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Use of the imperative
The imperative is used for different reasons, such as giving:

orders Eg: Shut up and listen!

Eg: 1) Read the questions.
2) Listen to the dialogue.
3) Write the answers.
warnings Eg: Dont ask them, they dont know!
invitations Eg: Please, come in and sit down.
directions Eg: Turn left and go straight on.
prohibitions (negative
Eg: Dont smoke!

Formation of the imperative

Affirmative form:

Eg: Come here!
Sit down!
Please open the window.

Negative form:

Infinitive form of the verb
without to + (!)
Do not/Dont +
Affirmative form



Eg: Dont throw these stones!
Please, dont go away.
Dont talk with your mouth full!

When the imperative also includes the speaker, the following structure is to be used:

Eg: Lets (=let us) play!
Dont lets go! =Lets not go!

To make an imperative stronger:
Never let them tell lies.
Never be rude!
Always let her stay here.
Always think positive!

Let +us+infinitive form of the verb
without to + (!)

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