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A accept that you are able to do it!

B be yourself
C cooperate with others,
who think alike
D dare to dream
E each step you take, no matter if its big
or small, brings you closer to realization
F face your fears, until they
melt in the belief of succeeding
G give it your best
H have courage to take
some crucial decisions
I if something interfere with achieving your
dream, be aware of it and gain cohesion
J jump into your
wildest dreams
K know your limits
to exceed them
L let go of your past experiences if they
are not helping you in fulfilling your goal
M make it happen
N nourish your vision
O open your mind for
new ways of thinking
P play with the ways on how to
achieve your goal to make it fun
Q quit negative thinking
S stay in a good mood
R reach for excellence, dont
lose time on perfection
T try to do something different each
time you are facing some difficulties
U use your creativity
V very good!
W-wake up and remember every
day gives you a new chance to try
X x-ray your mind and convince
it to cherish your dream and help
you out in achieving it
Y you can start doing today what
you wanted to do tomorrow
Z zealous dreamers makes the
world a happier place to live.
More inspirational stuff,
Contact Le Duy Quang

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