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Sample Invitation Letter for inviting Company or Institution

written on official company's letterhead

Date, dd/mm/yyyy
Business invitation for Mr./ Mrs./ Ms. traveler's name
Visa type for single/ double/ multiple entry/-ies valid for XX days/ months/
years (e.g. business visa for multiple entries valid for 6 months)
To whom it may concern / Dear ir or Madam,
!e are writin" to re#uest a $usiness visa (designation of exact visa type) for
Mr./ Mrs./ Ms. traveller's name, passport number, wor%in" for name of
company, who will visit inviting company or institution with full address.
!e invite Mr./ Mrs./ Ms. traveller's name to visit our company / institution from
& till (estimated travel date).
Durin" her/his visit, she/he will meet with our $usiness partners in name of
city to purpose of visit (explicit description of visit e.g. business meetings and
discussions about xxx).
ince Mr./ Mrs./ Ms. traveller's name is anticipated to visit name of country
once/ twice/ multiple times in the near future to travel reason, we would $e
"rateful if you could issue her/him a sin"le/ dou$le/ multiple entry visa.
'n case of any #uestions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
(ame of )ost
*location and company's stamp+

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