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Independence Day 2014 Contest

We welcome students of GNIMS to participate in the Independence Day 2014 contest. The details
are as follows.

Topics for the Contest
1. What Independence Day Means to Me?
2. I am proud to be an Indian

Submissions (on any one of the above topics) can be in the form of
1. Short write up (not exceeding 100 words).
2. Poem
3. Poster
4. Slogan (not exceeding 8 words).

Rules for the Contest
1. The write up, poem, poster and slogan can be Hindi, Marathi and English.
2. A student can participate in all the four modes of presentation but with only one submission per
3. It should be mailed directly to the email Students desirous of submitting
hard copies can submit the same to Ms Kuljit Kaur, Library Manager.
4. Participants should state their name, course, semester, Division (if any), roll no. (for Sem 3)
5. The caption of the email should be Independence Day 2014 Student Name
6. Deadline for submission: Wednesday, 13
August 2014, 3:00 pm
7. Winners will be felicitated on Thursday, the 14
August 2014 in the Campus premises. Time
and Venue will be advised separately.
8. The CRs / Coordinators of the specialization / class which has made maximum contribution will
also be felicitated.
9. The Coordinators for MMS Semester 1 and PGDM Semester 1 are as follows.
a. MMS Sem 1 A Division Kalairasi S, Arun Iyer and Harwin Chris
b. MMS Sem 1 B Division Ashraf Shaikh, Darshan Hazare and Prasana Shirude
c. PGDM Sem 1 Nikita Mundhe, Ashwini Shettyand Manseerat Kaur

Director InCharge
August 2014

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