Acids and Alkalis '

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Acids and Alkalis Making Salts from Metals or Bases

• What do acids make when they • What is the equation for making
Chemistry dissolve in water? salt from metal
Acids etc • What do alkalis form when they • What is the equation for making
Questions are added to water? salt from a base
• What is the difference between • What acids are used to make:
alkalis and bases? Chlorides; Nitrates and Sulphates?

Making Salts from Solutions

• How do we make soluble salt?
• What is the general formula for
this process?
• Why are indicators used when
reacting acids and alkalis?
Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry
• Describe how fractional distillation • Why does crude oil need to be • What is the general formula for
works? (Include method, chain separated? Alkanes?
length and boiling point examples). • How do we separate crude oil? • What is saturated and
• What are Hydrocarbons? unsaturated?
• How can we represent molecules?

Chemistry Chemistry
• What can be produced in • How do fossil fuels cause global
incomplete combustion and where warming?
can this take place? • What is global dimming?
• What effects does this have? • How can we reduce the amount of
sulphur dioxide released?

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