La12 Calendar 2014 1

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LA12- Curriculum Calendar- Rough Draft 12-27-14

Sept. 3-5 Intro. to Comm. (Define Comm. in groups, talk about importance of
Sept. 8-12- Process of Comm. and Levels of Comm. (get-to-know activities)
Sept. 12- Quiz #1 and begin Intrapersonal comm.. discussion (Who Are You?)
Sept. 15-18- Intrapersonal Comm. (Interest/personality Inventory tests)
Sept. 19- Introduce Essay, review for quiz on intrapersonal comm.
Sept. 22- Quiz #2 Intrapersonal Comm. Lab time for essay typing
Sept. 23- Lab time/help for essay #1
Sept. 24-26- Beowulf Introduction and reading (Hero, Anglo Saxon time
period, Lit. terms/writing)
Sept. 26- Essay #1 due (Intrapersonal Comm./Who am I theory essay)
Sept. 29-Oct. 2 Beowulf continued (finish reading, activities, writing work)
Oct. 3- Beowulf Test
Oct. 6-10- Interpersonal Comm. (Notes, activities, conflict styles presentations)
Oct. 13- Introduce resume writing
Oct. 14- resume #1 lab time
Oct. 15- resume #1 due- in-class work on interpersonal comm. game or activity
Oct. 20- resume revision information- lab time
Oct. 21- Interpersonal comm. Cross cultural comm. resume #2 due
Oct. 22-24- Nonverbal Comm. OR more cross cultural? (Comm. in the news if
extra time)
Oct. 24- Quiz #3 Interpersonal Comm./Nonverbal and Cross cultural comm..
Resume #3 due
Oct. 29-31 Interview preparations and sign up on 31 (informational text on job
preparation etc.)
Nov. 3- Interview stuff or preparation of Macbeth- intro. assignment on
Macbeth 11/4 or 5
Nov. 4 and 5- INTERVIEWS
Nov. 6- Interview feedback and thank you emails
Nov. 7- Macbeth activity? Macbeth assignment due
Nov. 10-14- Macbeth reading and writing assignments (SARs)
Nov. 17-20- Finish Macbeth Introduce Macbeth essay
Nov. 21- Macbeth Test
Nov. 24- 26- Lab time for Macbeth essay? Essay #2 due 11/26
Dec. 1-5- Public Speaking- informative speech utilizing visual aids- Speech
dates assigned Dec 2
Dec. 8-12- Speeches video-taped
Dec. 16-23- Dickens- Christmas Carol? (Dont have anything from Victorian
time period? Out of order?)
Jan. 5-7- Modest Proposal read
Jan. 8- Lab time for writing own modest proposals
Jan. 9- Modest Proposals due
Jan. 12-16

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