2013 Officer of The Year

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5 Lake Avenue, Saratoga Springs, NY !"##
Sean Briscoe, President sbriscoe@saratogapolice.org
Robert Jillson, Vice-President rjillson@saratogapolice.org
Thomas Mitchell, Treasurer tmitchell@saratogapolice.org
August 26, 20!
The Saratoga Springs "olice #ieutenants are please$ to name %&&icer #lo'$ (a)is as
the 20* %&&icer o& the +ear. %&&icer (a)is maintains a high stan$ar$ o& per&ormance in his
$ail' $uties an$ has sho,n strong communit' lea$ership $uring the 'ear.
%&&icer (a)is ,as hire$ in Januar' 200!, ha)ing pre)iousl' ,or-e$ &or the State o&
.e, +or- caring &or trouble$ 'ouths. /e is currentl' assigne$ to the Saratoga Springs /igh
School as the School Resource %&&icer. 0hen school is not in session he ser)es as a patrol
o&&icer on the $a' shi&t. %&&icer (a)is is also a certi&ie$ 1iel$ Training %&&icer, ta-ing on the
responsibilit' o& training ne, o&&icers.
2n 20* %&&icer (a)is $istinguishe$ himsel& in his role as School Resource %&&icer.
%&&icer (a)is ,or-s closel' ,ith "rincipal Brett Miller an$ his a$ministrati)e sta&& to a$$ress
an' communit' concerns that ma' arise at the high school, tac-ling issues that )ar' &rom
sa&et' concerns to minor crimes or e)en social issues that ma' be a&&ecting the school
communit'. %&&icer (a)is also )olunteers his time at the Saratoga 3enter &or the 1amil',
continuing his a$)ocac' &or the chil$ren o& our communit'.
2 ha)e ha$ the pleasure o& obser)ing %&&icer (a)is in his $uties at the /igh School, an$
2 am continuall' impresse$ b' his $e$ication to his $uties ,hile maintaining a pro&essional
$emeanor an$ caring attitu$e. 0hile %&&icer (a)is4 e&&orts ma' not register in the tra$itional
measurement stan$ar$s o& 5arrests ma$e6 or 5cases sol)e$,6 his contributions to the
(epartment an$ the communit' as a ,hole are substantial.
The %&&icer o& the +ear A,ar$ is gi)en annuall' b' the Saratoga Springs "olice
#ieutenants to an o&&icer ,ho $ispla's e7cellence in policing an$ $e$ication to $ut' $uring the
course o& the 'ear.
#ieutenant Sean Briscoe

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