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Submitted for information and necessary directions are solicited.


No.________\Comp.\PHC\New Delhi Delhi: __________
1. Sh. Puneet Pahwa MM, PHC, New Deh!.
". M#. $!%eta S!n&h, MM, PHC, New Deh!.
'. Sh. Sun! (u)a* Sha*)a, MM, PHC, New Deh!.
+. M#. $*!n,a (u)a*!, -D&SJ, PHC, New Deh!.
.. Sh. Sat/!* S!n&h La)0a, MM, PHC, New Deh!
1. Sh. Dhee*a% M!tta, MM , PHC, New Deh!
2. M#. Swat! (at!3a*, MM, PHC, New Deh!
4. M#. G5)at! Man56ha, MM , PHC, New Deh!.
7. Sh. P*a#hant Sha*)a, -CJ, PHC, New Deh!
18.M#. Sa5n! S!n&h, CJ, PHC, New Deh!
11. Sh. De/en,e* (u)a*, -D&SJ, PHC, New Deh!
1".M#. (!*an Gu9ta, -RC, PHC, New Deh!
!. M#. Ja#%eet (au*, MM, PHC, New Deh!.
Su0 : Re&a*,!n& 9en,an6!e# 5: ,ata !n DCIS Se*/e* *e95*t at PHC, New Deh!.
%t has been noticed that hu&e discrepancies of data found in Ser'er (eport of
your respecti'e court. %t is further to inform you that as per the directions of e)
Committee$ Supreme Court of %ndia$ DC%S Software is to be mi&rated into C%S
Software. *or that purpose$ all pendencies of (ha*%a Ent*!e# in DC%S Software at
Patiala House Courts should be at nil"minimum le'el.
Therefore$ you are directed to ensure that all pendencies and discrepancies of
+har,a -ntries ha'e been remo'ed or at minimum le'el of your respecti'e court and
submit a 'erified report from Ser'er (oom to the undersi&ned within . days$ on
receipt of this letter.
Than/in& 0ou.
;D!#t*!6t & Se##!5n# Ju,&e<
Pat!aa H5u#e C5u*t#,
New Deh! D!#t*!6t.
New Deh!.
En65#u*e : Pen,!n& (ha*%a Re95*t 5: Se*/e* R55), PHC, New Deh!.
No.________\Comp.\PHC\New Delhi Delhi: __________
1dministrati'e 2fficer 34udicial5
Computer 6ranch$
Tis Ha7ari Courts$
Su0 : Sat!#:a6t5*3 *e95*t :5* the 9e*!5, 5: 1#t )a3 "81+ t5 '1#t Ju3 "81+ 5: M=#
O)n! In:5w5*, P/t. Lt,.
;ith reference to your office letter on the matter cited abo'e$ it is informed to
your &oodself that report is satisfactory for the period of st #ay <8: to !st 4uly$
<8: of #"s 2mni %nfoword P't =td as there is no complaint is pendin& a&ainst them.
Submitted for information please.
-,)!n!#t*at!/e O::!e* ;Ju,.<
C5)9ute* >*an6h
Pat!aa H5u#e C5u*t#,
New Deh! D!#t*!6t.

No.________\Comp.\PHC\New Delhi Delhi: __________
Steno&rapher in the Court of
Sh. Sunil +umar Sharma$
=d. ##$ PHC$
New Delhi.
Su0 : N5n #en,!n& 5: ,a!3 5*,e*# an, %u,&)ent 5n Se*/e*.
%t has been noticed that you are not sendin& daily orders",ud&ment of your
respecti'e court on Ser'er for a lon& time which is the cause of incon'enience of the
liti&ants and public.
Therefore$ you are hereby directed to send all your pendin& daily
orders",ud&ments on ser'er without delay.

-,)!n!#t*at!/e O::!e* ;Ju,.<
C5)9ute* >*an6h
Pat!aa H5u#e C5u*t#,
New Deh! D!#t*!6t.
Su0 : Re&a*,!n& 9a3)ent 5: R#. 1+8"=? t5wa*,# >!# 5: L-N w5*@ 9e*:5*)e, 03
M=# $!%a3 >*5# 5n the D!a# 5: the tw5 ,e#!&nate, Ae?C5u*t# at Pat!aa
H5u#e C5u*t# New Deh!.
%t is submitted that this office ha'e recei'ed bill in'oice no. >6"(-T1%=":)
9"8<? of (s. 98@") and bill in'oice no. >6"S-(>%C-":)9"8<< of (s. !<") from
#"s >i,ay 6ros. <!?$ Shadi +hampur$ #ain Patel (oad$ New Delhi)888@ with the
letter of completion of =1N wor/ in the Dias of the two desi&nated e)courts of Sh.
6harat Parashar and Sh. 1poor' Sar'aria"#s. 4as,eet +aur at Patiala House Courts$
New Delhi.
%n this re&ard$ it is submitted that earlier an estimate of (s. ?9A9.98") was &i'en
by #"s 'i,ay 6ros for installation of =1N connection on the Dias of both the e)Courts
at PHC and the same was appro'ed by the =d. District B Sessions 4ud&e$ New Delhi
in office note dated A"8:"<8:. The bill has been chec/ed and item wise telephonic
'erified from Sachin >erma dealin& cler/ =1N$ THC and found that total amount is
within the limit"estimate &i'en by #"s >i,ay 6ros. Stoc/ -ntry has been made in
Stoc/ (e&ister 'ide Sr. No 9< dated A"8@"<8:.
%n 'iew of the abo'e$ if appro'ed$ total sanction for (s. ?:8<") 3%nclusi'e of all
taC5 for bill %n'oice No. >6"(-T1%=":)9"8<? of (s. 98@") and bill in'oice no.
>6"S-(>%C-":)9"8<< of (s. !<") may be accorded for payment of #"s >i,ay
6ros. <!?$ Shadi +ham Pur$ #ain Patel (oad$ New Delhi.?
Submitted for information and necessary directions please.
6ranch %nchar&e 3Comp5 Dealin& Cler/
PHC$ New Delhi.
1dmin. 2fficer 34udl.5
PHC$ New Delhi.
=d. Nodal 2fficer 3Comp.5
PHC$ New Delhi.
=d. 2%C 3Computers5
PHC$ New Delhi.
=d. District B Sessions 4ud&e$
PHC$ New Delhi
>erification of 6ill
6ill %n'oice No. >6"(-T1%=":)9"8<?$ dated <@"8:"<8: for (s. 98@")
3*i'e Thousand and -i&hty 2ne only5 for DTP C1T)? Cable$ < New =1N Points$
Duct 9C9 of court room no. <9)<?$ #ain 6uildin&$ PHC$ New Delhi from #"s
>i,ay 6ros 3(e&d.5 <!?$ Shadi +hampur$ #ain Patel (oad$ New Delhi)888@ has
been chec/ed and 'erified. Stoc/ -ntry has been made in Stoc/ (e&ister 'ide Sr. No
9< dated A"8@"<8:.
1fter perusal of this matter it has been found that amount of (s. 98@") 3*i'e
Thousand and -i&hty 2ne only5 a&ainst bill of #"s >i,ay 6ris. 3(e&d.5 is correct and
Dealin& cler/
6ranch %nchar&e 3Comp.5
PHC$ New Delhi
1dministrati'e 2fficer 34udl.5
Computers$ PHC$ NDD
=d. Nodal 2fficer 3Computers5
PHC$ New Delhi
=d. 2%C 3Computers5
PHC$ New Delhi.
=d. District B Sessions 4ud&e$
PHC$ New Delhi
>erification of 6ill
6ill %n'oice No. >6"S-(>%C-":)9"8<<$ dated <@"8:"<8: for (s. !<")
32ne Thousand Three Hundred Twenty 2ne only5 for =ayin& of DTP Cable and
*iCin& of Duct court room no. <9)<?$ #ain 6uildin&$ PHC$ New Delhi from #"s
>i,ay 6ros 3(e&d.5 <!?$ Shadi +hampur$ #ain Patel (oad$ New Delhi)888@ has
been chec/ed and 'erified. Stoc/ -ntry has been made in Stoc/ (e&ister 'ide Sr. No
9< dated A"8@"<8:.
1fter perusal of this matter it has been found that amount of (s. !<") 32ne
Thousand Three Hundred Twenty 2ne only5 a&ainst bill of #"s >i,ay 6ris. 3(e&d.5 is
correct and ,ustified.
Dealin& cler/
6ranch %nchar&e 3Comp.5
PHC$ New Delhi
1dministrati'e 2fficer 34udl.5
Computers$ PHC$ NDD
=d. Nodal 2fficer 3Computers5
PHC$ New Delhi
=d. 2%C 3Computers5
PHC$ New Delhi.
=d. District B Sessions 4ud&e$
PHC$ New Delhi

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