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Today computers come ______(1)___all shapes and sizes.

There were still big

computers for companies or universities. There are other special computers for
factories. These large computers tell the fatory machines ___(2)___to do. But
there are also small _______()____ computers to use at home or in an office.
There are even computers in telephones! television _______(")___! and cars.
These computers have to be small. They are so small that you cannot
__________(#)_____see all their parts.
$omputers are very useful! but they also can ______(%)___problems. &ne 'ind
of problems is with the computer(s memory. )t is not perfect so sometimes
computers ______(*)___important information. +nother problem is with the
machinery. $omputers are machines! and machines can brea' down. ,hen the
computers brea' down! they may ______(-)___information! _____(.)____chal'
on a blac'board. &r they may stop doing anything at all. +nd there is
________(1/)____ different 'ind of problem with computers. 0ome doctors say
they may be bad for your health. They say you should not wor' with computers
all day.
$hoose the best answer to fill in the blan'
1. at in under with2. everything something what thing. personal
private individual owner(s". pictures outfits bo2es sets#. even still
at all almost%. get cause suffer gain*. lose miss misplace
misunderstand-. clean erase wipe scrape. as li'e such as for
instance1/ yet other more another
The lost property office
3ecently ) read a magazine article about the things that people lose ___(1) ___
they travel on the 4ondon 5nderground. ) couldn6t believe it at first. ___(2) ___
you are a violinist! and when you ___() ___ off at your station! you leave your
violin on the train. )t seems strange that nobody says! 7___(") ___ me! but )
thin' you6ve forgotten something8. ) suppose the violinist ___(#) ___ have been
thin'ing of someone else! and there might ___(%) ___ have been any other
passengers on the train. 0till! why didn6t the violinist ___(*) ___ to the lost
property office9 +ll the lost property on the underground system ___(-) ___ to
be sent to this office! so if you lose anything you can easily get it ___(.) ___. )n
this case! the violinist must have ___(1/) ___ very absent:minded. ;erhaps he or
she didn6t have to play the violin ever again after this <ourney.
$hoose the best answer to fill in the blan'
1. +. during B. when $. since =. after
2. +. 0uppose B. )f $. ,hile =. 0ometimes
. +. go B. step $. get =. wal'
". +. >elp B. )t6s $. ?2cuse =. 0orry
#. +. should B. might $. who =. to
%. +. not B. often $. then =. so
*. +. tell B. find $. visit =. go
-. +. has B. must $. needs =. should
.. +. again B. bac' $. return =. too
1/. +. felt B. had $. been =. because
@ogging does not cost much! ____(1)____ a good pair of shoes. Aou should wear
shoes ____(2)____ for <ogging. =o not use your regular wal'ing shoes while
____()____! particularly if the trails on which you <og are not smooth! you will
definitely need good <ogging shoes. 0hoes designed for <ogging are more
durable ____(")____ the conditions. @ogging shoes are designed to be more
stable ____(#)____ regular wal'ing shoes. They are also made ____(%)____
Buic':drying materials that will 'eep your feet ____(*)____ when you <og! and
they often protection plates ____(-)____ protect your feet from stone bruises.
Aou also should ____(.)____ suitable clothing. ;rotect your an'les and lower
legs by wearing a soc' that is ____(1/)____ than your usual soc'. ,ear shorts
that are longer! too. ,ear a hat that is breathable and waterproof.

$hoose the best answer to fill in the blan'
1. +. acceptB. e2cept$. effect=. affect
2. +. designedB. drawn$. done=. fi2ed
. +. <ogB. to <og$. <ogging=. <ogged
". +. soB. even$. no matter=. although
#. +. soB. less$. as=. than
%. +. forB. from$. off=. in
*. +. dryB. to dry$. drier=. drily
-. +. whoB. whom$. whose=. that
.. +. designB. wear$. ta'e off=. put on
1/. +. alongB. more long$. longer=. longest
35CC)CD 0>&?0
3unning is now very popular both as a sport and as a way of 'eeping fit. ?ven if
you only run a short (1)EE.. once or twice a wee'! you (2)EEE to ma'e
sure you wear good shoes.()EEEE is a lot of choice nowadays in running
shoes. First of all! decide how (")EEE you want to (#)EEE.. on your shoes.
Then find a pair which fits you well. Be prepared to (%)EE.. different sizes in
different types of shoe. ,omen6s shoes are made narrower (*)EEE.. men6s
and! although most women will find a woman6s shoe which suits them! there is
no (-)EEEE why woman can6t wear a man6s shoe. The same is true for a
man:(.)EEEE.. a woman6s shoe fits you better! then wear it. Ta'e your time
in the shop. )f you (1/)EEEE. a mista'e and buy the wrong shoes! your feet
will let you 'now.

$hoose the best answer to fill in the blan'
1. +. distanceB. path$. line=. length
2. +. wouldB. should$. need=. must
. +. )tB. There$. This=. That
". +. farB. long$. many=. much
#. +. spendB. buy$. charge=. pay
%. +. e2perimentB. as'$. try=. loo'
*. +. asB. li'e$. than=. from
-. +. factB. reason$. 'nowledge=. choice
.. +. sinceB. because$. so=. if
1/. +. doB. ma'e$. cause=. decide
+ fo2 fell into a well and couldn6t get ____(1)____ again. Finally a thirsty goat
came by and saw the fo2____(2)____the well1 7)s the water good98 The goat
as'ed. 7DoodG8 said the fo2. 7)t6s the best water )6ve ever____()____in my
whole life. ,hy don6t you come down and try it98
The goat was very____(")____! so he <umped into the well. ,hen he finished
drin'ing! he____(#)____for a way to get out of the well! but! of course! there
wasn6t any. Then the fo2 said! 7) have an e2cellent idea. 0tand on
your____(%)____legs and place your front legs firmly against the front side of
the well. Then )6ll climb onto your bac' and! from there! )6ll step on
your____(*)____and be able to get out. ,hen )6m out! )6ll get you out! too.8
The goat thought this was a good idea and____(-)____the advice.
,hen the fo2 was out of the well! he Buic'ly and Buietly wal'ed away. The goat
called loudly after him and____(.)____him of the promise he had made to help
him out. But the fo2 turned and said! 7Aou should have as much sense in your
head as you have hairs in your beard. Aou <umped into the
well____(1/)____ma'ing sure you could get out again.8 Horal1 4oo' before
you leap.

$hoose the best answer to fill in the blan'
1. +. inB. into$. out=. from
2. +. onB. in$. out=. from
. +. loo'edB. smelt$. sounded=. tasted
". +. thirstyB. thirst$. hungry=. hunger
#. +. loo'edB. watched$. researched=. saw
%. +. behindB. end$. bac'=. last
*. +. earsB. horns$. tail=. trun'
-. +. didB. heard$. used=. followed
.. +. recalledB. reminded$. remembered=. repeated
1/. +. afterB. since$. while=. before
Getting friends and family to pose for photos is hard enough, but how would you cope with a rabbit, an
owl or a butterfly that simply _____ (1) _____ to keep still? Simon King, wildlife filmmaker and
photographer, says you don!t need any formal _____ (") _____ to get started# $%he whole idea is that
photographing wildlife should be fun&# Simon offers the following _____ (') _____#
Speciali(e from the start# )ou!re more likely to get good result sooner if you _____ (*) _____ on one
type of wildlife + insects for instance + _____ (,) _____ than -ust going off to the woods or park with
your camera and snapping you see# /ick something that isn!t hard to photograph# 0hoosing
an animal that!s hard to _____ (1) _____ or will run away if it sees you _____ (2) _____ unnecessary
problems# 3ow about flowers or a group of birds?
Search secondhand camera shops and local papers for 4uality _____ (5) _____# )ou don!t need to
_____ (6) _____ a fortune + Simon started with -ust a secondhand camera that cost around 7'8# 9ut
you will need a single lens refle: camera# ;emember it!s the whole photograph that counts, nor -ust
the sub-ect# _____ (18) _____ you!re composing a picture and try to be as artistic as possible#

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