o&ten "a!!ed K!$n# resour"es+
E-am%!es o& (ot" resour"es are &orests* %!ants* anma!s* et"+ 9' some
de&ntons* t a!so n"!udes resour"es or#natn# &rom !&e n the dstant
%ast* su"h as &oss! &ue!s+ A(ot" resour"es are o&ten "onsdered Knon.
!$n# resour"es and n"!ude ,ater* so!* mnera!s and the !7e+
8a; O$era!!* the (ot" resour"es o& the %!anet ha$e (een su&&ern#
#reat!' due to e$er.n"reasn# ndustra!1aton+ Forest de%!eton* the
!oss o& (od$erst'* !oss o& &sh %o%u!atons and other ssues ha$e
(rou#ht the sustana(!t' o& man' su"h resour"es nto )ueston+ In a!!
"ases* the %ro(!em s not a !mted su%%!' o& these resour"esU t s a
(!atant dsre#ard &or an' e)u!(rum ,th natura! re#eneraton and
(as" en$ronmenta! res%e"t+ The so!uton to these de"!nes s to
o($ous!' de$ate &rom ther rates o& use+ Ths "an (e done (' sm%!'
su(sttutn# other comparable materials &or those (en# har$ested at
unsustana(!e rates+
In the essa's True Economic (actors and The !ndustrial
?overnment* ths %ro"ess s des"r(ed n deta!+ In short* there s no
(ot" resour"e (en# used toda' ,h"h "annot ha$e ts rate o&
"onsum%ton su(sded (' "ons"ous* strate#" ad0ustment+ Wood does
not need to (e used toda' &or a!! the "urrent %ur%oses+ Not e$er'one
needs to eat &sh &rom the ,!d o"ean as ad$an"ed and humane a)ua.
&armn# %ro"esses no, e-st+ We ha$e a!read' ds"ussed the a(!t' to
F45 In a 4522 stud' entt!ed K<ngoing global biodiversity loss and the need to
move beyond protected areas3 a review of the technical and practical
shortcomings of protected areas on land and sea8 the &o!!o,n# "on"!uson
,as made< KIn a (! s"enaro* our demands on %!anet Earth
"ou!d mount to the %rodu"t$t' o& 4F %!anets (' 45H5+ There s no shorta#e
o& other ne#at$e resour"e Ko$ershoot statst"s n %eer re$e, as ,e!!+
F42 Sour"e< (o!o#'.on!ne+or# 8htt%<MM,,,+(o!o#'.
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
%rodu"e a $e#etaran a(undan"e ,th $ert"a! &armn# and the mo$e to
n.$tro meat "an (e more hea!th' and sustana(!e than !$esto"7
methods that are dama#n# the en$ronment+
Wth su"h a!!e$atons* ,e ,ou!d see a $ast m%ro$ement n
o$era!! resour"es* (od$erst'* the %reser$aton o& !&$n# med"ne
der$ed &rom the ran&orests and so &orth+ The other* !ar#e!' unta%%ed
rene,a(!es mentoned %ror* "an a!so ra%d!' ds%!a"e &oss! &ue!s &or
ener#' use toda'+ So* the ssue s rea!!' a matter o& intelligent choice+
8(; A(ot" resour"es ha$e a d&&erent* 'et sm!ar mana#ement rea!t'+
We ha$e a!read' addressed our te"hn"a! a(!t' to "r"um$ent or so!$e
the %ro(!em o& ,ater s"ar"t' ,th %ur&"aton methods and our ra%d!'
de%!etn# to%so!
,th so!!ess &armn#+ O$era!!* the man resour"es
,e are !e&t ,th are the $a!ua(!e mnera!s ,e ut!1ed to (u!d man' o&
the #oods ,e use+ These mnera!s are most!' "om%ounds o& Earth!'
e!ements and are e-tra"ted &rom ro"7s &rom the Earth?s "rust+ Mu"h
%ro#ress n use.$ersat!t' has a!so (een a"he$ed (' ndustr' ('
e-tra"tn# e!ements and &ormn# meta! alloys+ An a!!o' s a meta!
mixture made (' "om(nn# t,o or more meta!!" e!ements* su"h as
the &ormaton o& steel*
There are "!ose to H*555 7no,n mnera!s
and the num(er o&
a!!o's %oss(!e s enormous* ,th man' thousands n use toda'+ As &ar
as ana!'ss* the 9rtsh Geo!o#"a! Sur$e' 89GS; out%uts a statst"a!
assessment o& ,or!d mnera!sMe!ementsM"hem"a! "om%ounds ea"h
'ear re#ardn# #!o(a! e-tra"tonM%rodu"ton use+
FD are do"umented
n ther 455F.4522 re%ort and hen"e these "an (e "onsdered the most
ut!1ed &or #!o(a! ndustra! %rodu"ton+
O& those* the 9GS n turn
u%dates a Krs7 !st o& su"h matera!s (ased on stressed or ant"%ated
stressed su%%!'+
The &o!!o,n# "hart e-%resses the medum rs7 to $er' h#h.rs7
e!ements* as %er ther ana!'ss+
F44 Sour"e< The lowdown on topsoil3 !t0s disappearing
F4D Sour"e< Mineral 8htt%<MMen+,7%eda+or#M,7MMnera!;
F46 Sour"e< 7orld mineral statistics
F4H Sour"e< 7orld Mineral Production BCCO$BC,,
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Re%rodu"ed &rom the 9rtsh Geo!o#"a! Sur$e'?s 'is# +ist 4522
The 9GS states KThe+++!st %ro$des a )u"7 and sm%!e
nd"aton o& the re!at$e rs7 n 4524 to the su%%!' o&+++e!ements or
e!ement #rou%s that ,e need to mantan our e"onom' and !&est'!e+
The %oston o& an e!ement on ths !st s determned (' a num(er o&
&a"tors that m#ht a&&e"t a$a!a(!t'+ These n"!ude the natura!
a(undan"e o& e!ements n the EarthNs "rust* the !o"aton o& "urrent
%rodu"ton and reser$es* and the %o!t"a! sta(!t' o& those
!o"atons+++re"'"!n# rates and su(sttuta(!t' o& the e!ements has (een
F4I Sour"e< 'is# list BC,B3 4n updated supply ris# index for chemical elements
or element groups which are of economic value
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
"onsdered n the ana!'ss+
The )ua!&er o& political stability.governance s a"tua!!' not
re!e$ant* em%r"a!!'+ Ths s a "u!tura! %ro(!em+ It shou!d (e stated
u%&ront that a NLR9E s a"he$ed (' #!o(a! "oo%eraton and the
"ommon ,ar %atterns* the Kresour"e "urse and dsru%tons n the
su%%!' "han (' su"h "ontr$ed* se!&.%reser$n# %ressures "ommon o&
,or!d %o,ers ,ou!d no !on#er (e a %ro(!em+
O$era!!* the 9GS r#ht&u!!' "on"!udes that substitutability and
recycling are the so!utons and the s"ar"est resour"es essenta!!' su&&er
&rom a !a"7 o& re"'"!n# and a !a"7 o& ade)uate su(sttutons (en#
made+ Rather than address ea"h matera! noted* the &rst one !sted*
rare Earth meta!s* ,!! (e used as the e-am%!e (' ,h"h %ro(!em
reso!uton "an (e "onsdered ,th a!! the others+
There are se$enteen rare earth meta!s that are "onsdered the
most s"are o& a!! e!ements+
The &rst #reat &a!ure s that on!' one percent o& a!! rare Earth mnera!s
are re"'"!ed toda'* a""ordn# to some estmates+
G$en ther
"ommon use n e!e"tron"s* e!e"tron" ,aste re"'"!n# has a!so (een
dsma!+ 9ased on EAA statst"s n the US* n 455E on!' 4H> o&
"onsumer e!e"tron"s ,ere "o!!e"ted &or re"'"!n#+
L7e,se* the
#oods "reated that ho!d most o& these $a!ua(!e matera!s are a!so not
even intended to (e re"'"!ed &or the most %art+

A""ordn# to an or#an1aton "a!!ed Se"ondWa$e Re"'"!n#* K&or
e$er' one m!!on "e!! %hones re"'"!ed* ,e "an re"o$er FH %ounds o&
#o!d* FF4 %ounds o& s!$er* and DD*4F6 %ounds o& "o%%er+++I& the Unted
States re"'"!ed the 2D m!!on "e!! %hones that are thro,n a,a'
annua!!'* ,e "ou!d sa$e enou#h ener#' to %o,er more than 46*555
homes &or a 'ear+
Aerha%s more m%ortant!'* t s no, %oss(!e to manu&a"ture s'nthet"
$ersons o& these meta!s n the "onte-t o& ther %ro%ertes out o& $er'
"ommon* a(undant matera!s* n a !a(+

Nanote"hno!o#' s %ro$n#
F4F I(d+
F4G Sour"e< 'are Earth 'ecycling 8htt%<MM,,,+mo!'"or%+"omMte"hno!o#'Mrare."'"!n#M;
F4E Sour"e< Statistics on the Management of 9sed and End$of$+ife Electronics
FD5 Sour"e< =irty, dangerous and destructive 1 the elements of a technology
boom 8htt%<MM,,,+the#uardan+"omM"omments&reeM4522Mse%M4IMrare.
FD2 Sour"e< 7hy 'ecycle ell PhonesD 7hy not Eust throw it awayD
FD4 Sour"e< "anosys3 7e an 'eplace Some 'are Earth Metals
FDD Sour"e< Thin (ilm Solar ells 9sing Earth$4bundant Materials
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
to (e $er' stron# n ths a%%roa"h+
Man' d&&erent ndustres ha$e
(een a"t$e!' ,or7n# to address the ssue n ea"h a%%!"aton* su"h as
no, (en# a(!e to ma7e LED !#ht (u!(s ,thout these meta!s+
O$era!! ,e see the %ush to so!$e ths %ro(!em ram%n# u% and the &a"t
s* reso!uton s sm%!' a matter o& n#enut'* &o"us and tme+
!ndustrial reorientation s a!so m%ortant to add to ths %ro(!em
so!$n# e)uaton as a !ar#er ter &orm o& su(sttuta(!t'+ Wh!e ths ma'
not "urrent!' a%%!' to rare Earth meta!s as mu"h at ths tme* !ar#er
s"a!e "om%onents n $arous te"hno!o#es are "han#n# ra%d!'+ It s a
des#n ntat$e n en#neern# to a"t$e!' &o"us on "om%onent
nno$aton that "an ('%ass su"h needs+ Ho,e$er* #$en the rate o&
"han#e &or rare Earth meta! su(sttuton throu#h s'nthess* t a%%ears
to (e sm%!' a matter o& tme (e&ore ths ssue s reso!$ed throu#h a
"om(naton o& strate#" use* re"'"!n# and s'nthess+
9e'ond that* t "annot (e reterated enou#h that the #reat
&a!ure o& #!o(a! ndustr' has (een not to ma7e %ro%er purpose
comparisons ,hen t "hooses to use a "ertan matera!+ In other ,ords*
t s not nte!!#ent to use a $er' rare meta! n a #enera!!' ar(trar' and
&!eetn# %rodu"t+ Sn"e there s no re&erenta! data(ase that sho,s
a"t$e rates o& use* de"!ne and the !7e* "om%anes ma7e ther
de"sons (ased mere!' on "ost re!atonsh%s ,h"h ha$e $er' !tt!e
$a!ue n the sense o& strategic use by comparison+ Wh!e t s true that
%r"e "an re&!e"t s"ar"t' and d&&"u!t' o& a")urn# a "ertan mnera! or
e!ement* su"h a dre rea!t' arses on!' as the %ro(!em a"ute!'
matera!1es+ In other ,ords* no rea! &ores#ht e-sts n %r"e and ('
the tme %r"e re&!e"ts ,hat ,as a"tua!!' an o(ser$a(!e te"hn"a!
rea!t' at an' tme* t s o&ten too !ate and the s"ar"t' (e"omes a rea!
In an a"t$e!' a,are resour"e mana#ement s'stem* ths ,ou!d
not o""ur+ Not on!' ,ou!d su"h matera!s (e "onstant!' "om%ared to
dra, assessment as to ,hat s the most a%%ro%rate matera! &or a
#$en use* an' &oreshado,ed %ro(!em "an (e seen &rom a !on# %erod
a,a' and hen"e e&&"en"' "an (e (etter ma-m1ed+

Un!7e %ror assessments* the ssue o& !and a""ess ta7es a d&&erent
"onsderaton+ Earth has a &nte amount o& nha(ta(!e !and and hen"e
the method (' ,h"h humans #an a""ess to and share !and o$er tme
s the rea! ssue+ Need!ess to sa'* not e$er' human (en# "an ha$e hs
FD6 Sour"e< "ew "ano Material ould 'eplace 'are Earth Minerals !n Solar
ells and <+E=s 8htt%<MMnha(tat+"omMne,.nano.matera!."ou!!a"e.!!ar."e!!s.and.o!edsM;
FDH Sour"e< "ew material could lead to cheaper, more eco$friendly +E=s
FDI Sour"e< 'are$earth mineral substitutes could defeat hinese stranglehold
FDF Ths s e-%anded u%on n the essa' The !ndustrial ?overnment*
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
or her o,n %r$ate Earth+ L7e,se* the s"7ness (red (' matera!sm*
,ea!th and status* ,h"h man&ests $ast and enormous estates (' the
su%er r"h* &a!! n the same rratona! "ate#or' J utter!' o(!$ous to
sustana(!t' and so"a! (a!an"e+
Toda'* the %ro%ert' s'stem "reates a stat" orentaton to !and
a""ess* ,th %eo%!e t'%"a!!' a")urn# !and and sta'n# on t
nde&nte!'+ Ths tenden"' to Ksett!e seems "om%ounded (' the !a(or
ro!es and !o"aton re)urements o& most n the ,or!d as ,e!!+ The
tradton o& "ommutn# to one?s 0o( n a "t' "enter s st!! $er'
"ommon and hen"e one?s home needs to (e near('+ In a NLR9E* su"h
%ressures are #reat!' a!!e$ated and the dea o& tra$e!n# the ,or!d
"onstant!' s a tan#(!e o%ton+
Ana!'sts ha$e &ound that & ,e needed to &t the ,or!d?s F
(!!on %eo%!e nto a sn#!e "t'* mode!ed a&ter Ne, :or7 /t'* a!! Earth!'
nha(tants ,ou!d &t n the US state o& Te-as+
Wh!e "!ear!'
m%ra"t"a!* ths sm%!e statst" re$ea!s the $ast de#ree o& $aran"e
%oss(!e re#ardn# ho, human (en#s "an or#an1e themse!$es
to%o#ra%h"a!!' n a #!o(a! so"et'+ The %ro(!em sn?t the amount o&
%h's"a! s%a"e needed &or F (!!on or man' tmes more+ The %ro(!em
s nte!!#ent or#an1aton* des#n and edu"aton+
That noted* the method of access &or a NLR9E s to "reate an
ntera"t$e sharn# s'stem+ The &oundaton o& ths dea ,!! (e
e-%anded u%on #reat!' n the essa' KThe Industra! Go$ernment+ In
short* %eo%!e are a(!e to tra$e! &rom destnaton to destnaton*
en0o'n# a #$en !o"aton &or a %erod* (e&ore !7e!' mo$n# on+ Su"h
s'stems a!read' e-st n the "urrent s'stem* ,here a net,or7 o&
%eo%!e and dom"!es s a$a!a(!e &or sharn#+

O& "ourse* man' used to a Khome orented &rame o& mnd*
,h"h has a tradtona! romant"sm* shou!d not (e &ear&u! o& !osn#
su"h emotona! se"urt'+ There s no reason ,h' a K%ermanent
!o"aton &or a %erson or &am!' "annot e-st* as ,e &nd n the ,or!d
toda'+ In &a"t* n a so"et' %red"ated on a""ess a(undan"e* &ndn#
and !$n# n a %ermanent a(ode ,ou!d !7e!' (e &ar easer than n a
%ro%ert' o,nersh% so"et'+
:et* statst"s %ro$e that toda' %eo%!e $er' mu"h en0o' mo$n#
around* e-%!orn# and en0o'n# ne, %!a"es+ I& t ,eren?t &or ther !a(or.
&or.n"ome 0o( and monetar' !mtatons* t s "!ear a #reat dea! more
tra$e!n# ,ou!d o""ur (' the $ast ma0ort'+ On"e su"h an a""ess
s'stem s set n moton* the net,or7 o& a$a!a(!e %!a"es to sta' and
$st ,ou!d o%en u% and "!ose do,n n a natura! &!o,* 0ust as hote!s
,or7+ When a hote! s (oo7ed and &u!! &or a #$en da'* natura!!' others
see7n# to $st that re#on !oo7 e!se,here+ As demand e((s and &!o,s*
&eed(a"7 s used to %rodu"e ne, stru"tures and the !7e* no d&&erent*
a#an* than ho, t s done toda' n the $a"aton mar7et+
The edu"atona! and $a!ue m%erat$e s the dea o& sharing the
FDG Sour"e< !f the worldRs population lived in one cityT
FDE Re&eren"e< ar(n(+"om 8htt%s<MM,,,+ar(n(+"omM;
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
world+ Man' toda' ,ou!d "onsder ths to (e #ross!' dea!1ed+ The dea
o& &ree!' mo$n# a(out the %!anet* sta'n# $rtua!!' an',here* ,th no
o(!#aton to &ee! the need to return to an' "entra! %!a"e* seems !7e a
&antas'+ :et* t s $er' %oss(!e+ A!so* sn"e remote "ommun"aton s
e-%onenta!!' n"reasn#* en#a#n# n an' so"a!M"ommunt' tas7 or
"reat$e nterest "an o""ur $rtua!!' an',here as ,e!!+
A#an* ths s a $a!ue "ho"e+ I& a %erson ,shes to 7ee% hs
&am!' n one %!a"e &or the rest o& ther !$es* there s more than
enou#h s%a"e on the %!anet 8#$en the Te-as statst"s noted; to
%ro$de &or (oth %oss(!tes* assumn# an nte!!#ent re$son o& "t'
!a'outs* res%ons(!e "onser$aton and an earnest nterest to (e
e&&"ent+ Ether ,a'* the same a""ess s'stem "an (e em%!o'ed to &nd
and sett!e a "ertan !o"aton* ,hether t s temporary or permanent+
In "on"!uson to ths essa'* ssues surroundn# modern so"et'?s
add"ton to the use o& o! are m%ortant to address+ O! s !7e!' the
most ndustra! resour"e ut!1ed on the %!anet toda'* used most
nota(!' &or trans%ort+ As des"r(ed %ror* (et,een (atter' te"hno!o#'*
m%ro$ed des#n and the $ast rene,a(!e medums ,e ha$e toda'*
there s no !e#tmate te"hn"a! reason ,e need #aso!ne to %o,er
automo(!es an'more+ The hand&u! o& "urrent!' a$a!a(!e e!e"tr" "ars
toda' s a!so a "!ear testament to ths &a"t+ Ar%!anes and other
e-treme!' !ar#e %o,ered ma"hnes m#ht st!! need su"h o! &or"e
"urrent!' (ut the trends sho, t s sm%!' a matter o& tme and &o"us
(e&ore %!anes are a(!e to use so!ar ener#'
"ou%!ed ,th ad$an"ed
stora#e means &or !ar#e s"a!e* hea$' ,e#ht "ommer"a! needs+
:et* ,e shou!d a!,a's tr' to thn7 outside of the box ,hen t
"omes to e&&"en"' and sustana(!t'+ In the "onte-t o& ths !ar#e.
s"a!e* h#h.ener#' trans%ort* the )ueston arses< Ks there a
re%!a"ement &or %!ane tra$e! ,h"h ('%asses su"h h#h "on"entraton
ener#' needsR The ans,er s 'es+ Ma#!e$ te"hno!o#' s man' tmes
&aster and uses a &ra"ton o& the ener#'+

So* e$en & some o! ,as used &or %o,er %ur%oses here and
there* su"h ne, a%%roa"hes "ou!d redu"e ts use &oot%rnt
e-%onenta!!'* & %ursued "orre"t!'+ In Amer"a a!one* F5> o& the o!
used n tota! #oes to,ards trans%ort n the &orm o& #aso!ne* dese! and
0et &ue!+
L7e,se* & a ne, "ondton o& %ea"e "an (e ne#otated on
%!anet Earth* ,th a "on"entrated %ressure to redu"e armaments and
%re%aratons &or ,ar* an e-tens$e o! sa$n#s ,ou!d a!so o""ur+
The Unted States De%artment o& De&ense s one o& the !ar#est
sn#!e "onsumers o& ener#' n the ,or!d* res%ons(!e &or ED> o& a!! US
F65 Re&eren"e< Solar$Powered 4irplane ompletes (irst +eg <f 9*S* (light
F62 Re&eren"e< "ew 6or# to /eiEing in two hours without leaving the groundD
F64 Re&eren"e< Petroleum 8htt%<MM,,,+nsttute&orener#'resear"h+or#Mener#'.
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
#o$ernment &ue! "onsum%ton n 455F+
The US m!tar' uses more
ener#' than most "ountres+ The m!tar' s a!so one o& the #reatest
%o!!uters n the ,or!d+
So* ,or7n# to shut do,n a!! m!tar'
esta(!shments ,ou!d &a"!tate a $ast n"rease n ths resour"e?s
:et* as noted* o! s st!! %o!!utn# n mu!t%!e ,a's so usn# t as
,e ha$e &or "om(uston s not en$ronmenta!!' nte!!#ent+ The rea!
so!uton s so"a! re$son+ Wh!e the ed&"e o& human so"et' toda' has
a $ast de%enden"e on o! and #as n #enera!* #eneratn# a!! sorts o&
%rodu"ts &rom %!ast"s and &ert!1ers* "reat$e en#neers ha$e (een
s!o,!' "ha!!en#n# ths "ore "hem"a! &oundaton need &or man' 'ears+
A!ast"s* ,h"h are u()utous n the ,or!d toda'* ha$e (een
a!most e-"!us$e!' n the terrtor' o& %etro!eum &or some tme+
Ho,e$er* re"ent!' Dut"h s"entsts ha$e n$ented means to re%!a"e o!.
(ased %!ast"s (' usn# %!ant matter+

L7e,se* an or#an1aton
"a!!ed E$o"at$e has (een a(!e to use mushrooms to #enerate &u!!'
sustana(!e matera!s ,h"h "an a!so ser$e to re%!a"e man' %etro!eum
uses &or nsu!aton and the !7e+

O$era!!* a #reat dea! o& s"ent&" ,or7 s #on# nto su(sttutes
&or %etro!eum and most are %!ant o!s and &ats (e"ause the' ha$e
essenta!!' the same (ase "hem"a! stru"ture as %etro!eum+ So* the
rea! ssue a#an s focus+ Toda'* "ommer"a!!' a$a!a(!e* non.%etro!eum
(ased %!ast" (ott!es 8K(o%!ast"; are (e"omn# mu"h more
so t s "!ear that the rea! so!uton to e$o!$n# out o& our
matera! %etro!eum de%enden"e s an ssue o& ntenton (' the s"ent&"
A#r"u!ture s another "on"ern+ Fert!1ers and %est"des
re)ure o! and natura! #as and t s ,e!! ar#ued that modern
"$!1aton* #$en ts rate o& &ood "onsum%ton and #ro,th* (ased on
"urrent methods* ,ou!d not (e a(!e to &un"ton ,thout these (ase
means+ Ths s !7e!' true+ Ho,e$er* that s %art!' ,h' the %ror $ert"a!
&armn# se"ton s so m%ortant+ Rather than see7 to re%!a"e these
medums* ,thn the "onte-t o& traditional a#r"u!tura!* the so!uton s
F6D Sour"e< /o!one! Gre#or' 3+ Len#'e!* USAF* The 9roo7n#s Insttuton*
De%artment o& De&ense Ener#' Strate#'* Au#ust 455F+
F66 'eference3 The Elephant in the 'oom3 The 9*S* Military is <ne of the
7orldRs +argest Sources of CB
F6H Sour"e< 7ho "eeds <il 7hen Scientists an Ma#e Plastic (rom PlantsD
F6I Sour"e< Supported !ron "anoparticles as atalysts for Sustainable
Production of +ower <lefins
F6F Sour"e< Mushroom Materials 8htt%<MM,,,+e"o$at$edes#n+"omMmushroom.
F6G Re&eren"e< o#e, (ord Eoin forces to Euice supply of plant$based plastic
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
to ('%ass the %ro(!em ,th the ne, methods+
O$era!!* & 'ou thn7 o& an'thn# o! and h'dro"ar(ons do toda'*
'ou "an ether &nd an esta(!shment.%reser$n# re%!a"ement &or t 8+e+
the %!ant o!.(ased %!ast"s ,h"h ,or7 n most e-stn# ndustra!
"onte-ts; or a "om%!ete!' ne, a%%roa"h (ased on re$sed methods
,h"h ('%ass the %ro(!em a!to#ether 8+e+ $ert"a! &armn# and ts !tt!e
need &or su"h &ert!1er;+ Not to menton* & ,e remo$e o! and #as
sm%!' &rom the man "om(uston %ur%oses* 'ou then &ree u% so mu"h
o& t that* a%art &rom en$ronmenta! "on"erns* the resour"e (e"omes
that mu"h more a(undant* #$n# e$en more tme to &nd &urther
so!utons to e!mnate an' and a!! en$ronmenta!!' unsustana(!e
TechnoCa,italist A,ologetics
At the root o& the n"reased "a%a"t' &or a(undan"e* as noted %ror* s
e%hemera!1aton or don# Kmore ,th !ess+ Moore?s La,* ,h"h s the
%henomenon that "om%uter %o,er or "h% %er&orman"e essenta!!'
dou(!es e$er' 2G months* has (een &ound n the modern da' to a!so
n"!ude an' 7nd o& n&ormaton.(ased te"hno!o#'+
For e-am%!e* the
a%%!"aton o& !a(or automaton* ,h"h s a "om(naton o& ro(ot"s and
%ro#rammn#* (oth o& ,h"h are de&ned (' n&ormaton n or#n*
re$ea!s ho, the means o& %rodu"ton tse!& s (e"omn# an n&ormaton
te"hno!o#' and hen"e su(0e"t to e-%onenta! #ro,th as ,e!!+
In &nan"a! terms* the resu!t o& ths %attern has (een "hea%er
%r"e $a!ues as the e&&"en"' nherent redu"es "osts to ,hate$er
de#ree a!!o,ed+ Ths "an (e seen n the shar% rse n ne-%ens$e and
no, u()utous te"hno!o#es* su"h as "e!! %hones+ In a(so!ute
a(stra"ton* ,th a!! thn#s (en# e)ua!* assumn# so"et' mantaned
on!' ts "urrent s%e"trum o& use #oods* man' %rodu"ton trends ha$e
the "a%a"t' to a%%roa"h Knear 1ero $a!ue+ G$en ths* the )ueston
arses< at ,hat state o& su"h e-"han#e $a!ue redu"ton 8%r"e; does
$a!ue tse!& (e"ome so mns"u!e as to (e"ome moot n and o& tse!&* as
an e"onom" &a"torR /an ,e e-%e"t that %otenta! to o""ur to su"h an
ant"%ated h#h de#ree n the mar7et s'stemR
The ans,er s no+ The mar7et ,!! ne$er "reate su"h !ar#e
s"a!e* dramat"* %ost.s"ar"t' m%!'n# redu"tons o$era!! due to ts
"entra! need &or s"ar"t' to 7ee% monetar' turno$er and hen"e 7ee%
%eo%!e em%!o'ed+ It s ,orth notn# that man' n the modern
te"hno!o#' mo$ements st!! 0ust&' the e-sten"e o& mar7et "a%ta!sm*
as a means to,ards Ka(undan"e* (' o(ser$n# ths #enera! "ost
redu"ton %henomenon+ As the ar#ument #oes* the un&o!dn# o& a
#$en %rodu"ton and ts n"reased demand &a"!tates K(etter
%rodu"ton methods and hen"e more sa$n#s (' the "om%an' means
more sa$n#s (' the "onsumer+ Ths then ma7es some #oods a$a!a(!e*
o$er tme* to those ,ho ,ou!d not ha$e (een a(!e to a&&ord them %ror+
I& ta7en at &a"e $a!ue* ths o(ser$aton su##ests a!! #oods ,!!
F6E Re&eren"e< /ig !dea3 Technology ?rows Exponentially
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
a%%roa"h 1ero n $a!ue o$ertme* as a #$en mar7et n"reases n
The &rst %ro(!em* ho,e$er* s that ths ar#ument sm%!'
#nores the $ast arra' o& #enera! te"hn"a! ne&&"en"' ,h"h "an a!so*
& addressed and so!$ed* "reate those same redu"ed "osts+ In other
,ords* t "on&!ates* erroneous!'* Kmar7et e&&"en"' and Kte"hn"a!
e&&"en"'+ G!o(a!1aton s a "ommon e-am%!e+ Wh!e "hea%* %rmt$e*
Thrd Wor!d !a(or m#ht (e he!%&u! to (rn# the "ost do,n o& a #$en
%rodu"t &or the Amer"an "onsumer mar7et* the ,asted ener#'* ,asted
resour"es and %oss(!' nhumane "ondtons "reatedMe-%!oted to
&a"!tate that K%r"e ad$anta#e rea!!' %resent dee% and "aust"
ne&&"en"es* n the (road $e,+
As an asde* ,h!e t s ndeed true that "ertan t'%es o&
te"hno!o#'* usua!!' "om%uter re!ated* are toda' ,de!' a$a!a(!e &or
man' ,ho other,se ,ou!d not (e a(!e to a&&ord t* ths s a resu!t o&
s"ent&" n#enut'* not the mar7et+ Man' tradtona! e"onomsts toda'
ma7e the asserton "onstant!'* that K& t ,eren?t &or "a%ta!sm+++* et"+
The truth s that the mar7et s nothn# more than an n"ent$e and
de!$er' s'stem and ,h!e the %ro&t mot$aton ma'* at tmes*
n"or%orate h#h !e$e!s o& te"hn"a! ad$an"ement ,h"h a"he$e a
h#her out%ut %otenta!* n$#oratn# ths Kmore ,th !ess
%henomenon* ths s (ut one %oss(!e out"ome amon#st man'+ Man'
other h#h!' %ro&ta(!e means "an (e ut!1ed ,h"h ha$e 1ero to
ne#at$e $a!ue n the %ursut o& %ost.s"ar"t' tse!&+
Aerha%s the (est ,a' to thn7 a(out t s as a se!&.!mtn#
thresho!d+ The %ro&t #oa! o& "ost e&&"en"' s to reman K"om%ett$e
a#anst other %rodu"ers* ,h!e natura!!' see7n# ma-mum n"ome to
7ee% em%!o'ees %ad and the stru"ture o& the "om%an' nta"t+ That s
the n"ent$e e)uaton+ O($ous!'* no "om%an' ,ants to ma7e tse!&
o(so!ete (' %ursun# a state o& e-treme e&&"en"'+
L7e,se* %ro&t "u!ture s shorts#hted (' nature+ Ths means
that ,hen &a"ed ,th a de"son &or "ost e&&"en"'* the easest and
most mmedate %ath to rea!1e ths "han#e ,!! !7e!' (e %ursued+ That
"an* a#an* mean the d&&eren"e (et,een u%datn# a te"hn"a!
o%eraton to (e more e&&"ent n ts %ro"ess o& a"tua! %rodu"ton . or
sm%!' outsour"n# to a de$e!o%n# "ountr' ,h"h "an (e %ad so !tt!e
due to e-stn# %o$ert' . & t !oo7s (est on %a%er as &ar as "ost
sa$n#s+ The mar7et sees no d&&eren"e (et,een the t,o+ De"sons are
(ased mere!' on the trade $a!ue and the end tends to 0ust&' the
So* as tme %ro#resses* the mar7et %ro"ess ma'* ndeed*
"ontnue to ma7e "ertan h#h demand #oods more a""ess(!e to those
,ho "ou!dn?t a&&ord them %ror+ Ho,e$er* that s not e$den"e that the
&ruts o& a true* %ost.s"ar"t' orented so"et' "an (e o(taned on the
,ho!e n the same &rame,or7+ It ,!! on!' (e throu#h a dre"t re$son
o& so"et' to a""e%t the %ost.s"ar"t' ntent* remo$n# the nterest to
%reser$e s"ar"t'* ,h"h s "ommon toda'* that true %ro#ress n
a(undan"e ,!! (e rea!1ed+ Ths "on"!uson s a!so a$odn# the $ast
arra' o& other !ar#e.s"a!e e&&"en"' %ro(!ems nherent to mar7et
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
"a%ta!sm ,th res%e"t to "u!tura! and en$ronmenta! sustana(!t'*
,h"h ha$e (een ds"ussed at !en#th n other essa's+
As a &na! note* the de(ate o$er Kte"hno!o#"a! unem%!o'ment
has %ro$en to (e a %o,er&u! re$e!aton n ths "!ash o& %er"e$ed
ntentons as ,e!!+ /a%ta!st a%o!o#sts ha$e (een hdn# (ehnd the
dea that ,h!e te"hno!o#' does re%!a"e human !a(or* t s a!so "reatn#
t+ Wh!e ths ma' ha$e (een true n the s!o,er mo$n# %ast* a h#h!'
s7e,ed rea!t' has (e"ome e$er more a%%arent+
For one* the e-%onenta! n"reases o""urrn# toda' ha$e
%ro$en to (e out%a"n# human edu"atona! ada%taton #reat!'+ There s
no 2<2 0o( !oss to 0o( "reaton %ro"ess un&o!dn# n the modern ,or!d+
3o( !osses toda' and 0o( !oss %oss(!tes &or the &uture are enormous
,hen the ma"hne a%%!"atons are re$e,ed o(0e"t$e!'* #$en the
e-%onenta! trends+ The nterestn# thn# s that ths $er' %ro"ess o&
automaton s a hu#e %art o& "reatn# a(undan"e* e$en thou#h
"om%anes* n the !o#" o& see7n# %ro&t* are usn# t to sa$e mone'+
The resu!t s a "om%!e- d"hotom'* ,th &e,er human ,or7ers and
hen"e !ess mone' a$a!a(!e as %ur"hasn# %o,er+
O& a!! the s'm%toms o& &a!ure o& the "a%ta!st mode!* ths
te"hno!o#"a! unem%!o'ment %henomenon 0ust m#ht (e the most
%ro&ound as t rea!!' re$ea!s a "!ash o& s'stem &un"tons+ /a%ta!sm
%resu%%oses that human !a(or demand ,!! (e near "onstant and a!!
en"om%assn#+ :et* & t s "hea%er to em%!o' ma"hnes to do human
ro!es* ho, do ,e #et Ks%endn# mone' to humans ,ho ha$e no,
(een remo$ed &rom the !a(or &or"e due to those $er' ma"hnesR Ho,
"an the ma"hnes "ontnue to %rodu"e ,thout the K&ue! o& monetar'
In the end* the redu"ed $a!ue ar#ument ,thn the "a%ta!st
"onte-t sm%!' doesn?t ,or7 as t assumes a dre"t (a!an"e ad0ustment
(et,een "ost redu"ed %r"e $a!ue 8sa$n# o& mone' due to
me"han1aton to !o,er &na! #ood %r"e; to meet the e$er de"reasn#
%ur"hasn# %o,er o& the no, %oor!' em%!o'ed "onsumers 8those 0o(s
remo$ed due to me"han1aton;+
The on!' ,a' ths "ou!d ,or7 s & the %ro&t mot$e tse!& ,as
remo$ed* ,h"h s essenta!!' m%oss(!e & ,e are to st!! thn7 ,thn
the "onte-t o& a mar7et e"onom'+ The on!' reason "om%anes em%!o'
te"hno!o#' to re%!a"e human !a(or to (e#n ,th s to sa$e mone' and
n"rease ther "om%ett$e %!a"e n the o$era!! e"onom' (' some
de#ree+ Ths ntenton undermnes an' 7nd o& dstr(uton (a!an"e
(et,een (u'n# %o,er and "$n#s+
FH5 Re&eren"e< oming to an office near you
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
The ,or!d has "han#ed &ar more n the %ast 255 'ears than n an' other
"entur' n hstor'+ The reason s not %o!t"a! or e"onom" (ut te"hno!o#"a! .
te"hno!o#es that &!o,ed dre"t!' &rom ad$an"es n (as" s"en"e+
.Ste%hen Ha,7n#
In Gree7* economy means the mana#ement o& a househo!d+
de&nn# )ua!tat$e attr(ute o& an e"onom' s ts !e$e! o& Ke&&"en"'+
As o%%osed to the %ra"t"e o& Kmar7et e&&"en"' "ommon toda'* ths
&orm o& e&&"en"' re!ates to physical systems J not the nter.,or7n#s
o& Kmone'* the Kmar7et and other ar#ua(!' "u!tura! "ontr$an"es+
In ths %ro"ess o& %h's"a! e$a!uaton* ,e ne$ta(!' end u%
,th a set o& nterre!ated "om%onents a%%ro%rate!' "a!!ed economic
factors+ A#an* these "om%onents* un!7e the $ast &nan"a! theores n
%!a' n the modern ,or!d toda'* ha$e nothn# to do ,th the a"t o&
"ommer"e or the !7e+ Rather* the' &a"tor n the actual te"hn"a!
%ro"esses* hen"e trends* %otenta!s and measurement re)urements*
needed &or o%tm1ed s'stem or#an1aton o& ndustra! e-tra"ton*
%rodu"ton* dstr(uton* des#n* re"'"!n# %roto"o!s and the !7e+
Ho,e$er* &or the sa7e o& "om%rehenson* e$en thou#h ths
manner o& e"onom" thou#ht s a $ast de%arture &rom the tradtona!
monetar'.(ased e"onom" theores ,e endure toda'* ths essa' ,!!
st!! &rame these resource$based e"onom" "om%onents n the "onte-t
o& tradtona! Km"roe"onom" and Kma"roe"onom" "ate#or"a!
dstn"tons* as ,ou!d (e &ound n "ommon te-t(oo7s ,th res%e"t to
monetar' e"onom"s+
The macroeconomic components ha$e to do ,th the !ar#est
%oss(!e %h's"a! s'stem de#ree asso"atons ,e "an "om%rehend+
The microeconomic components re!ate to s%e"&" ndustres or se"tors*
usua!!' asso"ated ,th sn#u!ar #ood %rodu"ton* re#ona! dstr(uton
and re#enerat$e s%e"&"s+ 8Ths ,!! (e e-%anded u%on more so !ater
n ths essa'+; 9' system e-tenson* macroeconomic "om%onents
natura!!' #o$ern the !o#" re!ated to the microeconomic components as
,e!!+ For e-am%!e* the ma"roe"onom" attr(ute o& global resource
management has a un$ersa! (earn# on the %ro%er un&o!dn# o&
m"roe"onom" o%eratons su"h as %rodu"t des#n e&&"en"' 8,h"h
n$ara(!' use su"h #!o(a! resour"es;+
Ho,e$er* (e&ore these "om%onent &a"tors are addressed* a
&urther ds"usson o& systems s n order* a!on# ,th a de"!araton o&
,hat our so"eta! goals a"tua!!' are+
FH2 Ste$en Ha,7n#* 4 /rief >istory of 'elativity* Tme Ma#a1ne* De"em(er
* 2EEE
FH4 The term ?e"onom'? n Gree7 XO7onomaY means the Tmana#ement o& a
househo!dU thr&t . hen"e to ea"onaoam1e* or Kn"rease e&&"en"'+
FHD See the essa' Mar#et Efficiency vs* Technical Efficiency*
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
!eneral S+stems Theor+
?eneral Systems Theory s an dea !7e!' made most &amous ('
(o!o#st Lud,# Von 9erta!an&&'+ He stated< K+++there e-st mode!s*
%rn"%!es* and !a,s that a%%!' to #enera!1ed s'stems or ther
su("!asses* rres%e"t$e o& ther %art"u!ar 7nd* the nature o& ther
"om%onent e!ements* and the re!atonsh%s or T&or"esT (et,een them+
It seems !e#tmate to as7 &or a theor'* not o& s'stems o& a more or
!ess s%e"a! 7nd* (ut o& un$ersa! %rn"%!es a%%!'n# to s'stems n
Wh!e s'stems theorsts throu#hout the 'ears ha$e %ut a
#reat dea! o& nte!!e"tua! "om%!e-t' and e!a(oraton &or,ard* the (as"
re"o#nton s rather sm%!e and ntut$e!' eas' to #ras%+
The human (od'* &or e-am%!e* s "om%osed o& $arous s'stem
nter"onne"tons ,h"h not on!' nat$e!' re#u!ate s%e"&" %ro"esses &or
a #$en %ur%ose 8su"h as the heart and ts ro!e n (!ood "r"u!aton;*
these s'stems a!,a's ha$e sma!!er and !ar#er degree relationships as
,e!!+ In the "ase o& the heart* the blood t "r"u!ates has ts o,n set o&
de&ned "hem"a! %ro%ertes and s'stem (eha$ors 8sma!!er de#ree
s'stem re!atonsh%; ,h!e the heart tse!& s a!so a "om%onent %art o&
the tota! human organ array 8!ar#er de#ree s'stem re!atonsh%; and
hen"e "onne"ts ,th* &or e-am%!e* the lungs ,h"h assst n o-'#en
dstr(uton throu#hout the blood stream+
E-tendn# ths e-am%!e to larger degree re!atonsh%s* ths
human s'stem s "onne"ted to an e"o!o#"a! s'stem*
n$ara(!' has a dre"t "orre!aton to human hea!th+ For nstan"e* %oor
ndustra! methods e-stn# ,thn ths e"o!o#"a! s'stem "an ntrodu"e*
&or e-am%!e* %o!!uton nto the ar* "ausn# "ondtons that m#ht set
the sta#e &or !un# %ro(!ems or other detrments to human hea!th+
O& "ourse* s'stem re!atonsh%s to human hea!th are not on!'
K%h's"a! n the tradtona! sense o& the term* the' are a!so
psychologically and sociologically "ausa!+ S"en"e has "ome to (etter
understand ho, human !earnn# and (eha$ora! %ro%enstes are
#enerated throu#h (oth #enet" and en$ronmenta! n&!uen"es*
n$ara(!' en#a#n# a !ar#er s'stems "onte-t+ For e-am%!e* as noted n
%ror essa's* add"ton %ro(!ems* su"h as ,th dru#s or a!"oho!* "an
o&ten (e &ound !n7ed to ear!' !&e stress and emotona! !oss+
In truth*
the $er' (ass &or understanding public health is of a systems
recognition, without exception*
No,* (ndn# a!! s'stems are ,hat "ou!d (e termed
K#enera!1ed #o$ernn# %rn"%!es+ In s"ent&" terms* a K#enera!1ed
%rn"%!e or theor' s a &oundatona! "hara"terst" or assum%ton that
FH6 Lud,# Von 9erta!an&&'* ?eneral System theory3 (oundations,
=evelopment, 4pplications* Ne, :or7< Geor#e 9ra1!!er* 2EFI* %+D4
FHH E"o!o#' s de&ned as< the (ran"h o& (o!o#' dea!n# ,th the re!atons and
ntera"tons (et,een or#ansms and ther en$ronment* n"!udn# other
or#ansms+ 8htt%<MMd"tonar'+re&eren"e+"omM(ro,seMe"o!o#';
FHI Dr+ Ga(or MatB n hs ,or7 !n the 'ealm of >ungry ?hosts 8North At!ant"
9oo7s* 4524; %resents an enormous amount o& resear"h re#ardn# ho,
?emotona! !oss? o""urrn# at 'oun# a#es a&&e"ts (eha$or n !ater !&e*
s%e"&"a!!' the %ro%enst' &or add"tons+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
#o$erns an entre s'stem+ A nota(!e* on#on# )uest o& modern s"en"e
has (een the sear"h &or un$ersa!!' #o$ernn# %rn"%!es that a%%!' to
a!! 7no,n s'stems n the un$erse* as #estured n the %ror )uotaton
(' Lud,# Von 9erta!an&&'+
Wh!e a #reat dea! o& theoret"a! de(ate e-sts ,th res%e"t to
the "om%!e- (eha$or o& "ertan s'stems* 8&ndn# "!ashes o&
%ers%e"t$e (et,een* &or e-am%!e* K"!ass"a! me"han"s and K)uantum
me"han"s; the understandn#s re!e$ant to e&&"ent e"onom"
or#an1aton . a s'stem design ntended to o%tm1e human ,e!!.(en#
and !on# term e"o!o#"a!Mso"a! sustana(!t' . need not #et !ost n
su"h a(stra"ton+ Thus* the e"onom" re!atonsh%s %resented n ths
essa' are &ar!' o($ous and eas' to $a!date+
Ho,e$er* !et t (e stated that ,hen the systems worldview s
tru!' understood n ts %ro&ound ram&"aton o& mmuta(!e
nter"onne"tedness and hen"e nterde%enden"eM"o.res%ons(!t' o&
!tera!!' e$er'thn# n the 7no,n un$erse* tradtona! "u!tura! notons
(ased on human or so"a! d$son . su"h as re!#ous !o'a!t'* ra"e
!o'a!t'* "!ass* naton states* %atrotsm and other man&estatons (orn
&rom a ,or!d ar#ua(!' #norant o& ths rea!t' n the %ast J "an "reate
nothn# (ut "on&uson* ma!ad0ustment and "on&!"t n the !on#.term+
Rea!1n# and str$n# to thin# n the "onte-t o& nter"onne"ted
s'stems s "rt"a! &or nte!!e"tua! de$e!o%ment* hen"e "reatn# an
edu"atona! m%erat$e &or %eo%!e to a!so !earn more as K#enera!sts
as o%%osed to r#d Ks%e"a!sts* ,h"h s the "urrent %attern due to
the stru"ture o& our tradtona! !a(or ro!es+ Sad!'* our edu"atona!
s'stem toda' has (een sha%ed and stru"tured not to "reate ,e!!.
rounded understandn#s o& the ,or!d* (ut rather dre"ts &o"us to
so!ated and narro, s%e"a!tes* ,h"h redu"e s'stems "om%rehenson
So* returnn# to the s%e"&" "onte-t o& the "reaton o& an
e"onom" mode!* ths s'stem re!e$an"e nherent!' "reates an
essenta!!' Kse!&.#eneratn# "ausa!t' that redu"es su(0e"t$t' #reat!'+
When ,e re!ate "urrent understandn#s o& the human system to the
ecological system, ,e &nd a %ro"ess o& o(0e"t$e "a!"u!aton ,th
res%e"t to ,hat s %oss(!e and sustana(!e* (oth n the #enera!
stru"ture o& ndustra! %ro"esses and the value structure o& so"et'
In the end* on"e ths rea!t' s understood* 7no,n# that ,e
ma' ne$er ha$e an a(so!ute understandn# o& the tota!* un$ersa!
#o$ernn# s'stem* our tas7 s hen"e to der$e an e"onom" mode! that
(est superimposes u%on su"h 7no,n %ro%ertes and re!atonsh%s o&
the %h's"a! ,or!d* ada%tn# and ad0ustn# as e&&"ent!' as %oss(!e* as
ne, &eed(a"7 8n&ormaton; "ontnues to %ro$e $a!d+ Aut another ,a'*
the "reaton o& an e"onom" mode! s rea!!' a %ro"ess o& stru"tura!
a!#nment ,th the e-stn# e"o!o#"a! s'stem a!read' n %!a' on the
FHF Re&eren"e< KEdu"aton and the Mar7et Mode!* 3ohn M"Murtr'* &ournal of
Philosophy of Education Vo!ume 4H* Issue 4* %%s 45EJ42F* 2EE2 On!ne<
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
%!anet earth+ The de#ree to ,h"h ,e are a(!e to a"he$e ths* de&nes
our su""ess+
Social !oals
Wh!e d$erse #!o(a! "u!tures toda' sho, man' un)ue &eatures and
nterests* there s st!! a (as"* $rtua!!' un$ersa! set o& shared needs
,h"h re$o!$e around sur$$a!+ In "on"ert* ths essenta!!' "om%rses
the (ass o& K%u(!" hea!th* n ts (roadest de&nton+
9e!o, s a !st o& #enera!* seemn#!' o($ous so"a! K#oa!s
,h"h ths ne, e"onom" mode! ,ou!d ,or7 to meet* ,th deta!ed
e-%!anatons &o!!o,n#+ O$era!!* the' are "om%onent #oa!s o& the
%ursut to increase )uality of life &or the ,ho!e o& humant'* ,h!e
mantann# true sustana(!t' n the !on# run+
82; O%tm1ed Industra! E&&"en"'U A"t$e Aursut o& KAost.S"ar"t'
84; Mantan O%tm1ed E"o!o#"a!M/u!tura! 9a!an"e @ Sustana(!t'+
8D; De!(erate L(eraton o& Humant' &rom MonotonousMDan#erous
86; Fa"!tate A"t$e S'stem Ada%taton to Emer#n# Vara(!es+
67< O,timiAed $ndustrial Efficienc+C Acti/e Pursuit of 3Post-
Scarcit+ Aundance4%
Un!7e the "urrent* stru"tura! e"onom" mandate to preserve
inefficiency &or the sa7e o& monetar' "r"u!aton* e"onom" #ro,th and
%o,er %reser$aton*
ths #oa! see7s to o%tm1e* (oth te"hn"a!!' and
stru"tura!!'* a!! ndustra! %ro"esses to ,or7 to,ards and "reate ,hat
"ou!d (e #estura!!' termed a post$scarcity abundance+
In short* a post$scarcity abundance s an dea!1ed state that
e!mnates s"ar"t' o& a #$en resour"e or %ro"ess* usua!!' (' means o&
o%tm1ed e&&"en"' re#ardn# %rodu"ton des#n and strate#" use+
Need!ess to sa'* the dea o& a"he$n# universal %ost.s"ar"t' .
meann# an a(undant amount o& e$er'thn# &or e$er'one . s r#ht&u!!'
an m%oss(!t'* e$en n the most o%tmst" $e,s+ There&ore* ths
term* as used here* rea!!' h#h!#hts a point of focus+
/ommon e-am%!es o& "urrent %ost.s"ar"t' rea!tes* ,h"h ,!!
(e addressed at !en#th n a !ater essa'*
n"!ude the statst"a!!'
%ro$en a(!t' to #enerate an a(undan"e o& nutrton &or the ,or!d?s
%o%u!aton* an a(undan"e o& ener#' &or res%ons(!e human use* an
a(undan"e o& dom"!es to she!ter* at a h#h !e$e! o& )ua!t'* e$er'
&am!' on earth* a!on# ,th an a(undan"e o& #oods* (oth needs.(ased
FHG See the essa' Mar#et Efficiency vs* Technical Efficiency*
FHE The matter o& de#ree* n &a"t* (e"omes ar(trar'+ E$en & on!' %oss(!e ,th
a &e, resour"e sets* t does not "han#e the #oa! and m%ortan"e o& the
%ursut o& %ost.s"ar"t'+ So"a! m%ro$ement n #enera! has (een (ased u%on
su"h a!!e$atons+
FI5 See the essa' Post$Scarcity Trends, apacity and Efficiency*
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
8+e+ too!s; and reasonable
,ant (ased 8!u-ur'Ms%e"a!t' tems; to
&a"!tate an e$er.easn# and m%ro$n# )ua!t' o& !&e un7no,n (' !7e!'
EE> o& humant' toda'+
These and man' other %oss(!tes ha$e (een %ro$en as
statst"a! rea!tes &or the Earth?s "urrent %o%u!aton and (e'ond*
a""om%!shed throu#h ,hat R+ 9u"7mnster Fu!!er #estura!!' "a!!ed the
KDes#n.S"en"e Re$o!uton*
or the re.des#n o& our so"a!
n&rastru"ture to ena(!e ths ne, and %ro&ound e&&"en"'+
Need!ess to sa'* ths so"eta! redes#n su##ests a rad"a!
de%arture &rom "urrent so"a! norms and esta(!shed tradtons*
n"!udn# the $er' nature o& our so"oe"onom"M#o$ernmenta! stru"ture
tse!&+ 8The "om%!e- su(0e"t o& transton ,!! (e ds"ussed n a !ater
6?< 2aintain O,timiAed Ecological *alance . Sustainailit+%
Mantann# en$ronmenta! sustana(!t' s o& o($ous m%ortan"e
#$en the human s%e"es has no nde%enden"e &rom ts ha(tat and s
str"t!' su%%orted (' t+ In &a"t* e$o!uton tse!& re$ea!s that ,e are
a"tua!!' generated from the habitat* &urther e-%ressn# the dee%!'
s'm(ot"Ms'ner#st" "onne"ton+
An' ne#at$e dstur(an"e o& these nter"onne"ted e"o!o#"a!
s'stems ,!! !7e!' resu!t n %ro%ortona! ne#at$e dstur(an"es o& our
,e!!(en# o$er tme+ There&ore* ma7n# sure the e"onom" s'stem n
%ra"t"e has a stru"tura!* (u!t.n res%e"t &or these natura! orders s
"rt"a! to %u(!" hea!th and sustana(!t' n the !on# term+ Ths as%e"t
tse!& s* n &a"t* a #au#e o& an e"onom" s'stem?s o,n %ra"t"a! $a!dt'
as a !& stru"ture+
It s ,orth reteratn# that the "urrent mar7et mode! o&
e"onom"s mantans !tera!!' no structural ac#nowledgment o& these
natura! order !a,s+ The mar7et sm%!' assumes su"h (a!an"e ,!! (e
mantaned throu#h ,hat are r#ht!' deemed metaphysical
me"hansms re!ated to monetar'.mar7et d'nam"s a!one .
A &a!se
6;< Delierate (ieration of -umanit+ from 2onotonous@
Dangerous . $rre/erent (aor%
As ,!! (e des"r(ed n te"hn"a! deta! n a !ater essa'
,th res%e"t
to the %o,er&u!* e%hemera!1aton orented trend o& ,hat s termed
FI2 The %h's"a!!' unsustana(!e* e-"ess$e %ro%ert' and Khoardn# menta!t'
"ommon to the "urrent "u!ture?s dea! o& h#h so"a! status and su""ess
toda' needs a!!e$aton+
FI4 Su##ested Readn#< R+ 9u"7mnster Fu!!er* ritical Path* St+ Martn?s Aress*
FID See the essa' Transition A The >ybrid Economy*
FI6 See the essa' >istory of Economy* ,here Adam Smth?s noton o& the
KIn$s(!e Hand s ds"ussed+
FIH See the essa' Post$Scarcity Trends, apacity and Efficiency
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
mechani%ation 8meann# the a%%!"aton o& ma"hnes* ds%!a"n# !a(or
ro!es "ommon!' he!d (' humans; the need &or human to! and su&&ern#
n monotonous* rre!e$ant or dan#erous o""u%atons has (e"ome
n"reasn#!' !ess needed+
Ths ne, te"hn"a! rea!t' has a!so "reated trends ,h"h ,ere
on"e unma#na(!e* su"h as the &a"t that the a%%!"aton o& automaton
has %ro$en to no, (e more e&&"ent than human !a(or* ma7n# the
%ersstent tradton o& Kearnn# a !$n# an n"reasn#!' rres%ons(!e
so"a! "on$enton #$en that ,e "an no, do more with less people n
$rtua!!' e$er' se"tor toda'+
L7e,se* t s a!so m%ortant to "onsder the %attern o& human
em%!o'ment o$er #eneratona! tme* re"o#n1n# that the "urrent so"a!
detrment o& Kunem%!o'ment s entre!' man&est &rom the a%%!"aton
o& te"hno!o#' to !a(or+
The #reat m'th o& the 45
%ro%a#ated (' mar7et e"onomsts s that te"hno!o#' "reates 0o(s n
the same %ro%orton as 0o(s are ta7en a,a' (' t+
Ths s no,
%ro$en as statst"a!!' n"orre"t as the e-%onenta! n"rease n
n&ormaton te"hno!o#' and ts trans!aton nto e$$an"n# ma"hne
e&&"en"' %ro$es the &a!!a"' o& ths on"e seemingly true o(ser$aton+
Toda'* the 42
"entur' !a(or "rss sho,s no s#n o& su(sdn#
FII E"onomsts ,ou!d !7e!' ds%ute ths statement toda'* ,th the "!am o&
Toutsour"n#T and other ssues (rou#ht nto the e)uaton 8a!on# ,th other
narro,* trun"ated dstn"tons;+ In truth* !oo7n# at human !a(or ,thout
(orders* on the #!o(a! s"a!e* o$er #eneratona! tme* ,e see that t has (een
te"hno!o#' and on!' te"hno!o#' that has sh&ted (oth %rodu"ton methods
and ,hat s o& nterest to %rodu"e+ I& ths %ro#ress ,ere not seen* humant'
,ou!d ne$er ha$e e-%eren"ed the Neo!th" Re$o!uton and hen"e ,ou!d st!!
(e huntn# and #athern# n a %rmt$e ,a'+
FIF Ths assum%ton s %art o& ,hat has (een hstor"a!!' termed the KThe
Luddte Fa!!a"'+ It s ,orth notn# that e$en & one ,ere to entertan the
Luddte Fa!!a"'?s "!am that ne, 0o(s are "reated to e)ua!!' "om%ensate &or
ds%!a"ed !a(or n a no,.me"han1ed se"tor* n"reasn#!' t s (e"omn#
rea!1ed that su"h 0o(s ar#ua(!' ha$e !tt!e to no a"tua! re!e$an"e to the
$a(!t' and &un"ton o& !& Hen"e* the Tne, 0o(s "reatedT
n$ara(!' ser$e as a 7nd o& ,aste o& human ener#'+ It s one thn# to
%er&orm a"ts o& nterest n one?s !&e* on one?s o,n a""ord+ It s another to
(e "oer"ed nto su"h meann#!ess !a(or sm%!' (e"ause 'ou must T,or7 &or
a !$n#T+ Su##ested Readn#< Da$d Grae(er* <n the Phenomenon of
/ullshit &obs* Str7e Ma#a1ne* 452D 8htt%<MM,,,+str7ema#+or#M(u!!sht.
FIG The ssue here s the rate o& te"hno!o#"a! a""e!eraton+ One hundred 'ears
a#o* ths rate o& "han#e ,as mu"h !ess ra%d* ,h!e toda' the rate o& "han#e
s n"reasn# e-%onenta!!' &or,ard+ Wh!e so"a! sh&ts n ndustr' and !a(or
,ere a(!e to d'nam"a!!' "om%ensate &or ths "han#e n the %ast due to the
re!at$e!' s!o, %a"e* as tme mo$es &or,ard* t ,!! (e"ome e$er more
d&&"u!t to mantan T!a(or &or n"omeT as ,e 7no, t n the "urrent tradton+
Ths s a!so (e"ause the e-%onenta! #ro,th "ur$e redu"es the "ost o&
ma"hne automaton too!s o$er tme* settn# u% a #enera! ne$ta(!t' that
human !a(or n a "ertan se"tor ,!! not on!' (e outdone n %er&orman"e ('
ma"hne (ut the' ,!! (e "hea%er n the !on# run+ Su##ested Readn#<
FIE Ne,s and statst"a! re%orts on an emer#n# G!o(a! Unem%!o'ment /rss
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
,!! on!' &nd reso!uton throu#h a restru"turn# o& ndustra! !a(or
methods* a!tern# the K,or7 &or a !$n# tradton dramat"a!!'+
6B< Facilitate Acti/e S+stem Ada,tation to Emerging 'ariales%
Wh!e ths #oa! m#ht seem more a(stra"t than %ror #oa!s*
a"7no,!ed#n# the emer#ent rea!t' o& nte!!e"tua! and ndustra!
e$o!uton s "rt"a!+ We must structurally a!!o, &or ada%taton+
The a##re#ate nte!!e"tua! "u!mnaton o& human 7no,!ed#e s
and* as the trends "urrent!' sho,* ,!! a!,a's (e* n"om%!ete+ Man'
%ra"t"es that m#ht (e deemed Ksustana(!e or n a""ord ,th %u(!"
hea!th toda'* m#ht $er' ,e!! (e &ound to (e detrmenta! n a re!at$e
or a(so!ute sense n the &uture+ An e-am%!e ,ou!d (e the de"ades %ast
o& o! "om(uston+ Wh!e !tt!e ne#at$e retroa"tons ,ere &ound durn#
ts ear!' use* toda' there s a stron# %ush to mo$e a,a' &rom
h'dro"ar(on ener#' use due to the #ro,n# "onse)uen"es resu!tn#
&rom ts em%!o'ment as the %rmar' ener#' sour"e &or so"et' J
es%e"a!!' #$en the "urrent state o& more "!ean and more a(undant
There&ore* the ndustra!Me"onom" s'stem must (e
d'nam"a!!' u%data(!e* ena(!n# ra%d error "orre"ton and
m%ro$ement as %ro#ress un&o!ds+ A#an* ths t'%e o& &!e-(!t' s
"urrent!' mssn# n the mar7et e"onom' toda'* sn"e an' su"h
"han#es o&ten ha$e a desta(!1n# e&&e"t on the %ro&ta(!t' o& re!ated
ndustres+ /han#e n #enera! s e-treme!' s!o, n the modern %erod
n ths re#ard due to the paralysis that or#nates &rom the
%reser$aton o& mar7et share and #rou% %o,er+ It "an (e ,e!! ar#ued
that %ro#ress s o&ten detrimental to e-stn# %ro&t s"hemes+
2acroeconomic Factors%
In tradtona!* mar7et.(ased e"onom" theor'* macroeconomics dea!s
,th the (roadest n&!uen"es and %o!"es that a&&e"t* n %art* the
d'nam"s and %ro(a(!e out"omes o& the microeconomic "ondton+ Ths
usua!!' re!ates to #ro,th measures* em%!o'ment !e$e!s* nterest rates*
natona! de(ts* "urren"es and the !7e+
In the "onte-t o& a NLR9E* ,e "an a!so esta(!sh e"onom"
"om%onents ,h"h "ou!d (e "ate#or"a!!' thou#ht a(out n the same
,a'* on!' ths tme t has to do ,th the !ar#est order governing
%ressures o& the %h's"a! ,or!d dre"t!'* a!on# ,th ho, these physical
principles re!ate to the more Km"roe"onom" a"tons o& #ood
%rodu"ton* des#n* dstr(uton and the !7e+ In other ,ords* t s an
ha$e (een %ro!&" n the ear!' 42st "entur'* s%e"&"a!!' ,th 'oun# adu!ts+
Re&eren"e< ?eneration Eobless
FF5 Re&eren"e< ould 4utomation +ead to hronic 9nemploymentD 4ndrew
Mc4fee Sounds the 4larm
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
o$erar"hn# rule structure* su%%orted (' essenta!!' %h's"a! s"en"e*
to ensure true e"onom" e&&"en"' s mantaned and o%tm1ed+
At the "ore o& the ma"roe"onom" 8and* (' e-tenson*
m"roe"onom"; a%%roa"h rests the method o& thou#ht and ana!'ss
tse!&+ Ths s KThe S"ent&" Method+ It s o&ten sad that nothn# n
s"en"e "an (e %ro$en* on!' ds%ro$en+ Ths s the (eaut' o& the
method as ts nherent s7e%t"sm o& ts o,n "on"!usons* & unnh(ted
(' human (as* "an assure "ontnua! %ro#ress and ad0ustment+ S"en"e
#$es a $eh"!e to arrive at conclusions* not Kma7e them* and t s ths
system$based logic ,here a!! e"onom" de"sons are to (e orented
re#ardn# (oth %oss(!tes and restr"tons+
Inherent to The S"ent&" Method n the "onte-t o&
Kma"roe"onom" %o!"' &or a NLR9E are ,hat ,e "ou!d "onsder
Earth$wide re"o#ntons+ These "om%onents ha$e to do essenta!!' ,th
the &o!!o,n#<
82; G!o(a! Resour"e Mana#ement
84; G!o(a! Demand Assessment
8D; G!o(a! Arodu"ton and Dstr(uton Aroto"o!s+
These three &a"tors are "onsdered Kma"roe"onom" sn"e the'
em(od' "ore* near un$ersa! n&rastru"ture "onsderatons* re#ard!ess
o& ,hat a #$en %rodu"ton s%e"&"a!!' enta!s or ,here t s on the
%!anet+ 8It shou!d a!so (e mmedate!' re"o#n1ed that the "on"e%t o& a
Knatona! e"onom' s no !on#er $a(!e n ths %ers%e"t$e* nor ,as t
e$er* n truth* te"hn"a!!' s%ea7n#+;
67< !loal Resource 2anagement%
G!o(a! Resour"e Mana#ement s the %ro"ess o& tra"7n# resour"e use
and hen"e ,or7n# to %red"t and a$od shorta#es and other %ro(!ems+
In e&&e"t* t s no d&&erent than the !o#" under!'n# most "ommon
n$entor' s'stems ,e m#ht &nd n the "ommer"a! arena toda'+
Ho,e$er* ths s'stem has to do %rmar!' ,th tra"7n# the rate o&
natura! #eneraton to mantan dynamic e)uilibrium*
A!! 7no,n natura! resour"es . ,hether !um(er* "o%%er ore*
,ater* o!* et"+ . ha$e ther o,n rates o& natura! re#eneraton* & an'+ In
"ertan "ases* su"h as the state o& "ertan meta!s or mnera!s*
re#eneraton rates are so !ar#e s"a!e that t ,ou!d (e more a%%ro%rate
to sm%!' assume a &nte su%%!' outr#ht+
O$era!!* ths %ro"ess ,ou!d
(e#n ,th a tota! Earth sur$e' to ,hate$er de#ree te"hn"a!!'
%oss(!e* tra"7ed n rea!.tme to ,hate$er de#ree te"hn"a!!' %oss(!e+
The "ata!o#ue o& tra"7ed resour"e "om%onents ,ou!d n"!ude
FF2 See the essa' The Scientific 7orldview*
FF4 D'nam" E)u!(rum s de&ned as< KA "ondton n ,h"h a!! a"tn#
n&!uen"es are "an"e!!ed (' others* resu!tn# n a sta(!e* (a!an"ed* or
un"han#n# s'stem+ Sour"e<
FFD For e-am%!e* meta!s su"h as "o%%er are no, ,de!' a""e%ted to ha$e
or#nated n stars* ,th the earth "o!!e"tn# these matera!s as t &ormed+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
a!! &orms* &rom (ot" resour"es su"h as trees* to a(ot" resour"es su"h
as ron ores and the !7e+ Ao!!uton and other e"o!o#"a! dstur(an"es o&
resour"e nte#rt' ,ou!d a!so (e a""ounted &or+ Wh!e su"h a tota!
s'stems a%%roa"h to ths Earth.,de resour"e a""ountn# and tra"7n#
s'stem m#ht seem !7e a d&&"u!t tas7* t s a"tua!!' $er' &eas(!e n
the modern da'* ,th su"h te"hno!o#' a!read' (en# em%!o'ed ('
res%e"t$e ndustres n the "or%orate settn#+
6?< !loal Demand Assessment<
G!o(a! Demand Assessment s the %ro"ess o& rea!1n# the demands o&
the human %o%u!aton+ In short* ths %ro"ess ,ou!d (e (ro7en u% nto a
seres o& re#ona! sur$e's* "ou%!ed ,th the re!ease o& %u(!"atons that
n&orm the %u(!" as to ne, des#ns %oss(!e n "onsumer or ndustra!
Whereas &rom the "urrent "u!tura! %ra"t"e* ,h"h "onssts o&
%u(!" ad$ertsn# (' %ro&t see7n# "or%oratons* o&ten m%ose
statusM$ant' orented $a!ues on the %o%u!aton n man' res%e"ts
rather than ser$n# to assst them ,th e-stn# needs* the %ro"ess o&
en#a#ement n a NLR9E dea!s e-%!"t!' ,th "reatn# a,areness o&
ne, te"hn"a! %oss(!tes as the' emer#e* ,h!e a!so a!!o,n# %u(!"
"onsensus to de"de ,hat s o& nterest to %rodu"e and ,hat sn?t+

Ths "ou!d (e termed the Kmar7et o& a NLR9E+ In man' ,a's*
t "an a!so (e "onsdered the me"hansm o& so"eta! K#o$ernan"e tse!&
sn"e ths t'%e o& so"a! ntera"ton to,ards de"son.ma7n# does not
ha$e to (e restr"ted to mere #ood des#n and %rodu"ton+
A&ter a!!*
at the "ore o& an' so"et' are really the te"hn"a! me"hansms that
ena(!e order* ,e!!.(en# and )ua!t' o& !&e+
We o&ten &or#et ,hat the %ur%ose o& a #o$ernment rea!!' s n
the modern da'+ At ts "ore* t s a means to assst e"onom"
or#an1aton to m%ro$e !&e* ease stress and "reate sa&et'+ The
%ro(!em s that #o$ernment toda' has ne"essar!' turned nto a
s'stem o& essenta!!' or#an1ed "orru%ton and Kma&a t'%e
%rote"tonsm rather than a &a"!tator o& !&e su%%ort+
In ths ne, a%%roa"h* a %ure!' te"hn"a!Mntera"t$e s'stem s
esta(!shed ,h"h ,or7s* n #esture* sm!ar to ho, the noton o&
Kdre"t demo"ra"'
has (een %ro%osed to ,or7 n the modern da'*
,here de"son.ma7n# %ro"esses n$o!$e #rou% %art"%aton n a
direct ,a'* #oa! (' #oa!+ Wth the e-%onenta! n"rease n "om%uter.
(ased "a!"u!aton %o,er* ths t'%e o& a##re#ate so"eta! Kthn7n# s
no, %oss(!e+
The deta!s o& ths ntera"t$e s'stem* a!on# ,th an e-%anson
FF6 Toda'* t s on!' throu#h %r"e and %ro&ta(!t' that demand s a""essed+
Ver' rare!' s the %u(!" n$ted to %art"%ate n &uture des#ns+
FFH Ths ,!! (e addressed &urther n the essa'< The !ndustrial ?overnment
FFI Un!7e KRe%resentat$e Demo"ra"' ,here e!e"ted re%resentat$es ma7e
de"sons* Dre"t Demo"ra"' a!!o,s nd$dua!s to $ote on ssues+ Ths
asso"aton s used !oose!' here as the tradtona! noton o& dre"t demo"ra"'
s too %rmt$e+ The su##ested s'stem has to do ,th %u(!" %art"%aton n
"umu!at$e des#n o& #oods to meet needs* n %art+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
o& an nte#ra! "on"e%t termed as Kautomated des#n or the "a!"u!aton
o& utility$based systems 8n ths "onte-t the system (en# a #ood n
)ueston;* ,!! (e addressed n a &o!!o,n# essa'+
Ho,e$er* !et t (e
stated that a!! des#ns ha$e a (u!t.n !o#" to,ards ,hat ,or7s* ,hat
s sustana(!e and ,hat redu"es ne#at$e retra"tons 8or %ro(!ems;+ It
s ths ne,* te"hn"a! re&erenta! (en"hmar7 that #udes the %ro"ess o&
ndustra! des#n+
No,* a &na! note ,orth mentonn# n %assn# s that n the
"urrent mar7et e"onom'* the demand assessment %ro"ess s
or"hestrated n a dee%!' ha%ha1ard manner $a ,hat s tradtona!!'
termed the K%r"e me"hansm+
Man' n tradtona! e"onom" s"hoo!s
ha$e e$en ar#ued that the d'nam" $ara(!t' o& human nterests
ma7es t te"hn"a!!' impossible to "a!"u!ate su"h demand ,thout the
%r"e me"hansm+ Wh!e ths ma' ha$e (een some,hat true n the
ear!' 45
"entur' ,hen these "!ams ,ere made* the a#e o& ad$an"ed
"om%uter "a!"u!aton* "ou%!ed ,th modern sensn# and tra"7n#
te"hno!o#'* has remo$ed ths (arrer o& "om%!e-t'+
6;< 6a< !loal Production . 6< Distriution Protocols%
G!o(a! Arodu"ton and Dstr(uton Aroto"o!s address the reasonn# ('
,h"h the o$era!! ndustra! s'stem s to (e !ad out n the "onte-t o&
Earth sur&a"e n&rastru"ture+ Ths sm%!e noton has to do ,th ,here
these &a"!tes are !o"ated and ,h'+ A (as" e"onom" &a"tor to
"onsder here s ,hat ,e ,!! "a!! the K%ro-mt' strate#'+
In the "urrent s'stem* the %ro%ert' orentaton &or"es &a"!tes
&or %rodu"ton and dstr(uton to (e s"attered and rather random n
%!a"ement+ The ad$ent o& #!o(a!1aton and the "onstant sear"h &or
"ost e&&"en"' (' "or%oratons $a "hea% !a(or and resour"es "reates
enormous ne&&"en"' and ,aste* not to menton a (ass &or nhumane
!a(or e-%!otaton and other %ro(!ems+
In a NLR9E* the or#an1aton o& #!o(a! ndustra! %ro"esses are
(ased on o%tm1n# e&&"en"' at a!! tmes* "reatn# a networ# o&
&a"!tes* !o#"a!!' (ased around &a"tors re!ated to the purpose o& those
&a"!tes+ Ths s a"tua!!' sm%!e to "onsder sn"e the $ara(!es re!ated
"an (e )uant&ed n m%ortan"e &ar!' eas!'+ Sn"e the shortest
dstan"e (et,een t,o %onts s a stra#ht !ne* "ou%!ed ,th the
modern te"hn"a! "a%a"t' to %rodu"e man' #oods ,thout the need &or
re#ona! "ondtons 8e+#+ ad$an"ed* en"!osed &ood %rodu"ton s'stems;*
a "ore "on"ern to redu"e ener#' and ,aste s to !o"a!1e* as mu"h as
FFF See the essa' The !ndustrial ?overnment*
FFG Lud,# $on Mses n hs &amous ,or7 Economic alculation in the Socialist
ommonwealth ar#ues that the K%r"e me"hansm s the on!' %oss(!e
means to understand ho, to Ke&&"ent!' "reate and mo$e #oods around an
e"onom'+ Ths "rt"sm o& an' 7nd o& K%!anned s'stem has (een touted as
sa"rosan"t (' man' toda' and as a $nd"aton o& the "a%ta!st s'stem+
FFE See the essa' The !ndustrial ?overnment*
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
6;a< !loal Production Protocols% The (est ,a' to e-%ress ths s
to %ro$de a s%e"&" e-am%!e (' ,h"h $aratons "an &nd a "ommon
"onte-t+ We ,!! use the e-am%!e o& the te-t!e ndustr'* s%e"&"a!!' the
manu&a"turn# o& "!othn#+
Toda'* EG> o& the "!othn# Amer"ans ,ear s m%orted* most!'
&rom /hna+
Most "!othes are st!! made &rom "otton toda'+ Where
does /hna !7e to #et a #reat dea! o& ts "ottonR . the Unted States+
So* toda'* the Unted States %rodu"es a "ore ra, "ommodt' &or the
te-t!e ndustr'* sh%s to /hna to ma7e the "!othes* on!' to ha$e t
sh%%ed (a"7 to the US ,hen done+
We "an use our ma#naton ,th res%e"t to the m!!ons o&
(arre!s o& o! a!one ,asted o$er tme on ths mo$ement o& matera!s*
,hen su"h har$estn# and %rodu"ton "ou!d (e !o"a!1ed $er' eas!'+
A#an* ths s a %rodu"t o& the mar7et e"onom'?s nterna! e"onom"
me"hansms that ha$e no regard &or true* Earth!' e"onom"
re!atonsh%s . ,h"h re)ure %h's"a! e&&"en"' and ,aste redu"ton .
not &nan"a! e&&"en"' and a redu"ton o& monetar' "osts+ Ths s a
"!ear ds"onne"t+
6;< !loal Distriution Protocols% The same (as" !o#" a%%!es to
%ost.%rodu"ton dstr(uton+ On"e #oods are "reated* the' are to (e
made a$a!a(!e re#ona!!' n the most e&&"ent ,a' %oss(!e* (ased on
demand and proximity+ On"e esta(!shed %er re#ona! needs*
dstr(uton has three (as" "om%onents<
D(2; Fa"!t' Lo"aton
D(4; Method o& A""ess
D(D; Tra"7n#MFeed(a"7+
;7< Facilit+ (ocation%
Fa"!t' Lo"aton s (ased on !o#"a! %ro-mt' o& a %o%u!aton
"on"entraton+ Ths s (est e-em%!&ed ,th the "urrent %ra"t"e toda'
o& 8usua!!'; %!a"n# #ro"er' stores n a$era#e "on$enen"e a(out a
"ommunt'* thou#h e$en ths strate#' s o&ten "om%romsed (' the
mar7et?s nherent !o#"+
Ho,e$er* other te"hno!o#"a! &a"tors "ou!d
"ome nto %!a' to ease the mo$ement o& #oods and redu"e ,aste*
a!on# ,th more "on$enent a""ess+ Wh!e !o"a! &a"!tes "ontann# the
most "ommon!' needed #oods m#ht e-st n "!ose %ro-mt' around a
"ommunt'* de!$er' s'stems* su"h as automated pneumatic tube
stru"tures &or medum.s1ed %rodu"ts* "ou!d (e nsta!!ed nto homes n
FG5 Sour"e< /!othn# ?Made n Amer"a?< Shou!d U+S+ Manu&a"ture More
/!othesR 8htt%<MMa("ne,s+#o+"omM9usnessMMadeInAmer"aMmade.amer"a.
FG2 Sour"e< /hna Sad to 9u' 2 M!!on Tons o& U+S+ /otton &or Reser$es
FG4 Re&eren"e< 7hy do competitors open their stores next to one anotherD $
&ac de >aan 8htt%<MMed+ted+"omM!essonsM,h'.do."om%ettors.o%en.ther.".de.haan;
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
the same manner as %!um(n# s (u!t nto a home toda'+
Other $aratons "ou!d n"!ude s'stems o& a""ess (ased on
s%e"&"* re#ona! needs* su"h as the "ase ,th re"reatona! a"t$tes+
A""ess &a"!tes "an (e %!a"ed on !o"aton &or $arous nterests* su"h as
s%orts resour"es* su%%!'n# needed e)u%ment at the tme and %!a"e o&
;?< 2ethod of Access%
Method o& A""ess s (est des"r(ed as a shared K!(rar' s'stem+ Ths
sn?t to m%!' that a!! tems retre$ed must (e Kreturned to these
a""ess &a"!tes* (ut to sho, that the' can be &or "on$enen"e+ It s
"ertan!' a ,e!"omed %ra"t"e sn"e ths %ro"ess o& Ksharn# s a
%o,er&u! ena(!er o& (oth preservation e&&"en"' and %u(!" access
e&&"en"'+ In other ,ords* &e,er #oods are needed to meet the
nterests o& more o& the %o%u!aton throu#h sharn# s'stems* as
"om%ared to the 2<2 un$ersa! %ro%ert' s'stem %ra"t"ed toda'+
A "ommon e-am%!e ,ou!d (e s%e"a!1ed too! needs that are
used re!at$e!' s%arse!' n the %o%u!aton+ Arodu"ton e)u%ment &or a
s%e"&" %ro0e"t and re"reaton e)u%ment that m#ht (e used on!' a
&e, tmes a 'ear* are sm%!e e-am%!es+ On the other sde o& the
s%e"trum* e$er'da' needs* su"h as %ersona! "ommun"aton
te"hno!o#' and the !7e* are made a$a!a(!e n the same ,a'* ,th an
e-%e"taton o& return !7e!' on!' ,hen the tem &a!s* so t "an (e
re"'"!ed or re%ared+ Ths "on"e%t o& mo$n# &rom a property$oriented
to an access$oriented society s a %o,er&u! noton+ Toda'* "ertan
Krenta! ndustres ha$e a!read' seen the &ruts o& ths "on"e%t n the
&orm o& "on$enen"e* e$en n a mar7et s'stem+
A#an* "om%arn# to the "urrent mode!* these &a"!tes e-st
!7e Kstores do toda'* ,th re#ona! demand d'nam"a!!' "a!"u!ated to
ensure su%%!' a(undan"e and a$od shorta#es and o$erruns+ The
d&&eren"e s that nothn# s Kso!d and the ethos s o& an strate#"a!!'
e&&"ent* ntera"t$e s'stem o& sharn#* ,th* a#an* returns o""urrn#
a!so ,hen %rodu"t !&e e-%res or ,hen the #ood s no !on#er needed+
As an asde* there s a "ommon rea"ton to ths dea that
%ro(!ems su"h as Khoardn# or some 7nd o& a(use ,ou!d ensue+ Ths
assum%ton s (as"a!!' su%erm%osn# current monetar'.mar7et
"onse)uen"es on the ne, mode!* erroneous!'+ Aeo%!e n the s"ar"t'
dr$en ,or!d toda' hoard and %rote"t m%u!s$e!' ,hen the' ha$e
somethn# to &ear or ,sh to e-%!ot #oods &or ther mar7et $a!ue+ In
the NLR9E* there s no resa!e $a!ue n the s'stem sn"e there s no
There&ore* the dea o& hoardn# an'thn# ,ou!d (e an
FGD 97e and /ar sharn# s'stems are "ommon e-am%!es+ The KZ%/ar s a
"om%an' that %ro$des !o"a!1ed a""ess to "ar renta!s n a re#ona! "onte-t*
(ased on need+ L7e,se* Euro%e has seen a rse n on.!o"aton street (7e
renta!s as ,e!!* ,th $arous do"7n#Ma""ess statons strate#"a!!' !o"ated
around a "t'+
FG6 A summar1ed e-%!anaton o& ,h' a monetar' e"onom' s stru"tura!!'
n"om%at(!e ,th the !e$e! o& e&&"en"' and #oa!s o& ths ne, mode! s
deta!ed n the essa'< TAost.S"ar"t' Trends* /a%a"t' and E&&"en"'T
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
n"on$enen"e rather than an ad$anta#e+
;;< Trac#ing)Feedac#%
Tra"7n# and Feed(a"7* as m%!ed a(o$e* s an nte#ra! %art o& 7ee%n#
the s'stem* (oth re#ona! and #!o(a!* as &!ud as %oss(!e* ,hen t
"omes to not on!' the meetn# o& re#ona! demand throu#h ade)uate
su%%!'* (ut a!so 7ee%n# %a"e ,th "han#es n e-tra"ton* %rodu"ton*
dstr(uton te"hno!o#' and ne, demands+ Natura!!'* these &a"tors are
h#h!' s'ner#st"+ Sensor s'stems* %ro#rams and other resour"e
tra"7n# te"hno!o#' ha$e (een ra%d!' de$e!o%n# &or $arous ndustra!
Modern "ommer"a! n$entor' s'stems are a!read' )ute
ad$an"ed n the %ro%er "onte-t ,hen t "omes to demand and
dstr(uton+ The ssue s mere!' ts s"a!a(!t' n "ertan "onte-ts to
a""ount &or a!! ne"essar' attr(utes+
In "on"!uson to ths se"ton on ma"roe"onom" &a"tors* the
o$erar"hn# "onsderaton s efficiency on all levels and ths has ts o,n
"ausa! !o#" as noted (e&ore* ,hen "onsdered n the !ar#er e"o!o#"a!
and %h's"a! s'stem nter"onne"t$t' nherent to the natura! ,or!d+
Ths e&&"en"' has to do ,th ,aste redu"ton and meetn# human
needs* a!,a's orented n ts %oss(!tes (' the "urrent state o&
te"hno!o#' $a the s"ent&" method+
2icroeconomic Factors%
G$en these so."a!!ed macroeconomic "on"e%ts* t s m%ortant to
restate that the under!'n# %rn"%!es re#ardn# o%tmum e&&"en"'*
%rodu"t$t' and sustana(!t' are the same throu#hout the ,ho!e
mode!* &rom to% to (ottom+ Ths s* a#an* the train of thought "omn#
&rom the s"ent&" method* "a!"u!ated ,thn the near.em%r"a!
&rame,or7 o& natura! !a, !o#" tse!&+
No,* ,h!e tradtona! mar7et.(ased e"onom" theor' "onsders
Km"roe"onom"s as somethn# o& a stud' o& the (eha$or o&
nd$dua!s* househo!ds and (usnesses ma7n# de"sons around
mar7ets* %r"e determnatons and other &a"tors (ased essenta!!'
around the mo$ement o& mone' n $arous ,a's* the m"roe"onom"
"onte-t o& a NLR9E s )ute d&&erent+
M"roe"onom" "onsderatons n ths ne, mode! re$o!$e
around the a"tua! methods o& #ood des#n and %rodu"ton tse!&+ Ths s
(as"a!!' or#an1ed around t,o &a"tors%
2; Arodu"t Des#n E&&"en"'
4; Means o& Arodu"ton E&&"en"'
87< Product Design Efficienc+ re!ates to the nte#rt' o& des#n tse!&+
FGH The su(0e"t o& seemn#!' un%red"ta(!e* human (eha$ora! a(erraton 8+e+
K"rme; s addressed n the essa' TL&est'!e* Freedom and The Humant'
FGI Re&eren"e< >P invents a central nervous system for earth*
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Toda'* "ost e&&"en"' and the resu!tn# te"hn"a! ne&&"en"es* "ou%!ed
,th the "or%orate %ro"ess o& "om%etton and the $ast unne"essar'
du%!"aton o& s%e"&" #oods* has "reated a "!mate o& unne"essar'
,aste and !mted %rodu"t !&es%ans+ There are a!so* as ,!! (e
ds"ussed n #reater deta! n a moment* &e, (u!t.n re"'"!n#
%roto"o!s* & an'* durn# these %rodu"ton des#ns as ,e!!+ Ths s
m%ortant (e"ause ad$an"ed re"'"!n# ,ou!d assst n more
%reser$aton o& matera!s n the !on# run* addn# to !on#.term
L7e,se* proprietary te"hno!o#es* ser$n# the nterest to
%reser$e mar7et share &or a %art"u!ar (usness* ha$e "reated an
en$ronment ,here there s $er' !tt!e "om%at(!t' o& "om%onent %arts
a"ross mu!t%!e manu&a"turers o& the same (as" %rodu"ts+
There&ore* &$e "om%onent &a"tors are re!e$ant here<
2a; O%tm1ed Dura(!t'
2(; O%tm1ed Ada%ta(!t'
2"; Un$ersa! Standard1aton
2d; Inte#rated Re"'"!n# Aroto"o!s
2e; /ondu"$e &or Automaton
7a< O,timiAed Durailit+%
O%tm1ed Dura(!t' sm%!' means that an' #ood %rodu"ed s done so
,th the ntenton to !ast as !on# as %oss(!e* n ths most strate#"
manner %oss(!e+ The noton o& strategic s m%ortant here &or ths s
not to m%!' that a!!* &or e-am%!e* "om%uter en"!osures shou!d (e
made out o& ttanum* sm%!' (e"ause t s $er' stron#+ On"e a#an*
ths s a synergistic design calculation ,here the noton o& the K(est
matera! &or a #$en %ur%ose s a!,a's re!at$e to %ara!!e! %rodu"ton
needs ,h"h a!so m#ht re)ure that t'%e o& matera!+ There&ore* the
de"son to use a s%e"&" matera! s to (e assessed not on!' &or ts use
&or the s%e"&" #ood* (ut a!so (' "om%arn# t to the needs o& other
%rodu"tons ,h"h re)ure sm!ar e&&"en"'+ Nothn# e-sts outsde ths
s'stem."entr" "om%arson+ A!! ndustra! de"sons are made ,th
"onsderaton o& the !ar#est s'stem de#ree o& re!e$an"e+
Ths nterest to "reate the Kstrate#"a!!' (est s "rt"a! to
human sustana(!t'* es%e"a!!' ,hen t has (een re%orted that ,e are
usn# our natura! resour"es toda' faster than the %!anet s #eneratn#
them* due to su"h ne&&"en"es+
The modern Kthro,a,a' "u!ture s
not on!' dr$en (' a hedonst"* short.s#hted $a!ue s'stem m%osed
(' modern ad$ertsn# and "urrent measures o& K,ea!th and
Ksu""ess* t s a!so needed to mantan the %ad !a(or s'stem* a %$ota!
%art o& 7ee%n# the mar7et e"onom' #on#+
FGF Sour"e< 'eport3 onsumption of Earth0s resources unsustainable
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
7< O,timiAed Ada,tailit+%
O%tm1ed Ada%ta(!t' s rea!!' a su(."om%onent o& KO%tm1ed
E&&"en"' n the "onte-t o& des#n en#neern#+ Toda'* &rom
automo(!es to "e!! %hones* e&&"en"' n"reasn# te"hno!o#"a!
ad$an"ements "ontnue ra%d!'+ :et* e$en ,th ths ra%d rate o&
"han#e* other !ar#er order attr(utes reman the same &or re!at$e!'
!on#er %erods o& tme* as %er hstor"a! trends+ In other ,ords*
d&&erent %rodu"ton "om%onents ha$e d&&erent rates o& "han#e and
ths means a s'stem o& Kada%ta(!t' and a"t$e Ku%datn# "an (e
&oreshado,ed throu#h trend ana!'ss* ,th the resu!tn# e-%e"tatons
built into an e-stn# des#n to the (est de#ree %oss(!e+
An e-am%!e ,ou!d (e the rate o& "han#e o& a "om%uter
s'stem?s "h% %ro"essor 8/AU;+ The ad$an"ement o& "h% %o,er has
(een a""e!eratn# ra%d!' due to Moore?s !a,+ As a resu!t* man'
so&t,are a%%!"atons* as the' m%ro$e to em(ra"e these ne, s%eeds
ena(!ed* ,!! not ,or7 on "om%uter s'stem ,th o!der "h%s+ Ths
t'%"a!!' &or"es the user to (u' a ne, "om%uter s'stem* e$en thou#h
the on!' true ssue s the /AU* not the ,ho!e s'stem+ Wh!e other
&a"tors "an "ome nto %!a' su"h as s'stem "om%at(!t' ,th the ne,
"h%* se!dom do %eo%!e u%date these "h%s a!one* e$en thou#h t s
Ths 7nd o& ada%ta(!t' s "rt"a! toda' on a!! !e$e!s* ,h"h
a!!udes to the ne-t e"onom" "om%onent* Kun$ersa! standard1aton+
7c< &ni/ersal StandardiAation%
Un$ersa! Standard1aton s a set o& o%tm1ed %roto"o!s* #enerated
&rom mass ndustra! &eed(a"7 n a "o!!a(orat$e ,a' that ,or7s to
"reate un&orm* un$ersa! "om%at(!t' o& a!! "om%onents asso"ated to
a #$en #ood #enre+ Toda'* ths !a"7 o& standard1aton s a sour"e o&
not on!' #reat ,aste* (ut #reat nsta(!t' n the &un"tonn# o&
"ommon #oods* sn"e the "om%ett$e ethos and %ro%retar' ntent
restr"ts e&&"en"' n a %o,er&u! ,a'+
Ths %ra"t"e has (een 0ust&ed under the #use o& K%ro#ress
n des#n ,th the %remse that "om%etn# "or%oratons* n"ent$1ed
(' &nan"a! #an* ,!! Koutdo ea"h other and hen"e (e more
%rodu"t$e ,th ad$an"ement+ Wh!e there m#ht (e some truth to ths*
the retardaton* ,aste and nsta(!t' "aused does not 0ust&' the
%ra"t"e+ Furthermore* t has* and ,!! a!,a's (e* the sharn# o&
n&ormaton n the !on# run that has !ed to ad$an"ement* (oth %ersona!
and so"eta!+
/reatn# a resear"h data(ase o& 7no,n "om%onent %arts ('
ndustr'* a"t$e!' shared a"ross the ,or!d as a %ont o& des#n
re&eren"e and &eed(a"7 n the "reaton o& "ommon %arts and #oods* s
not a d&&"u!t tas7 and "ertan!' ,ou!d not nh(t te"hno!o#"a!
ad$an"ement or n#enut'+ I& an'thn#* t ,ou!d %resent more d$erse
n&ormaton and %ers%e"t$es and hen"e (etter de"sons "ou!d (e
made &aster+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
7d< $ntegrated Rec+cling Protocols%
Ths sm%!' means that the "urrent state o& "om%onent and matera!
reuse s o%tm1ed dre"t!' and strate#"a!!' "onsdered n the $er'
des#n o& the %rodu"t tse!&+ A#an* ths does not ha%%en n the modern
da'* n an' e&&"ent ,a'+ A sur$e' o& !and&!!s n the ,or!d &nds man'
use&u! "om%onent %arts that ha$e (een ds"arded n asso"aton ,th
!ar#er s'stems 8#oods;+ Sn"e a norma! "or%oraton ,ho ma7es su"h
tems rare!' en"oura#es them to (e returned &or dre"t re%ro"essn#*
ths s the ne$ta(!e out"ome+
Furthermore* ,h!e tradtona! %!ast"* #!ass* %a%er and other
re"'"!n# s'stems are n %!a"e ,th moderate e&&"en"'* ths %ro"ess s
rea!!' "rude and ne&&e"t$e n "om%arson to dre"t* ndustr'."onne"ted
re#eneraton+ In a NLR9E* o%tm1ed re"'"!n# "onsderatons to reuse
matera!s* %re&ormed or not* ,ou!d (e standard+ In the end* K!and&!!s
,ou!d not e-st n ths a%%roa"h* as there s a ,a' to reuse $rtua!!'
everything ,e %rodu"e* & ,e had the nterest to do so+
7e< Conduci/e for Automation%
Ths means that a #$en #ood des#n a""ounts &or the state o& !a(or
automaton* see7n# to remo$e human n$o!$ement ,hene$er %oss(!e
(' more e&&"ent* o&ten !ess "om%!e- des#n+ In other ,ords* %art o&
the e&&"en"' e)uaton s to ma7e the %rodu"ton eas' to %rodu"e ('
automated means* ta7n# nto a""ount the "urrent state o& automaton
te"hn)ues+ We see7 to sm%!&' the ,a' matera!s and %rodu"ton
means are used so that the ma-mum num(er o& #oods "an (e
%rodu"ed ,th the !east $araton o& matera!s and %rodu"ton
e)u%ment+ More on ths n the ne-t se"ton+
8?< 2eans of Production Efficienc+%
Means o& Arodu"ton E&&"en"' as an e"onom" "om%onent re&er to the
a"tua! too!s and methods used n ndustra! %rodu"ton tse!&+ Wh!e ths
"ou!d a!so (e "onsdered a ma"roe"onom" &a"tor n man' ,a's* t s
"onsdered m"roe"onom" (ased on the &a"t that t re!ates to dre"t*
s%e"&" %rodu"ton as ,e!!* a!on# ,th human !a(or ro!es+
The means o& %rodu"ton o& an'thn# s dre"t!' re!ated to the
state o& te"hno!o#'+ From the Neo!th" Re$o!uton* ,th the ad$ent o&
stone too!s* to the (rth o& K"'(ernaton toda' and Kthn7n#
ma"hnes that "an assess* e-e"ute and %ro(!em so!$e* the "ore
&oundaton o& a!! K!a(or has (een an en#a#ement ,th a$a!a(!e*
assstn# te"hno!o#"a! too!s+
The trend has (een an easn# o& !a(or o$era!!* ,th a #enera!
redu"ton o& the human ,or7&or"e n ea"h se"tor as re!ated to "a%a"t'+
T,o hundred 'ears a#o* the a#r"u!tura! ndustr' em%!o'ed most o& the
%eo%!e n the Unted States+ Toda'* on!' a $er' sma!! &ra"ton s
,or7n# n a#r"u!ture due to ma"hne a%%!"aton and automaton+ Ths
%henomenon and trend o& Kme"han1aton s m%ortant (e"ause toda'
t s "ha!!en#n# the $er' (ass o& the !a(or &or n"ome s'stem* a!on#
,th &oreshado,n# %rodu"t$t' mo$n# to,ards a %ont o& ,hat "ou!d
(e termed K%ost.s"ar"t'+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Toda'* ,e are more %rodu"t$e ,th !ess %eo%!e n an' #$en
se"tor* re!at$e to tme and "a%a"t'* due to the a%%!"aton o& ma"hne
te"hno!o#'+ In man' ,a's* ths rea!t' mar7s one o& the most
s#n&"ant sh&ts n our so"a! e$o!uton* "ha!!en#n# the $er' &a(r" o&
our "urrent so"a! s'stem* re$ea!n# mmense %oss(!tes &or the
&uture as &ar as the "reaton o& a strategic abundance+
So* n a NLR9E* ths a(!t' s maximi%ed* redu"n# the human
,or7 &or"e as ,e 7no, t (' a !(era! a%%!"aton and e-%anson o&
automaton* n"reasn# %rodu"t$t' $ast!'+ Human !a(or n$o!$ement*
,h!e st!! ne"essar' e$en n more ad$an"ed %hases* s redu"ed to
(road o$ers#ht o& these automated s'stems as the' are esta(!shed+
Fa"tores are a!so no !on#er (ound (' tradtona! restr"tons due to an
e#ht hour !on#* &$e da' a ,ee7 s"hedu!e sn"e there s no reason*
#$en the mass$e redu"ton o& human "ontr(uton %oss(!e+ These
s'stems "ou!d no, &un"ton 46 hours a da'* se$en da's a ,ee7* &
As an asde* the )ueston s o&ten %osed< KHo, man' %eo%!e
are needed to o$ersee &!ud o%eratons and hand!e %ro(!em
reso!utonR Ths 7nd o& )ueston "an (e ans,ered (' assessn#
"urrent statst"a! trends* a$era#n# them and then e-tra%o!atn# them
Ho,e$er* there s a "ommon "on&uson (et,een K,or7 n the
sense o& "ommon drud#er' (' ,h"h the monetar' n"ent$e s a
"ommon re,ard* and the K,or7 ,h"h a!! humans* due to %ure
"reat$e nterest and "ontr(ut$e ntent* %er&orm as ,e!!+ A dee% $a!ue
sh&t assumed (' TZM s that %ro#ress n the "!ass" dstn"ton o&
K,or7 ,!! mor%h nto a t'%e o& so"a! "ontr(uton that s a"tua!!' o&
en0o'ment and nterest to %eo%!e+ Toda'* a!! a"ross the ,or!d* the
human nterest to e-%!ore* "reate and m%ro$e e-sts* re#ard!ess o&
the monetar' m%oston+
Ho,e$er* due the "onstant %ressure &or n"ome n the "urrent
mode!* near!' a!! su"h a"ts assume the needed "onte-t o& a %ursut o&
mone' &or sur$$a!+ It "ou!d (e ar#ued that ths has %o!!uted the more
natura! human n"ent$e s'stem to e-%!ore* !earn and "reate* ,thout
su"h a %ressure+
That noted* the noton o& K,or7 then n the "onte-t o&
o$erseen# o%eratons* re%arn# s'stems and other mantenan"e
,ou!d !7e!' not (e redu"ed to the t'%e o& drud#er' ,e so o&ten
"onsdered the K,or7 rea!t' n the modern da'+ Rather* the a"t s
res%e"ted as a &orm o& %ersona! "ontr(uton &or %ersona! and so"a!
#an* sn"e e$er' a"t en#a#ed n ths t'%e o& s'stem has a dre"t
%ersona! (ene&t to the %eo%!e ,or7n# to 7ee% t o%eratn# smooth!'+
A#an* ths n"ent$e s a!most non.e-stent n the "urrent
mode sn"e the "a%ta!st s'stem s des#ned &or a!! the "ore %ro&t
(ene&ts to #o to the owners o& the (usnesses* ,th the &ruts o&
%rodu"ton o&ten ne$er re!atn# to the ,or7er n a dre"t sense* a(sent
mere ,a#e re,ards+ Toda'* em%!o'eeMo,ner re!atons e-st as
somethn# o& a K"!ass ,ar* ,th anmost' (et,een the #rou%s a
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
"ommon o""urren"e+
In ths ne, a%%roa"h* a!! a"ts o& "ontr(uton
(ene&t the %erson %er&ormn# the a"t* and the "ommunt' at !ar#e+
The' are "onne"ted dre"t!'+
That (en# understood* on!' a $er' sma!! &ra"ton o& the
%o%u!aton ,ou!d (e Kre)ured* as t ,ere* to en#a#e n mantann#
the "ore s'stems* !7e!' a(out H> o& the %o%u!aton ,hen ndustra!
methods rea"h modern %oss(!tes+ Ths H> "ou!d then (e (ro7en.u%
a"ross the %o%u!aton+ So* & a #$en %o%u!aton o& a "t' re#on s
H5*555 %eo%!e* the ndustra! s'stem ,ou!d re)ure 4H55 %eo%!e*
assumn# a tradtona! ,or7 ,ee7 o& e#ht hours a da' &or &$e da's %er
,ee7+ Ths trans!ates nto 255*555 hours (en# ,or7ed a ,ee7+ In
terms o& the tota! %o%u!aton ths ,or7 res%ons(!t' amounts to a
mutua! o(!#aton o& ea"h %erson K,or7n# on!' t,o hours a ,ee7+
/!ear!'* ths s a h'%othet"a! as n su"h an ad$an"ed s'stem* a
s'stem that ser$es e$er'one* human $a!ues ,ou!d "han#e #reat!' and
man' ,ou!d !7e!' (e honored to ta7e on more hours* redu"n# the
o(!#aton o& others+ On"e a#an* ,e are ta!7n# a(out (are(ones
mantenan"e here* as o%%osed to an mmers$e T0o(T as s "urrent!'
understood and re)ured+ In rea!t'* a &ree so"et' o& ths nature "ou!d
"reate an eru%ton o& "reat$e ad$an"ement and %ro#ress ne$er (e&ore
seen* ,th %eo%!e ,or7n# to "ontr(ute n $ast* ro(ust ,a's+ Wh'R .
9e"ause* a#an* su"h nd$dua!s ,ou!d a!so (e he!%n# themse!$es
dre"t!' n the %ro"ess+ An' n$enton* or (rea7throu#h n e&&"en"'
ser$es the entre "ommunt' n ths mode!+ Se!&.nterest (e"omes
so"a! nterest+
So* to "on"!ude ths %ont* ths ne, means o& %rodu"ton s
a(out &o"usn# "ore !a(or on true te"hn"a! %rodu"t$t' that has a
dre"t so"a!M%ersona! return* ,th the most !(era! &o"us on automaton
and su"h e&&"en"' n"reasn# te"hno!o#' and automaton as mu"h as
As ,th an'thn# o& ths (re$t'* ,e ha$e an ne$ta(!e n"om%!eteness+
Other &a"tors* (oth ma"ro and m"ro* "ou!d (e e-%ressed n &urther
deta!+ Ho,e$er* & one &o!!o,s ths (as" tran o& thou#ht* a tran o&
thou#ht #o$erned (' s"ent&" !o#" to ensure o%tm1ed physical
efficiency and sustainability, these other %arameters ne$ta(!' ma7e
themse!$es 7no,n+
In short* the out"ome o& ths NLR9E s'stem re)ures the same
t'%e o& res%e"t&u! en#a#ement as ,th an' other natura! s'stem+ 3ust
as our understandn# o& the &orest and ts re#eneraton and
(od$erst' has !ed a (as" %h!oso%h' to en#a#e ths e"os'stem ,th
res%e"t to ts $u!nera(!tes to ensure ts !on#.term nte#rt'* the same
!o#" a%%!es to the NLR9E as a ,ho!e+
Ths so"a! mode! s an attem%t to mirror the natura! ,or!d n
the most dre"t ,a' %oss(!e and "ou!d (e "onsdered a Knatura!
s'stem 0ust !7e an'thn# e!se ,e &nd n nature* su"h as an
FGG See the essa' Structural lassism, the State and 7ar*
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
e"os'stem+ Wou!d t e$er (e %er&e"tR No+ 9ut the !o#"a! &oundaton s
there &or "onstant m%ro$ement* &ar (e'ond the state o& a&&ars toda'+
The &o!!o,n# summar' tree* as a #enera! out!ne &or ths essa'* has
(een #enerated &or re$e,<
NLR9E< An E"onom" Mode! O$er$e,<
.S'stem 8So"a!; Goa!s
82; O%tm1ed Industra! E&&"en"'U A"t$e Aursut o& KAost.
S"ar"t' A(undan"e+
84; Mantan O%tm1ed E"o!o#"a!M/u!tura! 9a!an"e @
8D; De!(erate L(eraton o& Humant' &rom
MonotonousMDan#erous La(or+
86; Fa"!tate A"t$e S'stem Ada%taton to Emer#n# Vara(!es+
.Ma"roe"onom" /om%onents
8a; G!o(a! Resour"e Mana#ement
8(; G!o(a! Demand Assessment
./reatn# a,areness o& ne, te"hn"a! %oss(!tes
.Au(!" "onsensus to de"de ,hat s o& nterest to
8"; G!o(a! Arodu"ton and Dstr(uton Aroto"o!s
.G!o(a! Arodu"ton
.Strate#" Lo"a!1aton
.G!o(a! Dstr(uton
.Fa"!t' Lo"aton
.Method o& A""ess
.Tra"7n# @ Feed(a"7
.M"roe"onom" /om%onents
8a; S%e"&" Good E&&"en"'
.O%tm1ed dura(!t'
.O%tm1ed ada%ta(!t'
.Un$ersa! standard1aton
.Inte#rated Re"'"!n# Aroto"o!s
./ondu"$e &or Automaton
8(; Means o& Arodu"ton E&&"en"'
.A%%!ed Me"han1aton
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
.T-E $"D&STR$A( !O'ER"2E"T-
Modern %o!t"s s (usness %o!t"s+++Ths s true (oth o& &ore#n and domest"
%o!"'+ Le#s!aton* %o!"e sur$e!!an"e* the admnstraton o& 0ust"e* the m!tar'
and d%!omat" ser$"e* a!! are "he&!' "on"erned ,th (usness re!atons*
%e"unar' nterests* and the' ha$e !tt!e more than an n"denta! (earn# on
other human nterests+
.Thorsten Ve(!en
Political /s0 Technical !o/ernance
The nature and un&o!dn# o& the %o!t"a!!' dr$en mode! o&
re%resentat$e demo"ra"'* !e#s!aton "reaton and the san"toned
en&or"ement o& !a,* are a!! (orne out o& natura! tenden"es nherent to
the a"t o& "ommer"e and trade* o%eratn# ,thn a s"ar"t'.dr$en
so"a! order+
The de$e!o%ment o& ths "ommer"a! re#u!aton and the
ratona!e (ehnd the $er' e-sten"e o& Kstate #o$ernan"e s )ute eas'
to tra"e hstor"a!!'+ A&ter the Neo!th" re$o!uton* humant'?s on"e
nomad" %atterns sh&ted to,ard a ne, %ro%enst' to &arm* sett!e and
"reate to,ns+ S%e"a!1aton &!ourshed and trade ,as hen"e ne$ta(!e+
Ho,e$er* #$en the %oss(!t' &or m(a!an"e and ds%ute* as re#ona!
%o%u!atons #re, and re#ona! resour"es o&ten (e"ame more s"ar"e* a
se"urt' and re#u!ator' %ra"t"e man&ested to %rote"t a "ommunt'?s
!and* %ro%ert'* trade nte#rt' and the !7e+
The use o& an Karm'* ,h"h s san"toned to %rote"t (' %u(!"
de"ree* (e"ame standard1ed* a!on# ,th an ad0a"ent !e#a! or
re#u!ator' authort' "om%!e-* san"toned to essenta!!' #$e %o,er to a
set #rou% o& o&&"a!s ,h"h &a"!tate su"h %o!"' "reaton* en&or"ement*
tra!s* %unshment %ra"t"es and the !7e+
Ths s mentoned here as there are man' s"hoo!s o& e"onom"
thou#ht n the ear!' 42
"entur' that ta!7 a(out redu"n# or e$en
remo$n# the state a%%aratus entre!'* &a!se!' assumn# the state tse!&
s a se%arate entt' and the startn# %ont o& (!ame &or "urrent so"eta!
,oes or e"onom" ne&&"en"es+ :et* on the other sde o& the de(ate
s%e"trum s a #enera! "r' &or n"reased state re#u!aton o& the mar7et
to ensure more !mts on (usness man%u!aton and hen"e ,or7 to
a$od ,hat has (een o&ten %er"e$ed as K"ron' "a%ta!sm
+ The truth
o& the matter s that ths %o!ar1n#* &a!se dua!t' (et,een the Kstate
and the Kmar7et s (!nd to the true root "ause o& ,hat s a"tua!!'
"ausn# %ro(!ems* not rea!1n# that the d'ad o& state and mar7et
FGE The Theor' o& 9usness Enter%rse* Thorsten Ve(!en* %+4IE
FE5 K/ron' /a%ta!sm s de&ned as TA des"r%ton o& "a%ta!st so"et' as (en#
(ased on the "!ose re!atonsh%s (et,een (usnessmen and the state+
Instead o& su""ess (en# determned (' a &ree mar7et and the ru!e o& !a,*
the su""ess o& a (usness s de%endent on the &a$ortsm that s sho,n to t
(' the ru!n# #o$ernment n the &orm o& ta- (rea7s* #o$ernment #rants and
other n"ent$es+T
X htt%<MM,,,+n$esto%eda+"omMtermsM"M"ron'"a%ta!sm+as% Y It s
m%ortant to note that TZM does not (e!e$e n ths dstn"ton as t &a!se!'
assumes su"h "o!!uson s a$oda(!e+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
s'ner#' s* n rea!t'* a sn#!e %o,er s'stem n %!a'* at on"e+
Irres%e"t$e o& the mert o& an' s%e"&" ar#ument as to the
&a$orn# o& the K&ree mar7et $s+ the &a$orn# o& Kstate re#u!aton* a!!
(usness dea!n#s ha$e hstor"a!!' re)ured some !e$e! o& !e#a!
medaton+ Ths s (e"ause a!! transa"tons are a &orm o& "om%etton
and a!! "om%etton n$tes the %oss(!t' o& &raud or a(use* #$en the
natura! %ressure o& e-terna! "r"umstan"es and the nature o& sur$$a!
tse!&* ,thn the (ounds o& the s"ar"t'.(ased mar7et+ The &a"t s* an'
&orm o& "ommer"e that e-sts n ths s"ar"t'.ren&or"ed ,or!d$e,* ,!!
man&est so."a!!ed K"orru%t or dshonest (eha$or "onstant!'+ It s
&rm!' n"ent$1ed+ The de#ree o& "orru%ton tse!& e$en (e"omes a
matter o& o%non* n &a"t+ The !ne (et,een a""e%ted (usness a"umen
and (!atant dshonest %ersuason s not an eas' dstn"ton to ma7e
toda' n the (road $e,+
There&ore* some t'%e o& o$errdn# de"son.ma7n# %o,er has
a!,a's (een #ranted to some #rou% (od' to medate "on&!"ts and ths
s the seed o& #o$ernmenta! %o,er* as ,e 7no, t+ :et* the %un"h !ne
o& the ,ho!e "r"umstan"e s that n a ,or!d ,here e$er'thn# s
%o,ered (' mone'U n a ,or!d ,here* n truth* e$er'thn# s &or sa!e*
the ra%d K"orru%ton o& an' su"h re#u!aton or %o,er esta(!shment s
a!so essenta!!' #uaranteed o$er tme* to one de#ree or another+
Aut another ,a'* there ,!! a!,a's (e a need &or !e#a!
re#u!aton o& transa"tons n the mar7et (' some %u(!"!' san"toned
nsttuton* and the mar7et eth" ,!! a!,a's "orru%t su"h re#u!aton to
some e-tent ,th the n&!uen"e o& mone' (e"ause mone' and (usness
are a"tua!!' ,hat ma7e the ,or!d mo$e+ Ths s sm%!' ,hat s to (e
e-%e"ted ,hen the entre %s'"ho!o#"a! &oundaton o& e-sten"e s
(ased on sur$$a! throu#h a"ts o& "om%ett$e se!&.nterest* orented ('
the un$ersa! assum%ton o& em%r"a! s"ar"t'* ,th no rea! stru"tura!
sa&e#uards #$en to mem(ers o& so"et' &or some reassuran"e n
sur$$a!+ To thn7 an' re#u!ator' a#en"' ,ou!d not (e sus"e%t(!e to
su"h "orru%tonU to thn7 state %o!"' and hen"e "oer"on "ou!d not (e
?%ur"hased? !7e an' other "ommodt' s to den' the (as" %h!oso%h"a!
&oundaton nherent to the mar7et?s noton o& K&reedom tse!&+
There&ore* "om%!ann# a(out state re#u!aton or !a"7 thereo& s
u!tmate!' a moot ssue n the (road s"heme o& !on#.term so"eta!
"han#e+ True so"a! "han#e ,!! not "ome a(out (' the !!us$e
%re&eren"e o& one o& these o$er the other+ It ,!! on!' "ome a(out ('
nsta!!n# a "om%!ete!' d&&erent s'stem ,h"h e!mnates (oth the
mar7et and the state as ,e 7no, t* e!e$atn# the entre &rame,or7
FE2 /or%orate Lo(('n#* ,h"h s !e#a! a"ross the ,or!d* s a %er&e"t e-am%!e+
Ths s !e#a! (e"ause "ommer"a! nsttutons are the (a"7(one o& e"onom"
de$e!o%ment+ Go$ernment #ans n"ome &rom ta-aton and the !e$e! o& #an
"omn# &rom that ta-aton s dre"t!' ted to the (usnesses that hre %eo%!e
and se!! #oods+ There&ore* t s on!' natura! to assume the' shou!d ha$e
n%ut n %o!t"a! de"sons* at !east n theor'+ :et* the mora! ha1ard s
o($ous sn"e ther n%ut ,!! ne$ta(!' ,or7 to ser$e ther (usness
nterests+ /$! #o$ernment s* n truth* (usness #o$ernment+
Re&< htt%<MM,,,+o%ense"rets+or#M!o(('M
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
out o& the narro,* "om%ett$e &o"us o& mana#n# s"ar"t' n the
"urrent Kearn a !$n# or su&&er s'stem* to a &o"us on &a"!tatn# a
sustana(!e a(undan"e and the meetn# o& human needs dre"t!'+
So* the &o!!o,n# e"onom" and mana#ement n&ormaton
%resents a $ast de%arture &rom the "urrent* da'.to.da' un&o!dn# o&
!&e as ,e 7no, t ,hen t "omes to "ommer"e and so"a! mana#ement+
What ths mode! does s !tera!!' remo$e the ed&"e o& re%resentat$e
#o$ernment and re%!a"e t ,th a 7nd o& %art"%ator' demo"ra"'+ Ths
%art"%aton s medated throu#h d#ta! "ommun"aton methods that
"an (rn# the nterests o& the ,ho!e "ommunt' nto "a!"u!aton*
,hether dea!n# ,th nterests o& the so."a!!ed K%u(!" se"tor or the
K%r$ate se"tor+ In a"tua!t'* there s no d&&eren"e n the %ro"ess o&
%art"%aton and hen"e there ,ou!d no !on#er (e a %u(!" or %r$ate
The m%ortan"e o& ths 7nd o& mana#ement resdes n se$era!
areas+ For one t assures that human so"a! o%eraton s n a""ord ,th
(as" sustana(!t' %rn"%!es needed to o%erate ,th #eneratona!
!on#e$t'* ,h!st a!so mantann# a $#!ant &o"us on %rodu"n# the
most strate#"a!!' ne"essar' #oods at the %ea7 te"hn"a! "a%a"t'
7no,n at the tme o& %rodu"ton+ Su"h mana#ement s a!so a(out
remo$n# the $ast n"ent$e and re)urement &or "orru%ton and
"orru%t (eha$ors* a(use and (usnessM#o$ernment "o!!uson ,h"h has
%!a#ued "$!1aton sn"e ant)ut'+ The a"t$e %ursut o& a(undan"e
throu#h these sustana(!e means ensures not on!' sur$$a! and
e&&"en"'* (ut sta(!t'* ease and a h#her state o& %u(!" hea!th on a
$ast s"a!e+
Economic 2odel Defined
An e"onom" mode! s a theoret"a! "onstru"t re%resentn# "om%onent
%ro"esses (' a set o& $ara(!es or &un"tons* des"r(n# the !o#"a!
re!atonsh%s (et,een them+ I& one has studed tradtona! or mar7et.
(ased e"onom" mode!n#* a #reat dea! o& tme s o&ten s%ent on thn#s
su"h as %r"e trends* (eha$ora! %atterns* n&!aton* the !a(or mar7et*
"urren"' &!u"tuatons* and so &orth+
Rare!'* & e$er* s an'thn# sad a(out %u(!" or e"o!o#"a!
hea!th+ Wh'R . 9e"ause the mar7et s !&e.(!nd and de"ou%!ed &rom
the a"tua! s"en"e o& !&e su%%ort and sustana(!t'+ It s a %ro-'
s'stem that s (ased on!' around the a"t o& e-"han#e and e-"han#e
There&ore* the (est ,a' to thn7 a(out a NLR9E s not n the
tradtona! terms o& an' &orm o& mar7et.orented e"onom" mode!
"ommon toda'+ Rather* ths mode! "an (est (e thou#ht a(out as an
advanced production, distribution and management system* ,h"h s
demo"rat"a!!' en#a#ed (' the %u(!"* throu#h a 7nd o& K%art"%ator'
Ths t'%e o& a%%roa"h &a"!tates n%ut %ro"esses* su"h as
des#n %ro%osa!s and demand assessment* ,h!e a!so &!tern# a!!
a"tons throu#h ,hat ,e "ou!d "a!! sustainability and efficiency
%roto"o!s+ These %roto"o!s are the (as" ru!es o& ndustra! a"ton set ('
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
natura! !a,* not human o%non+ As noted* nether o& these t,o
nterests s stru"tura!!' nherent n the "a%ta!st mode!+
!oals@ 2+ths . O/er/iew
A!! e"onom" s'stems ha$e stru"tura! #oa!s and o&ten tmes these #oa!s
are not e-a"t!' a%%arent n the theores set &or,ard n %rn"%!e+ The
mar7et s'stem and a NLR9E ha$e $er' d&&erent stru"tura! #oa!s+
.Mar7et "a%ta!sm?s stru"tura! #oa! s #ro,th and mantann# rates o&
"onsum%ton h#h enou#h to 7ee% enou#h %eo%!e em%!o'ed at an'
#$en tme+ L7e,se* em%!o'ment tse!& re)ures a "u!ture o& rea! or
%er"e$ed ne&&"en"' and that o&ten means the %reser$aton o&
s"ar"t' n one &orm or another+
.A NLR9E?s #oa! s to o%tm1e te"hn"a! e&&"en"' and "reate the
h#hest !e$e! o& a(undan"e %oss(!e* ,thn the (ounds o& Earth!'
sustana(!t'* see7n# to meet human needs dre"t!'+
That noted* there are a num(er o& assum%tons* m'ths and "on&usons
that ha$e arsen o$er tme that are ,orth addressn# u%&ront+ The &rst
s the dea that ths mode! s K"entra!!' %!anned+ What ths assumes*
(ased on hstor"a! %re"edent* s that an e!te #rou% o& %eo%!e ,!!
ma7e the e"onom" de"sons &or the so"et'+
A NLR9E s not "entra!!' %!anned+ It s a /o!!a(orat$e Des#n
S'stem 8/DS;+ It s (ased entre!' u%on %u(!" ntera"ton* &a"!tated
(' %ro#rammed* o%en.a""ess s'stems* that ena(!e a "onstant*
d'nam" &eed(a"7 e-"han#e that "an !tera!!' a!!o, &or the n%ut o& the
%u(!" on an' #$en ndustra! matter* ,hether %ersona! or so"a!+
G$en ths* another out"r' s K(ut ,ho %ro#rams the s'stemR*
,h"h on"e a#an assumes that an e!tst nterest "ou!d e-st (ehnd
the medatn# so&t,are %ro#rams themse!$es 8as ,!! (e e-%anded
u%on more so n ths essa';+ The ans,er* as odd as t ma' sound* s
e$er'one and no one+ The tan#(!e ru!es o& the !a,s o& nature* as the'
a%%!' to en$ronmenta! sustana(!t' and en#neern# e&&"en"'* are an
o(0e"t$e &rame o& re&eren"e+ The nuan"es ma' "han#e to some de#ree
o$er tme* (ut the #enera! %rn"%!es o& e&&"en"' and sustana(!t'
reman* as the' ha$e (een dedu"ed (' (as" %h's"s* a!on# ,th
se$era! thousand 'ears o& re"orded hstor' (' ,h"h ,e ha$e (een
a(!e to re"o#n1e (as"* 'et "rt"a! %atterns n nature+
Moreo$er* the a"tua! %ro#rammn# ut!1ed (' ths ntera"t$e
s'stem ,ou!d (e a$a!a(!e n an o%en sour"e %!at&orm &or %u(!" n%ut
and re$e,+ In &a"t* the s'stem s %red"ated entre!' u%on the
nte!!#en"e o& the K#rou% mnd and the o%en sour"eMo%en a""ess
sharn# $rtue ,!! he!% (rn# a!! $a(!e nterests to the sur&a"e &or
%u(!" "onsderaton* n an a(so!ute!' trans%arent manner+
Another "on&uson surrounds a "on"e%t that has* to man'*
(e"ome* the de&nn# d&&eren"e (et,een "a%ta!sm and most a!! other
hstor"a!!' %ro%osed so"a! mode!s+ That has to do ,th ,hether the
Kmeans o& %rodu"ton s %r$ate!' o,ned or not+ In short* the means
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
o& %rodu"ton re&ers to the non.human assets that "reate #oods* su"h
as ma"hner'* too!s* &a"tores* o&&"es and the !7e+ In "a%ta!sm* the
capitalist o,ns the means o& %rodu"ton* (' hstor"a! de&nton+
There has (een an on#on# ar#ument &or a "entur' that an'
s'stem that does not ha$e ts means o& %rodu"ton o,ned as a &orm o&
%r$ate %ro%ert'* usn# "urren"' as the n&ormaton me"hansm* s not
#on# to (e as e"onom"a!!' e&&"ent as one that does+ Ths* as the
ar#ument #oes* s (e"ause o& the use o& the %r"e me"hansm+
Ar"e* to ts "redt* has the a(!t' to "reate e-"han#e $a!ue
amon#st $rtua!!' an' set o& #oods due to ts d$s(!t'+ Ths "reates a
&eed(a"7 me"hansm that "onne"ts the entre mar7et s'stem n a
"ertan* narro, ,a'+ Ar"e* %ro%ert' and mone' ,or7 to#ether to
trans!ate su(0e"t$e demand %re&eren"es nto sem.o(0e"t$e e-"han#e
$a!ues+ The noton o& Ksem s em%!o'ed here (e"ause t s a "u!tura!!'
re!at$e measure on!'* a(sent a!most e$er' &a"tor that #$es true
te"hn"a! )ua!t' to a #$en matera!* #ood or %ro"ess+
Ar#ua(!'* the on!' tan#(!e te"hn"a! data %r"e that em(odes*
"rude!'* re!ates to a resour"e?s ?s"ar"t'? and the ?!a(or
ener#'M"om%!e-t'? %ut nto the "reaton o& a #$en #ood+ Cee% ths n
mnd* as these t,o $a!ue $ara(!es ,!! a!so (e addressed a#an !ater n
ths essa' ,th res%e"t to non.%r"e orented "a!"u!aton+
That a!! noted* the reasona(!e )ueston (e"omes< s t %oss(!e
to "reate a s'stem that "an more e&&"ent!' &a"!tate &eed(a"7 ,th
res%e"t to "onsumer %re&eren"e* demand* !a(or $a!ue and resour"e or
"om%onent s"ar"t'* ,thout the %r"e s'stem* su(0e"t$e %ro%ert'
$a!ues or mar7et e-"han#eR The ans,er s 'es+ The modern so!uton s
to "om%!ete!' e!mnate e-"han#e and "reate a dre"t "ontro! and
&eed(a"7 !n7 (et,een the "onsumer and the means o& %rodu"ton
tse!&+ The "onsumer a"tua!!' (e"omes %art o& the means o& %rodu"ton
and the ndustra! "om%!e- as a ,ho!e (e"omes a too! that s a""essed
(' the %u(!"* at ,!!* to #enerate #oods+
To !!ustrate ths* most toda' !7e!' o,n a sm%!e %a%er %rnter
"onne"ted to a home "om%uter+ When a &!e s sent to %rnt &rom the
"om%uter* the user s n "ontro! o& a mnature $erson o& a means o&
%rodu"ton+ L7e,se* n some "tes toda'* there are no, DD %rntn#
!a(s* ,here %eo%!e n the "ommunt' "an send ther DD des#n and use
these ma"hnes to %rnt ,hat the' need n %h's"a! &orm+ The mode!
(en# %resented here s a sm!ar dea+ The ne-t ste% n ths s"a!n#
%ro"ess s the "reaton o& a strate#"a!!' automated ndustra! "om%!e-*
!o"a!1ed as mu"h as %oss(!e* ,h"h s des#ned to %rodu"e* throu#h
automated means* the a$era#e o& e$er'thn# an' #$en re#on has
&ound demand &or+ As ,!! (e des"r(ed* ths s $er' &eas(!e #$en the
"urrent state o& te"hno!o#' and the e%hemera!1aton trends at hand+
Ima#ne* &or e-am%!e* a "!othn# store e-"e%t that s not
or#an1ed !7e a TstoreT as s "urrent!' understood+ It s a mu!t.
%ur%ose te-t!e.%rntn# house+ :ou &nd the des#n 'ou are nterested
FE4 Ths o(0e"ton s "ommon to the Austran s"hoo! o& e"onom"s+ Re&eren"e<
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
n on!ne* a!on# ,th the matera!s 'ou %re&er and other
"ustom1atons* and 'ou %rnt that art"!e o& "!othn# Kon.demand at
that &a"!t'+ /onsder &or a moment ho, mu"h stora#e s%a"e*
trans%ort ener#'* and o$errun ,aste s e!mnated (' ths a%%roa"h &
$rtua!!' e$er'thn# "ou!d (e "reated on.demand* done (' automated
s'stems ,h"h "an "ontnua!!' %rodu"e a #reater $aret' o& #oods*
&rom n"reasn#!' sma!!er manu&a"turn# "on&#uratons+
In truth* the rea! &a!!a"' o& ths K%r$ate o,nersh% o& the
means o& %rodu"ton o(0e"ton s ts "u!ture !a#+ Toda'* ndustr' s
,tnessn# a mer#er o& "a%ta! #oods* "onsumer #oods and !a(or
%o,er+ Ma"hnes are ta7n# o$er human !a(or %o,er* (e"omn# "a%ta!
#oods* ,h!e a!so e$er redu"n# n s1e to (e"ome "onsumer #oods+
The resu!t s an n"reasn#!' sma!!er and more o%tm1ed ndustra!
"om%!e- that "an do more and more ,th !ess and !ess+
It s a!so ,orth mentonn# that !a(or automaton s no,
ma7n# the hstor"a!!' nota(!e ?!a(or theor' o& $a!ue?
moot as ,e!!+ Toda'* the !a(or ener#' that #oes nto a #$en #ood*
,h!e st!! a &a"tor &or %ro"ess re"o#nton* does not ha$e mu"h o& a
)uant&a(!e "orre!aton an'more+ Toda'* ma"hnes no, ma7e and
des#n ma"hnes+ Wh!e the nta! "reaton o& a ma"hne m#ht re)ure
a #ood dea! o& human %!annn# and nta! "onstru"ton at ths tme*
on"e set n moton* there s a "onstant de"rease n that !a(or $a!ue
trans&eren"e o$er tme+

FED Re&eren"e< n$esto%eda+"om 8htt%<MM,,,+n$esto%eda+"omMtermsM!M!a(or.
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Structure and Processes
Design Efficiency
Production Efficiency
Distribution Efficiency
Recycling Efficiency
F#ure 2+ 9!o"7.S"heme o& S'stem Aro"ess
F#ure 4+ S'stem %ro"ess as E-%resson
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
F#ure D+ Lo#" S'm(o!s and Des"r%ton
As ,!! (e des"r(ed n deta! (' se"ton* &#ure 2 sho,s the !near
s"hemat" o& the ndustra! %ro"ess* mo$n# &rom des#n to %rodu"ton
to dstr(uton and re"'"!n#+ F#ure 4 sho,s ho, an o%tm1aton o&
su"h e&&"en"' "an (e "onsdered &rom a mathemat"a! %ont o& $e,*
as a mnm1aton or ma-m1aton o& some &un"tona!+
9e"ause ,e are ta!7n# a(out e&&"en"'* ,e "an "onsder the
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
%ro(!em as a ma-m1aton o& the %rodu"ton &un"ton
f + F#ure D s
a ta(!e o& s'm(o!s and des"r%tons* as ,!! (e used n the &o!!o,n#
e-%!anatons+ It s m%ortant to note that not a!! attr(utes ,!! (e
"o$ered n ths te-t+ The %ur%ose o& ths essa' and the &ormu!as
su##ested are done so to #$e a startn# %ont &or "a!"u!aton*
h#h!#htn# the most re!e$ant* o$erar"hn# attr(utes &or
A &u!! a!#orthm" "a!"u!aton o& ths nature* ta7n# nto a""ount
a!! re!ated su(.%ro"esses n rea! !&e terms ,ou!d re)ure an enormous
te-tM%ro#rammn# treatment and ,!! !7e!' o""ur n a &uture edton o&
ths te-t?s a%%end-* as an on#on# %ro0e"t de$e!o%ment+
Collaorati/e Design $nterface
The startn# %ont &or ntera"ton n a NLR9E s the /DI* or
"o!!a(orat$e des#n nter&a"e+ The /DI "ou!d a(stra"t!' (e "onsdered
the Kne, Kmar7et or the mar7et o& deas or des#ns+ Des#n s the &rst
ste% n an' %rodu"ton nterest and ths nter&a"e "an (e en#a#ed (' a
sn#!e %ersonU t "an (e en#a#ed (' a teamU t "an (e en#a#ed ('
e$er'one+ It s o%en sour"e and o%en a""ess and t ,ou!d "ome n the
&orm o& an on!ne ,e( nter&a"e+
The noton o& Kmar7et s e-%ressed here not to "on&!ate the
noton o& trade* (ut rather the noton o& sharn# and #rou% de"son.
ma7n#+ As ,th the tradtona! sa!es mar7et* there s a s,arm t'%e o&
(eha$or ,h"h ma7es de"sons o$er tme as a #rou% ,ho!e ,th
res%e"t to ,hat #oods ,!! de$e!o% 8demand; and ,hat #oods ,!!
%ersh 8!a"7 o& demand;+ In a "ertan sense* ths demo"rat" %ro"ess s
em(ra"ed n a NLR9E* (ut (' d&&erent means+
Moreo$er* a!! su(mtted des#ns* n "reaton or deemed
"om%!ete* are stored n an o%en a""ess* sear"ha(!e data(ase+ Ths
data(ase ma7es a!! des#ns a$a!a(!e &or others to use or (u!d u%on+
In ths ,a'* t s sm!ar to a tradtona! #oods "ata!o# "ommon!' &ound
toda'* e-"e%t t "ontans d#ta! des#ns that "an (e sent nto
%rodu"ton at an' tme* on demand+
Ths des#n "reaton and %ro%osa! s'stem s ho, demand tse!&
s assessed+ Instead o& tradtona! ad$ertsn# and the undre"tona!
"onsumer #ood %ro%osa! s'stem . ,here "om%anes ,or7 to %ersuade
the "onsumer as to ,hat the' shou!d (u'* ,th the %u(!" most!' #on#
,th the &!o,* &a$orn# or not &a$orn# a "om%an'?s %t"hed #ood*
"om%onent or &eature (' %ur"hase or not . ths s'stem ,or7s n an
o%%oste* more n$o!$ed and demo"rat" manner+
In ths ne,* o%en sour"e t'%e des#n a%%roa"h* the entre
#!o(a! "ommunt' has the o%ton o& %resentn# deas &or e$er'one to
see* ,e#hn# n on and (u!dn# u%on des#ns* harnessn# the %o,er
o& "o!!e"t$e e-%eren"e and #!o(a! 7no,!ed#e+
The me"hansm o& the /DI ,ou!d "ome n the &orm o& an
ntera"t$e nter&a"e* su"h as ,e see "ommon!' toda' ,th "om%uter.
aded des#n 8/AD; or "om%uter.aded en#neern# 8/AE; so&t,are+ In
short* these %ro#rams are a(!e to d#ta!!' "reate and re%resent an'
#$en %rodu"t des#n* "ontann# a!! n&ormaton as to ho, t shou!d (e
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
made n &na!* %h's"a! manu&a"turn#+
A(o$e< /AD Inter&a"e Des#n E-am%!e
As an asde* man' "onsdern# the edu"atona! re)urements to en#a#e
su"h an nter&a"e* m#ht (e "on"erned a(out use."om%!e-t'+ Natura!!'*
the more ded"ated des#ner ,!! de$e!o% the s7!!s needed to ,hate$er
de#ree nterested ,h!e* &or the more "asua! user* d&&erent de#rees o&
nter&a"e "om%!e-t' and s7!! orentaton "an (e ut!1ed+
Ths more user.&rend!' nter&a"n# "an de$e!o% n a sm!ar
&ashon to ho, %ersona! "om%uters transtoned &rom "om%!e-
%ro%retar' "odn# nter&a"es ,th manua!!' n%ut nstru"tons* to the
no, u()utous* sm%!e #ra%h" nter&a"e "on s'stem* ,h"h a!!o,s
users to o%erate more ntut$e!'+ Future /ADM/AE t'%e %ro#rams ,!!
!7e!' e$o!$e n the same ,a'* ma7n# the ntera"t$e %ro"ess more
In man' "ases* as the data(ase s a!,a's %o%u!ated ,th
"urrent* a!read' e-stn# des#ns* the %ra"t"e ,!! (e to (u!d u%on
other?s ,or7+ For e-am%!e* & an en#neer s nterested n the
o%tm1aton o& a "e!! %hone* the' ha$e the o%ton o& (u!dn# u%on an'
e-stn# %hone %rodu"t des#n n the data(ase* rather than startn#
&rom s"rat"h+
The (ene&t o& ths "annot (e em%has1ed enou#h as a
"o!!a(orat$e %!at&orm+ Rather than !mt the des#n n%ut to* sa'* a
(oardroom o& en#neers and mar7eters* as s "ommon %ra"t"e toda'*
!tera!!' m!!ons o& mnds "an (e (rou#ht to#ether to a""e!erate an'
#$en dea n ths a%%roa"h+ Ths ne, n"ent$e s'stem a!so ensures
e$er'one nterested n the #ood ,!! re"e$e e-a"t!' ,hat e$er'one
e!se s !7e!' to re"e$e n ts ad$an"ed o%tm1aton states* ,here
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
personal interest becomes directly tied to societal interest*
A!so* #$en the %atterns toda'* !7e!' not e$er'one ,ou!d ,ant
or need to (e a des#ner+ Man' %eo%!e ,ou!d (e sats&ed enou#h ('
,hat had (een set n moton a!read' (' others* ,th %erha%s mnor
"ustom1aton a!on# the ,a'+ Toda'* a $er' sma!! %er"enta#e o& the
%o%u!aton a"tua!!' "reate and en#neer the domnant te"hno!o#' and
#oods ,e useU and ths s%e"a!1aton ma' natura!!' "ontnue n the
&uture to some de#ree* e$en thou#h t s to the ad$anta#e o& e$er'one
& more mnds "ame to#ether+ I& the edu"atona! s'stem s orentated
a,a' &rom rote !earnn# and ts ant)uated (ass that or#nated n the
"entur' so"a! order* ,e "ou!d see an e-%!oson o& n%ut and
A!! that understood* an n"red(!' m%ortant "om%onent o&
these des#n and en#neern# %ro#rams toda' s ho, the' "an no,
n"or%orate ad$an"ed %h's"s and other rea! ,or!d* natura! !a,
%ro%ertes ,th the %ro%osed des#n &or testn#+ In other ,ords* the
#ood sn?t 0ust $e,a(!e n a stat" $sua! mode! ,th noted %ro%ertes*
t "an a"tua!!' (e tested r#ht there* $rtua!!'* to a re!e$ant de#ree+
For nstan"e* a!! ne, automo(!e des#ns toda'* !on# (e&ore
the' are %h's"a!!' (u!t* are run throu#h "om%!e- d#ta! testn#
%ro"esses that assst n des#n nte#rt' #reat!'+
O$er tme* there s
no reason to (e!e$e that ,e ,!! not (e a(!e to d#ta!!' re%resent* and
set n moton &or testn#* most a!! 7no,n !a,s o& nature* a%%!'n# them
n d&&erent "onte-ts* $rtua!!'+
O,timiAed Efficienc+ Standards%
E&&"en"' standards are standards (' ,h"h a #$en des#n must
"on&orm+ Ths e$a!uaton ,!! (e "a!"u!ated automat"a!!'* or
a!#orthm"a!!'* (' the /DS?s %ro#rammn#+ Ths "an a!so (e thou#ht o&
as a filtering %ro"ess+
In short* an' %ro%osed des#n ,!! (e d#ta!!' &!tered throu#h
a seres o& sustainability and efficiency %roto"o!s ,h"h re!ate not on!'
to the state o& e-stn# resour"es* (ut a!so to the "urrent %er&orman"e
o& the tota! ndustra! s'stem+
These ,ou!d n"!ude the &o!!o,n# Ke&&"en"' standards+
a; Strate#"a!!' Ma-m1ed Dura(!t'
(; Strate#"a!!' Ma-m1ed Ada%ta(!t'
"; Strate#" Standard1aton o& Genre /om%onents
d; Strate#"a!!' Inte#rated Re"'"!n# /ondu"$eness
e; Strate#" /ondu"$eness &or La(or Automaton
FE6 Re&eren"e< Engineering revolution3 4=.4E advancements changing
vehicle development* 8htt%<MM,ardsauto+"omMne,
FEH A!ease note these %roto"o!s ,ere a!so addressed n the essa' True
Economic (actors* n the "onte-t o& Km"roe"onom" "om%onents* ,th m!d
$araton n the !an#ua#e+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
F#ure 6+ S'm(o!" Lo#" &or the KO%tm1ed Des#n E&&"en"' &un"ton
As %er &#ure 6* des#n e&&"en"'
E s one o& the man &a"tors
that "an a&&e"t the o$era!! e&&"en"' o& the manu&a"turn# and
dstr(uton %ro"ess+ Ths des#n e&&"en"' de%ends on se$era! 7e'
&a"tors* ,h"h "an (e "a!!ed "urrent efficiency standards
E + Here
the nde- i "orres%onds to some %art"u!ar standard+
Ea"h standard ,!! (e #enera!!' e-%!ored as &o!!o,s* e-%andn#
n "ertan "ases ,th res%e"t to the s'm(o!" !o#" asso"ated* &or the
sa7e o& "!art'+
a; WStrate#"a!!' Ma-m1ed Dura(!t'N means to ma7e the #ood as
stron# and !astn# as re!e$ant+ The matera!s ut!1ed* "om%arat$e!'
assumn# %oss(!e su(sttutons due to !e$e!s o& s"ar"t' or other
&a"tors* ,ou!d (e d'nam"a!!' "a!"u!ated* !7e!' automat"a!!' (' the
des#n s'stem* to (e most "ondu"$e to an o%tm1ed dura(!t'
t ma-m1aton+ Ths durability ) ,..., , (
2 1 i d
d d d t
ma-m1aton "an (e "onsdered as a !o"a! o%tm1aton ssue+ It "an (e
ana!'1ed (' ntrodu"n# the &a"tors
d ,h"h a&&e"t t ,here
o o
d d d ,..., ,
2 1
are some o%tma! $a!ues o& the &a"tors+
(; WStrate#"a!!' Ma-m1ed Ada%ta(!t'N
A means the h#hest
state o& &!e-(!t' &or re%!a"n# "om%onent %arts s made+ In the e$ent
a "om%onent %art o& a #ood (e"omes de&e"t$e or out o& date* the
des#n &a"!tates that su"h "om%onents are eas!' re%!a"ed to
ma-m1e &u!! %rodu"t !&e s%an* a!,a's a$odn# the nterest to re%!a"e
the #ood as a ,ho!e+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
"; ?Strate#" Standard1aton o& Genre /om%onentsN
c c c
g g g g ,... ,... ,
2 1
means a!! ne, des#ns ether "on&orm to or re%!a"e e-stn#
"om%onents ,h"h are ether a!read' n e-sten"e or outdated due a
!a"7 o& "om%arat$e e&&"en"'+ Ths !o#" shou!d not on!' a%%!' to a
#$en %rodu"t* t shou!d a%%!' to the entre #ood #enre* ho,e$er
The am s to mnm1e the tota! num(er o& #enre "om%onents
+ In
other ,ords* the standard1aton o& the %ro"ess ,!! ena(!e the
%oss(!t' o& !o,ern# the num(er
to a %oss(!e mnmum+
d; ?Re"'"!n# /ondu"$eness?
c means e$er' des#n must "on&orm to
the "urrent state o& re#enerat$e %oss(!t'+ The (rea7do,n o& an'
#ood must (e ant"%ated n the nta! des#n and a!!o,ed &or n the
most o%tm1ed ,a'+
e; ?Strate#" /ondu"$eness &or La(or Automaton? means that the
"urrent state o& o%tm1ed* automated %rodu"ton s a!so ta7en nto
a""ount* see7n# to re&ne the des#n to (e most "ondu"$e to
%rodu"ton ,th the !east amount o& "om%!e-t'* human !a(or or
montorn#+ A#an* ,e see7 to sm%!&' the ,a' matera!s and
%rodu"ton means are used so that the ma-mum num(er o& #oods "an
(e %rodu"ed ,th the !east $araton o& matera!s and %rodu"ton
Ths s denoted (' human !a(or
H and automated !a(or
A + The
am s to mnm1e the human ntera"ton ,th the %rodu"ton %ro"ess+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Ths "an (e ,rtten as<
Usn# ths e)uaton* ,e "ou!d a!so ,rte a sm%!er "ondton<
l are &a"tors that n&!uen"e human and automat" !a(or+
So* returnn# to F#ure 6* ths KO%tm1ed Des#n E&&"en"' &un"ton
"an (e des"r(ed (' a &un"ton
f ,here
t s dura(!t'*
s ada%ta(!t'*
c s re"'"!n# "ondu"$eness*
s the
mnmum num(er o& #enre "om%onents and
s a human !a(or+
The $ndustrial "etwor#
The ndustra! net,or7 re&ers to the (as" net,or7 o& %h's"a! &a"!tes
that are dre"t!' "onne"ted to the des#n and data(ase s'stem 0ust
des"r(ed+ The s'stem "onne"ts ser$ers* %rodu"ton &a"!tes*
dstr(uton &a"!tes and re"'"!n# &a"!tes+ 8F#ure H;
F#ure H+ Industra! Net,or7 $sua! ad
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Des#n Ser$ers<
These "om%uter ser$ers "onne"t the des#n data(ase to the
des#nersM"onsumers* ,h!e "onstant!' (en# u%dated ,th re!e$ant
%h's"a! data to #ude the %ro"ess o& %rodu"t "reaton n the most
o%tm1ed and sustana(!e ,a'+
As noted* the en#a#ed /DI 8or "o!!a(orat$e des#n nter&a"e;
s an o%en sour"e %ro#ram that &a"!tates "o!!e"t$e* "om%uter.aded
des#n* runnn# ea"h ste% throu#h the set o& e&&"en"' and
sustana(!t' &!ters 8I+e+ F#ure 6; ,h"h assure o%tm1ed des#n+
These des#ns are tested n rea! tme* d#ta!!'* and n most "ases* the
#ood ,!! e-st n ,hate$er state on!ne &or others to o(tan* on
demand* or &or use as a %re!mnar' mode! (' ,h"h ne, deas "an (e
(u!t u%on+
Arodu"ton Fa"!tes<
These stru"tures &a"!tate the a"tua! manu&a"turn# o& a #$en des#n+
These ,ou!d e$o!$e as automated &a"tores that n"reasn#!' are a(!e
to %rodu"e more ,th &e,er matera! n%uts and &e,er ma"hne
"on&#uratons+ A#an* & the nterest e-sted to "ons"ous!' o$er"ome
unne"essar' des#n "om%!e-tes* ,e "an &urther ths e&&"en"' trend
,th an e$er.!o,er en$ronmenta! m%a"t and e$er !o,er resour"e use
%er tas7* ,h!e ma-m1n# our a(undan"e %rodu"n# %otenta!+
The num(er o& %rodu"ton &a"!tes* ,hether homo#eneous or
hetero#eneous* ,ou!d (e strate#"a!!' dstr(uted to%o#ra%h"a!!'
(ased on %o%u!aton statst"s* no d&&erent than ho, #ro"er' stores
toda' tr' to a$era#e dstan"es (et,een %o"7ets o& %eo%!e around
ne#h(orhoods+ Ths s the K%ro-mt' strate#'* ,h"h ,!! (e re$sted
n ths essa'+
Dstr(uton Fa"!tes<
Dstr(uton "an ether o""ur dre"t!' &rom the %rodu"ton &a"!t'*
usua!!' n the "ase o& an on.demand* one.o&& %rodu"ton &or "ustom
use* or sent to a dstr(uton library &or %u(!" a""ess n masse* (ased
on re#ona! demand nterest+
Some #oods ,!! (e "ondu"$e to !o, demand* "ustom
%rodu"ton and some ,!! not+ Food s the easest e-am%!e o& a mass
%rodu"ton ne"esst'* ,h!e a %ersona!!' ta!ored %e"e o& &urnture
,ou!d "ome dre"t!' &rom the manu&a"turn# &a"!t' on"e "reated+
It s ,orth reteratn# that re#ard!ess o& ,hether the #ood s
"!ass&ed to #o to a !(rar' or dre"t!' to a user* ths s st!! an ?a""ess
s'stem?+ In other ,ords* at an' tme* the user o& the "ustom or mass
%rodu"ed #ood "an return the tem &or re%ro"essn# or resto"7n#+
Re"'"!n# Fa"!tes<
Re"'"!n# Fa"!tes ,ou!d !7e!' e-st as %art o& the %rodu"ton &a"!t'*
a!!o,n# a""ess to returned %arts &or u%datn# and re%ro"essn#+ As
noted n the des#n %roto"o!* a!! #oods ha$e (een %re.o%tm1ed &or
?"ondu"$e re"'"!n#?+ The #oa! here s a 1ero.,aste e"onom'+ Whether
t s a %hone* a "ou"h* a "om%uter* a 0a"7et* or a (oo7* e$er'thn#
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
#oes (a"7 to a re"'"!n# &a"!t'* !7e!' the %ont o& or#n* ,h"h ,!!
dre"t!' re%ro"ess an' tem as (est t "an+
O& "ourse* an tem ma' (e returned e!se,here & neededU the
nte#rated and standard1ed %rodu"ton and re"'"!n# "enters* ha$n#
(een "on"e$ed o& as a "om%!ete* "om%at(!e and ho!st" s'stem*
,ou!d (e a(!e to hand!e returned #oods o%tma!!'* as s not the "ase
G!o(a! Resour"e and S'stem Mana#ement<
These &our &a"!tes are a!so "onne"ted* to one de#ree or another* to a
?lobal 'esource Management 8GRM; net,or7* ,h"h s a sensor and
measurement s'stem that %ro$des &eed(a"7 and n&ormaton a(out
the "urrent state o& ra, matera!s and the en$ronment+
Resource 2anagement@ Feedac# . 'alue
As noted* ths "om%uter.aded des#n and en#neern# %ro"ess does
not e-st n a $a"uumU t does not %ro"ess des#ns ,th no n%ut as to
the "urrent state o& the %!anet and ts resour"es+ /onne"ted to the
des#n %ro"ess* !tera!!' (u!t nto the noted KO%tm1e Des#n
E&&"en"' &un"ton* s d'nam" &eed(a"7 &rom an Earth.,de
a""ountn# s'stem that #$es data a(out a!! re!e$ant resour"es ,h"h
%ertan to a!! %rodu"tons+
To ,hate$er de#ree te"hn"a!!' %oss(!e* a!! ra, matera!s and
re!ated resour"es are tra"7ed and montored* n as "!ose to rea! tme
as %oss(!e+ Ths s man!' (e"ause mantann# e)u!(rum ,th the
Earth?s re#enerat$e %ro"esses* ,h!e a!so ,or7n# strate#"a!!' to
ma-m1e the use o& the most a(undant matera!s* ,h!e mnm1n#
an'thn# ,th emer#n# s"ar"t'* s a "rt"a! e&&"en"' "a!"u!aton+
A#an* ths s* n %art* the %ur%ose o& the G!o(a! Resour"e Mana#ement
s'stem mentoned %ror+
As &ar as K$a!ue "a!"u!aton* %erha%s the t,o most m%ortant
measures* ,h"h ,!! under#o "onstant d'nam" re"a!"u!aton throu#h
&eed(a"7 as ndustr' un&o!ds* s the !e$e! o& 8a; ?s"ar"t'? and the
de#ree o& 8(; ?!a(or "om%!e-t'?+
8a; ?S"ar"t' $a!ue? "an (e ass#ned a numer"a! $a!ue* &rom 2.255+ 2
,ou!d denote the most se$ere s"ar"t' ,th res%e"t to the "urrent rate
o& use and 255 the !east se$ere+ H5 ,ou!d (e the stead'.state d$dn#
!ne+ The s"ar"t' $a!ue o& an' #$en resour"e ,ou!d e-st at some
$a!ue a!on# ths !ne* d'nam"a!!' u%dated (' the G!o(a! Resour"e
Mana#ement net,or7+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
F#ure I+ S"ar"t' Ran7 $sua! ad
For e-am%!e* & the use o& ,ood %asses the stead' state !e$e! o& H5*
,h"h ,ou!d mean "onsum%ton s "urrent!' sur%assn# the Earth?s
natura! re#eneraton rate* ths ,ou!d tr##er a "ounter mo$e o& some
7nd* su"h as the %ro"ess o& ?matera! su(sttuton? or &ndn# a
re%!a"ement &or ,ood n an' &uture %rodu"tons+
As &ar as a "om%arat$e e$a!uaton* n a mar7et s'stem the
%r"e me"hansm s used to de"de ,h"h matera! s more "ost
e&&"ent* assumn# a #$en %r"e ,!! ha$e a!read' a""ounted &or
re!e$ant te"hn"a! n&ormaton or* n ths "ase* the ssue o& s"ar"t'+
Ths ne, a%%roa"h* rather than use %r"e to "om%are or assess
$a!ue* a""ounts &or a #$en te"hn"a! )ua!t' dre"t!' (' a "om%arat$e
)uant&"aton+ In the "ase o& s"ar"t' "on"erns* t s (est to or#an1e
#enres or #rou%s o& sm!ar use matera!s and )uant&'* to the h#hest
de#ree %oss(!e* ther re!ated %ro%ertes and de#rees o& e&&"en"' &or
an' #$en %ur%ose+ Then* a #enera! numer"a! $a!ue s%e"trum s
a%%!ed to those re!atonsh%s+
For e-am%!e* there s a s%e"trum o& meta!s that ha$e d&&erent
e&&"en"es &or e!e"tr"a! "ondu"t$t'+ These e&&"en"es "an (e
%h's"a!!' )uant&ed and then "om%ared (' $a!ue+ So* & "o%%er* a
"ondu"t$e meta!* #oes (e!o, the H5 $a!ue o& e)u!(rum re#ardn# ts
s"ar"t'* "a!"u!atons are tr##ered (' the mana#ement %ro#ram to
"om%are the state o& other "ondu"$e matera!s* ther scarcity level and
ther efficiency level* %re%arn# &or su(sttuton+
Ths s 0ust one e-am%!e and natura!!' ths t'%e o& reasonn#
,ou!d #et e-treme!' "om%!"ated de%endn# on the matera! and
%ur%ose %ro(!ems %osed+ Ho,e$er* that s e-a"t!' ,h' t s "a!"u!ated
(' ma"hne* not %eo%!e+ The human mnd* ether sn#!' or or#an1ed
nto !ar#e #rou%s* sm%!' "annot %ro"ess su"h data e&&e"t$e!'+ A!so* t
s ,orth %ontn# out that ths t'%e o& dre"t $a!ue "a!"u!aton* (ased
around %ur%ose* "ondu"$eness and sustana(!t'* dramat"a!!'
e"!%ses the %r"e me"hansm ,hen t "omes to true resour"e
a,areness and nte!!#ent resour"e mana#ement n "a!"u!aton+
8(; L7e,se* K!a(or "om%!e-t' and ts assessment sm%!' means
estmatn# the "om%!e-t' o& a #$en %rodu"ton and dra,n# a
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
numer"a! $a!ue (ased on the de#ree o& %ro"ess "om%!e-t'+
/om%!e-t'* n the "onte-t o& an automaton.orented ndustr'* "an (e
)uant&ed (' de&nn# and "om%arn# the num(er o& W%ro"ess sta#es+N
An' #$en #ood %rodu"ton "an (e &oreshado,ed as to ho, man'
Wsta#esN o& %rodu"ton %ro"essn# t ,!! ta7e+ It "an then (e "om%ared
to other #ood %rodu"tons* dea!!' n the same %ur%ose #enre* &or a
)uant&a(!e assessment+ In other ,ords* the unts o& measurement are
these ?sta#es?+
For e-am%!e* a "har that "an (e mo!ded n three mnutes*
&rom sm%!e %o!'mers n one %ro"ess* ,!! ha$e a !o,er W!a(or
"om%!e-t'N $a!ue than a "har ,h"h re)ures automated assem(!'
do,n a more tedous %rodu"ton "han* ,th m-ed matera!s+ In the
e$ent a #$en %ro"ess $a!ue s too "om%!e- or hen"e "om%arat$e!'
ne&&"ent n terms o& ,hat s "urrent!' %oss(!e 8(' "om%arson to an
a!read' e-stn# des#n o& a sm!ar nature;* the des#n ,ou!d (e
&!a##ed and ,ou!d hen"e need to (e re.e$a!uated+
Su"h ad0ustments and &!a##n# ,ou!d "ome n the &orm o&
&eed(a"7 &rom the des#n nter&a"e* durn# the des#n sta#e+ There s
a!so no reason not to assume that ,th on#on# ad$an"ement n AI*
the s'stem "ou!d a"tua!!' &eed (a"7 ,th a"tua! su##estons or e$en
dre"t so!utons to a #$en e&&"en"' or sustana(!t' %ro(!em* n rea!
Design Calculation
Those #enera!1atons noted* a ,a!7throu#h o& ths o$era!!* !near
%ro"ess s e-%ressed (e!o,+ There ,!! (e some re%etton here &or the
sa7e o& "!art'+ I& ,e ,ere to !oo7 at #ood des#n n the (roadest
%oss(!e ,a' ,th res%e"t to ndustra! un&o!dn#* ,e end u% ,th a(out
&our &un"tons or %ro"esses* ea"h re!atn# to the &our domnant* !near
sta#es* n"!udn# des#n* %rodu"ton* dstr(uton and re"'"!n#+ A#an*
ea"h o& these %ro"esses s dre"t!' ted to the G!o(a! Resour"e
Mana#ement s'stem that %ro$des $a!ue &eed(a"7 that asssts n the
re#u!ator' a%%aratus to ensure e&&"en"' and sustana(!t'+
The &o!!o,n# %ro%ostons a%%!' 8F#ure 2;<
A!! Arodu"t Des#ns must ada%t to<
2; O%tm1ed Des#n E&&"en"'
4; O%tm1ed Arodu"ton E&&"en"'
D; O%tm1ed Dstr(uton E&&"en"'
6; O%tm1ed Re"'"!n# E&&"en"'
F#ure 2+ 8re%eated;
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
2; O%tm1ed Des#n E&&"en"'<
A %rodu"t des#n must meet or ada%t to "rtera set ('
X/urrent E&&"en"' StandardsY
E +
X/urrent E&&"en"' StandardsY ha$e &$e e$a!uat$e su(.%ro"esses* as
e-%ressed (e&ore<
XDura(!t'Y S
XAda%ta(!t'Y S
XStandard1atonY S

XRe"'"!n# /ondu"$enessY S
XAutomaton /ondu"$enessY S
A!ease note that &urther (rea7do,n o& ea"h o& these su(.
%ro"esses and !o#"a! asso"atons "an (e &#urat$e!' made as ,e!! to
e$er.redu"n# mnutae+ Ho,e$er* as noted* ths e-%resson s the Kto%
ter (' ,h"h a!! other su(.%ro"esses are orented+ It s* a#an* not the
s"o%e o& ths te-t to %ro$de a!! attr(utes o& a ,or7n# a!#orthm+ It s
a!so not m%!ed here that the %arameters e-%ressed are tota! or
a(so!ute!' "om%!ete+
4; O%tm1ed Arodu"ton E&&"en"'
Ths &!ter?s %arameters "an "han#e (ased on the nature o& the &a"!tes
and ho, mu"h ma"hne $araton n %rodu"ton 8&-ed automaton $s+
&!e-(!e automaton;
s re)ured at a #$en tme+ For the %ur%ose o&
e-%resson* t,o &a"!t' t'%es ,!! (e dstn#ushed< one &or h#h
demand or mass %rodu"ton and one &or !o, demand or*
"ustom #oods+
FEI TF-ed automatonT* a!so 7no,n as Khard automaton* re&ers to an
automated %rodu"ton &a"!t' n ,h"h the se)uen"e o& %ro"essn#
o%eratons s &-ed (' the e)u%ment "on&#uraton+ It s &ast (ut has !ess
$araton n out%ut des#n "a%a"t'+ F!e-(!e automaton "an "reate more
$araton (ut the dsad$anta#e s the tme re)ured to re%ro#ram and
"han#e o$er the %rodu"ton e)u%ment+ These terms are "ommon to the
manu&a"turn# and ro(ot"s ndustr' ,hen t "omes to %!ant des#n+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
F#ure F+ D$dn# (' !o, and h#h+ A%%!"aton o& the "!ass determnaton
Ver' sm%!'* a "!ass determnaton s made ,h"h s%!ts
D the
destnaton &a"!tes (ased u%on the nature o& %rodu"ton
re)urements+ The ?h#h demand? tar#et assumes &-ed automaton
) (
a A * meann# un$ared %rodu"ton methods dea! &or h#h
demandMmass %rodu"ton+ The ?!o, demand? tar#et uses &!e-(!e
) ), ( , (
i c
a t D t A
* ,h"h "an do a $aret' o& thn#s (ut
usua!!' n shorter runs+
A#an* ths s"hemat" assumes on!' t,o t'%es o& &a"!tes are
needed+ There "ou!d (e more &a"!t' t'%es (ased u%on %rodu"ton
&a"tors* #eneratn# more s%!ttn# "ondtons+ Ho,e$er* & the des#n
ru!es are res%e"ted* there shou!dnNt (e too mu"h $araton o$er tme as
the ntent s a!,a's to redu"e and sm%!&'+
To state the %ro"ess n !near &orm 8F#ure F;<
A!! %rodu"t des#ns are &!tered (' a XDemand /!ass DetermnatonY
%ro"ess+ The XDemand /!ass DetermnatonY %ro"ess &!ters (ased on
the standards set &or XLo, DemandY or XH#h DemandY+ A!! XLo,
/onsumer DemandY %rodu"t des#ns are to (e manu&a"tured (' the
XF!e-(!e AutomatonY %ro"ess+ A!! XH#h /onsumer DemandY %rodu"t
des#ns are to (e manu&a"tured (' the XF-ed AutomatonY %ro"ess+
A!so* (oth the manu&a"turn# o& XLo, /onsumer DemandY and XH#h
/onsumer DemandY %rodu"t des#ns ,!! (e re#ona!!' a!!o"ated as %er
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
the XAro-mt' Strate#'Y
d o& the manu&a"turn# &a"!tes+
D; O%tm1ed Dstr(uton E&&"en"'
On"e %ro"ess 4 s &nshed* the %rodu"t des#n (e"omes a ?%rodu"t? and
mo$es to the XO%tm1ed Dstr(uton E&&"en"'Y &!ter+ In short* a!!
%rodu"ts are a!!o"ated (ased on ts %ror XDemand /!ass
DetermnatonY+ XLo, /onsumer DemandY %rodu"ts &o!!o, the XDre"t
Dstr(utonY %ro"ess+ XH#h /onsumer DemandY %rodu"tons &o!!o, the
XMass Dstr(utonY %ro"ess* ,h"h ,ou!d !7e!' (e the !(rares*
mentoned %ror+ 9oth the XLo, /onsumer DemandY and XH#h
/onsumer DemandY %rodu"t ,!! (e re#ona!!' a!!o"ated as %er the
XAro-mt' Strate#'Y* as (e&ore+
F#ure G+ I!!ustraton o& the dstr(uton s"hemes
A 8!e&t; J Dre"t Dstr(uton J !o, demand "ase*
9 8r#ht; J Mass Dstr(uton J h#h demand "ase
In the "ase o& XLo, /onsumer DemandY
the dstr(uton s"heme s dre"t 8F#ure Ga;+ In ths "ase the %rodu"t
#oes dre"t!' to the "onsumer ,thout the he!% o& net,or7
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
In the "ase o& XH#h /onsumer DemandY
the dstr(uton s"heme s mass 8F#ure G(;+ In ths "ase the %rodu"t
#oes to ntermedar' &a"!tes* su"h as !(rares
D to en#a#e the
%otenta! "onsumers
C +
Sm!ar to the %rodu"ton e&&"en"' "onsderatons* n the "ase o&
?Dstr(uton E&&"en"'?
E * &or the !o, and h#h demand* the
dstr(uton %ro"ess ,!! (e o%tm1ed n terms o& the dstan"e
to the e-stn# &a"!tes+ In ths "ase the &a"!tes are %!a"es n re#ona!
dstr(uton 8!(rares;* (ased on the !e$e! o& demand n the #$en
re#on+ 8+e+ Aro-mt' Strate#'
6; O%tm1ed Re"'"!n# E&&"en"'
A&ter dstr(uton* the %rodu"t then #oes throu#h ts !&e."'"!e+ On"e ts
!&e."'"!e ends* the %rodu"t (e"omes T$od and mo$es to %ro"ess O6*
or the XO%tm1ed Re"'"!n# E&&"en"'Y &!ter+ In short* a!! $oded
%rodu"ts ,!! &o!!o, the "urrent XRe#enerat$e Aroto"o!Y
P + Ths
%roto"o! em(ra"es the standards em%!o'ed at that tme to ensure the
o%tm1ed reuse or ren"or%oraton o& an' #$en #ood or "om%onent+
Natura!!'* the su(.%ro"esses o& ths are $ast and "om%!e- and t s the
ro!e o& en#neers* em(ra"n# natura! !a, %h's"s* to (est understand
e-a"t!' ,hat %arameters ,!! (e set+
The Domestic Econom+
The %ror s"hemat" re#ardn# sustana(!e and te"hn"a!!' e&&"ent
%ro"esses* o%tm1ed d'nam"a!!' to #an the most sta(!t' and
ma-m1e the %otenta! o& an' #$en e"onom" o%eraton* s (oth
e-treme!' "om%!e- n deta! and de"e%t$e!' sm%!e n theor'+
The tedum o& "reatn# a "om%!ete* ndustr'.orentn#
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
a!#orthm that ser$es as the natura! !a, re#u!ator' &!ter* (' ,h"h
humant' "an assure the most o%tm1ed te"hn"a! %ra"t"es* s
"ertan!' a ma0or nte!!e"tua! %ro0e"t to underta7e* on"e a#an+ The
su(.%ro"esses nherent to su"h a mu!tdmensona! "a!"u!aton ,ou!d
run nto the thousands* &or sure+
:et* at the same tme* the un&o!dn# o& the o$era!! %ro"ess s
)ute e!e#ant n &orm+ The dea o& %!a"n# ea"h human* & nterested* at
the he!m o& ndustra! "reaton* &a"!tatn# the K#rou% mnd ntera"ton
&or %ro(!em so!$n# and "reaton* "ontans a dee%!' un&'n#
"ommunt' #esture* "ou%!ed ,th a 7nd o& %ersona! &reedom o&
e-%resson n the "reat$e %ro"ess ,h"h has not (een seen (e&ore+
The $er' noton o& e-treme!' $ersat!e* on.demand %rodu"ton
s'stems ,h"h "an %rodu"e a #ood &or a sn#!e %erson or #oods &or an
entre "u!tura! demo#ra%h"* s %ro&ound n ts m%!"atons* not to
menton the $ast %ost$e out"omes nherent ,hen t "omes to "reatn#
a more %ea"e&u!* humane so"et'+
G$en the te"hno!o#"a! trends* t s not &ar.&et"hed to ma#ne
a sma!! to,n ,h"h* 0ust as t ma' toda' ha$e an e!e"tr"a! #rd ,h"h
un&es that to,n n ts "entra! sour"e o& %o,er* no, has a %rodu"ton
%!ant net,or7 des#ned to !tera!!' "reate most e$er'thn# that to,n
ma' need* on demand+ Ra, resour"es are (rou#ht nto the %!ant as
%er "ondtons and a!!o"aton a!#orthms surroundn# the K#!o(a!
resour"e mana#ement s'stem* ,h"h "onne"ts a!! su"h e"onom"
&a"!tes (oth re#ona!!' and #!o(a!!'+
:et* ,thn ths s"enaro* the ro!e o& the human (en# s o&ten
"on&used+ Wh!e the %ursut o& %ost.s"ar"t' n ths ,a' ,!! "reate a
sustana(!e and a(undan"e #eneratn# %arad#m ,here %eo%!e "an !$e
,thout the (urden o& K,or7n# &or a !$n#* the de(ate o$er K,hat ,!!
%eo%!e doR s a )ueston that o&ten arses* a!on# ,th another
ne$ta(!e )ueston< KWho s runnn# the ma"hnes &or no %a'PR
The &rst )ueston #ets to the heart o& human $a!ues+ Aeo%!e
ha$e a!,a's &ound nterestn# thn#s to do and e-%!ore* and t s
se$ere!' dou(ted that an era o& (oredom ,ou!d arse #$en that %eo%!e
,ou!d no !on#er need to &#ht 0ust to !$e a h#h )ua!t' !&e+ Rather*
%eo%!e m#ht $er' ,e!! (e e!e$ated to a ne, t'%e o& e-sten"e and
en#a#e n h#her order nterests that ,ere sm%!' unattana(!e n the
%ror mode!+
The se"ond )ueston s more nterestn#+ In an automated
e"onom'* ,h"h strate#"a!!' ,or7s to remo$e humans &rom an' 7nd
o& monotonous* d&&"u!t or unsa&e !a(or* there ,!! st!! (e some (as"
need &or o$ers#ht and mana#ement+ For man' ,ho shun %ost.s"ar"t'
rhetor"* ths &a!!(a"7 s "ommon* ar#un# that on!' n a 255>
automated uto%a* ,here %eo%!e !tera!!' ha$e no o(!#aton* ,ou!d the
so"et' (e %oss(!e+ Other,se* some su(."u!ture ,!! (e re)ured to do
the remann# !a(or and hen"e some 7nd o& strat&ed o%%resson
,ou!d (e nherent+
The %ro(!em ,th ths assum%ton s that t s dee%!' !o"7ed
nto a mar7et.orented ,or!d$e, ,here tme s e)uated to mone'+
Aeo%!e toda' ha$e a 7nee.0er7 rea"ton to assume that n order &or
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
an'thn# to a"tua!!' #et done* mone' must (e n %!a' as an n"ent$e+
:et* statst"a!!'* ths s sm%!' untrue+ In a 2EE4 Ga!!u% Ao!!*
more than H5> o& Amer"an adu!ts 8E6 m!!on Amer"ans; $o!unteered
tme &or so"a! "auses* at an a$era#e o& 6+4 hours a ,ee7* &or a tota! o&
45+H (!!on hours a 'ear+
A more re"ent %o!! n De"em(er 452D
sho,ed a stead' n"rease n $o!unteern# &rom 4552 unt! 452D+
F#ures &rom 455G n the US a!so sho,ed an n"rease n!#ous
$o!unteern#* under!nn# the %ont that so"a! "ontr(utons "an e-st
&or ther o,n sa7e* as ,e!! as &or re!#ous reasons* and durn# #reat
e"onom" d&&"u!tes+
The truth o& the matter s that human (en#s*
e$en n the h#h!' "om%ett$e and matera!st" orentaton o& the
Unted States* st!! de"de to do a #reat dea! ,thout an nterest n
monetar' re,ard+
O%en sour"e %ro#rammn# s another e-am%!e+ Lnu-* ,h"h
started n 2EE2 as a sm%!e e-%erment* ,as a(!e to "om%!ete ts
"ommunt'.dr$en* a!most mone'!ess %ro#rammn# de$e!o%ment n
0ust three 'ears+ Lnu- has o$er 25*555 !nes o& "ode and the $ast
amount o& ts "reaton ,as done &or &ree (' a #!o(a! "ommunt'+
W7%eda s 'et another e-am%!e o& a non.%ro&t* "ommunt'
#enerated "reaton* resear"h and e-%resson+ It has (een estmated
that W7%eda too7 255 m!!on hours o& $o!unteer tme to "reate* and
&eatures a te"hn"a!!' ad$an"ed and "om%!e- (a"7end* demonstratn#
that ,e!!.en#neered nterre!atn# s'stems* ,hen !e$era#ed ,th !ar#e
$o!unteer e&&orts* "an "reate ,or!d.&rst s'stems %re$ous!' "onsdered
unrea!st" or un&eas(!e+
So* ,h!e mone' st!! ru!es the o$era!! mot$aton n the "urrent
so"et'* #$en some &ree tme* %eo%!e ha$e %ro$en the' ,!! "ontr(ute
#reat!' to %ro0e"ts ,h"h ha$e no monetar' return and the rea! ssue
under!'n# the mot$aton o& su"h !a(or s the sats&a"ton and the
feeling of contribution* Toda'* most 0o(s do not #enerate ths &ee!n#+
Most %eo%!e ,a!7 nto a %r$ate d"tatorsh% &$e da's a ,ee7 and are
under the "ontro! o& su%erors* 7no,n# the' "an (e &red at an'
The "ontr(uton the' ma7e rare!' has a dre"t return to them
and the &ee!n# o& a""om%!shment s dmnshed+ Some 0o(s m#ht
e$en ma7e one ,onder ,hat the %ont o& the o""u%aton e$en s n the
"onte-t o& so"a! "ontr(uton or %ersona! de$e!o%ment+ Man' 0o(s e-st
toda' sm%!' &or the sa7e o& #eneratn# or mo$n# mone' and nothn#
more+ Ad$ertsn# and Wa!! Street o""u%atons* &or e-am%!e* are
e-am%!es o& h#h $a!ue o""u%atons ,h"h* n truth* do $er' !tt!e to
m%ro$e so"et'+
FEF Source3 ?iving and Volunteering in the 9nited States3 (indings from a
"ational Survey* Hod#7nson @ Wet1man* 2EE4* %4
FEG Sour"e< Most 4mericans Practice haritable ?iving, Volunteerism
FEE Re&eren"e< =espite Economy, haritable =onors, Volunteers 2eep ?iving
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Ths %erha%s m#ht e-%!an the K!a1' tenden"' man' &ee! on"e
o&& ther 0o( at the end o& the da'* returnn# home &ee!n# de&eated and
tred+ O$er tme* man' !ose s%rt and mot$aton o$era!! and &nd that
ther 0o( (e"omes the on!' thn# that s su%%osed to ha$e meann# n
ther !&e* &or#ettn# the en0o'a(!e %assons on"e nherent to ther
That "onsdered* n a &u!!' rea!1ed NLR9E* t s estmated that
%erha%s H> o& a re#on?s %o%u!aton 8H> o& the #!o(a! %o%u!aton as
,e!!;* on a$era#e* ,ou!d (e needed to assst the &!ud o%eraton o& ths
ndustra! s'stem and ths &#ure ,ou!d !7e!' "ontnua!!' dmnsh n
the &uture as te"hno!o#' ad$an"es+ Ths %art"%aton m#ht (est (e
e-%ressed n the &orm o& ,hat has (een termed the Kdomest"
e"onom'+ The domest" e"onom' em(odes the he!%&u! a"tons o&
%eo%!e n a non.%ad en$ronment+ Househo!d ,or7* &am!' and
"ommunt' nterests are tradtona! e-am%!es+
In a NLR9E* su"h !a(or ,ou!d (e re!e#ated n the same #esture
and the de!e#aton o& su"h !a(or ro!es "ou!d (e dstr(uted amon#st a
!ar#e.s"a!e %o%u!aton ma7n# the a"tua! tme "ommtment mns"u!e
o$era!!+ E$en (' "urrent standards* & one ,ere to as7 the a$era#e
,or7er & the' ,ou!d (e ,!!n# to !$e* sa'* the e)u$a!en"e o& a
b255*555 a 'ear !&est'!e* (ut ha$n# to $o!unteer H> o& ther tme &or
mantenan"e o& the s'stem that su%%orts ther standard o& !$n#* there
s !tt!e dou(t a#reement ,ou!d (e met (' most+ The amount o& tme
sa$ed a!one n ths t'%e o& so"oe"onom" mode!* "ou%!ed a#an ,th
the $ast %ro(!em a!!e$aton o& the en$ronmenta! %ro(!ems and so"a!
"on&!"ts nherent to the mar7et* !ea$e !tt!e room &or ratona! o(0e"ton+
L7e,se* on"e set &ree* the "reat$e* "o!!a(orat$e "ontr(uton
%ro%enst' tse!&* ,h"h s the true dr$er o& %ro#ress* ,!! no !on#er (e
nh(ted (' the monoton' o& !a(or or the n"ome s'stem+ It s $er'
d&&"u!t to %red"t the n"red(!e !e$e! o& %rodu"t$t' and &o"us a
so"et' ma' a"he$e on"e su"h o%%ress$e &a"tors are remo$ed+
The DecentraliAation Parado=
Wh!e the rhetor" o& a global society ,th global values unders"ores
ths so"oe"onom" mode!* t s m%ortant to understand the nature o&
ts redundan"' and ts de"entra!1ed !a'out+ 3ohn Da!(er#.A"ton* 2st
9aron A"ton* on"e stated TAo,er tends to "orru%t* and a(so!ute %o,er
"orru%ts a(so!ute!'+
Ths %o,er.&earn# %ers%e"t$e s "ertan!' ,e!!
0ust&ed n hstor' and man' ,ho hear a(out a NLR9E o&ten assume
ths #!o(a! so"et' s Kru!ed (' one man&rame* one ma"hne* an e!te
#rou% o& te"hno"rats or somethn# sm!ar+
It s m%ortant to remnd ourse!$es that a!most a!! %ror
so"etes ha$e !$ed ,thn #reat s"ar"t' and hen"e #reat "on&!"t+ Ths*
"ou%!ed ,th the &a"t that mone' and resour"es ha$e (een a means to
#an %o,er . usua!!' a&ter a #ood dea! o& (att!e* ren&or"n# a status
and domnan"e herar"h' . !!ustrates that ,e shou!d not (e sur%rsed
G55 3ohn Emer"h Ed,ard Da!(er# A"ton* &rst 9aron A"ton 82GD6J2E54;+ The
hstoran and mora!st* ,ho ,as other,se 7no,n sm%!' as Lord A"ton*
e-%ressed ths o%non n a !etter to 9sho% Mande!! /re#hton n 2GGF
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
at these rea"tons+ Ho,e$er* ths statement s a!so dee%!' "ounter.
%rodu"t$e on the ,ho!e as t #$es the %aranod sense that no one "an
e$er (e trusted* & the' are #$en an' t'%e o& "ontro! o$er others+
A NLR9E s* ndeed* a #!o(a! stru"ture n ho, t %ro"esses
e"onom" n&ormaton and assesses out%ut %oss(!tes+ On"e a #ood s
des#ned* t runs throu#h the a&orementoned e&&"en"' and
sustana(!t' &!ters* ,h"h n$ara(!' te (a"7 to the status o& #!o(a!
resour"es* a!on# ,th a #!o(a! net,or7 &or des#n "ontr(uton+ At the
same tme* !ar#er order so"eta! de"sons* meann# those de"sons
on"e made (' e!e"ted re%resentat$es* are a!so a"he$ed (' "onsensus
(' the %o%u!aton* dre"t!'+
The on!' rea! "entra!1aton nherent s ths d#ta! net,or7
"onne"tn# the ,or!d tse!&+ G$en that* ,e "ou!d "onsder a &e,
%oss(!e %ro(!ems n ths "r"umstan"e n the same ,a' ,e thn7 a(out
the Internet toda'* ,h"h s essenta!!' the same n&rastru"ture+
KHa"7n#* &or e-am%!e* ,h"h s the a"t o& dstur(n#* stea!n# or
"orru%tn# a %ro#ram or d#ta! n&ormaton (' n$adn# the sour"e
"ode* m#ht (e a "on"ern+
Ho,e$er* ,e ha$e to &rst as7 why an'one ,ou!d %er&orm su"h
an a"t n the ne, mode!+ Sn"e the entre s'stem s des#ned to
%ro$de &or e$er'one* ,here s the n"ent$e to dstur( tR An'one
shuttn# do,n su"h a s'stem s a!so shuttn# do,n ther means to
"ontr(ute and de$e!o%+ An ana!o#' ,ou!d (e a %erson toda' !$n# n
an a%artment (u!dn#* ,here e$er'one shares the ut!t'
n&rastru"ture* de"dn# to destro' the &use or e!e"tr"a! (rea7er (o-
,h"h d$des the n"omn# e!e"tr"t' to %o,er the ,ho!e a%artment
(u!dn#+ Wh' ,ou!d the' do t & t shuts do,n ther o,n e!e"tr"t' as
It s m%ortant to re$e, ,h' %eo%!e "an (e so $"ous toda'+
An#er s (red (' de%r$aton and some e-terna! a"t s o&ten nter%reted
as the sour"e o& ths a(use+ So* n retr(uton* %eo%!e toda' Kha"7 and
$o!ate ,e(stes and the !7e to ether ma7e a %rotest %ont or to #et
In a NLR9E* t s hard to &athom ,here the sour"e o& su"h
an#st and outra#e ,ou!d matera!1e+ I& a %erson doesn?t !7e the ,a'
the s'stem s ,or7n# n a s%e"&" ,a'* the' ha$e the "a%a"t' to
"han#e t (' assessn# "onsensus ,th others+ The s'stem s
Ho,e$er* n the e$ent that ths dd ha%%en* there s a sm%!e
so!uton< a"t$e redundan"'+ In a monetar'.dr$en so"et'* (ased
around "ost e&&"en"'* ,e see !tt!e &a!.sa&e redundan"' n %!a"e as t
s una&&orda(!e+ For e-am%!e* ,e see an ar%!ane ,th t,o en#nes and
(oth are needed to &!'+ Wh' not "reate an ar%!ane ,th t,o man
en#nes and t,o (a"7.u% en#nes* ,h"h are not runnn# ,hen the &u!!
%!ane s n ,or7n# order* (ut n the e$ent an en#ne &a!s* another
en#ne s a(!e to ta7e o$er+
The man ser$er net,or7 ,h"h &a"!tates so"a! "onne"t$t'
G52 An e-am%!e ,ou!d the #rou% 7no,n as KAnon'mous* ,h"h s a !oose!'
asso"ated nternatona! net,or7 o& Kha"7t$st enttes that dsru%t ,e(stes
and "om%uter data(ases as a &orm o& %rotest+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
and un&"aton "ou!d ha$e H*I*F+++45 !e$e!s o& redundan"' and
automat" (a"7u% n the e$ent an'thn# ,ent do,n+ It m#ht not (e
%er&e"t+ Some data ma' (e !ost+ Ho,e$er* a#an* ths sn?t a uto%a+
Wth res%e"t to ,ho has the K%o,er to not"e the %ro(!em and
m%!ement ths redundan"'* te"hn"a! teams e-st to montor the
net,or7* 0ust !7e an' other e-stn# $o"aton+
O& "ourse* the )ueston then arses< ,hat & someone on the
te"hn"a! team s "orru%ted and %ur%ose&u!!' messes u% the s'stemR
On"e a#an* the "ounter )ueston s< ,h' ,ou!d the' do tR What s the
n"ent$eR In the e$ent ths dd ha%%en* t ,ou!d not ta7e !on# &or
others to not"e and the s'stem "ou!d (e "orre"ted n the same
sem(!an"e o& redundan"'* ,th the %erson remo$ed+ That %erson
,ou!d then (e )uestoned (' hs or her %eers and so"et' o$era!! to
(etter understand ,h' ths a"t o""urred+
O$era!!* ,e trust&u!!' #$e ourse!$es o$er to Kauthort' a!! the
tme+ Do"tors* me"han"s* and an' other s%e"a!1aton a!,a's n$o!$e
a !e$e! o& trust (' those see7n# su"h he!%* and most o& the tme* e$en
n a monetar' so"et' ,h"h #enerates dshonest'* %eo%!e are most!'
honest* or as honest as the' can be, the ma0ort' o& the tme+ It s
sm%!' too "'n"a! to assume that an' a!!o"aton o& "ontro! s
dan#erous+ At no tme n human hstor' ha$e ,e not shared some
!e$e! o& de!e#ated %o,er res%ons(!t' to ea"h other* and n a!most a!!
"ases* as ,th dentstr' or me"han"s* the nature o& the T%o,erT
de!e#ated n )ueston s "hara"ter1ed (' ts te"hn"a! mertU %re"se!'
the 7nd o& o$ers#ht ad$o"ated ,thn the %resent "onte-t+
In a NLR9E* the ren&or"ement s to he!% onese!&* ,h"h means
to he!% so"et'* not to e-%!ot or a(use+ There s !tera!!' no re,ard
ren&or"ement &or su"h ne#at$e (eha$or* as o%%osed to the natura!
state o& #enera! "orru%ton ,e endure toda'+
As &ar as the %h's"a! net,or7 tse!&* t s de"entra!1ed n ts
orentaton n man' ,a's* o&ten more so than ,e see toda'+ The
to%o#ra%h" !a'out o& Earth ma7es man' thn#s !o#"a!!' o($ous as &ar
as stru"ture %!a"ement+ Aeo%!e* (en# so"a!* natura!!' ha$e an nterest
to ha$e some 7nd o& "ommunt' "entra!1atonU the e-sten"e o&
"ertan ener#' %ro$dn# areas* su"h as &or
so!arM,ndM#eotherma!Mh'dro* "ar$e out ther o,n !o"atons !o#"a!!'U
e-tra"ton* %rodu"ton and dstr(uton net,or7s a!so ha$e a
to%o#ra%h"a! !o#" nherent as e&&"en"' mandates ,e 7ee% su"h
&a"!tates as "!ose to ea"h other as %oss(!e* redu"n# ener#' ,aste
and trans%ortU et"+
/tes themse!$es ,!! "han#e n t,o ma0or ,a's+ For one* the
"onstru"ton and net,or7n# o& the nterna! "t' s'stem ,!! see7 to
meet the h#hest state o& te"hn"a! e&&"en"' %oss(!e* n"!udn#
sustana(!e n&rastru"ture* homes* %rodu"tonMdstr(uton net,or7s
and the !7e* ta7n# the s'stems (ass nto dre"t a""ount+
G54 The su(0e"t o& Ken&or"ement and ho, su"h an a"t s dea!t ,th* ,!! (e
ta!7ed a(out n the essa' +ifestyle, (reedom and The >umanity (actor
G5D The des#n ,or7 o& 3a")ue Fres"o* s%e"&"a!!' hs "t' s'stem "on"e%ts* s a
#ood e-am%!e o& ths reasonn#+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
t s e-%e"ted that due to the e$o!uton o& e%hemera!1aton* a #$en
"t' ,!! %rodu"e a!! re#ona! #oods locally+ Mana#ement o& the "t' on
the !e$e! o& (road n&rastru"ture* su"h as ,here to %ut a (rd#e* ,!!
a!so (e a re#ona! de"son ma7n# %ro"ess* set n moton (' the dre"t
demo"ra"'* /DS s'stem+ Land a!!o"aton ,or7s the same ,a'* e$en
thou#h that s a !ar#er su(0e"t* ,h"h s addressed n the essa' KAost.
S"ar"t' Trends* /a%a"t' and E&&"en"'+
O& "ourse* ea"h "t' natura!!' "onne"ts to other "tes* dea!!'
,th ad$an"ed trans%ort s'stems* ,h"h "an "!ean!' and &!ud!' mo$e
%eo%!e+ Ma#!e$ t'%e trans s'stems are on %a"e to (e the ne-t sta#e o&
&ast* sa&e and e&&"ent trans%ort ,th !tt!e to no en$ronmenta!
&oot%rnt* as "om%ared to o!.%o,ered %!anes* (uses and "ars+

As &or as the Ken#ne o& a "t'* ,h"h s ts ndustr'* d#ta!
net,or7s and sensor s'stems ,or7 to #ather m%ortant re#ona! and! data+ Ths re!ates to the K#!o(a! resour"e mana#ement
net,or7 as des"r(ed (e&ore and (oth re#ona! and #!o(a! net,or7s o&
measurements a!!o, a!! "tesM"t1ens to ha$e a ho!st" sense o& ,hat
s #on# on* a&&e"tn# %rodu"ton and other m%ortant en$ronmenta!
So* ths net,or7 m#ht $er' ,e!! (e K"entra!1ed n ts data
and ra, resour"e &!o, to a "t'?s nterna! %rodu"ton &a"!tes* (ut t s
decentrali%ed n that a "t' m%orts nothn# e!se+ It s most!' se!&.
"ontaned+ A!! %rodu"tons o""ur nterna!!'* m%ortn# and e-%ortn# no
%rodu"ed #oods* on!' resour"es+ Ths dea o& Kse!&."ontanment %er
s"a!e de#ree
s m%ortant and e$en a%%!es to,ards stru"tures* su"h
as houses+ The dea! house ,ou!d (e o&&.the.#rd and se!&."ontaned n
ts ener#' sour"n# and ,th redundant (a"7u% ener#' sour"es n %!a"e
shou!d an'thn# (e"ome "om%romsed+
Aut another ,a'* there s no "entra! Ko&& s,t"h n su"h a
natura! redundan"' (ased s'stem+ For e-am%!e* & a (ase.!oad
%ro$dn# %o,er #rd s (en# used and that #rd #oes do,n* t ,ou!d
ha$e !tt!e e&&e"t on houses & those houses are a!so des#ned to
har$est !o"a! ener#' sour"es 8+e+ so!ar; and hen"e (e se!&."ontaned+
Re&< 3a")ue Fres"o* The /est That Money an0t /uy, G!o(a! /'(er$sons*
4554* /ha%ter 2H
G56 KMa#!e$ trans%ort uses !ess ener#' and mo$es su(stanta!!' &aster than
"ommer"a! ar!nes and "an a!so (e used as !o"a! trans%ort s'stems ,thn a
"t'+ ETD s a "om%an' "urrent!' ,or7n# on ths te"hno!o#'+
htt%<MM,,,+etD+"omM Other,se* the use o& e-treme!' sa&e* dr$er!ess "ars
,ou!d ser$e other trans%ortaton needs+
G5H Su"h sensor te"hno!o#' and s'stem net,or7s ha$e a!read' (een
h'%othes1ed and are s!o,!' ma7n# ther ,a' nto "ertan &a"ets o& so"et'+
The tas7 s sm%!' to s"a!e t out+ HA has ntrodu"ed an dea &or ,hat t "a!!s
a TA /entra! Ner$ous S'stem &or the EarthT+ htt%<MMh(r+or#M,e(M455EMh(r.
G5I To "!ar&' K%er s"a!e de#ree . ths sm%!' means sma!!er and !ar#er order
s'stems* ,th the sma!!er nsde the !ar#er+ For e-am%!e* a house s one
de#ree* ,h!e the city that "ontans the house s a !ar#er de#ree+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
L7e,se* no one thn# "an u%set the nternatona! s'stem+ Un!7e
modern monetar' &nan"e and "urren"' stru"tures* ,h"h are h#h!'
"entra!1ed and "an ,rea7 ha$o" #!o(a!!' & thn#s #o ,ron#* a %ro(!em
n one "t' has !tt!e e&&e"t on an' other "t' n a NLR9E+
So* n truth* a %ro%er!' or#an1ed NLR9E s not "entra!1ed n
an' rea! sense+ It s more a""urate to sa' that t s a #!o(a!
de"entra!1ed s'stem* ,th $arous de#rees o& nherent redundan"'*
,h"h* de#ree (' de#ree* "onne"ts tse!& (' n&ormaton &!o, and
%h's"a! "hanne!s to a")ure %ro%er resour"es* to (e used &or ea"h
re#on?s !o"a! e"onom'+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Is &reedom an'thn# e!se than the r#ht to !$e as ,e ,shR Nothn# e!se+
What is ha,,iness5
It s d&&"u!t &or most n the ,or!d toda' to ma#ne a so"et' ,thout
the duress and da!' str&e endured (' the a"t o& sm%!' tr'n# to
sur$$e and 7ee% a hea!th' menta! and %h's"a! state+ So mu"h o& our
!$es toda' s "entered around sta'n# &nan"a!!' ahead and ma7n#
sure ,e ha$e enou#h mone' &or toda'* tomorro,* our &am!' and e$en
%erha%s &or the ne-t &am!a! #eneraton* ,e o&ten !ose s#ht o& ,hat t
s that a"tua!!' "reates ,e!!.(en# and ha%%ness+
In &a"t* ths &ear and o&ten %redator' mot$aton has "reated a
so"a! "!mate that has e$en #enerated a %ost$e $a!ue asso"aton
to,ard narro,* se!&.nterested (eha$or+ Wh!e the !ne s a!,a's
su(0e"t$e as to ,hat (eha$ors are to (e "onsdered Keth"a! or not*
the "om%ett$e* s"ar"t'.dr$en orentaton to,ard #ann# an
a""e%ta(!e )ua!t' o& !&e "ontnua!!' ren&or"es our !o,er (ran* K&#ht.
or.&!#ht %ro%enstes* %er%etuatn# a "onstant sense o& so"a!
deta"hment and #enera! !oss o& em%ath' &or others+ In man' ,a's*
mone' tse!& has e$en (e"ome the re,ard and status standard* not
,hat t "an do ,th ts %otenta! to mo$e the ,or!d+
There&ore* #$en these $a!ues* t s a!,a's a "ha!!en#e to
ds"uss a NLR9E?s non.mar7et %remse ,th the $ast ma0ort' o& those
n modern "u!ture* as "ertan 7nee.0er7 "ontrad"tor' assum%tons
a!most a!,a's %re$a!+ It s not the %ur%ose o& ths essa' to address
these n deta! (ut to denote ho, "ommun"aton o& a &uture !&est'!e
not (ased on these no, !on#.sustaned $a!ues s d&&"u!t* as the dea
o& e-sten"e ,thout su"h str&e s a!most m%oss(!e &or man'* due to
our hstor'+
2erging Societ+ and $ndi/idualit+
A'n Rand and other &amous authors and theorsts n the 45
s%ent a #reat dea! o& tme ta!7n# a(out a dua!t' (et,een se!&.nterest
and so"a! nterest* or nd$dua!sm and "o!!e"t$sm+
In these ,or7s*
,hether n &"ton.(ased !terar' &orm or n a"tua! e"onom" treatment*
rare!' s "onsderaton #$en to a %oss(!e (a!an"e (et,een the t,o+
Martn Luther Cn# 3r+ on"e sad< K/ommunsm &or#ets that !&e
s nd$dua!+ /a%ta!sm &or#ets that !&e s so"a!* and the 7n#dom o&
(rotherhood s &ound nether n the thess o& "ommunsm nor the
G5F Sour"e< )uote.,se+"om 8htt%<MM,,,+)uote.,se+"omM)uotesMe%"tetusMs.
G5G A'n Rand?s &amous no$e! KAnthem s a nota(!e* n&!uenta! e-am%!e o& ths
artst" "u!mnaton o& $a!ues+ It ta7es %!a"e n a d'sto%an &uture ,here
man7nd has entered another dar7 a#e "hara"ter1ed (' rratona!t'*
"o!!e"t$sm* and so"a!st" thn7n# and e"onom"s+ The "on"e%t o&
nd$dua!t' has (een e!mnated+ For e-am%!e* the use o& the ,ord TIT s
%unsha(!e (' death+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
antthess o& "a%ta!sm (ut n a h#her s'nthess+ It s &ound n a h#her
s'nthess that "om(nes the truths o& (oth+
There s no den'n# that human (en#s ha$e e$o!$ed ,th a
dee%!' so"a! nature+ It "ou!d (e ar#ued that ,hat rea!!' de&nes us are
the re!atonsh%s ,e ha$e "reated n our !$es* not to menton the $ast
n&!uen"e o& "u!tura! de$e!o%ment tse!&* ,h"h s the man sour"e o&
most $a!ue orentatons at an' #$en tme n an' #$en so"et'+
:et* at the same tme* ,e "annot den' the %ersona!
de$e!o%ment needs* &reedom o& e-%resson sou#ht and #enera!
nde%enden"e most a!! humans tend to need to &ee! n ther da'.to.da'
!$es+ Wh!e the noton o& K&ree ,!! m#ht (e h#h!' "om%!e- n
ana!'ss* there a%%ears to a!,a's (e a %art o& us that na$#ates (ased
on ,hat ,e "onsder to (e K"ho"e and & ,e &ee! o%%resson o& that
"ho"e* t tends to u%set us and desta(!1e+
So* ,h!e t s true that ,hen the s'ner#' o& the tota! !&e
e-%eren"e s (rou#ht nto &o"us ,e "an ,e!! ar#ue that a!! o& our
"ho"es e-st under some !e$e! o& duress* n&!uen"e or m%u!se and
hen"e are a"tua!!' not entre!' K&ree* ,e "annot #nore the emotona!
nterest ,e tend to ha$e n %er"e$n# ourse!$es as se%arate*
nde%endent and nd$dua! n some ,a'+ True or not* the $er' dea o&
free determination a%%ears "rt"a! to %ersona! de$e!o%ment*
"on&den"e and ,e!!(en#+
Ths s (rou#ht u%* as %erha%s the most m%ortant so"o!o#"a!
out"ome o& a NLR9E s somethn# hstor"a!!' un%re"edented on a
!ar#e s"a!e n the hstor' o& human so"et'+ Toda'* ,e ha$e the
te"hno!o#"a! means to not on!' (rn# a!! human (en#s nto a h#h
standard o& !$n# due to the ra%d ad$an"ement o& te"hno!o#' and
(as" understandn#s n s"en"e* ,e a!so ha$e the a(!t' to stru"tura!!'
ratona!1e ourse!$es as (en# actually responsible to each other and
the Earth itself*
The mar7et s'stem has (een una(!e to ren&or"e ths sense o&
"ommunt' or harmon' ,th the ha(tat (e"ause ts $er' &oundaton
,or7s a#anst (oth as a $a!ue or $rtue+ The Earth* n the mar7et
mode!* s $e,ed as an n$entor' o& resour"es ,atn# &or &nan"a!
e-%!otaton and the more #oods n ser$"e* the more mone' s made
and hen"e more 0o(s are "reated+ L7e,se* %er%etua! human
o%%resson has (een a natura! ('%rodu"t o& the under!'n# Ma!thusan*
s"ar"t'.(ased orentaton* sn"e the da,n o& e-sten"e+
Ths o!d s'stem* ,h"h s a natura! "onse)uen"e o& ths
s"ar"t'.dr$en order* ,or7ed ,e!! durn# %rmt$e %erods ,here our
m%a"t on the Earth and ho, mu"h dama#e ,e "ou!d do to ea"h other
had Ka""e%ta(!e !mts* & 'ou ,!!+ The !ar#er stru"tura! %ro(!ems
nherent sm%!' "ou!d not (e understood at that tme+ Ho,e$er* toda'
the mar7et has re$ea!ed tse!& as no !on#er a method to,ards
sustana(!t' or a means &or nte!!#ent resour"e mana#ement and t
G5E From KWhere Do We Go From HereR* De!$ered at the ,,th 4nnual S+
onvention 4tlanta* Ga+* 2EIF 8htt%<MMm!7.
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
a!so "reates a "onstant %ro%enst' to $e, other human (en#s as
threats to one?s o,n sur$$a!+
On the so"a! !e$e!* the entre ed&"e 0ust&es a 1ero.sum
#ame+ T,o %eo%!e #on# nto a "o$eted 0o( nter$e, &or the same 0o(
ma' (e res%e"t&u! to ea"h other* (ut the' (oth 7no, on!' one o& them
,!! #et the 0o(+ Ths &ear.(ased "om%ett$e nuan"e runs the #amut o&
so"eta! a&&ars &rom 0ust&'n# mass$e ,ea!th #a%s and "!ass
m(a!an"e n the de$e!o%ed ,or!d to the o$era!! #norn# o& mass
%o$ert' and the #eno"de t s n the de$e!o%n# ,or!d+
A NLR9E* on the other hand* stru"tura!!' "om(nes so"eta!
nterest ,th %ersona! nterest and en$ronmenta! nterest+ Its
&un"tonn# s dre"t!' ted to the resour"es and en$ronment* a"tua!!'
rewarding sustana(!t' and e&&"en"'+ L7e,se* there s no #an to (e
had (' the e-%!otaton o& others or (eha$n# n the dshonest and
"orru%t ,a's ,e tend to a""e%t as norma!t'+ The&t* "rme* &raud and
a!! stru"tura! out"omes "ommon to the s"ar"t'.(ased mar7et* ,!! no
!on#er ha$e an' rea! n"ent$e as the entre so"et' s orented to serve
itself, and harming others only harms one0s self*
For e-am%!e* an enormous num(er o& !a,s e-st toda' that
%rote"t one?s %r$ate %ro%ert'+ Aeo%!e m#ht (e mot$ated to stea! &or a
num(er o& reasons* (ut statst"a!!' a !a"7 o& means* #enera!
de%r$aton and hen"e re!at$e or a(so!ute %o$ert'* s the "ommon
%re"ondton+ When %eo%!e stea! %h's"a! #oods* the' are usua!!'
stea!n# e-"han#e $a!ue n most "ases+ In a NLR9E there s no
e-"han#e $a!ue and hen"e to Kstea! an tem that "annot (e so!d s
most!' %ont!ess+
L7e,se* a "ommon o(0e"ton s that & #oods ,ere a$a!a(!e
,thout %r"e* there s no restr"ton on ta7n# $ast!' more than one
needs+ On"e a#an* ,e need to "onsder the reason &or su"h an a"ton+
Sn"e the same #oods "annot (e so!d* the' ,ou!d sm%!' e-st n
another %!a"e* %erha%s e$en n"on$enen"n# the %erson ,ho too7
them+ What s one to do ,th* sa'* 455 te!e$sonsR Wh' ,ou!d
someone ta7e &$e tmes the amount o& &ood needed & the' "annot eat
t a!! and t ,!! #o to ,asteR
From an eth"a! stand%ont* ,h"h s o&ten seen as "u!tura!!'
su(0e"t$e* ,e see a #reat num(er o& "ustoms n so"et' toda' (ased
u%on ,hat s "onsdered Ka%%ro%rate+ When a %erson ,a!7s do,n the
street and !tters on the #round* an'one ,at"hn# ,ou!d !7e!' not
a%%!aud su"h (eha$or+ In re#ons ,here ,ater or e!e"tr"t' s %ad &or
,th a &!at rate* %eo%!e do not 0ust !et the ,ater run a!! da' !on# or
7ee% !#hts on "onstant!'* sm%!' (e"ause the' don?t need to "are*
&nan"a!!'+ There has a!,a's (een a #enera! so"a! and en$ronmenta!
sense o& res%ons(!t' under the sur&a"e o& the "urrent 1et#est and a
NLR9E ,!! &na!!' amplify these same res%ons(!e %ro%enstes to a
$ast de#ree* rather than n"ent$1e ther su%%resson* ,h"h s ,hat
the "urrent s'stem does+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
-umanit+ Factor . Access Rights
St!!* ,h!e a NLR9E ,!! set n moton* &or the &rst tme n hstor'* a
7nd o& e"onom" and so"a! %remse that ren&or"es sustana(!t'*
human so!dart'* em%ath' and sharn# on a #!o(a! s"a!e* ,or7n# to
!tera!!' unte the human &am!' ,th "ommon "on"ern* there ,!!
a!,a's (e %ro(!ems o& some 7nd* n"!udn# (eha$ora!+
There s an un%red"ta(!e e!ement to human de$e!o%ment+ The
#reat man' and "om%!e- en$ronmenta! and (o!o#"a! n&!uen"es*
,h"h "reate our %ersona!1ed &orm* "om%rehenson and %ro%enstes*
"an (e d&&"u!t to understand n "ausa!t' to an' de#ree o& a(so!utsm+
We sm%!' "annot a""ount &or a!! re!e$ant &a"tors+ Wh!e a #reat dea!
has (een !earned a(out human n&!uen"es and ho, "ertan thn#s
should and should not ha%%en to a %erson durn# de$e!o%ment* as
the' ha$e statst"a!!' %red"ta(!e "onse)uen"es ,th res%e"t to
(eha$or* there s a!,a's a %oss(!t' o& thn#s #on# ,ron# that are
out o& a &am!' or so"et'?s "ontro!+
We "an "a!! ths the Khumant'
The "urrent so"a! order* ,h"h s* a#an* !tera!!' (u!t out o&
the mar7et.orented* s"ar"t'.dr$en* "om%ett$e %remse o& e"onom'*
has an enormous !e#a! a%%aratus to "ontro! human (eha$or+ In the
ne, a%%roa"h* ,e "ou!d !7e!' e-%e"t a E5.EH> de"rease n su"h
K"rmna! a"ts sn"e the $ast ma0ort' o& K"rme has to do ,th
mone'* trade and %ro%ert'+ These $er' deas are no !on#er re!e$ant n
ths %ost.s"ar"t' mode! &or there s no (ass &or those %ro(!ems n
#enera!+ The' ha$e (een designed out+
Ho,e$er* ths Khumant' &a"tor "an st!! #enerate une-%e"ted
"r"umstan"es and %ro(!ems that re)ure a so"a!!' a""e%ted "ourse o&
a"ton+ A sm%!e e-am%!e s menta! !!ness* ,h"h "an de$e!o% s!o,!'
o$er tme and une-%e"ted!'+ It s a med"a! %ro(!em and must (e
treated as su"h+ A $o!unteer #rou% ,or7n# to he!% those s"7 n the
(eha$ora! "onte-t ,ou!d need to (e n %!a"e* no d&&erent than those
,ho ,or7 n an' other &a"et o& so"eta! mantenan"e+ Ho,e$er* ths
team ,ou!d (e a $ast de%arture &rom the "rude dea o& K%o!"e and
Kse"urt' ,e see toda'+ L7e,se* there are "ertan!' no %rsons
e-stn# to n"ur nhumane treatment and %unshment+

E$en n the "ase o& K"rmes o& %asson or the !7e* the ,orst
s"enaro s "ontanment & the nd$dua! s una(!e to "ontro! destru"t$e
a"tons+ 3ust as ,e m#ht )uarantne a %erson ,th a h#h!'
"onta#ous* n&e"tous dsease & t ,ere a serous threat* the !o#" to
G25 The essa's The (inal 4rgument3 >uman "ature and =efining Public >ealth
are su##ested &or re$e,+
G22 Ths ma' sound !7e a uto%an ste% &or a so"et' n the "urrent "!mate* (ut
ths trend "an a"tua!!' (e o(ser$ed em(r'on"a!!' n some so"etes toda'*
su"h as n the Nether!ands and S,eden* ,here %rsons are (en# "!osed
do,n due to e-"e%tona!!' !o, "rme rates+ Re&eren"e<
%rsons @ The Nether!ands<
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
"ontan %eo%!e ,ho %ose (eha$ora! threats to others ,ou!d su##est a
sm!ar s"enaro . on!' ths "ontanment ,ou!d (e humane and &or the
sa7e o& resear"h+ Whether (o!o#"a! or de$e!o%menta!* a!! a(errant
(eha$ors ha$e a sour"e o& some 7nd and as "om%!e- as the' ma' (e*
on!' &urther stud' "an ,or7 to sour"e so!utons+
On a more moderate !e$e!* su"h as the "ase o& ado!es"ent 7ds
,ho* n the "ommon ds"o$er' and re(e!!ous sta#e o& de$e!o%ment*
a"t n so"a!!' o&&ens$e ,a's n e-%ermentaton* a d&&erent 7nd o&
understandn# s "u!mnated ,here the "ommunt' "an "ome to#ether
to assess the nature o& the %ro(!em and ,or7 to deter the (eha$or as
a "ommunt'+ 3ust as mnors are treated n the Western ,or!d toda'*
#$en non."rmna! "ondemnaton n most "ases* the same t'%e o&
"ommunt' assessment "an (e %ro$ded* ,h"h ,!! !7e!' "ome natura!
to an' &am!' or !o"a! re#on+
Ho,e$er* n some "ases* there m#ht (e a need &or a t'%e o&
r#hts s'stem ,hen dea!n# ,th a""essed #oods+ In other ,ords* a
sm%!e ru!e s'stem o& some 7nd m#ht (e use&u!* "entered not on
property rights (ut access rights*
Ima#ne a s"enaro ,here an nd$dua! %ar7s hs or her (7e
on a street* ,thout a !o"7* entern# a house+ Ths (7e ,as "he"7ed
out o& a !o"a! dstr(uton !(rar' &or the %erson?s use+ Then* a
('stander* ,ho s n a hurr'* not "!ose to a dstr(uton !(rar'* sees
ths (7e and ma7es an na%%ro%rate de"son to ta7e the (7e to #et
,here he needs to #o+ Ths s a dshonest and rude a"t+
In a %ro%ert' s'stem* ths ,ou!d (e "a!!ed Kthe&t+ In an a""ess
s'stem t m#ht ta7e a d&&erent term* su"h as an Ka""ess $o!aton+
The se$ert' o& the a"ton s $er' d&&erent and t s more o& an
anno'an"e than a "rme+ In a %ro%ert' s'stem the (7e ,ou!d !7e!' (e
so!d &or mone' or 7e%t+ In an a""ess s'stem* the or#na! user ,ou!d
sm%!' o(tan a ne, (7e and mo$e on* n"on$enen"ed* ,h!e the
%erson ,ho too7 the (7e ,ou!d !7e!' 0ust dro% t o&& a&ter use* as
there s no resa!e $a!ue and hen"e no rea! reason to 7ee% t+
:et* t doesn?t mean the a"t shou!d (e #nored and #o
unnot"ed n ts a""ess $o!aton* as su"h (eha$or* as rare as t !7e!'
,ou!d (e* ,ou!d need a"7no,!ed#ment to ser$e as a &orm o& o%erant
edu"aton+ It s no d&&erent than ho, %eo%!e toda' !earn (as"
de"en"'* res%e"t and et)uette+ There&ore* rather than %ro%ert' r#hts*
a sm%!e a""ess r#hts ru!e "ou!d (e nsta!!ed to deter su"h (eha$or+ In
other ,ords* an' %erson o(tann# tems throu#h the s'stem ,ou!d
ha$e access rights to those tems &or the duraton o& use and & another
"omes and ta7es those tems* t s an o&&ense+ Ren&or"ement to deter
su"h &uture a"ts ,ou!d &rst (e ,arnn#s+ I& %erssted o$er tme* t
"ou!d mean a tem%orar' !mtaton o& &uture a""ess n some #enre &or
that o&&endn# %erson+
In rea!t'* t "ou!d (e "onsdered a Ks!a% on the ,rst &or
essenta!!' (en# anno'n# and rude+ Ho,e$er* & a %erson ,ere to
re%eat ths o$er and o$er* t m#ht ta7e on the ro!e o& mental illness* as
somethn# o& an m%u!s$e (eha$or dsorder and that med"a! "onte-t
m#ht "ome nto %!a' at that tme+ 9ut on"e a#an* ths t'%e o&
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
(eha$or ,ou!d (e e-treme!' rare and & &ar &rom a serous "on"ern+
Ho,e$er* su"h %oss(!e measures shou!d (e understood* as ths sn?t a
uto%a+ It shou!d a!so (e noted that te"hn"a! reso!utons are a!,a's
sou#ht a&ter as the %rmar' %re$enton strate#' to des#n out an' su"h
/rss mana#ement s another ssue+ 3ust as ,e ha$e a
$o!unteer &re de%artment n most "tes n Amer"a* ,ho !$e ther
norma! !$es unt! the' #et the "a!! &or an emer#en"'* ths same
a%%roa"h "an ,or7 &or natura! dsasters or a"ts o& e-treme (eha$or*
su"h as (eha$ora! $o!en"e+ In the "ase o& an earth)ua7e* &!ood*
tornado or the !7e* ea"h "ase ,ou!d natura!!' ha$e a %!an n %!a"e ('
the so"et' to assure %ro%er hand!n#+ Ths %re%araton "an "ross
re#ona! !nes as ,e!!* ,th "ontn#en"' %!ans a#reed u%on on the
#!o(a! !e$e! to 7no, ho, the rest o& the ,or!d ma' he!% & a #$en
re#on has a se$ere %ro(!em+ Ths s a"tua!!' sm!ar to ho, the
nternatona! "ommunt' ,or7s to he!% n "rses e$en toda'* ,hen su"h
%ro(!ems o""ur+
O$era!!* ,e "an s%e"u!ate on a!! these deas and %ro(!em.
so!$n# measures to a $ast de#ree* (ut the under!'n# %re"ondton set
n moton (' the NLR9E* ,!! dramat"a!!' redu"e the "ommona!t' and
se$ert' o& ea"h ssue and that s m%ortant to remem(er+ For e-am%!e*
(u!dn#s "onstru"ted n re#ons sus"e%t(!e to earth)ua7es ,!! (e
made to ,thstand them as (est the' "an+ Ths s $er' d&&"u!t n the
"urrent ,or!d due to the asso"ated &nan"a! "osts as the re$sons
dee%!' needed are #reat+ Su"h m%edments ,!! no !on#er e-st and
%ro%er* te"hn"a!!' a""urate "onstru"ton and n&rastru"ture "an (e
made to assure the !east amount o& dama#e n the e$ent o& su"h a
natura! dsaster+
As te"hno!o#' un&o!ds and s"ent&" understandn# e$o!$es* "u!ture
"han#es+ Ths has (een the trend o& hstor'+ Wth the e-%onenta!
de$e!o%ment o& n&ormaton.(ased te"hno!o#es and hen"e the a%%!ed
te"hno!o#' that then emer#es* ea"h #eneraton de$e!o%s ne, $a!ues*
asso"atons* means and e-%ressons+ Let?s ma#ne ,a7n# u% one
mornn# n a NLR9E . a da' n the !&e<
:ou rse to a #enera!!' )uet hum o& m!d tra&&"* ,th ma#!e$
trans ,hs7n# a(out the "t'+ Ha$n# a !o$e &or h#h $e,s* 'ou #et
out o& (ed on the 45
store' o& a sm%!e 'et e!e#ant* mo!d. e-truded
a%artment "om%!e- that "on$erts a!! sun!#ht nto ener#' throu#h
%hoto$o!ta" %ants on ts outer she!!+ :ou ha$e a &!eetn# moment o&
mar$e!n# at ths rea!t' as the sun (ursts throu#h the ,ndo,s*
&or"n# n"reased a!ertness out o& 'our ear!' mornn# stu%or+
As 'ou emer#e* 'ou are a!so remnded o& 'our "ousn ha$n#
ta7en %art n that #!o(a!* un$erst' dr$en ntat$e a(out t,o de"ades
a#o* ,h"h sou#ht to %er&e"t ths %ant te"hno!o#' to a de#ree o&
e&&"en"' ne$er (e&ore seen+ In 0ust a &e, 'ears o& "o!!a(oraton* ths
AV %ant a"he$ed E5> ener#' e&&"en"'* ma7n# t ,or7a(!e n a!most
an' stru"ture+ :ou remem(er the 0o' and sats&a"ton 'our "ousn &e!t
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
,hen hs team ,as on the &ront !nes ,hen ths (rea7throu#h &or
humant' ,as a"he$ed+ It ,as !7e the e!aton &e!t amon#st so""er
teammates a&ter a #oa! has (een s"ored+
S!o,!' #ann# &o"us as 'our %u%!s &nd (a!an"e ,th the
n$adn# !#ht* 'ou #!an"e out o& the ,ndo, and not"e an enormous
ma"hne* sus%ended &rom a "rane o& sorts* s!o,!' addn# a ne, se"ton
to the $er' (u!dn# stru"ture 'ou are a %art o&+ A!most !7e ma#"* the
ma"hne s a(!e to &orm* &rom ,hat &rst a%%ears !7e a 7nd o& !)ud
%!ast"* a ne, a%artment "on&#uraton and a%%ends that &orm onto the
e-stn# stru"ture+ [uet!'* sa&e!' and odd!' ,th $er' &e, %arts* there
s no te"hn"an n s#ht* e$en thou#h !7e!' someone s montorn# the
%ro"ess &rom some,here+ 9!n7n# and s"annn# sensor !#hts on the
hu#e ma"hne a%%ear to su##est that t understands e$er'thn# a(out
the surroundn# area and ,hat t needs to do+
G!an"n# &urther around the "t'?s s7'!ne* there s an
mmedate sense o& s'ner#' ,th nature+ The "t' has no a,7,ard
"on"entratons or m(a!an"e+ The s!"7 trans%ort s'stems that 1oom ('*
,h"h are h#h.te"h ndeed* seem to mer#e seam!ess!' ,th the
#reener'* !a7es and "ana!s+ Sudden!'* a %"ture on the ,a!! ne-t to the
,ndo, "at"hes 'our e'e+ It s an o!d ar"h$a! shot o& a!most the same
%ers%e"t$e* (ut ta7en man'* man' de"ades (e&ore* durn# ,hat
modern &o!7 no, "a!! the K!ast dar7 a#e+
In ths shot a sense o& tenson* "on#eston and str&e s &e!t+ A
!on# stream o& automo(!es s seen on a str% o& "rude "on"rete
h#h,a' (a"7n# u% a!! the ,a' out o& &rame+ :ou remem(er &rom 'our
hstor' edu"aton 'ears a#o that (a"7 then a monetar' %ra"t"e
"reated #reat duress and ds"ord* ,th %eo%!e %!n# nto "tes to #an
em%!o'ment and hen"e to #an the mone'* n order (u' thn#s and
sur$$e+ :ou then thn7 o& ho, thn#s ha$e "han#ed ndeed* &ee!n#
rather sorr' &or that %rmt$e "u!ture and ha%%' 'ou ,ere (orn ,hen
'ou ,ere+ O& "ourse* rea!1n# that 'ou too !$e n a &!eetn# era as tme
mar"hes on* 'ou &urther tr' to ma#ne ,hat as%e"ts o& 'our !&e toda'
,!! one da' (e "onsdered outdated n the &uture+
Fee!n# hun#r'* 'ou enter nto the a%artment?s 7t"hen+ It s a
&ar!' ne, des#n 'ou hadn?t seen (e&ore+ Wh!e the s'stems "on"e%t
and the nterest to "om(ne and un&' ndustra! des#n ,as mentoned
%ro!&"a!!' n 'our edu"atona! matera!s as an en#neern# student*
'ou not"e the ad$an"ed de#ree o& e&&"en"' no, a"he$ed+ The
7t"hen s one unt+ The dshes and ,are are des#ned &or the ,ashn#
and %!a"ement %ro"ess* ,h"h s dre"t!' (u!t n+ On"e a %!ate s drt'*
t s set nto a "om%artment that a!read' understands the nature o& the
%re.des#ned %!ate and %ro"esses the %!ate ,th a 7nd o& "!eansn#
steam and a UV "on&#uraton that a!so ster!1es t+ Automat"a!!'* the
%!ate s then returned to the %ro%er ds%erser !o"aton n the she!& &or
the ne-t use+ It ,as as thou#h the 7t"hen ,as one (#* un&ed
Ho,e$er* "he"7n# the re&r#erator* 'ou rea!1e 'ou ha$e
&or#otten to %"7 u% %ro$sons &or 'our short sta'+ :ou %onder ,hether
to do #o do,n to the !o,er !e$e! to %"7 u% su"h %ro$sons and "ome
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
(a"7* (ut 'ou de"de t s tme to #et #on# and 'ou ,!! #ra(
somethn# at a "a&B on the ,a'+ As 'ou e-t the a%artment* 'ou s,%e
the a""ess 7e' nto the "ontro! %ane! to "on&rm 'our &na! e-t and
then #!an"e at the "ontro! %ane! to &nd the K"!ean (utton+ A&ter a (t
o& &rustraton* 'ou &na!!' rea!1e the a%artment has (een des#ned ,th
a tme.(ased moton sensor s'stem to "!ean tse!& automat"a!!' ,hen
no moton s dete"ted+
:ou then not"e the /FI ro(ot n the "orner and ta7e %ause as
to the ama1n# te"hn"a! &eat t s to ha$e ths ro(ot understand the
e-a"t nature o& the s%a"e* ,here thn#s (e!on# and ,here the' do not*
a!! %ro#rammed ,th a(so!ute DD s%ata! a,areness o& the a%artment
to "!ean and arran#e+ It s hard &or 'ou to ma#ne ,hat t must ha$e
(een !7e to mantan su"h da!' drud#er' #eneratons %ror+
E-tn# the a%artment* ,h"h s a"tua!!' a tem%orar' a""ess
!o"aton 'ou Krented throu#h an on!ne ser$"e* 'ou then enter the
ha!!,a's and a!most "o!!de ,th a &ast mo$n# o!der man ,ho dro%s a
sma!! !a%to%+ :ou rea!1e he s one o& the mana#ers o& the a%artment
"om%!e-+ :ou he!% hm %"7 t u% and he a%o!o#1es %ro&use!'+ KVer'
sorr'P he e-"!ams+ KWe ha$e a %ro(!em ,th the /FI on !e$e! 24 and
I need to re(oot hmP KGood thn# ,e a!,a's ha$e a &e, (a"7u%s &or
ea"h roomP
:ou than7 hm 7nd!' &or hs ,e!!.7e%t %!a"e and "ontnue on
'our ,a'* ,th a (re& re&!e"ton (a"7 to that hstor"a! %hoto n the
room 'ou 0ust !e&t+ Lon# a#o* %eo%!e?s sense o& "ontr(uton ,as
a!,a's asso"ated to mone'+ The' had 0o(s* as the' ,ere "a!!ed+
Toda'* %eo%!e?s $o"aton s a matter o& "ho"e* &a"!tated a!so (' a
(as" sense o& so"a! res%ons(!t'+ Our so"et' s des#ned to ta7e "are
o& us as one* so ,h' shou!d ,e not ta7e "are o& so"et' tse!& n returnR
The man ,ho %assed 'ou mantans that (u!dn# (e"ause he en0o's
he!%n# others and sn"e he* hmse!&* on!' needs to ,or7 a &e, hours a
,ee7 at ths ro!e* he $e,s hs $o!unteer tme as $a!ua(!e and ,thout
(urden* ha%%!' assstn# others ,ho $er' mu"h a%%re"ate the
"ontr(uton+ It ma7es hm &ee! !7e he s more a %art o& the
E-tn# the (u!dn#* the street s (ust!n# ,th moton+ :ou
not"e an arts' !oo7n#* retro Fren"h "a&B on the "orner and !au#h to
'ourse!& at the %ont!ess* 'et "ute nosta!#a+ :ou enter and st at a
sma!! "orner ta(!e* sm!n# %o!te!' at the &am!' a"ross the ,a'+
Rea!1n# 'ou are runnn# out o& tme sn"e 'ou ha$e to "at"h a tran to
attend a "on&eren"e a "ou%!e hundred m!es a,a'* 'ou ta% a sm%!e
order nto the 7os7 menu n the "enter o& the ta(!e+ Tea and ,a&&!es+
On"e su(mtted 'ou "an?t he!% (ut not"e a m!d $(raton o""urrn#
(ehnd 'our head+
Sn"e 'our #rand&ather ,as an en#neer ,ho he!%ed des#n the
or#na! automated 7t"hen s'stem* ths s "urous to 'ou as the usua!
tradton ,as to %ut the %ro"essn# &a"!t' a(o$e and "enter n the
s%a"e+ It a%%ears there ,as some restr"ton n ths narro, area so
the' hd t to the sde+ A(out t,o mnutes !ater* a red !#ht a%%ears on
the ta(!e to a!ert 'ou that 'our order s read'+ A #!ass door o%ens that
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
s %er%end"u!ar to the ta(! and a "on$e'or e-tends to re$ea! 'our
tea and ,a&&!es+ :ou #ra( the tra' and rush to &nsh n the ho%e not to
mss 'our tran+ On"e done* 'ou s!de the tra' (a"7 nto the o%enn#
and t "!oses &or "!eann#+
As 'ou e-t the "a&B* 'ou "an?t he!% (ut not"e a de"a! ,th the
s!houette o& a &ema!e &orm ,th a tra'* (endn# o$er ,hat !oo7s !7e a
ta(!e+ At &rst the ma#e "on&uses 'ou and then 'ou remem(er that at
one tme n hstor' %eo%!e ,ere s!a$es to others n ths $er' ,a'+
9e&ore the automated restaurant* %eo%!e a"tua!!' ,asted ther
%otenta! (' ,atn# on ea"h other and manua!!' (rn#n# &ood and
ta7n# orders+ On"e a#an* 'ou are ha%%' 'ou ,ere (orn ,hen 'ou
Emer#n# (a"7 outsde 'ou rea!1e 'ou ha$e a &ar!' !on# ,a!7+
Aondern# 0um%n# on the ma#!e$ tro!!e'* ,h"h "onstant!' "r"!es
a(out the "t' !7e a #ant ,orm* 'ou de"de t s %ro(a(!' #on# to (e
too s!o,+ So* 'ou ma7e 'our ,a' to the street %ara!!e!* ,h"h s ,here
the automated "ars 1oom around n ther "ustom %aths+ Au!!n# out
'our "e!! %hone* ,h"h has a s%e"a! a%%!"aton !n7ed to the re#on?s
trans%ort s'stem* a ,hte "a( )u"7!' not"es 'our "a!! and sto%s on
the "orner+ :ou enter the &ront o& the "a( and $er(a!!' des"r(e the
address+ A $o"e "on&rms 'our re)uest and 'ou are o&&+
Arr$n# at the tran staton* 'ou e-t the "a( and (e#n to
ma7e 'our ,a'+ G!dn# a!on# 'ou not"e a %erson ,th a $er' !ar#e
(a# ne-t to 'ou* stro!!n# t a!on#+ Ths %er%!e-es 'ou+ It a%%ears so
arduous and unne"essar'+ :ou as7 'ourse!& ,h' an'one ,ou!d need
su"h a !ar#e (a# ,hen the (as" thn#s e$er'one needs "an (e &ound
n an' "t' n the ,or!d* on demand+ The dea o& !u##a#e seemed
a,7,ard and stran#e+ :et* (e&ore 'ou ha$e a moment to %onder ths
an' &urther* the man n &ront o& 'ou sudden!' "o!!a%ses to the #round+
Instant!' a !ar#e "ro,d (e#ns to &orm to see & the' "an assst+
9en# the "!osest to hm* 'ou not"e the "hara"terst"s a%%ear to (e o&
a heart atta"7+ Wh!e e-treme!' rare n the ,or!d at that tme* the' st!!
o""asona!!' o""ur+ Au!!n# out 'our %hone 'ou te-t emer#en"' num(er
DD2 ,th the ,ord ?med"a!?+ Ths sends nstant not&"aton o& an
emer#en"' to a !o"a! team o& $o!unteers traned n med"a! %ra"t"e*
a!on# ,th the !o"aton $a GAS+ Wthn mnutes a team arr$es and
,or7s to sa$e the man?s !&e+ Wth the man st!! (reathn#* he s %!a"ed
nto an automated emer#en"' $eh"!e* ,h"h 1ooms o&& to the !o"a!
hos%ta!+ /on"erned a(out the &ate o& the %oor man* 'ou "o!!e"t
'ourse!& and "ontnue on* e$en more !ate than (e&ore+
Fna!!' ma7n# t to 'our tran* 'ou enter and st+ Wthn
moments the doors "!ose and 'ou (reathe a s#h o& re!e&+ In 'our seat
s an entertanment "enter ,th has on demand meda+ As the tran
(e#ns to a""e!erate* 'ou sudden!' remem(er that 'our ne%he,
%rodu"ed a &eature &!m a(out ,ha!e m#raton re"ent!'* (ut 'ou "an?t
remem(er the name+ G$en ths meda "enter has a !n7 to !tera!!' a!!
meda e$er %rodu"ed n human hstor'* d#t1ed and "ontaned n one
a""ess(!e data(ase* 'ou (a!7 at the dea o& sear"hn# &or t amon#st
the m!!ons o& &!ms+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Then* t "omes to 'ouP So* 'ou enter the tt!e and there t s+ Ho,e$er*
'our remem(er 'our tr% s on!' a(out 4FH m!es so 'ou 7no, 'ou
,on?t #et &ar as ths ma#!e$ tran #oes a(out D555 m%h+ :ou ,!! (e
!u"7' & 'ou #et G mnutes nto the &!m+ So* rather than s%o! the
e-%eren"e* 'ou de"de to #o o$er some notes 'ou (rou#ht &or the
"on&eren"e+ The su(0e"t o& the "on&eren"e s terra&ormaton+ Great
nterest s (en# sho,n (' humant' to &urther e-%!ore the dea o&
nha(tn# s%a"e* and ths "on&eren"e ,!! address the %otenta!s
"urrent!' a$a!a(!e+
Ho,e$er* (e&ore too mu"h thou#ht "an (e done* 'ou arr$e at
'our destnaton+ :ou e-t the tran and enter the staton+ :ou rea!1e
'ou need some e)u%ment &or some %ro#ram ,or7 that ,!! (e
addressed at the "on&eren"e* so 'ou ma7e 'our ,a' to the !o"a!
te"hno!o#' !(rar'+ :ou need a $ersat!e !a%to% and a seres o& stora#e
"ards to (rn# 'our notes and ,or7 ,th 'ou a&ter t s done+ :ou enter
the !(rar' and &ee! a (u11 on 'our %hone+ :ou %u!! t out and a "urous
not&"aton ,e!"omes 'ou to that re#on?s te"hno!o#' "enter and as7s
& 'ou need sear"h assstan"e+
Ths %er%!e-es 'ou at &rst (ut then 'ou remem(er that the
!(rar' net,or7 n that re#on has re"ent!' (een u%dated to a!!o, &or a
un$ersa! re"o#nton s'stem* &a"!tated (' a %hone a%%!"aton 'ou
had nsta!!ed %ror* ,h!e usn# another !(rar' n the same re#on 'ears
a#o+ :ou had &or#otten a(out ths+ KHo, "on$enentP* 'ou thn7+ :ou
des"r(e the !a%to% and memor' "ards and t returns the %rodu"t
%ro&!es+ :ou &nd that t s "orre"t+ On"e "on&rmed* a $sua! ma% o& the
!(rar' a%%ears that sho,s 'our !o"aton and the !o"aton o& the area
,th the #oods 'ou need+ :ou na$#ate to that area and "he"7 out the
tems+ Then* 'ou e-t the !(rar'* retre$e an automated "a(* and 'ou
are o&& to the "on&eren"e+
A num(er o& hours !ater the "on&eren"e ends+ :ou are ns%red*
e-hausted and hun#r'* ha$n# &or#otten to eat most o& the da'+ :ou
de"de an Ita!an st'!e mea! sounds #ood+ Lu"7!'* 'ou not"e 0ust su"h
a restaurant a &e, (!o"7s do,n and start ,a!7n#+ :our %hone rn#s+ It
s an asso"ate &rom 'our hometo,n+ He states there s a %ro(!em ,th
one o& the &ood %rodu"ton man&o!ds and he s una(!e to res%ond due
to hs o,n %ersona! emer#en"'+ :ou state 'ou ,!! #o on!ne and "he"7
the s'stem status and #et (a"7 to hm+
:ou )u"7!' enter the Ita!an restaurant and ta7e a seat at a
sma!! ta(!e+ It s a %rett' (us' n#ht so t s noser than 'ou ,ou!d
%re&er+ :ou ,h% out the !a%to%* ,h"h has a sate!!te.(ased Internet
"onne"ton at a!! tmes* and na$#ate to 'our re#on?s te"hn"a!
man&rame to "he"7 &or status errors+ Sure enou#h* there s a %o,er
%ro(!em n se"tor &$e o& the automated $ert"a! &arm stru"ture n the
northeast re#on+ :ou (rn# u% a d#ta! ma#e o& the %h's"a! !a'out*
,h"h* (' a 7nd o& "o!or."odn#* re$ea!s a se$ered "a(!e !ne to a
%o,er "on$erter+ Ha$n# seen ths %ro(!em (e&ore* sn"e 'ou ha$e
(een o$erseen# 'our re#on?s &ood %rodu"ton &or a(out e#ht 'ears*
'ou #an a sense o& re!e&* as the %ro(!em s $er' sm%!e to &-+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Wth a &e, 7e'stro7es* a /RE modu!ar ro(ot s no, under 'our "ontro!
n the &arm+ Throu#h ths remote "ontro! a(!t' 'ou are a(!e to #ude
the ma"hne to the %ro(!em area and e-%!an the ssue+ Ths ro(ot* !7e
the one n the a%artment renta! 'ou had %ror* has a "om%!ete
understandn# o& a!! %h's"a! and te"hn"a! s'stems n the o%eraton+ A
DD mode! o& the %!ant and ts n&rastru"tura! des#n s !tera!!'
%ro#rammed nto these /REs and a!! t needs s a !tt!e orentaton &rom
the mana#ement team and t )u"7!' #oes nto a"ton to &- a %ro(!em+
On"e n %!a"e* the /RE )u"7!' understands the %ro(!em "!ear!' and
mo$es to re%!a"e the (ad %o,er "a(!e+ In a &e, mnutes* the %ro(!em
s so!$ed+ :ou "a!! 'our asso"ate (a"7 and he than7s 'ou 7nd!' &or the
No, e-treme!' hun#r'* 'ou ,h% around the menu 7os7 and
&nd the !ar#est %!ate o& %asta 'ou "anP :ou enter 'our order* a!on#
,th a stron# "o"7ta! and some ,ater* and ,at+ A(out ten mnutes
!ater a me"hansm n the ta(!e o%ens &rom the sde* e!e$atn# 'our
no, e$er.ent"n# !oo7n# mea! to the sur&a"e n &ront o& 'ou+ :ou d$e
nP Eatn# a,a'* 'ou "an?t he!% (ut not"e a #ent!e &a"ed ,oman
starn# at 'ou &rom the "orner+ :ou sm!e and she "omes o$er+
She as7s* KHo, s e$er'thn#R :ou state K[ute #ood+ Are 'ou
the mana#er hereR She nods+ :ou then #o on to des"r(e ho, 'our
#rand&ather he!%ed des#n the 7t"hen s'stem she s usn#+ She !#hts
u% and sa's* KM' &am!' has (een &eedn# %eo%!e &or nne #eneratons+
Sometmes I #o (a"7 and "oo7 the &ood m'se!&* 0ust &or &unP :ou (oth
!au#h at the nosta!#a* "om%arn# the dea to those ,ho st!! manua!!'
&- u% o!d "ars 0ust &or &un+
A&ter the mea! and "on$ersaton* 'ou de"de t s tme to retre
&or the e$enn#+ Au!!n# out 'our %hone 'ou !o"ate an a$a!a(!e room a
&e, doors do,n+ :ou enter the (u!dn#* o(tan a 7e'"ard &rom an
automated 7e' ,a!!* and as"end to 'our room and s!ee%+ L&e mo$es
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
I am "on$n"ed that & ,e are to #et on the r#ht sde o& the ,or!d re$o!uton*
,e+++must under#o a rad"a! re$o!uton o& $a!ues+++,e must ra%d!' (e#n the
sh&t &rom a thn#.orented so"et' to a %erson.orented so"et'+ When ma"hnes
and "om%uters* %ro&t mot$es and %ro%ert' r#hts are "onsdered more
m%ortant than %eo%!e* the #ant tr%!ets o& ra"sm* e-treme matera!sm and
m!tarsm are n"a%a(!e o& (en# "on)uered+
Dr+ Martn Luther Cn# 3r+
The ear!' 42
"entur' mar7s an e-treme!' nterestn# %erod o& tme+
On one sde ,e see man' "!ear and %resent %ro(!ems that* as ths
essa' ,!! ds"uss* sho, an a""e!eratn# #ra$taton to,ard &urther
ne#at$e "onse)uen"es* (oth en$ronmenta! and so"a!+ :et* on the
other sde* an e$er %resent and a""e!eratn# so!uton orentaton*
te"hn"a!!'* re$ea!s so mu"h %otenta! to "han#e "ourse &or the (etter*
%ost$e &uture %oss(!tes a%%ear %ro&ound and !mt!ess+
To the "asua! o(ser$er* the dea that Kthe ,orst s o$er
re#ardn# the e$o!uton o& human "u!ture ma' a%%ear ntut$e!'
a""urate* de%endn# on ,here one resdes on the %!anet+ We ha$e
seen an o$era!! n"rease n !&e e-%e"tan"'* an o$era!! de"!ne n
(eha$ora! $o!en"e*
a rsn# standard o& !$n# on the ,ho!e n the
Western ,or!d* a!on# ,th a #enera!!' maturn# #!o(a! "u!ture ,h"h
has (een n"hn# ts ,a' out o& $ast %erods o& (#otr'* se-sm* ra"sm*
and natona!sm* &urther %romotn# a mu"h needed #!o(a!
:et* the truth o& the matter s that an' su"h so"a! K%ro#ress*
s%e"&"a!!' the o$era!! standard of living e!e$aton o""urrn# due to our
te"hno!o#"a! n#enut'* s a"tua!!' ama!#amatn# within a h#h!'
detrmenta! &rame,or7 that has 0ust started to rea!!' re$ea! tse!& as
su"h+ These sur&a"n# %ro(!ems are o& a scientific nature* not an
deo!o#"a! one+ The &a"t s* mar7et "a%ta!sm* no matter ho, 'ou ,sh
to re#u!ate t or not re#u!ate t* "ontans se$ere stru"tura! &!a,s* ,h"h
,!! a!,a's* to one de#ree or another* %er%etuate environmental abuse
and destabili%ation, a!on# ,th human disregard and caustic ine)uality*
As e-%ressed at !en#th n other essa's* ths mar7etMtrade
"on"e%t man&ested out o& an en$ronmenta! "ondton ,h"h $e,ed a!!
matera! thn#s n the ,or!d as un$ersa!!' s"ar"e+ Ths has &or#ed a
"om%ett$e and n$ara(!' e-%!otat$e $a!ue s'stem that #enerates
"ertan (eha$ora! %ro%enstes and !o'a!tes that are misaligned ,th
the natura! order o& rea!t'* as %er our modern en$ronmenta! and
G24 Sour"e< S%ee"h (' Dr+ Cn#* 2EIF
G2D Re&eren"e< Violence Van)uished
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
so"o!o#"a! understandn#s+

The d&&eren"e (et,een "a%ta!sm?s e&&e"t toda' and n the 2I
"entur' s that our te"hn"a! a(!t' to ra%d!' accelerate and amplify
ths "om%ett$e and e-%!otat$e %ro"ess has (rou#ht to the sur&a"e
"onse)uen"es that sm%!' "ou!dnNt (e re"o#n1ed or e$en ant"%ated
durn# those ear!er %erods+ Toda'* ,e are seen# the sur&a"n# o&
these %re$ous!' hdden tenden"es n &u!! &or"e* and the end resu!t s
that ,hat ,e see as %ro#ress no, ,!! !7e!' (e o$er"ome* n tme* ('
the !ar#er order &or"e o& "a%ta!sm?s msa!#ned detrmenta! %rn"%!es+
It s !7e a mass$e tda! ,a$e ,h"h has (een on %a"e to "rashn# on a
sh% &or a $er' !on# tme and no matter ho, ,e!! de$e!o%ed and
or#an1ed that sh% s* t s no mat"h &or ths !ar#er order &or"e o&
Aerha%s the most nota(!e e-am%!e o& ths s the &a"t that
$rtua!!' all life support systems are in decline+

It rea!!' doesn?t
matter ho, man' %eo%!e ha$e a"he$ed a "o$eted* dea!* u%%er."!ass
!&est'!e & t s o""urrn# on the (a"7 o& unsustana(!e methods+ It s
sm%!' a matter o& tme (e&ore the e&&e"ts o& resour"e de%!etonU
(od$erst' !oss and %o!!uton e$o!$e to destro' ths illusion o& su""ess+
L7e,se* ,h!e t ma' (e true that ,e ha$e seen a de"!ne n $o!en"e*
mass #eno"de and the on"e enormous &ata!tes "ommon to #!o(a!
,ar&are* ,e need to ste% (a"7 e$en &urther and remem(er the
causality tse!&* not the mere trend o& redu"ton+ I& resour"e s"ar"t'
and #eo.e"onom" strate#' ha$e (een the "ause o& most natona!
"on&!"ts n the ,or!d n the %ast 8,h"h t has;* then a!! t ta7es s that
%re"ondton to re.matera!1e+ The ra%d de"!ne o& human.
en$ronment re!atons n the %ast &e, de"ades s settn# the sta#e &or
ths on"e a#an+
The 455D Ira) ,ar* (' some ana!'sts* ,as a resource war &or
o!* and ths s rather d&&"u!t to den' ,hen the e$den"e s ,e#hed+
There s !tt!e dou(t that & the ,or!d ,as &a"ed ,th rea! ener#'* ,ater*
&ood and mnera! s"ar"t'* to the e-tent that t ,ou!d dee%!' a&&e"t the
e"onomes o& !ar#er natona! %o,ers* ,e ,ou!d re#ress ra%d!' (a"7 to
mass #!o(a! ,ar&are and mass "asua!tes* not to menton mass$e "$!
unrest as ,e!!+ Toda'* a!! ma0or su%er%o,ers "ontnue to n"rease
armaments and ,ea%on %o,er "!ear!' n %re%araton &or su"h
G26 As an asde* t s m%ortant to )ua!&' that mar7et "a%ta!sm s not deemed
the so!e root o& the %ro(!em+ /a%ta!sm s a s'm%tom as ,e!!* (rthed out o&
the &ear.orented %s'"ho!o#' nherent to the hstor"a! "ondton o& a
s"ar"t'.saturated so"et'+
G2H Re&eren"e< =ata shows Earth0s systems in decline
G2I Re&eren"e< Study highlights global decline
G2F Re&eren"e< Top 'EP9/+!4" +eaders Say !ra) 7ar 7as 'eally about <il
G2G Re&eren"e< 7ater scarcity to drive conflict, hit food and energy, experts say
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
On a d&&erent !e$e!* a!most %arado-"a!!'* the $er' thn#s that
ha$e (een he!%n# so"et' n"rease ts standard o& !$n#* science and
technology* s a!so dr$n# ts n"reased $u!nera(!t' to,ards
destru"ton+ Wh!e s"en"e "an* on one sde* !!umnate the natura!
a!#nments ,e as a s%e"es need to adhere to n order to &nd (a!an"e
,th the ha(tat and ea"h other* t "an a!so (e used locally and
narrowly, ,thn the "onte-t o& the dstorted n"ent$e stru"ture the
mar7et %er%etuates* to "reate and a""e!erate destru"t$e and
nhumane "onse)uen"es+ The atom" (om( s one e-treme o& ths
rea!t'+ Our n"reased* h#h.te"h "a%a"t' to more e&&"ent!' destro'
(od$erst'* o$er use our resour"es and %o!!ute* s another+
In some ,a's* the ra%d de$e!o%ment o& s"en"e and
te"hno!o#' s %ushn# humant' nto a "orner+ It s as thou#h the
s%e"es s mar"hn# &arther (a"7 nto the a%e- o& a three.dmensona!
tran#!e* !ad on ts (a"7* ,th ts ed#es s!o%n# )u"7!' do,n* on"e
%assed o$er+ One sde s a ne#at$e a""e!eraton nto so"a! and
e"o!o#"a! de"!ne and the other a %ost$e a""e!eraton nto an a#e o&
a(undan"e* (a!an"e* %ea"e and %ro#ress+ As tme mo$es &or,ard* the
&arther ,e mo$e (a"7 nto ths a%e-* the !ess s%a"e ,e ha$e+ At some
%ont* ,e are #on# to su""um( to one sde or the other+
Po,ulation . Resources
Statst"s su##est that ,e!! o$er nne (!!on %eo%!e ,!! nha(t Earth ('
sour"ed man!' n the de$e!o%n# ,or!d+ A!on# ,th ths "ome
dramat" n"reases n demand &or 8a; &ood* 8(; ,ater* 8"; ener#'* and
8d; mnera!sMmatera! resour"es+ Ea"h one o& these ,!! (e ds"ussed+
G2E Sour"e< 7orld population proEected to reach F*M billion by BCGC 1 9"
report :htt%<MM,,,+un+or#Ma%%sMne,sMstor'+as%R
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Re%rodu"ed &rom the Food and A#r"u!ture Or#an1aton?s Expert (orum* 455E
8a; As &ar as &ood* there s no shorta#e o& studes that %ro0e"t that our
tradtona! &ood %rodu"ton methods are not #on# to "ome "!ose to
meetn# demand (' 45H5+

Estmates %ut %rodu"ton needs at a
I5 to 225> n"rease
and #$en the "urrent ndustra! "!mate ,h"h
a!so has an e-treme!' ,aste&u! and ne&&"ent su%%!' "han* ,astn#
D5.H5> o& a!! &ood "reated*
the on!' !o#"a! e-%e"taton s a
,orsenn# o& the #!o(a! %o$ert' and star$aton !e$e!s n terms o&
%o%u!aton %er"enta#e+ Ths doesn?t e$en (rn# nto "onsderaton the
on#on# %!ea &or more sustana(!e a#r"u!tura! %ra"t"es to sto%
%o!!utonMso! eroson* ,h"h ,ou!d not (e a "on$enen"e & ths
%ressure a""e!erates* assumn# tradtona! !and.(ased methods are st!!
G45 Sour"e< ?lobal agriculture towards BCGC
G42 Sour"e< (ood Security 'aises the <bvious3 an 7e (eed F*M /illion by
BCGCD 8htt%<MM,,,+hu&&n#ton%ost+"omMm"hae!.1a"7aM&"urt'.rases.
G44 Sour"e< 6ield Trends 4re !nsufficient to =ouble ?lobal rop Production by
G4D Re&eren"e< urrent ?lobal (ood Production TraEectory 7on0t Meet BCGC
8htt%<MM,,,+s"en"eda!'+"omMre!easesM452DM5IM2D5I2E2EH2DH+htm;* 9"3
farmers must produce OCH more food by BCGC to feed population
G46 Sour"e< (eeding the F /illion3 The tragedy of waste
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
n use+
Ths "hart sho,s 'e!ds %er a"re &or the m%ortant &oundatona! "ro%s "orn* r"e*
,heat and so'(eans+ The so!d !nes sho, ,hat ,ou!d ha%%en & ths #ro,th
"ontnued+ The dashed !nes* ho,e$er* sho, ,hat s rea!!' needed to sats&'
e-%e"ted demand (' 45H5+

8(; Aota(!e ,ater statst"s are e)ua!!' & not more dramat"* and
need!ess to sa'* ,ater s"ar"t' means e$en more %ro(!ems &or
tradtona! a#r"u!ture+ A""ordn# to the Unted Natons* (' 454H* an
estmated 2+G (!!on %eo%!e ,!! !$e n areas %!a#ued (' ,ater s"ar"t'*
,th t,o.thrds o& the ,or!d?s %o%u!aton !$n# n ,ater.stressed
The OE/D %ro0e"ts that &resh ,ater demand ,!! rse ('
HH> (' 45H5* "orro(oratn# the U+N+ ,ater stress statst"* e-tendn#
t to D+E (!!on (' 45H5* or near!' ha!& the ,or!d?s %o%u!aton+

G4H Sour"e< 6ield Trends 4re !nsufficient to =ouble ?lobal rop Production by
BCGC 8htt%<MM,,,+%!osone+or#Mart"!eMn&o>DAdo
G4I Sour"e< 4 lean 7ater risis
G4F Sour"e< 7ater3 The Environmental <utloo# to BCGC
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
45H5 %ro0e"ton o& ,ater stressed areas+
Re%rodu"ed &rom the O/ED 7ater, The <utloo# to BCGC* 4522
L7e,se* ,ater pollution* ,h"h &urther "om%ounds the %ro(!em* s on
%a"e to "ontnue as de$e!o%n# "ountres n"rease ndustr' and
a#r"u!ture n ther nterest to rase ther o$era!! standard o& !$n#+
Sad!'* ths nterest to n"rease ndustr' ,!! on!' &urther the %o!!uton
%ro(!em as the methods used are o&ten mu"h more %rmt$e and
en$ronmenta!!' dan#erous than ,hat the de$e!o%ed natons are s!o,!'
emer#n# out o&+ /hna s a "ase n %ont+ Wh!e "onsdered a
de$e!o%ed ndustra! naton* ts nterna! %o!"es are e-"ess$e!' re!a-ed
,hen t "omes to en$ronmenta! standards and re#u!aton+ Ths s a
natura! "a%ta!st out#ro,th as the ntenton s to &ree u% "ommer"e
and &urther e"onom" #ro,th+ Toda'* /hna "ontans 2I out o& 45 o&
the ,or!d?s most %o!!uted "tes
and on!' &urther de$e!o%ment*
%o%u!aton #ro,th and hen"e %o!!uton s to (e e-%e"ted+
As &ar as ,ater %o!!uton* #!o(a!!'* ntro#en and %hos%horous
"ontamnaton* most!' &rom a#r"u!ture* s no, a ma0or %ro(!em*
"reatn# (oth Kdead 1ones
n "ertan sur&a"e (odes* a!on# ,th
ma7n# %eo%!e s"7 ,ho drn7 t $a #round ,ater+
L7e,se* man'
other %o!!uton sour"es are u()utous+ For e-am%!e* ar %o!!uton &rom
"oa! %!ants enters the atmos%here and then &nd ts ,a' nto the
G4G Sour"e< 7ater3The Environmental <utloo# to BCGC
G4E Re&eren"e< 7ater Pollution 'ises (rom (arms, osting /illions
GD5 Sour"e< The Most Polluted Places <n Earth
GD2 Re&eren"e< Too Much "itrogen and Phosphorus 4re /ad for the /ay
GD4 Re&eren"e< "itrates in =rin#ing 7ater
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
o"ean+ The mer"ur' re!eased (' the (urnn# o& "oa! then %o!!utes the
&sh and those &sh are then "au#ht as a &ood sour"e* "ontann# ths
dead!' to-n* hurtn# human hea!th+ G$en "urrent trends* mer"ur'
%o!!uton s e-%e"ted to rse as ,e!!+

In short* & a!! %atterns sta' the same* ,ater* (oth n the
"onte-t o& ts s'm(ot" re!atonsh% to (od$erst' and ts dre"t
re!atonsh% to human sur$$a!* #$en that humans "an on!' #o a &e,
da's (e&ore d'n# ,thout t* s on %a"e &or se$ere shorta#es and
e-treme!' detrmenta! en$ronmenta! out"omes o$era!!+ Ths a#an
assumes ,e "ondu"t ourse!$es n the same (as" ,a's ,e ha$e &or the
%ast H5 'ears* em(ra"n# mar7et !o#"* ,h"h s !&e.(!nd and
de"ou%!ed &rom en$ronmenta! a,areness+
8"; As &ar as ener#'* as a!!uded to n the %ror note a(out "oa!* there s
!tera!!' nothn# %ost$e a(out an' &oss! &ue! "om(uston %ro"ess ,hen
t "omes to en$ronmenta! sustana(!t'+
These means ,!! a!,a's
ha$e a detrmenta! &oot%rnt and t "an on!' #et ,orse as %o%u!aton
and ndustr' n"reases+
/om%oundn# ths s a!so the &a"t that su"h
resour"es are non$renewable and ensun# s"ar"t' s sm%!' a matter
o& tme+
Re%rodu"ed &rom Dr M"hae! R+ Smth* /EO o& G!o(a!sh&t Ltd+
GDD Sour"e< Mercury contamination in fish expected to rise in coming decades
GD6 Re&eren"e< The >idden ost of (ossil (uels
GDH Re&eren"e< +ea#ed 9" 'eport3 !f 7e =on0t Stop Polluting "ow, 7e May
"ever >ave The Technology To Save <urselves
GDI See #!o(a!sh&t+"o+u7 &or more "ountr' deta!s+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
The ssue o& pea# oil has (een !oomn# &or man' de"ades+
Wh!e "ontro$ersa!* ,hat ,e 7no, toda' s that convention o!
%rodu"ton* meann# the usua! ra, "rude ,h"h used to o""ur n !ar#e
$ast %o"7ets under the Earth?s sur&a"e* s n de"!ne on the #!o(a!
s"a!e* ,th an estmated DF "ountres a!read' %ast ther %ea7 o&
A""ordn# to Dr+ R"hard G+ M!!er* ,ho ,or7ed &or 9rtsh
Aetro!eum &rom 2EGH to 455G* TWe need ne, %rodu"ton e)ua! to a
ne, Saud Ara(a e$er' D to 6 'ears to mantan and #ro, su%%!'+++
Ne, ds"o$eres ha$e not mat"hed "onsum%ton sn"e 2EGI+ We are
dra,n# do,n on our reser$es* e$en thou#h reser$es are a%%arent!'
"!m(n# e$er' 'ear+ Reser$es are #ro,n# due to (etter te"hno!o#' n
o!d &e!ds* rasn# the amount ,e "an re"o$er J (ut %rodu"ton s st!!
&a!!n# at 6+2> %+a+ X%er annumY+
O& "ourse* man' others toda' s%e"u!ate that the ,or!d s st!!
Ka,ash n o!* ,th #rand s%e"u!atons o& &uture "a%a"t'+ Ho,e$er*
these %ro0e"tons are "entered on non$conventional sour"e that are
o&ten e-treme!' d&&"u!t to e-tra"t and %ro"ess+ O! sha!e and tar
sands* a!on# ,th K&ra"7n# &or natura! #as* are "urrent!' a""e!eratn#
methods and* on %a%er* the' "an #$e the sense o& a(undan"e+
Ho,e$er* there s a #reat dea! o& ds%ute a(out 0ust ho, $a(!e these
means are to meet #ro,n# demand*
,h!e the en$ronmenta! "osts
o& these "om%!e- and o&ten destru"t$e %ra"t"es are $ast and
A""ordn# to the /enter &or 9o!o#"a! D$erst'* KThe
de$e!o%ment o& ?o! sha!e? and ?tar sands? has (een sho,n to (e
en$ronmenta!!' destru"t$e* and ,ater and ener#' ntens$e+
E-tra"tn# o! &rom U+S+ %u(!" !ands throu#h o! sha!e or tar sands
,ou!d dea! a dsastrous (!o, to an' ho%e o& redu"n# atmos%her" /O4
!e$e!s to (e!o, DH5 %arts %er m!!on ^ the !e$e! ,e need to rea"h
soon to sta(!1e EarthNs "!mate+ 9esdes he!%n# %ush us to,ard #!o(a!
,armn# "atastro%he* o! sha!e and tar sands de$e!o%ment destro's
s%e"es ha(tat* ,astes enormous $o!umes o& ,ater* %o!!utes ar and
,ater* and de#rades and de&!es $ast s,aths o& !and+
L7e,se* h'drau!" &ra"turn# or K&ra"7n# has (een &ound to
(e e-"e%tona!!' %o!!utn# and dan#erous ,th e$en re"orded nstan"es
o& #round ,ater (en# so %o!!uted that home ,ater su%%!es ha$e
(e"ome !tera!!' flammable+
Re#ard!ess o& su"h "ontamnated ,ater
GDF Re&eren"e< Aea7o!+net 8htt%<MM,,,+%ea7o!+netM;
GDG Re&eren"e< (ormer /P geologist3 pea# oil is here and it will 0brea#
economies0 8htt%<MM,,,+the#uardan+"omMen$ronmentMearth.
GDE I(d+
G65 I(d+
G62 Sour"e< <il Shale and Tar Sands
G64 Re&eren"e< (rac#ing hot3 "* =a#ota man Qsets tap water on fireR
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
su%%!es* #$en the dan#erous ar %o!!uton* destro'ed streams* and
de$astated !ands"a%es* &ra"7n# "ontnues to a""e!erate #!o(a!!'+
The (ottom !ne s that the &oss! &ue! e"onom' s
unsustana(!e+ The e"onom" manner (' ,h"h ths ,!! (e"ome
a%%arent n the "urrent mode! ,!! (e throu#h e-treme %r"e+ The
$s"era! %ro(!em s ho, su%%!' and demand ,!! set u% a "ondton
,here s"ar"t' ,!! rase %r"es so h#h that ndustr' and %u(!" sm%!'
"an?t a&&ord t+ Ths ,ou!d se$ere!' !mt the entre &a"et o& ndustr'
tse!& sn"e &oss! &ue!s and hen"e ener#' are ,hat mo$e a#r"u!ture*
%rodu"ton* dstr(uton and the !7e+ At the same tme* these %ra"t"es
"ou!d (rn# human so"et' n a %o!!uton n#htmare that "ou!d ta7e
#eneratons to o$er"ome+
8d; Genera! resour"e s"ar"t'* em(ra"n# (oth (ot" and a(ot"
resour"es* s ra%d!' n"reasn# #!o(a!!'* "ou%!ed ,th a %ara!!e! !oss o&
biodiversity+ In 4554* 2E4 "ountres* n asso"aton ,th the Unted
Natons* #ot to#ether o$er somethn# "a!!ed the /on$enton on
9o!o#"a! D$erst'* ma7n# a %u(!" "ommtment to s#n&"ant!'
redu"e the !osses (' 4525+ Ho,e$er* ,hen 4525 arr$ed* no %ro#ress
has (een made+ In ther o&&"a! 4525 %u(!"aton* the' stated<
KNone o& the t,ent'.one su(.tar#ets a""om%an'n# the o$era!!
tar#et o& s#n&"ant!' redu"n# the rate o& (od$erst' !oss (' 4525 "an
(e sad de&nt$e!' to ha$e (een a"he$ed #!o(a!!'+++A"tons to
%romote+++(od$erst' re"e$e a tn' &ra"ton o& ?&undn#? "om%ared to]
n&rastru"ture and ndustra! de$e!o%ments+++Moreo$er* (od$erst'
"onsderatons are o&ten #nored ,hen su"h de$e!o%ments are
des#ned+++Most &uture s"enaros %ro0e"t "ontnun# h#h !e$e!s o&
e-tn"tons and !oss o& ha(tats throu#hout ths "entur'+
In a 4522 stud' %u(!shed* ,h"h ,as n %art a res%onse to an
on#on# #enera! "a!! to so!ate and %rote"t "ertan re#ons o& Earth to
ensure the se"urt' o& (od$erst'* t ,as &ound that e$en ,th m!!ons
o& s)uare 7!ometers o& !and and o"ean "urrent!' under !e#a!
%rote"ton* t has done $er' !tt!e to s!o, the trends o& de"!ne+

The' a!so made the &o!!o,n#* h#h!' trou(!n# "on"!uson ,th
res%e"t to resour"e "onsum%ton< KXTheY We-"essN use o& the EarthNs
resour"es or Wo$ershootN s %oss(!e (e"ause resour"es "an (e
har$ested &aster than the' "an (e re%!a"ed+++the "umu!at$e o$ershoot
&rom the md.2EG5s to 4554 resu!ted n an We"o!o#"a! de(tN that ,ou!d
re)ure 4+H %!anet Earths to %a'+ In a (! s"enaro* our
demands on %!anet Earth "ou!d mount to the %rodu"t$t' o& 4F %!anets
G6D Re&eren"e< The rapid expansion of natural gas drilling across the nation
endangers human health and the environment*
G66 Sour"e< ?lobal /iodiversity <utloo# K 8htt%<MM,,,+"(d+ntM#(oDM;
G6H Re&eren"e< <ngoing global biodiversity loss and the need to move beyond
protected areas3 a review of the technical and practical shortcomings of
protectedareas on land and sea 8htt%<MM,,,+nt.
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
(' 45H5+

Aro0e"tons &or 8a; human %o%u!aton s1e* 8(; human e"o!o#"a! demand and
8"; e"o!o#"a! de(t under d&&erent s"enaros o& human %o%u!aton #ro,th and
use o& natura! resour"es+ E"o!o#"a! demand s "a!"u!ated (' mu!t%!'n# the s1e
o& the ,or!dNs human %o%u!aton (' the a$era#e 'ear!' demands o& a %erson
and d$dn# ths amount (' the EarthNs (o"a%a"t'U ths 'e!ds the num(er o&
%!anet Earths re)ured to meet the ,ho!e human demand+ Re%rodu"ed &rom
Marne E"o!o#' Aro#ress Seres* Vo!+ 6D6
Toda'* one "ou!d sear"h throu#h a!! %eer re$e,ed s"ent&"
do"uments n the ,or!d and !7e!' not &nd one re$e, o& humant'?s
resour"e and (od$erst' re!atonsh%s that are neutra! or %ost$e+
Wh!e estmates ma' $ar'* one thn# s "!ear< the s%e"es s #ro,n#
ra%d!' and e-%andn# ts ndustra! a"t$t' n a "!mate o& a(so!ute
de&"en"' ,th res%e"t to the unsustana(!e methods and $a!ues (en#
%ut &or,ard+ It s m%ortant to remnd the reader* ho,e$er* that ths
%ro(!em s a s'stem ssue* not an mmuta(!' em%r"a! one* on"e
The %ro(!em s not our mere e-sten"e or a #ro,n#
%o%u!aton+ The %ro(!em s that ,e ha$e a #!o(a! e"onom" tradton n
%!a"e rooted n 2Ith "entur'* %re.ndustra!* hand"ra&t orented
thou#ht* that %!a"es the a"t o& "onsumn# 8(u'n# and se!!n#; at the
"ore o& a!! so"a! un&o!dn#+ A #ood ana!o#' s to "onsder the #as %eda!
on a "ar+ The more "onsum%ton o& &ue!* the &aster t #oesU (u'n#
G6I Marine Ecology Progress Series* Vo!+ 6D6< %+4I2* 4522
G6F <ngoing global biodiversity loss and the need to move beyond protected
areas3 a review of the technical and practical shortcomings of
protectedareas on land and sea 8htt%<MM,,,+nt.
G6G See the essa' Post$Scarcity, Trends and apacity &or ,h' ths s so+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
thn#s n our ,or!d s the &ue!+ I& 'ou s!o, do,n "onsum%ton*
e"onom" #ro,th s!o,s* %eo%!e !ose 0o(s* %ur"hasn# %o,er de"!nes
and so"a! "ondtons desta(!1e+ Ths s an art&"a! rea!t' #enerated
(' msa!#ned e"onom" %rn"%!es* not the %h's"a! rea!t' tse!&+
The Perfect Storm
Wh!e the %re"edn# se"tons ha$e addressed s%e"&"* ma0or ssues n
some deta!* ,e "annot o$er!oo7 the e"onom" s'ner#' ,h"h !n7s
them a!! n the &nan"a! and te"hn"a! s'stems re!ated+ Ener#'* ,ater*
&ood and matera! a""ess(!t' nter!o"7 nto one so"eta! me"hansm*
,h"h "an ha$e dramat" e&&e"ts on em%!o'ment* so"a! sta(!t'* and
man' other ssues & an' one o& them s dstur(ed+
There are numerous s"enaros that "ou!d matera!1e that
"om%ound ths o$era!! sustana(!t' %ro(!em+ For e-am%!e* #!o(a! GDA
has a %o,er&u! "onne"ton to ,ater+ The IFARI states K"urrent ?(usness
as usua!? ,ater mana#ement %ra"t"es and !e$e!s o& ,ater %rodu"t$t'
,!! %ut at rs7 a%%ro-mate!' bID tr!!on* or 6H %er"ent o& the
%ro0e"ted 45H5 #!o(a! GDA 8at 4555 %r"es;* e)u$a!ent to 2+H tmes
the s1e o& toda'Ns entre #!o(a! e"onom'+
L7e,se* &rom a mere %rodu"ton stand%ont* F5> o& a!!
&resh,ater s used &or a#r"u!ture+
An' !ar#e.s"a!e ,ater s"ar"t'
,ou!d then a!so mean redu"ed 'e!ds* assumn# the same tradtona!
%ra"t"es are used &or "u!t$aton+ The same #oes &or ener#'* es%e"a!!'
h'dro"ar(ons+ The e&&e"t o& a su(stanta! redu"ton o& these resour"es
on tradtona! a#r"u!ture a!one s sta##ern#* ,h!e the e&&e"t t ,ou!d
ha$e on ndustr' as a ,ho!e as &ar as the $ast amount o& %etro!eum.
(ased %rodu"ts and %o,er needs ,ou!d (e near!' a%o"a!'%t" n the
"urrent mode!+
We a!so "annot o$er!oo7 the so"a! sta(!t' ssue and ho, the
de"!ne o& su"h resour"es ,!! "han#e human* so"a! and natona!
(eha$or* n"tn# nd&&eren"e and a !oss o& em%ath' as &ear and
narro, se!&.%reser$aton s tr##ered and e-a"er(ated+ We "an
ma#ne* &or nstan"e* a stee% %r"e n"rease n #aso!ne ,here t
(e"omes un%ro&ta(!e &or those trans%ortn# "rt"a!* !&e. su%%ortn#
matera!s+ The resu!t m#ht $er' ,e!! (e a unon str7e that sto%s the
&!o, o& #oods* "om%oundn# the %ro(!em+ Ima#ne &or a moment & the
domnant &ood trans%ort unons on the ,est "oast o& Amer"a ,ent on.
str7e* sto%%n# the &!o, o& (as" "ommodtes+ Ths "ou!d s%ar7 a
h#h!' detrmenta! "han rea"ton+
S"ar"t' (reeds "rme* "on&!"t and"a! (eha$ors+ On
the m"ro s"a!e* t s not d&&"u!t to see the n"rease n #an#sU the&t
and %roh(t$e under#round e"onomes &!oursh n ths "!mate* as the'
ha$e statst"a!!' %ro$en to do so n re#ons st!! enmeshed n #reat
%o$ert' and a !a"7 o& 0o( o%%ortuntes+ Dsease* and other ssues
arsn# out o& su"h %oor "ondtons* s another $a(!e "on"ern+ On a
G6E Sour"e< 7ater in BCGC3 The (uture of 7ater 'e)uires a Sustainable, /lue
Path 8htt%<MM#ro,n#(!ue+"omM,ater.n.45H5M;
GH5 Sour"e< 7ater Uses
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
ma"ro !e$e!* as noted %ror* natona! ,ar has hstor"a!!' most!' (een
dr$en (' resour"e s"ar"t' and natona!M(usness se!&.%reser$aton+
It shou!d (e no sur%rse that Amer"a and man' other natons
ha$e (een (ee&n# u% nu"!ear arsena!s and de!$er' s'stems &or some

,th the ,or!d "urrent!' "a%a(!e o& destro'n# tse!& man'*
man' tmes o$er ,th ts e-stn# arsena! o& o$er 4I*555 nu"!ear
Thousands o& these ,ea%ons reman on h#h a!ert toda'*
read' to (e &red at an' tme and the rea"ton o& the #!o(a! out"r' to
sto% %ro!&eraton has !tera!!' (een met ,th more %ro!&eraton* (ehnd
the s"enes+
At the same tme* the me"han"s o& the #!o(a! &nan"a! s'stem
are a!so n %!a'+ Sn"e a!! mone' s "reated out o& de(t and !oaned ,th
nterest atta"hed J nterest that a"tua!!' doesn0t exist n the mone'
su%%!' outr#ht J there s a!,a's more #!o(a! de(t n e-sten"e than
mone' to %a' &or t+ Ths has "u!mnated nto $ast %ersona!* (usness
and #o$ernment de&au!ts* (oth rea! and %endn#+ A 4525 re%ort &rom
the Standard @ AoorNs ratn# a#en"' estmates that the Unted States
,!! ha$e a de(t o& 62H> o& GDA (' 45H5* ,h!e (' 45I5* I5> o& all
the countries in the world ,!! (e (an7ru%t+
A "ursor' #!an"e at the &nan"a! status o& most "ountres n the
,or!d toda' re$ea!s a s%e"trum o& medum de(t to e-treme de(t+
Ama1n#!'* there a%%ears to (e no "ountr' on Earth ,th a (a!an"ed
(ud#et* and as o& ear!' 4526* the %u(!" de(t o& the %!anet s
e)u$a!ent to a(out H4 tr!!on do!!ars+
Ho,e$er* that s 0ust %u(!" or
#o$ernment de(t+ The rea! &#ure* "om(nn# (oth %u(!" and private
de(t s a sta##ern# 44D+D tr!!on do!!ars+
D$dn# that num(er ('
the F+2 (!!on %eo%!e on the %!anet as o& ear!' 452H* ,e &nd that ea"h
human o,es a(out bD2+H thousand do!!ars+
So* ,e ha$e to as7 ourse!$es< ho, %oss(!e s t that ,e are
#on# to (e a(!e to &nan"a!!' &a"!tate the $ast te"hno!o#"a! re&orms
GH2 Re&eren"e< 9*S* nuclear weapon plans to cost UKGG billion over a decade3
/< report 8htt%<MM,,,+reuters+"omMart"!"!ear.
GH4 Re&eren"e< BBCC nuclear weapons in state of high operational alert3 'eport
GHD Re&eren"e< "t(to+or# 8htt%<MM,,,+"t(to+or#M&a)sMR
GH6 Re&eren"e< >ow a Massive "uclear "onproliferation Effort +ed to More
GHH Sour"e< SAP3 MCH of countries will be ban#rupt within GC years
GHI Sour"e< The global debt "!o"7
GHF Sour"e< "umber of the 7ee#3 Total 7orld =ebt +oad at K,KH of ?=P
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
needed to #enerate some de#ree o& sustana(!t' ,hen t s "!ear that
mass$e o$erhau!s o& our a#r"u!tura! s'stem* ,ater %ro"esses*
%o!!uton "ontro!* ener#' sour"es* n&rastru"ture and ndustra! methods
are des%erate!' neededR We 7no, ,e ha$e the te"hn"a! means to do
t* (ut do ,e ha$e the mone'R
The more one thn7s a(out ths !atter )ueston* the more
n"red(!e and outr#ht dot" the &nan"a! me"hansms n %!a'
(e"ome+ It sn?t that some %ro#ress ,!! not (e made* as the ma0or
%o,ers n the ,or!d %rett' mu"h don?t ta7e de(t serous!' to (e#n
,th+ The d&&eren"e (et,een a 2 tr!!on do!!ar de&"t and a 255 tr!!on
do!!ar de&"t s on!' as m%ortant as the a(!t' to ser$"e t+ In truth*
the ma0or %o,ers #now the &u!! amounts ,!! ne$er (e %ad (a"7 and
the %ro"ess o& a!!e$aton ,!! !7e!' ta7e a %o!t"a! &orm rather than
&nan"a!* !7e!' n the "onte-t o& mar7et n"ent$e ne#otatons* #eo.
%o!t"a! ne#otaton and resour"e a")uston ne#otatons+
Ho,e$er* those dea!s are usua!!' (ehnd the s"enes and the
#ro,n# %ressure to "ut so"a! %ro#rams and s%endn# on ,hat are
more o&ten than not the $er' %ro#rams that he!% 7ee% some order*
"ontnues &or the sa7e o& %u(!" %er"e%ton and other !e$e!s o&
d&&erenta! ad$anta#e+ L7e,se* ,h!e the !ar#er %o,ers ha$e #reat
ad$anta#e n ths %red"ament* the sma!!er de$e!o%n# "ountres are
the ones ,ho rea!!' su&&er* as the' ha$e no e"onom" or m!tar' %o,er
to #an "!out n nternatona! a%%ea!+ G$en ths* t s eas' to see that
the de$e!o%n# "ountres ,!! (e the ones &rm!' under,ater* "ontnun#
to (e $u!nera(!e to austert'* e-%!otaton and the (as" #norn# o& ts
nterna! so"a! str&e+
In 4522* the Unted Natons noted a statst" that 2+H (!!on
%eo%!e ,ere !$n# n Ka(so!ute %o$ert'* ,th a re%resentat$e &rom
Ne%a! at a %ertann# "on&eren"e addn# that Kat the rate o& de"!ne
o(ser$ed &rom 2EE5 to 455H* t ,ou!d ta7e another GG 'ears to
erad"ate e-treme %o$ert'+
I& ,e re&!e"t on the ra%d e"onom"
#ro,th that o""urred &rom 2EE5 to 455H* ,h"h ,as "onsdered ('
man' a K(oom %erod &or mu"h o& the ,or!d*
,e see that the
e-stn# ne#at$e %ressures ,ere not e$en "!ose to ,hat ,e are seen#
t,o de"ades !ater+ Hen"e* t s !o#"a! to s%e"u!ate that ,hat %ro#ress
8#ro,th; ,as a"he$ed n the 2EE5s ,th res%e"t to the rather mnma!
%er"enta#e redu"ton o& e-treme %o$ert' s !7e!' to (e re$ersed as
e-%onenta! %o%u!aton #ro,th amdst an e$er.deteroratn# &nan"a!
and en$ronmenta! stuaton a""e!erates+
L7e,se* and as a &na! to%" o& ths se"ton ,th res%e"t to
emer#n# ne#at$e %ressures* ,e ha$e the ssue o& technological
unemployment* As %art!' e-%ressed n the essa' Mar#et Efficiency vs*
Technical Efficiency* ma"hne automaton s ra%d!' e$o!$n# to mrror
or e-"eed the $ast ma0ort' o& ndustra! a"t$tes "ommon to human
GHG Sour"e< ,*G /illion People +iving in 4bsolute Poverty Ma#es !ts Eradication
>uman#indRsMost Significant hallenge, Second ommittee Told
GHE Re&eren"e< ,FFCs boom 0stunting world growth0
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
!a(orers+ A 452D stud' out o& the Un$erst' o& O-&ord states K6H
%er"ent o& Amer"aNs o""u%atons ,!! (e automated ,thn the ne-t 45
G$en Amer"a?s ad$an"ement* ths natura!!' a!so m%!es that
half the world0s occupations "ou!d (e automated as ,e!!+
More s%e"&"a!!'* a deta!ed e-amnaton o& automaton
te"hno!o#' (' se"tor at the %resent tme* (oth n the &e!ds o& manua!
!a(or and the ser$"e ndustr'* sho, that there s rea!!' no tan#(!e
o""u%aton n e-sten"e that sn?t on %a"e to (en# re%!a"ed ('
ma"hne andMor art&"a! nte!!#en"e+ It s sm%!' a matter o& tme and
ntenton+ Un&ortunate!'* the mar7et e"onom' s predicated on %eo%!e
Kearnn# a !$n# and "'"!n# mone' throu#h the so"et' to mantan
e"onom" sta(!t' and #ro,th+ Ths* o& "ourse* means su"h a trend s
a"tua!!' e"onom"a!!' detrmenta! n the "onte-t o& the mar7et s'stem+
L7e,se* sn"e su"h automaton te"hno!o#' s su(0e"t to
Moore?s !a,* or more a""urate!' e%hemera!1aton* su"h ma"hnes are
#ettn# "hea%er and e$entua!!' the' ,!! (e"ome more "ost e&&e"t$e
than hrn# human (en#s* ,ho re)ure nsuran"e* $a"atons* a !mted
num(er o& hours to ,or7 a ,ee7* and so &orth+ The %rodu"t$t' no,
%oss(!e s e-%onenta!!' more e&&e"t$e ,th ma"hnes than ,th
%eo%!e* and ths rea!t' ,!! on!' n"rease as tme mo$es &or,ard+ :et*
ths "reates a system contradiction, &or & ma"hnes ds%!a"e %eo%!e*
ho, do the' #et n"ome to "'"!e mone' nto the e"onom' ('
In tradtona! mar7et %rn"%!es* there s no so!uton* other than
the &a!se assum%ton that humans ,!! "onstant!' sh&t n e-a"t a""ord
,th su"h !a(or ds%!a"ement+ Ths m#ht ha$e ,or7ed n the md 45
"entur'* (ut t ,!! no !on#er ,or7 #$en the ra%d* e-%onenta!
ad$an"ement o& modern te"hno!o#' toda'+ E$en more* t "ou!d (e
,e!!.ar#ued that t s socially irresponsible not to %ursue ths ne,
attr(ute o& our means o& %rodu"ton &or t remo$es humans &rom
unsa&e and monotonous* !&e.,astn# ro!es* %oss(!' &reen# them a!so
to do more senst$e* "reat$e* h#h.order thn#s+ Su"h a transton*
ho,e$er* ,ou!d re)ure the entre ed&"e o& mar7et "a%ta!sm to (e
u%rooted and re%!a"ed (' a ne, so"a! a%%roa"h that does not re)ure
The Fatal $ncenti/e% *usiness Acumen
K9usness a"umen "an (e de&ned as K7eenness and )u"7ness n
understandn# and dea!n# ,th a (usness stuaton n a manner that
s !7e!' to !ead to a #ood out"ome+
Aut another ,a'* t s a(out
#au#n# ea"h stuaton to (est ma-m1e %ro&ts* n the most strate#"
,a'+ Ths s (rou#ht u% to "on$e' t,o re!ated %ro%enstes that ha$e a
#reat re!e$an"e n the ,a' most %eo%!e* %art"u!ar!' the ,ea!th'* ,!!
!7e!' "o%e ,th n"reasn# s"ar"t' andMor so"a! desta(!1aton+
The &rst s the rather sm%!e o(ser$aton that the %ursut o&
GI5 Sour"e< 'eport Suggests "early >alf of 9*S* &obs 4re Vulnerable to
omputeri%ation 8htt%<MM,,,+te"hno!o#'re$e,+"omM$e,MH2E462Mre%ort.
GI2 Sour"e< /usiness acumen 8htt%<MMen+,7%eda+or#M,7M9usnessVa"umen;
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
(usness s rea!!' nothn# more than the %ursut o& mone'+ Wh!e the
(usness mndset ,!! o&ten romant"1e a(out Khe!%n# the ,or!d and
K%!easn# "onsumers* the on!' rea! measure s profit+ It s sm%!'
assumed that #ann# %ro&t means he!%n# the ,or!d* ,h"h s "!ear!'
not the "ase #$en the $ast de"!nes n our ha(tat nte#rt' and the
&a"t that there are no, more slaves in the world than ever before*
The se"ond s su(t!er and t has to do ,th the %s'"ho!o#' o&
&ear and #reed+ Resear"h done n the De%artment o& As'"ho!o#' at the
Un$erst' o& /a!&orna* 9er7e!e' &ound that n"reased ,ea!th a"tua!!'
"reates reduced empathy and compassion to,ards others* a!on# ,th
e!e$atn# one?s sense o& entt!ement+
In short* n"reased ,ea!th
tends to ma7e one Kmean and there s no shorta#e o& "orro(oratn#
studes that ha$e "on&rmed ths $er' %ro%enst'+ A stud' done (' the
Un$erst' o& M"h#an tt!ed KH#her so"a! "!ass %red"ts n"reased
uneth"a! (eha$or states<
KSe$en studes usn# e-%ermenta! and natura!st" methods
re$ea! that u%%er."!ass nd$dua!s (eha$e more uneth"a!!' than
!o,er."!ass nd$dua!s+ In studes 2 and 4* u%%er."!ass nd$dua!s
,ere more !7e!' to (rea7 the !a, ,h!e dr$n#* re!at$e to !o,er."!ass
nd$dua!s+ In &o!!o,.u% !a(orator' studes* u%%er."!ass nd$dua!s
,ere more !7e!' to e-h(t uneth"a! de"son.ma7n# tenden"es
8stud' D;* ta7e $a!ued #oods &rom others 8stud' 6;* !e n a ne#otaton
8stud' H;* "heat to n"rease ther "han"es o& ,nnn# a %r1e 8stud' I;*
and endorse uneth"a! (eha$or at ,or7 8stud' F; than ,ere !o,er.
"!ass nd$dua!s+ Medator and moderator data demonstrated that
u%%er."!ass nd$dua!sN uneth"a! tenden"es are a""ounted &or* n %art*
(' ther more &a$ora(!e atttudes to,ard #reed+
A stud' tt!ed K/!ass and "om%asson< so"oe"onom" &a"tors
%red"t res%onses to su&&ern# re$ea!ed that !o,er."!ass nd$dua!s
res%ond ,th #reater "om%asson to $e,n# human su&&ern# than
u%%er "!ass nd$dua!s+
In a re!ated stud' tt!ed TSo"a! /!ass*
/onte-tua!sm* and Em%ath" A""ura"'T t ,as &ound that nd$dua!s o&
a !o,er so"a! "!ass are more em%ath"a!!' a""urate n 0ud#n# the
emotons o& other %eo%!e+ In ts three studes* !o,er."!ass nd$dua!s
re"e$ed h#her s"ores than u%%er "!ass nd$dua!s on a test o&
em%ath" a""ura"'U 0ud#n# the emotons o& an ntera"ton %artnerU
and made more a""urate n&eren"es a(out emoton &rom stat" ma#es
o& mus"!e mo$ements n the e'es+

GI4 Re&eren"e< There 4re More Slaves Today Than at 4ny Time in >uman
GID Re&eren"e< =oes money ma#e you meanD :TE= lecture by Paul Piff;
GI6 Sour"e< >igher social class predicts increased unethical behavior
GIH Sour"e< lass and compassion3 socioeconomic factors predict responses to
suffering* 8htt%<MM,,,+n"(+n!m+nh+#o$M%u(medM4426GEE4;
GII Sour"e< Social lass, ontextualism, and Empathic 4ccuracy
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
In a re%ort tt!ed THa$n# Less* G$n# More< The In&!uen"e o&
So"a! /!ass on Aroso"a! 9eha$orT t ,as &ound that a"ross &our
studes* !o,er "!ass nd$dua!s %ro$ed to (e more #enerous*
"harta(!e* trustn#* and he!%&u!* as "om%ared ,th ther u%%er "!ass
A 4524 art"!e n the The /hron"!e o& Ah!anthro%'
re%orts that !o,.n"ome %eo%!e #$e a &ar (##er share o& ther
ds"retonar' n"ome to "hartes+ Aeo%!e ,ho ma7e bH5*555 to
bFH*555 #$e an a$era#e o& F+I %er"ent o& ther ds"retonar' n"ome
to "hart'* "om%ared ,th an a$era#e o& 6+4 %er"ent &or %eo%!e ,ho
ma7e b255*555 or more+
No,* su"h re%orts are not noted to su##est ths s a un$ersa!
%henomenon+ Ho,e$er* there s "!ear!' somethn# #on# on n the
%s'"ho!o#' o& those ,ho (e"ome ,ea!th' and a he#htened
sense o& %rote"ton* nd&&eren"e and entt!ement seems "onsstent+
Wth ths n mnd* !et?s return to our "onsderaton o& ho, d&&erent
"!asses ,ou!d res%ond to threatenn# so"a! "r"umstan"es+ G$en the
&a"t that the ,or!d no, has a!most 4*455 (!!onares ,orth a(out I+H
tr!!on n tota!
8that?s an a$era#e o& 4+E (!!on ea"h;* ,th the to%
255 "a%a(!e o& ending global poverty four times over,
a #reat dea! o&
attenton has (een %!a"ed on these &#ures n the ho%e &or so"a! he!%+
G$en the an#er that has rsen due to the rea!t' o&
tremendous and #ro,n# ne)ua!t' n the ,or!d* one "an ma#ne the
#enera! sense o& unease o& those ,ho are su%er.r"h+ :et* a%art &rom
,hat "ou!d (e ar#ued as a %u(!" re!atons mo$e* "om(ned ,th (oth
honest ntentons and the s%e"ter o& %h!anthro%'* su"h as the so.
"a!!ed (!!onare?s KG$n# A!ed#e*
one "an?t he!% (ut &ee! dee%
anmost' &or su"h &#ures and the s'stem that ena(!ed ther e-treme
and "!ear!' unne"essar' ,ea!th+
Ths* a#an* sn?t to sa' an'one s K(ad* (ut rather to note that
an' s'stem ,h"h has the capacity to e$en "reate su"h e-treme
,ea!th m(a!an"e* n and o& tse!&* needs to (e addressed as the root
%ro(!em t s J not the su%%osed "hart' o& those ,ho ha$e (een a(!e
to %!a' the mar7et #ame to su"h an e-tent as to a""rue su"h rratona!
and ,aste&u! sums+ It s not a "'n"a! $e, n ths !#ht to "onsder su"h
thn#s as the KG$n# A!ed#e as more o& an nsu!t than a so!uton+
GIF Sour"e< >aving less, giving more3 the influence of social class on prosocial
behavior* 8htt%<MM,,,+n"(+n!m+nh+#o$M%u(medM45I6EDI6;
GIG Sour"e< 7ealthiest =onRt 'ate >igh on ?iving Measure
GIE Sour"e< "umber of worldRs billionaires hits recordL 9*S* +eads
GF5 Sour"e< 4nnual income of richest ,CC people enough to end global poverty
four times over 8htt%<MM,,,+o-&am+or#MenM%ressroomM%ressre!easeM452D.
GF2 Re&eren"e< (orty 9*S* billionaires pledge to give half their money to charity
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
So #$en the noted %s'"ho!o#"a! studes %ut &or,ard and the
"urrent state o& e-treme and #ro,n# ,ea!th m(a!an"e and
desta(!1aton 8#ood ntentons (' the ,ea!th' asde;* there s no
e$den"e that the r"h ,!! sa$e us+ I& "urrent trends reman* as the'
!7e!' ,!!* the r"h ,!! sm%!' so!ate themse!$es more and more n
&ear and %rote"ton as %ro(!ems "ontnue to emer#e+ Ths %ro%enst'
a!so a%%!es to the entre "han o& so"a! strat&"aton n #enera! as
narro,* short.term se!&.%reser$aton ,!! a!,a's (e a 7nee.0er7
tenden"' ,hen one &nds hs or herse!& sus"e%t(!e to &nan"a! !oss and
as the studes sho,* the h#her a #$en %erson s n "!ass status* the
more nd&&erent the' tend to (e"ome+
Ths s the s#nature o& K"!ass ,ar* and as these trends
%ersst* ,e "an hen"e e-%e"t n"reased u%rsn#s and an#er at the
state o& a&&ars and #ross m(a!an"e n so"et'+ Wh!e ths ma' seem
!7e an e!us$e 7nd o& %henomenon* t shou!d (e thou#ht a(out n the
same "onte-t o& other ne#at$e &a"tors* su"h as resour"e de%!eton*
unem%!o'ment and the !7e+ An an#r' %o%u!aton "an (e"ome a
d$s$e and $o!ent %o%u!aton* and the emer#en"e o& !ar#e.s"a!e
so"a! nsurre"ton "an ha$e $er' ne#at$e so"a! "onse)uen"es & root
"auses are not "!ear!' understood+
The dea o& transitioning &!ud!' out o& the "urrent mode! nto a NLR9E
"an (e a dauntn# and d&&"u!t s%e"u!aton+ Aerha%s the &rst
"onsderaton s to thn7 more dee%!' a(out ,hat t s ,e are
transtonn# nto e-a"t!'+ In man' ,a's* ths mo$e &rom a s"ar"t'.
%reser$n# e"onom' to a s'stem o& dre"t resour"e mana#ement and
s"ent&" a%%!"aton n the %ursut o& a %ost.s"ar"t' or a(undan"e
e"onom' to meet the needs o& the human s%e"es* ,h!e se"urn# the
nte#rt' o& the ha(tat* s rea!!' a transition of values*
At the same tme* t s a!so a transton o& operant
reinforcement, ,h"h sm%!' means the ne, stru"ture a"tua!!' ,or7s
to reward "onser$aton* (a!an"e* so"a! "ontr(uton and e"o!o#"a!
res%e"t* rather than ,hat ,e ren&or"e toda'* ,h"h s essenta!!'
se!&shness* "om%etton* "onsum%ton and e-%!otaton+ In &a"t* the
mar7et s'stem "ou!d #estura!!' (e $e,ed as not a Kso"a! s'stem* %er
se* (ut an anti$social system*
As &ar as %h's"a! transton tse!&* t s natura!!' na$e to
assume ,e "an %red"t the &uture re#ardn# su"h a $ast so"eta! sh&t*
es%e"a!!' #$en ho, &or"e&u! and %resent the %ressures are that 7ee%
the "urrent s'stem n %!a"e+ A!! o& us are "oer"ed on a da!' (ass nto
ths mar7et %s'"ho!o#' n order to mantan sur$$a!* and hen"e our
$a!ues are dee%!' asso"ated to these methods* %ra"t"es and #enera!
,or!d$e, ,hether ,e !7e t or not+
It "ou!d e$en (e sad that these %ressures #enerate a Ts'nta-T
o& thou#ht* & 'ou ,!!+ Our (rans seem to ,re themse!$es as ,e
en#a#e the en$ronment* "onstant!' ren&or"ed (' e-stn# %ressures
and our res%ons$e a"tons+ 3ust as a %erson "an !earn a s7!! and ha$e
that s7!! (e"ome Tse"ond natureT* ,thout mu"h dre"t "ons"ous
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
thou#ht to e-e"ute on"e !earned* ,e humans %er&orm a"tons
"onstant!' ,th the same 7nd o& !earned* su("ons"ous %atternn#+ For
e-am%!e* ,e o&ten don0t even #now ,e are (eha$n# n so."a!!ed
Tnarro, se!&shT ,a's at tmes* sn"e e$er'one around us a%%ears to
(e ,or7n# n the e-a"t same manner* "reatn# %er"e$ed norma!t'+
There&ore* TZM natura!!' $e,s the sh&tn# o& %eo%!e?s $a!ues
as the most m%ortant ne"esst' &or transton+ Ho, ths s done s
dee%!' re!ated* o& "ourse* to edu"aton* ,h!e a!so attem%tn# to
a"t$e!' "reate "ondtons that* a#an* ho%e&u!!' ren&or"e these ne,*
sustana(!e $a!ues* n"hn# out !ar#er order "han#e+
That stated* there are %erha%s t,o (road ,a's to thn7 a(out
transton* ,th the &rst #$n# somethn# o& a !o#"a! &rame,or7 &or
the se"ond+ Ths &rst s"enaro assumes that there s the (as" san"ton
o& the %o!t"a!Me"onom" %o,er stru"ture and the "ommunt' o$era!!+ It
assumes that the human s%e"es has de&nt$e!' de"ded to ma7e ths
mo$e n a ste%.('.ste% manner on the #!o(a! s"a!e+ O& "ourse* the sad
truth s that t ,ou!d !7e!' ne$er ha%%en ths ,a'+
:et* ths h'%othet"a! s e-%ressed (e"ause the reasonn#
nherent s re!e$ant ,th res%e"t to ho, ,e thn7 a(out transton as a
#enera! %ro"ess and "ertan attr(utes noted ,ou!d !7e!' st!! "ome nto
%!a' n the se"ond s"enaro+ Ths se"ond s"enaro s the more rea!st"
s"enaro as t assumes there s no !ar#e.s"a!e %u(!" san"ton and the
transton must or#nate &rom a"t$sm and n&!uen"e+ Ths essenta!!'
!oo7s at e-a"t!' ,here ,e are toda'* ta7n# nto a""ount the $ast
ran#e o& d$s$e o%nons* %o!t"a! %o!ar1aton* natona! hatred*
"ommer"a! ,ar&are* et"+
So* to "on"!ude ths ntrodu"ton to transition* t s a!so ,orth
notn#* as an asde* that man' ,ho "rt"1e The Zet#est Mo$ement
do so not (e"ause the' dsa#ree ,th the dre"ton (ut (e"ause the'
do not understand ho, to #et there+ A re!e$ant ana!o#' to "ounter ths
ar#ument s the dea o& a $er' s"7 %erson see7n# to #et ,e!!+ Ths
%erson m#ht not e$en 7no, the "ure or the med"a! %ath to #et there*
(ut #$en hs or her !&e s at sta7e* the tas7 to !earn and tr' to rea!1e
the %ro%er means to,ard reso!uton does not end (e"ause o& mere
L7e,se* the d&&"u!t' or "on&uson n transtonn# nto a
NLR9E does not remo$e the ne"esst' &or t+ The &a"t s* ,e are a!!
humans on ths %!anet and ,e "an "han#e the ,or!d )ute eas!' & ,e
"an &nd un&ed* shared "ommon #round to re!ate+ Furthermore* t?s
a!so m%ortant to note that we are always in transition to one de#ree
or another+ There are no uto%as and e$en & ,e a""om%!sh on!' H5>
o& su"h a mo$e* as ,e ma' de&ne t n theor'* t ,ou!d st!! (e ,e!!
,orth t+
GF4 The dea o& %arta!!' a"he$n# a NLR9E m#ht (e "on&usn# to some+ Ths
statement s made to e-%ress ho, "ertan mana#ement %ra"t"es and ha!&.
measures* "onsttutn# a Th'(rd.e"onom'T are not out o& the )ueston
to,ard some de#ree o& sustana(!e* a(undan"e #eneratn# %ro#ress+ Ths
,!! not (e e-%!ored n ths essa' (ut the %oss(!t' s ,orth %ersona!
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Scenario One% S+stematic Dismantling
A s'stemat" mo$e &rom the mar7et e"onom' to a NLR9E "ou!d
theoret"a!!' o""ur throu#h a ste%.('.ste% Tso"a!1atonT o& the "ore
attr(utes o& the so"eta! n&rastru"ture+ Essenta!!'* ,e dsmant!e one
!a'er ,h!e m%!ementn# a ne, one n the most &!ud ,a' ,e "an+ Ths
term Tso"a!1atonT* ,h"h s o& "ourse a st#mat1ed noton n the
West #$en the h'%er.#!or&"aton o& the mar7et e"onom' and the
demon1aton o& an'thn# other,se* s st!! te"hn"a!!' a%%ro%rate to
use n ths "onte-t* (as asde+ Ths sm%!' means that the ne"esst' o&
mone' and the mar7et me"hansm ,ou!d no !on#er a%%!' to the #$en
so"a! attr(ute 8not that a tradtona!!' Kso"a!st* n the %o!t"a! and
e"onom" sense o& the ,ord* stru"ture ,ou!d re%!a"e t;+ Dre"t*
ad$an"ed te"hn"a! means ,ou!d %rodu"e and dstr(ute ,thout a
%r"e ta#* meetn# these needs dre"t!'+
As noted n deta! n %ror essa's* a "rt"a! "om%onent that
ena(!es the ne, so"a! mode! to %rodu"e a h#h standard o& !$n# s
the !(era! a%%!"aton o& modern te"hno!o#' and a s'stems a%%roa"h
to so"a! or#an1aton (ased on strate#" te"hn"a! e&&"en"'+ Sn"e the
"urrent mode! s !tera!!' (ased on a te"hn"a! inefficiency to 7ee% t
#on#* the more te"hn"a!!' e&&"ent the s'stem (e"omes* the !ess
tradtona! !a(or s re)ured+ There&ore* n a transton startn# &rom
,thn the mar7et e"onom'* measures to "om%ensate &or ths &nan"a!
!oss are re)ured+ These "an "onsst* n %art* o& the adEustment of
wages to "om%ensate &or 0o( !osses* a!on# ,th the shortening and
sharing of the wor#wee# to a!so "om%ensate+
The "ore so"eta! attr(utes to (e ds"ussed &or ths e-er"se
"onsst o& 8a; &ood %rodu"ton* 8(; ut!tes* 8"; (as" #ood %rodu"ton
and 8d; trans%ortaton+ O($ous!'* these &ra#ments ha$e a s'ner#st"
re!atonsh%* ,h"h re)ure other t'%es o& te"hn"a! e$a!uaton+
Ho,e$er* sn"e these "ore attr(utes o& our da'.to.da' !$es are
essenta!!' ,hat mantan our #enera! hea!th and (as" standard o&
!$n#* these a(stra"tons shou!d su&&"e &or the sa7e o& sm%!e
reasonn# e-em%!&"aton+ It s a!so ,orth notn# that the %ost.s"ar"t'
re!atonsh%s denoted n ea"h su(0e"t "an (e e-%!ored more so n the
essa' Post$Scarcity Trends, apacity and Efficiency*
8a; Food Arodu"ton<
The te"hno!o#' &or h#h e&&"en"'* automated &ood %rodu"ton s no, a
rea!t' toda'* ,th $ert"a! &arm te"hno!o#' and !o, ener#'M!o, m%a"t
"u!t$aton methods su"h as h'dro%on"s* a)ua%on"s and aero%on"s+
Desa!n1aton %ro"esses* &or e-am%!e* "ou!d ena(!e the (u!dn# o&
these $ert"a! &arm &a"!tes a!on# most ma0or "oast!nes* %rodu"n#
or#an" &ood n )uanttes to meet and e-"eed the needs o& the
re#ona! %o%u!aton+
In short* & su"h ad$an"ed methods ,ere m%!emented* the
strate#" a(undan"e %oss(!t' re$ea!s that the need to %!a"e
restr"t$e monetar' $a!ue on (as" &ood resour"es s sm%!' not
re)ured+ There s no !e#tmate te"hn"a! reason* e$en ,thn an
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
e-stn# monetar' e"onom'* #ro"er' stores toda' "annot %ro$de the
same %rodu"e resour"es to a #$en re#ona! %o%u!aton* ,thout the
need &or &nan"a! e-"han#e+ It s sm%!' a matter o& #ettn# the
ad$an"ed automated s'stems n %!a"e+
8(; Ut!tes<
The h'dro"ar(on e"onom' toda' "ontnues to "ause a #reat dea! o&
turmo!* not on!' on the en$ronmenta! !e$e! (ut a!so due to the
ne$ta(!e s"ar"t' o& the resour"es themse!$es+ Wh!e the de(ate
"ontnues re#ardn# T%ea7 o!T* there s no !e#tmate de(ate as to the
&a"t that &oss! &ue!s are essenta!!' &nte and ts "om(uston s
detrmenta! to the en$ronment+ G$en the ad$an"ed state o&
rene,a(!e ener#' means su"h as so!ar* tde* ,nd* #eotherma! and the
!7e* "ou%!ed ,th ad$an"ed !o"a!1aton means* there s no reason an'
o& us ,ou!d need to %a' &or ener#' & the s'stem ,as %ro%er!'
des#ned+ Ad$an"ed so!ar s'stems a!one a%%!ed to e$er' e-stn#
stru"ture* e$en &eedn# e-"ess ener#' (a"7 nto a "ommunt'?s
redundant (ase.!oad #rd* ,ou!d e!mnate e!e"tr"t' needs
mmedate!' (ased on "urrent statst"s+
The same %henomenon a!so asssts ,th natura! #as and ,ater
ut!tes+ Sn"e e!e"tr"t' "an (e used to re%!a"e #as &or heatn# and
most other ut!t' %ur%oses* ts use "an sm%!' (e designed out n ths
"onte-t+ Water* ,h"h s o& a #enera!!' nomna! &nan"a! e-%ense toda'
n the West* "an (e made dramat"a!!' more a(undant $a &urther
ndustra! e&&"en"' to re"ede %o!!uton and mantan a re#ona! sur%!us
(' strate#" use+ Those ,ho do ha$e ,ater shorta#es n the ,or!d ha$e
had te"hn"a! reso!utons &or 'ears $a desa!n1aton and other
%ur&"aton s'stems* (oth on the !ar#e s"a!e and sma!! s"a!e+ It has
(een* a#an* the !a"7 o& &nan"a! resour"es that ha$e "aused the
%ro(!ems* not the !a"7 o& te"hn"a! a(!t'+
8"; 9as" Good Arodu"ton<
The s%e"trum o& (as" #ood %rodu"ton s ,de* ran#n# &rom "ore
sta%!es su"h as househo!d tems* "!othes and "ommun"aton
te"hno!o#'* to s%e"&" too!s &or s%e"a!1ed tas7s* su"h as mus"a!
nstruments and other n"reasn#!' !ess demanded tems+ The (est ,a'
to thn7 a(out ths s as a Ks%e"trum o& demand* ,th da!' needs on
one sde and s%e"a!1ed* or T!u-ur'T t'%e #oods on the other+
Wh!e the ad$an"ement o& automaton te"hno!o#' ,!! !7e!'
&a"!tate a $ast amount o& $araton n %rodu"ton on"e the re$o!uton
n modu!ar ro(ot"s and nanote"hno!o#' "omes to &ruton* &or the sa7e
o& transton n the mmedate &uture* ,e "an thn7 a(out ndustr' n
the more esta(!shed "onte-t+ O$era!!* ea"h ndustr' or su(.ndustr'
"ou!d (e un&ed n o%eratons to ena(!e the h#hest !e$e! o& %rodu"ton
and out%ut e&&"en"' %oss(!e as a de!(erate ,ho!e+ In other ,ords*
the "or%orate stru"tures ,ou!d "om(ne (ased on #enre or se"tor*
usn# that "o!!a(orat$e "a%a"t' to n"rease e&&"en"'* ,h!e redu"n#
,aste and "om%ett$e mu!t%!"t'+ Ths ,ou!d set the sta#e &or the
"reaton o& a &u!!' s'ner#st" ndustra! s'stem* a%%!'n# ad$an"ed*
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
dea!!' sm%!&'n# automaton %ro"esses !(era!!' at e$er' turn to
remo$e human !a(or and ne$ta(!' n"rease e&&"en"'+
In ths* %rmt$e $ersons o& the /o!!a(orat$e Des#n S'stem*
as des"r(ed at !en#th n the essa' The !ndustrial ?overnment* "ou!d
a!so #an tra"ton+ Wh!e "ertan !mtatons ,ou!d o""ur #$en the
a(sen"e o& !ar#er order "oo%eraton* the n"hn# n o& ths %ro"ess
,ou!d set the sta#e &or !ar#er n"or%oraton ,h!e a!so n"reasn#
No,* returnn# to the %ror %ont a(out compensation &or the
!oss o& %ad ,or7 hours* the !oss o& sa!es natura!!' means a !oss o&
#ro,th and hen"e a !oss o& 0o(s+ In the "urrent mode!* ths s
stru"tura!!' a ne#at$e thn#* o& "ourse+ Ho,e$er* n ths h'%othet"a!
transton %ro%osa!* ,a#es ,ou!d sh&t n %ro%orton to the resu!tn# 0o(
!osses andMor ,th the sh&tn# o& ,or7da' hours+ In other ,ords*
assumn# an nta! a$era#e ,or7 da' need o& G hours %er %erson*
n"urrn# a !oss o& 0o(s (' H5> due to the a%%!"aton o& automaton
and ne, !e$e!s o& te"hn"a! e&&"en"'* the ,or7 da' ,ou!d then (e "ut
(' H5> and s%read a"ross the e-stn# ,or7&or"e* 7ee%n# e$er'one
em%!o'ed (ut &or a shorter %erod+
So* & ,e had a h'%othet"a! e"onom' ,th 2555 %eo%!e and
H5> o& them ,ere ds%!a"ed (' ths de!(erate technological
unemployment, the ,or7da' s then d$ded (et,een them so
e$er'one no, ,or7s on!' 6 hours* nstead o& G+ A#an* the &a"t that
these #oods and ser$"es are (e"omn# &ree n the e"onom' means
that there s !ess o& a need &or %ror !e$e!s o& %ur"hasn# %o,er+
There&ore a H5> "ut n ,a#es s "a!"u!ated to (e dre"t!' "om%ensated
&or+ O$era!!* ,e are %hasn# the monetar' s'stem out n ths %ro"ess+
In "ases ,here ths sn?t &eas(!e* there ,ou!d (e an n"rease n hour!'
,a#e rates n the same (as" %ro%orton* "om%ensatn# &or the
a$era#e !osses n"urred+ In theor'* ths hour!' redu"ton o& the tota!
,or7&or"e* assumn# 255> em%!o'ment throu#h these standards*
"ou%!ed ,th the "om%ensatn# n"rease n no, &ree resour"es* ,ou!d
&!ud!' mo$e the so"et' out o& the !a(or mar7et o$er tme+ A#an* ths
s the a(stra"t h'%othet"a!+
The ne-t so"a! sta%!e s trans%ortaton+ The %rodu"ton o& $eh"!es*
,h"h s a!read' !ar#e!' automated toda'* s one "onsderaton and ths
sn?t mu"h o& a %ro(!em to %er&e"t+ Ths ssue here s a""ess*
a%%!"aton and ne"esst'+ O& "ourse* ths thou#ht e-er"se "ou!d (e
)ute e!a(orate+ I& ,e ,ere to "a!"u!ate the $ast amount o& ener#' and
resour"es used on a da!' (ass toda' &or a!! o& us to tra$e! to
"entra!1ed o&&"es* usua!!' %art"%atn# n o""u%atons ,th
)uestona(!e re!e$an"e n the (road $e,* ,e ,ou!d (e ama1ed at the
ne&&"en"' a%%arent on the ,ho!e+ Wh!e there are "ertan!'
e-"e%tons* there are $er' &e, o""u%atons toda' that rea!!' re)ure
dre"t !o"aton ntera"ton an'more* #$en the $ast %o,er o& the
Internet and su"h "ommun"aton too!s+ E$en ndustra! %rodu"ton
&a"!tes* on"e &urther automated* ,ou!d on!' re)ure a sma!! num(er
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
o& %eo%!e on !o"aton* ,th most %ro"esses admnstered remote!'+
So* ,th a strate#" mo$e to sm%!' sto% &rom ,aste&u! E.H* H
da' ,or7,ee7* tradtona! tra$e! to ,or7 and (a"7 ,ou!d "reate a #reat
a!!e$aton o& %ressure on man' !e$e!s+ Ha$n# e$er'one e)u%%ed ('
,hate$er means needed to o%erate ther (usness &un"ton &rom ther
homes s a !o#"a! and sustana(!e dea &or ener#' redu"ton* redu"ed
a""dents* redu"ed %o!!uton* redu"ed stress and the !7e+
9e'ond that* as &ar as n&rastru"ture* s'stems o& sharn#* su"h
as the "urrent!' e-stn# renta! street ("'"!es and the !7e* shou!d (e
a%%!ed to $eh"!es 8and e$er'thn# e!se ,e "an;* "ou%!ed ,th the
!(era! n"or%oraton o& mass transt+ Ths* a#an* s to (e a ste%.('.
ste% %ro"ess o& m%ro$ement ,here d&&erent re#ons are %ur%ose&u!!'
reor#an1ed to &a$or the h#hest !e$e! o& te"hn"a! tra$e! e&&"en"'
In short* !o"a!1n# !a(or !o"atonsMremote a""ess to !mt tra$e!
needs* "ou%!ed ,th sharn# s'stems &or $eh"!es and !(era! mass
transt* ,ou!d %ro&ound!' "han#e the nature o& trans%ort n&rastru"ture*
easn# nto the &oundaton o& a NLR9E* e$en & some o& those ser$"es
st!! need mone' to %a' &or them+
Scenario Two% The Real World
No,* ,th the &o!!o,n# trun"ated 'et !o#"a!!' %ur%ose&u! tran o&
thou#ht to,ards a h'%othet"a! (rea7 do,n the "urrent s'stem and a
s'stemat" m%!ementaton o& attr(utes o& the ne, one n mnd* !et?s
no, ta7e a realistic !oo7 at ,hat a transton to ths ne, so"et' ma'
ho!d #$en the "om%!e- and d"hotomous rea!t' ,e endure toda'+
It?s &rst m%ortant to understand that the ntenton o& so"a!
and en$ronmenta! sustana(!t' has (een de$e!o%n# under the
sur&a"e o& "u!ture &or a !on# tme+ For e-am%!e* the no, "ommon
noton o& the T#reenT e"onom'* ,h"h s (en# %ushed &or,ard ('
en$ronmenta!sts* "ou%!ed ,th %erod" out(ursts (' "$! r#hts
#rou%s su"h as O""u%' Wa!! Street* re$ea!s a dee% seeded nterest to
as%re &or a ,or!d that s more e)ua!* humane and sustana(!e+ Wh!e
our "urrent so"a! s'stem* as ar#ued* o&ten ren&or"es the o%%oste o&
those $a!ues* t st!! seems that dee% do,n most o& our "ore hstor"a!
%h!oso%hes st!! su##est an nterest n so"a! e)ua!t' and sustana(!e
So a#an* t s m%ortant to a"7no,!ed#e that n order to rea!!'
"reate a more sustana(!e* humane ,or!d* a complete move out o& the
"urrent so"a! ar"hte"ture s re)ured+ Other,se the same (as"
%ro(!ems ,!! %ersst* e$en & redu"ed to some de#ree (' ha!&.
measures+ To do ths* #!o(a! so"a! mo$ement ta"t"s (e"ome "rt"a! to
%ut pressure on the e-stn# s'stem* a!on# ,th he!%n# "han#e the
ntents and $a!ues o& the "u!ture tse!& (' $ast edu"aton and
"ommun"aton %ro0e"ts+
Ho,e$er* (e&ore su"h deas are addressed* t s ,orth re$stn#
the ssue o& Kso"eta! "o!!a%se* ths tme n the "onte-t o& ,hat ,e
"ou!d term eco$bio$social pressures* A (a"7dro% to our "u!tura!
e$o!uton are %ressures that "an ta7e (oth a %ost$e and ne#at$e
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
&orm+ Aost$e %ressures o& ths nature "ou!d n"!ude the de$e!o%ment
and e-%resson o& !&$an"n# te"hno!o#es ,here the $e,n# %u(!"
s so m%ressed (' the %oss(!tes* the so"a! demand &or that &eature
or m%!ementaton (e"omes un,a$ern#+
On the other sde are the ne#at$e %ressures* su"h as the
dramat" &a!ure o& a so"a! ed&"e that sho"7s the "u!ture and "reates
unease* !oss o& "on&den"e and a dre nterest n %ro(!em reso!uton ('
ne, methods+ G$en the %ror se"ton on so"eta! %ro(!ems ,e "an
!o#"a!!' e-%e"t as the "urrent mode! #rnds a!on#* that these ne#at$e
%ressures are (ound to he!% &a"!tate ne, n"ent$es to,ard "han#e+
O& "ourse* ths s out o& the "ontro! o& TZM and at no %ont does TZM
%romote &urthern# an' harm u%on an'one+ TZM &o"uses on %ost$e
%ressure n&!uen"e n ts a"t$st ,or7* sho,n# the ,or!d ,hat "an (e
done throu#h edu"aton and thn7 tan7 %ro0e"ts+ :et* TZM does not
den' the e-sten"e o& these other emer#n# ne#at$e %ressures and
a"7no,!ed#es them a!so as a &orm o& mo(!1n# n"ent$e+
It s a!so m%ortant to note that so."a!!ed Kso"eta! "o!!a%se s
not an a(so!ute dstn"ton+ It s re!at$e+ In #enera! da'.to.da'
o%eratons* s%e"&"a!!' n the West* one t'%"a!!' does not !oo7 around
and deem the so"et' as (en# n a state o& T(rea7do,nT+ Ths s
(e"ause most %eo%!e ha$e sm%!' (e"ome a""ustomed to the %o!!uton*
"an"er* de(t* home!essness* de%!eton* %o$ert'* ,ars* u%rsn#s*
%erod" &nan"a! "rses* unem%!o'ment and other ne&&"en"es+ It sn?t
as thou#h one da' e$er'one ,a7es u% and &nds the ,ho!e ,or!d
su&&ern# or dead n the streets+ So"eta! "o!!a%se* or s'stem &a!ure* s
a %ro"ess and the rea! )ueston s a"tua!!' ho, (ad are ,e %re%ared
&or t to (e"ome (e&ore ,e a"t to "han#e t+
In truth* a!! s'stems "han#e and ,h!e su"h a %ro"ess o& &a!ure
s a $er' ne#at$e thn# n the short.term* t s a!so u!tmate!' a natura!
"onse)uen"e o& "u!tura! e$o!uton+ Aro(!ems "an !ead to "reat$t' and
"reat$t' !eads to ne, so!utons* & ,e are ,!!n# to mo$e on+ At an'
rate* ,th these e"o.("a! %ressures a%%arent* "ou%!ed ,th a
(as" understandn# o& ho, a ste%.('.ste% transton "ou!d un&o!d
8s"enaro one;* !et?s no, ta!7 a(out transitional activism* The #oa! here
s to not on!' &a"!tate a mo$e to the ne, mode!* (ut to a!so ,or7 to
help those su&&ern# n the "urrent mode!* (as"a!!' (rn#n# them n
&rst n ths %ro"ess o& transton+ Ths s done (' "reatn# parallel
systems, ,h"h do not use mone' (ut st!! %ro$de he!%&u! ser$"es to
Wth #ro,n# te"hno!o#"a! unem%!o'ment and most
#o$ernments and "or%oratons st!! !oo7n# the other ,a' &or as !on# as
the' "an* "reatn# so!utons to ease ths stress on the %o%u!aton*
"ou%!ed ,th remo$n# su%%ort &or the "urrent s'stem* s a ,n.,n
#oa!+ For e-am%!e* the use o& mutua! "redt s'stems
or Ktme (an7s*
&a"!tate a 7nd o& non."urren"' transa"tons* o&ten (ased u%on !a(or
on!'+ Wh!e ta-aton o& these transa"tons a%%!' n some "ountres* ths
GFD Re&eren"e< "ew Money for >ealthy ommunities
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
s'stem s a(!e to ('%ass mone' o$era!! 8+e+ &or those ,ho ha$e s7!!s
(ut are %oor;* a!on# ,th redu"n# o$era!! &nan"a! "r"u!aton 8as a
means o& %rotest and transton;+
A mutua! "redt s'stem s a &orm o& (arter &or ser$"es or
#oods* ,h"h a!!o, non.monetar' e-"han#e $a!ues to (e a%%!ed to
other #oods and ser$"es* remo$n# the 2<2 #ood to #ood "orre!aton
"ommon to sm%!e (arter+ LETS
s an e-am%!e+ It asssts an nterest
&ree* non.n&!atonar' &orm o& e-"han#e ,here $a!ue "annot &!oat or
&!u"tuate* as t does toda'* amon# man' other %ost$es+ In the "ase o&
the Ktme (an7* t s (ased on the %ror ,or7 o& the %erson* n e&&e"t+
There are a num(er o& $aratons o& these 7nds o& s'stems and the'
are (e"omn# e$er more so%hst"ated n ther %ro#rammn# and
Another ta"t"* ,h"h has a sm!ar e&&e"t* s the use o&
community sharing systems+ TZM Toronto* &or e-am%!e* has a too!
sharn# net,or7 ,here (as" too!s e-st n a &a"!t'* !7e a !(rar'* and
one "an "he"7 out these too!s n rotaton* as needed+
As mnor as
ths ma' seem* t s eas' to see ho, ths !(rar' "on"e%t "ou!d e-tend
#reat!' n a "ommunt'* su"h as ,th automo(!es and other tems
used more s%arse!'+ A#an* ths ,ou!d he!% those ,ho ddn?t ha$e a
means o& a""ess* a!on# ,th remo$n# #ro,th %ressure &or the
e"onom" s'stem+ It ,ou!d a!so (e more en$ronmenta!!' &rend!' and
sustana(!e* need!ess to sa'+
L7e,se* more tradtona! so"a! %o!"' n&!uen"n# methods*
su"h as mass on!ne %ettons and other su"h a"ts are to (e $e,ed as
mnor n e&&e"t (ut st!! re!e$ant &or a,areness+ TZM does not endorse
%h's"a! %rotest n the sense o& %!n# nto a %ar7n# !ot and 'e!!n# at
(u!dn#s as an e&&e"t$e means o& so"a! "han#e* (ut t does not
dsmss them ether as su"h a"t$tes "an dra, attenton to,ard a
#$en ssue to some de#ree+ L7e,se* %ettons ha$e (een u()utous
n the ,or!d toda'* a!on# ,th ,or7n# to n&!uen"e %o!t"a! o&&"a!s ('
a!so %u(!"!' "ha!!en#n# them n the %ur$e, o& ne,s meda+ These are
other su"h e-%ressons that "ome do,n to one?s "reat$t'* "oura#e
and %ersona! nterests+
Ho,e$er* there s one s%e"&" %o!t"a! !o(('n# %ro%osa! ,orth
mentonn# that has (een around &or a !on# tme+ Wh!e not a !on#.
term so!uton n and o& tse!&* ts m%!ementaton ,ou!d at !east
#enerate m%ro$ed %u(!" hea!th and e!mnate #enera! %o$ert'+ It s
"a!!ed a K#uaranteed or Kun"ondtona! n"ome s'stem+ Ths sm%!'
means %eo%!e are #$en (as" !& &unds ea"h 'ear to meet
(as" needs* ,th no one !e&t (ehnd+ In !ate 452D* a"t$st #rou%s n
S,t1er!and ,ere %ushn# $er' hard to m%!ement ths dea+

GF6 Re&eren"e< The +ETSystem =esign Manual 8htt%<MM,,,+#m!ets+u.
GFH Re&eren"e< TorontoRs first Tool +ibrary gears up to open in Par#dale
GFI Re&eren"e< Swit%erlandRs Proposal to Pay People for /eing 4live
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
No,* a!! that asde* TZM?s most m%ortant a"t$st ntat$es
are the e$er emer#n# thn7 tan7 st'!e %ro0e"ts* ,h"h !tera!!' "an
,or7 to sho, a (etter ,a'+ R+ 9u"7mnster Fu!!er on"e stated K:ou
ne$er "han#e thn#s (' &#htn# the e-stn# rea!t'+ To "han#e
somethn#* (u!d a ne, mode! that ma7es the e-stn# mode!
o(so!ete+ Ths s the transtona! motto o& TZM as ,e!!+
As ,!! (e e-%ressed n the essa' K9e"omn# The Zet#est
Mo$ement* a%art &rom #enera! a,areness e$ents* thn7 tan7 %ro0e"ts
that "an !tera!!' start to build the ne, so"a! mode!* (oth %h's"a!!'
and n ts %ro#rammn# &or sustana(!' and e&&"en"'* s %erha%s (' &ar
the most %ro&ound method o& a"t$sm+ The d#ta! re$o!uton has ta7en
the "om%!e-t' and arduous de$e!o%ment %ro"ess o& ndustra! des#n
and %ro$ded the o%ton to $rtua!!' re%resent most an' %h's"a! dea
&or the sa7e o& "ommun"aton+ L7e,se* ,h!e the ollaborative
=esign System noted %ror ma' not (e n e-sten"e toda'* there s no
reason %ro#rammn# &or t "annot (e "reated no,* e$en & t s to
mere!' e-st as an o$er sm%!&ed Kmo"7.u%+
L7e,se* the G!o(a! Redes#n Insttute* ,h"h s a ma"ro.
ndustra! des#n nter&a"e des#ned to ena(!e an'one to thn7 a(out
the !o#" o& redes#nn# the to%o#ra%h"a! !a'out o& Earth* s another
dea+ In the end* the ran#e o& %oss(!tes to virtually create a!most
e-a"t!' ,hat TZM s%ea7s o& s (e"omn# more %oss(!e and ths has
%o,er&u! "ommun"aton %otenta!+ We "an ma#ne* a&ter these
de$e!o%ments o""ur* !ar#e.s"a!e "on&eren"es that "an (e "ondu"ted n
an' #$en re#on* sho,n# ho, mu"h more e&&"ent that re#on ,ou!d
(e* & su"h te"hn"a! s'stem or des#ns ,ere m%!emented+
The (one Countr+ Transition
9u!dn# on the %ror %ara#ra%h* ma#ne a &ar!' sma!! "ountr' ,th a
$ast ran#e o& natura! resour"es 8a %oss(!e rea!st" !o"aton "ou!d (e a
!ush "ountr' n Latn Amer"a;+ It s some tme n the &uture and
te"hn"a! %ro#ress has (een "ontnun# ts %henomenon o& don# Kmore
,th !ess+ The resu!t s su"h that 7no,n methods o& ndustra!
%rodu"ton no, re)ure &e,er ra, matera!s J to su"h an e-tent that &
a ,e!!.or#an1ed* resour"e.r"h "ountr' ada%ted strate#"a!!' . there
,ou!d (e no need &or m%orts or e-%orts n that re#on+ The "ountr'
"ou!d (e Ko&&.the.#rd* so to s%ea7* n the "onte-t o& #!o(a!1aton and
nternatona! n&!uen"e+
Ho,e$er* the !eaders o& ths "ountr' rea!!' ,ere not a,are o&
ths te"hn"a! rea!t'+ So* one da' a re!at$e o& one o& the !eaders &nds
hs or herse!& at a TZM "on&eren"e ta!7n# a(out those $er' des#n
ntat$es and ad$an"ements n %rodu"ton methods+ Ths %erson
not&es the !eaders o& the "ountr' and the #o$ernment ta7es not"e+
Ths h'%othet"a! #o$ernment s %erha%s m%o$ershed* as man' Latn
Amer"an "ountres are* most!' due to nternatona! trade dea!n#s*
"orru%ton* de(t %ro(!ems* unem%!o'ment %ro(!ems and the !7e+ Ths
#o$ernment* en!#htened (' ,hat the' ha$e !earned* de"des to ta7e
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
the ntat$e to n"or%orate a locali%ed NLR9E* as (est the' "an+
The' understand that a true NLR9E s #!o(a!* ,th a tota!
Earth!' resour"e mana#ement s'stem+ Ho,e$er* 7no,n# ths ,!! not
o""ur an'tme soon n the "urrent #!o(a! "!mate* the' "a!"u!ate that
,th a num(er o& ad0ustments* the' "an st!! ut!1e the mode! to a
!mted (ut %o,er&u! de#ree* so!$n# most a!! o& ts "ountr'?s
matera!M&nan"a! ,oes+ So* the "ountr' then ad0usts ts ndustra!
methods n a""ord* "reates a domest" sensor s'stem and
mana#ement net,or7 to understand ts resour"es and 7ee%
e)u!(rum* &u!!' d#ests the ne, ndustra! "a%a"t' to do more ,th
!ess* a!so nsta!!n# the sustana(!t' and e&&"en"' %roto"o! a!#orthms
nherent to the /DS . and the' %ro"eed ,th the ne, mode! n &u!!
&or"e* !tera!!' stopping all trade ,th &ore#n natons* (en# se!&.
"ontaned and 255> sustana(!e n ther re#on* on"e esta(!shed+
A&ter a %erod o& ths su""ess* the ,or!d s!o,!' (e#ns to see
the n"red(!e resu!t o& ther mone'!ess e"onom'+ The %o%u!aton*
,h"h had a $er' !o, standard o& !$n# %ror* s e!e$ated to an
e"onom" a(undan"e the' ha$e ne$er seen+ It he!%s #reat!' that the
%eo%!e?s $a!ues n that "ountr' "onsst o& "onser$aton and modest
!$n#* &urthern# (a!an"ed %ro#ress o& the naton+
So* #$en ths e$den"e o& &eas(!t' and &rut&u!ness* other
ad0a"ent natons (e#n to understand the $ast mert o& the ne, mode!
and de"de to ta7e %art+ Ths %ro"ess o& Eoining e-%ands the resour"e
net,or7 #reat!' and the more t e-%ands* the more other "ountr'?s
%eo%!e a!so see the mert and the more the' demand t* and so on+ In
tme* the ,or!d untes+
No,* ,h!e ths e-am%!e m#ht (e o$er sm%!&ed* a!so "!ear!'
#norn# the nternatona! %o!t"a! %ressures that most "ertan!' ,ou!d
"ause "on&!"t* the reader shou!d (e a(!e to understand that t s st!! a
%oss(!t'+ In truth* ,e don?t rea!!' 7no, ,hat e-a"t!' ,!! start su"h a
mo$e* (ut ,e do 7no, that %!antn# as man' Kseeds o& %oss(!t' as
%oss(!e s the 7e'* "ou%!ed ,th the n"reasn#!' ne#at$e e"o.(o.
so"a! %ressures that ,!! a%%ear to ha$e no end n s#ht+
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
-*ECO2$"! T-E DE$T!E$ST 2O'E2E"T-
Sometmes the s!#htest thn#s "han#e the dre"tons o& our !$es* the merest
(reath o& a "r"umstan"e* a random moment that "onne"ts !7e a meteorte
str7n# the earth+ L$es ha$e s,$e!ed and "han#ed dre"ton on the stren#th o&
a "han"e remar7+
.9r'"e /ourtena'
Wh!e on the sur&a"e the &o!!o,n# %ro%oston ma' seem !7e a mere
%oet" #esture* the truth o& the matter s that t s a(so!ute!' true and
nes"a%a(!e+ 7e are all in The Zeitgeist Movement whether we li#e it
or not*
E$er'da' o& our !$es ,e ma7e de"sons n so"a! and
en$ronmenta! "onte-ts that "reate n&!uen"e on the wellbeing and
perception o& others+ It doesn?t matter ,hat one?s %o!t"a!* re!#ous or
o$era!! deo!o#"a! ds%oston ma' (e s%e"&"a!!'U & 'ou !$e on ths
%!anet 'ou are n&!uen"n# t and the "u!tures s%a,ned &rom t+ What
ths a!so means s that 'ou are responsible+ :ou are res%ons(!e &or
,hat 'ou set n moton and hen"e res%ons(!e &or state o& the ha(tat
and 'ou are res%onse &or the (a!an"e or m(a!an"e o& the human
s%e"es tse!&* to one de#ree or another+
Ea"h a"t o& em%ath' or nd&&eren"e resonates ,th those ,ho
re"e$ed those e&&e"ts* and due to the (as"* e$o!utonar' !a,s o&
human ada%ton ,e ad0ust our e-%e"tatons and %ro%enstes as ,e
e-%eren"e the en$ronment around us+ Natura!!'* ear!' "h!dhood s
the most senst$e %erod to our s%e"es* as ,e tr' to &#ure out & ths
ne, ,or!d ,e ha$e "ome nto s sa&e and su%%ort$e or & the ,or!d s
unsa&e and nd&&erent+ Ths t'%e o& programming, ,h!e esta(!shed n
ear!' "h!dhood most domnant!'* st!! "ontnues throu#hout our !$es*
and the e&&e"t t has on the !ar#er order "u!tura! %er"e%ton s a!so
:et* ,h!e our "a%a(!tes are tru!' %o,er&u!* %art"u!ar!' ,hen
t "omes to human so"et'?s re"ent "a%a"t' to (u!d te"hno!o#"a!
too!s* ,h"h "an "han#e the so"eta! "onstru"t ra%d!'* t s eas' to
&or#et that at the root "ore o& ths e-sten"e s a 7nd o& subservience
and a""e%tan"e o& &a"tors that ,e ,!! ne$er ha$e "ontro! o&+ A&ter
m!!enna o& "on&uson a(out the nature o& our e-sten"e* n$entn#
"om%!e- and u!tmate!' &a!se s'stems o& (e!e& as ,e "o%e ,th ths
"on&uson* the s!o, ds"o$er' o& ,hat are "ommon!' termed the laws
of nature ha$e %ro$ded not on!' a means to "reate and n$ent* (ut to
a!so understandn# that ,e are a"tua!!' not in control n man'
%ro&ound ,a's+
We a%%ear to on!' (e n "ontro! o& ho, ,e re!ate to ths
e-stn# ru!e stru"ture and those natura! !a, ru!es sho, no s#n o&
"han#n#+ Our su(msson to ths rea!t' rests at the heart o& the
te"hn"a! %ro%osa!s made (' The Zet#est Mo$ement+ It s mere!' a
%ro"ess o& ada%taton to (etter o%tm1e human e-sten"e and "reate a
GFF Sour"e< #oodreads+"om 8htt%<MM,,,+#oodreads+"omM)uotesMta#M"han#eR
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
"ondton that m%ro$es our !$es and a!!o,s &or &uture #eneratons to
nha(t ths %!anet ,thout se$ere de&"en"' and a !oss o&
sustana(!t'+ In truth* the human s%e"es toda' does not 0ust share
the ,or!d ,th tse!& and the ha(tat+ It a!so shares t ,th the
e-tended &am!' o& the s%e"es and the e-tended &am!' o& the other
!&e nherent n the ha(t* #eneratons nto the &uture+
There has a!so (een an e"!%sn# tenden"' &or an dea!1ed
sense o& se!&.m%ortan"e+ Tradtona! re!#ons and su"h notons o&
(en# K"reated n the ma#e o& God and other deas tend to se%arate
humans &rom the natura! ,or!d* as thou#h ,e are not to (e Kredu"ed
to some 7nd o& mere art&a"t o& nature+ The #reat astronomer /ar!
Sa#an %erha%s (est addressed ths %ro(!em n hs te-t Pale /lue =ot3
@The Earth s a $er' sma!! sta#e n a $ast "osm" arena+ Thn7
o& the end!ess "rue!tes $sted (' the nha(tants o& one "orner o& ths
%-e! on the s"ar"e!' dstn#usha(!e nha(tants o& some other "orner*
ho, &re)uent ther msunderstandn#s* ho, ea#er the' are to 7!! one
another* ho, &er$ent ther hatreds+ Thn7 o& the r$ers o& (!ood s%!!ed
(' a!! those #enera!s and em%erors so that* n #!or' and trum%h* the'
"ou!d (e"ome the momentar' masters o& a &ra"ton o& a dot+
Our %osturn#s* our ma#ned se!&.m%ortan"e* the de!uson
that ,e ha$e some %r$!e#ed %oston n the Un$erse* are "ha!!en#ed
(' ths %ont o& %a!e !#ht+ Our %!anet s a !one!' s%e"7 n the #reat
en$e!o%n# "osm" dar7+ In our o(s"urt'* n a!! ths $astness* there s
no hnt that he!% ,!! "ome &rom e!se,here to sa$e us &rom
O& "ourse* there s no den'n# that our "a%a"t' to thn7*
"reate* %ro(!em so!$e and a!ter our ,or!d %!a"es us n a $er' un)ue
ran7 ,th res%e"t to the other s%e"es ,e share ths ha(tat ,th+ The
human or#ansm s so n"red(!e n so man' &un"tona! and ada%t$e
,a's* 'et modern s"en"e has not e$en (e#un to understand ho, ths
e$er."om%!e- arra' o& or#ans and "hemstr' s a(!e to do ,hat t does
so ,e!!+ In &a"t* our "reat$t' s so %o,er&u!U ,e ha$e (een a(!e to
e-tend our menta! and %h's"a! &orms to n"!ude %h's"a! and
"om%utatona! %oss(!tes that ,ou!d other,se (e m%oss(!e+ Ths s
the true nature o& our te"hno!o#"a! n#enut'+
A "om%uter* a "ar* a %hone* a ta(!e* a %en"! or an' other too!
,e ma' ut!1e* are not mere!' deta"hed a(stra"tons ,e en#a#e n+
The' are e-tensons o& ourse!$es n $er' rea! and dre"t ,a's*
m%ro$n# some t'%e o& &un"ton ,e ,sh to "om%!ete+ As tme mo$es
on* the !o#" s "!ear that %ro(!em reso!uton "an (e"ome e$er more
%o,er&u!* so mu"h so that the so"a! mode!s ,e ma' em(ra"e n one
#eneraton ,!! (e made o(so!ete n another #eneraton+ The desred
transton &rom the "om%ett$e* mar7et mode! o& e"onom"s to a
NLR9E s 0ust su"h a mo$e+
GFG Pale /lue =ot3 4 Vision of the >uman (uture in Space* /ar! Sa#an* 2EE6
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
Roles . ProEects
The Zet#est Mo$ement s a #!o(a! or#an1aton that has no %a%ers to
&!! out or an' &orma! a""e%tan"e %ro"ess+ One?s nterest n the
%ro%osa!s o& TZM* "ou%!ed ,th some t'%e o& a"ton to %romote su"h
"han#e* s the on!' de&nn# &eature o& a Kmem(er and the de#ree o&
%art"%aton "omes do,n to the "om&ort 1one and n#enut' o& the
nd$dua! andMor #rou%s the' "hoose to (e a %art o&+ It s a!so
m%ortant to %ont out that sm%!' (en# a %art o& ths "ommunt' s* n
man' ,a's* a "ontr(uton to transition tse!&* as a "han#n# o& so"a!
$a!ues s "rt"a! to su"h a mo$e* and ths starts (' #eneratn# a
#ro,n# su(."u!ture that sm%!' &nds a!#nment ,th those $a!ues*
e$en thou#h the o!d* "aust" so"a! mode! s st!! n %!a"e+
More s%e"&"a!!'* #ettn# n$o!$ed n$ara(!' means tr'n# to
rase a,areness n the "ommunt'* ,h!e dea!!' "ontr(utn# to
de$e!o%ment %ro0e"ts+ The ran#e o& a"t$st %oss(!tes "an (e as
sm%!e as an so!ated %erson on!ne ,or7n# to %ost re!e$ant data to
tar#et auden"es n %!a"es su"h as &orums* meda stes* so"a!
net,or7s and the !7e* ,h!e the others ma' ta7e a more deta!ed
a%%roa"h and "ontr(ute to des#n and %ro#rammn# %ro0e"ts that "an
ser$e to &a"!tate the a"tua! me"han"s o& the s'stem %ro%osed+
Three su"h de$e!o%n# %ro0e"ts are the 8a; G!o(a! Redes#n Insttute or
GRIU 8(; the Lo"a!1ed So!utons Aro0e"t or LSAU 8"; and the
/o!!a(orat$e Des#n S'stem or /DS+
8a; GRI s an on!ne "o!!a(orat$e nter&a"e that &un"tons n a sm!ar
manner o& %u(!" "ontr(uton as W7%eda does* e-"e%t ,th a mu"h
h#her de#ree o& !o#"a! assessment and mnus mu"h o& the semant"
%ro(!ems that arse ,th an en"'"!o%eda+ The %ur%ose s to redes#n
the sur&a"e o& Earth* #ra%h"a!!' and mathemat"a!!'* re#on (' re#on*
(ased u%on the most ad$an"ed %rn"%!es o& sustana(!t' and
e&&"en"'+ Ths systems theory orented a%%roa"h does not o(ser$e
human "ontr$an"es and art&"a! !mtatons su"h as "ountres*
%ro%ert' r#hts and other nh(tn# &a"tors e-stn# toda'+
The (est ,a' to thn7 a(out t s as a macro$industrial des#n
ntat$e* ,h"h remo$es a!! to%o#ra%h"a! and n&rastru"tura!
attr(utes o& modern so"et'* ,or7n# to re%!a"e them ,th more
o%tm1ed means+ The #oa! s to $rtua!!' m%!ement a NLR9E n the
!ar#est s"a!e theoret"a! ,a'+ O& "ourse* man' hear su"h a %ro%osa!*
"ou%!ed ,th the understandn# that ths s an o%en a""ess %ro0e"t and
an'one on the %!anet "an "ontr(ute* m#ht "on"!ude that the $astness
o& su(0e"t$e human o%non on su"h a matter ,ou!d ma7e sett!n# on
su"h a des#n m%oss(!e+
Ths s a"tua!!' not the "ase ,hen the s"ent&" method s
(rou#ht nto %!a'+ Wh!e the locali%ed te"hno!o#' 8more on ths n the
LSA se"ton; ,!! a!,a's "han#e o$er tme* sn"e that s the nature o& t
as thn#s te"hn"a!!' m%ro$e* the (as" to%o#ra%h"a! reasonn# ,!!
"han#e &ar !ess+ More s%e"&"a!!'* the manner (' ,h"h these Kma"ro
de"sons are arr$ed at ,ou!d ha$e a dre"t re!atonsh% to the
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
characteristics o& an' #$en area* "ou%!ed ,th the !o#"a! reasonn#
nherent to the net,or7s that emer#e to s'ner#st"a!!' "onne"t so"a!
For e-am%!e* d&&erent terrans ha$e d&&erent %ro%enstes &or
sett!ement* ,h!e the !o"aton o& rene,a(!e ener#' sour"es demands
that har$estn# e-st n "ertan %!a"es+ I& %rodu"ton o& a %art"u!ar
#enre o& #oods re)ures "ertan matera!s and those matera!s ha%%en
to (e !o"a!* t s !o#"a! to "onstru"t %rodu"ton &a"!tes as "!ose as
%oss(!e to the e-tra"ton sour"e+ L7e,se* an' other attr(utes o& the
su%%!' "han are (est a!!o"ated usn# the same !o#"* n"!udn# the
means o& dstr(uton+ Dstr(uton "enters* ,ou!d natura!!' (e "!ose to
!ar#e "t' "enters ,here the %o%u!aton has eas' a""ess ,thn short
dstan"es+ Furthermore* the "reaton o& %ar7s* re"reaton and the !7e
(e"omes se!&.e$dent as ,e!!* &ndn# "ondu"$e %!a"ement n areas
that &t su"h a #$en %ro&!e* su"h as !ar#e &!at e-%anses &or #ames and
the !7e+
In short* ths %ro"ess o& !o#"a!!' dedu"n# to%o#ra%h"a!
%!a"ement to ma-m1e e&&"en"' and sustana(!t' s a te"hn"a!
%ro"ess o$era!!+ Ths sn?t to sa' one "an K%ush a (utton and the
entret' o& a #$en re#on "an (e dedu"ed automat"a!!' ,th no human
"onsensus or nter&ern# $a!ues+ Rather* t s to sa' that ,hat ,e ha$e
n the ,or!d toda'* ,th the ,aste&u!* mar7et.der$ed %ra"t"es o&
nternatona! mar7ets* #!o(a!1aton and other ne&&"en"es* s dee%!'
msa!#ned+ Throu#h ths (as" natural law reasoning* ,e "an &urther
"reate ease* sa&et'* and a(undan"e and hen"e n"rease our )ua!t' o&
!&e* ,h!e redu"n# our en$ronmenta! &oot%rnt dramat"a!!'+
As &ar as "ommun"aton and edu"aton* ,h"h are u!tmate!'
the %onts o& an' su"h %ro0e"t* n %art* the tas7 on"e a "ertan area has
(een Ku%dated s to then sho, the ,or!d ,hat has (een made
%oss(!e+ The statst"s that ,ou!d a""om%an' these end des#n
%ro%osa!s ,ou!d !7e!' re!a' mathemat"a!!' der$ed &eed(a"7* su"h as
ho, mu"h !ess ener#' and &e,er resour"es are (en# usedU the o$era!!
e"o!o#"a! &oot%rnt redu"tonU the ease o& trans%ortU the e&&"ent
n"rease n %rodu"ton and dstr(utonU the statst"a! "reaton o& a
matera! a(undan"e (ased on %o%u!aton* and so &orth+
8(; The Lo"a!1ed So!utons Aro0e"t or LSA "an (e thou#ht a(out as a
micro$industrial ntat$e* as "om%ared to the Kma"ro one 0ust
ds"ussed ,th the GRI+ Ths s sm%!' a #ood des#n %ro0e"t ,here
%eo%!e "an thn7 a(out sma!!er order s'stems that "ou!d (e a %art o&
the !ar#er order* Kma"ro "onte-t+
For e-am%!e* a house des#n that s !#ht,e#ht* o&&.the.#rd
and eas!' "onstru"ted or %re&a(r"ated out o& Earth &rend!' and
a(undant matera!s* "ou!d (e one su"h %ro0e"t+ On"e su"h a des#n s
&ound to (e most $ersat!e* sustana(!e and o%tm1ed (' the
"ommunt' throu#h the on!ne "o!!a(orat$e s'stem* t "an then #o nto
a data(ase &or (oth #enera! re&eren"e and e$en n"or%oraton n the
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
GRI as a sub$system*
8"; L7e,se re!ated to the LSA* the /DS or /o!!a(orat$e Des#n
S'stem* s a %ro#rammn# %ro0e"t that ,ou!d see7 to %rodu"e the
a"tua! re#u!ator' and net,or7 a,are sour"e "ode that &a"!tates the
%ro"ess ds"ussed n the essa' KThe Industra! Go$ernment+ Ths
s'stem "ou!d (e "oded n the e-a"t same* o%en sour"e and o%en
a""ess manner (' ,h"h the %ror t,o %ro0e"ts are* ut!1n# the #rou%
mnd and the s"ent&" method to he!% ma-m1e %otenta!+
As a "ommun"aton too!* ths %ro0e"t ,ou!d not ha$e to (e
K"om%!ete to (e e&&e"t$e+ E$en & on!' a sma!! set o& %arameters ,ere
ut!1ed that re!a' the "a!"u!aton o& a theoret"a! des#n e$a!uaton* the
edu"atona! $a!ue a!one has #reat %otenta!+ In tme* %rmt$e $ersons
o& the /DS "ou!d (e dre"t!' n"or%orated nto the LSA and GRI* sn"e
the' are "onne"ted n %ur%ose+ Su"h e-%ressons "ou!d (e
demonstrated at mo$ement "on&eren"es+
Cha,ters and E/ents
A TZM a"t$st a!most a!,a's has a re!atonsh% to a re#ona! chapter*
As o& 4526 there are man' "ha%ters a"ross do1ens o& "ountres+ A
"ha%ter "an (e a &e, %eo%!e or thousands* and those n re#ons
"urrent!' ,thout !o"a! "ha%ters are en"oura#ed to start one+ It s a
$er' eas' %ro"ess and the tme "ommtment needed "omes do,n to
the de#ree o& ded"aton and one?s tme a$a!a(!t'+

/ha%ters are or#an1ed (' !o"a! and nternatona! ters+ For
e-am%!e* there s natona! "ha%ter "oordnaton &or the entre Unted
States* ,h!e ea"h US state has ts o,n "ha%ter 8or Ksu(."ha%ter;*
L7e,se* ea"h "t' n an' #$en state "an a!so ha$e ts o,n "ha%ter+
Ths net,or7 "reates a mu!t.dmensona! n&ormaton &!o, and ,h!e t
ma' a%%ear herar"h"a!* the eth" o& the mo$ement s not a,n
%o,er s'stem+ /ha%ters o&ten ho!d meetings a(out ther ,or7 n ea"h
ter and the deas ta!7ed a(out are (rou#ht u% the "han as mu"h and
the' are (rou#ht do,n the "han+
As &ar as events, sn"e the n"e%ton o& TZM n 455G* "ertan
%erod" e$ents ha$e emer#ed as sta%!es o& the mo$ement* ,th t,o
o""urrn# annua!!'+ These t,o are "a!!ed KZet#est Da' 8or KZDa';
and the Zet#est Meda Fest$a!+ 452D* &or e-am%!e* mar7ed the &&th
annua! ZDa' and the thrd annua! Meda Fest$a!+ ZDa' s the
mo$ement?s &!a#sh% %u(!" a,areness e$ent* ,h"h s nte!!e"tua!!'
dr$en* des"r(n# %ro#ress n the mo$ement and e-%andn# re!e$ant
resear"h+ It s a!so a %u(!" meda a"t$sm e$ent* a!,a's tr'n# to
ent"e meda out!ets to "o$er t n order to &urther s%read a,areness o&
TZM?s msson+
GFE In man' ,a's* ths %ro"ess o& des#n and e$a!uaton s a "rude* manua!
$erson o& the a!#orthm" s'stem %ro%osed n the essa' The !ndustrial
GG5 Those nterested n chapters or are ne, to TZM %art"%aton are
en"oura#ed to re$e, the K/ha%ters Gude and K[u"7start Gude on the
#!o(a! ,e(ste* ,,,+the1et#estmo$ement+"om
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
In "ontrast* the Zet#est Meda Fest$a! s a mu!t.meda arts
e$ent* ,h"h ,or7s to ('%ass the nte!!e"tua! sde and use art &or the
sa7e o& %ersona! trans&ormaton+ The arts ha$e an emotona! and
e-%ermenta! "a%a"t' to ns%re "han#e and #enerate ne, deas and
TZM $e,s the arts as an under%nnn# o& s"ent&" de$e!o%ment tse!&+
Ths e$ent s a!so a means to e-%ress the "reat$e and e-"tn#
"a%a"t' and %otenta! o& the human "ondton and to remnd ourse!$es
that ,e shou!d a!so celebrate humant'* as ,e ,or7 to m%ro$e t+
Ea"h o& these e$ents has the same (as" &ormat+ There s a
main event and there are sympathetic "ha%ter e$ents+ In the "ase o&
ZDa'* the K#!o(a! man e$ent tends to &o"us on the most domnant
#!o(a! ssues and %ro0e"ts &or the mo$ement ea"h 'ear* usua!!'
&eaturn# ,e!!.7no,n s%ea7ers and "ontr(utors to the mo$ement+
Mrrored s'm%athet" e$ents* ,h"h are re#ona!!' tar#eted* o""ur the
same da' or ,ee7end around the ,or!d $a the "ha%ters+ In 455E* &or
e-am%!e* there ,ere o$er 655 s'm%athet" e$ents* a!on# ,th the
man e$ent n Ne, :or7 /t'+
L7e,se* $er' o&ten "ha%ters "ondu"t
&ood and resour"e "hart' dr$es &or the su&&ern# n ther "ommunt'+
Other e$ents* su"h a townhalls* ,h"h "an (e month!' or (.
month!'* are a!so "ommon+ It s u% to a #$en #rou%M"ha%ters to de"de
the &re)uen"' o& these %u(!" meetn#s+
9e'ond these "ore deas*
man' other %oss(!tes are out there and t s* a#an* u% to an'
"ha%ter to (e "reat$e n ho, t "ondu"ts ts a"t$sm+
2ission Statement
In "on"!uson* the o&&"a! msson statement o& TZM ,!! (e stated n
Founded n 455G* The Zet#est Mo$ement s a sustainability advocacy
organi%ation, ,h"h "ondu"ts "ommunt' (ased a"t$sm and
a,areness a"tons throu#h a net,or7 o& #!o(a!Mre#ona! "ha%ters*
%ro0e"t teams* annua! e$ents* meda and "hart' ,or7+
The mo$ement?s %rn"%!e &o"us n"!udes the re"o#nton that
the ma0ort' o& the so"a! %ro(!ems that %!a#ue the human s%e"es at
ths tme are not the so!e resu!t o& some nsttutona! "orru%ton*
a(so!ute s"ar"t'* a %o!t"a! %o!"'* a &!a, o& Thuman natureT or other
"ommon!' he!d assum%tons o& "ausa!t'+ Rather* the mo$ement
re"o#n1es that ssues su"h as %o$ert'* "orru%ton* %o!!uton*
home!essness* ,ar* star$aton and the !7e a%%ear to (e Ts'm%tomsT
(orn out o& an outdated social structure+
Wh!e ntermedate re&orm ste%s and tem%ora! "ommunt'
su%%ort are o& nterest to the mo$ement* the de&nn# #oa! s the
nsta!!aton o& a ne, so"oe"onom" mode! (ased u%on te"hn"a!!'
res%ons(!e resour"e mana#ement* a!!o"aton and des#n throu#h ,hat
GG2 Sour"e< ZDa'G!o(a!+or# 8htt%<MM1da'#!o(a!+or#M;
GG4 The nau#ura! 4522 Meda Fest$a! man e$ent n Los An#e!es rased enou#h
&ood to %ro$de 24*555 mea!s+
GGD Re&eren"e< TZM Events 8htt%<MMthe1et#estmo$ement+"omMt1m.e$ents.
The Zet#est Mo$ement De&ned
,ou!d (e "onsdered the scientific method o& reasonn# %ro(!ems and
&ndn# o%tm1ed so!utons+
Ths KNatura! La,MResour"e.9ased E"onom'T 8NLR9E; s a(out
ta7n# a dre"t te"hn"a! a%%roa"h to so"a! mana#ement as o%%osed to
a monetar' or e$en %o!t"a! one+ It s a(out u%datn# the ,or7n#s o&
so"et' to the most ad$an"ed and %ro$en methods 7no,n* !ea$n#
(ehnd the dama#n# "onse)uen"es and !mtn# nh(tons that are
#enerated (' our "urrent s'stem o& monetar' e-"han#e* %ro&t*
(usness and other stru"tura! and mot$atona! ssues+
The mo$ement s !o'a! to a train of thought* not &#ures or
nsttutons+ The $e, he!d s that throu#h the use o& so"a!!' tar#eted
resear"h and tested understandn#s n s"en"e and te"hno!o#'* ,e are
no, a(!e to !o#"a!!' arr$e at so"eta! a%%!"atons that "ou!d (e
%ro&ound!' more e&&e"t$e n meetn# the needs o& the human
%o%u!aton* n"reasn# %u(!" hea!th+ There s !tt!e reason to assume
,ar* %o$ert'* most "rme and man' other monetar!'.(ased s"ar"t'
e&&e"ts "ommon n our "urrent mode! "annot (e reso!$ed o$er tme+
The ran#e o& the mo$ement?s a"t$sm and a,areness "am%a#ns
e-tend &rom short to !on# term* ,th methods (ased e-%!"t!' on non.
$o!ent methods o& "ommun"aton+
The Zet#est Mo$ement has no a!!e#an"e to "ountr' or
tradtona! %o!t"a! %!at&orms+ It $e,s the ,or!d as a sn#!e s'stem
and the human s%e"es as a sn#!e &am!' and re"o#n1es that a!!
"ountres must dsarm and !earn to share resour"es and deas & ,e
e-%e"t to sur$$e n the !on# run+ Hen"e* the so!utons arr$ed at and
%romoted are n the nterest to he!% everyone on Earth* not a se!e"t
3on us<
GG6 Sour"e< Mission Statement 8htt%<MMthe1et#estmo$ement+"omMmsson.

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