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Comments on ECG/SFA formats & guidelines sent to CRMP for review

A. Project Appraisal Guideline

2.1.8. There is no Ministry possessing the name Ministry of Trade & Industry; but
either Ministry of Trade or Ministry of Industry.
III. Treat supply under separate sub-title 3.3 and then compare supply gap under sub
title 3.4.
IX. Annexes
Annex 4
Why did the format limit operating costs to only four categories? What about
for e.g. salaries & wages, travel & perdiem, transportation cost, stationery
telephone & postageetc.
Include depreciation schedule for fixed assets.
B. ECG Appraisal Guideline
1. Background Information
Include Zone in the business address under the borrowers profile.
2. Please number all separate items under each major titles. E.g.
1.1. Name of financing bank
1.2. Borrowers profile...etc.
3. Under business performance description, you have indicated (only coffee
export). Nevertheless, it should be corrected as (excluding coffee export).
4. Under list of attachments No.7; we think that the export credit guarantee
request application cover letter to be written by financing bank should be
addressed to DBE, not to NBE.
C. Export credit Guarantee Scheme Follow up Report Format
After Conclusion & Recommendation;
Name(s) of reporter(s)/team members & provide space for signature &
Space for comments on the report by ECG/SFA Bureau manager. Below
the comment provide space for name, signature & date as well.
D. Micro Finance Institution Evaluation Follow- up Report Format
Front Page;
Name of MIF should be replaced by MFI,
Please number items on page 6-8 as in the previous pages 1-5.

E. ECG Operation Procedure Manual
Please fill in the blank spaces left under the major topic B Issuance of
ECG letter sub article III & IV.
Refine editing problems all over again. For e.g. under the topic B sub-
articles IV, II and topic C.
Appendix VII A & B ECG monthly reporting format are not annexed
herewith/is missing. Please attach.
F. General Comment on all Formats
Please reconsider numbering & editing for consistency/uniformity.

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