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Eleventh Sunday after Trinity (1885)

When God's Word is preached, the richness of divine grace is distributed:

righteousness, life, and salvation. How many who come into God's house are not
partakers of this richness! They do not come in order to hear God's Word and are not
embraced by the Word. They go from there as empty as they came. O wretched men!
On the other hand, blessed are those who return to their house rich! In today's Gospel

Luke 18:9-14

The Pharisee and the Publican - A Picture of Two Churchgoers,

1. The Pharisee came rich and went away from there poor,
a. he came rich
, . he did not fancy himself as a poor sinner, . he knew much to
say about his good works;
b. he went away from there poor, . his righteousness was good for nothing
before God, not God, but he justified himself and measured himself to be pious, he lay
in sin against the first and second table
, . he goes to his house without true
righteousness that avails before God, without God's grace and favor. A poor man!

2. The Publican came poor and went away from there rich,
a. he came poor, . he had nothing to bring before God than his misery of sin
, .
he desired nothing but grace;
b. he went away from there rich, . he attained the gracious forgiveness of sins
for Christ's sake through faith, the true righteousness that avails before God; not
himself, but God justifies him, . he goes to his house as a pardoned man. A rich man!

Revelation 3:17.
Luther's Church Postil.

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