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Spelling Words

This is where your spelling

words will be posted each
Our Class Mission
We are creating our mission as a
class! TBD!
Upcoming !ents
"#$#%$ Open &ouse '()*#+()*
"#%+#%$ McTeacher ,ight at
Celebration Station Si- .orks

12 your child3s transportation
changes4 we need it in writing
5lease bring a healthy snack
each day
62ter you look o!er the
Monday 2older with your
child4 send it back Tuesday!
We will be sending home
in2ormation regarding Class
&appy Birthday
1saiah Cooke
Tariah Scott
Contact Ms. Waldroup
School( 8"%"9 $)%#+%$% #mail( awaldroup:;wcpss<net Website( http(==leadersin2irst<blogspot<com
The Week 6head
Reading: We will set our e-pectations and learn
procedures 2or Daily /< We will launch 0ead To Sel2 and
begin to build our stamina to become better
1,D5,D,T readers< Students will learn how to choose
a >ood .it book<
Letterland: We will begin once assessments are complete!
Writing: We will brainstorm to create an idea bank and will
begin writing narrati!e pieces<
Math: We will launch our daily math routines< We will
count to %:* in a gi!en range through !arious counting
Science: Students will understand that comparing means
describing how something is similar and di22erent<
Students will e-plore measuring with !arious de!ices<
Social Studies: We will create our classroom rules<
Students will understand that rules are needed to promote
2airness and resol!e con2lict in the home4 school4 and
Dear 5arents and .amilies4
Welcome back!! 1t is going to be a wonder2ul year
and 1 am e-cited to ha!e your child in my class!
.or those o2 you who will be dropping o22 or picking
up students in carpool this year4 1 want to thank you 2or
your help and patience in keeping our students sa2e! 5lease
read the new carpool procedures on our school3s website
2or any ?uestions or concerns<

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