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Hi this is Breethy from jeppiaar engineering college.

HCL conducted campus for

us on 21
of December.
There were 2 rounds
1.written test interiew
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The written test was online and was conducted for 2 hrs 1( min consisted of
four sections
1.)uantitatie section.*2+ )uestions in ,+ min
2.erbal section*2+ )uestion in 2+ min
,. computer s-ills *2+ )uestion in ,+ min
..logical reasoning *2. )uestion in ,+ min
/fter the written test was oer they announced the results of who cleared the
0ut of 2+( candidates +( were in for the ne1t round
The ne1t round was
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!hen i went in
The hr was really really cool and he brought down my nerousness
Hr'hi am asu
3e'hello sir am breethy
Hr'tell me about your memorable moment in school and college
Hr'do you -now about the latest technology in the industry
3e'told.......blah blah blah
Hr'you are in eee how can i gie you a job in it
3e'sir i can perform the tas- assigned to me with con4dence.and i can learn
from people things i don5t -now.
6i thin- he was impressed with this answer.he gae a smile7
Hr'your strength and wea-ness
3e'my biggest strength is my adaptability .i can suit myself to any -ind of
enironment.and my dedication
6pls don5t say con4dence as it is clearly isible in case you are nerous
!ea-ness'conert a positie trait to a negatie one7
Hr'any )ueries
3e'sir how was my communication throughout .should i do any improements
6pls do as- )uestion don5t sit simply7
Hr'your communication was good .you were pretty rela1ed and con4dent
.handled eerything in a cool way.but if you are a re)uirement of the company
or not is a secret.
3e'than- you so much sir 8888888888
/nd i left the hall
!hen they disclosed the result at + in the eening .i was one among them to get
placed in happiness -new no bounds. # than-ed god for this opportunity.
9riends for aptitude* prepare frm any cat boo- or gre boo-.not only rs agarwal
9or erbal *try to learn new words eeryday and recall it at regular interals
:ls do wor- out the )uantitatie )uestion and logical )uestion eeryday
&tart communicating with your friends in $nglish .because the only thing they
e1pect in hr is your communication .my friends who were not able to spea- up
;uently were deliberately rejected from the pls pls do wor- on your
0ne important thing is
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