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Unit Title: Ideas worth spreading
Duration: 8/10 Weeks

Design Context:
Technology and design in the world around us is evolving and changing at a rapid rate. The environment
that students will graduate, work and retire in will be very different from the one we are in now. How can
students anticipate and prepare for this? and use technology and design to positive effect in their worlds?
Using the TED website as a basis for research, students will pick a topic from there and use this as a starting
point to create a short documentary on this subject. These will include their opinions, interviews with each
other, staff members and a conclusion.

Global Context:
What might radically change society, life, technology in the next 30 years.? How can students anticipate and
plan for this?
Inquiry Questions:
Factual Questions: You are creating your own short documentary based on the original clip that you chose.
You are to write a script for interviews, create a survey, questionnaires to gather opinions, relevant images, info graphics
and gather background information to support and fuel a debate on your subject. You must then summarise your
findings to come to an opinion on your subject

Key Concepts:
Change /Creativity : Students live in an rapidly changing world
how can they anticipate this change

Related Concepts:
Students will also use Invention and Innovation:

MYP Statement of Inquiry:
In this area on interaction students will contribute to the community by researching current or future technological developments and how
these will affect our lives. By interviewing staff members and each other and then drawing a conclusion from these. The guiding question is

How can we anticipate the positive use of technology in the future


Criteria Content/Tasks
Inquiring and Analysing

Add all your work to your digital portfolio (Weebly).
Use print screen to document all your work

1. Write a Design Context in your own words describe the design situation.

2. Brainstorm (Make a list) what information you will need to research to make a documentary
film. Prioritise each item as primary and secondary importance

3. A. Review at least 3 of the previous years completed documentary clips Create a storyboard
for the following students work using the provided template. What worked well? What didnt
work so well? Create a series of design specifications for them as well.

B. Visit the TED website and search for clips within the design or technology sections and
review at least 3 Talks on subjects that really interest you. List the key features and points of
the talks. Identify one of the subjects that really interest you the most. This will be the
subject you will make a documentary for. Be prepared to discuss this.

4. Write a paragraph describing your chosen subject. Why have you chosen it? What will your
documentary include? What interests you about it?

Developing Ideas

1. Compile a Tips list based on your research Design Specifications this must include a list
of points that you want your documentary to be judged on.

2. Develop 3 storyboards for your idea Initial ideas questions/facts can you use to
summarise this topic so that you can feedback to other people on the subject. Demonstrate
a range of ideas. Entertaining, informative, how to present facts

3. Create a detailed story board for your final idea.

Creating the Solution

1. What are the steps to create your film? What will be your method? Gather background
information to support your debate on the subject. This could include a script / survey/
questionnaires / photos needed / background information to support your debate when you
interview others on the subject. Create a story board for your idea


(You must create a folder in your user area for your documentary and put all files that relate
to it in there. Still images, info graphics, music/interviews, filmed footage/ this is very
important for the editing process) You must include screen grabs of your edit progress

2. Start making and editing your film. This is the most important part of the process. Design is
about decision making, start to think carefully about what youre trying to say? What will
your conclusion be? You will have to watch what you have filmed over and over. Make sure
you clip contains all of the parts listed below. Make sure the sound can be heard and any
music you include isnt too loud. The documentary will between 2 to 3 minutes long.

a. Hand in a first draft of your documentary We will all review this as a class. (See
Google Docs)

b. Continue editing your documentary based on the feedback you have been given.
Modify your questions so that they encourage interviewees to speak freely so you can
gather facts, knowledge, insights, and opinions they may have on your issue. Use
open questions usually begin with: What? Could you tell me? How? Why?

c. Include a summary and or a conclusion in your film about your subject. This can be
part of the credits. You must export your movie file into a compressed Mpeg video
file. Do not submit the movie maker file

3. Present and discuss your final video with the class


1. a. How do you know that your message got across, what questions would you ask people
to find out if they understood?
b. Using your design specifications. Have you met your design specification? Develop a
survey that asks people to rate your film against your design specifications. Each design
specifications must be rate between 1- 8. Why? Give reasons?

2. Summarise your feedback from 1.b above. Based on this feedback provide at least five
recommendations on how this film could be improved or developed. What would you do
differently next time?
3. Summarise your feedback from part 1.a above.

Key Personal & Social Skills

Students are respectful of all teaching staff and each other. They respect the working environment. They are
committed to learning with few absences, punctual and work is completed as requested. They work
consistently and have ongoing work to represent their ideas during and at the end of the project. They
develop the ability to reflect on the work they have completed.


List of task outcomes Work to be included on site/folder

1. Design context
2. Brainstorm on what is needed to make a documentary
3. Research/comments/storyboards on 3 TED Talks and previous grades work
4. Description of chosen clip
5. Design specifications/Tips list
6. 3 Storyboards on initial ideas
7. Detailed Story board on final idea Include images and questions
8. Steps to create your film
9. Evidence of a survey/ questionnaire/ gather photos needed/ background information to
support your debate when you interview others on the subject.
10. Continuous screen grabs of design process. (very import)
11. Explanation of changes made to first draft video based on feedback
12. Finals new clip containing a conclusion/summary
13. Evaluation Self and peer

Your Documentary should contain the following parts:

Good clear sound quality
Title/Intro - What the subject is
Informative facts
Interview / Creative and imaginative narration
Music / Sound effects

Suggestions for topic:

3D Printing How will it affect our future?
Overuse of Social media
Privacy (NSA) In the future/ or lack of it in the digital age
Drones Good or bad?
Over use of computer games
Define sensible use of technology based on your experience?
Mobile phones/technology in schools What will the schools of the future look like?
Do Schools kill creativity? How can they promote creativity in the digital age?
Is technology good or bad? Are we becoming less human?
Photographic manipulation Photoshop / What to believe anymore? Is any image real?
Driverless/Electric cars How will this shape our cities in the future???


Look Up -
Her Trailer -

Examples of Previous Student Projects:

Example Student Websites


Use narration and props to tell the story. Not face to face interviews. Using just narration will make sure
your story is well thought out, clear and concise and will make you really think. What type of imagery will
suit the narration?. The documentary must include a summary and have a clear message.

Design Assessment Criteria
Unit _Documentary ________ Grade _____10_________ Student __________________________
Inquiring and Analysing Developing Ideas Creating the Solution Evaluating
1. Comprehensively written design context
2.Comprehensive brainstorm of what
information you will need to research to
make a documentary film. Prioritise each item
as primary and secondary importance

3. Comprehensive review and storyboards of
last years news clips. Comprehensive review
of at least 3 TED talks. List the key features
and points of the talks.
4. A comprehensive description of your
chosen clip. What interests you about it? Why
have you chosen it


1. Comprehensive Tips list based on your research 8 or
more Design Specifications that include a list of points that
you want your documentary to be judged on.

2. Comprehensively developed 3 storyboards for your idea
Initial ideas /questions/facts can you use to summarise this
topic so that you can feedback to other people on the
subject. Demonstrated a range of ideas. Entertaining,
informative and creative

3. Comprehensive and detailed story board for your final


1. Comprehensively planned steps to
make the documentary. How will you
get the information you need?

2. Comprehensively edited your
gathered information. (8 Screen grabs
or more)

3. Comprehensive first draft handed
in and comprehensive explanations of
any changes that are made based on
feedback given


1. Comprehensive set of questions that you
would you ask people to find out if they
understood? Comprehensive evidence that
proves that you got your message got across.

2. Comprehensive evidence you have met your
design specifications. Comprehensive evidence
that you developed a survey that asks people to
rate your film against your design specifications.

3. Comprehensive Summarise your feedback
from above. Provided at least five
recommendations on how this film could be
improved or developed. What would you do
differently next time?


1. Good design context
2.Good brainstorm of what information you
will need to research to make a documentary
film. Prioritise each item as primary and
secondary importance

3. Good review and storyboards of last years
news clips. Comprehensive review of at least
3 TED talks. List the key features and points of
the talks.
4. A good description of your chosen clip.
What interests you about it? Why have you
chosen it


1. Good Tips list based on your research 6 or more Design
Specifications that include a list of points that you want your
documentary to be judged on.

2. Well developed 3 storyboards for your idea Initial ideas
/questions/facts can you use to summarise this topic so that
you can feedback to other people on the subject.
Demonstrated a range of ideas. Entertaining, informative and

3. Good story board of your final idea.


1. Well planned steps to make the
documentary. How will you get the
information you need?

2. Well edited your gathered
information. (6 Screen grabs or more)

3. Good first draft handed in and
good explanations of any changes
that are made based on feedback


1. Good set of questions that you would you ask
people to find out if they understood?
Comprehensive evidence that proves that you
got your message got across.

2. Good evidence you have met your design
specifications. Good evidence that you
developed a survey that asks people to rate your
film against your design specifications.

3. Good Summary of your feedback from above.
Provided at least four recommendations on how
this film could be improved or developed. What
would you do differently next time?


1. Basic design context
2. Basic brainstorm of what information you
will need to research to make a documentary
film. Prioritise each item as primary and
secondary importance

3. Basic review and storyboards of last years
news clips. Comprehensive review of at least
3 TED talks. List the key features and points of
the talks.
4. A basic description of your chosen clip.
What interests you about it? Why have you
chosen it


1. Basic Tips list based on your research 4 or more Design
Specifications that include a list of points that you want your
documentary to be judged on.

2. Basic storyboards for your idea Initial ideas
/questions/facts can you use to summarise this topic so that
you can feedback to other people on the subject.
Demonstrated a range of ideas. Entertaining, informative and

3. Basic story board for your final idea.


1. Basic planned steps to make the
documentary. How will you get the
information you need?

2. Basically edited your gathered
information. (4 Screen grabs or more)

3. Basic first draft handed in and basic
explanations of any changes that are
made based on feedback given


1. Basic set of questions that you would you ask
people to find out if they understood? Basic
evidence that proves that you got your message
got across.

2. Basic evidence that you have met your design
specifications. Basic evidence that you
developed a survey that asks people to rate your
film against your design specifications.

3. Basic summary your feedback from above.
Provided at least three recommendations on
how this film could be improved or developed.
What would you do differently next time?



1. Simple design context
2. Simple brainstorm of what information you
will need to research to make a documentary
film. Prioritise each item as primary and
secondary importance

3. Simple review and storyboards of last
years news clips. Comprehensive review of at
least 3 TED talks. List the key features and
points of the talks.
4. A simple description of your chosen clip.
What interests you about it? Why have you
chosen it


1. Simple Tips list based on your research 2 or more Design
Specifications that include a list of points that you want your
documentary to be judged on.

2. Simple storyboards for your idea Initial ideas
/questions/facts can you use to summarise this topic so that
you can feedback to other people on the subject.
Demonstrated a range of ideas. Entertaining, informative and

3. Simple story board for your final idea.


1. Simply planned steps to make the
documentary. How will you get the
information you need?

2. Simply edited your gathered
information. (2 Screen grabs or more)

3. Simple first draft handed in and
simple explanations of any changes
that are made based on feedback


1. Simple set of questions that you would you
ask people to find out if they understood?
Comprehensive evidence that proves that you
got your message got across.

2. Simple evidence that you have met your
design specifications. Simple evidence that you
developed a survey that asks people to rate your
film against your design specifications.

3. Simple summary of your feedback from
above. Provided at least two recommendations
on how this film could be improved or
developed. What would you do differently next


1. No design context
2. No brainstorm of what information you will
need to research to make a documentary film.
Prioritise each item as primary and secondary

3. No review and storyboards of last years
news clips. Comprehensive review of at least
3 TED talks. List the key features and points of
the talks.
4. No description of your chosen clip. What
interests you about it? Why have you chosen

1. No Tips list based on your research 0 Design
Specifications that include a list of points that you want your
documentary to be judged on.

2. No storyboards for your idea Initial ideas /questions/facts
can you use to summarise this topic so that you can feedback
to other people on the subject. Demonstrated a range of
ideas. Entertaining, informative and creative

3. No story board for your final idea.

1. No steps to make the

2. Not edited your gathered
information. (0 Screen grabs or more)

3. No first draft handed in and no
explanations of any changes that are
made based on feedback given

1. No questions or evidence that proves that you
got your message got across.

2. No evidence you have met your design
specifications or developed a survey that asks
people to rate your film against your design

3. No summary

Grade Conversion 1 = 1-5 4 = 15-18
2 = 6-9 5 = 19-23
3 = 10-14 6 = 24-27
7 = 28-32

Assessment Total = Grade =

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