Class Syllabus

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Language Arts 10&12 Literature 2014-2015

Course Overview
Miss. Omar
Pone: !2"#2$!#%&""' E(t. 2&2)
Course Description: My class will engage students in care*ul reading and analysis o* a
callenging set o* various novels and sort stories. +e *ocus o* te class will be on intensive
reading and discussion' as well introduce secondary critical essays *or discussion and evaluation.
Em,asis will be ,laced on tougt*ul and cogent analysis o* te readings using a variety o*
novel *iction elements and devices. +e class' intended *or so,mores and seniors' o,es to
,rovide students wit an academic e(,erience ,arallel to tat o* a college level reading course.
+is course will also include a writing com,onent tat *ocuses on e(,ository' analytical and
argumentative writing about te literature troug bot discussion and essay *ormat. -tudents are
e(,ected to be active readers as tey analy.e and inter,ret te(tual detail' establis connections
among teir observations' and draw logical in*erences leading toward an inter,retive conclusion.
Learning Outcomes: /t te com,letion o* tis class' te student will be able to:
0 Ma1e warranted and reasonable assertions about an autor2s arguments'
0 3ecogni.e and use literary terms'
0 /,,ly literary terminology to *iction' drama' and ,oetry'
0 /nnotate a literary te(t'
0 /naly.e di**erent genres o* literature' ,articularly sort stories' novels' drama'
and ,oetry'
0 3ead literary te(ts closely'
0 3ead' understand' and answer timed analytical literary essays'
0 3ecogni.e and assess te elements o* di**erent literary genres'
0 3ead' dra*t' edit' and *ormat analytic and researc essays'
0 /nswer multi,le#coice 4uestions similar to tose on te 5iterature and
Com,osition e(am'
0 6se com,uter tecnology and te 7nternet to com,lement an understanding o*
Required assessments: / variety o* 8ovel tests
3eading activities
3es,onse to literature
Class9:rou, ;iscussions
Oral Communication <-,eeces=
Required Tets ! "ateria#s needed: / noteboo1 *or >ournaling and teacer coice o* novel *or
grou, and individual read will be ,rovided.
$tudent%s Ro#e and Responsi&i#ities in t'is Course (pectations:
-tudents are e(,ected to conduct temselves in a res,onsible manner tat re*lects sound etics'
onor' and good citi.ensi,. 7t is te student2s res,onsibility to maintain academic onesty and
integrity and to mani*est teir commitment as ,art o* /,ollo ?ig -cool community troug
teir conduct and beavior. -tudents are e(,ected to abide by all /,ollo ?ig -cool ,olicies
and regulations. /ny *orm o* academic disonesty' or ina,,ro,riate conduct by students or
a,,licants may result in ,enalties ranging *rom warning to dismissal' as deemed a,,ro,riate by
/,ollo ?ig -cool.
Attendance )o#ic*!Tas+ "anagement! Attitude! )articipation:
$tudents are epected to &e in c#ass *or te entire time sceduled. ;aily ,oints will be
earned by modeling te $ P2s <Prom,t Positive Pre,ared Productive Polite= and com,iled at te
end o* every cycle. Points will only be granted i* in attendance or wit an e(cused absence.
Late ,or+ is accepted a-ter due date and automatically loses !" ,ercent o* te ,ossible
,oints. +e learner will still be e(,ected to com,lete ALL assignments *or meeting content
standards. @ailure to com,lete any ma>or assignment will result in a *ailure *or te class.
/dditionally' students will be re4uired to utili.e @ailure to do so will result in no
credit *or te assignment until it is submitted.
.n t'is course/ pro0iding and recei0ing constructi0e -eed&ac+ is essential to 4uality
learning. 7t is unli1ely tat a student wit e(cessive absences would *ul*ill te / or A grade.
-tudents are res,onsible *or ,roviding a com,lete ,a,er trail *or teir wor1. 7nability to ,roduce
a re4uired ,a,er trail results in a lower grade or *ailure. Pa,ers a wee1 late will receive a olistic
grade witout comments.
.- t'e student 'as &een a&sent' it is is9er res,onsibility to ma1e u, te missed
class<es=. ;eadlines *or assignments will not be e(tended e(ce,t in e(tenuating circumstancesB
do not e(,ect due date e(tensions sim,ly because a class as been missed. 7* an assignment is
due during te absence' it will be due immediately wen te student returns. 6ne(cused absences
will result in a .ero *or any assignments due on tat day.
+rougout tis class students will need to be in close contact wit me and *ellow students. 7
strongly encourage and welcome o,en communication. Clear' consistent' and ,roactive
communication will ensure a success*ul e(,erience in tis class. 7t is te student2s res,onsibility
to noti*y me immediately i* and wen a ,ersonal situation occurs tat a**ects your ,er*ormance
in tis class. Aeing ,roactive wit communication will result in a 4uic1 solution to any ,roblems
tat may occur.
Time Required 1or T'is Course: +o com,lete tis course in eigt wee1s' students sould ,lan
on at least %2#%$ ours a wee1 on assigned readings' assignments' discussions'' and
2rades: 7n tis class' students will be grade on te *ollowing areas:
Class ,artici,ation <attendance' attitude' in#class course wor1=
Cocabulary develo,ment
7n and out o* class reading assignments
3es,onses to literature
+as1 Management <bringing materials to class' class ,re,aredness=
D!#%""E F / ))#)DE F AG 7D#7DE F CG &D#&)E F;G
D"#D2E F /# )!#)7E F A 77#7!E F C &7#&!E F;
)2#)"E F A# 72#7"E F C# &2#&"E F;#
H &"E F@
:rades re*lect bot 4uality o* wor1 and tas1 management. 5ate wor1 is sub>ect to a 2"E
reduction in valueB *urtermore' students must com,lete any late wor1 witin two cycles a*ter te
due date to receive any credit. Aeyond tat time' te student must com,lete te assignment but
receive no credit.
Language Arts Department Literature )o#ic*: +e ;istrict as an /lternative -election Policy
*or students and ,arents wo ob>ect to te content o* materials#including boo1s and videos.
Academic .ntegrit* )o#ic*: +e *ollowing is te 5anguage /rts ;e,artment ,olicy on academic
integrity. Iou are accountable *or it.

Pur,ose statement: /ll students are e(,ected to e(ibit ,ersonal onesty in teir wor1.
/cademic integrity allows eac learner to be evaluated on is or er ,ersonal accom,lisments
and com,ete on an e4ual basis wit all oter students *or teir scolastic acievements.
;e*inition statement: /cademic disonesty includes' but it not limited to:
%. Ceating on a 4ui. or test
2. Co,ying an assignment or wor1seet' or divulging in*ormation about a test.
!. O**ering to anoter student te answers to an assignment' wor1seets or test' weter
solicited or unsolicited' in written or verbal communications.
4. +e*t o* intellectual ,ro,erty' suc as assignments' wor1seets' tests' or answer 1eys.
$. 5ying to a teacer about academic activities
&. @ailing to indicate 4uotations ta1en *rom a source or *ailing to identi*y sources in writing
<i.e.' ,lagiarism=.
3n#ess ep#icit#* announced ot'er,ise &* t'e instructor/ students are epected to ,or+
a#one on a## assignments4
Penalty: -tudents wo act in an academically disonest manner will receive no credit <a .ero=
*or any and all assignments wic were not teir own intellectual wor1. /cademic
disonesty may also result in additional conse4uences' suc as *ailure o* te course.

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