2014 08 26 LTR JHW NZ On Air

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New Zealand Taxpayers Union Incorporated

Postal: PO Box 10518, The Terrace 6143, Wellington

Physical: Level 2, 50 Manners Street 6011, Wellington
Telephone: 04 282 0300
Email: office@taxpayers.org.nz
Web: www.taxpayers.org.nz
Your Money, Your Voice
Championing value for money from every tax dollar

26 AugusL 2014

!ane WrlghLson
Chlef LxecuLlve
new Zealand Cn Alr

8y emall: lnfo[nzonalr.govL.nz

uear Ms WrlghLson,

1. We refer Lo recenL medla coverage concernlng Lhe song klll Lhe M" by Lhe band [peace.
We are concerned LhaL Lhls group may conLlnue Lo recelve Laxpayer-funded granLs from nZ
Cn Alr.
2. We noLe LhaL [peace dld noL recelve nZ Cn Alr fundlng Lo produce or dlsLrlbuLe Lhe song of
concern, klll Lhe M", and recognlse LhaL nZ Cn Alr musL balance commerclal vlablllLy,
conLenL, genre and many oLher facLors when maklng granLs Lo. neverLheless, glven [peace's
wllllngness Lo produce maLerlal lnclLlng vlolence, whlch Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of new Zealanders
would flnd vulgar and offenslve, we respecLfully requesL an assurance LhaL nZ Cn Alr wlll noL
conLlnue Lo supporL Lhls group.
3. 1he ob[ecLlve of Lhe 1axpayers' unlon ls Lo represenL Lhe lnLeresLs of Laxpayers, ensurlng LhaL
Lhelr Lax money ls spenL ln a cosL effecLlve way. lrankly, we are sLaggered LhaL nZ Cn Alr
would choose Lo supporL/develop a group wlLh such offenslve conLenL. We requesL an
assurance LhaL fuLure fundlng requesLs from any arLlsLs or groups promoLlng vlolence or haLe-
speech Lowards an lndlvldual or group ls decllned.

?ours falLhfully
New 2ea|and 1axpayers' Un|on Inc.

Iordan W||||ams
LxecuLlve ulrecLor

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