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Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Meicine
!MSUCOM" has anno#nce its intent to recr#it $%&$' (#ali)e
Canaian st#ents each year over the ne*t $&+ years to help
pro,ote osteopathic ,eicine in Canaa- .ra#ates of MSUCOM
as /ell as other A,erican Osteopathic Association accreite
osteopathic ,eical schools are entitle to f#ll practice in
Canaa- They are allo/e entrance to the Meical Co#ncil of
Canaa0 the 1oyal College of 2hysicians an S#rgeons of Canaa0
an the College of 3a,ily 2hysicians of Canaa e*a,inations-
These gra#ates can co,plete post gra#ate training in Canaa
or the Unite States- They are eligi4le to practise thro#gh the
vario#s Colleges of 2hysicians an S#rgeons across Canaa an
are given the sa,e practice rights as their allopathic !M-D-"
colleag#es- MSUCOM has ta5en the initiative to recr#it (#ali)e
Canaian applicants an /ill 4e setting a special t#ition rate for
these st#ents0 the a,o#nt to soon 4e eter,ine- Intereste
applicants are enco#rage to revie/ the A,erican Association of
Colleges of Osteopathic Meical Schools /e4 site /here one can
lin5 to each of the osteopathic ,eical schools- It is not too late
to apply this year- The Canaian Osteopathic Association
enco#rages applicants for f#t#re years to revie/ all the
prere(#isite re(#ire,ents- Osteopathic ,eical schools a,it on
a rolling 4asis an as s#ch it is 4ene)cial to have yo#r application
reay to go0 incl#ing MCAT res#lts0 /hen the application cycle
4egins typically in May for the follo/ing year-

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