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Java was conceived by James Gosling,, Patrick Naughton, Chris warth, Ed Frank and
Mike Sheridan at Sun Microsystems in !!" #his language was initially called $%ak&
but was renamed $Java $ in !!'"
Java is (lat)orm inde(endent language and it inherits its synta* )rom C+C,, and many o)
the ob-ect oriented )eatures )rom C,,"
Java can be used to create two ty(es o) (rograms .((lication and a((lets
a/ .n a((lication is a (rogram that runs on your com(uter, under the o(eration
system o) a com(uter"
b/ .n a((let is an a((lication designed to be transmitted over the internet and
e*ecuted by a -ava0com(atible web browser" 1n other words, an a((let is a
(rogram that can react to user in(ut and dynamically change"
Compile once- run anywhere(Platform independent)
#he out(ut o) a -ava com(iler is not e*ecutable code but 2yte Code" 2yte Code is highly
o(timi3ed set o) instructions designed to be e*ecuted by Java run time system, which is
called Java virtual machine4J5M/" #hus J5M is an inter(reter )or bytecode"
#ranslating a Java (rogram into bytecode hel(s makes it much easier to run a (rogram in
a wide variety o) environments" #he reason is straight )orward only the -vm needs to be
im(lemented )or each (lat)orm" %nce the run time (ackage e*its any -ava (rogram can
run on it"
Access Modifiers
Same Class Same Package Subclass Other packages
public 6 6 6 6
protected 6 6 6 N
no access modifier 6 6 N N
private 6 N N N

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