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1. He cooks dinner
Dinner is cooked by him
2. He paints a picture
The picture is painted by him
3. They study inglish
Englisg is studied by them
4. You fix the car
The car is fixed by you
5. We buy a dog
The dog is bought by us
6. They buid a house
The house the built by them
7. You take the dog
The dog is taken by you
8. We catch a wolf
The wolf is caught
9. She read a book
The book is read by her by us
10. He drive a truck
he truck is driven by him
11. They write an e-mail
The e-mail written by them
12. I sell peaches
The peaches is sold by me
13. She feeds the dog
He dog is feed by her
14. They bring money
The money is brought by them
15. They forget the exam
The exam is forgotten by them
16. It bites the bone
The bones is written by it

17. She has a baby
The baby is had by her
18. He chooses the job
The job is got by him
19. They loses the toy
They tois losed by them
20. They leave the school
The school is le tt by them
21. They shoot to the thief
The thief is shoot by them
22. You find a treasure
The treasure is found by you
23. He spread the grapes
The grapes spread by them
24. We eat salad
The salad is eaten by us
25. He gets a job
The job is got by him
26. She cleanes the bedroom
The bedroom is cleaned by her
27. They ride a horse
The horse is ridden by them
28. We watch t.v
The t.v is watched by us
29. She ask the teacher
The teacher is asked by her
30. The letter is recived by you
The letter is recived by you

Lisa and Shannon ran into of a covern and passed for a moment them were not sure of watch to
do, they could not see much because the caver it was very dark but they could hear something,
the scream of thousands of. Then they heard something. Men were talking loudly at the entrance
of the cavern so girls had not choisen. They had to go deeper into cavern. In the back in to cavern
they found small opening.

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