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Chaldean Compound Number Vibrations

Here are some of the vibrations in Chaldean numerology. You can calculate your
vibration with the Chaldean Numerology vibrations table pictured above and fnd
out if your frst, last name or frst and last name together have a good or bad
Here are only few vibrations listed. YOu get all the vibrations in the Numerology
ingle numbers denote what you appear to be in the eyes of others, while the
double or compound numbers show the hidden in!uences that play a role behind
the scenes and some mysterious way often foreshadow the future.
All the numbers from "# upwards, become compound numbers and have a
meaning of their own distinct from the root number. $e do not %now how and in
what age these compound numbers were discovered. $e can only say that they
appear to have always e&isted. 'he meanings ascribed to the numbers " to (
belong to the physical or material side of things and compound numbers from "#
onwards belong to the more occult or spiritual side of life. )istinct symbolism has
been given to the compound numbers up to that mysterious number of *+.
'he universally accepted symbolism of the compound numbers in ancient times
was given in pictures and may still be found in the 'arot Cards which have been
handed down to us from ancient times and whose origin is lost in anti,uity. refer to page "/0.
ymboli1ed as the 2$heel of 3ortune2. 4t is a number of honor, of faith and self5
confdence, of rise and fall6 one7s name will be %nown for good or evil, according
to one7s desires6 it is a fortunate number in the sense that one7s plans are li%ely
to be carried out.
'his is an ominous number to occultists. 4t gives warning of hidden dangers, trial,
and treachery from others. 4t has a symbol of a 2Clenched Hand2, and 2a 8ion
9u11led2, and of a person who will have great di:culties to contend against.
'he symbolism of this number is su;ering and an&iety of mind. 4t is also
indicated as 2the acrifce2 or 2the <ictim2 and generally foreshadows one being
sacrifced for the plans or intrigues of others.

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