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Last week, the students completed a spelling inventory

which will be used to determine their individual stage of spelling
development. There will be 3-4 spelling groupslists in our class. !
have emphasi"ed to students that their list is not #better# or
#worse# than any other list, they are $ust di%erent. Their list simply
has words they need to work on.
Throughout the year, we will be studying the student#s
weekly spelling words using two spelling strategies& 'ord
(uilding and 'ord Sorting. 'ord (uilding provides students with
systematic, direct instruction that helps them practice
manipulating sounds in order to gain familiarity with word
patterns. 'ords Their 'ay encourages students to sort words
with same and contrasting spelling patterns.
)ere#s how spelling will work in our classroom*
Students will bring a page of words to keep at home on
+ondays. This page is for you to keep at home to study from
each night. ,eel free to have your child cut them apart and
sort them for you. -ou will also receive an answer key
showing you how the words should be sorted so you can help
them and check their work.
. set of words will also be cut out on +onday mornings and
kept at school to use with our activities.
Students will be tested on /0 words from their spelling list,
chosen randomly. Therefore, students need to be very
familiar with the spelling pattern of the week and all words. !
suggest students practice sorting and spelling at home. . list
of sorting activities is on the back of this sheet.
Students will also be tested on two mystery words. The
mystery words are words that follow the spelling pattern, but
were not practiced at home or at school. Spelling the
mystery words shows whether or not students are able to
apply the spelling pattern to unfamiliar words.

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