6 Tourism

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GCSE Geography

Unit 2 Human Geography

Section B - TOURISM
The global growth of
tourism has seen the
exploitation of a range of
diferent environments for
Reasons for the global increase in tourism.
The potential for cities mountains and
coastal areas for the development of tourism.
The economic importance of tourism in
countries in contrasting parts of the world.

Efective management
strategies are #ey to the
continuing prosperity of
tourist areas in the $%.
Contribution of tourism to the $% economy.
&mpact of external factors on visitor numbers
to the $%.
Tourist area ! resort life cycle model.
' case study of either a $% "ational (ar# or
a $% coastal resort. The reasons for its
growth as a tourist destination. The
efectiveness of strategies to cope with the
impact of large numbers of tourists. (lans to
ensure the continuing success of the tourism
industry in the area.
" !)
*ass tourism has
advantages for an area but
strategies need to be in
place to reduce the
li#elihood of long+term
The meaning of mass tourism
' case study of an established tropical tourist
resort area which attracts large numbers of
The positive and negative efects of mass
tourism on the economy and the
Strategies for maintaining the importance of
tourism in the area and reducing its negative
Extreme environments are
susceptible to
environmental damage
from the development of
The attractions of extreme environments to
The increased demand for adventure
The impact of tourism on the environment.
' case study of one extreme area and the
extent to which it can cope with the
development of a tourist industry.
Sustainability re,uires the
development of
The need for stewardship and conservation.
' case study of the ways that ecotourism can
G - Global
" + "ational
R - Regional
) - )ocal
ecotourism. bene.t the environment the local economy
and the lives of the people.
' consideration that this form of tourism can
contribute to sustainable development.

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