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1. I dont know why I came. I hate Mozart.
Be quiet. The concertto start soon.
a. supposes b. is supposed c. is supposing d. will suppose
. !ow is your book doing"
It has won se#eral awardsbeing unpopular.
a. despite b. in spite c. howe#er d. e#en
$. %hy didnt you go out last night"
The director made us&or ' hours yesterday.
a. to rehearse b. rehearsed c. rehearse d. rehearsing
(. I really want us to see that new e)hibit.
*ou that &or weeks.
a. ha#e said b. were saying c. said d. ha#e been saying
+. ,ets #isit the museum tomorrow-"
a. will we b. should we c. shall we d. wont we
.. This &ish is delicious. !ow"
Im /ust glad you like it.
a. did it cook b. had you cooked it c. was it cooked d. were you
cooking it
0. Im terribly worried about the re#iews.
*ou . Its a great show- and theyll lo#e it.
a. didnt ha#e b. neednt be c. couldnt ha#e d. wouldnt be
'. !es not hungry because hes already .
a. eat b. ate c. has eaten d. eaten
1. %hen you pollute the earth- not only the en#ironment- you hurt
a. you will hurt b. do you hurt c. did you hurt d. you are hurting
12. Is he still not admitting his role in the scandal"
3o &ar he has re&used on it.
a. to b. on c. by d. with
11. 3usan hates taking business trips to 4hio because its
a. a three5days /ourney b. a three5day /ourney c. a three days
/ourney d. a /ourney &or three days
1. Im to computers- so youll ha#e to show me what to do.
a. not used b. not using c. not ha#ing to use d. not used to being
1$. 3he said she wouldnt support our proposal.
4h yes. I remember something like that.
a. that she say b. her saying c. that shes saying d. her to say
1(. Terry and Brenda are real e)perts.
Thats true. knows more about acid rain.
a. 6one b. 6either c. Both d. 6obody
1+. It hasnt spilled into the drinking water- has it"

a. Im a&raid to. b. Im a&raid so c. Im not a&raid d. Im so a&raid

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