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Grade 5

EAGLE Honor Code. AIS-R elementary school
students are expected to follow our AIS-R
Honor Code, which defines what it means to
be an AIS-R EAGLE: Ethical, Adaptable,
Global, Learning, and Environmental.
Student Expectations

Jonalee Shappley



We are very fortunate to use the Foss
Science curriculum this year, which allows
students the opportunity to conduct
experiments in a lab setting. We begin with
an exploration of motion, force and models.
Then, we examine weather and our living
Reporting and Assessing

Readers and Writers Workshop
We will study trade, societies, and citizenship
and government. This year, we will address
these themes from a global perspective.

The Readers and Writers Workshops are student
tailored programs. Students are able to learn how to
become better readers and writers while choosing
their own books and writing topics. This has been
shown to promote more involvement and interest
among students.

Within the workshop models students will be able to
practice language and grammar skills. Each day,
students will learn a skill through whole group lessons
and discussions. Following each lesson they will apply
that skill in their own reading and writing.

Everyday Math is a spiral program, meaning that
it builds year to year. The fifth grade units
have been designed to build from the fourth
grade units. Students will be well-prepared for
grade 6 math at the end of this school year.
Everyday Math is an intensive, fast-paced,
hands-on approach to math. It emphasizes
problem solving but also includes plenty of
pencil-to-paper practice. Each unit is assessed
and a Profile of Progress is sent home.
Homework and other important
information are posted daily on our
class blog.

Social Studies
We collect learning data through formative and
summative assessments. Formative
assessments may be in the form of homework,
classwork, anecdotal notes, observations,
questioning, discussion, etc. Summative
assessments will take the form of unit/chapter
tests, final assessments, final rubrics,
performance assessments, etc. Report cards
will be sent home at the end of each trimester.

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