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Rule keepers Personal Inquiry

Choose a school rule to present to the class!

Choose one of the school rules that you have talked about in class.
You are going to present a talk to the class about this rule. You can present it as a Power
Point or as written or typed piece of work.
Your talk must answer these questions:
What is the rule?
Who has to follow this rule?
Why would a school make this rule?
Do you think other schools would have this rule? Explain why or why not.
Is the rule fair? Explain why or why not.
What would happen if we did not have this rule?
You may get the information for your talk from talking to friends, teachers and family.
You need to do a rough draft of your information first (even if you are doing a Power Point!)
that needs to be checked by your teacher. You may then work on your good copy.
Rough drafts need to be finished by Friday 5
Presentations will be made to the class in the last week of school, which is the week of the
Have fun!
Mrs Bespalov and Mrs Cripps.

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