OCS NG Windows Agent Setup

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Starting OCS Inventory NG Agent setup on 30/06/2014 at 12:46:48

Checking if setup not already running...OK.
Checking Operating System...OK, Windows 2000 or higher.
Command line is: "C:\Users\admin\Desktop\OCS-NG-Windows-Agent-Setup.exe"
Parsing command line arguments...OK.
Checking for silent mode...Disabled.
Checking for splash screen...Enabled.
Checking if logged in user has Administrator privileges...OK.
Creating directory <C:\ProgramData\OCS Inventory NG\Agent>...
SetACL allowing Users / Power users read/write permissions on <C:\ProgramData\OC
S Inventory NG\Agent>...Result: error
SetACL propagating inherited permissions on <C:\ProgramData\OCS Inventory NG\Age
nt\Download>...Result: error
Trying to determine if service was previously installed...No.
Trying to stop service and kill processes...
Trying to kill process OcsSystray.exe...Result: 603
Trying to kill process OcsService.exe...Result: 603
Trying to kill process OCSInventory.exe...Result: 603
Trying to kill process download.exe...Result: 603
Trying to kill process inst32.exe...Result: 603
Waiting 10 seconds for processes to terminate...
Copying new files to directory <C:\Program Files (x86)\OCS Inventory Agent>...
Windows XP or higher detected, installing default cURL library and MS CRT/MFC 9.
Copying new files status is ;-)
Writing agent configuration file by launching ocsinventory.exe /SAVE_CONF...Resu
lt: 0
Windows Advanced Firewall is not available (Vista or higher). Skip adding custom
[/NOW] used, so launching "C:\Program Files (x86)\OCS Inventory Agent\ocsinvento
ry.exe"...Result: 0
[/NO_SYSTRAY] used, so removing Systray applet startup menu shortcut <C:\Program
Data\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\OCS Inventory NG Systray.lnk>
Checking if service OCS Inventory Service is registered into Windows Service Man
Registering OCS Inventory Service into Windows Service Manager...Result: 0.
Starting OCS Inventory Service...Ok.
SUCCESS: OCS Inventory NG Agent successfuly installed on 30/06/2014 at 1

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