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iPaducateMe Sample Lesson Plan

Site & Course Designer: Karah Parks

Twitter: @karahkarahparks

Lesson Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will be able to

Websites/Applications Used:

Lesson Steps:

Ss watch video of Grandma dancing. Would their grandmother do
this? Describe grandparents. How is aging viewed in their culture?
Write down vocabulary elicited.

Teach: 1. Using the English tutorial, go over the guidelines of verbs
with gerunds followed by infinitives. Use vocabulary elicited from the
Engage section. Ex. What does your grandmother enjoy doing? Is
there anything your recommend doing to help the elderly? Is it hard
to be an elderly person in your country?
2. Have students do exercises 3 & 4 online and go over answers.
Activate: Using the video app, have students write a short commercial script
using the 6 verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives they selected, of
the ideal retirement home/vacation for the elderly. Show to the class!

1. Know when to use a Gerund or infinitive after 6 verbs or their choice from the
2. Talk about aging and how the elderly are viewed/cared for in their culture.

1., Grandma Dance Like Usher, Safari app

2., Gerunds and Infinitives,
Tutorial 1, Safari app

3. Camera Application (Video function)

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