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How To Setup And Use AME

For Purchase Requisition Approvals

Purchase Requisitions can be routed for approval using the AME
Approval Management Engine. This whitepaper describes how to setup
AME for use with requisition approvals, and shows how a requisition
approval list is built based on the AME setup. Approvers in the AME
based approver list are assigned to the requisition based on the AME
rules setup for the Purchase Requisition Approval transaction. Similar
setup can be done for Requester hange !rder Approval and for
"nternal Requisition Approval, although those are not speci#call$
covered in this whitepaper. The screenshots provided are based on
%%i.AME.&, and some of the navigation details are speci#c to
%%i.AME.&. 'owever, most of the details provided are applicable to
%%i.AME.A and higher including R%(.
Assign AME Roles and Responsibilities
AME responsibilities in %%i.AME.A are assigned directl$ to the users.
'owever, "n R%( or %%i.AME.& and higher, AME responsibilities are
assigned indirectl$ to users through roles. The roles are assigned to
the users b$ the S)SA*M"+ user using the ,ser
Management responsibilit$. !nce the roles are assigned, the AME
responsibilities are automaticall$ available to the users without
speci#call$ assigning the AME responsibilities to the users. 'ere are
steps to assign the roles-
1. Login as System Administrator user
2. Select the responsibility "User Management". (NO!" User Management data is
stored in the UM# schema$
%. Select "Users" menu option
&. Search 'or the user to (hom you (ish to grant AM! roles
). *n the results table+ clic, on update icon (sho(n in screenshot abo-e$
.. *n the update user page+ user details can be seen along (ith a list o' roles a-ailable
to user
/lic, on "Assign 0oles" (sho(n in screenshot abo-e$
1. Search 'or Appro-al2 and Select roles 'rom the resulting LO3. /hoose the roles
that are applicable (proper authority$ 'or the user+ and clic, the Select button.

4. Speci'y 5usti'ication and rele-ant dates 'or the ne(ly assigned roles+ and
clic, Apply to assign the roles to the user.
Reference ..+ote /%0011.%22 !racle Approvals Management +ot
Enabled3 4hat *oes "t Ta5e To Enable "t3
Grant Transaction Tpe Access to Users
AM! restricts access to transaction types using 6ata Security. 7rant users access to the
transaction types using the 7rants page. Set up user access as 'ollo(s"
1. Na-igate to the 8ersonal 9ome 8age.
2. Select :unctional Administrator 0esponsibility
%. :rom the 7rants page+ press on the /reate 7rant button
&. /reate a grant (ith the 'ollo(ing in'ormation"
; Name <speci'y a descripti-e name=
; 7rantee ype > Speci'ic User
; 7rantee > <he user (hich you 5ust created=
; Ob5ect > AM! ransaction ypes
). /lic, Ne?t and select the Ob5ect 6ata /onte?t
; 6ata /onte?t ype > All 0o(s
.. /lic, Ne?t to de'ine the ob5ect parameters and Select Set
; Set > AM! /alling Applications
1. /lic, Ne?t+ re-ie( the setups and then :inish the process.
Review and Modi! AME Setup
AME is designed to provide approval logic for man$ transaction t$pes.
Transaction types used for Purchase Requisitions include the
following- Purchase Requisition Approval, "nternal Requisition
Approval, and Requester hange !rder Approval. This whitepaper
focuses on Purchase Requisition Approval, however, man$ of the
concepts are applicable to the other two requisition transaction t$pes
as well. 6i5ewise, some e7amples and comments in this paper are
written in iProcurement conte7t, but the same AME concepts appl$ to
core apps requisitions also.
%. +avigate to the Approvals Management &usiness Anal$st, Standard
(. hoose the &usiness Anal$st *ashboard menu from the
responsibilit$ 8see image above9
0. ,se the Transaction T$pe 6!: to search and select the transaction
t$pe ; Purchase Requisition Approval
/. ,se the lin5s on the right in the Approval Process Setup region to
set the components 8Attributes, onditions, Action T$pes, Approver
<roups9 and rules, or to use the test wor5bench in AME.
"# Action Tpes
1. An action t$pe is a collection of actions having
similar functionalit$. Ever$ action belongs to an
action t$pe. Action t$pes are enabled or disabled for
a particular transaction t$pe. AME ma$ give an error
when attempting to enable an action t$pe for a
transaction if the transaction is not designed to allow
that action t$pe. Reference ..+ote (=00%>.%22
%%.>.%1 ?A@ for Approvals Management 8AME9
"ntegration ?or iProcurement and Purchasing A for a
list of action t$pes allowed for requisition
transactions in AME. "n addition, ..+ote
/1/%>(.%22 Release ontent *ocuments for EA
&usiness Suite R%( A provides a lin5 to the
Procurement ?amil$ R* which clari#es 8Section
0./.(.%/9 that requisition approval with !racle
Approvals Management 8AME9 in R%( allows use of
Position 'ierarch$ based Approvals, Parallel
Approvals, and Support for ?)" +oti#cations.
2. To disable or enable action t$pes for the transaction,
select the Action T$pes lin5
3. The Action T$pes page shows the action t$pes that
are currentl$ enabled for the transaction t$pe
8Purchase Requisition Approval9. ,se the Previous
and +e7t lin5s to scroll through the list of enabled
action t$pes. Select the ,se E7isting Action T$pe
button to see other preAde#ned action t$pes
available in AME. Some of these ma$ or ma$ not be
applicable to the currentl$ select transaction t$peB
AME will give an error if the user tries to add a nonA
relevant action t$pe for the selected transaction
4. +avigate to 'R responsibilit$ A2 4or5 Structures A2
Cob A2 *escription A to assign a 6evel 8Approval
Authorit$9 to a Cob.
@uer$ up the Cob and enter the appropriate Cob 6evel
in the Approval Authorit$ #eld.
5. "n AME, select an$ or all of the following Action T$pes
for C!& &ASE* approvals if applicable for $our
business requirements-
1. absolute Dob level E chains of authorit$ based
on absolute Dob level
2. #nal approver onl$ E chains of authorit$
containing onl$ the #nal DobAlevel approver
3. manager then #nal approver E chain of
authorit$ includes requestorFs manager and
then the #nal approver
4. relative Dob level E chains of authorit$ based on
relative Dob level
5. supervisor$ level E chains of authorit$ based on
number of supervisor$ levels
6. "n AME, select an$ or all of the following Action t$pes
for APPR!:ER <R!,P approvals if applicable for $our
business requirements-
1. postAchainAofAauthorit$ approvals E group
approvals after the chain of authorit$
2. preAchainAofAauthorit$ approvals E group
approvals before the chain of authorit$
3. approvalAgroup chain of authorit$ E chain of
authorit$ includes an approval group
7. "n AME, select an$ of all of the following Action
t$pes for P!S"T"!+ &ASE* approvals 8!nl$ in R%(
and higher9 if applicable for $our business
1. hr position E chains of authorit$ based on a
particular 'R position
2. hr position level E chains of authorit$ based
on 'R positions
$# Attributes
1. Attributes are the base element for an AME Rule.
Attribute values are retrieved from the !racle
E&usiness Suite Applications database or derived
from values in the database. AME is seeded with
attributes relevant to the transaction t$pe, and the
user can create new attributes in AME for use in AME
2. Select the Attributes lin5 to view or add attributes for
the selected transaction t$pe
3. ,se the Previous and +e7t lin5s to scroll through the
e7isting attributes. Some of the attributes relevant
to Purchase Requisition Approval include
"TEMGATE<!R), "TEMG+,M&ER, and
RE@,"S"T"!+GT!TA6 as well as other
attributes. 4hen AME approvals is enabled for
purchase requisitions, these values are retrieved for
the relevant requisition while navigating through
iProcurement chec5out or core apps requisition
create, and AME uses this information to determine
the appropriate AME rule8s9 to use.
4. "n addition to the seeded attributes, a customiHed
attribute can be created.
*A:EGATE<!R)GSE<ME+T is an e7ample of this.
This attribute uses a quer$ to capture SE<ME+T% of
the "tem ategor$ Ie7#eld. The "tem ategor$
Ie7#eld ma$ be setup to use one or more segmentsB
this customiHed AME attribute captures onl$
SE<ME+T% of the Ie7#eld. This allows the users to
setup conditions and rules that are dependent on a
certain value in SE<ME+T% of the "TEM ategor$
used on the requisition. +!TE- The new attribute
*A:EGATE<!R)GSE<ME+T% uses the same sql
quer$ as the seeded "TEMGATE<!R) AME attribute,
e7cept it selects mc5.segment% rather than
%# &onditions
1. onditions identif$ values and value ranges for some
or all of the attributes available. AME rules refer to
these conditions to determine if a particular rule is
applicable for the speci#c document 8requisition9
being approved. ?or e7ample, an AME rule can be
setup to require certain approvers if J1 ,S* .;
requisition total . J%111 ,S*. Since
RE@,"S"T"!+GT!TA6 is a seeded attribute, the user
can de#ne a condition J1 ,S* .; requisition total .
J%111 ,S*, and then use this condition in a rule to
require certain approvers for the requisition. The
rule cannot refer to this condition until it is de#ned in
AME onditions for the Purchase Requisition Approval
transaction t$pe.
2. Select the onditions lin5 from the AME &usiness
Anal$st *ashboard after specif$ing the Purchase
Requisition Approval transaction t$pe.
Selecting the onditions lin5 will displa$ the e7isting
conditions de#ned for the transaction t$pe, and also
allow the user to create new conditions for the
3. Click the Create button to create a new condition
4. To define the new condition, specify whether the condition
is ordinary, or an eception condition !which can only be
used in an eception rule " see the online #elp for
details$. %se the &ttribute '() to choose the attribute on
which the condition is based. The condition will specify a
*alue or ran+e of *alues for the attribute, so the attribute
,ust be selected before the *alue!s$ can be defined.
5. -efine the allowed *alue or *alue ran+e for the selected
attribute. Click &pply to co,plete the condition definition.
'# Approver Groups
1. &ppro*er .roups are optional. /etup &ppro*er .roups if
additional appro*ers are re0uired for particular conditions,
or to specify a dyna,ic s0l 0uery for additional appro*ers.
The rules defined for the transaction can be based on
&ppro*er .roups, 1obs defined in #2 setup, or 3ositions
defined in #2 setup !only in 212$4 the rules ,ay also use
a co,bination of 1ob, 3osition, and &ppro*er .roup basis.
!/ee the 2ules details later in this paper for ,ore
infor,ation about the rules$
2. /elect the &ppro*er .roups link fro, the &56 7usiness
&nalyst -ashboard.
3. )iew and edit eistin+ appro*er +roups, or Click the
Create button to create a new appro*er +roup.
4. 8hen creatin+ the appro*al +roup specify all the
,andatory *alues.
1. .i*e a na,e and description to the appro*al +roup.
2. /pecify an order nu,ber !order nu,ber of this
appro*er +roup relati*e to other appro*er +roups$.
3. Choose a *otin+ re+i,e " only /erial is supported
for 3urchase 2e0uisition &ppro*al in 11.5.19 and
11.5.:. 212 does allow other *otin+ re+i,es that
use parallel routin+.
4. Choose /tatic if appro*ers will be selected when
definin+ the appro*al +roup, or choose -yna,ic if a
s0l 0uery is used to dyna,ically find the appro*ers
for this appro*er +roup when the re0uisition
appro*al transaction is bein+ processed.
5. Click the &dd &nother 2ow button to add appro*ers
to the appro*al +roup now.
(# Click &pply to sa*e the appro*er +roup
5. The appro*al +roup ,e,bers can be added as additional
appro*ers to the nor,al chain of co,,and appro*ers
+enerated by &56.
)# Rules
1. -efine rules to specify appro*ers that should be included
in the appro*al list under specific conditions for the
re0uisition appro*al transaction.
2. /elect the 2ules link fro, the &56 -ashboard after
selectin+ the transaction type " 3urchase 2e0uisition
3. 2e*iew the list of eistin+ rules already defined for the
4. /elect the Create button to create a new rule for the
transaction. !(ptionally, if there already eists a si,ilar
rule choose the -uplicate icon or the %se 6istin+ 2ule
5. /tep 1 of 4; /pecify a na,e for the new rule and choose
the rule type and effecti*e dates.
2ule types are eplained in the &56 online help pa+es
alon+ with ea,ples. The ,ost co,,on types are 'ist
Creation, 3re 'ist &ppro*er .roup and 3ost 'ist &ppro*er
.roup. !<(T6; /o,e rule types ,ay not be a*ailable if
the correspondin+ action types ha*e not been assi+ned to
the transaction " 3urchase 2e0uisition &ppro*al. %se the
&ction Types feature to add or re,o*e action types for the
6. /tep 2 of 4; /pecify one or ,ore conditions that acti*ate
the rule. The Conditions are defined in the &56 /etup,
and they ,ay be seeded conditions or user defined
7. /tep 3 of 4; Choose the &ction Type and then choose a
specific action. The list of actions a*ailable is dependent
on the &ction Type selected. The actions are related to
1obs, 3ositions !in 212$, or &ppro*er .roups. !&ction
Types are discussed pre*iously in this whitepaper$
=. /tep 4 of 4; 2e*iew the rule details and click >inish to
co,plete the rule setup, or click 7ack to ,ake chan+es.
(# Test *or+bench
1. ,se the Test 4or5bench to determine which AME
Rule8s9 appl$ to a speci#c requisition, or to determine
which AME Rule8s9 appl$ for an adhoc combination of
values speci#ed at the time of the test.
Select the Test 4or5bench lin5 from the AME
1. Speci#c Requisition test
%. lic5 the Run Real Transaction Test
(. Specif$ the value of
RE@,"S"T"!+G'EA*ERG"* from
P!GRE@,"S"T"!+G'EA*ERSGA66 as the
Transaction "d value. lic5 <o to see the
AME rules that appl$ to the requisition.
0. AdDust the rules setup to cause rules to
be called diKerentl$ based on the
business requirements.
2. Adhoc test
%. lic5 the reate button on the Test
4or5bench page
(. Specif$ +ame and *escription for the
test, and specif$ values for pertinent
attributes 8e.g. Requisition Total ; J%11
0. lic5 the Run Test ase button to see the
applicable AME rules, and the resulting
AME approval list that will be built based
on the conditions speci#ed for the
Enable AME !or Requisition Approval
%. +avigate to Purchasing responsibilit$
(. Setup E Purchasing E *ocument T$pes
0. Select Purchase Requisition 8or "nternal Requisition9 as the
document t$pe
/. Specif$ Approval Transaction T$pe ; P,R'ASEGRE@ to enable
AME approvals for Purchase Requisitions in the current operating
Test the Functionalit
%. reate a requisition in ore Apps Purchasing or iProcurement and
verif$ that the Approval 6ist is built per the AME rules based on
the conditions present on the requisition attributes.
,iew the AME Setup
1. /lic, the Setup 0eport lin, in the @uic, Lin,s section o' the 6ashboard
2. Select the appropriate transaction type (!?ample" 8urchase 0eAuisition
Appro-al$ and clic, 7o.
%. /lic, the 8rintable 8age button to -ie( the complete setup 'or the selected
transaction type (Attributes+ /onditions+ 0ules+ Appro-al 7roups+ and etc.$
&. /ompare the AM! setup to the reAuisition attributes and appro-al list generated
'or a speci'ic reAuisition+ or compare the AM! setup to the business reAuirements.
NO!" his document is not considered 'ormal documentation o' the product+ but is a
use'ul tool 'or applying the 'unctionality described.

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