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Verb Preposition/form
Account For
Accuse Of
Admit To (+ gerund)
Agree On (something)
Agree With (somebody)
Agree About (something)
Allow Subject + Infinitive
Amaze (to be amazed) By
Apologise For (something)
Apologise To (someone)
Appeal To
Apply For (something)
Apply To (someone)
Approve Of
Argue With (somebody)
Argue About (something)
Arrive At
Ask For
Aware (to be aware) Of
Base (to be based) On
Beg For
Believe In
Belong To
Benefit From
Blame sth on someone
Blame Someone for sth
Boast About
Buy (buy sth) On
Care For
Care About
Commission (to be commissioned) By
Complain About (something)
Complain To (someone)
Concentrate On
Congratulate On
Deal With
Decide On
Deny Gerund
Depend On
Dream Of
Enable Subject + Infinitive
Feel About
Feel Like
Focus On
Forget About
Forgive For
Hear From
Hear Of (sth) / About (sth)
Impinge On
Insist On
Introduce To
Involve (to be involved) In
Involve (to involve + verb-ing) Gerund
Let Subject + Plain infinitive
Load Onto
Long For
Look Forward to + gerund
Pay (pay sth) By
Point Out
Protect From
Provide With
Quote (to be quoted) From
Recover From
Refer To
Rely On
Save From
Smell Of
Sort (to be sorted) By
Specialise In
Spent On
Submit (to be submitted) By
Succeed In
Suffer From
Tell About
Think About
Unload From
Worry About
He can account for every penny he had spent
I accuse you of robbery
She admitted to making a mistake
We dont agree on anything
I agree with you
We agree about politics
An ATM allows you to withdraw money
I am amazed by his curiosity
He apologised for being late
I apologised to Mary
You friend really appeals to me
I applied for the job but I was turned down
I applied for the job to the CEO
"I dont approve of your language" - the teacher said
I argued with you about politics
I argued with you about politics
We are about to arrive at the airport
I asked for days off
Be aware of the engine temperature
The film is based on a novel
He begged for his life
She strongly believes in God
The night belongs to lovers
You can benefit from special discounts
Rubalcaba blames the crisis on Rajoy
Rajoy blames Zapatero for the crisis
They boast about owning three houses
Buy the furniture on credit
She spend many years caring for her aged parents
You dont care about anything
The report was commissioned by the CEO
He complained about the leak to his landlord
He complained about the leak to his landlord
I cant concentrate on my work
I congratulate you on passing your exam
I have to deal with this situation
She decided on moving house
Newspapers deny hiding information
My decision depends on the weather conditions
I always dream on being a footballer
An ATM enables you to withdraw money
I feel happy about my life
I feel like dancing
The report is focused on the national economy
Dont you forget about me?
I forgave you for being late
I am so happy to hear from you
I heard about the earthquake on the radio
Foreign policy rarely impiges on our decisions
Why do you insist on this business?
I am going to introduce you to my friends
My job is involved in foreign trade
The position involves travelling
An ATM lets you withdraw money
The materials have to be loaded onto the truck
I long for being a successful engineer
We look forward to receiving your first order
I will pay it by direct debit
We must point out two errors in your statement
This sun-creme proctects you from sunrays
My secretary will provide you with more information
The text is quoted from the Richness of Nations
He recovered from influenza
Please refer to the notes at the end for more information
We rely on you
He won a medal because he saved someone from drowning
This shampoo smells of lemon
This column is sorted by age
Our company specialises in software
Spent this money on a new laptop
The report has to be submitted by 30th April
I succeed in life
He suffers from hayfever
Tell me about your problem
Let me think about it
The materials have to be unloaded from the truck
Dont worry about it
l puede explicar cada penique que ha gastado
Te acuso de robo
Ella admiti cometer un error
No estamos de acuerdo en nada
Estoy de acuerdo contigo
Estamos de acuerdo en poltica
Un cajero automtico te permite sacar dinero
Me asombro de su curiosidad
Se disculp por llegar tarde
Le ped disculpas a Mara
Tu amiga me atrae verdaderamente
Apliqu para el trabajo pero fui rechazado
Apliqu para el trabajo al consejero delegado
"No apruebo ese vocabulario" - dijo el maestro
Discut contigo sobre poltica
Discut contigo sobre poltica
Estamos a punto de llegar al aeropuerto
Ped das de permiso
Permanece atento a la temperatura del motor
La pelicula est basada en una novela
Suplic por su vida
Cree firmemente en Dios
La noche pertenece a los amantes
Te puedes beneficiar de descuentos especiales
Rubalcaba culpa de la crisis a Rajoy
Rajoy culpa a Zapatero de la crisis
Presumen de tener tres casas
Compra el mueble a crdito
Estuvo muchos aos cuidando de sus ancianos padres
No te preocupas de nada
El informe fue encargado por el consejero delegado
Se quej de la gotera a su casero
Se quej de la gotera a su casero
No puedo concentrarme en mi trabajo
Te doy la enhorabuena por aprobar el examen
Tengo que manejar/encarar/soportar esta situacin
Ella decidi mudarse
Los peridicos niegan ocultar informacin
Mi decisin depende de las condiciones climticas
Siempre sueo en ser futbolista
Un cajero automtico te permite sacar dinero
Me siento feliz por my vida
Me apetece bailar
El informe se centra en la economa nacional
No me habas olvidado?
Te perdono por llegar tarde
Estoy tan feliz de saber de ti/tener noticias tuyas
He odo acerca del terremoto en las noticias
La poltica exterior raramente ejerce un impacto en nuestras decisiones
Por qu insistes en este negocio?
Te voy a presentar a mis amigos
Mi trabajo est relacionado con el comercio exterior
El puesto de trabajo conlleva viajar
Un cajero automtico te permite sacar dinero
Los materiales deben ser cargados en el camin
Deseo ser un ingeniero de xito
Quedamos a la espera de su primer pedido
Lo pagar al contado ( * I will pay it IN cash = efectivo)
Debemos sealar dos errores en su mayor/registro
Este crema solar te protege de los rayos solares
Mi secretara le dar ms informacin
El texto est extrado/referencia de La riqueza de la naciones
Se recuper de la gripe
Por favor, consulte las notas al final para mayor informacin
Confiamos/dependemos de ti
Gan una medalla porque salv a alguien de ahogarse
Este champ huele a limn
Este columna est ordenada por edad
Somos una empresa especializada en software
Gasta este dinero en un porttil nuevo
El informe debe ser entregado para el 30 de abril
Tengo xito en la vida
Sufre de alerga
Hblame de tu problema
Djame pensar en ello
Los materiales deben de ser descargados del camin
No te preocupes por ello

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