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Ambar Eldaron

presents its

Quenya-English Dictionary

English-Quenya Dictionary

v. 1.0

April 2009


adj. adjective
adv. adverb
conj. conjunction
excl. exclusive
fem. feminine
masc. masculine
incl. Inclusive
pers. personal
pl. plural
pp. past participle
pref. prefix
prep. preposition
pron. pronoun, pronominal
rel. relative
() Represents earlier (th as in "thing") and it should be spelt
with the letter sl instead of silm in Tengwar writing
sg singular
vb. verb
(...-) stem


This update of our Quenya Dictionary is for the first time in English, in the
context of the new English part of our website.

This dictionary is intended to be a practical tool for the study of (neo-)
In fact, we list only the latest known version of a word, without the
forms abandoned or revised by Tolkien or the older forms.

The latest released features of PE17 are enclosed.

Only the definition of each word is proposed.

For a deeper study of the Etymology of the words please refer to the
reference in the matter, Helge Fauskangers Quettaparma.

The main feature we propose is the complete listing of all the English-
Quenya definitions, that is, when a Quenya word has many definitions in
English, we report all of them in the English-Quenya section. So, under
any of them, youll find your word.

We hope this dictionary will be useful.

a vocative particle O
a conj. and, a variant of ar
a , imperative particle
acas, ax noun neck, the bony
part of the neck, rock ridges
acca adv. too
accar- vb. do back, react, avenge
acna adj. bent, curved
aha noun rage, also name of
tengwa #11
ahosta noun large number
ahtar- vb. do back, react, avenge
ahya- vb. change (intransitive)
ai! interjection Ah! Alas!
aia interjection hail, variant of
aian noun holy thing or object or
aica adj. fell, terrible
aical noun peak
aicass noun mountain peak
ailin noun pool, lake
aimenal, aimenel noun lark
aina- vb. hallow, bless, treat as
aina adj holy
ainas noun hallow, fane
Aini noun feminine form of Ainu
ainima adj. blessed, holy (of
Aino noun god
Ainu noun holy one, angelic
spirit; fem. Aini
aipio noun plum tree, cherry tree
aiqua adj. steep
aiquen pron. if anybody,
aira adj. red, ruddy
aira adj. holy
air adj. holy
air noun sea
aira adj. holy
airita- vb. hallow
airon noun ocean
aista adj. holy
aista- vb. bless
aiw noun bird (small)
Aiwenor, Aiwenor place-name
Birdland = lower air
aiya interjection hail
al- vb. thrive
ala- negative pref. not, un-
ala- vb. plant, grow
alaco noun rush, rushing flight,
wild wind
alahasta adj. unmarred
alai adv. no, not
alla- vb. grow continually
alalbinre noun land of many
alalm noun elm, elm-tree
alalm noun inflorescence
alalva adj. having many elms
alalvinore noun land of many
Alamanya noun Elves who
started on the march from
Cuivinen but did not reach
alaquenta adj. well (happily) said
alarca adj. swift, rapid
alas (alast-) noun marble
alasaila adj. unwise
alass noun joy, merriment

alat- pref. large, great
alb noun elm
alca noun ray of light
alcar noun glory, brilliance,
alcarinqua adj. radiant, glorious
Alcorin adj. Ilcorin
alda noun tree
Aldalemnar noun week of the
Trees, Midyear week
aldarembina adj. tree-tangled
aldarwa adj having trees
Alda noun fourth day of the
Eldarin six-day week, dedicated
to Telperion, the White Tree
aldon noun avenue of trees
aldinga noun treetop
aleness, alaness noun
nicotiana, pipeweed
alima adj. fair, good
alla! interjection hail! welcome!
alma noun good fortune, wealth
alma noun flower
almar noun blessedness, good
almra adj. blessed
alm noun good thing, blessing,
piece of good fortune
almi noun blessedness, good
Alqualond place-name capital
of the Teleri
Alquarm noun Swan-wing
alta adj. large, great
alta noun radiance
Altariel fem. name Galadriel,
maiden crowned with a radiant
alu noun dressed leather
alv noun elm
alya adj. rich, abundant
alya- vb. cause to prosper, bless
(a work), help one
alya adj. fair, good
am- pref. up
amal noun mother
aman adj. blessed, free from evil
amanya adj. blessed
amatix noun dot or point placed
above the line of writing
amba adv. up
amba adj. and noun more
ambal noun shaped stone, flag
ambal noun yellow bird
ambalots noun uprising-flower
amban noun upward slope, hill-
ambapenda adj. uphill
ambar noun Earth, world
ambar noun doom
ambass noun breast-plate,
amb adv. more
amb adv. more
ambela adv. further still beyond,
far away beyond
ambena adv. nearer to, (to a
further point in the motion)
towards an object
ambo noun hill
ambos (ambost-) noun breast,
ambuna adj. of flat ground
dotted with hills etc.
amil noun mother
amily noun mummy
ammal noun yellow bird
amm noun mother
amna adv. nearer to, (to a further
point in the motion) towards an
amorta- vb. heave
ampa noun hook, also name of
tengwa #14
ampano noun building
(especially of wood), wooden hall

ampenda adj. uphill
ampend noun upward slope
amya- pref. good
amya noun my mother used in
an conj. and prep. for
an- intensive or superlative pref.
very, most
ana- pref.: to, towards
ana prep. to
ananta conj. and yet, but yet
Anar noun Sun
anarr noun sunrise
anca noun jaws, row of teeth
Ancal noun radiant one = Sun
ancalima adj. brightest
anda adj. long
andamacil noun long sword
andamunda noun elephant
andanya adv. long ago, once
upon a time
ando noun gate, also name of
tengwa #5
ando adv. long
andon (andond-) noun great gate
Andr noun full form of Andor,
land of gift, name of Nmenor
andna adj. western
andn noun sunset, west,
Andril noun Flame of the West,
anel noun daughter
aness noun given name
anga noun iron
angaina adj. of iron
angaitya noun torment
angayanda adj. miserable
angayass noun misery
ango (angu-, pl. angwi) noun
angulc noun dragon
anna noun gift
anon noun son
anqual noun agony, death
anta- vb. give
anta noun face
ant noun giver (fem.)
anto noun mouth, also name of
tengwa #13
anto noun giver (masc.)
antoryam noun strengthening,
anwa adj. real, actual, true
ap- vb. touch (one) in the
figurative sense; concern, affect
apa prep. after
apa prep. on (contact of vertical
apa conj. but
apaceny noun foresight
apair noun victory
Apannar noun After-born, an
Elvish name of Mortal Men as the
Second-born of Ilvatar
aparuiv noun wild fire fire as
appa- vb. touch (in the literal
apsa noun cooked food, meat
apsene- vb. forgive
aqua adv. fully, completely
aquapahti noun privacy
ar- pref. outside, beside
ar- prep. by
ar conj. and
ar noun day
Ar Fanturion noun Day of the
Fanturi (Mandos and Lorien)
Ar Manwen noun Day of Manwe
Ar Ulmon noun Day of Ulmo
Ar Veruen noun Day of the
Spouses (Aule and Yavanna)
ra noun dawn
Ara-, ar- pref. noble
aran noun king

Arandre noun Kings-land =
aranel (aranell-) noun princess
arani noun kingdom
aranus(s) noun kingship
aranya adj. free.
arata adj. high, lofty, noble
Aratar noun the Supreme, the
chief Valar
arato noun noble
arto noun champion, eminent
arauca adj. swift, rushing
arauco noun terrible creature;
arca adj. narrow
arca- vb. pray
arcand noun petition
arda noun realm
Ardarany noun Kingdom of
ar conj. and
r noun day
ari noun daytime
arin noun morning
arinya adj. morning in the
adjectival sense
arma adj. ray of sunlight
armar noun goods (pl.)
armaro noun neighbour
arquen noun noble
arta adv. etcetera
arta adj. exalted, lofty
arta noun fort, fortress
arta prep. across
artarindo noun bystander
artaur noun realm
artuil noun morning (early)
Arveruen noun third day of the
Valinorian week of 5 days,
dedicated to Aule and Yavanna
arwa adj. possessing
arya- vb. excel
arya noun twelve hours, day
arya adj. exelling, used as the
comparative form of mra
aryon noun heir
as prp. with
asa- () pref. denoting easiness in
doing (as- before p, t, c, q, s )
asalast () adj. easily heard
asambar, asambaro noun
asar () noun festival
ascat- vb. break asunder
ascen () adj. visible, easily
ascnima () adj. visible, easily
asa () adj. helpful, kindly
asa () adj. healing plant called
in Sindarin athelas
asi () noun ease, comfort
assa noun hole, opening, mouth
asta noun month
asta- vb. heat, bake (by exposure
to sun)
astar noun faith, loyalty (not
astarindo noun bystander
astarmo noun bystander, mainly
used in the sense witness
asto noun dust
asya- () vb. ease, assist, comfort
at- pref. two
ata adv. again, also
ata-, at- pref. back, again, re-
ataformait adj. ambidextrous
ataformo noun ambidexter
atalant noun downfall
atalanta adj. downfallen
atalta- vb. collapse, fall in
atamait adj. two-handed

Atan noun Second Folk, an
Elvish name of Mortal Men
ataquanta- vb. refall
ataqu noun construction,
atar noun father
ataryo noun daddy
atsa noun catch, hook
atta cardinal two
attaformait adj. ambidextrous
attaformo noun ambidexter
attalait adj. biped
atta ordinal second
atto noun father, daddy
atwa adj. double
atya adj. second
atya noun daddy,
au- verbal pref. off, away
au- privative pref. without
aul noun invention
Aulonna noun Child of Aul, a
name of the Dwarves
aur noun sunlight, day
Aurel (Aureld-, pl. Aureldi)
noun Elf who departed from
Beleriand to Aman
ausa () noun spectral or vague
auta- vb. go away, leave
auta- vb. invent
Auzel pl. Auzeldi noun Vanyarin
form (and original form) of
av- vb. depart
ava- pref. indicating something
ava- pref. without
ava- vb refuse or prohibit
va, av negative imperative
particle Don't!
avahaira adj. remote, far
Avamanyar noun Elves that
refused to go to Aman (= Avari)
avanir noun unwill
avant adj. numberless
avanwa adj. refused, forbidden,
avanyrima adj. not to be told or
avaquet- vb. refuse, forbid
avaqutima adj. not to be said
avar noun recusant, Elf that
refused to go to Aman
avatyar- vb. forgive
axa noun narrow path, ravine
axan noun law, rule,
axo noun bone
ya noun awe
yan noun holy thing or object or

ca, cata, cana prep? behind, at
back of place
caima noun bed
caimasan noun bedchamber
caimass noun lying in bed,
caimassa adj. bedridden, sick
caita- vb. lie (= lie down, not tell
something untrue)

cal- vb. shine
cala noun light
calambar adj.? light-fated
Calaquendi pl. noun Elves of the
Light, Light-elves
calar noun lamp
calarus (calarust-) noun polished
calass noun clarity, brilliance
Calavn noun Sun
Calavent noun Sun
calca noun glass
cl noun light
calima adj. bright
calina adj. et nom light, bright
callo noun noble man, hero
calma noun lamp, light
calmatan noun lampwright
calmatma noun k-series, velar
series: the third column of the
Tengwar system
calpa noun water-vessel
calpa- vb. draw water, scoop out,
bale out
calta- vb. shine
calwa adj. beautiful
calya- vb. illuminate
cam- vb. receive
cma noun guilt, responsibility
camba noun hollow hand
camb noun hollow of hand
camta- vb. fit, accommodate
can- pref. four
can- vb. command, order
cana prep? behind, at back of
canaqu cardinal fourteen
canasta adv. if it be so, may be,
canasta fraction one fourth (1/4)
cn noun valour
cno noun commander
cansat fraction one fourth (1/4)
canta noun shape
canta cardinal four
canta adj. shaped
canta ordinal fourth
canwa noun announcement, order
canya adj. bold
cap- vb. jump, leap
car- vb. make, build
car (card-) noun building, house
cr (cas-) noun head
carass noun built fort or
dwelling surrounded by bulwarks
carasta- vb. build
carasta- vb. build
carax noun jagged hedge of
carca noun tooth
carcan noun row of teeth
carcaras, carcass noun row of
spikes or teeth
carda noun deed
carda noun deed
carma noun tool, weapon
carma noun helm
Carm noun art
carn adj. red, scarlet
Carnil noun star (or planet),
identified with Mars
carpa noun mouth
carpa- vb. speak
carpass noun mouth-system, full
organized language
carra noun tressure (net for
confining the hair).
cas noun head
Casar noun Dwarf
cassa noun helmet
casta fraction one fourth (1/4)
casta noun cause, reason
castol noun helmet
cata prep? behind, at back of
cauca adj. crooked

cauco noun humpback
cauma noun protection or shelter
caur noun fear
caura adj. timid
caw- vb. bow
c, ce particle may be
celma noun channel
celum noun stream, flow
celusindi noun river
celuss noun brooklet
celva noun animal, living thing
that moves
cemen noun earth
cemna adj. earth, earthen
cemnaro noun potter
cen- vb. see, behold
cn (cem-) noun soil, earth
cenai conj. if it be that
cenasit adv. if it be so, may be,
cenda- vb. Watch, observe
cenda- noun reading
cenima adj. visible
centa noun communication,
centano noun potter
Cermi noun July
certa noun rune
ces- () vb. enquire of, question
cesta- vb. seek, search for
ceul noun renewal
ceura adj. renewed
ceuran- noun new moon
ceuranar noun new sun after
ceur adj. renewed
ceuta- vb. renew, refresh
cva adj. fresh, new
cilin noun glass
cilintr, cilintilla noun looking-
glass, mirror
cilinyul noun drinking-vessel
(made of glass)
cilm noun choosing
cilya noun chasm
cim- vb. heed
cinta adj. small
cir- vb. sail
cra- vb. sail
circa noun sickle
cirinc, noun species of little
ciriss noun slash, gash
cirt noun rune
cirya noun ship
ciryamo noun mariner
ciryando noun sailor
cta- vb. suppose
coa noun house
coimas noun life-bread
coina adj. alive
coir noun stirring
coira adj. living
coit noun living being
coiva adj. awake
col- vb. bear, carry
colca noun box
colindo noun bearer
colla passive participle borne,
clo noun burden
comb noun gathering, collection
comya- vb. gather, assemble
condo noun prince, leader
coranar noun sun-round, solar
corco noun crow
corda noun temple
cordon noun idol
corin noun circular enclosure
corma noun ring
corm noun circular enclosure
cormen noun circular enclosure,
corna adj. round, globed

corn noun loaf
coromindo noun cupola, dome
coron noun mound
coron noun globe, ball
costa- vb. quarrel
cotto noun enemy,
cotumo noun enemy
cotya adj. hostile
c noun arch, crescent
cua noun dove
cucua noun dove
cuil noun life
cuina adj. alive
cuiva adj. awake
cuiv noun awakening
cuiva adj. wakening
cuivi noun awakening
culina adj. golden-red
culuina adj. orange (colour not
culuma noun orange (fruit not
culumalda noun tree, orange-tree
Culrien noun another name of
cma noun Void (the)
cumb noun mound
cumna adj. empty
cna adj. bent, curved
cundo noun guardian
cn noun crescent, bow
cunta- vb. rule
cunya- vb. rule
curu noun skill
curuni noun witch (of the good
curuvar, pl. curuvari noun
curw noun craft

-dil, -ndil, ending friend
-duin ending river (of large
-dur ending servant of

adverbial particle indeed
a vb. is
E noun universe
ala noun being, spirit
Embar noun dispositions and
will of Eru, with regard to
Creation as a whole
ar noun sea
eron noun ocean
ec- vb. verb denoting an
opportunity, with the one having
the opportunity in dative
ecca noun hole, lair
eccaira adj. remote, far
ecces- () vb. find out, bring out
by examining, or eyeing
ecco noun spine
eccoita- vb. awake
eces noun other, another

ecet noun short broad-bladed
ecya adj. sharp
effri noun death
eht (ehti-) noun spear
ehtyar noun spearman
ela! interjection behold!
elda noun Elf, (high-)elf
Elda-lamb noun language of the
Eldali noun Elven-folk
Eldamar place-name Elvenhome
Eldameldor noun Elf-lovers
Eldandil noun Elf-friend
Eldanyr noun History of the
Eldarin adj. Eldarin, Elvish
Eldarissa, Eldaquet noun other
names of Qenya
Elemmr noun star/planet
(possibly Mercury)
elen noun star
elena adj. of the stars
Elenarda place-name Star-
kingdom, upper sky
Elenna place-name Starwards, a
name of Nmenor
Elentri noun Star-queen, title of
elenya adj. stellar
Elerna adj. used as noun star-
crowned, a name of Taniquetil
Elerrna adj. used as noun
Crowned with Stars, a name of
Elessar masc. name Elf-stone
Ellair noun June
-ello ablative ending
elm pron. we, emphatic pronoun
elmenda noun wonder
Elpino noun Christ
elva adj. starlike, like stars
ely pron. even thou, emphatic
2nd person sg. pronoun
emel noun mother
emenya noun mummy
emerwen noun shepherdess
emil noun mother
emma noun picture
emm noun mummy,
emm pron. we, emphatic
empanya- vb. plant
emya noun mummy
en interjection there, look! yon
en adv. still
en- pref. re-, again-
-enca suffix without, -less
enc cardinal six
enda noun heart, center
Endamar place-name Middle-
end noun center, middle
enda adj. middle
enderi noun middle-days in the
calendar of Imladris
Endien noun autumn (alternative
term for )
Endor place-name Middle-earth,
center of the world
endya > enya adj. middle
enel prep. between
enelmo noun intermediary,
enenqu cardinal sixteen
enetya adj. central, middle
enga prep. save, except
engwa adj. sickly
engw noun thing
enquanta- vb. refill
enqu cardinal six
enquesta fraction one sixth (1/6)
enquete- vb. repeat, say again

enqui noun Eldarin six-day
enta demonstrative that yonder
ent conj. moreover, furthermore
ento adv. next
entuless noun return
entya, enetya adj. central, middle
Enu masc. name the
AlmightyCreator who dwells
without the world
envinyata- vb. heal, renew
Envinyatar noun the Renewer
enwa adv. tomorrow
enwina adj. old
enya < endya adj. middle
enyal- vb. recall, commemorate
enyr adv. in that day (to the
ep prep. before
epess noun after-name,
epeta adv. thereupon, thence
epetai adv. consequently
epta adv. thereupon, thence
equ vb. say/says or said (a
tenseless pseudo-verb)
eques (equess-) noun saying,
dictum, quotation
er cardinal one, alone
er- vb. remain
erca noun prickle, spine
erca- vb. prick
ercass noun holly
Ercoir noun February
(alternative name of )
erda adj. solitary, deserted
erd noun seed, germ
erd noun person as a whole
er, eren noun iron, steel
era adj.? one, single
eress noun solitude
eressa adj. lonely, solitary
erinqua adj. single, alone
Erintion noun second half of the
month of avestalis (January)
erma noun physical matter
Erquell noun September
(alternative name of )
Errv noun November
(alternative name of )
Ertuil noun April (alternative
name of)
Eru noun name the One = God
erum noun desert
erma adj. outer, outermost
Eruva noun name the One = God
erya adj. single, sole
ess independent emphatic
pronoun he, she
ess noun name, also later name
of Tengwa #31
ess noun beginning
esta- vb. name
esta adj. first
estat- vb. distribute in even
estel noun trust, hope
esto emphatic pronoun 3rd person
et prep. (and adv.?) out
(+ablative) out of
etelehta- vb. deliver, save
etell prep. (and adv.?) out
(+ablative) out of
etely prep. (and adv.?) out
(+ablative) out of
eteminya adj. prominent
etemm prep. (and adv.?) out
(+ablative) out of
etengw prep. (and adv.?) out
(+ablative) out of
et-henta- vb. read aloud
etsat- vb. distribute in even
ets noun outside
etsir noun mouth of a river

etta adv. therefore
ett noun (and/or adv.?) outside
ettel noun outer lands
ettela adj. foreign
ettul- vb. come forth
Etyangol (Etyan-gold-) noun
Exiled Noldor
evandilyon noun gospel
exa adj.? other
ex noun other, another

faica adj. contemptible, mean
faila adj. fair-minded, just,
faina- vb. emit light
fair noun phantom, disembodied
fair noun natural death (as act)
fair noun radiance
fairi noun freedom
Falanyel (Falanyeld-) noun
name of the Teleri, apparently
falas (falass-), falass noun
shore, beach
falasta- vb. foam
fall noun foam
falma noun wave (crested /
falmar (falmarind-) noun sea-
spirit, nymph
falqua noun mountain pass,
falquan noun large sword
fna noun cloud
fna, fn adj. white
fanga noun beard
fang noun long beard
fanta- vb. veil, cloak, mantle
fantarcenya adj. perspicacious
Fantur masc. name lord of cloud,
surname of Mandos
fanwa noun veil, screen
fanya noun cloud (white)
Fanyamar place-name upper air
fanyar noun sky (upper airs and
fra noun beach, shore
fr noun sufficiency, plenitude
fra adj.? enough
faren adv. enough
farm noun sufficiency, plenitude
farn noun foliage
farn noun dwelling
farya- vb. suffice
fas (?fats-), fats noun tassel
fs noun gap, gulf
fass noun tangled hair, shaggy
fasta- vb. tangle
fatanyu noun hell
fats noun tassel
fauca adj. thirsty
fauta- vb. snow
fa noun spirit
falc noun spark-dragon
Fanro masc. name Spirit of
felco noun cave, mine,
underground dwelling
felm noun impulse, emotion
felu noun bad magic
felya noun cave
fen (feng-) noun reed
fenda noun threshold

fenna noun door
feren (fern-) noun beech, beech-
frima adj. ready to hand,
(quickly) available
ferina adj. ready to hand,
(quickly) available
ferinya adj. beechen
ferna noun mast, beechnuts
fern (pl. ferni) noun beech-tree
ferya- vb. make ready (promptly)
feuya- vb. feel disgust at, abhor
fifru- vb. slowly fade away
filit (filic-) noun small bird
fimb (fimbi-) adj. slender
finca adj. clever (in petty ways)
finda adj. having hair, -haired
finda adj. fine and delicately
find noun hair (especially of the
findel adj. having beautiful hair
findel noun tress, lock
findess noun head of hair, a
person's hair as a whole
findil noun head of hair
findil noun head of hair
fn noun dexterity
fin (fini-) noun hair or larch
fna adj. dexterous
finta- vb. make, finish off, or
decorate a thing with delicate
fintale noun trick
finwa adj. dexterous
finya adj. clever (-fingered)
finya- vb. do a thing (with fine
fion noun bowl, goblet
fir noun mortal man
firi noun dying, death
frima adj. mortal
Frimo noun mortal
firin adj. dead (by natural cause)
firinga noun carcanet, necklace
Firya noun Mortal
f interjection nay, no, intejection
of displeasure / dissent
foa noun breath, puff of breath
foalc noun/name serpent that
guarded a treasure
foina adj. hidden
fl noun secrecy, a secret
flima adj. secretive
forma noun right hand
formait adj. righthanded,
Formen noun north
formenya adj. northern
forna adj. northern
fort (forti-) adj. northern
forya adj. right, dexter
fuin noun deep shadow
fm noun sleep
fmella noun poppy
fmellot noun poppy
fur- vb. conceal, lie
furin adj. hidden, concealed
furu noun lie

haca- vb. squat
hcala participle yawning
hacca noun buttocks, hams
hahta noun pile, mound
haim noun habit
haira adj. remote, far

haiya adj. far
hala noun cast shadow
hala noun fish (small)
halatir (halatirn-) noun
halatirno noun kingsfisher,
halcin adj. frozen
halda adj. veiled, hidden,
shadowed, shady
halla adj. tall
haloisi noun the sea (in storm)
haloit adj. leaping
halta- vb. leap
halya- vb. veil, conceal, screen
from light
ham- vb. sit
ham- vb. judge
hamma noun chair
hampa adj. restrained, delayed,
han prep. beyond
handa adj. understanding,
handass noun intelligence
hand noun knowledge,
understanding, intelligence
handel noun intellect
hanno noun brother, also used in
children's play for middle finger
hno noun brother
hanquenta vb.? or noun? answer
hanta- vb. thank, give thanks
hantal noun thanksgiving
hanu noun male
hanwa noun male
hanya- vb. understand
har- vb. sit, stay
har, har adj.? adv.? near
haran (harn-) noun king,
harany noun last year of a
century in the Nmenrean
harda noun realm, region
harma noun treasure
harna adj. wounded
harna- vb. wound
harna noun helmet
harpa noun helmet
harw noun wound
harya- vb. possess
haryon noun prince, heir
hasta- vb. mar
hat- vb. fling
hatal noun spear
hats noun headlong movement
haura adj. huge
hauta- vb. cease, take a rest, stop
hya adj. far off, far away
h pronoun him (the other)
heca! vb. in imperative be gone!
stand aside!
hecil (masc. hecilo, fem. hecil)
noun one lost or forsaken by
friends, waif, outcast, outlaw
hehta- vb. put aside, leave out,
exclude, abandon, forsake
helca adj. icy, ice-cold
helc noun ice
helda adj. naked, stripped bare
helin noun violet or pansy
Helinyetill noun Eyes of
Heartsease, a name of the pansy
hell noun sky
helma noun skin, fell
helwa adj. blue (pale)
helyanw noun rainbow, lit. sky-
hen (hend-) noun eye
hendumaica noun? adj.? sharp-
henfanwa noun eye-screen, veil
upon eyes
henta- vb. eye, to examine (with
the eyes), scan; to read (silently)
henta- vb. eye, to examine

hententa- vb. spot with eye
hequa prep. excluding, except
hr noun lord
hra adj. chief, principal
hr noun lordship
heren noun order
heren noun fortune,
etymologically governance
herenya adj. fortunate, wealthy,
blessed, rich
heri noun lady
hrinc noun little lady
heru, hr noun lord, master
hessa adj. dead, withered
hesta vb. wither
hesto noun captain
h adv. here
hilcin vb. it freezes
Hildo oun Follower, an Elvish
name of Mortal Men as the
Second-born of Ilvatar
hilya- vb. follow
himba adj. adhering, sticking
himya- vb. stick to, adhere,
cleave to, abide by
hna noun child
hir- vb. find
hir (hird-) noun entrails, bowels
hs () (hsi-) noun mist
hsi () noun mist
Hsim () noun November
hist noun dusk
hiswa () adj. grey
hisw () noun fog
hiuta- vb. wink, hint
hlaiwa adj. sick, sickly, ill
hlapu- vb. blow; fly or stream in
the wind
hlar- vb. hear
hlas (hlar-) noun ear
hln noun cobweb
hlv noun sickness
hloima noun poison
hloir noun venom, poison
hloira adj. venomous
hloita- vb. poison, envenom, fill
with poison
hln noun sound, noise
hlna noun noise
hlna noun river
hlonit adj. phonetic
hlussa- vb. whisper
hluss noun whispering sound
h- verbal pref. away, from
ho prep. from
h noun spirit, shadow
ha adj. large, big
hoa (ha) adj. big, large
hciri- vb. cut off
holta- vb. shut, close
holw noun stink
holya- vb. shut, close
hpa noun haven, harbour, small
landlocked bay
hopass noun harbourage
hr noun impulse
hra adj. impulsive
horma noun horde, host
horm noun urgency
horro interjection of horror, pain,
horta- vb. send flying, speed,
hortal noun speeding, urging
horya- noun have an impulse, be
compelled to do something
hos noun folk
hoss noun army, band, troop
hosta noun large number
hosta- vb. gather, collect,
hostar noun tribe
hr, see r pref. on behalf of,
followed by dative
hrai- pref. denoting difficulty
hraia adj. awkward, difficult

hraicen adj. scarcely visible,
hard to see
hraicnima adj. scarcely visible,
hard to see
hranga- vb. thwart
hranga adj. awkward, hard, stiff,
awkward, difficult
hranga- (weak verb) vb. thwart
hravan noun wild beast; pl.
Hravani the Wild, used as a name
of non-Edain Men
hrv noun flesh
hresta noun shore, beach
hriss noun fall of snow
Hristo noun Christ
hrv noun winter
hrza vb. it is snowing
hroa noun body
hrmen noun east
hrn noun flesh/substance of
Arda, matter
hrna adj. eastern
Hrnatani noun Eastern Men
hrta noun dwelling
underground, artificial cave
hrva adj. dark, dark brown, used
to refer to hair
hru, ru-, hr- pref. implying
wickedness or evil
hrcar noun evil-doing
hruo noun troll
h noun hound
huan (hn-) noun hound
huin noun deep shadow
huiva adj. murky
hm numeral thousand
hm noun sleep
hna adj. cursed, accursed
huo noun dog
hur- vb. conceal, lie
hurin adj. hidden, concealed
huru noun lie
hta- vb. curse
hwan (hwand-) noun sponge,
hwarin adj. crooked
hwarma noun crossbar
hwerm noun gesture-code
hwesta noun breeze, breath, puff
of air, also name of tengwa #12
hwesta- vb. puff
hwind noun eddy, whirlpool
hwind noun birch
hwinya- vb. swirl, eddy, gyrate
hya conj. or noun other thing
hyalin noun paper
hyalma noun shell, conch, horn
of Ulmo
hyam- vb. pray
hyan- vb. injure
hyana adj. other
hyanda noun blade, share
hyand vb. cleave
hyapat noun shoe
hyar noun plough
hyar- vb. cleave
hyarma noun left hand
hyarmait adj. lefthanded
Hyarmen noun south
hyarmenya adj. southern
hyarna adj. southern
hyarya adj. left
hyats noun cleft, gash
hye noun other person
hyell noun glass
hyelma noun glass
hyla noun trump

-i ending nominative plural
i indeclinable definite article the
i relative pronoun that
i conj. that
-i ending infinitive (or gerundial)
-iel patronymic (or matronymic)
-ien fem. ending in certain names
like Yvien, Silmarien
ier prep. as
il- (pref.) no, un-
ilaura adj. daily
ilca- vb. gleam (white)
ilc noun appearance
Ilcorin noun not of Kor,
describing Elves not of the
Blessed Realm
ilfirin adj. immortal
ilin adj. blue pale
illi noun all
illon pl. relative pron. in ablative
illum adv. always
Ilma noun starlight
Ilmar noun starlight, also fem.
name, referring to a Maia
Ilmarin noun mansion of the high
airs, the dwelling of Manw and
Varda upon Oioloss
ilmen place-name region above
air where stars are
ilqua (ilqa) noun everything
ilquen noun everybody
ilsa noun silver (the mystic name
-ilto, ending dual ablative
Ilu noun world (the)
ilucara adj. omnificent
iluisa (?) adj. omniscient
Ilumr noun World-jewel,
another word for Silmaril
iluquinga noun rainbow
iluvala adj. omnipotent
Ilvatar masc. name All-father,
ilv noun allness, the all
ilvana adj. perfect
ilvanya adj. perfect
ilw noun sky, heavens
Ilweran noun rainbow
Ilweranta noun rainbow
ilya adj. and noun all
-ima adjectival suffix
imb prep between
imb noun dell, deep vale
imi prep. in, within
imca prep. among
iml reflexive pronoun 2nd
person formal sg. yourself,
imma impersonal reflexive
pronoun itself
imm reflexive pronoun 1st
person pl. excl. ourselves
-imm 1st person dual exclusive
pronominal ending
immo general singular reflexive
pronoun same one, self
imn reflexive pronoun 1st
person sg. myself
imn emphatic independent 1st
person sg. pronoun I, I myself
imni reflexive pronoun 1st person
sg. myself
imya adj. same, identical,
-in dative pl. ending

-ina ending for 'passive'
inca noun idea
incnus(s) noun mind
ind reflexive pronoun 2nd
person pl. yourselves
indemma noun mind-picture
indil noun lily, or other large
single flower
indis noun wife, bride
indo noun heart, mood, state
indm noun settled character
indyalm noun clamour
indyo noun grandchild,
-inen pl. instrumental ending
inga noun top, highest point
inga adj. first
ingaran noun high-king
Ingol noun Science/ Philosophy
as a whole
inglemo noun one with very
great knowledge
ingolmo noun loremaster
ingor noun summit of a mountain
inkno noun mind master
inknu noun mind master
-inqua adjectival ending
insa impersonal reflexive
pronoun 3rd person sg. itself
ins reflexive pronoun 3rd person
sg. personal himself and herself
int reflexive pronoun 3rd person
pl. themselves
intya- vb. guess, suppose
intyal noun imagination
inty reflexive pronoun 2nd
person intimate sg. yourself,
inw reflexive pronoun 1st person
pl. incl. ourselves
inwis noun change of mind, mood
inwisti noun mind-mood
inya adj. female
iny emphatic independent 1st
person sg. pronoun I
ion relative pron. Genitive pl.
from whom, of whom, pl.
-ion patronymic ending son (of),
ipsin noun fine thread
r noun desire
r conj. when
rima adj. lovely, beautiful,
irin noun town
is noun light snow
isca adj. pale
Isil () noun Moon
isilm () noun moonlight
Isilya () noun third day of the
Eldarin six-day week, dedicated
to the Moon
isima (?) noun imagination
isqua adj. wise
-iss feminine ending
ista noun knowledge
ista- vb. Know
Istar noun Wizard, used of
Gandalf, Saruman, Radagast etc.
istima adj. having knowledge
Istimor pl. noun Wise Ones =
Gnomes (Noldor) Sg. Istimo.
istya noun knowledge
istyar noun scholar, learned man
iswa adj. wise
ta noun flash
ita- vb. sparkle
ita pron that which
ita, ta adv. very, extremely
itila adj. (or participle?)
twinkling, glinting
-iva (-iv) plural possessive

kelva noun animal
kemen noun earth
Kementri noun Earth-queen,
title of Yavanna
kyerm noun prayer

-l or -ly pronominal endings for
2nd person sg. polite/formal you,
la negation no, not
l adv. no, not
l prep. beyond, also used in
phrases of comparison
l um > laum negation no
indeed not, on the contrary
lacar noun not-doing, inaction
(in general)
lahta- vb. pass over, cross,
surpass, excel
laia adv. no, not
laica adj. green
laicalass adj. green as leaves, lit.
laicolass noun green-foliage
laima noun plant
laim noun shade
laiqua adj. green
laiquass noun greenness
laiqu noun herb, vegetable
laiqu noun herb
Laiquendi noun Green-elves
laira adj. shady
lair noun summer
lair noun poem
lairus (lairust-) noun verdigris
laita- vb. bless, praise
laiv noun ointment
lala- vb. laugh
lala- vb. deny
lala negation no indeed not, on
the contrary
lalm noun elm-tree
lma noun ringing sound, echo
laman (lamn- or laman-) noun
animal (usually applied to four-
footed beasts, and never to
reptiles and birds)
lmr noun flock
lmatyv noun sound-taste
lamba noun tongue (physical
tongue, while lamb = language)
lamb noun tongue, language
lambel noun language
lambetengw noun consonant
lambina adj. of tongue, spoken
with tongue
lmina adj. echoing
lamma noun sound
lamya- vb. sound
lanat noun weft
lanca noun sharp edge, sudden
lanco (lancu-, pl. lanqui) noun
throat, swallow
landa noun boundary
landa adj. wide
ln adv. no, not
lan (lani-) noun hem

langa- vb. cross
lango noun passage, especially
across or over an obstacle, also
lango noun broad sword, also
prow of a ship
lanna prep. athwart
lann noun tissue, cloth
lanta noun fall
lanta- vb. fall
lantalasselinga adj. with a
musical sound of falling leaves
lantalca noun boundary post or
lant noun fall
lanu noun lead
lanwa adj. within bounds,
limited, finite, (well-) defined
lan wa noun loom
lanw (lanwi-) noun ebb-tide
lanya- vb. bound, enclose
lanya- vb. weave
lany adv. no, not
lapatt noun hare
lappa noun hem of robe
lapsa- vb. lick
laps noun babe
lar noun fat, richeness
lr noun league, a linear measure,
5000 rangar
lr noun ear
lra adj. flat
larca adj. swift, rapid
lra adj. fat, rich
larma noun raiment
lass noun leaf
lassecanta adj. leaf-shaped
lasselanta noun leaf-fall =
lasta adj. listening, hearing
lasta- vb. listen
Lastalaica noun sharp-ears
lta adj. open
lti noun openness
latin, latina adj. open, free,
cleared (of land)
latta noun hole, pit
latta noun strap
latucenda adj. of tin
latya noun opening
latya- vb. open
lau negation no indeed not, on the
lauca adj. warm
laum < l um negation no
indeed not, on the contrary
laup noun shirt, tunic
laur noun gold, but of golden
light and colour, not of the metal
laura adj. golden, like gold
Laurefindil masc. name
Glorfindel (Quenya form of )
Laurelin ame of the Golden
Tree of Valinor
Laurelindrinan noun Valley of
Singing Gold, an earlier name of
Laurenand (Lrien)
lauri adverb goldenly
lauri noun goldenness
lav- vb. lick
lav- vb. yield, allow, grant
lvar noun blossom (golden)
lavaralda noun some kind of tree
-lda 2nd person pl. possessive
suffix your
-ld pronominal suffix, 2nd
person pl. you
-l ending forming nouns that
seem properly to have been
universal and abstract
le pronominal element you
l noun way = method, manner
l prep. with
lehta- vb. loose, slacken
lehta adj. free, released
lelta- vb. send

lelya- vb. go, proceed (in any
direction), travel
lelya adj. delicate, beautiful and
fine, slender
lelya- vb. appear, of beautiful
things, attract (with dative)
lemba adj. left behind
Lembi noun Elves remaining
behind = Telerin Ilkorins
lemnar noun week (of five days)
lemp cardinal five
lemya- vb. remain, tarry
lenca adj. slow
lenca- vb. loose, slacken
lenda noun journey
lenda- vb. linger
lenga- (weak verb) vb. behave
leng noun gesture, characteristic
look, gesture or trait etc.
lenna- vb. go
lenu- vb. stretch
lenwa adj. long and thin, straight,
lenw noun leaving, departure
lenweta- vb. go away, migrate
lo noun shade, shadow cast by
any object
lepecan noun fourth finger
lepenel noun middle finger
lepenqu cardinal fifteen
lepent noun fourth finger
lepenya cardinal five
leper noun finger
lepesta fraction one fifth (1/5)
lepetas noun first or index finger
lepetta noun lebethron, a hard-
wood tree growing in Gondor
lepinca noun little finger
lepinc noun little finger
lepsat fraction one fifth (1/5)
leps noun finger
lepta- vb. pick (up, out) with the
leptafinya adj. clever (-fingered)
leptenta- vb. point to/indicate
lra noun, adj. free, of persons
lerina adj. free of things: not
guarded, reserved, made fast, or
lerta- vb. can in the sense be free
to do, being under no restraint
(physical or other).
lerya- vb. release, set free, let go
lesta- vb. leave
lesta noun measure
leuca noun snake
lev- verb move (intransitive)
-li partitive pl. ending
li-, lin- multiplicative pref.
lia noun fine thread, spider
lia- vb. twine
liantass noun vine
liant noun spider
lco noun wax
lcuma noun taper, candle
li noun people
lil adverbial particle more
lillassa adj. having many leaves
-lillo or -lillon ending for
partitive pl. ablative
lilma adj. very dark, full of
lilta adj. having many flowers
lilta- vb. dance
limba noun drop
limb adj. many
limb adj. quick, swift
lim (limi-) noun link
limpa adj. frail, slender and
limp noun drink of the Valar
-lin ending for partitive pl. dative
lin- pref. many
lin, lind- noun musical sound,

linda adj. fair, beautiful (of
lindal noun music
Lindar noun Singers (sg. Linda),
what the Teleri called themselves
lind noun air, tune, singing, song
lindel noun music
lindela adj. melodious
Lindi pl. noun what the Green-
elves (Laiquendi, Nandor) called
lindimaitar noun composer,
lindo noun singer, singing bird
lindorna adj. having many oak-
-lnen ending for partitive pl.
linga- vb. hang, dangle
ling noun musical sound
lingw (lingwi-) noun fish
lingwilc noun fish-dragon, sea-
-linna or -linnar ending for
partitive pl. allative
linqu adj. wet
linqu noun grass, reed
linqu noun hyacinth (plant, not
linta adj. swift
linti adverb quickly
linti noun swiftness, speed
lintitinw adj. having many stars
lintyulussa adj. having many
linya noun pool
linyenwa adj. old, having many
-lion ending for partitive pl.
lipil noun little glass
lipsa noun soap
lipta- vb. drip
liqu adj. wet
liquis noun transparence
lir- vb. chant
lr (lri-) noun song
lirilla noun lay, song
lirit noun poem
lirulin noun lark
ls (ls) noun honey
lisc noun reed, sedge
liss adj. sweet
-liss or -lissen ending for
partitive pl. locative
lits noun sand
-lva ending for partitive pl.
liym noun host
-llo ablative ending from or out of
-lma pronominal ending
1stperson pl. exclusive our
-lm 1st person pl. pronominal
ending exclusive we
l noun night
l, lo prep. from, by
loa noun literally growth, used of
a solar year (= coranar)
lar noun blossom (golden)
lc noun dragon, snake
locin adj. bent
lond noun year-middle, the
middle (183rd) day of the year,
inserted between the months of
Nri and Cermi (June and July)
in the Nmenrean calendar and
the Steward's Reckoning
lohta- vb. sprout, put forth leaves
or flowers
loht noun flower, inflorescence,
mass of flower
loi- pref. denoting mistaken doing
loica adj. failing, short,
inadequate, etc.
loicar noun mistaken action
loico noun corpse, dead body

loicolcuma noun corpse-candle
loima noun mistake
loipar noun mistake in writing
loiquet noun mistake in speech
loita- vb. miss, fail, fall short of
lom- vb. hide
lomba adj. or noun secret
lm noun dusk, twilight, also
lma adj. gloomy
lmar noun child of gloom
lmin noun shade, shadow
lna noun pool, mere
lond noun land-locked haven
londi noun harbourage
lor- vb. slumber
-lra ending -less, without
lorda adj. drowsy, slumbrous
lr noun slumber
lorna adj. asleep
ls () noun flower,
inflorescence, mass of flower
loss adj. snow-white
loss noun snow
loss noun blossom
lossa adj. snow-white
losseli noun white people
losta- vb. bloom
lt noun flower, mostly applied
to larger single flowers
lots noun small single flower
lott noun flower, usually smaller
lox noun bunch, cluster
-lta (and -ltya) 3rd person pl.
pronominal possessive suffix their
-lt 3rd person pl. pronominal
suffix they
-lto ending for dual ablative
l noun time, occasion
lucando noun debtor, one who
lucass noun debt, trespass
lc noun enchantment
luci noun debt, trespass
lucindo noun debtor, one who
luhta- vb. enchant
luhta- vb. bow
luim noun flood
luin adj. blue
luininc (luininci-) adj. bluish
luita- vb. flood, inundate
ll noun sapphire
lumba adj. weary
lumba adj. gloomy
Lumbar name star (or planet),
tentatively identified with Saturn
lumb noun gloom, shadow
lumbo noun cloud
lumbul noun shadow (heavy)
lm noun time
lumenyr noun history,
chronological account
lmequenta noun history,
chronological account
lmequental noun history
lmequentala adj. historical
lumna- stative vb. be heavy
lumna adj. lying heavy,
burdensome, oppressive, ominous
Lnaturco. Also Taras Lna
noun Quenya form of Sindarin
lunca noun wain
lunga adj. heavy
lungumait adj. heavyhanded
Lnoronti noun Blue Mountains
lunt noun boat
lr noun dark weather
lra adj. dark, overcast
lsina adj. glowing (things),
hearty (people)
lussa- vb. whisper
luss noun whispering sound
lusta adj. void, empty

lto noun flood
lutta- vb. flow, float
lutu- vb. flow, float
lva noun bow
luvu- vb. lower, brood
luxo (luxu-) noun mud
-lya 2nd person sg. formal/polite
pronominal suffix thy, your
lye pron. 2nd person sg.
formal/polite thou/thee, you
-ly pronominal ending thou, you
ma? interrogative word like
m noun hand
m? interrogative word when?
ma, neuter personal pronoun
something, a thing
mac- vb. hew with a sword
maca- vb. forge metal
macar noun swordsman
macar noun tradesman
macil noun sword
mahalma noun throne
mahta- vb. wield a weapon, fight
mahtar noun warrior
mai- pref. well
mai adv. well
Maia noun Beautiful (the)
maica adj. sharp, piercing
maica noun blade of a cutting
tool or weapon, especially sword-
mail noun lust
maila adj. lustful
maira adj. admirable, splendid,
sublime (only of great, or
splendid things)
maira noun admirable, excellent,
maita adj. hungry
maitar noun artist, usually a poet
except in compounds
mait? interrogative word of
what sort?
mait (maiti-) adj. handed or
handy, skilful
maivoin noun great longing
maiw noun gull
mal conj. but
mala- vb. hurt, pain
malcan noun torture
maldorn noun mallorn
ml noun good health
mlim (mlimi-) noun wrist
malina adj. yellow
mall noun street, road
mlo noun friend
malo (malu-) noun pollen, yellow
malta noun gold, also name of
tengwa #18
malum? interrogative word at
what time?
malwa adj. fallow, pale
mma noun sheep
mmandil noun sheep-friend
mamil noun mother, mummy
man pron. who
mana interrogative word
mna adj. blessed
manait adj. blessed
manaquenta adj. blessed
manar noun doom, final end,
fate, fortune
manca- vb. trade
mancal noun commerce

mand noun doom, final end,
fate, fortune
mando noun custody, prison
Mandos (Mandost-) noun Castle
of Custody
mn noun spirit that has gone to
the Valar or to Erumni
man adj. good (moral sense)
manen interrogative how?
manna adj. blessed
manom? interrogative word in
what place?
manqu, manquenta adj. blessed
manta- vb. bless
manu noun departed spirit
manwa- vb. prepare
manwa adj. ready
manya- vb. bless
mapa- vb. grasp, seize
mapta- vb. ravish, rape,
maptal noun ravishment, rape,
maqua noun hand-full; complete
hand with all five fingers
maquet- vb. Ask
mar? interrogative word where?
Where to?
mar- vb. abide, be settled or fixed
mr (mar-) noun home, house,
mar (mard-) noun earth, home,
mara? interrogative word where?
Where to?
mra adj. useful, fit, good (of
maranw noun destiny
marda noun dwelling, a place
dwelt in
mard noun hall
mardo noun dweller
Mardorunando noun Redeemer
of the world
mri adv. well
mrienna interjection farewell
lit. towards/to what is good
maril noun glass, crystal
marilla noun pearl
marta- vb. define, decree, destine
marta- vb. chance or happen
marta adj. fey, fated
marta noun fate
martan (martam-) noun
marto noun fortune, fate
marto noun tower
martya- vb. destine
marya adj. pale, fallow, fawn
mas? interrogative word where?
massa noun bread
mass noun bread (as a material)
mass? interrogative word
masta- vb. bake
masta noun bread
masto noun village
mat- vb. eat
mat (matt-) noun meal, meal
mtengwi noun language of the
matil noun food
mtima adj. edible
matso noun food
maur noun dream, vision
maur noun need
mausta noun compulsion
mauya- vb. compel
mavar noun shepherd
mavoit adj. having hands
maxa adj. pliant, soft
max noun dough
Mya pl. Myar noun Beautiful
me 1st person pl. exclusive
pronoun we, us

mar noun gore
mectar noun Swordsman
mel- vb. love (as friend)
mla adj. loving, affectionate
mlamar noun home (emotional
melda adj. beloved, dear, sweet
meld noun friend, feminine
meldo noun friend, lover
melehta adj. mighty
meleht noun might, power
meletya adj. mighty
melima adj. loveable, fair
melin adj. dear
melindo noun lover (m.)
meliss noun lover (fem.)
melm noun love
melu noun honey
melumatya adj. honey-eating
men pron. dative (for) us
men noun way or place, spot
men- vb. go
mna noun region
mend noun will
Menel noun heavens
menta- vb. send, cause to go
menta noun sending or message
ment noun point, end
menti noun passage, journey,
direction of travel
menya 1st person pl. exclusive
independent possessive pronoun
moi noun cat
mer- vb. wish, desire, want
meren (merend-), merend noun
feast, festival
merya adj. festive
meryal noun holiday
met dual 1st person pronoun,
including the dual ending -t us
Metelair noun August
(alternative name of )
Meterrv noun January
(alternative name of )
mtima adj. last
metta noun end
metya- vb. put an end to
mi prep. in, within
mici prep. among
mi noun crumb, bit, small piece
mil prep. in, within
milca adj. greedy
millo noun oil
milm noun desire, greed
milya adj. soft, gentle, weak
milya- vb. long for
mily noun mummy
min numeral one
mna adj. desiring to start, eager
to go
mna- vb. desire to go in some
mina prep. into
minass noun fort, city, with a
citadel and central watch-tower
minasurie () noun enquiry
minda adj. prominent,
mind noun turret
mindo noun isolated tower
mindon noun tower (great, lofty)
min numeral one
minna prep. into
Minnnar pl. noun First-born,
Elves (as contrasted to Apannar,
the After-born, Men).
minqu cardinal eleven
minquesta fraction one eleventh
minta prep. inwards, [?into]
mint adj. small
minya adj. first
miqu- vb. kiss

miquelis (miquelis(s)-) noun
sweet kiss
mr noun jewel
miril (mirill-) noun shining jewel
mirilya- vb. glitter
mrima adj. very valuable, very
precious, very lovely
Mirimor noun Free (the), a name
of the Teleri
mirroanwi pl. noun incarnates
miruvor noun mead, a special
wine or cordial
mirwa adj. precious, valuable
mis adverbial particle less
ms () noun grey
mista adj. grey
mista- vb. stray about
mist noun fine rain
mitra adj. small
mitsa adj. small
mitta- vb. insert
mitta- prep. between
mitta noun piece
mitta prep. inwards
mittanya- vb. lead (+ allative:
lead into)
mitya adj. interior
miul noun whining, mewing
mixa adj. wet
-mma 1st person dual exlusive
possessive ending our
-mm 1st person dual exclusive
pronominal ending we
-mo ending frequent in names
and titles, sometimes with an
agental significance
moalin (moalind-) noun
moc- vb. hate
moia- vb. labour, be afflicted
moica adj. gentle, soft
moil noun tarn
moina adj. familiar, dear
ml noun slave, thrall
mla adj. of slave(s), slavish
mlanoldorin noun language of
the Noldor enslaved by Morgoth
mna noun womb
mor noun darkness
morco noun bear
mordo noun shadow, obscurity,
mor adj. black, dark, darkness
mr noun blackness, dark, night,
morilind noun nightingale
morion noun son of the dark
morna adj. dark, black or gloomy
morni noun darkness
mro noun ink
moru- vb. hide
mta- noun labour, toil
motto noun blot
muil noun secrecy
muina adj. hidden, secret
mul noun meal
mulma noun flour (fine)
mundo noun bull
mundo noun snout, nose, cape
munta pron. nothing
murm noun slumber
murma adj. slumbrous
muru- vb. slumber
muss adj. soft

-n dative ending

-n pronominal ending, 1st person
sg. I
-n plural sign used in some of the
case endings
n vb. is (am)
-na ending used to form passive
participles as well as some
n conj. but, on the contrary, on
the other hand
nac- vb. hew, cut
nha adj. narrow
naham- vb. summon
nahm noun summons
nahta- vb. slay
nahta noun bite
nahta cardinal eighteen
nai imperative verb be it that
nai- pref. ill, grievously,
naica noun dagger
naica adj. bitterly painful or
naic noun sharp pain
naicel noun sharp pain
naicela adj. painful
naina- vb. lament
nainaina- vb. lament
naiquet- vb. curse or blaspheme
aira noun Heart of Flame, a
name of the Sun
naira adj. dreadful, horrible,
naira noun wast, wide, empty
nair noun lament
nait adj. true
naitya- vb. put to shame
nal, nall noun dale, dell
nalda adj. or noun valley used as
an adjective
nallma, nallama noun echo
nalta noun radiance, glittering
reflection (from jewels, glass or
polished metals, or water)
nam- vb. judge
nma noun judgement or a desire
namri interjection farewell
namba noun hammer
namba- vb. hammer
ambarauto noun hammerer of
nmi noun judgement, desire
namma noun claw, talon
namna noun statute
nmo noun person, somebody
nan conj. but
nan- pref. backwards
nan (nand-) noun woodland
ana noun Green-elf, Danian
nancar- vb. undo, destroy
nanda noun water-mead
nanda- vb. harp
nandaro noun harper
nand noun valley
nand noun harp
nandel noun harping
nandell noun little harp
nandin noun fay of the country
ando noun name of a Green-elf
nando noun valley, wide valley
nangwa noun jaw
nanwa adj. existing, actual, true
nanw noun ebb, lowtide
nanwen- vb. return (go/come
napan- vb. add
npat noun thumb and index as a
pair, a dual formation.
npo noun thumb
nappa noun claw, talon
nr noun flame
naraca adj. harsh, rending,

narca- vb. rend
narda noun knot
nr, noun flame
ri noun June.
narmo noun wolf
arqueli noun October
arquelion noun fire-fading,
narta- vb. kindle
arviny noun January
narwa adj. fiery red
nsi interjection amen, may it be
nass noun person, an individual
nass noun thorn, spike
nasta noun spear-head, spear-
point, gore, triangle
nasta- vb. prick, sting
nat noun thing
nto interjection it is that
(emphatic word for yes?)
nats noun web, net
nattira- vb. despise
nauca adj. stunted
auco noun Dwarf
naul noun wolf-howl
nauro noun werewolf
naus () noun imagination
nauta adj. bound, obliged
nav- vb. judge
nva noun mouth
nva-tengw noun mouth-sign =
nv noun being
nva noun or adj. consonant
-nd ending forming nouns from
verbal stems
-ndil ending friend
-ndor ending land
-ndur ending servant of
ne noun scent
na once, at one time (in the past)
nec- pref. without, -less
nca adj pale, vague, faint, dim to
necc noun angle
necel noun thorn
nehta noun spearhead
nehta- vb. slay
nehta- vb. deprive
nehtar noun slayer
neht noun any formation or
projection tapering to a point: a
spearhead, gore, wedge, narrow
neht noun honeycomb
nel, nel- adv. or pref. thrice, tri-
nelc noun tooth
neld cardinal three
nelda ordinal third
neldesta fraction one third (1/3)
eldi noun Trinity
eldion noun Day of the three
(younger gods), Oss, Orome and
neldor noun beech
nelequ (kw) cardinal thirteen
nelesta fraction one third (1/3)
nelet noun tooth
nell noun brook
nelqua, cardinal thirteen
nelsat fraction one third (1/3)
nelta fraction one third (1/3)
neltil (neltild-) noun triangle
nelya adj. third
-nen instrumental ending
nn (nen-) noun water
nna adj. wet
nar noun name of a star (or
planet) tentatively identified with
nenda adj. watery, wet
nend noun lake
nengw (nengwi-) noun nose
nengwa adj. nasal
nim noun February

nnu noun yellow water-lily
nnuvar noun pool of lilles
nenya adj. wet
nr (ner-) noun man
nerca noun sharp, angular
nerc noun little man, a
diminutive of nr
nerdo noun large, strong man
neresta fraction one ninth (1/9)
ermi noun field-spirit
nernehta noun man-spearhead, a
nersat fraction one ninth (1/9)
nert cardinal nine
nsa () noun sister
ns () noun youth
nessa adj. young
nessamelda adj. Nessa-beloved,
name of a tree
ness noun youth
nessima adj. youthful
nesta fraction one ninth (1/9)
neterqu cardinal nineteen
netil noun trinket
nett (netti-) noun girl, daughter,
sister, also used as a play-name of
the fourth finger or fourth toe
netya- vb. trim, adorn
netya adj. pretty, dainty
neuma noun snare
neuna adj. second
neuro noun follower, successor
nev- vb. try
-ngwa 1st person dual inclusive
possessive pronominal ending our
-ngw 1st person dual inclusive
pronominal ending we
ni 1st person sg. pron. I
n prep. beneath, not touching
nca adj. small (in good sens)
nc noun little finger
nicu- vb. be chill, cold (of
ni noun tear
ielln noun Sirius (a star)
nieninqu noun snowdrop
nieninqua adj. snowdrop-like
nier noun honey-bee
ierninwa noun Sirius (a star)
nierwes noun hive
-nil, final element in compounds
nilda adj. friendly, loving
nild noun friend (fem.)
nildo noun friend (masc.)
nill noun star-imagine on Nur-
nilm noun friendship
nilmo noun friend (masc.)
nimpa adj. drooping, ailing
nimp (nimpi-) adj. small, frail
nin pron. dative of ni to me, for
ninc (ninci-) adj. small
nind adj. slender
ninqu adj. white, chill, palid
ninquiss noun whitenes
ninquita- vb. shine white
ninquit- vb. whiten
ninwa adj. blue
ninya possessive pron my
nion noun bee
npa adj. small, frail
niqu vb. it is cold, it freezes
niquetil noun snowcap
nquetil (nquetild-) noun snow
niquis noun frost-patterns
nir- vb. press, thrust, force
nra noun will
nr noun tear
nirm noun act of will, exercise
of will
nirwa noun bolster, cushion
ns (niss-) noun woman
nsima adj. fragrant

simaldar noun Fragrant trees, a
region in Nmenor
sinen noun Fragrance-water, a
lake in Nmenor
niss noun woman
nisto noun woman (large)
nt (nti-) adj. moist, dewy
nitya adj. small
nix noun frost
-nna allative ending to, at, upon
no prep. under
n (nw-) noun conception, idea
n conj. but
n prep. before (of time), at back
(of spatial relationships).
noa noun conception, idea
noa adj. former
coir noun March (alternative
name of )
noi noun lament
noir noun tomb
oirinan noun Valley of the
Tombs in Nmenor
nla adj. wise, learned
nla noun round head, knoll
lair noun July (alternative
name of )
noldar noun mole
noldo noun one of the people of
the Noldor
oldolant noun Fall of the
Noldor (name of a song)
oldomar noun Gnomeland
oldomr lit. noun Noldo-jewel,
another word for Silmaril
oldo-quentasta (oldo-) noun
oldran noun King of the
oldorinwa adj. Noldorin, of the
nl noun long study, lore,
olm noun knowledge,
Philosophy (including Science)
nolmo noun wise person
nolpa noun mole
nolw noun wisdom, secret lore
nm noun place
nonda noun hand
quell noun October
(alternative name of)
nor- vb. run, leap
nor- vb. run
nr noun land
nordo noun oak
nr noun land (associated with a
particular people)
nori noun race, running
nri noun country
nrima adj. strong/swift at
norm noun race, running
norna adj. stiff, tough
norno noun oak
orno noun dwarf
nornoro- vb. run on, run
norolinda adj. lightly tripping
noroll noun cart
orrv noun December
(alternative name of )
norsa () noun giant
norta- vb. make run, specially
used of riding horses or other
norta adj. horrible
nortil (nortill-) noun cape (of
norto noun horror
noss noun clan, family, 'house',
kindred, family
nosta noun birth, birthday
nosta- vb. beget
nostal noun species, kind

nostar or nostaro (pl. nostari)
noun parent,
not- vb. reckon
nt noun number
notess noun numeral
nti noun counting
ntima adj. countable
notto noun enemy
tuil noun May (alternative
name of )
-nt ending for dual dative
-nta ending for dual allative
-nta possessive 3rd person pl.
pronominal ending
-nt pronomimal ending they
-nten ending for dual
-ntya possessive 3rd person pl.
pronominal ending
nu prep. under
nucumna adj. or passive
participle humble
nuhta- vb. stunt, stop short
nuhuinenna adj. under shadow
nuin noun river (of large
volume, and liable to flooding).
nulda noun secret
nl noun black arts, secrecy
nulla adj. dark, dusky, obscure,
numba adj. bent, humped
nm noun going down, occident
nmeheru noun Lord of the West
nmen noun west, the way of the
men(n)r noun people of the
nmenya adj. western
merrmar noun West-wings,
name of a ship
nn adv. down below, underneath
nn initial element west(ern)
nna adj. western
natani noun Western Men =
Sindarin Dnedain
unduin noun West-flow, name
of a river in Nmenor
nuquerna adj. reversed
nra adj. deep
ur-menel noun lesser
firmament, a great dome covering
Valinor, made by Varda and full
of star-imagines
nro noun servant
urquendi noun Gnomes
nurru- vb. murmur, grumble,
growl (of dog)
nurta- vb. hide
nurtal noun hiding
nuru, uru noun death
urufantur noun lord of Death-
cloud, surname of Mandos
nuruhuin noun death-shadow
nut- vb. tie
nta- vb. set, sink (of Sun or
nt noun bond, knot
ntil (ntill-) noun under-point,
term used in children's play for
toe (the counterpart of ortil, )
nuxo noun Petty dwarf
-nwa passive suffix
nwalca adj. cruel
nwalma noun pain
nwalm noun torment
nwalya- vb. pain, torment
-nya pronominal suffix, 1st
person sg. possessive my
nyano noun rat
nyar- vb. tell
nyr noun tale, saga, history
nyarna noun tale, saga
nyarnamaitar noun storyteller,
composer of nyarnar or long epic
nyarro noun rat

-ny 1st person sg. pronominal
suffix I
nyelecca noun onyx
nyelet pl. nyelexi noun nail
nyell noun bell
nyello noun singer
nyna- vb. lament
nyni noun she-goat
nyeny noun weeping
nyr noun grief, sorrow
o indefinite pronoun one,
someone, anyone
o conj. and
-o genitive ending
-o , -, pronominal suffix
oa, oar (a, ar), adverbs away
Oarel (Oareld-) noun Elf who
departed from Beleriand to Aman
oaris (oarits-) noun mermaid
ocamna noun diphthong
occa noun knee
com- vb. gather, assemble
ocomb noun gathering,
assembly, assemblage
ohlon noun diphthong
oholima adj. confidential
ohta noun war
ohtacar- vb. make war
oia adj. everlasting
Oiacma noun Exterior Void
beyond the World
oiala adj. unceasing, without end,
oiala adj. eternal
oiencarm Eruo noun the One's
[Eru's] perpetual production
oio noun endless period
oira adj. eternal
oir noun everlasting
ol- vb. grow
la- vb. dream (impersonal)
olassi noun foliage
olba noun branch
olca adj. evil, bad, wicked
ol adv. much
lem noun elbow
ollo noun cliff, seaward precipice
ollo prep. away from
olm noun odour
oloir noun great flood
oloiya- vb. inundate, flood
olombo noun horse
olor noun dream
olra adj. dreamy
Olrin noun name of the Maia
that became Gandalf
olos (olor-) dream, vision
olosta adj. dreamy
olt noun bloom
olp noun bottle
olva noun plant
olwa noun branch
olwen (olwenn-) noun branch,
wand, stick
olya adj. much
ma noun voice
ma-tengw noun vowel
m prep. + pron. with us
ma noun vowel
omenti noun meeting (meeting
or junction of the directions of
two people)
ompa adv. forward
-on gen. pl. ending
on, ondo noun stone

ondo noun stone as a material,
also rock
Ondolind place-name Gondolin
ondomaitar noun sculptor in
Ondonr, Ondr place-name
Gondor (Stone-land).
on conj. but
ongw noun crime
onna noun creature
ono conj. but
onna adj. twin-born
onna noun one of a pair of
twins; pl. noni twins
onn noun sister
onr noun sister
onro noun brother
onot- vb. count up
onti noun reckoning
Ontimo noun Reckoner
onta- vb. beget, create
ontamo noun mason (sculptor)
ontar noun begetter, parent
ontar noun begetter, parent
(fem); the pl. ontari or dual ontaru
(see ontani) covers both sexes.
ontari noun begetter, parent
ontaril noun mother, begetter
ontaro noun begetter, parent
(masc.); pl. ontari
ontaro, ontar pl. ontani noun
parent (masc. and. fem.)
onw noun child
onya noun my child, my son
pa noun mouth, in the sense of
mouth-opening with lips as the
opel noun walled house or
village, 'town'
opo prep. before, in front of (of
spatial relationships); after (of
or- vb. urge, impel, move, only of
mental impulse
or prep. over
rava- vb. have mercy, followed
by locative: have mercy on
orco noun Orc, pl. orcor or orqui
r noun heart (inner mind), also
name of tengwa #21
r noun rising
or (ori-) noun grain
ra adj. of the dawn, Eastern
orma noun physical matter
Ormal noun one of the Lamps of
the Valar
orm noun haste, violence, wrath,
orna adj. hasty
orna adj. tall
orn noun tree
ornemalin adj. bearing yellow
orofarn noun mountain-
oromard noun high-hall
oron (oront-) noun mountain
oronta adj. steep
oront, oronto noun Sunrise
orosta noun ascension
orotinga noun mountain-top
orro interjection ow! (horror,
pain, disgust)
orrna adj. eastern
orta- vb. rise, raise
ortil (ortill-) noun up-point, term
used in children'splay for finger
ortri noun patronage
orto noun mountain-top
orva noun apple
orwa adj. high, lofty
orya- vb. rise

osamna noun diphthong
sanw noun telepathy
osell () noun sister, [female]
ossa noun wall and moat
oss noun terror
osta fraction one seventh (1/7)
osta noun homestead
ostar noun township
osto noun strong or fortified
building or place, fortress
osw noun hip
otoqu cardinal seventeen
otornass noun brotherhood
otorno noun brother, sworn
brother, [male] associate
otosta fraction one seventh (1/7)
otsat fraction one seventh (1/7)
otsa ordinal seventh
Otselen noun Seven Stars (otso +
elen), Great Bear (constellation)
otso cardinal seven
otsola noun week
ova adj. similar, alike

p, pa prep. on with reference to
contact of surfaces, especially
vertical surface
paca noun paved floor, court
pahta adj. closed, shut, private
pahta noun speech, language
paim noun punishment
paimesta noun chastisement
paimeta- vb. punish
paitya- vb. repay, requite
pal- vb. shake
palan- root element (apparently
not appearing alone) far, distant,
wide, to a great extent
palantr noun Seeing Stone
palantra- vb. watch, look afar
palar noun flat field, 'wang', plain
palis noun sward, lawn
palla adj. wide, expansive
palm noun surface
palpa- vb. beat, batter
palta noun flat of the hand
palta- vb. feel with the hand,
stroke etc.
palu- vb. open wide, spread,
expand, extend
palr noun surface, bosom,
bosom of Earth
palya- vb. open wide, spread,
expand, extend
pan adv. since (in the sense of
panda noun enclosure
pano noun piece of shaped wood
pano noun plan, arrangement
panta- vb. unfurl, spread out,
panta adj. open
panti noun unfolding, opening,
panya- vb. fix, set
par- vb. learn, acquire
information, not by experience
but by instruction in words or
parca adj. dry
parca adj. naked, of persons
parma noun book, also name of
tengwa #2
parmalamb noun book-
parma-resta noun book-fair
parna adj. bare

passa adj. smooth, glabrous
pasta- vb. smooth, iron
pasta adj. smooth
pata- vb. walk
pataca noun consonant
p noun lip
pel- vb. go round, revolve, return
pelecco noun axe
pelehta- vb. hew
peler noun fenced field
pella postposition beyond
pelo noun boundary (fence)
peltas (peltax-) noun pivot
pemp noun lip
pen- vb. have not
penda adj. sloping down,
penda- vb. slope, incline
pend noun slope, downslope,
penga- vb. pout
penna noun vowel
penquanta (pe-) adj. full to the
brim, with mouth full
penya adj. lacking, inadequate
Perelda noun Half-elf
peresta fraction one half (1/2)
Perian (Periand-) noun Hobbit
perina adj.? divided in middle,
perta fraction one half (1/2)
perya- vb. divide in middle, halve
pet- vb. knock, strike
p noun small insect, fly
pia adj. Little
pica noun small spot, dot
pca- vb. lessen, dwindle, waning
Picinauco noun Petty-dwarve
pi noun berry
pilin (pilind-) noun arrow
pilinehtar noun unidentified
pilu noun thief, robber
pilw noun robbery, theft
pimp noun tail
pir- vb. spin, turn (apparently
pir noun toe
pirind noun flower that opened
and shut quickly with any change
of light
pirn noun flower that opened
and shut quickly with any change
of light
pirya noun juice, syrup
pitya adj. little
Pitya-nauco noun Petty-dwarf
piucca noun blackberry
piuta noun spit
piuta- vb. spit
po, p prep. before, in front of (of
spatial relationships) after (of
poica adj. clean, pure
poita- vb. cleanse
pol- vb. can = have physical
power and ability
polca noun pig
polda adj. strong, burly
polda adj. big
poldor noun strength
pna adv. forward
pono prep. before, in front of (of
spatial relationships) after (of
pont (ponti-) noun back, rear
por (pori-) noun flour, meal
poroc noun hen; barn fowl
potai adv. therefore
pra adj. smeared, discoloured
pusta noun stop, in punctuation
full stop
pusta- vb. stop; also intr. cease,
putta noun stop (in punctuation)


quc noun frog
quco noun crow
quain cardinal ten
quaista fraction one tenth
qual- vb. die
qualin adj. dead
qualm noun agony, death
quama- vb vomit; be sick
qum noun sickness, nausea
quma adj. sick, nauseous
quanda adj and noun all (the),
the whole
quanta- vb. fill
quanta adj. full
quanta emma, quantemma noun
Quantari noun Day of
Completion, Oldyear's Day
quantien noun last day of year
quapta- vb. exchange
qur, qur noun fist
quat- vb. fill
qua noun vegetable
quan cardinal ten
quel- vb. fail
quelet (quelets-) noun corpse
queli noun waning
-qun (quen-) noun one,
quend noun Elf
Quendeli noun People of the
Quenderin adj. Quendian,
belonging to the Elves as a whole
Quendi noun Elves as a race
quendi, pl. quendir noun Elvish
quendu, pl. quendur noun Elvish
Quendya original form of the
word Quenya
quenta noun tale
quental noun account, history
quentaro noun narrator
quentasta noun historical account
quentel noun sentence
quenya noun speech
quer- vb. turn (transitive)
quess noun feather, also name of
tengwa #4
quesset (quessec-) noun pillow
quessetma noun qu-series,
velarized series: fourth column of
the Tengwar system
quet- vb. say, speak
quetil noun tongue, language
quetta noun word
qui conj. if
qui adv. whenever
quild noun hush, rest, quiet
quil noun hue, colour
quilta noun girdle, belt
quimell noun lady
qun, qun noun crest, ridge
quinga noun bow
quinna adj. crested
quiqui adv. whenever
quir- vb. stir or make spin

-r nominative plural ending
-r plural ending used on verbs
with a plural subject
r (rv-) noun lion
rac- vb. break
rca noun wolf
racina adj. stripped, deprived
rahta- vb. stretch out, reach
raic adj. crooked, bent, wrong
raima noun net
raim noun network, lace
raina adj. nettled, enlaced
raina adj. smiling, gracious
rain noun peace
raita- vb. make network or lace
raita- vb. catch in a net
rama- vb. shout
rma noun wing
rmalc noun winged dragon
rmavoit adj. having wings
ramba noun wall
ramb noun shout
ran (ram-) noun noise
Rna name of the moon
rnasta noun lunar month
ranco (rancu-) pl. ranqui noun
randa noun cycle, age (100
Valian Years)
rn noun straying, wandering
rnen adj. errant
ranga noun yard, full pace. This
Nmenrean linar measure was
slightly longer than our yard,
approximately 38 inches [= 96.5
rangw noun fathom
ranta noun part
ranya- vb. stray
ranya noun erratic wandering
ranya adj. free
rasco noun horn
rass noun horn
rasta cardinal twelve
rta- vb. excell, surpass
rato adv. soon
rauca noun demon
rauco noun powerful, hostile, and
terrible creature
raumo noun storm (noise of a)
raust noun hunting, preying
rauta noun metal
rva noun bank (river)
rva adj. wild, untamed
rv noun roaring noise
rva adj. roaring
ravenn noun she-lion
raxa noun drag or any large, flat
vehicle on wheels or rollers for
hauling stone or other weighty
rax noun danger
r noun day (24-hour)
ra- vb. make network; make lace
rehta- vb. rescue, save
rehti noun rescue, saving
rem- vb. Snare
remba- vb. net, entrap
remb noun mesh
rembina adj. entangled
remma noun snare
rempa adj. crooked, hooked
rna noun edge, border, margin
rer- vb. sow
resta noun sown field, acre
ra noun wreath
ric- vb. twist

ric- vb. try, put forth effort, strive,
ri noun garland
r noun crown
riel (riell-) noun garlanded
rihta- vb. jerk, give quick twist or
move, twitch
rilma noun glittering light
rma noun edge, hem, border
rimba adj. numerous
rimb noun crowd, host, great
rna adj. crowned
rinca noun twitch, jerk, trick,
sudden move
rinc (rinci-) noun quick stroke
rinda adj. circular
rind noun circle
ringa adj. cold
Ringar noun December
ring adj. cold
Ringil noun name of one of the
great Lamps
ringw noun cold pool or lake (in
ringw noun rime, frost
risil () noun ring (on the
rista-, rista vb. and noun cut
Rithil-Anamo place name Ring
of Doom
-ro pronominal ending he
roa noun dog
rocco noun horse
rocind noun debtor
rohta noun debt, trespass
roim noun hunt, hunting
roina adj. ruddy
roita- vb. pursue
rma noun horn
rma noun loud sound, trumpet-
romba noun horn, trumpet
rmen, Rmen noun east
rmenya adj. eastern
ronda adj. solid, firm
rondo noun vaulted or arched
ronya noun hound of chase
roquen noun horseman, rider,
ross noun fine rain, dew
rosta noun ascent
rta noun tube
rotel noun cave
rots noun pipe
rotto noun small grot or tunnel
ruc- vb. feel fear or horror
ruc- vb. fly
rcar noun evil-doing
rcima adj. terrible
rcina adj. (or passive
participle?) confused, shattered,
disordered, ruined
rucind noun debtor
ruhta- vb. terrify
ruhta noun debt, trespass
ruimen noun fireplace, hearth
ruina adj. blazing, fiery
ruin noun fire, blaze
ruiv noun wild fire fire as
rma- vb. shift, move, heave
rna- vb. free
runando noun redeemer
runda noun rough piece of wood
runda adj. smooth, polished
runya noun slot, footprint
rnya noun red flame
rusca adj. wroth
rusco (ruscu-, pl. rusqui) noun
ruscuit adj. foxy
rs () noun wrath
rsa () noun wrathful

russa adj. red-haired
russ noun red hair
russ noun corruscation
ruxa- vb. crumble
ruxa adj. wroth
-rya 3rd person sg. pronominal
ending his, her, its

-s 3rd person sg. pronominal
ending he/him, she/her, it
-s ending case called respective
sa pron. 3rd person sg it
saca- vb. pursue, look for, search
saca- () vb. draw, pull
sahta- () vb. induce
saila adj. wise
saira adj. wise
sairina adj. magic
sairon noun wizard
salma noun lyre
salpa- vb. lick up, sup, sip
salpa noun bowl
salp noun bowl
salqu noun grass
sam- vb. have
sma noun mind
samb () noun room, chamber
samin (samind-) noun silk
saminda, saminwa adj. silken
samna () noun wooden post
samna noun diphthong
samno () noun carpenter,
wright, builder
smo () noun helper
san adv. then
sana demonstrative that
sanar noun mind
Sanavaldo noun Almighty (the)
sanca () noun? or adj? cleft,
sanc adj. hateful
Sancossi pl. noun Goblins
sanda () adj. firm, true
sandastan noun shield-barrier, a
sn () noun pine
sanga () noun crowd, press,
sangi () noun necessity
sangwa noun poison
sanom adv. there
sanw noun thought, an act of
sanwecenda noun thought-
inspection, thought-reading
sanw-latya noun thought-
opening, direct, telepathic
sanw-menta noun thought-
sending, mental message
sanya () adj. regular, law-
abiding, normal
sany () noun rule, law
sap- or sapa- vb. dig
sar (sard-) noun stone (small)
sara () noun stiff dry grass
sra adj. bitter
sarat noun letter, sign
sarda adj. hard
sarda tengw noun hard sound, a
term for consonant, but not used
of semi-vowels

sa-rinc noun hook that may be
attached to a tengwa letter to
indicate a following s
sarm noun writing
sarna adj. of stone
sarn noun stony place
sarni (sarniy) noun shingle,
sarno noun table
sarqua adj. fleshy
Sarquindi pl. noun Cannibal-
sarta adj. steadfast, trusty, loyal
sat- vb. set aside
satar noun trusty follower, loyal
satya adj. private, separate
sau- pref. denoting doing
something very badly
saucar noun doing or making a
thing very badly
saucarya adj. evil-doing
saura () adj. foul, evil-smelling,
Sauro () masc. name Sauron
(), the Abhorred, name of a
Maia, the second Dark Lord
sav- vb. believe
sva noun juice
se pron. also object 3rd person
sg. he, she, it - him, her, it,
se , long s preposition at, in
seler () (sell-) noun sister
selma () noun fixed idea, will
sn collective (?) noun children
sen- vb. let loose, free, let go
sena dative/allative pronoun to
him [/her/it], at him [/her/it]
senda adj. resting, at peace
senwa adj. usual
senya adj. usual
ser- vb. rest
serc noun blood
sr noun rest, repose, peace
serm noun friend (fem.)
sermo noun friend (masc.)
seron noun friend
sesta- vb. liken
si adv. here
s adv. now
siar, siar adv. this day
sicil noun dagger, knife
si adv. thus
sil- vb. shine (white)
silima noun substance the
Silmarils were made of, invented
by Fanor
sillum noun this hour
silma adj. silver, shining white
Silmaril (full form : Silmarill)
(Silmarill-) noun shining jewels
made by Fanor
silm starlight, also name of
tengwa #29
Silmeross, name Silpion (a
name of)
silo adv. hence (from here)
Silpion name Elder of the Two
Trees of Valinor (Telperion, the
White Tree).
silum adv. at this time
sma noun mind, imagination
simen adv. hither
simpa noun pipe, flute
simpetar noun piper
simpina noun pipe, flute
sin adv. thus
sin adv. form of s now () often
occurring before vowels
sina demonstrative this
sna adj. known, certain,
sincahonda adj. flint-hearted
sinda () adj. grey
sindarinwa () adj. Grey-elven

sind () adj. grey, pale or
silvery grey
Sindel (Sindeld-) () noun Grey-
elf = Sinda
Sindicollo () noun Grey-cloak,
title of Elw (Elu).
sindi () noun greyness
sinen adv. in this way; so
sing noun salt
singwa adj. salt (salty)
sinom compound noun this place
sinta () adj. short
sinta- () vb. fade
sintamo noun smith
sinwa passive participle known,
certain, ascertained
sinya adj. new
siny () noun evening
sio adv. hence (from here)
sir- vb. flow
sir , sira adv. hither
sr, shorter form of sir noun
sra adv. today
sr noun river, stream
siril noun rivulet
srima adj. liquid, flowing
sirp noun stem, stalk
sirya noun river
ss adv. here
sisilcala- vb. shine continuously
(silver and gold)
sss adv. here
st adj. of this sort
siul noun incitement
sv noun knowing, knowledge
sv prep. as
sv noun peace
soa (sa ) noun filth
soica adj. thirsty
sl noun helmet
solma noun helmet
solm noun wave
Solonel (Soloneld-) noun name
of the Teleri
solor noun surf
solos noun helmet
soloss noun surf, surge
songa noun mouth, in the sense of
interior cavity behind the teeth,
containing tongue
sra adj. long, trailing
sorna () adj. steadfast
sornion noun eyrie
sorno () noun eagle
soron (or sorn) () noun eagle
sov- vb. wash
sovall noun washing, bathing;
-ss locative ending
-ss 3rd person sg. reflexive
-sta dual 2nd person possessive
pronominal ending your
-sta ending occurring in the
names of certain lands
-st 2nd person dual pronominal
ending you
s noun sound of wind
suc- vb. drink
suht noun resin, gum
suhto noun draught
sulca noun edible root
sl () (sli-) noun spirit, breath,
also name of tengwa #9
Slim noun March
slo (slu-, pl. slwi) noun goblet
sulpa noun soup
sma noun hollow cavity, bosom
sungwa noun drinking-vessel
sr (sri-) noun wind
suri () noun seeking
sriquess noun wind feather
Sro () masc. name Sauro(n)
alternative form of

surya noun spirant consonant sya- () vb. breathe

-t dual ending
-t them, pronominal ending
ta conj. and
t adv. then
ta pron. that, it
ta adv. so, like that, also
ta pron. they, them
tac- vb. fasten
tai pron. that which, what, which
tai pron. 3rd person pl., used with
reference to inanimates rather
than persons or living things they,
tai adv. then
tail noun lengthening, extension
taima noun lengthening,
taina adj. lengthened, ex-tended,
stretched, elongated
taina noun sign
taita- vb. prolong
tait adj. of that sort, such
tl (tal-), tala pl. tli noun foot
talait adj. footed
talan (talam-, pl. talami) noun
floor, base, ground
talca noun post, mark
tallun (talluni-) noun sole of
talma noun base, foundation, root
talo, t. adv. thence
talta adj. sloping, tilted, leaning
talta- vb. slip, slide down,
collapse, slope
taltil (taltill-, pl. taltilli) noun toe
taltol noun big toe
talum adv. at this time not
referring to the present (which is
silum = at this time in the
narrower sense).
tam- vb. tap
tama noun that matter
taman noun thing made by
tamba- vb. knock, keep on
tambaro noun woodpecker
tamb prep. so or as (referring to
something remote; contrast sv).
tamen adv. thither
tamin (taminn-) noun forge
tamma noun tool
tamna noun artifact
tamna adj. artificial
tamo noun smith
tampa noun stopper
tamp noun copper
tampo noun well
tana demonstrative that
tana- vb. show, indicate
tanca adj. firm, fixed, sure
tancil noun pin, brooch
Tancol noun Signifer, the
significant star = Venus
tanen, tnen adv. in that way,
tango noun twang
tangwa noun hasp, clasp
taniquelass noun name of tree
tanna noun sign
tanna pron. in allative thither
tano noun craftsman, smith

tanom adv. in the place (referred
tanta- vb. play a harp
tanta noun harp
tanta adj.? double
tantila noun harp
tanwa noun sign, token
tanw noun craft, thing made,
device, construction
tap- vb. stop, block
tapta adj. impeded
tar- vb. stand
tr noun king (only used of the
legitimate kings of whole tribes)
tar adv. thither
tar prep. beyond
tar- vb. stand
-tar or tar- element meaning king
or queen in compounds and
tara adv. thither
tra adj. lofty
tra adj. wise
taran, tarambo noun buffet,
blow, bang
taras noun great towering
building, (fort, city, castle) tower
tarca noun horn
tr adv.? in that day
Tarelda noun High-elf
tarhildi noun High-men, the
Noble followers, referring to the
tri noun queen, used especially
of Varda
tri noun height, allative
Trion noun alternative name of
Valanya, the last day of the
Eldarin six-day week, dedicated
to the Powers (Valar)
tris(s) noun queenship
tarma noun pillar
tarmen noun high place
Tarmenel place-name High
tarminas noun great towering
building, (fort, city, castle) tower
tarna noun crossing, passage
tarquendi noun High-elves =
Lindar (=Vanyar)
tarquesta noun high-speech, or
Qenya [Quenya])
tarucca adj. horned
tarwa noun garden, enclosure
tarw noun cross, Crucifix
tarwesta- vb. crucify
tarya adj. tough, stiff
taryo noun daddy
ts adv. there
tasar, tasar () noun willow-
tassa noun index finger
tass adv. there
tta noun hat
tatanya noun my father or my
tatya- vb. double
tauca adj. stiff, wooden
taul noun great tree
taura adj. mighty
taur noun wood, forest (great)
taura adj. forested
taurina adj. of wood
tautamo noun carpenter (carver)
tva noun great tree
tavar noun wood
tavaril noun dryad, spirit of
woods (fem.)
tavaro, tavaron noun dryad,
spirit of woods (masc.)
tavas noun woodland
tax noun nail
te pron. 3rd person pl. they, them
ta noun straight line, road
tec- vb. write

tecco noun stroke of pen or brush
when not used as long mark
tecil noun pen
tehta noun mark, sign especially
diacritics denoting vowels in
Fanorian writing
tel noun roof
telar noun brick
telco noun stem of a Tengwa
telconta- vb. stride
Telcontar masc. name Strider
telda adj. last, final
tel- vb. finish, end (intransitive)
Telelli noun Teler-folk
telemna adj. of silver
telep- noun silver
telepsa adj. of silver
Teler noun sea-elf
Telerin adj. Telerian
telerinwa adj. Telerin
Telimbectar noun constellation:
Orion, lit. Swordsman of Heaven.
telimbo noun canopy, sky
Telimectar noun constellation,
Orion, lit. Swordsman of Heaven.
tella adj. hindmost, last
tell noun rear
telluma noun dome, copula
telma noun conclusion
telm noun hood, covering
telp noun silver
telpina adj. of silver
telta- vb. canopy, overshadow,
teltass noun awning
telum noun dome, roof, canopy
telya- vb. finish, wind up,
conclude (transitive)
tma noun row, series, line
tna adj. straight, right
tencel noun writing system,
tengwa noun letter
tengwa- vb. read written matter
tengwanda noun alphabet
tengw noun indication, sign
tengwel noun language
tengwesta noun system or code
of signs, Language
tengwesti noun language as
abstract or phenomenon
tenna prep. until, up to, as far as
tennoio adv. for ever
tenta- vb. point to, indicate; direct
ter, ter, prep. through,
tercno noun herald
tercen noun insight, literally
tercenya adj. of insight
teren, teren adj. slender
teret noun auger, gimlet
tereva adj. fine, acute
terhat- vb. break apart
termar- vb. stand
terra noun fine pierced hole
tev- vb. hate
tvi noun hatred
tevin adj. hated
Thauron (auron) masc. name
earlier form of Sauron, before the
change th > s
thelma (elma) noun fixed idea,
ti noun path, course, line,
direction, way
tihta- vb. blink, peer
tild noun spike, horn
till noun tip, point, used with
reference to fingers and toes
timbar noun forehead
timp noun fine rain
timpin noun spray
tin- vb. glint

tinco noun metal, also name of
tengwa #1
tinda adj. glinting, silver
tind noun glint
tindm noun starry twilight,
starlit dusk
tinga- vb. twang, make a twang
ting noun twang
tingilind noun twinkling star
tingilya noun twinkling star
tinta- vb. kindle, cause to sparkle
tintila- vb. twinkle
tintina- vb. sparkle
tinw noun spark
tir- vb. watch, watch over, guard,
tirin noun tall tower
tirion noun watch-tower, tower
tirios (tiriost-) noun town with
walls and towers
tiris (tiriss-) noun watch, vigil
tiriss noun watch, vigil
titta adj. little, tiny
tiuca adj. thick, fat
tiuco noun thigh
tiuta- vb. comfort, console
tiutal noun comfort, consolation,
tiuya- vb. swell, grow fat
tix noun dot, tiny mark, point
t noun wool
t adv. thence
toa (ta) noun wood as material
toa adj. of wool, woollen
tocot noun cock
tol noun island, isle
tolbo noun big toe, stump, stub
tolda ordinal eighth
toldo cardinal eight
toll noun steep isle
tollo noun sticker-up, prominent
one, term used in children's play
for middle finger or middle toe
tolma noun knob, short rounded
handle, etc.
tolmen noun boss (of shield)
toloqu (kw) cardinal eighteen
tolosta fraction one eighth (1/8).
tolpo noun bowl
tolsat fraction one eighth (1/8).
tolta ordinal eighth
tolto cardinal eight
tolu- vb. roll up
tolvo noun big toe, stump, stub
tolyo noun sticker-up, prominent
one, term used in children's play
for middle finger or middle toe
tomba noun voice, vowel
tombo noun gong
tomp noun voice, vowel
top- vb. cover
tpa noun roof
tpa- vb. roof
torna adj. hard
tornanga adj. iron hard, lit. hard-
tosta fraction one eighth (1/8)
-ts dual locative ending
-tt dual 3rd person pronominal
ending they
-tt 3rd person pl. reflexive
tuc- vb. draw
tuia- vb. sprout, spring
tuil noun spring, spring-time
tuilindo noun swallow
tuima noun sprout, bud
tul- vb. come
tulca adj. firm, strong,
immovable, steadfast
tulca- vb. fix, set up, establish
tulco noun support
tulma noun bier
tulta- vb. send for, fetch, summon
tulw noun pillar, standard, pole
tulya- vb. lead (+ allative)

tumba noun deep valley
tumb noun trumpet
tumbo (tumbu-) noun valley,
under or among hills
tumna adj. lowlying, deep, low
tumpo (tumpu-) noun hump
tunda adj. tall
tundo noun hill, mound
tunga adj. taut, tight (of strings:)
tuo noun muscle, sinew, vigour,
physical strength
tup- vb. cover
tups noun thatch
tur- vb. wield, control, govern
tra adj. big, great (in power)
Turcil noun Nmenrean
turco noun chief
tr noun mastery, victory,
strength, might, power
tra adj. mighty, masterful
trion (triond-) noun palace
turma noun shield
turmen noun realm
turu noun wood
turu- vb. master, deafeat, have
victory over
turva adj. wooden
tussa noun bush
tustur noun tinder
tuv- vb. find
-twa ending for dual possessive
-tya pronominal ending, 2nd
person sg. intimate/familiar your,
tyal- vb. play
tyalangan noun harp-player
tyali noun sport, play, game
tyar- vb. cause
tyaro noun doer, actor, agent
tyasta- vb. put to the test
tyav- vb. taste
tyv noun taste
tye pron. 2nd person
intimate/familar you, thou, thee
-ty pronominal ending, 2nd
person familiar/intimate you,
tyel (tyeld-) noun end
tyel- vb. end, cease
tyelca adj. swift, agile, hasty
tyelima adj. final
tyell noun grade
tyelma noun ending
tyelp noun silver
tyelpetma noun palatal series
tyulma noun mast
tyuluss noun poplar-tree
tyur noun cheese

adv. and prep. without
- pref. denying presence or
possession of thing or quality not-
, un-, in-
u- vb. not do, not be
ua- negative verb not do, not be
amanya noun one not of Aman,
car- vb. sin, trespass; do wrong
car noun debt, trespass
carindo noun sinner
u noun fleece
fantima adj. not concealable
fanwa adj. not veiled or
obscure, perspicuous
fanwa adj. not veiled, unveiled

ufra adj. not enough
ui interjection no
uil noun long trailing plant,
especially seaweed
uito interjection it is not that
(emphatic word for no?)
lair noun Nazgl
Ulban (Ulband-) noun monster
(a name of Melko)
ulca adj. evil, bad, wicked, wrong
ulco (ulcu-) pl. ulqui noun evil
la adj. pouring, flooding,
ullum adv. not for ever.
lum ? adv. ever, at all times?
ulump noun camel
ulund noun flood
ulundo noun monster, deformed
and hideous creature
ulya- vb. pour, intr.
um- vb. not to do, not to be
ma- vb. teem
maia noun Maia who became
evil and followed Melkor, like the
mait adj. clumsy(-handed),
maneldi noun Non-Aman
Elves, Elves who never dwelt in
manya noun one not of Aman,
Elda that did not reach Aman
umba noun swarm
umbar (umbart-) noun fate,
doom, also name of tengwa #6
umbarta- vb. define, decree,
destine in more lofty senses
umbas () noun shield
umbo(n) noun hill, lump, clump,
m noun great collection or
crowd of things of same sort
-m suffix large (of quantity)
ma adj. abundant, swarming,
na adj. deprived of, destitute
nat noun thing impossible to be
or to be done
unca- vb. hollow out
undm noun twilight, usually of
the time near evening, not near
dawn (that is tindm)
undu adv. and prep.? down,
under, beneath
undulav- vb. swallow, lit. lick
undum noun abyss
ungo noun cloud, dark shadow
ungwal noun torture
ungw noun spider's web, also
name of tengwa #8
not, nota adj. not counted,
ntima adj. not possible to
count, countless
unqua adj. hollow
unqual noun agony, death
unqu noun hole, hollow, also
name of tengwa #16
untp- vb. down-roof = cover
unuhuin prep + noun under-
unutix noun dot or point placed
below the line of writing
nyrima adj. impossible to
uo adv. together
pa adj. dumb
pahta adj. speechless
qutima adj. unspeakable
r noun fire
ra adj. evil, nasty
urcrima adj. hard to make / do
urcarn adj. hard to make / do
urda adj. hard, difficult, arduous

r noun heat, also name of
tengwa #36
rim noun August
rin adj. blazing hot
urna noun oven
ursa () noun rage
ursa- () vb. rage
urta- vb. burn (transitive)
uru noun fire
urucarin adj. made with
uruit adj. fiery
urulc noun fire-dragon
urus (urust-) noun copper
ruva adj. fiery
uruvoit adj. fiery
urwa adj. on fire
urya- vb. burn (intransitive)
us- () pref. denoting doing
something bad
us- vb. escape
sahti () noun inducement to
do wrong
si adv. on the contrary
uscar () noun doing wrong
usqu noun reek
usta- vb. burn (transitive)
usw noun issue, escape
uswevand noun way of escape
va- vb. impend, be imminent
nearly always in a bad sense
-uva future tense ending
vana adj. unmarred
van adj. without beauty
vana adj. without beauty
vanima noun ugly
vanimo noun monster
v noun abundance, great
va adj. abundant
vi noun considering a matter
(with a view to decision)
uxar noun doing wrong

-va possessive ending
v exclamation I will not! or Do
va prep. from
vacco noun jacket, cloak
vahya adj. far away
vahta- vb. soil, stain
vaia < waia (vaiya < waiya)
noun envelope, especially of the
Outer Sea or Air enfolding the
world within the Ilurambar or
vail noun wind
vailima adj. windy
vaima noun wrap, robe
vaina adj. clad
vain noun sheath
vainol noun quiver (= case for
holding arrows)
vaita- vb. enfold
vaiwa noun wind
vaiw noun wind
vaiya < waiya (vaia, waia) noun
envelope, especially of the Outer
Sea or Air enfolding the world
within the Ilurambar or world-
Vala noun Power, God, angelic
vala- vb. rule, only with reference
to the Valar

Valacirca noun Sickle of the
Gods, a name of the constellation
Great Bear
valaina adj. of or belonging to
the Valar, divine
Valandor place-name land of the
Valanya noun last day of the
Eldarin six-day week, dedicated
to the Valar
Valaquenta noun history of the
Valarauco noun Demon of Might
Valarin adj. Valian, of or relating
to the Valar
valass noun divinity, valahood
Valatri noun Vala-queen
Valcarauc noun balrog
vald- noun blessedness,
valda adj. worth, worthy, dear
valda adj. important
Vali noun Vala (fem.)
Valimar place-name Vali-home,
the city of the Valar in Valinor
valin adj. happy
Valinor place-name land (or
people) of the Valar
Valmar place-name Valimar
(alternative form of )
Valmo noun Vala (masc.)
Valon noun Vala (masc.)
-valta suffix -less
valto noun luck
valya adj. having (divine)
authority or power
vn noun goose
vanda noun oath, pledge, solemn
vandil noun staff
vaness noun beauty
vangw noun blow
vani noun beauty
vanima adj. beautiful, fair
Vanimo noun beautiful, children
of the Valar, or fair folk
vanta- vb. walk
vanta noun walk
vanwa adj. gone, lost, no longer
to be had, vanished
vanwi noun past, past time
vanya adj. fair, beautiful
vquet- vb. say no
var conj. or
vra adj. soiled, dirty
varanda adj. sublime
varna adj. safe, protected, secure
varnass noun security
varn (varni-) adj. brown, swart,
dark brown
varya- vb. protect
Vsa noun Consumer (the), a
name of the Sun
vasar () noun veil
vasarya- () vb. veil
vva adj. similar, alike
vya noun sea (as waters, motion)
ve prep. as, like
ve pron. 1st person pl. inclusive
-v, ending used to derive
adverbs from adjectives
Va adj. adult, manly, vigorous
va noun wind
va adj. seeming, apparent
vaner noun man (adult)
vass noun vigour
veht noun life (individual)
vehtequental noun biography
vl- vb. see
vla adv. alike
vend < wend noun maiden,
ven noun small boat, vessel, dish
vn < wn noun virginity
vna adj. maidenly, virginal

veness noun virginity
venno noun husband
venta noun chin
vra noun personal, private, own
verca adj. wild
vr noun bond, troth, compact,
veri noun wife
veri noun boldness
verta- vb. marry
veru noun husband
verya adj. bold
verya- vb. dare
verya vb. marry
veryanw noun wedding
vess noun wife
vesta noun matrimony
vesta- vb. wed
vestal noun wedding
vi pron., 1st person pl. inclusive
vi noun manhood, vigour
vil- vb. fly
vl noun breeze (gentle)
vilin adj. airy, breezy
viliss noun spirit
-vilt adjectival ending -less
vilya noun air, sky, also name of
tengwa #24
vn noun youth
vin (vini-) noun baby
vinya adj. young
vinyamo noun youngster
Vinyari noun Newyear's Day
Vress noun April
vri noun youth
vrin noun magic glassy
substance of great lucency used in
fashioning the Moon. Used of
things of great and pure
virya- vb. change, alter(nate)
virya adj. fresh
vista noun air as substance
vista- vb. change (transitive)
vor, voro adv. ever
vora, vor adv. always
vra noun continuous, enduring,
vorima adj. continual, repeated
vrima adj. steadfast in
allegiance, in keeping oath or
promise, faithful
voro, voro- adv. ever, continually
voronda adj. steadfast in
allegiance, in keeping oath or
promise, faithful
vorongandel noun harping on
one tune, continual repetition.
voronwa adj. enduring, long-
voronw noun steadfastness,
loyalty, faithfulness
voronwi noun endurance, lasting
vorosanya () adj. regular,

w noun wind
waia > vaia noun envelope,
especially of the Outer Sea or Air
enfolding the world within the
Ilurambar or world-walls
wail noun wind
waina, vaina adj. blonde, fair of
waita- > vaita- noun enfold
waiwa noun wind
waiya > vaiya noun envelope,
especially of the Outer Sea or Air
enfolding the world within the
Ilurambar or world-walls
walda adj. excited, wild
walm adj. excitement, emotion
walta- vb. excite, rouse, stir up
walwist noun change of mind
walya- vb. be excited
wn > vn noun goose
wanwa noun great gale
wanwavoit noun windy
wya- vb. blow
-w suffix occurring in many
personal names, generally but not
exclusively masculine
wn noun greenness, youth,
-wen suffix, a frequent ending in
feminine names maiden
wen (wend-) noun maid, girl
wenci noun diminutive form of
the stem wn- woman, maiden.
wend > vend noun maiden
wendel noun maidenhood
wn > vn noun virginity
went noun brook
wenya adj. green, yellow-green,
wo noun living creature
were- vb. weave
wil- vb. fly
wilma noun air, lower air
wilwa adj. vague, fluttering to
and fro
wilwarin (wilwarind-) noun
wilwarinda adj. like a wilwarin
or butterfly
wilya noun air, sky, also name of
tengwa #24
winc noun baby, used in
children's play for little finger or
little toe
winda noun woof
windel noun loom
win (wini-) noun baby
winga noun foam, spray
wing noun foam, crest of wave,
wingil (wingild-) noun nymph
winic noun baby, used in
children's play for little finger or
little toe
winima adj. childish
winimo noun baby, little-one,
used in children's play for little
finger or little toe
winta- vb. scatter, blow about
(both transitive and intransitive)
wintil noun glint
winya adj. new, fresh, young
winyamo noun youngster
wirn noun change
wist noun weft
w noun wind
waia > vaia noun envelope,
especially of the Outer Sea or Air

enfolding the world within the
Ilurambar or world-walls
wail noun wind
waina, vaina adj. blonde, fair of
waita- > vaita- noun enfold
waiwa noun wind
waiya > vaiya noun envelope,
especially of the Outer Sea or Air
enfolding the world within the
Ilurambar or world-walls
walda adj. excited, wild
walm adj. excitement, emotion
walta- vb. excite, rouse, stir up
walwist noun change of mind
walya- vb. be excited
wn > vn noun goose
wanwa noun great gale
wanwavoit noun windy
wya- vb. blow
-w suffix occurring in many
personal names, generally but not
exclusively masculine
wn noun greenness, youth,
-wen suffix, a frequent ending in
feminine names maiden
wen (wend-) noun maid, girl
wenci noun diminutive form of
the stem wn- woman, maiden.
wend > vend noun maiden
wendel noun maidenhood
wn > vn noun virginity
went noun brook
wenya adj. green, yellow-green,
wo noun living creature
were- vb. weave
wil- vb. fly
wilma noun air, lower air
wilwa adj. vague, fluttering to
and fro
wilwarin (wilwarind-) noun
wilwarinda adj. like a wilwarin
or butterfly
wilya noun air, sky, also name of
tengwa #24
winc noun baby, used in
children's play for little finger or
little toe
winda noun woof
windel noun loom
win (wini-) noun baby
winga noun foam, spray
wing noun foam, crest of wave,
wingil (wingild-) noun nymph
winic noun baby, used in
children's play for little finger or
little toe
winima adj. childish
winimo noun baby, little-one,
used in children's play for little
finger or little toe
winta- vb. scatter, blow about
(both transitive and intransitive)
wintil noun glint
winya adj. new, fresh, young
winyamo noun youngster
wirn noun change
wist noun weft

-x reflexive pronominal ending
oneself, myself, themselves etc

ya relative pronoun which
y adv.? postposition (?)
formerly, ago
-ya suffix of endearment
y conj. when
-ya pronominal suffix his (and
probably also her, its), said to be
used in colloquial Quenya
yaima noun implement
yaim noun wailing
yaima adj. wailing
yaisa noun steel
yaiw noun mocking, scorn
yal- vb. summon
yallum adv.? at last
yalm noun clamour
yalm noun former times
yalma adj. olden
yalmess noun in locative
onceupon a time
yam-, yama- vb. shout
ym adj.? yawning
yan relative pronoun in dative
for/to which or for/to whom
yana demonstrative that (the
yna adj. vast, huge
yna noun holy place, fane,
yanda adj. wide
yando adv. also
yanga- vb. yawn
yanta noun bridge, also name of
tengwa #35
yantya- vb. add, augment
yanw noun bridge, joining,
yra adj. ancient
yr noun former days
yra adj. olden
yress noun in locative once
upon a time
yarra- noun growl, snarl
yaru noun gloom, blight
yass relative pronoun in locative
in which
yass adv. once upon a time
yat (yaht-) noun neck
yatta noun narrow neck, isthmus
yaul noun cat
yav- vb. bear fruit
yavannamr noun Yavanna-
jewel, name of a tree with globed
and scarlet fruits
Yavanni noun September
yv noun fruit
yvi noun autumn
yw noun ravine, cleft, gulf
yax noun milch cow
ye (plural i). singular personal
relative pronoun who, maybe also
object whom

y interjection lo!
y conj.? what is more
-y conj. as a suffix added to the
second of a pair and
ya conj.? what is more
yello relative pronoun in
ablative: from whom
yello noun call, shout of triumph
yelm noun loathing
yelta- vb. loathe, abhor
yelwa adj. loathsome
yn noun Elvish long year of 144
solar years, 52, 596 days
yen, yend noun daughter
yenya noun (or adv.?) last year
yo relative pronoun in genitive
from whom
yr noun sexual desire
yerna adj. old, worn
yerya- vb. wear (out), also intr.
get old
yesta- vb. desire
yesta noun beginning
yestar noun beginning-day, the
first day of the year
Ysus masc. name Jesus
yta- vb. look at
yo prep. with
yomeni noun meeting, gathering
(of three or more coming from
different directions)
Yn noun Son
yond noun extensive region with
well-marked natural bounds
yondo noun son
yonwa noun fence, border,
yonyo noun son, big boy
yr noun blood
yor- vb. enclose, set bounds
yu- or y- pref. twi- or both
yual noun twilight
ycal noun twilight
yul- vb. drink
yla noun ember, smouldering
yulda noun draught
yulma noun cup
yulm noun drinking, carousal
yunc cardinal twelve
yunqu cardinal twelve
yunquenta cardinal thirteen
yunquesta fraction one twelfth
yur- vb. run
yurasta cardinal twenty-four
yyal noun twilight
yyo noun? adv.? both


abandon, put aside, leave out,
exclude, forsake vb. hehta-
abhor, feel disgust at vb. feuya-
abhor, loathe vb. yelta-
abide by, stick to, adhere, cleave
to vb. himya-
abide, be settled or fixed vb. mar-
ablative ending -ello
abominably, ill, grievously prefix
abundance, great quantity noun
abundant adj. va
abundant, rich adj. alya
abundant, swarming, teeming adj.
abyss noun undum
accommodate, fit vb. camta-
account, history noun quental
accursed, cursed adj. hna
acquire information, learn, not by
experience but by instruction in
words or writing vb. par-
acre, sown field noun resta
across prep. arta
act of thinking, thought noun
act of will, exercise of will noun
actor, doer, agent noun tyaro
actual, existing, true adj. nanwa
actual, real, true adj. anwa
acute, fine adj. tereva
add vb. napan-
add, augment vb. yantya-
adhere, stick to, cleave to, abide
by vb. himya-
adhering, sticking adj. himba
adjectival ending -inqua
adjectival suffix -ima
admirable, excellent, precious
noun maira
adorn, trim vb. netya-
adult, manly, vigorous adj. va
affect, touch (one) in the
figurative sense; concern vb. ap-
affect, touch (one) in the
figurative sense; concern vb. ap-
affectionate, loving adj. mla
after prep. apa
after (of time), before, in front of
(of spatial relationships) prep. po,
after (of time), before, in front of
(of spatial relationships) prep.
after (of time); in front of, before
(of spatial relationships) prep.
After-born, an Elvish name of
Mortal Men as the Second-born
of Ilvatar noun Apannar
after-name, nickname noun
again, also adv. ata
again, back, re- prefix ata-, at-
again-, re- prefix en-

age, cycle, (100 Valian Years)
noun randa
agent, doer, actor noun tyaro
agile, swift, hasty adj. tyelca
ago, formerly adv.? postposition
(?) y
agony, death noun anqual
agony, death noun qualm
agony, death noun unqual
Ah!, Alas! interjection ai!
ailing, drooping adj. nimpa
air as substance noun vista
air, lower air noun wilma
air, sky, also name of tengwa #24
noun vilya
air, sky, also name of tengwa #24
noun wilya
air, tune, singing, song noun lind
airy, breezy adj. vilin
alike adv. vla
alike, similar adj. ova
alike, similar adj. vva
alive adj. coina
alive adj. cuina
all noun illi
all adj. and noun ilya
all (the), the whole adj and noun
allative, height noun tri
All-father, God masc. name
allness, the all noun ilv
allow, yield, grant vb. lav-
Almighty (the) noun Sanavaldo
AlmightyCreator (the) who
dwells without the world masc.
name Enu
alone, one cardinal er
alone, single adj. erinqua
alphabet noun tengwanda
also adv. yando
also, again adv. ata
also, so, like that adv. ta
alternative name of Valanya, the
last day of the Eldarin six-day
week, dedicated to the Powers
(Valar) noun Trion
always adv. illum
always adv. vora, vor
ambidexter noun ataformo
ambidexter noun attaformo
ambidextrous adj. ataformait
ambidextrous adj. attaformait
ame of tengwa #24 also air, sky
noun vilya
amen, may it be so interjection
among prep. imca
among prep. mici
ancient adj. yra
and conj. a
and conj. ar
and conj. ar
and conj. o
and conj. ta
and conj. as a suffix added to the
second of a pair -y
and yet, but yet conj. ananta
angelic power, Power, God noun
angelic spirit, holy one ; fem.
Aini noun Ainu
angle noun necc
angular, sharp noun nerca
animal noun kelva
animal (usually applied to four-
footed beasts, and never to
reptiles and birds) noun laman
(lamn- or laman-)
animal, living thing that moves
noun celva
announcement, order noun canwa
another, other noun eces
another, other noun ex
answer vb.? or noun? hanquenta

any formation or projection
tapering to a point: a spearhead,
gore, wedge, narrow promontory
noun neht
anyone, one, someone indefinite
pronoun o
apparent, seeming adj. va
apparition spectral or vague noun
ausa ()
appear, of beautiful things, attract
(with dative) vb. lelya-
appearance noun ilc
apple noun orva
April noun Vress
April (alternative name of) noun
arch, crescent noun c
arched or vaulted roof noun
arduous, hard, difficult adj. urda
arm noun ranco (rancu-) pl.
army, band, troop noun hoss
Arnor = Kings-land noun
arrangement, plan noun pano
arrow noun pilin (pilind-)
art noun Carm
artifact noun tamna
artificial adj. tamna
artist, usually a poet except in
compounds noun maitar
as prep. ier
as prep. sv
as far as, until, up to prep. tenna
as, like prep. ve
ascension noun orosta
ascent noun rosta
ascertained, known, certain adj.
ascertained, known, certain
passive participle sinwa
ask vb. maquet-
asleep adj. lorna
assemblage, gathering, assembly
noun ocomb
assemble (transitive), gather vb.
assemble (intransitive), gather vb.
assemble, gather, collect vb.
assembly, gathering, assemblage
noun ocomb
assist, ease, comfort vb. asya- ()
associate [female], sister noun
osell ()
associate [male], brother, sworn
brother noun otorno
at all times, ever? adv. lum?
at last adv.? yallum
at one time, once, (in the past)
at peace, resting adj. senda
at this time adv. silum
at this time not referring to the
present (which is silum = at this
time in the narrower sense). adv.
at, in preposition se, long s
at, to, upon allative ending -nna
at what time? interrogative word
athwart prep. lanna
auger, gimlet noun teret
augment, add vb. yantya-
August noun rim
August (alternative name of)
noun Metelair
autumn noun yvi
autumn (alternative term for)
noun Endien
autumn, fire-fading noun
available (quickly), ready to hand
adj. frima

available (quickly), ready to hand
adj. ferina
avenge, do back, react vb. accar-
avenge, do back, react vb. ahtar-
avenue of trees noun aldon
awake adj. coiva
awake adj. cuiva
awake vb. eccoita-
awakening noun cuiv
awakening noun cuivi
away adverbs oa, oar (a, ar),
away from prep. ollo
away, from verbal prefix h-
away, off verbal prefix au-
awe noun ya
awkward, difficult adj. hraia
awkward, hard, stiff, difficult adj.
awning noun teltass
axe noun pelecco

babe noun laps
baby noun vin (vini-)
baby noun win (wini-)
baby, little-one, used in children's
play for little finger or little toe
noun winimo
baby, used in children's play for
little finger or little toe noun
back, again, re- prefix ata-, at-
back, rear noun pont (ponti-)
backwards prefix nan-
bad magic noun felu
bad, evil, wicked adj. olca
bad, evil, wicked, wrong adj. ulca
bake vb. masta-
bake (by exposure to sun), heat
vb. asta-
bale out, draw water, scoop out
vb. calpa-
ball, globe noun coron
balrog noun Valcarauc
band, army, troop noun hoss
bang, buffet, blow noun taran,
bank (river) noun rva
banned, refused, forbidden adj.
bare adj. parna
barn fowl, hen noun poroc
base, floor, ground noun talan
base, foundation, root noun talma
bathing, washing, purification
noun sovall
batter, beat vb. palpa-
be afflicted, labour vb. moia-
be chill, cold (of weather) vb.
be compelled to do something,
have an impulse noun horya-
be excited vb. walya-
be gone! stand aside! vb. in
imperative heca!
be heavy stative vb. lumna-
be imminent, impend nearly
always in a bad sense vb. va-
be it that imperative verb nai
be settled or fixed, abide vb. mar-
be sick, vomit vb quama- .
beach, shore noun fra
beach, shore noun hresta

beach, shore noun falas (falass-),
bear noun morco
bear fruit vb. yav-
bear, carry vb. col-
beard noun fanga
bearer noun colindo
bearing yellow flowers adj.
beat, batter vb. palpa-
beautiful adj. calwa
Beautiful (the) noun Maia
Beautiful (the) noun Mya pl.
beautiful and fine, delicate,
slender adj. lelya
beautiful, children of the Valar,
fair folk noun Vanimo
beautiful, fair adj. vanima
beautiful, fair adj. vanya
beautiful, fair (of sound) adj.
beautiful, lovely, desirable adj.
beauty noun vaness
beauty noun vani
bed noun caima
bedchamber noun caimasan
bedridden, sick adj. caimassa
bee noun nion
beech noun neldor
beech, beech-tree noun feren
beechen adj. ferinya
beechnuts, mast noun ferna
beech-tree noun fern (pl. ferni)
before prep. ep
before (of time), at back (of
spatial relationships). prep. n
before, in front of (of spatial
relationships) after (of time) prep.
po, p
before, in front of (of spatial
relationships) after (of time) prep.
before, in front of (of spatial
relationships); after (of time)
prep. opo
beget vb. nosta-
beget, create vb. onta-
begetter, mother (fem.) noun
begetter, parent noun ontar
begetter, parent (fem); the pl.
ontari or dual ontaru (see ontani)
covers both sexes. noun ontar
begetter, parent (fem.) noun
begetter, parent (masc.); pl. ontari
noun ontaro
beginning noun ess
beginning noun yesta
beginning-day, the first day of the
year noun yestar
behave vb. lenga- (weak verb)
behind, at back of place prep? ca,
cata, cana
behind, at back of place prep?
behind, at back of place prep?
behold! interjection ela!
behold, see vb. cen-
being noun nv
being, spirit noun ala
believe vb. sav-
bell noun nyell
beloved, dear, sweet adj. melda
belt, girdle noun quilta
beneath, down, under adv. and
prep.? undu
beneath, not touching prep. n
bent adj. locin
bent, crooked, wrong adj. raic
bent, curved adj. acna

bent, curved adj. cna
bent, humped adj. numba
bent, stiff dry grass noun sara
berry noun pi
beside, outside prefix ar-
between prep. enel
between prep imb
between prep. mitta-
beyond prep. han
beyond postposition pella
beyond prep. tar
beyond, also used in phrases of
comparison prep. l
bier noun tulma
big adj. polda
big boy, son noun yonyo
big toe noun taltol
big toe, stump, stub noun tolbo
big toe, stump, stub noun tolvo
big, great (in power) adj. tra
big, large adj. ha
biography noun vehtequental
biped adj. attalait
birch noun hwind
bird (small) noun aiw
Birdland = lower air place-name
Aiwenor, Aiwenor
birth, birthday noun nosta
bit, crumb, small piece noun mi
bite noun nahta
bitter adj. sra
bitterly painful, grievous adj.
black arts, secrecy noun nl
black, dark, darkness adj. mor
black, dark, gloomy adj. morna
blackberry noun piucca
blackness, dark, night, darkness
noun mr
blade of a cutting tool or weapon,
especially sword-blade noun
blade, share noun hyanda
blaspheme, curse vb. naiquet-
blaze, fire noun ruin
blazing hot adj. rin
blazing, fiery adj. ruina
bless vb. aista-
bless vb. manta-
bless vb. manya-
bless (a work), cause to prosper,
help one vb. alya-
bless, hallow, treat as holy vb.
bless, praise vb. laita-
blessed adj. almra
blessed adj. amanya
blessed adj. mna
blessed adj. manait
blessed adj. manaquenta
blessed adj. manna
blessed adj. manqu, manquenta
blessed, fortunate, wealthy, rich
adj. herenya
blessed, free from evil adj. aman
blessed, holy (of things) adj.
blessedness, good fortune noun
blessedness, good fortune noun
blessedness, happiness noun
blessing, good thing, piece of
good fortune noun alm
blight, gloom noun yaru
blink, peer vb. tihta-
block, stop vb. tap-
blonde, fair of hair adj. waina,
blood noun serc
blood noun yr
bloom vb. losta-
bloom noun olt
blossom noun loss
blossom (golden) noun lvar

blossom (golden) noun lar
blot noun motto
blow noun vangw
blow vb. wya-
blow about (both transitive and
intransitive), scatter vb. winta-
blow, buffet, bang noun taran,
blow; fly or stream in the wind
vb. hlapu-
blue adj. luin
blue adj. ninwa
blue (pale) adj. helwa
Blue Mountains noun Lnoronti
blue pale adj. ilin
bluish adj. luininc (luininci-)
boat noun lunt
body noun hroa
bold adj. canya
bold adj. verya
boldness noun veri
bolster, cushion noun nirwa
bond, knot noun nt
bond, troth, compact, oath noun
bone noun axo
book, also name of tengwa #2
noun parma
book-fair noun parma-resta
book-language noun
border, edge, hem noun rma
border, edge, margin noun rna
border, fence, boundary noun
borne, worn passive participle
bosom, hollow cavity noun sma
bosom, surface, bosom of Earth
noun palr
boss (of shield) noun tolmen
both noun? adv.? yyo
bottle noun olp
bound, enclose vb. lanya-
bound, obliged adj. nauta
boundary noun landa
boundary post or mark noun
boundary, fence noun pelo
boundary, fence, border noun
bow vb. caw-
bow vb. luhta-
bow noun lva
bow noun quinga
bow, crescent noun cn
bowels, entrails noun hir (hird-)
bowl noun salpa
bowl noun salp
bowl noun tolpo
bowl, goblet noun fion
box noun colca
branch noun olba
branch noun olwa
branch, wand, stick noun olwen
bread noun massa
bread noun masta
bread (as a material) noun mass
break vb. rac-
break apart vb. terhat-
break asunder vb. ascat-
breast, chest noun ambos
breast-plate, hauberk noun
breath, breeze, puff of air, also
name of tengwa #12 noun hwesta
breath, puff of breath noun foa
breath, spirit, also name of
tengwa #9 noun sl () (sli-)
breathe vb. sya- ()
breeze (gentle) noun vl
breeze, breath, puff of air, also
name of tengwa #12 noun hwesta
breezy, airy adj. vilin

brick noun telar
bride, wife noun indis
bridge, also name of tengwa #35
noun yanta
bridge, joining, isthmus noun
bright adj. calima
bright, light adj. et nom calina
brightest adj. ancalima
brilliance, clarity noun calass
brilliance, glory, splendour noun
broad sword, also prow of a ship
noun lango
brooch, pin noun tancil
brood, lower vb. luvu-
brook noun nell
brook noun went
brooklet noun celuss
brother noun hno
brother noun onro
brother, also used in children's
play for middle finger noun
brother, sworn brother, [male]
associate noun otorno
brotherhood noun otornass
brown, swart, dark brown adj.
varn (varni-)
bud, sprout noun tuima
buffet, blow, bang noun taran,
build vb. carasta-
build vb. carasta-
build, make vb. car-
builder, carpenter, wright noun
samno ()
building (especially of wood),
wooden hall noun ampano
building, construction noun
built fort or dwelling surrounded
by bulwarks noun carass
bull noun mundo
bunch, cluster noun lox
burden noun clo
burdensome, lying heavy,
oppressive, ominous adj. lumna
burly, strong adj. polda
burn (intransitive) vb. urya-
burn (transitive) vb. urta-
burn (transitive) vb. usta-
bush noun tussa
but conj. apa
but conj. mal
but conj. nan
but conj. n
but conj. on
but conj. ono
but yet, and yet conj. ananta
but, on the contrary, on the other
hand conj. n
butterfly noun wilwarin
buttocks, hams noun hacca
by prep. ar-
by, from prep. l, lo
bystander (supporter) noun
bystander, mainly used in the
sense witness noun astarmo

call, shout of triumph noun yello camel noun ulump

can = have physical power and
ability vb. pol-
can in the sense be free to do,
being under no restraint (physical
or other). vb. lerta-
candle, taper noun lcuma
Cannibal-ogres pl. noun
canopy, dome, roof noun telum
canopy, overshadow, screen vb.
canopy, sky noun telimbo
cape (of land) noun nortil
cape, snout, nose noun mundo
capital of the Teleri place-name
captain noun hesto
carcanet, necklace noun firinga
carousal, drinking noun yulm
carpenter (carver) noun tautamo
carpenter, wright, builder noun
samno ()
carry, bear vb. col-
cart noun noroll
cast shadow noun hala
Castle of Custody noun Mandos
cat noun moi
cat noun yaul
catch in a net vb. raita-
catch, hook noun atsa
cause vb. tyar-
cause to go, send vb. menta-
cause to prosper, bless (a work),
help one vb. alya-
cause to sparkle, kindle vb. tinta-
cause, reason noun casta
cave noun felya
cave noun rotel
cave (artificial), dwelling
underground noun hrta
cave, mine, underground dwelling
noun felco
cease (intr.), stop vb. pusta-
cease, end vb. tyel-
cease, take a rest, stop vb. hauta-
center, heart noun enda
center, middle noun end
central, middle adj. enetya
central, middle adj. entya, enetya
certain, known, ascertained adj.
certain, known, ascertained
passive participle sinwa
chair noun hamma
chamber, room noun samb ()
champion, eminent man noun
chance, happen vb. marta-
change noun wirn
change (intransitive) vb. ahya-
change (transitive) vb. vista-
change of mind noun walwist
change of mind, mood noun inwis
change, alter(nate) (intransitive)
vb. virya-
channel noun celma
chant vb. lir-
characteristic look, gesture noun
chasm noun cilya
chastisement noun paimesta
cheese noun tyur
cherry tree, plum tree noun aipio
chest, breast noun ambos
chief noun turco
chief, principal adj. hra
chieftain, king noun haran
child noun hna
child noun onw
Child of Aul, a name of the
Dwarves noun Aulonna

child of gloom noun lmar
childish adj. winima
children collective (?) noun sn
children of the Valar, beautiful,
fair folk noun Vanimo
chill, white, palid adj. ninqu
chin noun venta
choosing noun cilm
Christ noun Elpino
Christ noun Hristo
chronological account, history
noun lumenyr
chronological account, history
noun lmequenta
circle noun rind
circular adj. rinda
circular enclosure noun corin
circular enclosure noun corm
circular enclosure, mound noun
city, fort, with a citadel and
central watch-tower noun
clad adj. vaina
clamour noun indyalm
clamour noun yalm
clan, family, house, kindred,
family noun noss
clarity, brilliance noun calass
clasp, hasp noun tangwa
claw, talon noun namma
claw, talon noun nappa
clean, pure adj. poica
cleanse vb. poita-
cleared (of land), open, free adj.
latin, latina
cleave vb. hyand
cleave vb. hyar-
cleave to, stick to, adhere, abide
by vb. himya-
cleft, gash noun hyats
cleft, ravine, gulf noun yw
cleft, split noun? or adj? sanca
clever (in petty ways) adj. finca
clever(-fingered) adj. finya
clever(-fingered) adj. leptafinya
cliff, seaward precipice noun ollo
cloak, jacket noun vacco
cloak, veil, mantle vb. fanta-
close, shut vb. holta-
close, shut vb. holya-
closed, shut, private adj. pahta
cloth, tissue noun lann
cloud noun fna
cloud noun lumbo
cloud (white) noun fanya
cloud, dark shadow noun ungo
clump, hill, lump, mass noun
clumsy(-handed), unskilled adj.
cobweb noun hln
cock noun tocot
cold adj. ringa
cold adj. ring
cold pool or lake (in mountains)
noun ringw
cold, be chill, (of weather) vb.
collapse, fall in vb. atalta-
collapse, slip, slide down, slope
vb. talta-
collect, gather, assemble vb.
collection, gathering noun comb
colour, hue noun quil
come vb. tul-
come back, return, go back vb.
come forth vb. ettul-
comfort, consolation, easement
noun tiutal
comfort, console vb. tiuta-
comfort, ease noun asi ()

comfort, ease, assist vb. asya- ()
command, order vb. can-
commander noun cno
commandment, law, rule noun
commemorate, recall vb. enyal-
commerce noun mancal
communication, enquiry noun
compact, bond, troth, oath noun
compel vb. mauya-
completely, fully adv. aqua
composer, musician noun
compulsion noun mausta
conceal, lie vb. fur-
conceal, lie vb. hur-
conceal, veil, screen from light
vb. halya-
concealed, hidden adj. furin
concealed, hidden adj. hurin
conception, idea noun n (nw-)
conception, idea noun noa
conch, shell, horn of Ulmo noun
conclude (transitive), finish, wind
up vb. telya-
conclusion noun telma
confidential adj. oholima
confused, shattered, disordered,
ruined adj. (or passive
participle?) rcina
consequently adv. epetai
considering a matter (with a view
to decision) noun vi
consolation, comfort, easement
noun tiutal
console, comfort vb. tiuta-
consonant noun lambetengw
consonant noun or adj. nva
consonant noun pataca
conspicuous, prominent adj.
constellation, Orion, lit.
Swordsman of Heaven. noun
constellation: Orion, lit.
Swordsman of Heaven. noun
construction, building noun
construction, craft, thing made,
device noun tanw
Consumer (the), a name of the
Sun noun Vsa
contemptible, mean adj. faica
continual, repeated adj. vorima
continually, ever adv. voro, voro-
continuous, enduring, lasting
noun vra
control, wield, govern vb. tur-
cooked food, meat noun apsa
copper noun tamp
copper noun urus (urust-)
copula, dome noun telluma
corpse noun quelet (quelets-)
corpse, dead body noun loico
corpse-candle noun loicolcuma
corruscation noun russ
count up vb. onot-
countable adj. ntima
counting noun nti
countless, not possible to count
adj. ntima
country noun nri
course, path, line, direction, way
noun ti
court, paved floor noun paca
cover vb. top-
cover vb. tup-
covering, hood noun telm
craft noun curw
craft, thing made, device,
construction noun tanw

craftsman, smith noun tano
create, beget vb. onta-
creature noun onna
crescent, arch noun c
crescent, bow noun cn
crest of wave, foam noun wing
crest, ridge noun qun, qun
crested adj. quinna
crime noun ongw
crooked adj. cauca
crooked adj. hwarin
crooked, bent, wrong adj. raic
crooked, hooked adj. rempa
cross vb. langa-
cross, Crucifix noun tarw
cross, pass over, surpass, excel
vb. lahta-
crossbar noun hwarma
crossing, passage noun tarna
crow noun corco
crow noun quco
crowd of things of same sort,
great collection noun m
crowd, host, great number noun
crowd, press, throng noun sanga
crown noun r
crowned adj. rna
crowned with Stars, a name of
Taniquetil adj. used as noun
crowned with Stars, a name of
Taniquetil adj. used as noun
Crucifix, cross noun tarw
crucify vb. tarwesta-
cruel adj. nwalca
crumb, bit, small piece noun mi
crumble vb. ruxa-
crystal, glass noun maril
cup noun yulma
cupola, dome noun coromindo
curse vb. hta-
curse, blaspheme vb. naiquet-
cursed, accursed adj. hna
curved, bent adj. acna
curved, bent adj. cna
cushion, bolster noun nirwa
custody, prison noun mando
cut vb. and noun rista-, rista
cut off vb. hciri-
cut, hew vb. nac-
cycle, age (100 Valian Years)
noun randa

daddy noun ataryo
daddy noun atya
daddy noun taryo
daddy, father noun atto
dagger noun naica
dagger, knife noun sicil
daily adj. ilaura
dainty, pretty adj. netya
dale, dell noun nal, nall
dance vb. lilta-
danger noun rax
dangle, hang vb. linga-
Danian, Green-elf noun ana
dare vb. verya-
dark brown, brown, swart adj.
varn (varni-)
dark shadow, cloud noun ungo
dark weather noun lr

dark, black, darkness adj. mor
dark, black, gloomy adj. morna
dark, blackness, night, darkness
noun mr
dark, dark brown, used to refer to
hair adj. hrva
dark, dusky, obscure, secret adj.
dark, overcast adj. lra
darkness noun mor
darkness noun morni
darkness, black, dark adj. mor
darkness, blackness, dark, night
noun mr
dative ending -n
dative pl. ending -in
daughter noun anel
daughter patronymic (or
matronymic) -iel
daughter noun yen, yend
dawn noun ra
day noun ar
day noun r
day (24-hour) noun r
Day of Completion, Oldyear's
Day noun Quantari
Day of Manwe noun Ar Manwen
Day of the Fanturi (Mandos and
Lorien) noun Ar Fanturion
Day of the Spouses (Aule and
Yavanna) noun Ar Veruen
Day of the three (younger gods),
Oss, Orome and Tulkas noun
Day of Ulmo noun Ar Ulmon
day, sunlight noun aur
day, twelve hours noun arya
daytime noun ari
dead adj. qualin
dead (by natural cause) adj. firin
dead body, corpse noun loico
dead, withered adj. hessa
deafeat, master, have victory over
vb. turu-
dear adj. melin
dear, beloved, sweet adj. melda
dear, familiar adj. moina
dear, worth, worthy adj. valda
death noun effri
death noun nuru, uru
death, agony noun anqual
death, agony noun qualm
death, agony noun unqual
death, dying noun firi
death-shadow noun nuruhuin
debt, trespass noun luci
debt, trespass noun lucass
debt, trespass noun rohta
debt, trespass noun ruhta
debt, trespass noun car
debtor noun rocind
debtor noun rucind
debtor, one who trespasses noun
debtor, one who trespasses noun
December noun Ringar
December (alternative name of )
noun orrv
declivity, slope, downslope noun
decorate, make, or finish off a
thing with delicate work vb.
decree, define, destine vb. marta-
decree, define, destine in more
lofty senses vb. umbarta-
deed noun carda
deed noun carda
deep adj. nra
deep shadow noun fuin
deep shadow noun huin
deep valley noun tumba
deep, lowlying, low adj. tumna
define, decree, destine vb. marta-

define, decree, destine in more
lofty senses vb. umbarta-
defined (well-) within bounds,
limited, finite adj. lanwa
deformed and hideous creature,
monster noun ulundo
delayed, restrained, kept adj.
delicate, beautiful and fine,
slender adj. lelya
deliver, save vb. etelehta-
dell, dale noun nal, nall
dell, deep vale noun imb
demon noun rauca
Demon of Might noun Valarauco
demon, terrible creature noun
denoting difficulty pref. hrai-
denoting easiness in doing (as-
before p, t, c, q, s ) pref. asa- ()
deny vb. lala-
depart vb. av-
departed spirit noun manu
departure, leaving noun lenw
deprive vb. nehta-
deprived of, destitute adj. na
deprived, stripped adj. racina
descendant, grandchild noun
descendant, son (of) patronymic
ending -ion
desert noun erum
deserted, solitary adj. erda
desirable, lovely, beautiful adj.
desire noun r
desire vb. yesta-
desire to go in some direction vb.
desire, greed noun milm
desire, judgement noun nma
desire, judgement noun nmi
desire, wish, want vb. mer-
desiring to start, eager to go adj.
despise vb. nattira-
destine vb. martya-
destine in more lofty senses,
define, decree vb. umbarta-
destine, define, decree vb. marta-
destiny noun maranw
destitute, deprived of adj. na
device, craft, thing made,
construction noun tanw
dew, fine rain noun ross
dewy, moist adj. nt (nti-)
dexter, right adj. forya
dexterity noun fn
dexterous adj. fna
dexterous adj. finwa
dexterous, righthanded adj.
dictum, saying, quotation noun
eques (equess-)
die vb. qual-
difficult, awkward adj. hraia
difficult, awkward, hard, stiff adj.
difficult, hard, arduous adj. urda
dig vb. sap- or sapa-
dim to see, pale, vague, faint adj
diphthong noun ocamna
diphthong noun ohlon
diphthong noun osamna
diphthong noun samna
direct toward, point to, indicate
vb. tenta-
direction of travel, passage,
journey noun menti
direction, path, course, line, way
noun ti
dirty, soiled adj. vra
discoloured, smeared adj. pra
disembodied spirit, phantom noun

disgust, horror, pain interjection
dish, small boat, vessel noun ven
disordered, confused, shattered,
ruined adj. (or passive
participle?) rcina
dispositions and will of Eru, with
regard to Creation as a whole
noun Embar
distant, far, wide, to a great extent
root element (apparently not
appearing alone) palan-
distribute in even portions vb.
distribute in even portions vb.
divide in middle, halve vb. perya-
divided in middle, halved adj.?
divinity, valahood noun valass
do a thing (with fine work) vb.
do back, react, avenge vb. accar-
do back, react, avenge vb. ahtar-
Do not!, I will not! exclamation
do wrong, sin, trespass vb. car-
doer, actor, agent noun tyaro
dog noun huo
dog noun roa
doing or making a thing very
badly noun saucar
doing wrong noun uscar ()
doing wrong noun uxar
dome, copula noun telluma
dome, cupola noun coromindo
dome, roof, canopy noun telum
Don't! negative imperative
particle va, av
doom noun ambar
doom, fate, also name of tengwa
#6 noun umbar (umbart-)
doom, final end, fate, fortune
noun manar
doom, final end, fate, fortune
noun mand
door noun fenna
dot or point placed above the line
of writing noun amatix
dot or point placed below the line
of writing noun unutix
dot, small spot noun pica
dot, tiny mark, point noun tix
double adj. atwa
double adj.? tanta
double vb. tatya-
dough noun max
dove noun cua
dove noun cucua
down below, underneath adv. nn
down, under, beneath adv. and
prep.? undu
downfall noun atalant
downfallen adj. atalanta
down-roof = cover vb. untp-
downslope, slope, declivity noun
drag, large, flat vehicle on wheels
or rollers for hauling stone or
other weighty material noun raxa
dragon noun angulc
dragon, snake noun lc
draught noun suhto
draught noun yulda
draw vb. tuc-
draw water, scoop out, bale out
vb. calpa-
draw, pull vb. saca- ()
dreadful, horrible, unendurable
adj. naira
dream noun olor
dream (impersonal) vb. la-
dream, vision noun olos (olor-)
dream, vision noun maur
dreamy adj. olra

dreamy adj. olosta
dressed leather noun alu
drink vb. suc-
drink vb. yul-
drink of the Valar noun limp
drinking, carousal noun yulm
drinking-vessel noun sungwa
drinking-vessel (made of glass)
noun cilinyul
drip vb. lipta-
drooping, ailing adj. nimpa
drop noun limba
drowsy, slumbrous adj. lorda
dry adj. parca
dryad, spirit of woods (fem.) noun
dryad, spirit of woods (masc.)
noun tavaro, tavaron
dual ablative ending -ilto,
dual ending -t
dual locative ending -ts
dumb adj. pa
dusk noun hist
dusk, twilight, night noun lm
dusky, dark, obscure, secret adj.
dust noun asto
Dwarf noun Casar
Dwarf noun auco
dwarf noun orno
dweller noun mardo
dwelling noun farn
dwelling, place dwelt in noun
dwelling or built fort surrounded
by bulwarks noun carass
dwelling underground, artificial
cave noun hrta
dwelling, earth, home noun mar
dwelling, home, house noun mr
dwelling-house noun martan
dwindle, lessen, waning vb. pca-
dying, death noun firi

eager to go, desiring to start adj.
eagle noun sorno ()
eagle noun soron (or sorn) ()
ear noun hlas (hlar-)
ear noun lr
earlier form of Sauron, before the
change th > s masc. name
Thauron (auron)
earth noun cemen
earth noun kemen
earth, earthen adj. cemna
earth, home, dwelling noun mar
earth, soil noun cn (cem-)
Earth, world noun ambar
earthen, earth adj. cemna
Earth-queen, title of Yavanna
noun Kementri
ease, assist, comfort vb. asya- ()
ease, comfort noun asi ()
easement, comfort, consolation
noun tiutal
easily heard adj. asalast ()
easily seen, visible adj. ascen
easily seen, visible adj. ascnima
east noun hrmen
east noun rmen, Rmen

eastern adj. hrna
eastern adj. orrna
eastern adj. rmenya
Eastern Men noun Hrnatani
Eastern, of the dawn adj. ra
eat vb. mat-
ebb, lowtide noun nanw
ebb-tide noun lanw (lanwi-)
echo noun nallma, nallama
echo, ringing sound noun lma
echoing adj. lmina
eddy, swirl, gyrate vb. hwinya-
eddy, whirlpool noun hwind
edge, border, margin noun rna
edge, hem, border noun rma
edible adj. mtima
edible root noun sulca
eight cardinal toldo
eight cardinal tolto
eighteen cardinal nahta
eighteen cardinal toloqu (kw)
eighth ordinal tolda
eighth ordinal tolta
elbow noun lem
Eldarin six-day week noun
Eldarin, Elvish adj. Eldarin
Elder of the Two Trees of Valinor
(Telperion, the White Tree). name
element meaning king or queen in
compounds and names -tar or
elephant noun andamunda
eleven cardinal minqu
Elf noun quend
Elf that refused to go to Aman,
recusant noun avar
Elf who departed from Beleriand
to Aman noun Aurel (Aureld-,
pl. Aureldi)
Elf who departed from Beleriand
to Aman noun Oarel (Oareld-)
Elf, (high-) elf noun elda
Elf-friend noun Eldandil
Elf-lovers noun Eldameldor
Elf-stone masc. name Elessar
elm noun alb
elm noun alv
elm, elm-tree noun alalm
elm-tree noun lalm
elongated, lengthened, ex-tended,
stretched adj. taina
Elven-folk noun Eldali
Elvenhome place-name Eldamar
Elves as a race noun Quendi
Elves of the Light, Light-elves pl.
noun Calaquendi
Elves remaining behind = Telerin
Ilkorins noun Lembi
Elves that refused to go to Aman
(= Avari) noun Avamanyar
Elves who started on the march
from Cuivinen but did not reach
Aman noun Alamanya
Elves, First-born (as contrasted to
Apannar, the After-born, Men).
pl. noun Minnnar
Elvish long year of 144 solar
years, 52, 596 days noun yn
Elvish man noun quendu, pl.
Elvish woman noun quendi, pl.
Elvish, Eldarin adj. Eldarin
ember, smouldering wood noun
eminent man, champion noun
emit light vb. faina-
emotion, excitement adj. walm
emotion, impulse noun felm
empty adj. cumna
empty, void adj. lusta
empty, wast, wide noun naira
enchant vb. luhta-

enchantment noun lc
enclose, bound vb. lanya-
enclose, set bounds to/about vb.
enclosure noun panda
enclosure, garden noun tarwa
end noun metta
end noun tyel (tyeld-)
end (intransitive), finish vb. tel-
end, cease vb. tyel-
end, point noun ment
ending ending -dur
ending noun tyelma
ending case called respective -s
ending for dual ablative -lto
ending for dual allative -nta
ending for dual dative -nt
ending for dual instrumental -
ending for dual possessive -twa
ending for partitive pl. ablative -
lillo or -lillon
ending for partitive pl. allative -
linna or -linnar
ending for partitive pl. dative -lin
ending for partitive pl. genitive -
ending for partitive pl.
instrumental -lnen
ending for partitive pl. locative -
liss or -lissen
ending for partitive pl. possessive
ending for passive participle -ina
ending forming nouns from
verbal stems -nd
ending forming nouns that seem
properly to have been universal
and abstract -l
ending frequent in names and
titles, sometimes with an agental
significance -mo
ending occurring in the names of
certain lands -sta
ending used to derive adverbs
from adjectives -v
ending used to form passive
participles as well as some
adjectives -na
endless period noun oio
endurance, lasting quality noun
enduring, continuous, lasting
noun vra
enduring, long-lasting adj.
enemy noun cotto
enemy noun cotumo
enemy noun notto
enfold vb. vaita-
enfold noun waita- > vaita-
enlaced, nettled adj. raina
enough adj.? fra
enough adv. faren
enquire of, question vb. ces- ()
enquiry noun minasurie ()
enquiry, communication noun
entangled adj. rembina
entrails, bowels noun hir (hird-)
entrap, net vb. remba-
envelope, especially of the Outer
Sea or Air enfolding the world
within the Ilurambar or world-
walls noun vaia < waia (vaiya <
envelope, especially of the Outer
Sea or Air enfolding the world
within the Ilurambar or world-
walls noun vaiya < waiya (vaia,
envelope, especially of the Outer
Sea or Air enfolding the world
within the Ilurambar or world-
walls noun waia > vaia

envelope, especially of the Outer
Sea or Air enfolding the world
within the Ilurambar or world-
walls noun waiya > vaiya
envenom, poison, fill with poison
vb. hloita-
errant adj. rnen
erratic wandering noun ranya
escape vb. us-
escape, issue noun usw
establish, fix, set up vb. tulca-
etcetera adv. arta
eternal adj. oiala
eternal adj. oira
even thou, emphatic 2nd person
sg. pronoun pron. ely
evening noun siny ()
evening, sunset, west noun
ever adv. vor, voro
ever, at all times? adv. lum?
ever, continually adv. voro, voro-
everlasting adj. oia
everlasting noun oir
everybody noun ilquen
everything noun ilqua
evil noun ulco (ulcu-) pl. ulqui
evil, bad, wicked adj. olca
evil, bad, wicked, wrong adj. ulca
evil, nasty adj. ra
evil-doing noun hrcar
evil-doing noun rcar
evil-doing adj. saucarya
evil-smelling, foul, putrid adj.
saura ()
exalted, lofty adj. arta
examine, to eye vb. henta-
excel vb. arya-
excel, pass over, cross, surpass
vb. lahta-
excell, surpass vb. rta-
except, excluding prep. hequa
except, save prep. enga
exchange vb. quapta-
excite, rouse, stir up vb. walta-
excited, wild adj. walda
excitement, emotion adj. walm
exclude, put aside, leave out,
abandon, forsake vb. hehta-
excluding, except prep. hequa
exelling, used as the comparative
form of mra adj. arya
exercise of will, act of will noun
Exiled Noldor noun Etyangol
existing, actual, true adj. nanwa
expand, open wide, spread,
extend vb. palu-
expand, open wide, spread,
extend vb. palya-
expansive, wide adj. palla
extend, open wide, spread,
expand vb. palu-
extend, open wide, spread,
expand vb. palya-
ex-tended, lengthened, stretched,
elongated adj. taina
extension, lengthening noun tail
extension, lengthening noun
extensive region with well-
marked natural bounds noun
Exterior Void beyond the World
noun Oiacma
extremely, very adv. ita, ta
eye noun hen (hend-)
eye, to examine (with the eyes),
scan; to read (silently) vb. henta-
Eyes of Heartsease, a name of the
pansy noun Helinyetill
eye-screen, veil upon eyes noun
eyrie noun sornion


face noun anta
facsimile noun quanta emma,
fade vb. sinta- ()
fail vb. quel-
fail, fall short of (transitive), miss
vb. loita-
failing, short, inadequate adj.
faint, pale, vague, dim to see adj
fair folk, beautiful, children of the
Valar noun Vanimo
fair of hair, blonde adj. waina,
fair, beautiful adj. vanima
fair, beautiful adj. vanya
fair, beautiful (of sound) adj.
fair, good adj. alya
fair, loveable adj. melima
fair-minded, just, generous adj.
faith, loyalty (not belief) noun
faithfulness, steadfastness, loyalty
noun voronw
fall noun lanta
fall vb. lanta-
fall noun lant
fall in, collapse vb. atalta-
fall of snow noun hriss
Fall of the Noldor (name of a
song) noun oldolant
fallow, pale adj. malwa
fallow, pale, fawn adj. marya
familiar, dear adj. moina
family, clan, family, house,
kindred noun noss
family, clan, house, kindred,
family noun noss
fane, hallow noun ainas
fane, holy place, sanctuary noun
far adj. haiya
far away adj. vahya
far away beyond, further still
beyond adv. ambela
far off, far away adj. hya
far, distant, wide, to a great extent
root element (apparently not
appearing alone) palan-
far, remote adj. avahaira
far, remote adj. eccaira
far, remote adj. haira
farewell interjection namri
farewell lit. towards/to what is
good interjection mrienna
fasten vb. tac-
fat, rich adj. lra
fat, richeness noun lar
fat, thick adj. tiuca
fate noun marta
fate, doom, also name of tengwa
#6 noun umbar (umbart-)
fate, doom, final end, fortune
noun mand
fate, fortune noun marto
fate, doom, final end, fortune
noun manar
fated, fey adj. marta
father noun atar
father, daddy noun atto
fathom noun rangw
fawn, pale, fallow adj. marya
fay of the country noun nandin
fear noun caur

feast, festival noun meren
(merend-), merend
feather, also name of tengwa #4
noun quess
February noun nim
February (alternative name of )
noun Ercoir
feel disgust at, abhor vb. feuya-
feel fear or horror vb. ruc-
feel with the hand, stroke etc. vb.
fell, skin noun helma
fell, terrible adj. aica
female adj. inya
feminine ending -iss
feminine form of Ainu noun Aini
fence, border, boundary noun
fence, boundary noun pelo
fenced field noun peler
festival noun asar ()
festival, feast noun meren
(merend-), merend
festive adj. merya
fetch, send for, summon vb. tulta-
fey, fated adj. marta
field-spirit noun ermi
fiery adj. uruit
fiery adj. ruva
fiery adj. uruvoit
fiery red adj. narwa
fiery, blazing adj. ruina
fifteen cardinal lepenqu
fight, wield a weapon vb. mahta-
fill vb. quanta-
fill vb. quat-
fill with poison, poison, envenom
vb. hloita-
filth noun soa (sa )
final adj. tyelima
final end, doom, fate, fortune
noun manar
final end, doom, fate, fortune
noun mand
final, last adj. telda
find vb. hir-
find vb. tuv-
find out, bring out by examining,
or eyeing vb. ecces- ()
fine and delicately made adj.
fine pierced hole noun terra
fine rain noun timp
fine rain noun mist
fine rain, dew noun ross
fine thread noun ipsin
fine, acute adj. tereva
finger noun leper
finger noun leps
finish off, make, or decorate a
thing with delicate work vb.
finish, end (intransitive) vb. tel-
finish, wind up, conclude
(transitive) vb. telya-
finite, within bounds, limited,
(well-)defined adj. lanwa
fire noun r
fire noun uru
fire as conflagration, wild fire
noun aparuiv
fire as conflagration, wild fire
noun ruiv
fire, blaze noun ruin
fire-dragon noun urulc
fire-fading, autumn noun
fireplace, hearth noun ruimen
firm, fixed, sure adj. tanca
firm, solid adj. ronda
firm, strong, immovable, steadfast
adj. tulca
firm, true adj. sanda ()
first adj. esta
first adj. inga

first adj. minya
first or index finger noun lepetas
First-born, Elves (as contrasted to
Apannar, the After-born, Men).
pl. noun Minnnar
fish noun lingw (lingwi-)
fish (small) noun hala
fish-dragon, sea-serpent noun
fist noun qur (qur)
fit, accommodate vb. camta-
fit, useful, good (of things) adj.
five cardinal lemp
five cardinal lepenya
fix, set vb. panya-
fix, set up, establish vb. tulca-
fixed idea, will noun selma ()
fixed idea, will noun thelma
fixed, firm, sure adj. tanca
flag, shaped stone noun ambal
flame noun nr
flame noun nr,
Flame of the West, sword-name
noun Andril
flash noun ta
flat adj. lra
flat field, wang, plain noun palar
flat of the hand noun palta
flat, large vehicle on wheels or
rollers for hauling stone or other
weighty material, drag noun raxa
fleece noun u
flesh noun hrv
flesh/substance of Arda, matter
noun hrn
fleshy adj. sarqua
fling vb. hat-
flint-hearted adj. sincahonda
float, flow vb. lutta-
float, flow vb. lutu-
flock noun lmr
flood noun luim
flood noun lto
flood noun ulund
flood, inundate vb. luita-
flood, inundate vb. oloiya-
flooding, pouring, flowing adj.
floor, base, ground noun talan
flour (fine) noun mulma
flour, meal noun por (pori-)
flow vb. sir-
flow, float vb. lutta-
flow, float vb. lutu-
flow, stream noun celum
flower noun alma
flower (small single) noun lots
flower that opened and shut
quickly with any change of light
noun pirind
flower that opened and shut
quickly with any change of light
noun pirn
flower, inflorescence, mass of
flower noun loht
flower, inflorescence, mass of
flower noun ls ()
flower, mostly applied to larger
single flowers noun lt
flower, usually smaller noun lott
flowing, liquid adj. srima
flowing, pouring, flooding adj.
flute, pipe noun simpa
flute, pipe noun simpina
fly vb. ruc-
fly vb. vil-
fly vb. wil-
fly or stream in the wind; blow
vb. hlapu-
fly, small insect noun p
foam vb. falasta-
foam noun fall

foam, crest of wave noun wing
foam, spray noun winga
fog noun hisw ()
foliage noun farn
foliage noun olassi
folk noun hos
follow vb. hilya-
Follower, an Elvish name of
Mortal Men as the Second-born
of Ilvatar oun Hildo
follower, successor noun neuro
food noun matil
food noun matso
foot noun tl (tal-), tala pl. tli
footed adj. talait
footprint, slot noun runya
for conj. and prep. an
for ever adv. tennoio
for me, to me pron. dative of ni
for/to which, for/to whom relative
pronoun in dative yan
forbid, refuse vb. avaquet-
forbidden, refused, banned adj.
force, press, thrust vb. nir-
forehead noun timbar
foreign adj. ettela
foresight noun apaceny
forest (great), wood noun taur
forested adj. taura
forever, unceasing, without end
adj. oiala
forge noun tamin (taminn-)
forge metal vb. maca-
forgive vb. avatyar-
forgive vb. apsene-
former adj. noa
former days noun yr
former times noun yalm
formerly, ago adv.? also
postposition (?) y
forsake, put aside, leave out,
exclude, abandon vb. hehta
fort, city, with a citadel and
central watch-tower noun
fort, fortress noun arta
fortress, fort noun arta
fortress, strong or fortified
building or place noun osto
fortunate, wealthy, blessed, rich
adj. herenya
fortune, doom, final end, fate
noun manar
fortune, doom, final end, fate
noun mand
fortune, etymologically
governance noun heren
fortune, fate noun marto
forward adv. ompa
forward adv. pna
foul, evil-smelling, putrid adj.
saura ()
foundation, base, root noun talma
four prefix can-
four cardinal canta
fourteen cardinal canaqu
fourth ordinal canta
fourth day of the Eldarin six-day
week, dedicated to Telperion, the
White Tree noun Alda
fourth finger noun lepecan
fourth finger noun lepent
fox noun rusco (ruscu-, pl.
foxy adj. ruscuit
Fragrance-water, a lake in
Nmenor noun sinen
fragrant adj. nsima
Fragrant trees, a region in
Nmenor noun simaldar
frail, slender and drooping adj.
frail, small adj. nimp (nimpi-)

frail, small adj. npa
free adj. aranya
free adj. ranya
free vb. rna-
Free (the), a name of the Teleri
noun Mirimor
free from evil, blessed adj. aman
free of things: not guarded,
reserved, made fast, or owned
adj. lerina
free, let loose, let go vb. sen-
free, of persons noun, adj. lra
free, open, cleared (of land) adj.
latin, latina
free, released adj. lehta
freedom noun fairi
fresh adj. virya
fresh, green, yellow-green adj.
fresh, new adj. cva
fresh, new, young adj. winya
freshness, greenness, youth noun
friend ending -dil, -ndil,
friend noun mlo
friend ending -ndil
friend final element in compounds
friend noun seron
friend (fem.) noun nild
friend (fem.) noun serm
friend (feminine) noun meld
friend (masc.) noun nildo
friend (masc.) noun sermo
friend (masc.) noun nilmo
friend, lover noun meldo
friendly, loving adj. nilda
friendship noun nilm
frog noun quc
from prep. ho
from prep. va
from whom relative pronoun in
ablative: yello
from whom relative pronoun in
genitive yo
from whom, of whom, pl. relative
pron. Genitive pl. ion
from, away verbal prefix h-
from, by prep. l, lo
from, out of ablative ending -llo
frost noun nix
frost, rime noun ringw
frost-patterns noun niquis
frozen adj. halcin
fruit noun yv
full adj. quanta
full form of Andor, land of gift,
name of Nmenor noun Andr
full of darkness, very dark adj.
full organized language, mouth-
system noun carpass
full to the brim, with mouth full
adj. penquanta (pe-)
fully, completely adv. aqua
fungus, sponge noun hwan
furthermore, moreover conj. ent
future tense ending -uva

Galadriel, maiden crowned with a
radiant garland fem. name
game, sport, play noun tyali
gap, gulf noun fs
garden, enclosure noun tarwa

garland noun ri
garlanded maiden noun riel (riell-
gash, slash noun ciriss
gate, also name of tengwa #5
noun ando
gather, assemble (transitive) vb.
gather, assemble (intransitive) vb.
gather, collect, assemble vb.
gatherinf, meeting (of three or
more coming from different
directions) noun yomeni
gathering, assembly, assemblage
noun ocomb
gathering, collection noun comb
gen. pl. ending -on
generous, fair-minded, just adj.
genitive ending -o
gentle, soft adj. moica
gentle, soft, weak adj. milya
germ, seed noun erd
gesture, characteristic look noun
gesture-code noun hwerm
get old (intr.) also wear (out) vb.
giant noun norsa ()
gift noun anna
gimlet, auger noun teret
girdle, belt noun quilta
girl, daughter, sister, also used as
a play-name of the fourth finger
or fourth toe noun nett (netti-)
girl, maid noun wen (wend-)
give vb. anta-
give quick twist or move, jerk,
twitch vb. rihta-
give thanks, thank vb. hanta-
given name noun aness
giver (fem.) noun ant
giver (masc.) noun anto
glabrous, smooth adj. passa
glass noun calca
glass noun cilin
glass noun hyell
glass noun hyelma
glass, crystal noun maril
gleam (white) vb. ilca-
glint vb. tin-
glint noun tind
glint noun wintil
glinting, silver adj. tinda
glinting, twinkling adj. (or
participle?) itila
glitter vb. mirilya-
glittering light noun rilma
glittering reflection, radiance
(from jewels, glass or polished
metals, or water) noun nalta
globe, ball noun coron
globed, round adj. corna
gloom, blight noun yaru
gloom, shadow noun lumb
gloomy adj. lma
gloomy adj. lumba
gloomy, dark, black adj. morna
Glorfindel (Quenya form of )
masc. name Laurefindil
glory, brilliance, splendour noun
glowing (things), hearty (people)
adj. lsina
Gnomeland noun oldomar
Gnomes noun urquendi
go vb. lenna-
go vb. men-
go away, leave vb. auta-
go away, migrate vb. lenweta-
go back, return, come back vb.
go round, revolve, return vb. pel-

go, proceed (in any direction),
travel vb. lelya-
goblet noun slo (slu-, pl. slwi)
goblet, bowl noun fion
Goblins pl. noun Sancossi
god noun Aino
God, Power, angelic power noun
going down, occident noun nm
gold, also name of tengwa #18
noun malta
gold, but of golden light and
colour, not of the metal noun
golden, like gold adj. laura
goldenly adverb lauri
goldenness noun lauri
golden-red adj. culina
Gondolin place-name Ondolind
Gondor (Stone-land). place-name
Ondonr, Ondr
gone, lost, no longer to be had,
vanished adj. vanwa
gong noun tombo
good pref. amya-
good (moral sense) adj. man
good fortune, blessedness noun
good fortune, blessedness noun
good fortune, wealth noun alma
good health noun ml
good thing, blessing, piece of
good fortune noun alm
good, fair adj. alima
good, fair adj. alya
good, useful, fit (of things) adj.
goods (pl.) noun armar
goose noun vn
goose noun wn > vn
gore noun mar
gore, spear-head, spear-point,
triangle noun nasta
gospel noun evandilyon
govern, wield, control vb. tur-
gracious, smiling adj. raina
grade noun tyell
grain noun or (ori-)
grandchild, descendant noun
grant, yield, allow vb. lav-
grasp, seize vb. mapa-
grass noun salqu
grass, reed noun linqu
great collection, crowd of things
of same sort noun m
great flood noun oloir
great gale noun wanwa
great gate noun andon (andond-)
great longing noun maivoin
great number, crowd, host noun
great quantity, abundance noun
great towering building, (fort,
city, castle) tower noun taras
great towering building, (fort,
city, castle) tower noun tarminas
great tree noun taul
great tree noun tva
great, big, (in power) adj. tra
great, large prefix alat-
great, large adj. alta
greed, desire noun milm
greedy adj. milca
green adj. laica
green adj. laiqua
green as leaves, lit. green-leaf adj.
green, yellow-green, fresh adj.
Green-elf, Danian noun ana
Green-elves noun Laiquendi
green-foliage noun laicolass

greenness noun laiquass
greenness, youth, freshness noun
grey adj. hiswa ()
grey noun ms ()
grey adj. mista
grey adj. sinda ()
grey, pale, silvery grey adj. sind
Grey-cloak, title of Elw (Elu).
noun Sindicollo ()
Grey-elf = Sinda noun Sindel
(Sindeld-) ()
Grey-elven adj. sindarinwa ()
greyness noun sindi ()
grief, sorrow noun nyr
grievous, bitterly painful adj.
grievously, ill, abominably prefix
ground, floor, base noun talan
grow vb. ol-
grow continually vb. alla-
grow fat, swell vb. tiuya-
grow, plant vb. ala-
growl (of dog), murmur, grumble
vb. nurru-
growl, snarl noun yarra-
grumble, murmur, growl (of dog)
vb. nurru-
guard, watch, watch over, heed
vb. tir-
guardian noun cundo
guess, suppose vb. intya-
guilt, responsibility noun cma
gulf, gap noun fs
gulf, ravine, cleft noun yw
gull noun maiw
gum, resin noun suht
gyrate, swirl, eddy vb. hwinya-

habit noun haim
hail interjection aia
hail interjection aiya
hail! welcome! intejection alla!
hair (especially of the head) noun
hair or larch noun fin (fini-)
Half-elf noun Perelda
hall noun mard
hallow vb. airita-
hallow, bless, treat as holy vb.
hallow, fane noun ainas
halve, divide in middle vb. perya-
halved, divided in middle adj.?
hammer noun namba
hammer vb. namba-
hammerer of copper noun
hams, buttocks noun hacca
hand noun m
hand noun nonda
handed or handy, skilful adj.
mait (maiti-)
hand-full; complete hand with all
five fingers noun maqua
hang, dangle vb. linga-
happen, chance vb. marta-
happiness, blessedness noun
happy adj. valin

harbour, haven, small landlocked
bay noun hpa
harbourage noun hopass
harbourage noun londi
hard adj. sarda
hard adj. torna
hard sound, a term for consonant,
but not used of semi-vowels noun
sarda tengw
hard to make / do adj. urcrima
hard to make / do adj. urcarn
hard to see, scarcely visible adj.
hard to see, scarcely visible adj.
hard, awkward, stiff, difficult adj.
hard, difficult, arduous adj. urda
hare noun lapatt
harp vb. nanda-
harp noun nand
harp noun tanta
harp noun tantila
harper noun nandaro
harping noun nandel
harping on one tune, continual
repetition. noun vorongandel
harp-player noun tyalangan
harsh, rending, violent adj.
hasp, clasp noun tangwa
haste, violence, wrath, rushing
noun orm
hasty adj. orna
hasty, swift, agile adj. tyelca
hat noun tta
hate vb. tev-
hate vb. moc-
hated adj. tevin
hateful adj. sanc
hatred noun tvi
hauberk, breast-plate noun
have vb. sam-
have vb. sam-
have an impulse, be compelled to
do something noun horya-
have mercy, followed by locative:
have mercy on vb. rava-
have not vb. pen-
have victory over, master, deafeat
vb. turu-
haven, harbour, small landlocked
bay noun hpa
having (divine) authority or
power adj. valya
having beautiful hair adj. findel
having hair, -haired adj. finda
having hands adj. mavoit
having knowledge adj. istima
having many elms adj. alalva
having many flowers adj. lilta
having many leaves adj. lillassa
having many oak-trees adj.
having many poplars adj.
having many stars adj. lintitinw
having many years, old adj.
having trees adj aldarwa
having wings adj. rmavoit
he pronominal ending -ro
he, she independent emphatic
pronoun ess
he/him, she/her, it 3rd person sg.
pronominal ending -s
he/him, she/her, it/it pron. also
object 3rd person sg. se
head noun cr (cas-)
head noun cas
head of hair noun findil
head of hair noun findil
head of hair, a person's hair as a
whole noun findess
headlong movement noun hats

heal, renew vb. envinyata-
hear vb. hlar-
hearing, listening adj. lasta
Heart of Flame, a name of the
Sun noun aira
heart, center noun enda
heart, inner mind, also name of
tengwa #21 noun r
heart, mood, state noun indo
hearth, fireplace noun ruimen
hearty (people), glowing (things)
adj. lsina
heat, also name of tengwa #36
noun r
heat, bake (by exposure to sun)
vb. asta-
heave vb. amorta-
heave, shift, move vb. rma-
heavens noun Menel
heavens, sky noun ilw
heavy adj. lunga
heavyhanded adj. lungumait
heed vb. cim-
heed, watch, watch over, guard
vb. tir-
height, allative noun tri
heir noun aryon
heir, prince noun haryon
hell noun fatanyu
helm noun carma
helmet noun cassa
helmet noun castol
helmet noun harna
helmet noun harpa
helmet noun sl
helmet noun solma
helmet noun solos
help one, cause to prosper, bless
(a work) vb. alya-
helper noun smo ()
helpful, kindly adj. asa ()
hem noun lan (lani-)
hem of robe noun lappa
hem, edge, border noun rma
hen; barn fowl noun poroc
hence (from here) adv. silo
hence (from here) adv. sio
her, his, its 3rd person sg.
pronominal ending -rya
herald noun tercno
herb noun laiqu
herb, vegetable noun laiqu
here adv. h
here adv. si
here adv. ss
here adv. sss
hero, noble man noun callo
hew vb. pelehta-
hew with a sword vb. mac-
hew, cut vb. nac-
hidden adj. foina
hidden, concealed adj. furin
hidden, concealed adj. hurin
hidden, secret adj. muina
hidden, veiled, shadowed, shady
adj. halda
hide vb. lom-
hide vb. moru-
hide vb. nurta-
hideous creature and deformed,
monster noun ulundo
hiding noun nurtal
High Heaven place-name
high place noun tarmen
high, lofty adj. orwa
high, lofty, noble adj. arata
High-elf noun Tarelda
High-elves = Lindar (=Vanyar)
noun tarquendi
highest point, top noun inga
high-hall noun oromard
high-king noun ingaran
High-men, the Noble followers,
referring to the Dnedain noun

high-speech, or Qenya [Quenya])
noun tarquesta
hill noun ambo
hill, lump, clump, mass noun
hill, mound noun tundo
hill-side, upward slope noun
him (the other) pronoun h
himself and herself reflexive
pronoun 3rd person sg. personal
hindmost, last adj. tella
hint, wink vb. hiuta-
hip noun osw
his (and probably also her, its),
said to be used in colloquial
Quenya pronominal suffix -ya
his, her, its 3rd person sg.
pronominal ending -rya
historical adj. lmequentala
historical account noun quentasta
history noun lmequental
History of the Elves noun
history of the Valar noun
history, account noun quental
history, chronological account
noun lumenyr
history, chronological account
noun lmequenta
history, tale, saga noun nyr
hither adv. simen
hither adv. sir, sira
hive noun nierwes
Hobbit noun Perian (Periand-)
hole, hollow, also name of tengwa
#16 noun unqu
hole, lair noun ecca
hole, opening, mouth noun assa
hole, pit noun latta
holiday noun meryal
hollow adj. unqua
hollow cavity, bosom noun sma
hollow hand noun camba
hollow of hand noun camb
hollow out vb. unca-
hollow, hole, also name of tengwa
#16 noun unqu
holly noun ercass
holy adj aina
holy adj. aira
holy adj. air
holy adj. aira
holy adj. aista
holy, blessed (of things) adj.
holy one, angelic spirit; fem. Aini
noun Ainu
holy place, fane, sanctuary noun
holy thing or object or place noun
holy thing or object or place noun
home (emotional sense) noun
home, earth, dwelling noun mar
home, house, dwelling noun mr
homestead noun osta
honey noun ls (ls)
honey noun melu
honey-bee noun nier
honeycomb noun neht
honey-eating adj. melumatya
hood, covering noun telm
hook that may be attached to a
tengwa letter to indicate a
following s noun sa-rinc
hook, also name of tengwa #14
noun ampa
hook, catch noun atsa
hooked, crooked adj. rempa

hope, trust noun estel
horde, host noun horma
horn noun rasco
horn noun rass
horn noun rma
horn noun tarca
horn of Ulmo, shell, conch noun
horn, spike noun tild
horn, trumpet noun romba
horned adj. tarucca
horrible adj. norta
horrible, dreadful, unendurable
adj. naira
horror noun norto
horror, pain, disgust interjection
horse noun olombo
horse noun rocco
horseman, rider, knight noun
host noun liym
host, , crowd, great number noun
hostile adj. cotya
hostile, powerful, and terrible
creature noun rauco
hound noun h
hound noun huan (hn-)
hound of chase noun ronya
house noun coa
house, clan, family, kindred,
family noun noss
house, home, dwelling noun mr
how? interrogative manen
hue, colour noun quil
huge adj. haura
huge adj. haura
huge, vast adj. yna
humble adj. or passive participle
hump noun tumpo (tumpu-)
humpback noun cauco
humped, bent adj. numba
hungry adj. maita
hunt, hunting noun roim
hunting, hunt noun roim
hurt, pain vb. mala-
husband noun venno
husband noun veru
hush, rest, quiet noun quild
hyacinth (plant, not jewel) noun

I 1st person sg. pronominal suffix
I emphatic independent 1st
person sg. pronoun iny
I pronominal ending, 1st person
sg. -n
I 1st person sg. pron. ni
I will not! or Do not! exclamation
I, I myself emphatic independent
1st person sg. pronoun imn
ice noun helc
ice-cold, icy adj. helca
icy, ice-cold adj. helca
idea noun inca
idea, conception noun n (nw-)
idea, conception noun noa
identical, same, selfsame adj.
idol noun cordon
if conj. qui

if anybody, whoever pron.
if it be so, may be, perhaps adv.
if it be so, may be, perhaps adv.
if it be that conj. cenai
Ilcorin adj. Alcorin
ill, grievously, abominably prefix
illuminate vb. calya-
imagination noun intyal
imagination noun isima ()
imagination noun naus ()
imagination, mind noun sma
immortal adj. ilfirin
immovable, firm, strong, steadfast
adj. tulca
impeded adj. tapta
impel, urge, move, only of mental
impulse vb. or-
impend, be imminent nearly
always in a bad sense vb. va-
imperative particle a.
implement noun yaima
important adj. valda
impossible to recount adj.
impulse noun hr
impulse, emotion noun felm
impulsive adj. hra
in ablative pl. relative pron. illon
in certain names like Yvien,
Silmarien fem. ending -ien
in front of, before (of spatial
relationships); after (of time)
prep. opo
in front of, before, (of spatial
relationships) after (of time) prep.
po, p
in front of, before, (of spatial
relationships) after (of time) prep.
in that day adv. enyr
in that day adv.? tr
in that way, therefore adv. tanen,
in the place (referred to) adv.
in this way; so adv. sinen
in what place? interrogative word
in which relative pronoun in
locative yass
in, at preposition se, long s
in-, not-, un- prefix denying
presence or possession of thing or
quality -
in, within prep. imi
in, within prep. mi
in, within prep. mil
inaction, not-doing (in general)
noun lacar
inadequate, failing, short adj.
inadequate, lacking adj. penya
incarnates pl. noun mirroanwi
incitement noun siul
incline, slope vb. penda-
inclined, sloping down adj.
indeed adverbial particle
index finger noun tassa
index or first finger noun lepetas
indicate, point to vb. leptenta-
indicate, point to, direct toward
vb. tenta-
indicate, show vb. tana-
indicating something forbidden
prefix ava-
indication, sign noun tengw
individual, person noun nass
induce vb. sahta- ()
inducement to do wrong noun
sahti ()
infinitive (or gerundial) ending -i

inflorescence noun alalm
inflorescence, flower, mass of
flower noun loht
inflorescence, flower, mass of
flower noun ls ()
injure vb. hyan-
ink noun mro
inner mind, heart, also name of
tengwa #21 noun r
insert vb. mitta-
insight, literally through-sight
noun tercen
instrumental ending -nen
intellect noun handel
intelligence noun handass
intelligence, knowledge,
understanding noun hand
intelligent, understanding adj.
interior adj. mitya
intermediary, mediator noun
interrogative word mana
into prep. mina
into prep. minna
inundate, flood vb. luita-
inundate, flood vb. oloiya-
invent vb. auta-
invention noun aul
inwards prep. minta
inwards prep. mitta
iron noun anga
iron hard, lit. hard-iron adj.
iron, smooth vb. pasta-
iron, steel noun er, eren
is vb. a
is (am) vb. n
island, isle noun tol
isle, island noun tol
isolated tower noun mindo
issue, escape noun usw
isthmus, bridge, joining noun
isthmus, narrow neck noun yatta
it pron. 3rd person sg sa
it freezes vb. hilcin
it freezes, it is cold vb. niqu
it is cold, it freezes vb. niqu
it is not that (emphatic word for
no?) interjection uito
it is snowing vb. hrza
it is that (emphatic word for yes?)
interjection nto
it, he/him, she/her 3rd person sg.
pronominal ending -s
it, that pron. ta
it/it he/him, she/her pron. also
object 3rd person sg. se
its, his, her 3rd person sg.
pronominal ending -rya
itself impersonal reflexive
pronoun imma
itself impersonal reflexive
pronoun 3rd person sg. insa

jacket, cloak noun vacco
jagged hedge of spikes noun
January noun arviny
January (alternative name of )
noun Meterrv
jaw noun nangwa
jaws, row of teeth noun anca

jerk, give quick twist or move,
twitch vb. rihta-
jerk, twitch, trick, sudden move
noun rinca
Jesus masc. name Ysus
jewel noun mr
joining, bridge, isthmus noun
journey noun lenda
journey, passage, direction of
travel noun menti
joy, merriment noun alass
judge vb. ham-
judge vb. nam-
judge vb. nav-
judgement, desire noun nma
judgement, desire noun nmi
juice noun sva
juice, syrup noun pirya
July noun Cermi
July (alternative name of ) noun
jump, leap vb. cap-
June noun Ellair
June. noun ri
just, fair-minded, generous adj.

keep on knocking, knock vb.
kept, restrained, delayed adj.
kind, species noun nostal
kindle vb. narta-
kindle, cause to sparkle vb. tinta-
kindly, helpful adj. asa ()
kindred, clan, family, house,
family noun noss
king noun aran
king (only used of the legitimate
kings of whole tribes) noun tr
King of the Noldor noun
king, chieftain noun haran
Kings-land = Arnor noun
kingdom noun arani
Kingdom of Arda noun
kingsfisher noun halatir
kingsfisher noun halatirno
kingship noun aranus(s)
kiss vb. miqu-
knee noun occa
knife, dagger noun sicil
knight, horseman, rider noun
knob, short rounded handle noun
knock, keep on knocking vb.
knock, strike vb. pet-
knoll, round head noun nla
knot noun narda
knot, bond noun nt
know vb. ista-
knowing, knowledge noun sv
knowledge noun ista
knowledge noun istya
knowledge, knowing noun sv
knowledge, long study, lore noun
knowledge, Philosophy (including
Science) noun olm

knowledge, understanding,
intelligence noun hand
known, certain, ascertained adj.
known, certain, ascertained
passive participle sinwa
k-series, velar series: the third
column of the Tengwar system
noun calmatma

labour, be afflicted vb. moia-
labour, toil noun mta-
lace, network noun raim
lacking, inadequate adj. penya
lady noun heri
lady noun quimell
lair, hole noun ecca
lake noun nend
lake, pool noun ailin
lament vb. naina-
lament vb. nainaina-
lament noun nair
lament noun noi
lament vb. nyna-
lamp noun calar
lamp, light noun calma
lampwright noun calmatan
land ending -ndor
land noun nr
land (associated with a particular
people) noun nr
land (or people) of the Valar
place-name Valinor
land of many Elms noun
land of many Elms noun
land of the Valar place-name
land-locked haven noun lond
language noun lambel
language noun tengwel
language as abstract or
phenomenon noun tengwesti
language of the Eldar noun Elda-
language of the hands noun
language of the Noldor enslaved
by Morgoth noun mlanoldorin
language, speech noun pahta
language, system or code of signs
noun tengwesta
language, tongue noun lamb
language, tongue noun quetil
large (of quantity) suffix -m
large number noun ahosta
large number noun hosta
large sword noun falquan
large, big adj. ha
large, flat vehicle on wheels or
rollers for hauling stone or other
weighty material, drag noun raxa
large, great prefix alat-
large, great adj. alta
large, strong man noun nerdo
lark noun aimenal, aimenel
lark noun lirulin
last adj. mtima
last day of the Eldarin six-day
week, dedicated to the Valar noun
last day of year noun quantien
last year noun (or adv.?) yenya

last year of a century in the
Nmenrean calendar noun
last, final adj. telda
last, hindmost adj. tella
lasting quality, endurance noun
lasting, continuous, enduring
noun vra
laugh vb. lala-
Laurelin (another name of) noun
law, rule noun sany ()
law, rule, commandment noun
law-abiding, regular, normal adj.
sanya ()
lawn, sward noun palis
lay, song noun lirilla
lead noun lanu
lead (+ allative) vb. tulya-
lead (+ allative: lead into) vb.
leader, prince noun condo
leaf noun lass
leaf-fall = Autumn noun
leaf-shaped adj. lassecanta
league, a linear measure, 5000
rangar noun lr
leaning, sloping, tilted adj. talta
leap vb. halta-
leap, jump vb. cap-
leap, run vb. nor-
leaping adj. haloit
learn, acquire information, not by
experience but by instruction in
words or writing vb. par-
learned man, scholar noun istyar
learned, wise adj. nla
leave vb. lesta-
leave out, put aside, exclude,
abandon, forsake vb. hehta-
leave, go away vb. auta-
lebethron, a hard-wood tree
growing in Gondor noun lepetta
left adj. hyarya
left behind adj. lemba
left hand noun hyarma
lefthanded adj. hyarmait
lengthened, ex-tended, stretched,
elongated adj. taina
lengthening, extension noun tail
lengthening, extension noun
less adverbial particle mis
-less suffix -valta
-less adjectival ending -vilt
-less, without prefix nec-
-less, without suffix -enca
-less, without ending -lra
lessen, dwindle, waning vb. pca-
lesser firmament, a great dome
covering Valinor, made by Varda
and full of star-imagines noun
let go, let loose, free vb. sen-
let go, release, set free vb. lerya-
let loose, free, let go vb. sen-
letter noun tengwa
letter, sign noun sarat
lick vb. lapsa-
lick vb. lav-
lick up, sup, sip vb. salpa-
lie noun furu
lie noun huru, see furu
lie (= lie down, not tell something
untrue) vb. caita-
lie, conceal vb. fur-
life noun cuil
life (individual) noun veht
life-bread noun coimas
light noun cala
light noun cl
light snow noun is
light, bright adj. et nom calina

light, lamp noun calma
Light-elves, Elves of the Light pl.
noun Calaquendi
light-fated adj.? calambar
lightly tripping adj. norolinda
like a wilwarin or butterfly adj.
like gold, golden adj. laura
like stars, starlike adj. elva
like that, so, also adv. ta
like, as prep. ve
like what? interrogative word
liken vb. sesta-
lily, or other large single flower
noun indil
limited, within bounds, finite,
(well-)defined adj. lanwa
line, path, course, direction, way
noun ti
line, row, series noun tma
linger vb. lenda-
link noun lim (limi-)
lion noun r (rv-)
lip noun p
lip noun pemp
liquid, flowing adj. srima
listen vb. lasta-
listening, hearing adj. lasta
literally growth, used of a solar
year (= coranar) noun loa
Little adj. pia
little adj. pitya
little finger noun lepinca
little finger noun lepinc
little finger noun nc
little glass noun lipil
little harp noun nandell
little lady noun hrinc
little man, a diminutive of nr
noun nerc
little, tiny adj. titta
living adj. coira
living being noun coit
living creature noun wo
living thing that moves, animal
noun celva
lo! interjection y
loaf noun corn
loathe, abhor vb. yelta-
loathing noun yelm
loathsome adj. yelwa
locative ending -ss
lock, tress noun findel
lofty adj. tra
lofty, exalted adj. arta
lofty, high adj. orwa
lofty, high, noble adj. arata
lonely, solitary adj. eressa
long adj. anda
long adv. ando
long ago, once upon a time adv.
long and thin, straight, narrow
adj. lenwa
long beard noun fang
long for vb. milya-
long study, lore, knowledge noun
long sword noun andamacil
long trailing plant, especially
seaweed noun uil
long, trailing adj. sra
long-lasting, enduring adj.
look afar, watch vb. palantra-
look at vb. yta-
looking-glass, mirror noun
cilintr, cilintilla
loom noun lanwa
loom noun windel
loose, slacken vb. lehta-
loose, slacken vb. lenca-
lord noun hr
lord of cloud, surname of Mandos
masc. name Fantur

lord of Death-cloud, surname of
Mandos noun urufantur
Lord of the West noun nmeheru
lord, master noun heru, hr
lordship noun hr
lore, long study, knowledge noun
loremaster noun ingolmo
lost, gone, no longer to be had,
vanished adj. vanwa
loud sound, trumpet-sound noun
love noun melm
love (as friend) vb. mel-
loveable, fair adj. melima
lovely, beautiful, desirable adj.
lover (fem.) noun meliss
lover (masc.) noun melindo
lover, friend noun meldo
loving, affectionate adj. mla
loving, friendly adj. nilda
low, lowlying, deep adj. tumna
lower air, air noun wilma
lower, brood vb. luvu-
lowlying, deep, low adj. tumna
lowtide, ebb noun nanw
loyal companion, trusty follower
trusty follower, loyal companion
trusty follower, loyal
loyal, steadfast, trusty adj. sarta
loyalty, faith (not belief) noun
loyalty, steadfastness, faithfulness
noun voronw
luck noun valto
lump, hill, clump, mass noun
lunar month noun rnasta
lust noun mail
lustful adj. maila
lying heavy, burdensome,
oppressive, ominous adj. lumna
lying in bed, sickness noun
lyre noun salma

made fast, free of things: not
guarded, reserved, or owned adj.
made with difficulty adj.
magic adj. sairina
magic glassy substance of great
lucency used in fashioning the
Moon. Used of things of great and
pure transparency noun vrin
Maia who became evil and
followed Melkor, like the Balrogs
noun maia
maid, girl noun wen (wend-)
maiden suffix, a frequent ending
in feminine names -wen
maiden noun wend > vend
maiden crowned with a radiant
garland, Galadriel fem. name
maiden, virgin noun vend <
maidenhood noun wendel
maidenly, virginal adj. vna
make network or lace vb. raita-
make network; make lace vb. ra-
make ready (promptly) vb. ferya-

make run, specially used of riding
horses or other animals vb. norta-
make spin, stir vb. quir-
make war vb. ohtacar-
make, build vb. car-
make, finish off, or decorate a
thing with delicate work vb.
male noun hanu
male noun hanwa
mallorn noun maldorn
man noun nr (ner-)
man (adult) noun vaner
manhood, vigour noun vi
manly, adult, vigorous adj. va
manner, method = way noun l
mansion of the high airs, the
dwelling of Manw and Varda
upon Oioloss noun Ilmarin
man-spearhead, a battle-formation
noun nernehta
mantle, veil, cloak vb. fanta-
many adj. limb
many prefix lin-
mar vb. hasta-
marble noun alas (alast-)
March noun Slim
March (alternative name of ) noun
margin, edge, border noun rna
mariner noun ciryamo
mark, post noun talca
mark, sign especially diacritics
denoting vowels in Fanorian
writing noun tehta
marry vb. verta-
marry vb. verya
mason (sculptor) noun ontamo
mass of flower, flower,
inflorescence noun loht
mass of flower, flower,
inflorescence noun ls ()
mass, hill, lump, clump noun
mast noun tyulma
mast, beechnuts noun ferna
master, deafeat, have victory over
vb. turu-
master, lord noun heru, hr
masterful, mighty adj. tra
mastery, victory, strength, might,
power noun tr
matrimony noun vesta
matter, flesh/substance of Arda
noun hrn
May (alternative name of ) noun
may be c, ce
may be, if it be so, perhaps adv.
may be, if it be so, perhaps adv.
may it be so, amen interjection
mead, a special wine or cordial
noun miruvor
meal noun mul
meal, flour noun por (pori-)
meal, meal time noun mat (matt-
mean, contemptible adj. faica
measure noun lesta
meat, cooked food noun apsa
mediator, intermediary noun
meeting (meeting or junction of
the directions of two people) noun
meeting, gathering (of three or
more coming from different
directions) noun yomeni
melodious adj. lindela
melody, musical sound noun lin,

mental message, thought-sending
noun sanw-menta
mere, pool noun lna
mermaid noun oaris (oarits-)
merriment, joy noun alass
mesh noun remb
message, sending noun menta
metal noun rauta
metal, also name of tengwa #1
noun tinco
method, manner = way noun l
mewing, whining noun miul
middle adj. enda
middle adj. endya > enya
middle adj. enya < endya
middle finger noun lepenel
middle finger (in children's play),
brother noun hanno
middle, center noun end
middle, central adj. enetya
middle, central adj. entya, enetya
middle-days in the calendar of
Imladris noun enderi
Middle-earth place-name
Middle-earth, centre of the world
place-name Endor
Midyear week, week of the Trees
noun Aldalemnar
might, power (inherent) noun
might, mastery, victory, strength,
power noun tr
mighty adj. melehta
mighty adj. meletya
mighty adj. taura
mighty, masterful adj. tra
migrate, go away vb. lenweta-
milch cow noun yax
mind noun sma
mind noun sanar
mind master noun inkno
mind master noun inknu
mind mastership noun
mind, imagination noun sma
mind-mood noun inwisti
mind-picture noun indemma
mine, cave, underground dwelling
noun felco
mirror, looking-glass noun
cilintr, cilintilla
miserable adj. angayanda
misery noun angayass
miss, fail, fall short of (transitive)
vb. loita-
mist noun hs () (hsi-)
mist noun hsi ()
mistake noun loima
mistake in speech noun loiquet
mistake in writing noun loipar
mistaken action noun loicar
mistaken doing prefix denoting
mocking, scorn noun yaiw
moist, dewy adj. nt (nti-)
mole noun noldar
mole noun nolpa
monster noun vanimo
monster (a name of Melko) noun
Ulban (Ulband-)
monster, deformed and hideous
creature noun ulundo
month noun asta
mood, change of mind noun inwis
mood, heart, state noun indo
Moon noun Isil ()
moonlight noun isilm ()
more adj. and noun amba
more adv. amb
more adv. amb
more adverbial particle lil
moreover, furthermore conj. ent
morning noun arin
morning (early) noun artuil

morning in the adjectival sense
adj. arinya
mortal adj. frima
mortal noun Frimo
Mortal noun Firya
mortal man noun fir
most, very intensive or
superlative prefix an-
mother noun amal
mother noun amil
mother noun amm
mother noun emel
mother noun emil
mother, begetter (fem.) noun
mother, mummy noun mamil
mound noun coron
mound noun cumb
mound, circular enclosure noun
mound, hill noun tundo
mound, pile noun hahta
mountain noun oron (oront-)
mountain pass, ravine noun
mountain peak noun aicass
mountain-dwelling noun
mountain-top noun orotinga
mountain-top noun orto
mouth noun carpa
mouth noun nva
mouth, in the sense of interior
cavity behind the teeth,
containing tongue noun songa
mouth, in the sense of mouth-
opening with lips as the edges
noun pa
mouth of a river noun etsir
mouth, also name of tengwa #13
noun anto
mouth, hole, opening noun assa
mouth-sign = consonant noun
mouth-system, full organized
language noun carpass
move (intransitive) vb. lev-
move, shift, heave vb. rma-
move, urge, impel, only of mental
impulse vb. or-
much adv. ol
much adj. olya
mud noun luxo (luxu-)
multiplicative prefix li-, lin-
mummy noun amily
mummy noun emenya
mummy noun emm
mummy noun emya
mummy noun mily
mummy, mother noun mamil
murky adj. huiva
murmur, grumble, growl (of dog)
vb. nurru-
muscle, sinew, vigour, physical
strength noun tuo
music noun lindal
music noun lindel
musical sound noun ling
musical sound, melody noun lin,
musician, composer noun
my possessive pron ninya
my pronominal suffix, 1st person
sg. possessive -nya
my child, my son noun onya
my daddy, my father noun
my father, my daddy noun
my mother used in address noun
my son, my child noun onya
myself reflexive pronoun 1st
person sg. imn

myself reflexive pronoun 1st
person sg. imni
myself, oneself, themselves etc
reflexive pronominal ending x

nail noun nyelet pl. nyelexi
nail noun tax
naked, of persons adj. parca
naked, stripped bare adj. helda
name vb. esta-
name (later) of Tengwa #31,
name noun ess
name of a Green-elf (Laiquendi)
noun ando
name of a star (or planet)
tentatively identified with Uranus
noun nar
name of Nmenor, full form of
Andor, land of gift noun Andr
name of one of the great Lamps
noun Ringil
name of tengwa #1, also metal
noun tinco
name of tengwa #11, also rage
noun aha
name of tengwa #12, breeze,
breath, puff of air noun hwesta
name of tengwa #13, also mouth
noun anto
name of tengwa #14, also hook
noun ampa
name of tengwa #16 also hole,
hollow noun unqu
name of tengwa #18, gold noun
name of tengwa #2, also book
noun parma
name of tengwa #21, also heart,
inner mind noun r
name of tengwa #24 also air, sky
noun wilya
name of tengwa #29, also
starlight silm
name of tengwa #35 also bridge
noun yanta
name of tengwa #36 also heat
noun r
name of tengwa #4, also feather
noun quess
name of tengwa #5, also gate
noun ando
name of tengwa #6, also fate,
doom noun umbar (umbart-)
name of tengwa #8 also spider's
web noun ungw
name of tengwa #9, also spirit,
breath noun sl () (sli-)
name of the Maia that became
Gandalf noun Olrin
name of the Teleri noun Solonel
name of the Teleri, apparently
Shore-singers noun Falanyel
name of tree noun taniquelass
name, also later name of Tengwa
#31 noun ess
narrator noun quentaro
narrow adj. arca
narrow adj. nha
narrow neck, isthmus noun yatta
narrow path, ravine noun axa
narrow, long and thin, straight
adj. lenwa

nasal adj. nengwa
nasty, evil adj. ra
natural death (as act) noun fair
nausea, sickness noun qum
nauseous, sick adj. quma
nay, no, intejection of displeasure
/ dissent interjection f
Nazgl noun lair
near adj.? adv.? har, har
nearer to, (to a further point in the
motion) towards an object adv.
nearer to, (to a further point in the
motion) towards an object adv.
necessity noun sangi ()
neck noun yat (yaht-)
neck, the bony part of the neck,
rock ridges noun acas, ax
necklace, carcanet noun firinga
need noun maur
neighbour noun armaro
neighbour noun asambar,
Nessa-beloved, name of a tree
adj. nessamelda
net noun raima
net, entrap vb. remba-
net, web noun nats
nettled, enlaced adj. raina
network, lace noun raim
new adj. sinya
new moon noun ceuran-
new sun after solstice noun
new, fresh adj. cva
new, fresh, young adj. winya
Newyear's Day noun Vinyari
next adv. ento
nickname, after-name noun
nicotiana, pipeweed noun
aleness, alaness
night noun l
night, blackness, dark, darkness
noun mr
night, dusk, twilight noun lm
nightingale noun morilind
nine cardinal nert
nineteen cardinal neterqu
no interjection ui
no indeed not, on the contrary
negation l um > laum
no indeed not, on the contrary
negation lala
no indeed not, on the contrary
negation lau
no indeed not, on the contrary
negation laum < l um
no longer to be had, gone, lost,
vanished adj. vanwa
no, nay, intejection of displeasure
/ dissent interjection f
no, not adv. alai
no, not negation la
no, not adv. l
no, not adv. laia
no, not adv. ln
no, not adv. lany
no, un- (prefix) il-
noble noun arato
noble noun arquen
noble prefix Ara-, ar-
noble man, hero noun callo
noble, high, lofty adj. arata
noise noun hlna
noise noun ran (ram-)
noise, sound noun hln
Noldo-history noun oldo-
quentasta (oldo-)
Noldo-jewel, another word for
Silmaril noun oldomr lit.
Noldorin, of the Noldor adj.
nominative plural ending -i
nominative plural ending -r

Non-Aman Elves, Elves who
never dwelt in Aman noun
normal, regular adj. vorosanya
normal, regular, law-abiding adj.
sanya ()
north noun Formen
northern adj. formenya
northern adj. forna
northern adj. fort (forti-)
nose noun nengw (nengwi-)
nose, snout, cape noun mundo
not be, not do vb. u-
not be, not do negative verb ua-
not concealable adj. fantima
not counted, uncounted adj.
not, nota
not do, not be negative verb ua-
not do, not be vb. u-
not enough adj. ufra
not for ever. adv. ullum
not guarded, free of things:
reserved, made fast, or owned
adj. lerina
not of Kor, describing Elves not
of the Blessed Realm noun
not possible to count, countless
adj. ntima
not to be said adj. avaqutima
not to be told or related adj.
not to do, not to be vb. um-
not veiled or obscure, perspicuous
adj. fanwa
not veiled, unveiled adj. fanwa
not, un- negative prefix ala-
not-, un-, in- prefix denying
presence or possession of thing or
quality -
not-doing, inaction (in general)
noun lacar
nothing pron. munta
November noun Hsim ()
November (alternative name of )
noun Errv
now adv. s
now, form of s often occurring
before vowels adv. sin
number noun nt
numberless adj. avant
Nmenrean noun Turcil
numeral noun notess
numerous adj. rimba
nymph noun wingil (wingild-)

O vocative particle a
oak noun nordo
oak noun norno
oath, bond, troth, compact noun
oath, pledge, solemn promise
noun vanda
obliged, bound adj. nauta
obscure, dark, dusky, secret adj.
obscurity, shadow, stain noun
observe, watch vb. cenda-
occasion, time noun l
occident, going down noun nm
ocean noun airon
ocean noun eron
October noun arqueli
October (alternative name of)
noun quell

odour noun olm
of flat ground dotted with hills
etc. adj. ambuna
of insight adj. tercenya
of iron adj. angaina
of or belonging to the Valar,
divine adj. valaina
of silver adj. telemna
of silver adj. telepsa
of silver adj. telpina
of slave(s), slavish adj. mla
of stone adj. sarna
of that sort, such adj. tait
of the dawn, Eastern adj. ra
of the stars adj. elena
of this sort adj. st
of tin adj. latucenda
of tongue, spoken with tongue
adj. lambina
of what sort? interrogative word
of whom, pl., from whom relative
pron. Genitive pl. ion
of wood adj. taurina
of wool, woollen adj. toa
off, away verbal prefix au-
oil noun millo
ointment noun laiv
old adj. enwina
old, having many years adj.
old, worn adj. yerna
olden adj. yalma
olden adj. yra
ominous, lying heavy,
burdensome, oppressive adj.
omnificent adj. ilucara
omnipotent adj. iluvala
omniscient adj. iluisa (?)
on (contact of vertical surfaces)
prep. apa
on behalf of, followed by dative
prep. hr
on fire adj. urwa
on the contrary adv. si
on the contrary, no indeed not
negation l um > laum
on the contrary, no indeed not
negation lala
on the contrary, no indeed not
negation lau
on the contrary, no indeed not
negation laum < l um
on the contrary, on the other
hand, but conj. n
on, with reference to contact of
surfaces, especially vertical
surface prep. p, pa
once upon a time noun in locative
once upon a time noun in locative
once upon a time adv. yass
once upon a time, long ago adv.
once, at one time (in the past) na
one numeral min
one numeral min
One (the) = God noun Eru
One (the) = God noun Eruva
one eighth (1/8) fraction tosta
one eighth (1/8). fraction tolsat
one eighth (1/8). fraction tolosta
one eleventh (1/11) fraction
one fifth (1/5) fraction lepesta
one fifth (1/5) fraction lepsat
one fourth (1/4) fraction canasta
one fourth (1/4) fraction cansat
one fourth (1/4) fraction casta
one half (1/2) fraction peresta
one half (1/2) fraction perta

one lost or forsaken by friends,
waif, outcast, outlaw noun hecil
(masc. hecilo, fem. hecil)
one ninth (1/9) fraction neresta
one ninth (1/9) fraction nersat
one ninth (1/9) fraction nesta
one not of Aman, Elda that did
not reach Aman noun manya
one not of Aman, Elfe noun
one of a pair of twins; pl. noni
twins noun onna
one of the Lamps of the Valar
noun Ormal
one of the people of the Noldor
noun noldo
one seventh (1/7) fraction osta
one seventh (1/7) fraction otosta
one seventh (1/7) fraction otsat
one sixth (1/6) fraction enquesta
one tenth fraction quaista
one third (1/3) fraction neldesta
one third (1/3) fraction nelesta
one third (1/3) fraction nelsat
one third (1/3) fraction nelta
one twelfth fraction yunquesta
one who trespasses, debtor noun
one who trespasses, debtor noun
one with very great knowledge
noun inglemo
one, alone cardinal er
one, single adj.? era
one, somebody noun -qun
one, someone, anyone indefinite
pronoun o
oneself, myself, themselves etc
reflexive pronominal ending -x
onyx noun nyelecca
open adj. lta
open adj. panta
open vb. latya-
open wide, spread, expand,
extend vb. palu-
open wide, spread, expand,
extend vb. palya-
open, free, cleared (of land) adj.
latin, latina
open, unfurl, spread out vb.
opening noun latya
opening, hole, mouth noun assa
opening, unfolding, revealing
noun panti
openness noun lti
oppressive, lying heavy,
burdensome, ominous adj. lumna
or conj. var
orange (colour not fruit) adj.
orange (fruit not colour) noun
orange-tree noun culumalda
Orc, pl. orcor or orqui noun orco
order noun heren
order, announcement noun canwa
order, command vb. can-
other adj.? exa
other adj. hyana
other person noun hye
other thing conj. or noun hya
other, another noun eces
other, another noun ex
our pronominal ending 1stperson
pl. exclusive -lma
our 1st person pl. exclusive
independent possessive pronoun
our 1st person dual exlusive
possessive ending -mma
our 1st person dual inclusive
possessive pronominal ending -

ourselves reflexive pronoun 1st
person pl. excl. imm
ourselves reflexive pronoun 1st
person pl. incl. inw
out (+ablative) out of prep. (and
adv.?) et
out (+ablative) out of prep. (and
adv.?) etell
out (+ablative) out of prep. (and
adv.?) etely
out (+ablative) out of prep. (and
adv.?) etemm
out (+ablative) out of prep. (and
adv.?) etengw
out of, from ablative ending -llo
outcast, one lost or forsaken,
waif, outlaw noun hecil (masc.
hecilo, fem. hecil)
outer lands noun ettel
outer, outermost adj. erma
outermost, outer adj. erma
outlaw, one lost or forsaken, waif,
outcast noun hecil (masc. hecilo,
fem. hecil)
outside noun ets
outside noun (and/or adv.?) ett
outside, beside prefix ar-
oven noun urna
over prep. or
overcast, dark adj. lra
overshadow, canopy, screen vb.
ow! (horror, pain, disgust)
interjection orro
own, personal, private noun vra
owned, free of things: not
guarded, reserved, made fast adj.

pain noun nwalma
pain, horror, disgust interjection
pain, hurt vb. mala-
pain, torment vb. nwalya-
painful adj. naicela
palace noun trion (triond-)
palatal series noun tyelpetma
pale adj. isca
pale, fallow adj. malwa
pale, fallow, fawn adj. marya
pale, grey, silvery grey adj. sind
pale, vague, faint, dim to see adj
palid, white, chill adj. ninqu
pansy or violet noun helin
paper noun hyalin
parent (m. and. fem.) noun
ontaro, ontar pl. ontani
parent, noun nostar or nostaro
(pl. nostari)
parent, begetter noun ontar
parent, begetter (fem); the pl.
ontari or dual ontaru (see ontani)
covers both sexes. noun ontar
parent, begetter (fem.) noun
parent, begetter (masc.); pl. ontari
noun ontaro
part noun ranta
partitive pl. ending -li
pass over, cross, surpass, excell
vb. lahta-
passage, especially across or over
an obstacle, also neck noun lango

passage, crossing noun tarna
passage, journey, direction of
travel noun menti
passive suffix -nwa
past, past time noun vanwi
path, course, line, direction, way
noun ti
patronage noun ortri
paved floor, court noun paca
peace noun rain
peace noun sv
peace, rest, repose noun sr
peak noun aical
pearl noun marilla
pebble-bank, shingle noun sarni
peer, blink vb. tihta-
pen noun tecil
people noun li
People of the Elves noun
people of the west noun
perfect adj. ilvana
perfect adj. ilvanya
perhaps, if it be so, may be adv.
perhaps, if it be so, may be adv.
person as a whole noun erd
person, individual noun nass
person, somebody noun nmo
personal, private, own noun vra
perspicacious adj. fantarcenya
petition noun arcand
Petty dwarf noun nuxo
Petty-dwarf noun Pitya-nauco
Petty-dwarve noun Picinauco
phantom, disembodied spirit noun
Philosophy /Science as a whole
noun Ingol
Philosophy, knowledge (including
Science) noun olm
phonetic adj. hlonit
physical matter noun erma
physical matter noun orma
physical strength, muscle, sinew,
vigour noun tuo
pick (up, out) with the fingers vb.
picture noun emma
piece noun mitta
piece of good fortune, good thing,
blessing noun alm
piece of shaped wood noun pano
piercing, sharp adj. maica
pig noun polca
pile, mound noun hahta
pillar noun tarma
pillar, standard, pole noun tulw
pillow noun quesset (quessec-)
pin, brooch noun tancil
pine noun sn ()
pipe noun rots
pipe, flute noun simpa
pipe, flute noun simpina
piper noun simpetar
pipeweed, nicotiana noun
aleness, alaness
pit, hole noun latta
pivot noun peltas (peltax-)
pl. instrumental ending -inen
place noun nm
place dwelt in, dwelling noun
place, way, spot noun men
plain, flat field, wang noun palar
plain, flat field, wang, plain noun
plan, arrangement noun pano
planet/star (possibly Mercury)
noun Elemmr
plant vb. empanya-
plant noun laima

plant noun olva
plant, grow vb. ala-
play vb. tyal-
play a harp vb. tanta-
play, sport, game noun tyali
pledge, oath, solemn promise
noun vanda
plenitude, sufficiency noun fr
plenitude, sufficiency noun farm
pliant, soft adj. maxa
plough noun hyar
plum tree, cherry tree noun aipio
plural ending used on verbs with
a plural subject -r
plural possessive ending -iva (-
plural sign used in some of the
case endings -n
poem noun lair
poem noun lirit
point to, indicate vb. leptenta-
point to, indicate, direct toward
vb. tenta-
point, dot, tiny mark noun tix
point, end noun ment
point, tip, used with reference to
fingers and toes noun till
poison noun hloima
poison noun sangwa
poison, envenom, fill with poison
vb. hloita-
poison, venom noun hloir
pole, pillar, standard noun tulw
polished copper noun calarus
polished, smooth adj. runda
pollen, yellow powder noun malo
pool noun linya
pool noun nend
pool of lilles noun nnuvar
pool, lake noun ailin
pool, mere noun lna
poplar-tree noun tyuluss
poppy noun fmella
poppy noun fmellot
possess vb. harya-
possessing adj. arwa
possessive 3rd person pl.
pronominal ending -nta
possessive 3rd person pl.
pronominal ending -ntya
possessive ending -va
post, mark noun talca
potter noun cemnaro
potter noun centano
pour, intr. vb. ulya-
pouring, flooding, flowing adj.
pout vb. penga-
power (inherent), might noun
Power, God, angelic power noun
power, mastery, victory, strength,
might noun tr
powerful, hostile, and terrible
creature noun rauco
praise, bless vb. laita-
pray vb. arca-
pray vb. hyam-
prayer noun kyerm
precious, valuable adj. mirwa
prefix denoting doing something
bad us- ()
prefix denoting doing something
very badly sau-
prefix implying wickedness or
evil hru, ru-, hr-
prepare vb. manwa-
press, crowd, throng noun sanga
press, thrust, force vb. nir-
pretty, dainty adj. netya
prick vb. erca-
prick, sting vb. nasta-

prickle, spine noun erca
prince, heir noun haryon
prince, leader noun condo
princess noun aranel (aranell-)
principal, chief adj. hra
prison, custody noun mando
privacy noun aquapahti
private, closed, shut adj. pahta
private, personal, own noun vra
private, separate adj. satya
proceed (in any direction), go,
travel vb. lelya-
prohibit, refuse vb ava-
prolong vb. taita-
prominent adj. eteminya
prominent, conspicuous adj.
protect vb. varya-
protected, safe, secure adj. varna
protection or shelter noun cauma
prow of a ship, also broad sword
noun lango
puff vb. hwesta-
puff of air, breeze, breath, also
name of tengwa #12 noun hwesta
puff of breath, breath noun foa
pull, draw vb. saca- ()
punish vb. paimeta-
punishment noun paim
pure, clean adj. poica
purification, washing, bathing
noun sovall
pursue vb. roita-
pursue, look for, search vb. saca-
put an end to vb. metya-
put aside, leave out, exclude,
abandon, forsake vb. hehta-
put forth leaves or flowers, sprout
vb. locta-
put forth leaves or flowers, sprout
vb. lohta-
put to shame vb. naitya-
put to the test vb. tyasta-
putrid, foul, evil-smelling adj.
saura ()

Qenya (other names of) noun
Eldarissa, Eldaquet
quarrel vb. costa-
queen, used especially of Varda
noun tri
queenship noun tris(s)
Quendian, belonging to the Elves
as a whole adj. Quenderin
Quenya original form of the word
Quenya form of Sindarin Barad-
dr noun Lnaturco. Also Taras
question, enquire of vb. ces- ()
quick stroke noun rinc (rinci-)
quick, swift adj. limb
quickly adverb linti
quiet, hush, rest noun quild
quiver (= case for holding arrows)
noun vainol
quotation, saying, dictum noun
eques (equess-)
qu-series, velarized series: fourth
column of the Tengwar system
noun quessetma

race, running noun nori
race, running noun norm
radiance noun alta
radiance noun fair
radiance, glittering reflection
(from jewels, glass or polished
metals, or water) noun nalta
radiant one = Sun noun Ancal
radiant, glorious adj. alcarinqua
rage noun ursa ()
rage vb. ursa- ()
rage, also name of tengwa #11
noun aha
raiment noun larma
rainbow noun iluquinga
rainbow noun Ilweran
rainbow noun Ilweranta
rainbow, lit. sky-bridge noun
raise, rise vb. orta-
rape, ravish vb. mapta-
rape, ravishment, seizure noun
rapid, swift adj. larca
rapid, swift adj. alarca
rat noun nyano
rat noun nyarro
ravine, cleft, gulf noun yw
ravine, mountain pass noun
ravine, narrow path noun axa
ravish, rape vb. mapta-
ravishment, rape, seizure noun
ray of light noun alca
ray of sunlight adj. arma
re-, again- prefix en-
re-, back, again prefix ata-, at-
reach, stretch out vb. rahta-
react, do back, avenge vb. accar-
react, do back, avenge vb. ahtar-
read aloud vb. et-henta-
read written matter vb. tengwa-
reading noun cenda-
ready adj. manwa
ready to hand, (quickly) available
adj. frima
ready to hand, (quickly) available
adj. ferina
real, actual, true adj. anwa
realm noun arda
realm noun artaur
realm noun turmen
realm, region noun harda
rear noun tell
rear, back noun pont (ponti-)
reason, cause noun casta
recall, commemorate vb. enyal-
receive vb. cam-
reckon vb. not-
Reckoner noun Ontimo
reckoning noun onti
recusant, Elf that refused to go to
Aman noun avar
red flame noun rnya
red hair noun russ
red, ruddy adj. aira
red, scarlet adj. carn
redeemer noun runando
Redeemer of the world noun
red-haired adj. russa
reed noun fen (feng-)
reed, grass noun linqu
reed, sedge noun lisc
reek noun usqu
refall vb. ataquanta-
refill vb. enquanta-

reflexive pronoun 1st person sg. -
refresh, renew vb. ceuta-
refuse, forbid vb. avaquet-
refuse, prohibit vb ava-
refused, forbidden, banned adj.
region noun mna
region above air where stars are
place-name ilmen
region, realm noun harda
regular, law-abiding, normal adj.
sanya ()
regular, normal adj. vorosanya
release, set free, let go vb. lerya-
released, free adj. lehta
remain vb. er-
remain, tarry vb. lemya-
remote, far adj. avahaira
remote, far adj. eccaira
remote, far adj. haira
rend vb. narca-
rending, harsh, violent adj.
renew, heal vb. envinyata-
renew, refresh vb. ceuta-
renewal noun ceul
renewed adj. ceura
renewed adj. ceur
repay, requite vb. paitya-
repeat, say again vb. enquete-
repeated, continual adj. vorima
repose, rest, peace noun sr
requite, repay vb. paitya-
rescue, save vb. rehta-
rescue, saving noun rehti
reserved, free of things: not
guarded, made fast, or owned adj.
resin, gum noun suht
resonant, taut, tight (of strings)
adj. tunga
responsibility, guilt noun cma
rest vb. ser-
rest, hush, quiet noun quild
rest, repose, peace noun sr
resting, at peace adj. senda
restrained, delayed, kept adj.
return noun entuless
return, go back, come back vb.
return, go round, revolve vb. pel-
revealing, unfolding, opening
noun panti
reversed adj. nuquerna
revolve, go round, return vb. pel-
rich, abundant adj. alya
rich, fat adj. lra
rich, fortunate, wealthy, blessed
adj. herenya
richeness, fat noun lar
rider, horseman, knight noun
ridge, crest noun qun, qun
right hand noun forma
right, dexter adj. forya
right, straight adj. tna
righthanded, dexterous adj.
rime, frost noun ringw
ring noun corma
ring (on the ground) noun risil
Ring of Doom place name Rithil-
ringing sound, echo noun lma
rise vb. orya-
rise, raise vb. orta-
rising noun r
river noun celusindi
river noun hlna
river noun sr, shorter form of
river noun sirya

river (of large volume). ending -
river (of large volume, and liable
to flooding). noun nuin
river, stream noun sr
rivulet noun siril
road, straight line noun ta
road, street noun mall
roaring adj. rva
roaring noise noun rv
robber, thief noun pilu
robbery, theft noun pilw
robe, wrap noun vaima
rock ridges, neck, the bony part of
the neck noun acas, ax
rock, stone as a material noun
roll up vb. tolu-
roof noun tel
roof noun tpa
roof vb. tpa-
roof, dome, canopy noun telum
room, chamber noun samb ()
root, base, foundation noun talma
rough piece of wood noun runda
round head, knoll noun nla
round, globed adj. corna
rouse, excite, stir up vb. walta-
row of spikes or teeth noun
carcaras, carcass
row of teeth noun carcan
row of teeth, jaws noun anca
row, series, line noun tma
ruddy adj. roina
ruddy, red adj. aira
ruined, confused, shattered,
disordered adj. (or passive
participle?) rcina
rule vb. cunta-
rule vb. cunya-
rule, law noun sany ()
rule, law, commandment noun
rule, only with reference to the
Valar vb. vala-
run vb. nor-
run vb. yur-
run on, run smoothly vb.
run smoothly, run on vb.
run, leap vb. nor-
rune noun certa
rune noun cirt
running, race noun nori
running, race noun norm
rush, rushing flight, wild wind
noun alaco
rushing flight, rush, wild wind
noun alaco
rushing, haste, violence, wrath
noun orm
rushing, swift adj. Arauca

safe, protected, secure adj. varna
saga, tale noun nyarna
saga, tale, history noun nyr
sagacious adj. finwa
sail vb. cir-
sail vb. cra-
sailor noun ciryando
salt noun sing
salt (salty) adj. singwa

same one, self general singular
reflexive pronoun immo
same, identical, selfsame adj.
sanctuary, holy place, fane noun
sand noun lits
sapphire noun ll
Sauro(n) alternative form of
masc. name Sro ()
Sauron (), the Abhorred, name
of a Maia, the second Dark Lord
masc. name Sauro ()
save, except prep. enga
save, deliver vb. etelehta-
save, rescue vb. rehta-
saving, rescue noun rehti
say again, repeat vb. enquete-
say no vb. vquet-
say, speak vb. quet-
say/says or said (a tenseless
pseudo-verb) vb. equ
saying, dictum, quotation noun
eques (equess-)
scarcely visible, hard to see adj.
scarcely visible, hard to see adj.
scarlet, red adj. carn
scatter, blow about (both
transitive and intransitive) vb.
scent noun ne
scholar, learned man noun istyar
Science/ Philosophy as a whole
noun Ingol
scoop out, draw water, bale out
vb. calpa-
scorn, mocking noun yaiw
screen from light, veil, conceal
vb. halya-
screen, canopy, overshadow vb.
screen, veil noun fanwa
sculptor in stone noun
sea noun air
sea noun ar
sea (as waters, motion) noun vya
sea-elf noun Teler
search for, seek vb. cesta-
sea-serpent, fish-dragon noun
seaward precipice, cliff noun ollo
second ordinal atta
second adj. atya
second adj. neuna
Second Folk, an Elvish name of
Mortal Men noun Atan
second half of the month of
avestalis (January) noun Erintion
secrecy noun muil
secrecy, a secret noun fl
secrecy, black arts noun nl
secret adj. or noun lomba
secret noun nulda
secret lore, wisdom noun nolw
secret, dark, dusky, obscure adj.
secret, hidden adj. muina
secret, secrecy noun fl
secretive adj. flima
secure, safe, protected adj. varna
security noun varnass
sedge, reed noun lisc
see vb. vl-
see, behold vb. cen-
seed, germ noun erd
Seeing Stone noun palantr
seek, search for vb. cesta-
seeking noun suri ()
seeming, apparent adj. va
seize, grasp vb. mapa-
seizure, ravishment, rape noun

self, same one general singular
reflexive pronoun immo
selfsame, same, identical adj.
send vb. lelta-
send flying, speed, urge vb.
send for, fetch, summon vb. tulta-
send, cause to go vb. menta-
sending, message noun menta
sentence noun quentel
separate, private adj. satya
September noun Yavanni
September (alternative name of )
noun Erquell
series, row, line noun tma
serpent that guarded a treasure
noun/name foalc
servant noun nro
servant of ending -ndur
set aside vb. sat-
set bounds to/about, enclose vb.
set free, release, let go vb. lerya-
set up, fix, establish vb. tulca-
set, fix vb. panya-
set, sink (of Sun or Moon) vb.
settled character noun indm
seven cardinal otso
Seven Stars (otso + elen), Great
Bear (constellation) noun Otselen
seventeen cardinal otoqu
seventh ordinal otsa
sexual desire noun yr
shade noun laim
shade, shadow noun lmin
shade, shadow cast by any object
noun lo
shadow (heavy) noun lumbul
shadow cast by any object, shade
noun lo
shadow, gloom noun lumb
shadow, obscurity, stain noun
shadow, shade noun lmin
shadow, spirit noun h
shadowed, veiled, hidden, shady
adj. halda
shady adj. laira
shady, veiled, hidden, shadowed
adj. halda
shaggy lock, tangled hair noun
shake vb. pal-
shape noun canta
shaped adj. canta
shaped stone, flag noun ambal
share, blade noun hyanda
sharp adj. ecya
sharp edge, sudden end noun
sharp pain noun naic
sharp pain noun naicel
sharp, angular noun nerca
sharp, piercing adj. maica
sharp-ears noun Lastalaica
sharp-eye noun? adj.?
shattered, confused, disordered,
ruined adj. (or passive
participle?) rcina
she, he independent emphatic
pronoun ess
she/her, he/him, it 3rd person sg.
pronominal ending -s
she/her, he/him, it/it pron. also
object 3rd person sg. se
sheath noun vain
sheep noun mma
sheepfold noun moalin (moalind-
sheep-friend shepherd? noun
she-goat noun nyni
she-lion noun ravenn

shell, conch, horn of Ulmo noun
shepherd noun mavar
shepherdess noun emerwen
shield noun turma
shield noun umbas ()
shield-barrier, a battle-formation
noun sandastan
shift, move, heave vb. rma-
shine vb. cal-
shine vb. calta-
shine (white) vb. sil-
shine continuously (silver and
gold) vb. sisilcala-
shine white vb. ninquita-
shingle, pebble-bank noun sarni
shining jewel noun miril (mirill-)
shining jewels made by Fanor
noun Silmaril (full form :
Silmarill) (Silmarill-)
shining white, silver adj. silma
ship noun cirya
shirt, tunic noun laup
shoe noun hyapat
shore, beach noun fra
shore, beach noun hresta
shore, beach noun falas (falass-),
short adj. sinta ()
short broad-bladed sword noun
short rounded handle, knob noun
short, failing, inadequate adj.
shout vb. rama-
shout noun ramb
shout vb. yam- or yama-
shout, call of triumph noun yello
show, indicate vb. tana-
shut, close vb. holta-
shut, close vb. holya-
shut, closed, private adj. pahta
sick, bedridden adj. caimassa
sick, nauseous adj. quma
sick, sickly, ill adj. hlaiwa
sickle noun circa
Sickle of the Gods, a name of the
constellation Great Bear noun
sickly adj. engwa
sickness noun hlv
sickness, lying in bed noun
sickness, nausea noun qum
sign noun taina
sign noun tanna
sign, indication noun tengw
sign, letter noun sarat
sign, token noun tanwa
Signifer, the significant star =
Venus noun Tancol
silk noun samin (samind-)
silken adj. saminda, saminwa
Silpion (a name of) name
silver noun telep-
silver noun telp
silver noun tyelp
silver (the mystic name of) noun
silver, glinting adj. tinda
silver, shining white adj. silma
silvery grey, grey, pale adj. sind
similar, alike adj. ova
similar, alike adj. vva
sin, trespass, do wrong vb. car-
since (in the sense of because)
adv. pan
singer noun nyello
singer, singing bird noun lindo
Singers (sg. Linda), what the
Teleri called themselves noun

singing bird, singer noun lindo
singing, air, tune, song noun lind
single, alone adj. erinqua
single, one adj.? era
single, sole adj. erya
singular personal relative pronoun
who, maybe also object whom ye
(plural i).
sink, set (of Sun or Moon) vb.
sinner noun carindo
sip, lick up, sup vb. salpa-
Sirius (a star) noun ielln
Sirius (a star) noun ierninwa
sister noun nsa ()
sister noun onn
sister noun onr
sister noun seler () (sell-)
sister, [female] associate noun
osell ()
sit vb. ham-
sit, stay vb. har-
six cardinal enc
six cardinal enqu
sixteen cardinal enenqu
skilful, handed or handy adj.
mait (maiti-)
skill noun curu
skin, fell noun helma
sky noun hell
sky (upper airs and clouds). noun
sky, air, also name of tengwa #24
noun vilya
sky, air, also name of tengwa #24
noun wilya
sky, canopy noun telimbo
sky, heavens noun ilw
slacken, loose vb. lehta-
slacken, loose vb. lenca-
slash, gash noun ciriss
slave, thrall noun ml
slavish, of slave(s) adj. mla
slay vb. nahta-
slay vb. nehta-
slayer noun nehtar
sleep noun fm
sleep noun hm
slender adj. fimb (fimbi-)
slender adj. nind
slender adj. teren, teren
slender and drooping, frail adj.
slender, delicate, beautiful and
fine adj. lelya
slide down, slip, collapse, slope
vb. talta-
slip, slide down, collapse, slope
vb. talta-
slope, downslope, declivity noun
slope, incline vb. penda-
slope, slip, slide down, collapse
vb. talta-
sloping down, inclined adj.
sloping, tilted, leaning adj. talta
slot, footprint noun runya
slow adj. lenca
slowly fade away vb. fifru-
slumber vb. lor-
slumber noun lr
slumber noun murm
slumber vb. muru-
slumbrous adj. murma
slumbrous, drowsy adj. lorda
small adj. cinta
small adj. mint
small adj. mitra
small adj. mitsa
small adj. ninc (ninci-)
small adj. nitya
small (in good sens) adj. nca
small bird noun filit (filic-)
small boat, vessel, dish noun ven
small grot or tunnel noun rotto

small insect, fly noun p
small landlocked bay, haven,
harbour noun hpa
small piece, crumb, bit noun mi
small spot, dot noun pica
small, frail adj. nimp (nimpi-)
small, frail adj. npa
smeared, discoloured adj. pra
smile vb. raita-
smiling, gracious adj. raina
smith noun sintamo
smith noun tamo
smith, craftsman noun tano
smooth adj. pasta
smooth, glabrous adj. passa
smooth, iron vb. pasta-
smooth, polished adj. runda
snake noun ango (angu-, pl.
snake noun leuca
snake, dragon noun lc
snare noun neuma
Snare vb. rem-
snare noun remma
snarl, growl noun yarra-
snout, nose, cape noun mundo
snow vb. fauta-
snow noun loss
snow peak noun nquetil
snowcap noun niquetil
snowdrop noun nieninqu
snowdrop-like adj. nieninqua
snow-white adj. loss
snow-white adj. lossa
so or as (referring to something
remote; contrast sv). prep.
so, in this way adv. sinen
so, like that, also adv. ta
soap noun lipsa
soft adj. muss
soft, gentle adj. moica
soft, gentle, weak adj. milya
soft, pliant adj. maxa
soil, earth noun cn (cem-)
soil, stain vb. vahta-
soiled, dirty adj. vra
solar year, sun-round noun
sole of foot noun tallun (talluni-
sole, single adj. erya
solemn promise, oath, pledge
noun vanda
solid, firm adj. ronda
solitary, deserted adj. erda
solitary, lonely adj. eressa
solitude noun eress
some kind of tree noun lavaralda
somebody pronominal suffix -o, -
somebody, one noun qun (quen-
somebody, person noun nmo
someone, one, anyone indefinite
pronoun o
something, thing neuter personal
pronoun ma,
son noun anon
Son noun Yn
son noun yondo
son (of), descendant patronymic
ending -ion
son of the dark noun morion
son, big boy noun yonyo
song noun lr (lri-)
song, air, tune, singing noun lind
song, lay noun lirilla
soon adv. rato
sorrow, grief noun nyr
sound noun lamma
sound vb. lamya-
sound of wind noun s
sound, noise noun hln
sound-taste noun lmatyv

soup noun sulpa
south noun Hyarmen
southern adj. hyarmenya
southern adj. hyarna
sow vb. rer-
sown field, acre noun resta
spark noun tinw
spark-dragon noun falc
sparkle vb. ita-
sparkle vb. tintina-
speak vb. carpa-
speak, say vb. quet-
spear noun eht (ehti-)
spear noun hatal
spearhead noun nehta
spear-head, spear-point, gore,
triangle noun nasta
spearman noun ehtyar
species of little birds noun
species, kind noun nostal
speech noun quenya
speech, language noun pahta
speechless adj. pahta
speed, send flying, urge vb.
speed, swiftness noun linti
speeding, urging noun hortal
spelling, writing system noun
spider noun liant
spider filament, fine thread noun
spider's web, also name of tengwa
#8 noun ungw
spike, horn noun tild
spike, thorn noun nass
spin, turn (apparently intransitive)
vb. pir-
spine noun ecco
spine, prickle noun erca
spirant consonant noun surya
spirit noun fa
spirit noun viliss
Spirit of Fire masc. name
spirit of woods, dryad (fem.) noun
spirit of woods, dryad (masc.)
noun tavaro, tavaron
spirit that has gone to the Valar or
to Erumni noun mn
spirit, being noun ala
spirit, breath, also name of
tengwa #9 noun sl () (sli-)
spirit, shadow noun h
spit noun piuta
spit vb. piuta-
splendid, admirable, sublime
(only of great, or splendid things)
adj. maira
splendour, glory, brilliance noun
split, cleft noun? or adj? sanca
spoken with tongue, of tongue
adj. lambina
sponge, fungus noun hwan
sport, play, game noun tyali
spot with eye vb. hententa-
spot, way, place noun men
spray noun timpin
spray, foam noun winga
spread out, unfurl, open vb.
spread, open wide, expand,
extend vb. palu-
spread, open wide, expand,
extend vb. palya-
spring, spring-time noun tuil
spring, sprout vb. tuia-
sprout, bud noun tuima
sprout, put forth leaves or flowers
vb. locta-

sprout, put forth leaves or flowers
vb. lohta-
sprout, spring vb. tuia-
squat vb. haca-
staff noun vandil
stain, shadow, obscurity noun
stain, soil vb. vahta-
stalk, stem noun sirp
stand vb. tar-
stand vb. termar-
stand aside!, be gone! vb. in
imperative heca!
standard, pillar, pole noun tulw
star noun elen
star (or planet), identified with
Mars noun Carnil
star (or planet), tentatively
identified with Saturn name
star/planet (possibly Mercury)
noun Elemmr
star-imagine on Nur-menel noun
Star-kingdom, upper sky place-
name Elenarda
starlight noun Ilma
starlight, also fem. name,
referring to a Maia noun Ilmar
starlight, also name of tengwa
#29 silm
starlike, like stars adj. elva
starlit dusk, starry twilight noun
Star-queen, title of Varda noun
starry twilight, starlit dusk noun
Starwards, a name of Nmenor
place-name Elenna
state, heart, mood noun indo
statute noun namna
stay, sit vb. har-
steadfast adj. sorna ()
steadfast in allegiance, in keeping
oath or promise, faithful adj.
steadfast in allegiance, in keeping
oath or promise, faithful adj.
steadfast, firm, strong, immovable
adj. tulca
steadfast, trusty, loyal adj. sarta
steadfastness, loyalty, faithfulness
noun voronw
steel noun yaisa
steel, iron noun er, eren
steep adj. aiqua
steep adj. oronta
steep isle noun toll
stellar adj. elenya
stem of a Tengwa symbol noun
stem, stalk noun sirp
stick to, adhere, cleave to, abide
by vb. himya-
stick, branch, wand noun olwen
sticker-up, prominent one, term
used in children's play for middle
finger or middle toe noun tollo
sticker-up, prominent one, term
used in children's play for middle
finger or middle toe noun tolyo
sticking, adhering adj. himba
stiff dry grass noun sara ()
stiff, awkward, hard, difficult adj.
stiff, tough adj. norna
stiff, tough adj. tarya
stiff, wooden adj. tauca
still adv. en
sting, prick vb. nasta-
stink noun holw
stir up, excite, rouse vb. walta-
stir, make spin vb. quir-

stirring noun coir
stone noun on, ondo
stone (small) noun sar (sard-)
stone as a material, rock noun
stony place noun sarn
stop (in punctuation). noun putta
stop short, stunt vb. nuhta-
stop, block vb. tap-
stop, cease, take a rest vb. hauta-
stop, in punctuation full stop noun
stop; also intr. cease, stop vb.
stopper noun tampa
storm (noise of a) noun raumo
storyteller, composer of nyarnar
or long epic tales noun
straight line, road noun ta
straight, long and thin, narrow
adj. lenwa
straight, right adj. tna
strap noun latta
stray vb. ranya-
stray about vb. mista-
straying, wandering noun rn
stream or fly in the wind, blow
vb. hlapu-
stream, flow noun celum
stream, river noun sr
street, road noun mall
strength noun poldor
strength, mastery, victory, might,
power noun tr
strengthening noun antoryam
stretch vb. lenu-
stretch out, reach vb. rahta-
stretched, lengthened, ex-tended,
elongated adj. taina
stride vb. telconta-
Strider masc. name Telcontar
strike, knock vb. pet-
stripped bare, naked adj. helda
stripped, deprived adj. racina
stroke of pen or brush when not
used as long mark noun tecco
stroke, feel with the hand, etc. vb.
strong or fortified building or
place, fortress noun osto
strong, burly adj. polda
strong, firm, immovable, steadfast
adj. tulca
strong, large man noun nerdo
strong, swift at running adj.
stump, big toe, stub noun tolbo
stump, big toe, stub noun tolvo
stunt, stop short vb. nuhta-
stunted adj. nauca
sublime adj. varanda
sublime, admirable, splendid
(only of great, or splendid things)
adj. maira
substance the Silmarils were
made of, invented by Fanor noun
substance/flesh of Arda, matter
noun hrn
successorfollower noun neuro
such, of that sort adj. tait
sudden end, sharp edge noun
sudden move, twitch, jerk, trick
noun rinca
suffice vb. farya-
sufficiency, plenitude noun fr
sufficiency, plenitude noun farm
suffix occurring in many personal
names, generally but not
exclusively masculine -w
suffix of endearment -ya
summer noun lair
summit of a mountain noun ingor
summon vb. naham-

summon vb. yal-
summon, send for, fetch vb. tulta-
summons noun nahm
Sun noun Anar
Sun noun Calavn
Sun noun Calavent
sunlight, day noun aur
sunrise noun anarr
Sunrise noun oront, oronto
sun-round, solar year noun
sunset, west, evening noun
sup, lick up, sip vb. salpa-
support noun tulco
suppose vb. cta-
suppose, guess vb. intya-
sure, firm, fixed adj. tanca
surf noun solor
surf, surge noun soloss
surface noun palm
surface, bosom, bosom of Earth
noun palr
surge, surf noun soloss
surpass, excell vb. rta-
surpass, pass over, cross, excel
vb. lahta-
swallow noun tuilindo
swallow, lit. lick down vb.
swallow, throat noun lanco
(lancu-, pl. lanqui)
Swan-wing noun Alquarm
sward, lawn noun palis
swarm noun umba
swarming, abundant, teeming adj.
swart, brown, dark brown adj.
varn (varni-)
sweet adj. liss
sweet kiss noun miquelis
sweet, beloved, dear adj. melda
swell, grow fat vb. tiuya-
swift adj. linta
swift, agile, hasty adj. tyelca
swift, quick adj. limb
swift, rapid adj. larca
swift, rapid adj. alarca
swift, rushing adj. arauca
swift, strong at running adj.
swiftness, speed noun linti
swirl, eddy, gyrate vb. hwinya-
sword noun macil
swordsman noun macar
Swordsman noun mectar
sworn brother, brother, [male]
associate noun otorno
syrup, juice noun pirya
system or code of signs, language
noun tengwesta

table noun sarno
tail noun pimp
take a rest, cease, stop vb. hauta-
tale noun quenta
tale, saga noun nyarna
tale, saga, history noun nyr
tall adj. halla
tall adj. orna
tall adj. tunda
tall tower noun tirin

talon, claw noun namma
talon, claw noun nappa
tangle vb. fasta-
tangled hair, shaggy lock noun
tap vb. tam-
taper, candle noun lcuma
tarn noun moil
tarry, remain vb. lemya-
tassel noun fas (?fats-), fats
tassel noun fats
taste vb. tyav-
taste noun tyv
taut, tight (of strings) resonant
adj. tunga
tear noun ni
tear noun nr
teem vb. ma-
teeming, abundant, swarming adj.
telepathic thought-transfer,
thought-opening, direct noun
telepathy noun sanw
Teler-folk noun Telelli
Telerian adj. Telerin
Telerin adj. telerinwa
tell vb. nyar-
temple noun corda
ten cardinal quain
ten cardinal quan
terrible adj. rcima
terrible, powerful and, hostile,
creature noun rauco
terrible creature, demon noun
terrible, fell adj. aica
terrify vb. ruhta-
terror noun oss
thank, give thanks vb. hanta-
thanksgiving noun hantal
that relative pronoun i
that conj. i
that demonstrative sana
that demonstrative tana
that (the former) demonstrative
that matter noun tama
that which pron ita
that which, what, which fact pron.
that yonder demonstrative enta
that, it pron. ta
thatch noun tups
the indeclinable definite article i
the defintite article in
the Golden Tree of Valinor ame
of Laurelin
the One's [Eru's] perpetual
production noun oiencarm Eruo
the Renewer noun Envinyatar
the sea (in storm) noun haloisi
the Supreme, the chief Valar noun
thee, you, thou pron. 2nd person
intimate/familar tye
thee/thou, you pron. 2nd person
sg. formal/polite lye
theft, robbery noun pilw
their 3rd person pl. pronominal
possessive suffix -lta (-ltya)
them, pronominal ending -t
them, they pron. ta
them, they pron. 3rd person pl.,
used with reference to inanimates
rather than persons or living
things tai
them, they pron. 3rd person pl. te
them, they pron. 3rd person dual
themselves reflexive pronoun 3rd
person pl. int
themselves, oneself, myself etc
reflexive pronominal ending -x
then adv. san
then adv. t

then adv. tai
thence adv. talo, t
thence adv. t
thence, thereupon adv. epeta
thence, thereupon adv. epta
there adv. sanom
there adv. ts
there adv. tass
there, look! yon (yonder)
interjection en
therefore adv. etta
therefore adv. potai
therefore, in that way adv. tanen,
thereupon, thence adv. epeta
thereupon, thence adv. epta
they 3rd person pl. pronominal
suffix -lt
they pronomimal ending -nt
they dual 3rd person pronominal
ending -tt
they, them pron. ta
they, them pron. 3rd person pl.,
used with reference to inanimates
rather than persons or living
things tai
they, them pron. 3rd person pl. te
they, them pron. 3rd person dual
thick, fat adj. tiuca
thief, robber noun pilu
thigh noun tiuco
thing noun engw
thing noun nat
thing impossible to be or to be
done noun nat
thing made by handicraft noun
thing made, craft, device,
construction noun tanw
thing, something neuter personal
pronoun ma,
third ordinal nelda
third adj. nelya
third day of the Eldarin six-day
week, dedicated to the Moon
noun Isilya ()
third day of the Valinorian week
of 5 days, dedicated to Aule and
Yavanna noun Arveruen
3rd person dual emphatic
pronoun esto
3rd person pl. reflexive ending -
3rd person sg. reflexive ending -
thirsty adj. fauca
thirsty adj. soica
thirteen cardinal nelequ (kw)
thirteen cardinal nelqua,
thirteen cardinal yunquenta
this demonstrative sina
this day adv. siar, siar
this hour noun sillum
this place compound noun sinm
thither adv. tamen
thither pron. in allative tanna
thither adv. tar
thither adv. tara
thorn noun necel
thorn, spike noun nass
thou, you pronominal endings for
2nd person sg. polite/formal l, -
thou, you pronominal ending, 2nd
person familiar/intimate -ty
thou, you pronominal ending -ly
thou, you, thee pron. 2nd person
intimate/familar tye
thou/thee, you pron. 2nd person
sg. formal/polite lye
thought, an act of thinking noun
thought-inspection, thought-
reading noun sanwecenda

thought-opening, direct,
telepathic thought-transfer noun
thought-sending, mental message
noun sanw-menta
thousand numeral hm
thrall, slave noun ml
thread (fine) noun ipsin
thread (fine), spider filament noun
three cardinal neld
threshold noun fenda
thrice, tri- adv. or prefix nel, nel-
thrive vb. al-
throat, swallow noun lanco
(lancu-, pl. lanqui)
throne noun mahalma
throng, crowd, press noun sanga
through, throughout prep. ter,
thrust, press, force vb. nir-
thumb noun npo
thumb and index as a pair, a dual
formation. noun npat
thus adv. si
thus adv. sin
thwart vb. hranga-
thwart vb. hranga-
thy, your 2nd person sg.
formal/polite pronominal suffix -
thy, your pronominal ending, 2nd
person sg. intimate/familiar -tya
thyself, yourself reflexive
pronoun 2nd person formal sg.
thyself, yourself reflexive
pronoun 2nd person intimate sg.
tie vb. nut-
tight, taut (of strings) resonant
adj. tunga
tilted, sloping, leaning adj. talta
time noun lm
time, occasion noun l
timid adj. caura
tinder noun tustur
tiny mark, dot, point noun tix
tiny, little adj. titta
tip, point, used with reference to
fingers and toes noun till
tissue, cloth noun lann
to prep. ana
to a great extent, far, distant, wide
root element (apparently not
appearing alone) palan-
to him [/her/it], at him [/her/it]
dative/allative pronoun sena
to me, for me pron. dative of ni
to, at, upon allative ending -nna
to, towards prefix: ana-
today adv. sra
toe noun pir
toe noun taltil (taltill-, pl. taltilli)
together adv. uo
toil, labour noun mta-
token, sign noun tanwa
tomb noun noir
tomorrow adv. enwa
tongue (physical tongue, while
lamb = language) noun lamba
tongue, language noun lamb
tongue, language noun quetil
too adv. acca
tool noun tamma
tool, weapon noun carma
tooth noun carca
tooth noun nelc
tooth noun nelet
top, highest point noun inga
torment noun angaitya
torment noun nwalm
torment, pain vb. nwalya-
torture noun malcan

torture noun ungwal
touch (in the literal sense) vb.
touch (one) in the figurative
sense; concern, affect vb. ap-
tough, stiff adj. norna
tough, stiff adj. tarya
towards, to prefix: ana-
tower noun marto
tower (fort, city, castle), great
towering building, noun taras
tower (great, lofty) noun mindon
tower, watch-tower noun tirion
town noun irin
town with walls and towers noun
tirios (tiriost-)
town, walled house, village noun
township noun ostar
trade vb. manca-
tradesman noun macar
trailing, long adj. sra
transparence noun liquis
travel, go, proceed (in any
direction) vb. lelya-
treasure noun harma
treat as holy, hallow, bless vb.
tree noun alda
tree noun orn
tree-tangled adj. aldarembina
treetop noun aldinga
trespass, debt noun luci
trespass, debt noun lucass
trespass, debt noun rohta
trespass, debt noun ruhta
trespass, debt noun car
trespass, sin, do wrong vb. car-
tress, lock noun findel
tressure (net for confining the
hair). noun carra
tri-, thrice adv. or prefix nel, nel-
triangle noun neltil (neltild-)
triangle, spear-head, spear-point,
gore noun nasta
tribe noun hostar
trick noun fintale
trick, twitch, jerk, sudden move
noun rinca
trim, adorn vb. netya-
Trinity noun eldi
trinket noun netil
troll noun hruo
troop, army, band noun hoss
troth, bond, compact, oath noun
true adj. nait
true, firm adj. sanda ()
true, existing, actual adj. nanwa
true, real, actual adj. anwa
trump noun hyla
trumpet noun tumb
trumpet, horn noun romba
trumpet-sound, loud sound noun
trust, hope noun estel
trusty follower, loyal companion
noun satar
trusty, steadfast, loyal adj. sarta
try vb. nev-
try, put forth effort, strive,
endeavour vb. ric-
tube noun rta
tune, air, singing, song noun lind
tunic, shirt noun laup
turn (apparently intransitive), spin
vb. pir-
turn (transitive) vb. quer-
turret noun mind
twang noun tango
twang noun ting
twang, make a twang vb. tinga-
twelve cardinal rasta
twelve cardinal yunc
twelve cardinal yunqu
twelve hours, day noun arya

twenty-four cardinal yurasta
twi- or both prefix yu- or y-
twilight noun yual
twilight noun ycal
twilight noun yyal
twilight, dusk, night noun lm
twilight, usually of the time near
evening, not near dawn (that is
tindm) noun undm
twin-born adj. onna
twine vb. lia-
twinkle vb. tintila-
twinkling star noun tingilind
twinkling star noun tingilya
twinkling, glinting adj. (or
participle?) itila
twist vb. ric-
twitch, jerk, give quick twist or
move vb. rihta-
twitch, jerk, trick, sudden move
noun rinca
two prefix at-
two cardinal atta
two-handed adj. atamait

ugly noun vanima
un-, no (prefix) il-
un-, not negative prefix ala-
un-, not-, in- prefix denying
presence or possession of thing or
quality -
unceasing, without end, forever
adj. oiala
uncounted, not counted adj.
not, nota
under prep. no
under prep. nu
under shadow adj. nuhuinenna
under, down, beneath adv. and
prep.? undu
underground dwelling, cave, mine
noun felco
underneath, down below adv. nn
under-point, term used in
children's play for toe (the
counterpart of ortil) noun ntil
under-shadow prep + noun
understand vb. hanya-
understanding, intelligent adj.
understanding, knowledge,
intelligence noun hand
undo, destroy vb. nancar-
unendurable, dreadful, horrible
adj. naira
unfolding, opening, revealing
noun panti
unfurl, spread out, open vb.
unidentified plant noun
universe noun E
unmarred adj. alahasta
unmarred adj. vana
unskilled, clumsy (-handed) adj.
unspeakable adj. qutima
untamed, wild adj. rva
until, up to, as far as prep. tenna
unwill noun avanir
unwise adj. alasaila
up prefix am-
up adv. amba
up to, until, as far as prep. tenna

uphill adj. ambapenda
uphill adj. ampenda
upon, to, at allative ending -nna
upper air place-name Fanyamar
upper sky, Star-kingdom place-
name Elenarda
up-point, term used in
children'splay for finger noun
ortil (ortill-)
uprising-flower noun ambalots
upward slope noun ampend
upward slope, hill-side noun
urge, impel, move, only of mental
impulse vb. or-
urge, send flying, speed vb.
urgency noun horm
urging, speeding noun hortal
us (for) pron. dative men
us (two) dual 1st person pronoun,
including the dual ending -t met
useful, fit, good (of things) adj.
usual adj. senwa, senya

vague, fluttering to and fro adj.
vague, pale, faint, dim to see adj
Vala (fem.) noun Vali
Vala (masc.) noun Valmo
Vala (masc.) noun Valon
valahood, divinity noun valass
Vala-queen noun Valatri
Valian, of or relating to the Valar
adj. Valarin
Vali-home, the city of the Valar
in Valinor place-name Valimar
Valimar (alternative form of )
place-name Valmar
valley adj. or noun nalda
valley noun nand
Valley of Singing Gold, an earlier
name of Laurenand (Lrien)
noun Laurelindrinan
Valley of the Tombs in Nmenor
noun oirinan
valley, under or among hills noun
tumbo (tumbu-)
valley, wide valley noun nando
valour noun cn
valuable, precious adj. mirwa
vanished, gone, lost, no longer to
be had adj. vanwa
Vanyarin form (and original
form) of Aureldi noun Auzel pl.
vast, huge adj. yna
vaulted or arched roof noun
vegetable noun qua
vegetable, herb noun laiqu
veil noun vasar ()
veil vb. vasarya- ()
veil upon eyes, eye-screen noun
veil, cloak, mantle vb. fanta-
veil, conceal, screen from light
vb. halya-
veil, screen noun fanwa
veiled, hidden, shadowed, shady
adj. halda
velar series, k-series: the third
column of the Tengwar system
noun calmatma
venom, poison noun hloir
venomous adj. hloira

verb denoting an opportunity,
with the one having the
opportunity in dative vb. ec-
verdigris noun lairus (lairust-)
very dark, full of darkness adj.
very valuable, very precious, very
lovely adj. mrima
very, extremely adv. ita, ta
very, most intensive or
superlative prefix an-
vessel, small boat, dish noun ven
victory noun apair
victory, mastery, strength, might,
power noun tr
vigorous, adult, manly adj. va
vigour noun vass
vigour, manhood noun vi
vigour, muscle, sinew, physical
strength noun tuo
village noun masto
village, walled house, town noun
vine noun liantass
violence, haste, wrath, rushing
noun orm
violent, harsh, rending adj.
violet or pansy noun helin
virgin, maiden noun vend <
virginal, maidenly adj. vna
virginity noun vn < wn
virginity noun veness
virginity noun wn > vn
visible adj. cenima
visible, easily seen adj. ascen
visible, easily seen adj. ascnima
vision, dream noun olos (olor-)
vision, dream noun maur
voice noun ma
voice, vowel noun tomba
voice, vowel noun tomp
Void (the) noun cma
void, empty adj. lusta
vomit, be sick vb quama-
vowel noun ma-tengw
vowel noun ma
vowel noun penna
vowel, voice noun tomba
vowel, voice noun tomp

waif, one lost or forsaken by
friends, outcast, outlaw noun
hecil (masc. hecilo, fem. hecil)
wailing noun yaim
wailing adj. yaima
wain noun lunca
wakening adj. cuiva
walk vb. pata-
walk vb. vanta-
walk noun vanta
wall noun ramba
wall and moat noun ossa
walled house, village, town noun
wand, branch, stick noun olwen
Wanderer name of the moon
wandering, straying noun rn
waning noun queli

waning, lessen, dwindle vb. pca-
want, wish, desire vb. mer-
war noun ohta
warm adj. lauca
warrior noun mahtar
wash vb. sov-
washing, bathing, purification
noun sovall
wast, wide, empty noun naira
watch, look afar vb. palantra-
watch, observe vb. cenda-
watch, vigil noun tiris (tiriss-)
watch, vigil noun tiriss
watch, watch over, guard, heed
vb. tir-
watch-tower, tower noun tirion
water noun nn (nen-)
water-mead noun nanda
water-vessel noun calpa
watery, wet adj. nenda
wave noun solm
wave (crested/foaming) noun
wax noun lco
way = method, manner noun l
way of escape noun uswevand
way, path, course, line, direction
noun ti
way, place, spot noun men
we 1st person pl. pronominal
ending exclusive -lm
we 1st person dual exclusive
pronominal ending -mm
we 1st person dual inclusive
pronominal ending -ngw
we pron. 1st person pl. inclusive
we pron., 1st person pl. inclusive
we, emphatic pronoun pron. elm
we, emphatic pronoun pron.
we, us 1st person pl. exclusive
pronoun me
weak, soft, gentle adj. milya
wealth, good fortune noun alma
wealthy, fortunate, blessed, rich
adj. herenya
weapon, tool noun carma
wear (out), also intr. get old vb.
weary adj. lumba
weave vb. lanya-
web, net noun nats
wed vb. vesta-
wedding noun veryanw
wedding noun vestal
week noun otsola
week (of five days) noun lemnar
week of the Trees, Midyear week
noun Aldalemnar
weeping noun nyeny
weft noun lanat
weft noun wist
well prefix mai-
well adv. mai
well adv. mri
well noun tampo
well (happily) said adj. alaquenta
werewolf noun nauro
west(ern) initial element nn
west, sunset, evening noun
west, the way of the sunset noun
western adj. andna
western adj. nmenya
western adj. nna
Western Men = Sindarin
Dnedain noun natani
West-flow, name of a river in
Nmenor noun unduin
West-wings, name of a ship noun
wet adj. linqu

wet adj. liqu
wet adj. mixa
wet adj. nna
wet adj. nenya
wet, watery adj. nenda
what is more conj.? y
what is more conj.? ya
what the Green-elves (Laiquendi,
Nandor) called themselves pl.
noun Lindi
what, that which, which fact pron.
when conj. r
when conj. y
when? interrogative word m?
whenever adv. qui
whenever adv. quiqui
where? where to? interrogative
word mar?
where? where to? interrogative
word mara?
where? interrogative word mas?
where? interrogative word
which relative pronoun ya
which fact, that which, what pron.
whining, mewing noun miul
whirlpool, eddy noun hwind
whisper vb. hlussa-
whisper vb. lussa-
whispering sound noun hluss
whispering sound noun luss
white adj. fna, fn
white people noun losseli
white, chill, palid adj. ninqu
whiten vb. ninquit-
whitenes noun ninquiss
who pron. man
whoever, if anybody pron.
whole(the), all (the) adj and noun
wicked, evil, bad adj. olca
wicked, evil, bad, wrong adj. ulca
wide adj. landa
wide adj. yanda
wide, expansive adj. palla
wide, far, distant, to a great extent
root element (apparently not
appearing alone) palan-
wide, wast, empty noun naira
wield a weapon, fight vb. mahta-
wield, control, govern vb. tur-
wife noun veri
wife noun vess
wife, bride noun indis
wild adj. verca
wild beast; pl. Hravani the Wild,
used as a name of non-Edain Men
noun hravan
wild fire fire as conflagration
noun ruiv
wild fire, fire as conflagration
noun aparuiv
wild wind, rush, rushing flight
noun alaco
wild, excited adj. walda
wild, untamed adj. rva
will noun mend
will noun nra
will, fixed idea noun selma ()
willow-tree noun tasar, tasar
wind noun sr (sri-)
wind noun vail
wind noun vaiwa
wind noun vaiw
wind noun va
wind noun w
wind noun wail
wind noun waiwa
wind feather (herb) noun
wind up, finish, conclude
(transitive) vb. telya-

windy adj. vailima
windy noun wanwavoit
wing noun rma
winged dragon noun rmalc
wink, hint vb. hiuta-
winter noun hrv
wisdom, secret lore noun nolw
wise adj. isqua
wise adj. iswa
wise adj. saila
wise adj. saira
wise adj. tra
Wise Ones = Gnomes (Noldor)
Sg. Istimo. pl. noun Istimor
wise person noun nolmo
wise, learned adj. nla
wish, desire, want vb. mer-
witch (of the good magic) noun
with prp. as
with prep. l
with prep. yo
with a musical sound of falling
leaves adj. lantalasselinga
with mouth full, full to the brim
adj. penquanta (pe-)
with us (exclusive) prep. + pron.
wither vb. hesta
withered, dead adj. hessa
within bounds, limited, finite,
(well-) defined adj. lanwa
within, in prep. imi
within, in prep. mi
within, in prep. mil
without privative prefix au-
without prefix ava-
without adv. and prep.
without beauty adj. vana
without beauty adj. van
without end, unceasing, forever
adj. oiala
without, -less ending -lra
without, -less suffix -enca
without, -less prefix nec-
wizard noun curuvar, pl.
wizard noun sairon
Wizard, used of Gandalf,
Saruman, Radagast etc. noun
wolf noun narmo
wolf noun rca
wolf-howl noun naul
woman noun ns (niss-)
woman noun niss
woman (large) noun nisto
womb noun mna
wonder noun elmenda
wood noun tavar
wood noun turu
wood as material noun toa (ta)
wood, forest (great) noun taur
wooden adj. turva
wooden hall, building (especially
of wood) noun ampano
wooden post noun samna ()
wooden, stiff adj. tauca
woodland noun nan (nand-)
woodland noun tavas
woodpecker noun tambaro
woof noun winda
wool noun t
woollen, of wool adj. toa
word noun quetta
world (the) noun Ilu
world, Earth noun ambar
World-jewel, another word for
Silmaril noun Ilumr
worn, borne passive participle
worn, old adj. yerna
worth, worthy, dear adj. valda
worthy, worth, dear adj. valda
wound vb. harna-
wound noun harw

wounded adj. harna
wrap, robe noun vaima
wrath noun rs ()
wrath, haste, violence, rushing
noun orm
wrathful noun rsa ()
wreath noun ra
wright, carpenter, builder noun
samno ()
wrist noun mlim (mlimi-)
write vb. tec-
writing noun sarm
writing system, spelling noun
wrong, crooked, bent adj. raic
wrong, evil, bad, wicked adj. ulca
wroth adj. rusca
wroth adj. ruxa

yard, full pace. This Nmenrean
linar measure was slightly longer
than our yard, approximately 38
inches [= 96.5 cm] noun ranga
Yavanna-jewel, name of a tree
with globed and scarlet fruits
noun yavannamr
yawn vb. yanga-
yawning participle hcala
yawning adj.? ym
year-middle, the middle (183rd)
day of the year, inserted between
the months of Nri and Cermi
(June and July) in the
Nmenrean calendar and the
Steward's Reckoning noun lond
yellow adj. malina
yellow bird noun ambal
yellow bird noun ammal
yellow powder, pollen noun malo
yellow water-lily noun nnu
yellow-green, green, fresh adj.
yield, allow, grant vb. lav-
yon (yonder), there, look!
interjection en
you pronominal suffix, 2nd
person pl. -ld
you pronominal element le
you 2nd person dual pronominal
ending -st
you, thou pronominal endings for
2nd person sg. polite/formal -l or
you, thou pronominal ending, 2nd
person familiar/intimate -ty
you, thou pronominal ending -ly
you, thou, thee pron. 2nd person
intimate/familar tye
you, thou/thee pron. 2nd person
sg. formal/polite lye
young adj. nessa
young adj. vinya
young, new, fresh adj. winya
youngster noun vinyamo
youngster noun winyamo
your 2nd person pl. possessive
suffix -lda
your dual 2nd person possessive
pronominal ending -sta
your, thy 2nd person sg.
formal/polite pronominal suffix -
your, thy pronominal ending, 2nd
person sg. intimate/familiar -tya

yourself, thyself reflexive
pronoun 2nd person formal sg.
yourself, thyself reflexive
pronoun 2nd person intimate sg.
yourselves reflexive pronoun 2nd
person pl. ind
youth noun ns ()
youth noun ness
youth noun vn
youth noun vri
youth, greenness, freshness noun
youthful adj. nessima

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