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World History

Palmetto High School

2014-2015 School Year
Mr. Fred Tyler
723-4848 ext. 2123

Course Overview
World History is a part of the Manatee County Core Curriculum and a requirement for graduation. This course will
explore major themes in the worlds political, social, and cultural development from the First Civilizations and Empires to
a Global Civilization. Students will build on their reading skills while interacting with the curriculum.

Class Procedures
-Be prepared before bell rings
-Check make-up folder when absent
-Look on board for assignments and learning objectives before class begins
-Begin working on bellwork immediately
-Remain seated until dismissal bell rings
-Be respectful to Mr. Tyler, classmates, and yourself
-Agree to disagree
Behaviors and Consequences:
-Outside of class (including outside door) when tardy bell rings requires a tardy pass to enter, even if belongings are in
-Electronic devices out and accessible without permission will be confiscated and turned in to the office with a referral.
-Sleeping is not allowed.
-Disruptions to class and the learning of others will not be tolerated. You will be asked to go to the office with a referral
to follow.
-Copying or allowing someone to copy your assignment will result in a zero for all parties.

Materials needed
1-inch binder with pockets and dividers
Pencils (mechanical preferred), red pen, highlighters
College ruled notebook paper

You must be present (physically and mentally!) to actively engage in learning. Because of this, unexcused absences and
skipping will affect your grade.
If absent it is the students responsibility to check the make-up folder and turn in the missed assignments immediately.
Students should check with Mr. Tyler about any tests or quizzes that were missed. Missed tests or quizzes may be in a
different format than the original.
If an absence is a result of skipping class then a grade of 0 will be given on all assignments and tests that are missed.
Grading Scale
A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = 0-59
Late assignments will result in a loss of points (as much as 40%)
Semester grades
Semester grades are based on 35% of one quarter, plus 35% of the other quarter, plus 30% of the semester EOC. If you
fail a semester than you will need to repeat that portion of the course. You can still earn half (1/2) credit for the
remaining semester if you put forth the necessary effort to succeed.

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