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FYS 101 - Fall 2014

Assignment #1 - Exploring Involvement
Due Date: Sep. 9, 2014
Point Value: 100 points

Your first weeks at Wittenberg are a great time for exploration and involvement.
Getting involved means different things to different people. For this assignment,
all FYS students will need to attend the Student Involvement Fair on Thursday,
August 28 outside the Student Center from 5:00-8:00 p.m. and respond to
questions 1-4 below. (NOTE: the rain site is inside the student center)

You will need to stop at the Student Involvement table (near Wally Witt, rain site
is near the information desk) and pick up an Involvement Passport. At the
Involvement Fair you will need to walk through and learn about the various
involvement opportunities at Wittenberg. Bring the Passport and your typed
responses to the questions below to class with you on Tuesday, September 9,
2014. This assignment will be collected and graded by your FYS team members.
Each question below is worth 25 points.

1) Thinking back to your high school involvement, what types of
organizations or activities did you participate in? What made you become
involved with those groups? Did your interests change over your years in
high school? In what ways do you see your interests changing or not
during your time at Wittenberg?

2) How do you see yourself getting involved at Wittenberg? How do you
see getting involved contributing to your academic, personal, career, or
social interests?

3) What does the phrase stepping out of your comfort zone, mean to you?
Specifically what does this phrase mean as you begin your college journey
at Wittenberg?

4) Please list the student organizations you explored or signed-up for at the
Involvement Fair. Place a star next to the student organizations you did
not anticipate you would have been interested in joining or exploring.

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