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SAP Note

Header Data
When you i nvoke a Web ser vi ce i n t he Web Ser vi ces Navi gat or you r ecei ve one of t he f ol l owi ng
except i ons t hat says:
- Cannot downl oad WSDL f r om<ur l >: I nval i d Response Code ( 404) Not Found.
- Cannot downl oad WSDL f r om<ur l >: Cannot connect t o <ur l >.
- Cannot downl oad WSDL f r om<ur l >: Connect i on r ef used.

The er r or message does not cont ai n t he f ol l owi ng i nf or mat i on " I t i s not al l owed t o access t hi s
ser vi ce. . . "

Other Terms
Web Ser vi ce Navi gat or , WS Navi gat or , ht t p pr oxy set t i ngs, connect i on, ( 404) Page Not Found.

Reason and Prerequisites
The r eason f or t he except i on may be wr ong conf i gur at i on of t he pr oxy set t i ngs of your AS J ava.
Usual l y i n t hi s case, you can open t he WSDL document i n a web br owser but WS Navi gat or t hr ows an
except i on when i t l oads t he WSDL. Thi s happens when t he pr oxy set t i ngs of t he web br owser ar e
pr oper l y conf i gur ed and t he pr oxy set t i ngs of t he AS J ava ar e not conf i gur ed.

Revi ew t he pr oxy set t i ngs of t he AS J AVA as descr i bed i n SAP Not e 1144698.
Al so, ver i f y t hat t he pr oxy ser ver i s wor ki ng pr oper l y. You can f i nd mor e i nf or mat i on about pr oxy
set t i ngs at hel p. sap. com.

This document is not restricted to a software component or software component version
This document refers to:
SAP Notes
This document is referenced by:
SAP Notes (1)

1393370 - WS Navigator throws exception "Cannot download WSDL from..."
Version 3 Validity: 16.11.2009 - active Language English
Released On 16.11.2009 13:21:03
Release Status Released for Customer
Component BC-ESI-WS-JAV-RT WebServices Java Runtime
Priority Recommendations / Additional Info
Category Consulting
1144698 How to configure ws clients HTTP proxy for the J2EE engine
1144698 How to configure ws clients HTTP proxy for the J2EE engine

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