The Wreckoners Timeline

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The Wreckoners Timeline!

-Derk and Sam meet.

- (Link to stories)
-Nanci meets Sketchie on Arboria while she is in another crew. Sketchie saves her life while the rest of
her crew are killed. When the dominion descend on Arboria Nanci ret!rns the favor b" resc!in#
Sketchie from the $lanet b" hitchin# a ride off world with some fleein# e%iles.
(&nsert link to f!ll stories)
-Nanci and Derk team !$ to find an ancient relic lon# so!#ht after b" the e%$lorers #!ild. The" find the
'r"stal 'om$as r!mored to $oint the wa" to Ne%!s and Nanci wins the shi$ The Wreckoner in a bet
from (ranok.
(&nsert link to f!ll stories)
-Derk recr!its Sam into the Wreckoners when he and Nanci need his hel$ to $!ll their first )ob as a
-Nanci finds Sketchie and *ecr!its him into the 'rew.
-The crew comes across a stranded shi$ in s$ace and resc!es Dokkinator +ockeena D!nc!n and
Wreckinator )!st in the nick of time. The become fast members of the crew.
(&nsert link to stor")
-The crew recr!its the hel$ of Taraf to sneak into a Sciance lab for a )ob in e%chan#e to hel$ him esca$e
a fanatical #ro!$ of frin#e e%ile sciantists.
-The crew sets co!rse for Ne%!s in search of fame and #lor" b!t is shot down b" The Dominion when
the" reach its orbit.
(link to mikes stor")
- S!rvivin# the crash Nanci and the crew be#in recr!itin# a few new members like ,inkks to their new
ca!se of reven#e and s!ccess on Ne%!s.
-The Wreckoners be#in to make a name for themselves b" dealin# a h!#e blow to the Dominion in
reven#e for the loss of their shi$.
(link to stor" based on the events in -.&.)

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