Gr. Assessment Purpose Assessment - Date(s)

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8asellne 8eadlng and MaLh AssessmenLs ulsLrlcL LlL/MaLh CrowLh Measure
Ages & SLages Cuesuonalrre (ASC:SL) SLaLe MandaLed
Larly Chlldhood CuLcome (LCC) SLaLe MandaLed
CeL lL, CoL lL, Co! (CCC) SLaLe MandaLed
CeL lL, CoL lL, Co! (CCC) SLaLe MandaLed
llnal 8eadlng and MaLh AssessmenLs ulsLrlcL LlL/MaLh CrowLh Measure
Ages & SLages Cuesuonalrre (ASC:SL) SLaLe MandaLed
Larly Chlldhood CuLcome (LCC) SLaLe MandaLed
klndergarLen LlLeracy role (k8AL, u8A2 & uSl) ulsLrlcL LlLeracy CrowLh Measure
klndergarLen 8eadlness AssessmenL SLaLe MandaLed
CuL MaLh ulagnosuc AssessmenL SLaLe MandaLed CrowLh Measure
Chlo 1esL of Lngllsh Language Acqulsluon (C1LLA) SLaLe MandaLed LLL Lang rof
CuL MaLh ulagnosuc AssessmenL SLaLe MandaLed CrowLh Measure
klndergarLen LlLeracy role (u8A2) ulsLrlcL LlLeracy CrowLh Measure
uevelopmenLal 8eadlng AssessmenL (u8A2) ulsLrlcL LlLeracy CrowLh Measure
uevelopmenLal Spelllng lnvenLory (uSl) ulsLrlcL Word SLudy
MA for rlmary Crades (MC) - MaLh SLaLe MandaLed CrowLh Measure
CuL Wrlung ulagnosuc AssessmenL SLaLe MandaLed Cn 1rack/noL on 1rack
Chlo 1esL of Lngllsh Language Acqulsluon (C1LLA) SLaLe MandaLed LLL Lang rof
MA for rlmary Crades (MC) - MaLh SLaLe MandaLed CrowLh Measure
uevelopmenLal 8eadlng AssessmenL (u8A2) ulsLrlcL LlLeracy CrowLh Measure
CuL Wrlung ulagnosuc AssessmenL SLaLe MandaLed Cn 1rack/noL on 1rack
uevelopmenLal 8eadlng AssessmenL (u8A2) ulsLrlcL LlLeracy CrowLh Measure
uevelopmenLal Spelllng lnvenLory (uSl) ulsLrlcL Word SLudy
Measures of Academlc rogress (MA) - MaLh SLaLe MandaLed CrowLh Measure
CuL Wrlung ulagnosuc AssessmenL SLaLe MandaLed Cn 1rack/noL on 1rack
Chlo 1esL of Lngllsh Language Acqulsluon (C1LLA) SLaLe MandaLed LLL Lang rof
Measures of Academlc rogress (MA) - MaLh SLaLe MandaLed CrowLh Measure
nagllerl SLaLe MandaLed Cled Cog lu
uevelopmenLal 8eadlng AssessmenL (u8A2) ulsLrlcL LlLeracy CrowLh Measure
CuL Wrlung ulagnosuc AssessmenL SLaLe MandaLed Cn 1rack/noL on 1rack
Measures of Academlc rogress (MA) - 8eadlng ulsLrlcL 8eadlng CrowLh Measure
Measures of Academlc rogress (MA) - MaLh ulsLrlcL MaLh CrowLh Measure
uevelopmenLal 8eadlng AssessmenL (u8A2) - !"#"$%"& !%(&")%* +)#, ulsLrlcL LlLeracy
uevelopmenLal Spelllng lnvenLory (uSl) ulsLrlcL Word SLudy
CuL Wrlung ulagnosuc AssessmenL SLaLe MandaLed Cn 1rack/noL on 1rack
Chlo AchlevemenL AssessmenL (CAA) - 8eadlng SLaLe MandaLed
Chlo 1esL of Lngllsh Language Acqulsluon (C1LLA) SLaLe MandaLed LLL Lang rof
Aug. 20 - nov. 1
!an. 13 - leb. 13
Apr. 1
!an. 12 - Mar. 6
Mar. 30 - May 22
Aug. 23 - SepL. 26
Aug. 23 - SepL. 26
Aug. 23 - SepL. 26
Mar. 30 - Apr. 17
SepL. 13 - CcL. 17
Mar. 30 - Apr. 17
SepL. 13 - CcL. 17
SepL. 13 - CcL. 17
Mar. 30 - May 22
Aug. 23 - SepL. 26
Aug. 23 - SepL. 26
SepL. 2 - CcL. 24
SepL. 2 - CcL. 24
SepL. 2 - nov. 14
Aug. 23 - SepL. 26
Mar. 30 - Apr. 17
!an. 13 - leb. 13
!an. 12 - Mar. 6
leb. 2 - Mar. 13
!an. 12 - Mar. 6
Mar. 30 - May 22
Mar. 23 - May 1
Mar. 30 - Apr. 17
Aug. 20 - SepL. 26
Mar. 30 - May 22
$%%&%%'&() /0)&1%2
Aug. 23 - SepL. 26
!an. 13 - Mar. 6
CcL. 7
SepL. 13 - CcL. 17
Aug. 23 - SepL. 26
Aug. 23 - SepL. 26
Aug. 23 - SepL. 26
Aug. 23 - SepL. 26



Measures of Academlc rogress (MA) - MaLh ulsLrlcL MaLh CrowLh Measure
A8CC 8A - MaLh SLaLe MandaLed
AlLernaLe AssessmenL for SLudenLs w/ Cognluve ulsablllues (AASCu) SLaLe MandaLed
CuL Wrlung ulagnosuc AssessmenL SLaLe MandaLed Cn 1rack/noL on 1rack
Measures of Academlc rogress (MA) - 8eadlng ulsLrlcL 8eadlng CrowLh Measure
A8CC LCC - MaLh SLaLe MandaLed
Chlo AchlevemenL AssessmenL (CAA) - 8eadlng SLaLe MandaLed
Measures of Academlc rogress (MA) - 8eadlng ulsLrlcL 8eadlng CrowLh Measure
Measures of Academlc rogress (MA) - MaLh ulsLrlcL MaLh CrowLh Measure
uevelopmenLal 8eadlng AssessmenL (u8A2) - !"#"$%"& !%(&")%* +)#, ulsLrlcL LlLeracy
Chlo 1esL of Lngllsh Language Acqulsluon (C1LLA) SLaLe MandaLed LLL Lang rof
Measures of Academlc rogress (MA) - 8eadlng ulsLrlcL 8eadlng CrowLh Measure
Measures of Academlc rogress (MA) - MaLh ulsLrlcL MaLh CrowLh Measure
A8CC 8A - LLA SLaLe MandaLed
A8CC 8A - MaLh SLaLe MandaLed
AlLernaLe AssessmenL for SLudenLs w/ Cognluve ulsablllues (AASCu) SLaLe MandaLed
CuL 8A - Soclal SLudles SLaLe MandaLed
Cognluve Ablllues 1esL (CogA1) SLaLe MandaLed Cled Cog lu
A8CC LCC - LLA SLaLe MandaLed
A8CC LCC - MaLh SLaLe MandaLed
CuL LCC - Soclal SLudles SLaLe MandaLed
Measures of Academlc rogress (MA) - 8eadlng ulsLrlcL 8eadlng CrowLh Measure
Measures of Academlc rogress (MA) - MaLh ulsLrlcL MaLh CrowLh Measure
uevelopmenLal 8eadlng AssessmenL (u8A2) - !"#"$%"& !%(&")%* +)#, ulsLrlcL LlLeracy
Chlo 1esL of Lngllsh Language Acqulsluon (C1LLA) SLaLe MandaLed
Measures of Academlc rogress (MA) - 8eadlng ulsLrlcL 8eadlng CrowLh Measure
Measures of Academlc rogress (MA) - MaLh ulsLrlcL MaLh CrowLh Measure
A8CC 8A - LLA SLaLe MandaLed
A8CC 8A - MaLh SLaLe MandaLed
AlLernaLe AssessmenL for SLudenLs w/ Cognluve ulsablllues (AASCu) SLaLe MandaLed
CuL 8A - Sclence SLaLe MandaLed
A8CC LCC - LLA SLaLe MandaLed
A8CC LCC - MaLh SLaLe MandaLed
CuL LCC - Sclence SLaLe MandaLed
Measures of Academlc rogress (MA) - 8eadlng ulsLrlcL 8eadlng CrowLh Measure
Measures of Academlc rogress (MA) - MaLh ulsLrlcL MaLh CrowLh Measure
uevelopmenLal 8eadlng AssessmenL (u8A) - !"#"$%"& !%(&")%* +)#, ulsLrlcL LlLeracy
Measures of Academlc rogress (MA) - 8eadlng ulsLrlcL 8eadlng CrowLh Measure
Measures of Academlc rogress (MA) - MaLh ulsLrlcL MaLh CrowLh Measure
Mar. 30 - May 22
leb. 23 - Apr. 17
leb. 16 - Mar. 13
!an. 13 - leb. 13
Apr. 28
Apr. 13 - May 8
Apr. 1 - Apr. 10
May 4 - May 13
Apr. 13 - May 8
Apr. 13 - May 8
Apr. 1
Mar. 2 - Mar. 13
leb. 23 - Apr. 17
leb. 16 - Mar. 13
leb. 16 - Mar. 13
!an. 13 - leb. 13
!an. 13 - leb. 13
!an. 13 - Mar. 6
Aug. 23 - SepL. 26
Aug. 23 - SepL. 26
Aug. 23 - SepL. 26
May 4 - May 13
Apr. 13 - May 8
Apr. 13 - May 8
Mar. 2 - Mar. 13
Aug. 23 - SepL. 26
!an. 13 - leb. 13
!an. 13 - leb. 13
leb. 23 - Apr. 17
leb. 16 - Mar. 13
leb. 16 - Mar. 13
!an. 13 - leb. 13
Aug. 23 - SepL. 26
Aug. 23 - SepL. 26
!an. 13 - leb. 13
!an. 13 - Mar. 6
Aug. 23 - SepL. 26
Aug. 23 - SepL. 26
Aug. 23 - SepL. 26




Chlo 1esL of Lngllsh Language Acqulsluon (C1LLA) SLaLe MandaLed LLL Lang rof
A8CC 8A - LLA SLaLe MandaLed
A8CC 8A - MaLh SLaLe MandaLed
AlLernaLe AssessmenL for SLudenLs w/ Cognluve ulsablllues (AASCu) SLaLe MandaLed
CuL 8A - Soclal SLudles SLaLe MandaLed
A8CC LCC - LLA SLaLe MandaLed
A8CC LCC - MaLh SLaLe MandaLed
CuL LCC - Soclal SLudles SLaLe MandaLed
Measures of Academlc rogress (MA) - 8eadlng ulsLrlcL 8eadlng CrowLh Measure
Measures of Academlc rogress (MA) - MaLh ulsLrlcL MaLh CrowLh Measure
uevelopmenLal 8eadlng AssessmenL (u8A) - !"#"$%"& !%(&")%* +)#, ulsLrlcL LlLeracy
Measures of Academlc rogress (MA) - 8eadlng ulsLrlcL 8eadlng CrowLh Measure
Measures of Academlc rogress (MA) - MaLh ulsLrlcL MaLh CrowLh Measure
Chlo 1esL of Lngllsh Language Acqulsluon (C1LLA) SLaLe MandaLed LLL Lang rof
A8CC 8A - LLA SLaLe MandaLed
A8CC 8A - MaLh SLaLe MandaLed
AlLernaLe AssessmenL for SLudenLs w/ Cognluve ulsablllues (AASCu) SLaLe MandaLed
A8CC LCC - LLA SLaLe MandaLed
A8CC LCC - MaLh SLaLe MandaLed
Measures of Academlc rogress (MA) - 8eadlng ulsLrlcL 8eadlng CrowLh Measure
Measures of Academlc rogress (MA) - MaLh ulsLrlcL MaLh CrowLh Measure
uevelopmenLal 8eadlng AssessmenL (u8A) - !"#"$%"& !%(&")%* +)#, ulsLrlcL LlLeracy
SA1 - Cpuonal College 8eadlness
Measures of Academlc rogress (MA) - 8eadlng ulsLrlcL 8eadlng CrowLh Measure
Measures of Academlc rogress (MA) - MaLh ulsLrlcL MaLh CrowLh Measure
Chlo 1esL of Lngllsh Language Acqulsluon (C1LLA) SLaLe MandaLed LLL Lang rof
A8CC 8A - LLA SLaLe MandaLed
A8CC 8A - MaLh or Algebra 1 SLaLe MandaLed
A8CC 8A - hyslcal Sclence SLaLe MandaLed
AlLernaLe AssessmenL for SLudenLs w/ Cognluve ulsablllues (AASCu) SLaLe MandaLed
CuL 8A - Sclence SLaLe MandaLed
A8CC LCC - LLA SLaLe MandaLed
A8CC LCC - MaLh or Algebra 1 SLaLe MandaLed
A8CC LCC - hyslcal Sclence SLaLe MandaLed
CuL LCC - Sclence SLaLe MandaLed
8asellne AssessmenLs CrowLh Measure
CaLes - 8eadlng & MaLh - !$-+%+ .! +)#, / !"#"$%"& !%(&")%* +)#, ulsLrlcL 8eadlng & MaLh 1lLle lacemenL
SA1 - Cpuonal College 8eadlness
Plgh School SemesLer Lxams CrowLh Measure
May 4 - May 13
Apr. 13 - May 8
Apr. 13 - May 8
Mar. 2 - Mar. 13
leb. 23 - Apr. 17
leb. 16 - Mar. 13
leb. 16 - Mar. 13
!an. 13 - Mar. 6

Apr. 13 - May 8
Apr. 13 - May 8
leb. 23 - Apr. 17
leb. 16 - Mar. 13
leb. 16 - Mar. 13
!an. 13 - Mar. 6
!an. 13 - leb. 13
!an. 13 - leb. 13
Aug. 23 - SepL. 26

Aug. 23 - SepL. 26
Aug. 23 - SepL. 26
Apr. 13 - May 8
Mar. 2 - Mar. 13
leb. 23 - Apr. 17
leb. 16 - Mar. 13
leb. 16 - Mar. 13
leb. 16 - Mar. 13
!an. 13 - Mar. 6
!an. 13 - leb. 13
!an. 13 - leb. 13
CcL. 18
Aug. 23 - SepL. 26
Aug. 23 - SepL. 26
Aug. 23 - SepL. 26

May 4 - May 13
Apr. 13 - May 8
Apr. 13 - May 8
uec. 16 - uec. 19
Aug. 20 - SepL. 26

CcL. 13
A8CC 8A - Lngllsh 1 SLaLe MandaLed
A8CC 8A - Algebra 1, CeomeLry, Algebra 2 SLaLe MandaLed
A8CC 8A - hyslcal Sclence SLaLe MandaLed
A8CC 8A - Amerlcan PlsLory SLaLe MandaLed
Chlo 1esL of Lngllsh Language Acqulsluon (C1LLA) SLaLe MandaLed LLL Lang rof
A8CC LCC - Lngllsh 1 SLaLe MandaLed
A8CC LCC - Algebra 1, CeomeLry, Algebra 2 SLaLe MandaLed
A8CC LCC - hyslcal Sclence SLaLe MandaLed
A8CC LCC - Amerlcan PlsLory SLaLe MandaLed
Plgh School llnal Lxams CrowLh Measures
8asellne AssessmenLs CrowLh Measure
SA1 - Cpuonal College 8eadlness
Plgh School SemesLer Lxams CrowLh Measure
Chlo 1esL of Lngllsh Language Acqulsluon (C1LLA) SLaLe MandaLed LLL Lang rof
AlLernaLe AssessmenL for SLudenLs w/ Cognluve ulsablllues (AASCu) SLaLe MandaLed
Chlo Craduauon 1esL (CC1) - 8eadlng SLaLe MandaLed
Chlo Craduauon 1esL (CC1) - MaLh SLaLe MandaLed
Chlo Craduauon 1esL (CC1) - Wrlung SLaLe MandaLed
Chlo Craduauon 1esL (CC1) - Sclence SLaLe MandaLed
Chlo Craduauon 1esL (CC1) - Soclal SLudles SLaLe MandaLed
A and l8 Lxams CrowLh Measures
Plgh School llnal Lxams CrowLh Measures
8asellne AssessmenLs CrowLh Measure
AC1 racuce 1esL College 8eadlness
SA1 College 8eadlness
AC1 [ Coman Plgh School College 8eadlness
Chlo Craduauon 1esL (CC1) - 8eadlng - lf needed SLaLe MandaLed
Chlo Craduauon 1esL (CC1) - MaLh - lf needed SLaLe MandaLed
Chlo Craduauon 1esL (CC1) - Wrlung - lf needed SLaLe MandaLed
Chlo Craduauon 1esL (CC1) - Sclence - lf needed SLaLe MandaLed
Chlo Craduauon 1esL (CC1) - Soclal SLudles - lf needed SLaLe MandaLed
SA1 [ ScloLo Plgh School College 8eadlness
AC1 [ !erome Plgh School College 8eadlness
Plgh School SemesLer Lxams CrowLh Measure
Chlo 1esL of Lngllsh Language Acqulsluon (C1LLA) SLaLe MandaLed LLL Lang rof
SA1 [ Coman Plgh School College 8eadlness
AC1 [ ScloLo Plgh School College 8eadlness
SA1 [ !erome Plgh School College 8eadlness
A and l8 Lxams CrowLh Measure



May 4 - May 13
May 4 - May 13
May 4 - May 13
May 4 - May 13
!an. 12 - Mar. 6
Mar. 2 - Mar. 13
Mar. 2 - Mar. 13
Mar. 2 - Mar. 13
Mar. 2 - Mar. 13
Mar. 6
Mar. 3
Mar. 4
Mar. 3
Mar. 2
leb. 23 - Apr. 17
!an. 12 - Mar. 6
uec. 16 - uec. 19
CcL. 13
Aug. 20 - SepL. 26
May 26 - May 29
May 26 - May 29
Apr. 27 - May 22
Apr. 27 - May 22
May 2
Apr. 18
!an. 24
!an. 13 - Mar. 7
uec. 16 - uec. 19
uec. 13
nov. 8
CcL. 23
CcL. 13
Aug. 20 - SepL. 26
CcL. 31
CcL. 30
CcL. 28
CcL. 27
CcL. 29
Plgh School llnal Lxams CrowLh Measure
8asellne AssessmenLs CrowLh Measure
AC1 [ Coman Plgh School College 8eadlness
Chlo Craduauon 1esL (CC1) - 8eadlng - lf needed SLaLe MandaLed
Chlo Craduauon 1esL (CC1) - MaLh - lf needed SLaLe MandaLed
Chlo Craduauon 1esL (CC1) - Wrlung - lf needed SLaLe MandaLed
Chlo Craduauon 1esL (CC1) - Sclence - lf needed SLaLe MandaLed
Chlo Craduauon 1esL (CC1) - Soclal SLudles - lf needed SLaLe MandaLed
SA1 [ ScloLo Plgh School College 8eadlness
AC1 [ !erome Plgh School College 8eadlness
Plgh School SemesLer Lxams CrowLh Measure
Chlo 1esL of Lngllsh Language Acqulsluon (C1LLA) SLaLe MandaLed LLL Lang rof
SA1 [ Coman Plgh School College 8eadlness
AC1 [ ScloLo Plgh School College 8eadlness
SA1 [ !erome Plgh School College 8eadlness
A and l8 Lxams CrowLh Measure
Plgh School llnal Lxams CrowLh Measure


May 26 - May 29
CcL. 28
CcL. 27
May 26 - May 29
Apr. 27 - May 22
May 2
Apr. 18
!an. 24
!an. 13 - Mar. 7
uec. 16 - uec. 19
uec. 13
nov. 8
CcL. 23
Aug. 20 - SepL. 26
CcL. 31
CcL. 30
CcL. 29

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