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Trois couleurs: bleu by krzysztof kieslowski

Julie was just awaking up in a hospital room when a doctor informed her that both her
daughter and husband were killed in the car accident. After heard these news, Julie decided
to kill herself by swallowing a bunch of pills, but she realised that she wasnt able to do it.

After she was discharged from hospital, she decided to apart herself from the things that
reminded her to her loss. Due to her immense sorrow she resolved to stay away from
people and emotional bounds. She hired a lawyer to sell all the goods and, with a small
pension, she moved to a flat in a neighbourhood where nobody knew her. She thought that
she was starting to live free of her past.

Despite Julies efforts to live anonymously, a musician and Patrices assistant, Olivier,
found her and confronted Julie. He asked her to finish Patrice last work. Julies husband, a
musician, had been composing a piece celebrating European unity, but Julie, in her attempt
to remove all her family memories, destroyed this unfinished piece.

Olivier with a copy of the unfinished piece started to work with Julie. After a few days,
Julie finished the work and was revealed that she was the real composer of Patrices works.
Olivier refused to give credit to Patrice and he proposed Julie to share the well-earned
credit. She accepted and started an intense love relationship with Olivier.

She is real liberated from pain when she recognizes and confronts it. Julies past it was
enslaving her. Emotional bounds are inescapable, and the real freedom came when you are
able to deal with them and feel them.

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