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Microsoft Ribbon for WPF

October 2010 Update Release

Note For best results, install this update on a computer where any pre-release
versions of the WPF Ribbon have been removed. Users will be prompted to uninstall
Microsoft Ribbon for WPF July !"! before be#innin# the installation of this update.
Follow these Uninstall instructions to remove the previous installation of the WPF
System Reqirements for !nstallin" Microsoft Ribbon for
Spported Operatin" Systems
o Windows $P %P&
o Windows %erver !!& %P
o Windows 'ista %P" or later
o Windows %erver !!( )not supported on %erver *ore Role+
o Windows ,
o Windows %erver !!( R )not supported on %erver *ore Role+
Spported #rc$itectres%
o -(.
o -./ )WPF Ribbon is only provided in -(., however, the components will
install and function properly on -./ operatin# systems+
&ard'are Reqirements%
o Recommended Minimum0 Pentium " 123 or hi#her with " 14 of R5M or
o Minimum dis6 space0
-(. 7 (8! M4
-./ 7 14
o Windows 9nstaller &." or later
o 9nternet :-plorer 8.!" or later
o .;:< Framewor6 &.8 %ervice Pac6 " or later
o .;:< Framewor6 /.! or later
o (no'n !sses
<here are currently no 6nown issues with this release.
!nstallation !nstrctions
<o install the download of the Microsoft Ribbon for WPF0
1. 9nstall .;:< Framewor6 &.8 %P" and=or .;:< Framewor6 /.! on your computer.
2. *lic6 on the )o'nload on this pa#e to start the download.
3. <o save the download to your computer for installation at a later time, clic6 Sa*e.
4. <o start the installation to your computer clic6 Rn.
5. <o cancel the installation, clic6 Cancel.
If you install Visual Studio 2010 or Blend 4 after youve installed this packae! please "e sure to
re#run the $SI to ena"le the desin#ti%e support.
1. %elect the repair option durin# the installation process.
2. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.
3. Uninstall !nstrctions
<o uninstall Microsoft Ribbon for WPF >ctober !"! Update0
1. >n your computer des6top, clic6 Start Control Panel.
2. 9n your *ontrol Panel, clic6 Uninstall a pro"ram.
3. <o uninstall the pro#ram, clic6 +Microsoft Ribbon for WPF October 2010, and
then clic6 Uninstall.
4. Follow the uninstall instruction provided in the %etup Wi3ard.
To uninstall Microsoft Ribbon for WPF July 2010:
5. >n your computer des6top, clic6 Start Control Panel.
&. 9n your *ontrol Panel, clic6 Uninstall a pro"ram.
'. <o uninstall the pro#ram, clic6 +Microsoft Ribbon for WPF -ly 2010, and then
clic6 Uninstall.
(. Follow the uninstall instruction provided in the %etup Wi3ard.
9. #dditional !nformation
;ote0 <here are a lar#e number of desi#n revisions in this release since the *<P
version. <his is mainly to facilitate M''M-centric applications.
9nstall location0 Ribbon binaries and sources are installed under the Pro#ram Files
o >n -(. computers, ?Pro#ramFiles?@Microsoft Ribbon for WPF@
o >n 5MA./ computers, ?Pro#ramFiles)-(.+?@Microsoft Ribbon for WPF@
Desin!ti"e: )he $SI *ill install desin#ti%e support for Visual Studio 2010 and +,pression
Blend 4. )his includes a pro-ect te%plate for a ./01 2i""on 3pplication! an ite% te%plate for a
.2i""on /indo*! and 2i""on controls in the tool"o, such as! 2i""onButton!
2i""on)oleButton! 2i""on$enuButton! etc.
#ources: 2i""on source code is availa"le for reference purposes only. 0lease see +453 for %ore
#a"ples: 3 fe* sa%ples are also included to provide an overall vie* of all the availa"le 2i""on
features interated *ithin a /01 application. )hese sa%ples include6
o RibbonWindo' Wordpad Sample
<his sample illustrates a Ribbon control hosted within a RibbonWindow that
emulates the Wordpad appearance. <o run this scenario0
o %et RibbonWindow%ample as the start proBect
o %et %tartupUriCDRibbonWindowWord.-amlD in
o RibbonWindo' M..M Sample
<his sample illustrates a Ribbon control hosted within a RibbonWindow that is
completely populated from a view-model collection. <o run this scenario0
o %et RibbonWindow%ample as the start proBect
o %et %tartupUriCERibbonWindowM''M.-amlE in
o Ribbon/ro'ser Wordpad sample
<his sample illustrates a Ribbon control hosted within a browser window that
emulates the Wordpad appearance. <o run this scenario0
o %et Ribbon4rowser%ample as the start proBect
o %et %tartupUriCEPa#eWord.-amlE in Ribbon4rowser%ample@5pp.-aml
o Ribbon/ro'ser M..M sample
<his sample illustrates a Ribbon control hosted within a browser window that is
completely populated from a view model collection. <o run this scenario0
o %et Ribbon4rowser%ample as the start proBect
o %et %tartupUriCEPa#eM''M.-amlE in Ribbon4rowser%ample@5pp.-aml

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