CV Template

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Curriculum Vitae
Insert photograph. Remove heading if not relevant (see instructions)
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s) First name(s) Surname(s) (remove if not relevant, see instructions)
Address(es) House number, street name, postcode, cit, countr (remove if not relevant, see instructions)
!elephone(s) (remove if not relevant, see
"obile# (remove if not relevant, see
Fa$(es) (remove if not relevant, see instructions)
%&mail (remove if not relevant, see instructions)
'ationalit (remove if not relevant, see instructions)
(ate of birth (remove if not relevant, see instructions)
)ender (remove if not relevant, see instructions)
Desired employment /
Occupational field
(remove if not relevant, see instructions)
Wor e!perience
(ates Add separate entries for each relevant post occupied, starting from the most recent. (remove if not
relevant, see instructions)
*ccupation or position held
"ain activities and responsibilities
'ame and address of emploer
!pe of business or sector
Education and trainin"
(ates Add separate entries for each relevant course ou have completed, starting from the most recent.
(remove if not relevant, see instructions)
!itle of +ualification a,arded
-rincipal sub.ects/occupational s/ills
'ame and tpe of organisation
providing education and training
0evel in national or international
(remove if not relevant, see instructions)
Personal sills and
"other tongue(s) Specify mot#er ton"ue (if relevant add other mother tongue(s), see instructions)
*ther language(s)
Self&assessment $nderstandin" Speain" Writin"
European level (*) 0istening Reading Spo/en interaction Spo/en production
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
-age 1/2 & 3urriculum vitae of
Surname(s) First name(s)
For more information on %uropass go to http#//
4 %uropean 5nion, 2667&2616 27682616
Social s/ills and competences
Replace this te$t b a description of these competences and indicate ,here the ,ere ac+uired.
(Remove if not relevant, see instructions)
*rganisational s/ills and
Replace this te$t b a description of these competences and indicate ,here the ,ere ac+uired.
(Remove if not relevant, see instructions)
!echnical s/ills and competences
Replace this te$t b a description of these competences and indicate ,here the ,ere ac+uired.
(Remove if not relevant, see instructions)
3omputer s/ills and competences
Replace this te$t b a description of these competences and indicate ,here the ,ere ac+uired.
(Remove if not relevant, see instructions)
Artistic s/ills and competences
Replace this te$t b a description of these competences and indicate ,here the ,ere ac+uired.
(Remove if not relevant, see instructions)
*ther s/ills and competences
Replace this te$t b a description of these competences and indicate ,here the ,ere ac+uired.
(Remove if not relevant, see instructions)
(riving licence
State here ,hether ou hold a driving licence and if so for ,hich categories of vehicle. (Remove if not
relevant, see instructions)
&dditional information
Include here an other information that ma be relevant, for e$ample contact persons, references, etc.
(Remove heading if not relevant, see instructions)
0ist an items attached. (Remove heading if not relevant, see instructions)
-age 2/2 & 3urriculum vitae of
Surname(s) First name(s)
For more information on %uropass go to http#//
4 %uropean 5nion, 2667&2616 27682616

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