Some Abbreviations You Could Find in The Notes in FA

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Some abbreviations you could find in the notes in FA

So remember to ALWAYS CHECK THE NTES !all of them" carefully#

$$ % cancel & cancellation
'K( % boo)in*
+E'(K % re,boo)in*
FC % free of char*e
AL % airline
-LAS % the customer.s documents
K/ % customer
C-ST % customer
SE % service fee !usually found in the notes re*ardin* re,boo)in*s and
S0 % service 1ac)a*e
CF % cleverfly !it can only be used u1 to one day 1rior to the de1arture
/2 % date of issuance
22 % iata of issuance
'F % outbound fli*ht
2'F % inbound fli*ht

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