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Moanalua High School

Kokua Aina 2014-2015

Information and Permission Form

What is the Kokua Aina?
Kokua Aina is an environmental protection and awareness club. The mission and goal of Kokua Aina is to get
students to actively promote an eco-friendly environment within MoHS, their community, and their personal lives.

What does Kokua Aina mean?
Kokua means to help or helping and Aina means the land or the earth. This club stands for helping the earth. Kokua
Aina justifies its name through means of service and environmental awareness.

When are the club events?
Club events are held through the school year, from September through the end of April. Club activities include, but
are not limited to: Building a garden and tending to it, hiking, environmental service projects and more.

When does Kokua !"ina meet?
Kokua Aina meets twice a month during lunch in the College and Career Center (Room T3). During these meeting
the officers will share information regarding upcoming events and address members concerns.
Members will be notified through morning bulletins and notices that will be posted on the Kokua Aina Website
( and Facebook Page. Lunch passes will be given to members after we have received
your application and membership dues.

Kokua Aina has many opportunities for you:
Members have opportunities to develop leadership skills, understand and practice the importance of responsibility,
and promote environmental awareness. Other benefits include learning the importance of sustainability and the
environment, make new friends, and making a difference in the world.

Permission Section

My son/daughter _________________________, has the permission to become a member of the Moanalua High
Schools Kokua Aina Club. I understand that the Kokua Aina is a service club, and that my child will have to
participate in projects afterschool, on the weekends in the community, or at school, to be total at least two projects
per semester. As a result, I understand that I may be required to provide some transportation to and from activities. I
am also aware of the 2.0 GPA requirements, which must be maintained in order to participate in the extra-curricular
activities. I also agree to pay the $10 (by due date: August 29, 2014) upon admission in addition to participating in
the club fundraisers.

Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________________________ Date _________________

Member Signature ________________________________________________ Date __________________
Submit this to the membership
drive table, any Officer (Sage
Battad, Joshua Wakamura, or
Erin Wong), or to Ms. Ishida in
the College and Career Center
(T3) by Friday, August 29
Club dues.
Moanalua High School
Kokua Aina 2014-2015
Application Form

Name _________________________________________________________ Grade __________________
Last First M.I.

Home Number ___________________________ Cell Number ______________________________
Text Message: Yes No

Email __________________________________ Birthday (MM/DD/YY) _____________________

Class Schedule
Semester 1 Semester 2
Period Class Teacher Room Class Teacher Room

How did you hear about us? Circle One

Morning Bulletin Flyer Friend Membership Drive Booth

**************************************Officer Use Only**************************************

Dues Paid: Membership: $10 _____ Date: ____________

Collected by: ___________________________________

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