1415 Sblplan

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and Commitment
Establish a 7-12 Grading Committee (including some vehicle for common meetings).
Plan for school-wide professional development with consultant.
Consider how to bring RMS to the same point as RHS in terms of understanding through consultant.
Train Administration and Teacher Leaders.
Develop a plan for and begin parent and community communication efforts.
Draft standards-based grading talking points & FAQs (for staff and public), and expectations (for staff).
Share RHS/RMS SRG website.
Create universal understanding of proficiency scales (internal).
Produce a staff, parent, and community video about standards-referenced grading.
Collect feedback from staff through surveys, meetings and conversations.

Scales, and
Identify prioritized standards.
Ensure 7-12 alignment and alignment with CCSS, NGSS, and VT EQS
Continue developing and revising proficiency scales.
Revise common assessments to align with proficiency scales.
Create proficiency scales for non-academic work behaviors (may need to change wording).
Integration With
Assess how standards-referenced grading fits with existing resources, electronic gradebooks, and expectations of PLC
Implement, in the classroom, standards-referenced grading with existing resources in a single content area/grade level,
including electronic gradebook.
Research use of Infinite Campus for SBG. If necessary, explore alternatives (JumpRope?).
In meeting NEASC expectations, align NEASC components to those of SRG. Specifically, aligning proficiencies to Core
Values; reporting system on student progress toward NEASC learning expectations.

Evidence of
Professional Development & Focused Growth goals focused on Standards Referenced Grading included in
Supervision/Evaluation Plan.
TeachPoint walkthrough data measuring implementation within PLC teams and within classroom
Data sources to include evidence of use of:
Prioritized learning goals.
proficiency scales.
Aligned assessments

Student Progress
Research examples of standards-based report cards used in other high school settings.
Consider Dual reporting vs. pure standards reporting
Pilot IC Gradebook changes by team.
Plan NEASC structures to align with SRG structures
Research reception of SRG reporting to colleges.
Research alignment of Rutland system to expectations w/ VT AOE

Read and discuss A Leaders Guide to Standards-Based Grading.
RHS/ RMS admin team and Faculty Cabinet plan implementation in partnership with Grading Committee.
Monthly communication to district leadership.
Consider any further training (VTAOE; MRL; NEASC; Solution Tree)
One day with leadership team to articulate the three-year plan
One day with entire staff to overview the standards-based grading process
One day entire staff to support the work of prioritizing learning goals, developing proficiency scales, and classroom
March Inservice?
RMS - more support?

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