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Heart Sound KKD KURFAK

Able to identify normal and pathological heart sound
After the students finished this skill station, when given a patient, a student:
1. Able to identify normal heart sound,
2. Able to identify sound on mitral regurgitation
3. Able to identify sound on aorta stenosis
4. Able to identify sound on mitral stenosis
5. Able to identify sound on aorta regurgitation
6. Able to identify the 3rd heart sound
7. Able to identify the 4th heart sound
8. Able to identify sound on mitral valve prolaps.
1. Students are divided into groups, consist of 16-19 people.
2. A tutor will lead the discussion.
3. A tape recorder and a CD of heart sounds will be used
4. Students will use lab suit.
5. Place of activity: skill lab, PANBANGDIK's room.
6. Introduction of the heart sound's session will be done once, in 120 minutes
7. The examination room should have good lighting and quiet.
8. Selama pemeriksaan fisik prekordial, pasien dalam posisi berbaring.
9. Skills needed to be achieve in this practice(see list above)
10. procedure:
lO.l.Tutor open and explains the objective of the activity for 5 minutes.
10.2.Using the tape recorder, the heart sound is introduced. 10.3.Tutor will give
explanation on the heart sound and how to identify it. 10.4.Tutor will give
conclusion for 5 minutes.
Dr.Marulam Panggabean
Dr.Ginova Nainggolan
Coordinator of KKD's Precordial physical examination

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