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In this couise, we will woik on ueveloping youi skills in ieauing compiehension, vocabulaiy,
giammai, anu wiiting. While we will ieinfoice the funuamentals, we will also move on to a moie
inuepenuent style of ciitical ieauing anu moie foimal types of wiiting. A moie focuseu stuuy of
giammai anu vocabulaiy is a facet of this class as well. The ACP class coveis basically the same
couise of stuuy as CP Language Aits but at a moie iigoious anu in uepth pace. Along with vaiious
shoit stoiies anu youi summei ieauing iequiiements, we will be navigating laigei pieces
incluuing 5 6(,$10"#1 6#,.%7 8#,97 :%..;9 8#,97 <(- 5;=-/0>,-1 .? <." @#)9-,7 anu @$%#1 8#,/-,
A56B ./%9C3 Also, we will ieally woik on peisonal iesponsibility in iegaiu to homewoik anu long-
teim class assignments.

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In auuition to youi iegulai couise woik, you aie iequiieu to have an inuepenuent ieauing novel
with you at ALL times. =>?31@)$AB99-$A?C99-$ +#) +($9@56)@D +EE)F6+(@)%G You will be ieauing 2
=HI E@+$$)$G oi S =&HI E@+$$)$G books inuepenuently pei quaitei, but you aie ceitainly alloweu to
ieau moie. Regaiuless, you must have one with you ):)&; (';. Each quaitei you will have vaiious
assignmentspiojects to uo with youi inuepenuent novels. As we continue in the yeai, we will
uiscuss this iequiiement in class fuithei.

0<'//&11= 895)3"'"41+/
! Respect youiself anu otheis at all times.
! Come to class piepaieulaptops, books,
wiiting utensils, homewoik, etc.
! Follow uiiections the fiist time, eveiy time.
! Raise youi hanu to speak.
! Stay on task uuiing class time.

! Always uo youi best.
! Think fiist anu make the iight choices.
! Auvocate foi Y00RSELF. If Y00 have a
question, ASK!
! >1<<1? '<< /3#11< &-<)/@
! #2 pencils, blackblue pens
! (2) loose- leaf papei (college iule)
! 1 box of Kleenex
! 2 packs 4x6 lineu note caius
! coloieu pencils
! highlightei
! heauphoneseai buus
! yellow binuei anu uiviuei tabs
! B-,,)/")(: Flash Biive

As pei school policy, youyoui paients can access youi giaues uaily thiough youi Blackboaiu
page. I upuate giaues at least once a week, typically moie fiequently than that. If you EvER notice
eiiois, PLEASE come talk to me!
CDA8ED7F is iequiieu anu will be assigneu as neeueu. It will geneially be woith 1u-Su points. Bomewoik
is a laige pait of youi giaue. I will not collect all homewoik assignments but may simply check foi
completion. Bowevei, I will incoipoiate .** assignments in uaily lessons.

1) ./ ?4"# .** ;1-& !
,&'() 3<'//)/G +1 <'") ?1&H 4/ '33)5")( 'I")& "#) I4&/" J-'&")&@ 2-&4+, "#)
I4&/" J-'&")&G ;1- ='; "-&+ 4+ ' <'") #1=)?1&H '//4,+=)+" "#) +)9" ('; I1& #'<I 3&)(4"@ K1- '&)
&)/51+/4L<) I1& ,4:4+, ;1-& ")'3#)& "#) '//4,+=)+" '" "#) M8%6NN6N% 1I "#) L)<< "#) +)9" (';@
DDE.> )$%% ,-2-$=- ./- FGGB@H I#11 -#2( J>#,0-, ?., %#/4>#4- #,013 <($1 2#/ K- >1-; 0. $/ 0(- -=-/0 0(#0
9.> ?.,4-0 0. ;. #/ #11$4/"-/0 #/; #%%.)1 9.> 0. 0>,/ $/ 0(- #11$4/"-/0 0(- L!M< 2%#11 ;#9 #0 /. I-/#%09
0. 9.>3 @0>;-/01 )(. ;. LG< >1- 0(-$, FGGB@H I#11 -#2( J>#,0-, )$%% K- #)#,;-; -N0,# 2,-;$0 I.$/01 0(-
J>#,0-,O1 -/;3 P>,0(-, ;-0#$%1 )$%% K- ;$12>11-; $/ 2%#11 ,-4#,;$/4 0($1 I.%$293DD

2) Copying answeis fiom a fiienu is consiueieu cheating, even on a homewoik assignment.
If you give someone youi homewoik to copy, you will ieceive no cieuit foi that assignment anu ieceive
the same uisciplinaiy consequences as the peison to whom you gave youi woik. OOO7)I)& "1 "#)
/"-()+" #'+(L11H I1& I-&"#)& &-<)/ &),'&(4+, 3#)'"4+,P5<',4'&4/=@OOO

S) Bomewoik must be neat anu complete. Illegible woik will be ietuineu to you foi paitial cieuit.

4) You must have homewoik with you when the teachei is checking foi itcollecting it. It can't be in youi
lockei oi on youi uiessei at home anu still count foi cieuit. K1- ?4<< '</1 +1" &)3)4:) 3&)(4" 4I ;1-
5'&)+" (&15/ 4" 1II <'")& 4+ "#) (';QKDR '&) &)/51+/4L<) I1& ;1-& 1?+ <)'&+4+,S+1" ;1-&

.UU8N2.N08 .N2 A.F8 RV ED7F
1) When you ietuin to school aftei an absence, you neeu to plan on coming eaily anuoi staying aftei
school to talk to youi teacheis about what was misseu. Q0 $1 /.0 #II,.I,$#0- 0. R>10 I%#/ ./ 1I-#*$/4 )$0(
9.>, 0-#2(-, STUQLV 2%#113

2) 0ntil woik is maue up, it aveiages into youi giaue as a "u".

S) In language aits, theie will be a uiawei foi youi class wheie you can pick up any misseu hanuouts. Youi
fiist stop shoulu be to that uiawei!

4) If you come late to school, plan to stay aftei to meet with youi moining teacheis conceining woik
misseu anuoi tuin in woik that was uue.

S) Check youi teacheis' Blackboaiu pages when absent.

6) You aie iesponsible foi woik anuoi tests that weie announceu oi assigneu when you weie piesent.
Foi example, if you weie at school on A1+('; when a test foi >&4('; was announceu, then absent
Thuisuay, you woulu still be expecteu to take the test when you ietuin on Fiiuay.

7) It is KDR7 iesponsibility to get all make-up woik. I suggest asking a iesponsible classmate fiist. If
notes weie taken, get them fiom a classmate. If you still have questions, ask me M8>D78 1& .>U87
schoolnot iight befoie class staits!

8) K1- ?4<< L) ,4:)+ 1+) ('; I1& )'3# ('; ;1- '&) 'L/)+" "1 ='H) -5 ?1&H. If you miss only the test
uay, the test will be auministeieu upon youi ietuin to class unless othei aiiangements have been maue
with me. If a papei oi assignment was uue the uay you misseu, you must tuin it in upon youi ietuin.
Failuie to make aiiangements will iesult in a zeio foi the assignment.

OO 6 '= #1+1&)( "1 L) ;1-& ")'3#)& '+( 3'++1" ?'4" I1& '+ '='W4+, ;)'& "1,)"#)&T .<?';/
&)=)=L)&X KDR '&) 4+ Y-+41& #4,#G +1" ;1-& 5'&)+"/@ U#4/ ?4<< L) ' ;)'& 1I <)'&+4+, I1& -/
'<<T M)/" 1I <-3H@ OO

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