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Post Box No. 503, Sector!!

No"#$ % &0'303
E(ter)r"se Reso*rce P+$(("(,
Ass",(-e(t A
M$r.s '0
A(s/er $++ 0*est"o(s.
1. What is ERP? Explain the general Implementation methodology of ERP.
I-)+e-e(t$t"o( -et1o#o+o,2
ERP implementation methodology involves the various processes and procedures,
which constitute the condition or means for formulating the actual implementation of
ERP proects. !here are several ways for handling the proect.
!he ERP implementation methodology includes extensive services from the vendor. It
is important for the companies to analy"e each ERP implementation method, since
the ris# of failure in ERP implementation is existent and can $e a highly expensive
D"33ere(t $))ro$c1es to ERP "-)+e-e(t$t"o(
%f the different ERP implementation methodology the maor one, the most potent
one&s is the so'called oint ventures with respective companies of the same industry.
!his method allows the company to $egin ERP implementation process on its own or
share all the responsi$ility with the partners. !his implies that it would $e a shared
platform where the files are shared with the oint venture company, as they will $e a
part of ERP implementation.
!his method of ERP implementation has grown widely popular. (owever, the method
suffers a significant set $ac# ) unwillingness among companies to share information,
for they have to share the company secrets to practically their own competitors.
*espite of such anomalies oint ventures are still considered as the one of the $est
ERP implementation methodology.
!here exists another via$le approach for ERP implementation methodology, which
concentrates on the technical dimensions of the ERP proect instead of the actual
$usiness. !his does not imply that company will never achieve commercial via$ility.
!he merit of this method is that it avoids immediate restructuring of the company.
!he approach is completely hands off to the $usiness structure, after considering all
options regarding the techni+ue.
, common method for ERP implementation is $y concentrating on $usiness structure.
It essentially involves restructuring of the foundation of a $usiness. It transforms the
overall structure of the $usiness through deli$erate and strategic maneuvering. !he
modification in structure, the operation of trade and the factors that specify the calls
for change and adapta$ility is received $y the $ody again.
,part from the a$ove methodologies, ERP implementation is also accomplished $y
$asing all the implementation on the present needs and resources of the company.
!he company can first go for a total ERP system and then have the ERP
implementation on the organi"ation. !his would help in connecting the whole process
with the people concerned.
(owever, the underlying fact is that irrespective of the ERP implementation
methodology, it is important to choose appropriate software for generative ERP
system implementation. !he company must $e a$le to utili"e the software to its full
potential, to have a successful ERP proect.

-. *escri$e various evaluation criteria at the time of selection of ERP pac#ages.
*iscuss the role of vendors, consultants and users for selection of ERP.
.. /riefly enumerate some of the #ey ERP modules #eeping in view the
0anufacturing perspective.
1. What is 2nowledge 0anagement? What pitfalls should $e avoided while aligning
2nowledge 0anagement with the /usiness 3trategy?
4. Enumerate various 2nowledge 0anagement tools and techni+ues.
E(ter)r"se Reso*rce P+$(("(,
Ass",(-e(t B
M$r.s '0
A(s/er $++ 0*est"o(s.
1. What is 3upply 5hain 0anagement? What are its6 #ey drivers?
-. What is 5ustomer Relationship 0anagement? What are the various types of 5R0
software75R0 tools availa$le in the mar#et?
.. What is Enterprise ,pplication Integration? What is the purpose of implementing
E,I? What are the E,I Implementation pitfalls?
C$se St*#2
, typical 8.3. Wal'0art has 11-,999 items, so multiplying those savings
ma#es sense that Wal'0art6s efforts on enforcing new 350 technology on their
suppliers ma#es a $ig impact on the $ottom line. Wal'0art has definitely started
a ripple effect within its6 own supply chain.
Ever since -99-, when Radio :re+uency Identification ;R:I*< technology
proponents $egan insisting that it would dramatically change the way companies
trac# goods in the supply chain, it has remained a niche technology $ecause of
the cost of R:I* tags. !he most generic R:I* tags cost around 19 cents a piece,
whereas latest generations of chips are getting $etter with standardi"ation and
improved functionality. 5onsumer goods companies always tal# a$out 4 cent tags
as a price that would open R:I* up to $roader uses remove the difficulties
pioneers li#e Wal'0art have had pulling in a critical mass of partners.
=ust >99, or a$out . percent, of its6 suppliers have started using R:I* since
the retailer announced its6 famous supply'chain ?mandate@ to use R:I*s in -99..
Wal'0art distri$ution centers that stoc# goods from suppliers that place R:I*
tags help them to reduce out'of'stoc# situations and, more recently, to drive
%n the store front, Wal'0art has expanded its6 R:I* use from 199 to 1999
stores. Readers ;that read and locate R:I* chips< are typically located at loading
doc# entrances, at entrances leading from $ac# rooms to sales floors, and at
trash compactors where $oxes are destroyed. *ata is collected when product
moves, including at the cash register, allowing Wal'0art to generate print'outs for
employees to prioriti"e restoc#ing duties. 3uppliers can lin# into Wal'0art6s e'
350 system over the We$ to chec# exactly where their products are. In addition,
Wal'0art is also starting to give employees hand'held R:I* readers that $eep
$ased on proximity to specified products, ma#ing them easier to find.
%ne Wal'0art supplier, consumer goods company 2im$erly'5lar#, is focusing
on sales promotion through a pilot program that uses R:I* to monitor
promotions of its6 Paper !owels. 8sing software from %,!3 3ystems, 2im$erly'
5lar# could see on a colour'coded dash$oard how many stores received the
product in the stoc#'room and how many put it on the store floor.
1. What is the main aim of 3upply 5hain 0anagement? What are the #ey issues
faced in 350?
-. In what ways, the introduction of R:I* tags $enefited Wal'0art in its6 3upply
5hain 0anagement?
E(ter)r"se Reso*rce P+$(("(,
Ass",(-e(t C
M$r.s '0
A(s/er $++ 0*est"o(s.
T"c. M$r.s 678 t1e -ost $))ro)r"$te $(s/er
1. Planning of ERP Implementation Process should $e doneA
a. 5autiously
$. Baively
c. 3hould $e done after the start of ERP Implementation
d. Bone of the a$ove.
-. (ow can management of the enterprise ma#es a decision a$out the necessity
of implementing an enterprise resource planning systemA
a. /y outsourcing this analysis to experts in ERP.
$. /y conducting a comparative study of ERP Implementations in
enterprises that fall in the same domain.
c. /y determining a set of evaluation measurements.
d. ,ll of the a$ove.
.. Enterprise'wide resource planning systems ;ERP systems< attempt toA
a. Integrate all corporate information in one central data$ase
$. !hey do not allow information to $e retrieved from many different
organi"ational positions
c. !hey allow any organi"ational o$ect to $e made invisi$le.
d. !hey allow information to $e stored in multiple data$ases.
1. In 0anufacturing organi"ations, ERP implementation necessarily automates
the following functionsA
a. Inventory 5ontrol
$. 0aterial Re+uirement Planning
c. /oth a and $
d. Bone of the a$ove
4. :or the success of an ERP Implementation, factor;s< important is7areA
a. 3trategic support from the top management.
$. Readiness of employees to em$race the change.
c. ,dherence to time schedules.
d. ,ll of the a$ove.
>. 5ustomi"ation of an ERP pac#age is enhanced if the ERP Pac#age isA
a. 0odular
$. Inflexi$le
c. /oth a and $
d. Either a or $
C. !he proect driven enterprise deals with the design and manufacturing of
uni+ue products and services;proects<forA
a. 0ultiple clients
$. 0ultiple clients of same vertical
c. Individual clients
d. *epends upon client to client.
D. 2ey success factor that decide a$out product competitivenessA
a. Efficient #nowledge
$. /usiness experience management
c. 2nowledge of /est Practices in the domain
d. ,ll of the a$ove.
E. Inventory of a company refers toA
a. Raw materials
$. Wor# In Process
c. :inished Foods
d. ,ll of the a$ove
19. 350 *rivers areA
a. :acilities and Inventory
$. !ransportation and Information
c. /oth a and $
d. Bone of these.
11. Which of the following statements is falseA
a. :orecasts are never right.
$. !he longer the forecast hori"on, the $etter is the forecast.
c. !he longer the forecast hori"on, the worse is the forecast.
d. ,ggregate forecasts are more accurate.
1-. %ne of the $enefits of 3upply 5hain 0anagement isA
a. Improved forecasting precision.
$. Increased Inventory throughout the chain.
c. Increased /ull'whip effect.
d. 8nrelia$le financial information.
1.. :actor;s< that contri$ute;s< to /ull Whip EffectA
a. *emand forecasting practices.
$. Gonger lead times.
c. /atch %rdering
d. ,ll of the a$ove.
11. Which of the following statements is true a$out ERP ImplementationA
a. ?,s'Is@ stage follows ?!o'/e@ stage.
$. ?!o'/e@ stage follows ?,s'Is@ stage.
c. ?Fo'Give@ stage and ?,s'Is@ stage can proceed simultaneously.
d. Bone of the a$ove.
14. Which of the following factor does not contri$ute to the success of ERP?
a. :ocus on $usiness processes and re+uirements first.
$. :ocus on achieving a healthy ERP R%I ;Return on Investment<,
including post'implementation performance measurement.
c. 3trong proect management and resource commitment.
d. Gac# of $udget.
1>. Who plays and important role in the selection of ERP Pac#age?
a. 5onsultants
$. Hendors
c. 8sers
d. ,ll of the a$ove.
1C. 2nowledge 0anagement cannot $e exercised throughA
a. *ata Entry %peration
$. Expression 0anagement
c. *ata$ase 0anagement
d. (ypertext 0anagement
1D. Which of the following is not part of 5ustomer Relationship 0anagement?
a. 3ales :orce ,utomation
$. 5ontact 0anagement
c. Gead 0anagement
d. Bone of these
1E. Which of the following statement;s< is;are< true with respect to Enterprise
,pplication Integration ;E,I<?
a. E,I is an integration framewor# composed of a collection of
technologies and services.
$. E,I is the process of lin#ing applications within a single organi"ation
together in order to simplify and automate $usiness processes.
c. E,I system could front'end a cluster of applications, providing a single
consistent access interface to these applications and shielding users
from having to learn to interact with different software pac#ages.
d. ,ll of the a$ove.
-9. Which of the following ways is not appropriate to $ring in sta$ili"ation and
acceptance in the ?Fo'Give@ stage?
a. !raining of end'users
$. !raining of only process owners
c. *ata fixes to resolve data migration issues
d. (elp des# for trou$leshooting.
-1. ERP Hendor should $e evaluated onA
a. /usiness functions or modules supported $y their software.
$. :eatures and integration capa$ilities of the software.
c. /oth a and $
d. Beither a nor $.
--. /efore trying to implement a maor ERP system, organi"ations can assess
their a$ility to $e successful throughA
a. 5apa$ility 0aturity 0odel, 500
$. People6s 5apa$ility 0aturity 0odel, P500
c. I3% 5ertification
d. ,ny one of these.
-.. Which one of the following is #ey ERP Hendor;s<A
a. 3,P
$. %racle
c. 0icrosoft *ynamics
d. ,ll of the a$ove.
-1. Which one of the following is the #ey 350 Hendor;s<A
a. 0anugistics
$. 3ei$el
c. %nly a
d. /oth a and $
-4. Which one of the following is the #ey 5R0 Hendor;s<A
a. 5larify
$. 3ei$el
c. %nly a
d. /oth a and $
->. Which of the following statement is falseA
a. ERP systems are set to proliferate locally.
$. ERP systems implementation is a complex organi"ational activity.
c. ERP systems implementation re+uires strong proect management
d. ERP systems provide improved and added functionality for an
-C. Which of the following is7are limitation;s< of system integrationA
a. Geveling the 5ompetitive Environment.
$. (igh initial set'up costs.
c. Power and interdepartmental conflicts.
d. /oth $ and c.
-D. Which of the following stage is not part of /usiness Process ReengineeringA
a. ?,s'Is@ analysis
$. ?!o'/e@ mapping
c. Post'Implementation support
d. 0easuring new processes $ased on meeting goals and vision.
-E. Which of the following is not a core 350 processA
a. Procurement
$. 3ales :orce ,utomation
c. %rder fulfillment
d. :orecasting
.9. 5olla$orative *esign and Product *evelopment is part ofA
a. 350
$. ERP
c. 5R0
d. Bone of these.
.1. Which of the following statement is false a$out E,IA
a. E,I facilitates the flow of information.
$. 3traps together transactions among disparate and complex
applications and $usiness processes.
c. (elps in communication among applications only within an
organi"ation and not among organi"ations.
d. E,I facilitates the move towards mar#et glo$ali"ation.
.-. Which one of the following is not a $enefit of E,IA
a. Increased efficiency.
$. (igher 5osts.
c. Improved 5ustomer service.
d. Enhanced access.
... Which of the following statement is false a$out 350A
a. 350 plays a maor role only in the success of e'$usiness and not e'
$. , good 350 is designed in colla$oration with the organi"ations6
c. ERP vendors have started including 350 as a component or module of
the software.
d. 350 provides a lin# for services, materials, and information across the
value chain of the organi"ation.
.1. Which one of the following is not a component of 5R0 systemA
a. 0ar#et Research tools
$. ,dvanced Planning and %ptimi"ation ;,P%< software
c. 3ales :orce ,utomation software
d. 5ustomer service and support tools
.4. Which of the following statement is true a$out 5R0 ImplementationA
a. 5R0 Implementation must never focus on a technology solution.
$. 5R0 solutions must $e part of corporate strategy from the $eginning.
c. 5R0s can $e an afterthought as they are not critical in an
d. /oth a and $.
.>. Which one of the following processes does not fall in the purview of 5R0A
a. 5R0 delivery process
$. 5R0 support process
c. 5R0 analytical process
d. 5R0 recruitment process
.C. Which of the following architecture;s< is7are found in ERP implementationsA
a. B'tier architecture
$. We$'$ased architecture
c. 3ervice %riented ,rchitecture
d. ,ll of these
.D. ,ssessing readiness in an ERP implementation is critical to the overall
implementation process. Which one of the following ways does not contri$ute
towards ensuring ERP readinessA
a. Proect management6s focus on the issues, tas#s, and activities to
$eing ready.
$. 2nowledge !ransfer Process in place.
c. *iscontinue training and complete focus on issues.
d. 3upport functions are in place for post'production support for
operationali"ing the ERP.
.E. Which one of the following roles does not fall in the purview of the owners,
ie, senior management of the company, with respect to ERP ImplementationA
a. 0aintain financial integrity of the proect.
$. Provide strategic policy and procedure direction.
c. Esta$lish proect planning guidelines and methodology.
d. Pu$licly demonstrate support and commitment to the proect.
19. Which of the following statement;s< is7are false with respect to ERP
Implementation methodologiesA
a. !he emphasis on the ERP software life cycle is whether to customi"e
the software or to change the organi"ation6s processes to match those
em$edded in the software.
$. !he implementation strategy can $e a comprehensive one, vanilla, or
middle'of'the road strategy.
c. ERP life cycle must incorporate traditional 3*G5 stages.
d. Rapid Implementation methodologies have $een developed $y ERP
consulting firms.

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